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File: 745 KB, 2896x2072, patchouli-201703-sticker-oblique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20634898 No.20634898 [Reply] [Original]

any good touhou laptop stickers?

>> No.20635034
File: 93 KB, 640x480, 5e251bc13821db008d81c89852bf291839e93c9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20635254
File: 40 KB, 827x960, 1547212837623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20635488

If I'll see any of you in public with this I'll beat the shit out of you.

>> No.20635500

>laptop stickers
are you a 19 year old white girl fresh out of college or something?

>> No.20635797

You’ll likely be sending the wrong message anon. Sit and think for a second.
Also, are you even serious? You totally could have searched for some on your own.
>fresh out of college
I’d be jealous if anything.

>> No.20635808

I just realized “fresh out of college” doesn’t necessarily mean “college graduate”. Forget I said anything.

>> No.20635845

If I'll see any of you in public with this I'll hug the shit out of you.

>> No.20636934

And if you think even more, you'll realize that "college" can mean different establishments in different countries.

>> No.20637138

Seriously thought about this for my Dell xps, but realized after hours of sticker searching it would just look beyond gay.

>> No.20637170

I am aware of this, but I can’t imagine a 19 year old girl with laptop stickers coming from anywhere but a university.

>> No.20637190

Depends on your job/major. Here in engineering school, everybody has laptops and nobody ever finishes a course without it being full of stickers. Mostly Linux and "I love programming" shit, but you see many weebshit and vidya ones on the corner so a 2hu sticker wouldn't be out of place.

>> No.20638203
File: 528 KB, 2688x1512, IMG_20190114_145805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be hiding your power level, rather than announce to everyone your autism on a laptop.

>> No.20638350
File: 46 KB, 500x332, 1239949314896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20640574

I need clown cunny on my laptop

>> No.20640626

If I'll see any of you in public with this I'll probably be too shy to do anything and continue on with my day. Also OP's sticker is very cute.

>> No.20640638

I want tenderly and lovingly rape Satorin.

>> No.20641014

You should do neither. The best option is to place a secret sign on your laptop that only the select would recognize.

>> No.20642970

I got /fit/ specifically so I could show my power level.

>> No.20642996

Which Touhou does the tattoo on your biceps depict?

>> No.20643014

I might be fit enough for some regular autism, but I'd have to be at least a millionaire in addition to all of that to pull off a Yuugi tattoo.

>> No.20643026

I would beat the shit out of person with a touhou laptop sticker

>> No.20643062

Don't have a laptop. If I did I'd sooner put Madotsuki on it than a 2hu girl.

>> No.20643316
File: 2.80 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_20180811_100955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that would be alright. But I'm not crazy about putting stickers on my devices.

>> No.20643408

Laptop stickers are bumper stickers for people who went to college

>> No.20643434

Wear a Yuugi t-shirt to the gym. You know you want to.

>> No.20643460
File: 106 KB, 830x974, 1395199800291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody make a version of this, but about 2hu laptop stickers.

>> No.20644432

>Bought x201
>1ghz version

Is this too weak for actual use? Debian user here

>> No.20644438

Whence citation?

>> No.20644470
File: 356 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20190102_231436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably, buy a mobo with an i5 first gen and swap it fren

>> No.20644821

like pedo's do with their double hearts and triangles :))

>> No.20644832

I was thinking Freemasons.

>> No.20644966

I've been looking for one I'd really like for a very long time. While I'm fine with power level displays, I'm really picky about presentation.

>> No.20645648

If I'll see any of you in public with this I'll an mating press the shit out of you.

>> No.20649686

w-where are you from anon?

>> No.20649954

Whats the difference
