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2063430 No.2063430 [Reply] [Original]


What's their problem, really?

>> No.2063434

Is this supposed to sample the progression of Japanese art through the ages or something? Someone explain.

>> No.2063440

LOL, Japs can be worse than Koreans in terms of blind nationalism if they put enough effort into it.

>> No.2063446

Americans hypocritically act like North Korea is the devil incarnate for DARING to produce nuclear weapons, while we have the world's largest stockpile.

>> No.2063445

It's unbelievable that Japan hasn't expelled the US military from their country yet. All that samurai honour stuff kind of goes out the window when you allow a foreign country to occupy you for over 50 years after the fucking war ends.

Seriously, the Japanese have no right to look down on anybody as long as they let this humiliation continue.

>> No.2063458


You forgot that Japan has no army at all. No, JDF doesn't count. Even when out in full force they get dwarfed by every other military in the world. Hell, I'm pretty sure even African warlords have a better army at their disposal than Japan.
Telling USA to get the fuck out would mean they have to learn not to fall back on foreign aid in case of attacks on their nation, which would mean kissing your "utopic" world goodbye and burning a huge hole in the nation's wallet.

>> No.2063503


Umm, no. They have a fairly large military budget.

>> No.2063523


America is a good country, and I'm pleased they have nuclear weapons (only because bad countries do too though). North Korea is nothing like that. Why on earth would you want them to have nuclear weapons? They're not nice people.

>> No.2063530

>>America is a good country

>> No.2063534

Man, you know what's suck?

A Japan/China alliance.

>> No.2063535

A free army that can protect you from the Zergs and the Chinks. Sounds like a good idea to me.

>> No.2063539

>>2063523 Why on earth would you want them to have nuclear weapons?
I don't. I don't want ANY country to have them, including America.

>> No.2063547


Japan is under no immediate threat to be attacked by ANYBODY. Haven't you heard? Imperialism is dead. They can easily scrape up the money to get their own military on level of, I don't know, Italy, since they would only need the military as a showpiece anyway.

Allowing the US to occupy them however is a humiliation I just can't understand.

>> No.2063553


Praytell, what was the last high-end ordnance Japan has produced on its own?
As far as I know, they just keep buying military units from USA and EU.

>> No.2063563

Come on, it's better than most "civilized" countries out there.

>> No.2063562

That's pretty gay, dude.

>> No.2063575

Then why the fuck is our education system so shitty?

>> No.2063567

>America is a good country

No, not really.

It's best for everyone to have nuclear weapons, though. That way noone will use them. The bigger problem is that in a few decades everyone will be able to build one in their home. How will Earth survive this, I'm not sure.

>> No.2063572

US troops in Japan not only means China doesn't mess with Japan. It also means the USA doesn't mess with Japan either.

China, Russia and the USA are high on the "invade your country and mess with it for kicks" list.

>> No.2063582

Troll thread is troll.

>> No.2063583


Sigh, I meant every country. Countries generally care about their citizens in one way or another, even if it's "we need those faggots to work for us", and won't do something that'll endanger them too much. I'd rather not have groups like Al-Kaida getting some of those. It's unavoidable, though.

>> No.2063587

I doubt nuclear weapons will ever be used again. They are more or less simply there to be used as international bargaining chips.

>> No.2063588


Actually, a while ago I thought about writing an alternate history story like this once. "What if China, Japan, and Korea all decided to modernize together to resist the West, instead of just Japan like what happened in real life"? My idea is that the leaders of these three countries gather and make a formal alliance, known as "The Three Sworn Brothers" (named after the oath from ROTTK) and they all pledge to give up the old ways and modernize, swearing to help each other to the end. Once they do modernize however, they become the very imperialists that they had vowed to defend against ...

They go on to conquer all of SE Asia and a big chunk of Russia and divide it between them. Maybe they decide to invade India, and this sets up a showdown with the UK and their allies (as if they didn't have enough problems with Nazi Germany already).

Yay or gay?

>> No.2063593

You know people always bitch about how ignorant Americans are, but of course your gonna have alot of stupid people if your population is that large and diverse.

Japan... has no excuse for this bullshit.

>> No.2063597

>Japan... has no excuse for this bullshit.


>> No.2063599

Would there be a Nazi Germany if England/France/Germany formed their own alliance (or non-agression pact) while messing with the chinks during the opium war?

>> No.2063605

We have universities for that.
>The Three Sworn Brothers
I came.

>> No.2063609


Well, the time when the Three Sworn Brothers pact is made is the time of the Meiji Restoration, AFTER the Opium War, so not much would change on that front.

>> No.2063612


Humiliation? All the money that could've spent in building a decent army and keeping it up to date goes to either entertainment or scientific and educational progress. By stationing their troops throughout Japan, USA are doing them a HUGE favor.

>> No.2063627


Yes, I'm actually fully aware that it frees up money to go more toward things like that, but it's HONOUR god damn it. Hell, whatever country YOU live in could save money if you just let (insert neighbouring country you loathe) occupy it, but that would wound your fucking pride.

>> No.2063628

Lol, way to incorrectly spell "honor".

>> No.2063630

Honor won't count for much if N. Korea decides to invade.

>> No.2063631

Because while your primary and secondary education is even outmatched by banana countries, you have top notch universities that make up for the failures.

>> No.2063644


>Hundreds of residents including atomic bomb survivors chanted

>atomic bomb survivors

I think you have the answer.

>> No.2063638


North Korea doesn't come close to having the logistical ability to invade Japan. I'm not sure North Korea even has a navy. If they do I'm sure it sucks ass.

>> No.2063639

>You know people always bitch about how ignorant Americans are, but of course your gonna have alot of stupid people if your population is that large and diverse.

>Japan... has no excuse for this bullshit.

>Hundreds of residents including atomic bomb survivors chanted

>atomic boom survivors

I think you have the answer.

>> No.2063641

Too bad our primary and secondary education is getting so shitty that people are becoming too retarded to even go to universities. Fucking "No One Left Behind" bullshit.

>> No.2063643

>>China, Russia and the USA are high on the "invade your country and mess with it for kicks" list.
Oh u!

>> No.2063653

I can understand the protests of nuclear powered vessels in port. Especially after that sub contaminated the water.

But this is just retarded.

>> No.2063650



>> No.2063663


And? It doesn't matter. Fact is they DO have a military of their own and can defend themselves.


>It's best for everyone to have nuclear weapons, though. That way noone will use them.

No. People will use them. Che Guevara said that if he were in charge during the Cuban missile crisis, he would have fired the missiles. There are people crazy enough to do these things. It's the responsibility of countries like America to stop that happening.

>> No.2063681
File: 68 KB, 584x599, 1234375970554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What if China, Japan, and Korea all decided to modernize together to resist the West, instead of just Japan like what happened in real life"?

In order for this to have worked, it would have happened before Europe began creating territories/moved into china.

If you think the Japanese grudge protest against America is bad, you should look at China. How japan murdered thousands upon hundred of thousands of chinese during the rape of Naking. What happened there is nothing compared to how the Japanese poured jet fuel on usa pow's.

While the Japanese just hate koreans. But that is more recent than the ww2 timeframe you thinking of.

>> No.2063695

War never changes...

>> No.2063708

They used normal fuel..... You know.... What you put into a car. Oh and they also lit it.

>> No.2063714

The end of the world is going to occur pretty much as 4chan predicted.

>> No.2063792

You mean if China didn't have corrupt and braindead leaders like Cixi, who had the emperor abdicate just because he wanted to China have things all those cool western toys like cannons, guns and steam ships? History would have been very different.

Too bad Korea wouldn't really exit. If China is strong, Korea would continue being a tributary, if Japan is strong, Korea? What is Korea? You mean the Chosen province of the Great Empire of Japan?
