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20625792 No.20625792 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>20615714

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Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (CN) https://github.com/RadarNyan/ElectronicObserver-ML

Bonus damage table: https://i.imgur.com/NSM0tT0.jpg

-Servers are experiencing heavy load from DDoS attacks so there may be unexpected error cats.
-The Winter 2019 Event, "Intercept! Buin Defense Operation" will end on Jan. 18. It is a small-scale event and takes place in the Central Solomons with a LBAS base at Rabaul. More Friend Fleets have been implemented for all 3 maps.
-There are 4 new ships. Minegumo is available as the E-1 reward and Hayanami as an E-2 drop. Nisshin is available as the E-3 reward. The mighty DD-557 USS Johnston is available as an E-3 drop along with Gotland and Suzutsuki.
-Murasame has bonus damage in E-1. Hagikaze, Arashi, and Isokaze have bonus damage in E-3.
-Johnston has received a unique AACI and can OASW at level 1.
-The November ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment are the 533mm Quint Torp Mount (Early Model) and SG Radar (Early Model).
-4 New Year's quests have been implemented and are available until the Jan 18th maintenance. New and old New Year's voice lines and CGs have been implemented.
-Yuugumo-class will get more Kai Ni. Autumn Cloud sensei's and Kazagumo's updated winter CGs hint at Kazagumo Kai Ni. Hyuuga will receive a Kai Ni as well. Gotland will receive a Kai Ni at some point to re-turn her to a seaplane cruiser.
-The 2019 calendar shows at least one new Yuugumo-class.
-There are already plans for the 7th year of KanColle.
-Numerous Fletchers will be implemented in the 6th year, some illustrated by ZECO. We Fletchercolle soon. Matsu-class from the Type D Destroyers are being prepared for the 7th year of KanColle.
-There are plans for expanding ASW with equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-Full implementation of 2nd Sequence may take a year. Each Block will have new features added.

>> No.20625795 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20625796
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Too slow

>> No.20625798

Imagine rubbing yourself with Shimakaze.

>> No.20625801
File: 1.56 MB, 2471x1383, 72233141_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20625803

Yeah, she looks like she has a slow brain.

>> No.20625805

Shitfire V range is 500 miles for 5 range
Raiden range is 800 miles for 2 range
F6F range is 1,000 miles for 5 range
Hayate range is 1,400 miles for 5 range
Corsair range is 1,500 miles for 6 range
Zero range is 2,000 miles for 7 range
Type 96 Bomber is 2,700 miles for 8 range
Mustang range is 1,600 miles, it's getting a 6 range at best. Also Shitfire is unfairly buffed, why Tanaka gives a shit about this shit country is beyond me.

>> No.20625806

I think you're confusing ferry range and combat range.
Ferry range is how far it can go in a straight line without running out of gas. Combat range/radius is how far from its home base it can fight on the assumption it has to return to that base and land afterwards.

>> No.20625807
File: 112 KB, 719x1000, __johnston_kantai_collection_drawn_by_mofu_namako__375e0e20fcc63f4bef061a2087907a70[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcoming Johnston to the base!

>> No.20625808
File: 959 KB, 664x1200, __rensouhou_chan_shimakaze_and_tashkent_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ido_teketeke__c1d29068f1c71beae379b192592783da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20625817

Didn't Trashkent only make it to her record speed while missing turrets?

>> No.20625823

Never trust the slav

>> No.20625825

Don't forget Hayabusa that has 1100 miles for 6 or 7 range depending on version
The numbers are arbitrary, P-51 will get whatever Tanaka feels like giving it

>> No.20625828

But I thought it was the pastas that did the trial?

>> No.20625830

About what? Their ships being good or not having turrets?

>> No.20625840

A warship is not a warship without its turrets. It is disingenuous and deceiving.

>> No.20625844

Not only that but turrets add several thousand tons, so Trashkent likely can't make it up to her supposed top speed with them on.

>> No.20625854

Wasn't the fastest ship recorded from France though?
iirc it was a le fantasque class ship

>> No.20625874

That one is also deceiving but less than Trashcan because it was done near the shoreline where the waves are most peaceful.

>> No.20625887

Countries always gamed speed trails for bigger numbers since it was all just unofficial dickwaving. Tashkent was just the most shameless about it. She hit 43.53 without armament.
Gridley-class USS Maury hit 42.8 in hers and she at least had all her turrets, but if I remember right it was in the gulf in placid water with ideal conditions.
For reference Shimakaze-chan's record was 40.9

To be fair to the Slav though she did have a lot of horsepower for a DD. More than those other 2.
Maury 50,000
Shima 75,000
Tash 110,000

>> No.20625888

She apparently lost 1 and a half or 2 knots which makes her true speed 41.5 or 42 knots approximately. Remember Tashkent also has the horsepower of a cruiser with 110,000 normally and 130,000hp to reach her top speed. The actual fastest destroyers only had 80,000hp by the way. Shimakaze could probably keep her high speed up for longer than either of those two being made for the Pacific.

>> No.20625902

That's a huge ass.

>> No.20625903

Speed trials also don't usually the ship being at full load either.

>> No.20625917

French destroyers were also said to be less protected than even the average tin can. The French took a lot of dangerous weight saving measures.

>> No.20625931
File: 1.44 MB, 1106x1558, 71637ee1412c1dde19f31b375cc02e32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Molest the Nisshin

>> No.20625939

Back in the basement, Hatsuharu. You know you aren't allowed out when people are here.

>> No.20625951
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>> No.20625965

iirc Italy awarded monetary bonuses for every knot above contracted speed, which led to their builders gaming speed trials even further.

>> No.20625992

I farmed with the FCF using Nagato (51cm, 16in, FCF, radar), Mutsu, Ise with two fighters, Haguro, Tone with 3SPF and a radar, and Akitsumaru. With two recon-fighter-2bomber LBAS, this still got air superiority. 3 OASW with the two OASW DDs positioned to do the towing. The S rank rate wasn't high and red T at the boss was a problem, but I almost always made it to the boss.

Did you try the ones listed on https://kahr-noss.com/OoyodoQuestTracker.html

>> No.20626048

Who overfed the duck? Can she be milked? I must know.

>> No.20626054

TTK wanted foie gras

>> No.20626058

>Never trust the slav

did the slavs shag your father and killed your mother?

>> No.20626065

No idea what happened to his family, but he is right. Slavs are nearly as untrustworthy as the Chinese.

>> No.20626066

>Molest the Nisshin

I would never molest a 2hu!

>> No.20626068

TTK got a milk breed of a duck instead.

>> No.20626070

>Slavs are nearly as untrustworthy as the Chinese

I am the most trustworthy person this planet has to offer. I am a slav. The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.20626098

Got a chuckle out of me.

>> No.20626119

>Rate of getting rare ships (gold background) is increasing
>Still no Johnston
RNG is not only a harsh mistress, she just cocktease a lot as well. Fucking hell.

>> No.20626125
File: 166 KB, 512x512, 1522807878188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Japanese ships would cheer on the Angels because of Ohtani?

>> No.20626144

Ohtani is a meme, Tanaka or Ichiro are better.

>> No.20626246

Had a dream that I completely ran out of steel. What a nightmare.

>> No.20626266
File: 1.89 MB, 2800x655, 1547365822863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the biggest slut?

>> No.20626271


>> No.20626275

the try hard artist

>> No.20626276
File: 616 KB, 1904x1080, WaitWaitWait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a nightmare that I never get Johnston. Oh wait, I'm still living in it.

>> No.20626278

wtf, Sega

>> No.20626279


>> No.20626287



今後もMorningTec Japanは日本オンラインゲーム協会のメンバーとして、日本の法律を遵守し引き続き日本でゲームの配信及び運営事業を継続していきます。
これからのMorningTec Japanにもどうぞご期待下さい。


10月31日 MorningTec Japan、初回の主張書面と100点以上の証拠を提出
11月7日 審尋期日(セガらの次回書面提出期限が12月7日、次回の審尋期日が12月19日とそれぞれ指定される)
12月4日 セガらからMorningTec Japanに対し、12月7日期限の主張書面は提出しない予定であること、12月19日に和解協議を行いたいとの申し入れ
12月7日 MorningTec Japan、セガらの和解協議の申し入れを了承。同日、セガらは主張書面や証拠を提出せず
12月13日 アビス・ホライズンの開発会社である重庆煜颜文化传播有限责任公司(以下「煜颜」)が、グローバル展開のため自ら日本のゲーム市場に進出するとして、MorningTec Japanに対して運営権限の移譲を要請
12月19日 審尋期日(MorningTec Japanがセガらに対し、今後は開発会社の煜颜がアビス・ホライズンを配信継続する予定であると説明)

1月11日 セガら、仮処分取下げ予定を発表株式会社セガ・インタラクティブ及び株式会社C2プレパラート(以下「セガら」)は、2019年1月11日、アビス・ホライズンの配信停止を求めて東京地方裁判所に提起していた仮処分を、自ら取り下げる予定であると発表しました。

今後もMorningTec Japanは日本オンラインゲーム協会のメンバーとして、日本の法律を遵守し引き続き日本でゲームの配信及び運営事業を継続していきます。
これからのMorningTec Japanにもどうぞご期待下さい。


10月31日 MorningTec Japan、初回の主張書面と100点以上の証拠を提出
11月7日 審尋期日(セガらの次回書面提出期限が12月7日、次回の審尋期日が12月19日とそれぞれ指定される)
12月4日 セガらからMorningTec Japanに対し、12月7日期限の主張書面は提出しない予定であること、12月19日に和解協議を行いたいとの申し入れ
12月7日 MorningTec Japan、セガらの和解協議の申し入れを了承。同日、セガらは主張書面や証拠を提出せず
12月13日 アビス・ホライズンの開発会社である重庆煜颜文化传播有限责任公司(以下「煜颜」)が、グローバル展開のため自ら日本のゲーム市場に進出するとして、MorningTec Japanに対して運営権限の移譲を要請
12月19日 審尋期日(MorningTec Japanがセガらに対し、今後は開発会社の煜颜がアビス・ホライズンを配信継続する予定であると説明)

1月11日 セガら、仮処分取下げ予定を発表

>> No.20626290

Fascinating. What does it say?

>> No.20626294

I assume Abyss Horizon is getting sued by Sega.

>> No.20626306
File: 237 KB, 848x1199, CzpaRFYVQAEsQI9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, Asashimo is so fucking hot

>> No.20626313


>> No.20626317

Abyss Horizon ran away to Hong Kong and from the law suit so Sega is withdrawing the suite as well, since the company MorningTec Japan no longer owns it.

>> No.20626318

how do I train the new land based scout planes?

>> No.20626323

Against subs.

>> No.20626324

You don't.

>> No.20626325
File: 114 KB, 406x812, DwvcE6VVsAAS2dT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20626354


Someone should stop those madmans

>> No.20626374

3rd teriduck so far. Do I even need so many akiguns?

>> No.20626378

You know the more the better.

>> No.20626388

I have 11 total, 14 after I kai all three of them. Do I really need so many?

>> No.20626399

So, all this time we've been doing it wrong and the way to beat Abyssals is to hire lawyers.

>> No.20626430
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Help, I'm getting Shinyou fleet for LD.

>> No.20626432

The haters interpret this as: Sega couldn't find the evidence to support their claim so they settle the deal before their submitting date. So, it ended in both parties withdrawal.

The transferring to chink company happened after the settlement.

So, it's Sega's loss in their view.

>> No.20626463
File: 110 KB, 410x1200, Dwvjkg0U0AAw7AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my Hayanami?

>> No.20626470

In my base

>> No.20626490


>> No.20626584

I'm getting a bit scared since the end is so near. Can you post your E3 last boss chipping and LD setup?

>> No.20626593
File: 731 KB, 1056x1100, E3clear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20626631


>> No.20626642


>> No.20626661
File: 86 KB, 692x345, Screenshot_38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Copied this setup from /jp/ but it's obviously not working properly as last time I daytime C-ranked the boss and I've never seen an S-rank, so I'm crawling at 42 TP per sortie. I'm consistently reaching the boss though, so that's a thing.

>> No.20626663


>> No.20626671

How the fuck are you not S ranking it?
Put your bombers to sleep in your base?

>> No.20626677

Bomb run kills like 2-3 ships.

>> No.20626678

Nigga I could S rank it with 1CL 1CA 4DD with 4 of them being 2x daihatsu 1 radar. Just stop.

>> No.20626686

You can use a duck instead of Maya
Intrepid should be CVCI
Nelson touch isn't necessary, you can use another BB.

Throw all you LBAS bombers to boss for easy S rank.

>> No.20626701

Maya AACI isn't necessary. Give Kawakaze a 12.7 cm B Kai 4 with the GFCS and she'll do a good enough job to get you through the air nodes while also being able to do damage to the boss.

You don't need Nelson Touch. Rearrange Nelson and Intrepid to the bottom 3 slots so that they can actually kill stuff when using vanguard.

>> No.20626707

test test test test test

>> No.20626716

Post your LBAS.

>> No.20626739
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>Intrepid should be CVCI
Reason I had got rid of it was AP at the first air node usually left a ship in a bad enough state to get crippled down the road.


>> No.20626747

Dude, get your bombers some experience. It's a really big deal when it comes to their accuracy. E-3 C-node & a sub are perfect for this.

>> No.20626751

Use those spotter planes.

>> No.20626770

You mean the thing gifted from E2?

>> No.20626787

Yes, and configure your planes so you send all bases to boss.

>> No.20626792

But would you?

>> No.20626816

i would because i am desperate

>> No.20626823

Which would you pick?

>> No.20626880

Yuugumo, Kazagumo or Naganami

>> No.20626916

No 3DPD allowed here. Go away.

>> No.20626961

But it's the only way to fuck your favorite girl other than going into 2D.

>> No.20626972

>install onahole on dakimakura

>> No.20626978

STF with or without CVL's for E-2 Hard? I only have a Kyoufuu and a T2 for SPF's.

>> No.20626990

But an onahole can't fight back.

>> No.20626995

Invest on sexbot research. The future is near.

>> No.20627111

If you bring a CVL, say hi to Re on U node. If you don't bring CVL, you might be able to manage with Zuiuns since all you need is AP on the boss node while the surface combat nodes en route have no FP at all.

>> No.20627160
File: 1.00 MB, 1200x720, 20190113_19212374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf new hoppo?

>> No.20627209

New Year's CG from 2017.

>> No.20627359

Fuck, I've seen some pussy again.

>> No.20627467



RIP Yokosuka, Kure, Sasebo, Maizuru, Oominato, Truk, Lingga.

>> No.20627507

Are those in same server group or something?

>> No.20627521

Is there a route to node U or is it random routing between it and V?

>> No.20627535

No, just the ones that got targeted this time.

>> No.20627543

Node U is the one with Re right? At most 3 BB+CV/L, less than 6 radars. Not sure if historical fleet matters.

>> No.20627552

I got 735 screws. What do I upgrade?

>> No.20627557


>> No.20627558

16 inches

>> No.20627562

No, it's the last air node for unlocking ZZ. Also, can I do it in one sitting by sending one base to each air node and shoving OASW on my escorts or am I stretching too thin?

>> No.20627571

Yes, you can. I did it 1 airbase DTU each.

>> No.20627583

The air node after T? Just use CTF with more than 4 carriers and you can do it in one seating. Just focus on OASW.

>> No.20627591

>Also, can I do it in one sitting by sending one base to each air node
That's actually a pretty damn good idea. Sending all 3 LBAS to one node is overkill anyway

>shoving OASW on my escorts or am I stretching too thin?
I did this and brought 4 CV + Akizuki & Hatsuzuki. Shove damecon on your escorts if you're worried; you likely won't use them.

>> No.20627614

It continues.

>> No.20627624
File: 191 KB, 912x952, beav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20627667

Lick those shoulders. That's what she gets for exposing them.

>> No.20627672

Rabaul ded.

>> No.20627681

Best John art so far. This is the ideal chest size desu

>> No.20627688

Buin ded.

>> No.20627693

Poor Rabaul always gets bullied.

>> No.20627697

what top female performance looks like etc

>> No.20627722

made for taking BBC

>> No.20627724

Hashirajima just died for me

>> No.20627725

>endless loading screen
Fuck, I thought Hashirajima was safe.

>> No.20627740

Extension is guaranteed at this point, probably extended till the following Monday

>> No.20627741

Fuck this i don't want extension, i want to see new seasonal and kai ni asap.

>> No.20627756

Oh fuck. They're trying to destroy Ichiso.

>> No.20627770

Alternatively, just jack up the drop rate of rare ships. Seems like an acceptable compromise. Hell they don't even need to announce it, just silently do it.

>> No.20627774

wtf why are they complaining about his old works?

>> No.20627801

At least I got the chipping result before got bombed.

>> No.20627802

Apparently he expresses 'strong' anti-china sentiment apparently.

>> No.20627808

There goes Hitokappu.

>> No.20627809

Fucking shit cunt, not Hitokappu. I am still chipping.

>> No.20627812

Hitokappu just died as well

>> No.20627817
File: 515 KB, 800x800, don't fall for it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She exposes the shoulders to draw you in to attack her neck but when you get there she has that choker band in place to stop you. Then you have no choice but to tear her clothes off.
It's a clever trap, really. She exposes a weakness to draw you in then springs her trap once you're too committed to withdraw. As expected of a fighting ship.

>> No.20627825

3 hito-friends, how surprising

>> No.20627830

What a fucking slut. Built for raping.

>> No.20627839

That's what she wants, don't fall for it

>> No.20627842

Anyone in the region that's not from China, Cambodia or Myanmar has anti-china sentiments--for good reason.

>> No.20627847

My Nelson is gonna hit 99 just from E3 alone (97->99 simply from farming). T-thanks Tanaka.

>> No.20627849

Something about allegedly tracing (very old) art also

>> No.20627854

What if I can't control myself? What if I accidentally nut inside?

>> No.20627861

Most of which is for background? I thought that is normal for character artist?

>> No.20627870

How about anal?

>> No.20627871

For what it's worth, Twitter has a report button (think you need an account to report though). Next to Follow, under the three dots. Pretty sure this falls under harrassment, just report the relevant tweets.

>> No.20627875

/jp/ can I have Hayanami? Been farming for quite a while now.

>> No.20627876

I didn't know Cambodia, and Myanmar.

>> No.20627881

I want her too.

>> No.20627883

Your position will be overrun and all of your seamen will be captured.

>> No.20627913

She will use me as a boitoy?

>> No.20627922
File: 123 KB, 689x1000, f00f125800b1d1a53e5c8c6d0720e4f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody post a good E1 farming fleet?
I need pair of DEs and Hamanami.

>> No.20627929

US campaign where Intrepid and Iowa get to see themselves when?

>> No.20627947

I think I'm spending more on E-2 farming than on E-3 farming.

>> No.20627953

>more on E-2 farming than on E-3 farming.
Don't scare me anon. I am still stuck on E3 farming.

>> No.20627959

Same here.

>> No.20627963

You go home more, and there's a whole lot more scratches done to your girls. That's what I feel anyway.

>> No.20627970

Yeah, when you think about the distance and landbase cost, that's true.

>> No.20628019
File: 259 KB, 1426x352, 43768326_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, at this rate of consumption with E3 farming. I fear I will probably be consuming my medals for E2 farming, that is if I have time for it. Holy shit, I can't believe I will be using my memedals to farm, on a small scale maps even. Bra-fucking-vo fatman.

>> No.20628030

Obviously, E3 is mostly air and sub nodes which only consume a small amount of ammo/fuel.

>> No.20628046

Hayanami's drop rate sucks, less than Johnston's last I checked (sample sizes might differ).

>> No.20628049

>imp node and air nodes made to scratch everything for increased repair cost
>send LBAS to BB hime node but can get sent home anyway if they fuck up
>because you send all your LBAS to BB hime node, Ru node crits someone to taiha
At least the boss is a free kill.

>> No.20628064

Wow this cat bomb is actually kind of annoying

>> No.20628075
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x2250, 72645440_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnston waited. The lights above her blinked and sparked out of the air. There were abyssals in the naval base. She didn't see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to Nagato were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. John was a shipgirl for fourteen years. When she was young she watched the ships and he said to mom "I want to be the ships mommy..."
Mom said "No! You will BE KILL BY ABYSSALS"
There was a time when she believed her. Then as she got oldered she stopped. But now in the naval base of the IJN she knew there were abyssals.
"This is Nagato" the radio crackered. "You must fight the abyssals!"
So John gotted her rigging and blew up the wall.
"SHE GOING TO KILL US" said the abyssals
"I will shoot at her" said the battleship hime and she fired the 14 inch shells. John torpedoed at her and tried to blew her up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
"No! I must kill the abyssals" she shouted
The radio said "No, John. You are the abyssals"
And then John was a chompy.

inB4 >chompy

>> No.20628080

I will probably just give up on Hayanami if that's the case. I think I will run out of time before I get her anyway.

>> No.20628082
File: 222 KB, 1200x720, 20190113_23441367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got my wife's twin sister.

>> No.20628098

Congratulations! Hope I'll get her soon as well.

>> No.20628102


>> No.20628114
File: 157 KB, 698x690, Screenshot_39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing, is this fine for nodes KN?

>> No.20628176

Just use subs & SPF, all LBAS to whatever node you're targeting. You can only get hurt in O node but it doesn't matter since you're invulnerable in N node.

>> No.20628193

>Just use subs & SPF
Locked a good part of my subs in E2 and I have a grand total of 1 Kyoufuu and 3 44s, subcheese is out of the question.

>> No.20628210

If you are struggling just replace radars or guns with damecon for node N

>> No.20628226

Are all servers down or something?

>> No.20628235
File: 40 KB, 530x644, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20628237

Brunei is working fine.

>> No.20628242


>> No.20628243

>sortieng combined fleet during neko time
Kill me.

>> No.20628248

DDoS. I have no idea what the culprits wish to achieve for this.

>> No.20628268

Bring your Fujinami along. It should help. >>20626463

>> No.20628278
File: 1.03 MB, 1400x1200, 5e00fddcfc96af86fc204ac7838c14bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is her lingerie even full hull length?

>> No.20628288

How many brought Sammy for E3 farming and succeed?

>> No.20628314

Sammy or Sami?

>> No.20628327

They want you to feel like KanColle is unplayable and:
>move to their chinkshit game (if the culprits are compettitors)
>quit anything IJN-related made by Japanese (if the culprits are vangeful chinks)
>pressure the devs to give some forms of compensation (if the culprits are chink players)

>> No.20628336

It's Samu.

>> No.20628338

It's been happening every event. They are just being persistent this time.

>> No.20628339

I just checked the wiki, apparently it's Sam or Sammy.

>> No.20628360


That's a big attack.

>> No.20628365

Sami Khedira

>> No.20628370

Is it safe to sortie or do I go back to anime?

>> No.20628378

What is this? none of them are from china?

>> No.20628379
File: 420 KB, 574x815, 72313351_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20628390

Could be AL autists from west. Similar action was during Intrepid event.

>> No.20628392

Attacks like this don't originate from the people doing it. They use malware infected PCs and shady 3rd party services, proxies, etc. Notice how the biggest source is Russia? That's pretty much always the case.

>> No.20628403

I want to welcome Sam to the Jam

>> No.20628404

Rabaul here, just got catbombed on a sortie. It is quite stable for the most part, you will be taking a small risk when you sortie.

China's traffic to Japan is like a stream of piss, especially the northern part of it. Go follow the link.

>> No.20628405

Probably botnet attacks. Who knows where the perp's based in, probably either China or the Eastern Euro zone

>> No.20628407

What's this tell us?

>> No.20628410

Paramushir master race reporting: the cold keeps the cats away. I still want a extension.

>> No.20628413

>implying we're getting anything more than an apology scroll

>> No.20628420
File: 751 KB, 1439x1827, Screenshot_20190114-003225_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously who doing this and why?

>> No.20628424

It tells us it's a co-ordinated worldwide attack, someone has a bunch of slave servers or something (or paid for someone else with the servers to do the attacking). Also makes it more difficult to pin down the culprit(s) since there's no specific region the attacks are coming from.

>> No.20628427

It's point of origin for incoming traffic. DDOS works by overloading ShipThis servers with bogus traffic. That shows legit traffic as well as malicious though. But I highly doubt there are that many TTKs in eastern Europe/Russia.

>> No.20628431

Man, am I one of the few seaniggers playing this game? Whatever, I am fine with that.

>> No.20628433

But how do we sure it's the KanColle servers only? Maybe those vectors go to the other targets.

>> No.20628443

So how do i read this?
blue=legit traffic?
red and yellow=attack?

>> No.20628448

I don't read nip so I didn't check but I assumed that's a traffic report specifically for the KC servers. It's not hard to do that.

>> No.20628453

Those are just different protocols. What's more concerning is the volume of traffic (mostly blue / TCP) inbound, which is usually indicative of a DDoS attack.
I assume the guy in post input a KC server address to track this, go try the site yourself. The wikis should have the server IP addresses.

>> No.20628454

I'm pretending that's showing return fire from DMM's hidden railgun installation,

>> No.20628476

Those fuckers are too retarded to do that.

>> No.20628477
File: 44 KB, 255x390, 1515572350513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still under attack
wow, why the hate? i thought KanColle was dead since 2015.

>> No.20628478

There's a legend on the picture, anon.

Copy-paste from wikipedia
> SYN: The active open is performed by the client sending a SYN to the server. The client sets the segment's sequence number to a random value A.
> SYN-ACK: In response, the server replies with a SYN-ACK. The acknowledgment number is set to one more than the received sequence number i.e. A+1, and the sequence number that the server chooses for the packet is another random number, B.
> ACK: Finally, the client sends an ACK back to the server. The sequence number is set to the received acknowledgement value i.e. A+1, and the acknowledgement number is set to one more than the received sequence number i.e. B+1.

The attack is probably all blue but some of the blue is legit too.
Look up the others if you're curious

>> No.20628481

Whoops, blue is labelled TCP SYN, which is indeed the main indicator of a DDoS attack. I'm retarded.

>> No.20628484

No it isn't. The site just tracks source IPs and ports and destination ports. You can filter the target.

>> No.20628485


W-would you anon?

>> No.20628490

>I assume the guy in post input a KC server address to track this, go try the site yoursel
I am that site and I cannot find any tool to filter by IP addresses. We are probably looking at a global level.

>> No.20628491

*you can't

>> No.20628501

I mean, yes but mainly because I have depression

>> No.20628504

Fuck if I know. Probably just mad it was still doing decently in Comiket this year though certainly not the best.

>> No.20628507

Well, it does say it tracks darknet, so I guess the other question is whether this is higher than normal traffic for darknet traffic to Japan.

>> No.20628527

Why would a yurop guy do this?

>> No.20628532

Season 2 announcement probably stirred it up

>> No.20628537

Try putting in the KC server addresses here instead.

>> No.20628540

Perhaps Japan as a whole is getting hit but spaghetti code of kancolle makes it suffer more?

>> No.20628550

For example, this is Hashirajima. I don't think the site updates in real time, but it confirms the DDoS for up until the past few days.

>> No.20628564

This site can only track the DNS request to some degrees. Some might gone under their radars.

>> No.20628602

I have Isekai, but no Akitsu Maru, and have just reached E-3 LD. Do I try to have AS or do I just say fuck it and pray LBAS/Nelson Touch/friend fleets kill everything else?

>> No.20628603

Wait, why the fuck am I not using suijou to get to node N so that I don't deal with millions of taihas at O?

>> No.20628616

Chances you won't get AS with army dog anyways. Stick to AP if you can (SPFs) or resign to your fate and hope for good RNG.

>> No.20628696

If I'm reading the legend and >>20628478 correctly then any legit blue traffic in should have yellow going out to match it. All that flood of blue coming in without getting a response is malicious. For so much of the traffic on that port to be the ddos it has to be a pretty low traffic port normally. I'd guess it only handles a KanColle server cluster or something? I'm network illiterate though so I could be completely wrong.

>> No.20628707

With LBAS (containing new recons, 64th+54th, and bombers), Akitsu Maru, 1 armoured CV and an AV (plus maybe 1 SPF on a CAV), you can hit AS on E-3 LD. LBAS (1 recon / 1 64th or 54th / 2 bombers) should manage to get ADx4, then your fleet gets AS after that. I had about 540 FP on my LD fleet, should be able to make do with 500+.

>> No.20628717

That the botnet, which remotely controlled by someone. High chance that's from China.

>> No.20628720

We discussed this above, the main problem is the website only shows darknet traffic and has no way of differentiating by server-specific IP address. For that, >>20628537 works better, but as >>20628564 noted some of the more recent attacks might have not have triggered their parameters.

>> No.20628727

I see, thanks. Compared to just surviving the sub nodes, handling the boss doesn't look terrible.

>> No.20628744

And I found the fucking answer. Node O routes to T, not T to O, so I'm cucked.

>> No.20628767

Or Russians. Like they made a business out of it there.

>> No.20628784

They're surely doing it, the question is who is paying them.

>> No.20628878

>マルヒトサンマル。提督の皆さん、丑二つ時です。お疲れさまです! 「艦これ」稼働妨害を意図した敵の飽和接続は全稼働サーバ群を広範囲に攻撃していますが、今晩は何故かラバウルへの攻撃回数が多い模様です。「ラバウル基地」所属の提督の皆さん、申し訳ないです。防御を固めてまいります。
God damn it, why is it always my server?

>> No.20628906
File: 3 KB, 217x131, ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In which map do you use shit like this?

>> No.20628910

The requirements to unlock ZZ are stupid
Why are event maps getting this stupid shit so often now?

>> No.20628976

It's tedious to unlock the node, but the only hard part is node N if you don't have SPFs.

>> No.20629018

Your fault for picking the USN's favorite punching bag as your server

>> No.20629186

Palau here, just got kicked after minutes worth of lag. I didn't get the kill anyways, but there was also a minuscule chance of the drop I missed being Johnston

>> No.20629275

Kure is down the toilet. Meanwhile can someone post some E3 pre-LD comps?

>> No.20629314

>ddos after ddos

Guess that chinks are either really upset that this shit isn't dead yet or really want to have more time to farm for a boat drawn by one of them.

>> No.20629324

I think they got triggered by the anime announcement personally. I don't think mainlanders think guys from Taiwan are the same as them. Certainly people from Taiwan don't really care about Mainlanders.

>> No.20629331

Went through chink KCA knock off twitter. Holy shit, how delusional you need to be to think that running away to HK is win?

>> No.20629354

He really hates the imps im E2.

>> No.20629361

I was thinking that too. They probably figured it was the age of China when their anime was announced and took season 2 announcement as an insult.

>> No.20629368

Hashirajima is dead now too.

>> No.20629370

Please summarize it

>> No.20629380

PvP seems fine on my end, just a bit slow. I'll heed the warning and not sortie though.

>> No.20629387

Ringa is dying again, lads.

>> No.20629412

Most of them were claiming that SEGA hadn't any chance winning "by similarities" and they retracted for settlement. Other are screeching that this is "eliminating and bullying competition". There is fair part of people calling it victory and that game will continue. Also something something, calling SEGA pigs and anti-japanese.

>> No.20629420

What are the rules on Isekai Ni arty spotting? can she do it if she only has fighters and not seaplanes or bombers?

>> No.20629447
File: 201 KB, 1023x571, original enemies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess explaining to non weeb judges are pretty hard since they don't understand anything about the games.

>> No.20629449

We would know for sure about this case. I mean, even PUBG and Fallout Shelter can't win this shit.

>> No.20629455

What is there to say, chinks gunna chink. Poorly made knockoffs built by de facto slave labor is literally their economy.

>> No.20629471
File: 133 KB, 890x950, 1545464716538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to finish my weeklies, you bastards!

>> No.20629494

There's a surprising number of Japanese Twitter accounts who seem to think this is some bullying case also. Like that one guy linked earlier trying to go after Ichiso for anti-China tweets and alleged tracing.
It's also really fucking suspicious that a few of these accounts were made years ago but only became active recently. Or were made recently and are now screeching autistically about AH.

>> No.20629505

Except it is not why SEGA stopped. Company that had rights to Abyssal Horizon gave their rights to other one that resides in HK. Also we are talking about game that stole camera pans, game mechanics, enemies, fair share of assets. It is visible even to non weeb. At this point wouldn't be surprised if whole game was reverse engineered from KCA.

>> No.20629508

To be fair Sega is a pretty shit company. They're like the EA of Japan. They're right in this case obviously but it isn't beyond reason they'd have at least some legit detractors.

>> No.20629515

I was under the impression Kadokawa was the EA of Japan, or maybe SquEnix. But okay.

>> No.20629520

Hashirajima is back, I think.

>> No.20629523

Isn't "every character is DLC" Capcom the EA of Japan? Who publishes iM@s and other idolshit? These are full of disgusting DLC practices too.

>> No.20629530
File: 1.67 MB, 1118x1585, __johnston_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kentan_kingtaiki__49771c0d805e501c8151de6950325b1a[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which hand do you want her to use for handjobs?

>> No.20629532

Covered shoulders are the best.

>> No.20629533

You could make an argument for any of the 3. I think square is at least a little better than the other two though.
Maybe KDKW is EA and Sega is Activision.

>> No.20629543


>> No.20629548

buoytoy rather

>> No.20629553

She needs seaplanes (or seaplane bombers) still.

>> No.20629555

>Who publishes iM@s and other idolshit?
Bandai Namco. And yeah, Banco is probably the closest to EA.

>> No.20629559

KanColle isn't loved by all Japanese. There are many haters that sworn to destroy Tanaka and KanColle. The doompost and shitposting are harder than anything you can see in 4chan. Hell, they even have the complaint (aka hate) thread number 1540+ right now.

Sadly you can't copyright the idea or game systems. That's how chinks get away with it. Literally copy the system and replace everything else with 'superior' (more pandering) assets.

>> No.20629561
File: 906 KB, 1117x736, 1547148248456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cat bombed mid-LD

>> No.20629564

Now to think of it, there is fair chance either some salty AH fan or missinformed jackass would start their little revenge by DDoSing the shit out of KC.

>> No.20629577

Are there any similiar hate threads for FGO, Imas or other franchise?

>> No.20629580

Why would they hate it that much?

>> No.20629583

Then if they hadn't chance, why Sega filed a case? And why AH took that time to move the rights to HK company? There was probably something that would make them legitimate win the case.

>> No.20629584

Feels good to be in Saiki bay, lads.

>> No.20629598

Yeah, I noticed after more browsing. Fair enough. There was also a higher-than-average number of them who were very into AL, probably for similar reasons.

>> No.20629599

This seems possible when did they announce the Sega is winning the case and when did the DDOS attack start?

>> No.20629603
File: 396 KB, 638x634, 1467342773762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes my chances of farming John for the next few days.

>> No.20629613

11th January, around same time first DDoS started.

>> No.20629616

>KanColle isn't loved by all Japanese. There are many haters that sworn to destroy Tanaka and KanColle.
I wonder what they hate about it. It's far from the being a good game but still.

>> No.20629620

>I hate it because it's popular
>I hate it because hating it is cool
>I hate it because the fan base is toxic
>I hate it because the devs fucked me in the ass and I'm salty crowd
>I hate it because I'm a chink/gook/commie
>I hate it because I inherently have to hate something
A multitude of frivolous reasons tbqh

>> No.20629625

>SEGA made a horrible FGO game
>Also has ties with C2 throught the KC arcade.
>Has also made games for KD properties in the past.

>> No.20629626

There are, but the scale of hates are very small compared to KanColle.
I don't know, PUBG and Fallout devs did the same thing and they have to choose sattlement.
One theory is we (KanColle fans) probrably got too cocky at some point of the heyday.

>> No.20629628

Wow, those chinks make me disgusting.

>> No.20629648


>> No.20629653

>got too cocky
Sounds interesting,got any more info?

>> No.20629655

I wouldn't be surprised that a lot of people got tired to see KC girls everywhere. That and it attracts a lot of moronic "fans". Shit like this happened to Touhou too.

Another thing that KC has as a disadvantage is that WWII is kind of a touchy subject, and could be seen as some nationalist propaganda to boot. Chink ripoff can get away with that because they were introduced to the market way later, and act as an "opposing force" to KC, even though those kind of haters should shit on AL and AH as much as KC by their antiship bias logic.

>> No.20629661

Something something chink design more "sexy"

>> No.20629672
File: 109 KB, 1188x813, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I put in LBAS for last E3 phase?

>> No.20629676

I think most people just prefer playing casual gacha game. A drooling noob with a bit of "luck" or shekels can obtain their favorite characters with 0 effort without understanding basic game mechanics.

While in KC you need time to understand game mechanics and own a good fleet to beat an event and obtain limited/rare ships. A drooling noob will never beat an event and obtain rare ships hence they will proceed to blame the RNG and call this game a kusoge.

>> No.20629692

You can just imagine, when the fanbase has grown too large, a chunk of extremists exerting toxic behaviors could be found normally.

>> No.20629699

Yeah, I definitely got those "muh anti-nationalism / pacifism" vibes from some of those accounts earlier. It's just a game, and Tanaka has steered well clear of that since launch, but I guess people will find any reason to get butthurt, news at 11.

>> No.20629707

Shouldn't 2hu have a much larger extremist group then?

>> No.20629721

I don't think it is really about the difficulty, but how obscure the game mechanics are, but also the lack of "player input".
A lot of AL goons (especially ex KC players) will pretend AL is an "actual game". While I don't believe it is a bad game per se, the "autolane" meme is so true it hurts, to the point that the actual "manoeuvers" you can do don't mean shit since overleveling allows you to bypass a huge chunk of the difficulty.

That said, it is true that a lot of them don't see KC as a game because it is basically a RNG simulator with pretty girls jpg. The lack of "control" is the common criticism towards KC, even though games like that exist for ages. I mean, no one in their right mind would claim games like "sims" aren't games. They are projecting some kind of weird misconception because they don't like a game that is too popular "for no reason".

>> No.20629724

KanColle has nationalism element so we got the worst of worst people.

>> No.20629726

AL is a chink game, and as such, the IJN is the bad guy in the game. That's why nobody bats an eye at it.

>> No.20629733
File: 437 KB, 1200x720, hidden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Takanami remains.
Where can I find her?

>> No.20629741

Maybe if Japan would recognize Nanjing chinks wouldn't be as upset

>> No.20629746
File: 677 KB, 998x1500, 8789094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are going to fuck this slut silly.

>> No.20629776

KC also punish or cockblock you if you don't understand the game mechanics.
Don't know how to setup your fleet? enjoy wasting bucket, not passing preboss, not killing the boss, fail the event and the worst is getting desperate and advancing with taiha ship.

Meanwhile AL is a pretty casual game you can equip whatever and still clear the normal mode event. if your fleet is really weak you can farm event points at lower maps to purchase the event SSR ships or just roll the gacha like a good goy.

>> No.20629785

You forget setting one set of equipment and never taking them off because there's nothing better than BiS.

>> No.20629793


>> No.20629798

The historians tried, it got too political, didn't work.

>> No.20629808
File: 134 KB, 858x1200, 1544285916226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to inseminate her womb with my filthy seed!

>> No.20629809

That won't happen, basically it means that China might get legal ground for reparations/collaterals for families. Also with current level of chinese nationalism, stance won't change anyway.

>> No.20629823

It manages to upset both the axisfags that hate we got good allied ships and the alliedfags that hate how the ships are too nice or their favorite ship isn't included or whatever.

>> No.20629828

And you know she wouldn't fight back.

>> No.20629831

I don't know much but please fucking god stop DDoS chinks

>> No.20629840
File: 112 KB, 699x1136, Dof9pdnV4AEeUzJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20629858

Why do chinks even care about Nanking when they do worse things to their own people?

>> No.20629875

Recording defloration sex with Hamanami!

>> No.20629878

>their favorite ship isn't included

Which is pretty amusing considering how safe and mainstream US+UK ship choices have been so far.

>> No.20629881

Interesting, did they ever talk about Nanking or did it never get that far? It's funny that there was a debate about Ryukyu.
It seems like Chinese revisionism to say the Japanese didn't have any control until 1800s, but wouldn't they want to spin it the other way?
Maybe once all the families are dead there won't be that excuse anymore. Not like it isn't a legitimate complaint, but historical revisionism and the tunnel vision a lot of Japanese have is dumb. It's a weird victim complex or something.
That's just a case of whataboutism. The Chinese government has criticized Mao and recognized generally accepted death tolls from the Great Leap Forward as being true. They don't deny crimes, why should Japan?

>> No.20629887

Nanking was an inside job, this is a fact. It's not real unlike the holocaust.

>> No.20629895

Increasingly, because the government tells them to (and in no small part to distract from what you mentioned).

There is some argument to be made for muh human rights crimes, although at this point it's globally public knowledge to the point where only a few retarded ultranationalists in Japan will insist on denying it. It's also arguably true that the bulk of Japanese don't know and/or don't care about it that much. But with the way the communist leadership is heading (increasingly towards nationalism, ironically enough), giving them any ground on the issue is unlikely.

>> No.20629901

I mean, there is evidence of Chinese soldiers pillaging and raping if that's what you mean.

>> No.20629905

Yeah the only maps you can't auto in Azur Lane are the later worlds, EX hard map which is mostly for E-peen, and maybe the last even map on hard. That or you have to be deliberately using shit ships. Unsurprisingly a lot of the Azur Lane fanbase have trouble with the three cases above.

>> No.20629906

Free gibs, so why not? Once they start talking about 六四事件 then we can talk.
And this is getting off-topic too, post your Johnson farming statics.

>> No.20629930

There is evidence of both sides shitting the bed but it's not that big of a deal in China where everyone was killing everyone else.

>> No.20629941
File: 111 KB, 616x704, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome to shit on me, I deserve it.

>> No.20629948

When I was still playing I just followed the tier list and everything is easy including ex hard event maps just focus on dodging the obvious damaging attacks like slow torpedo or boss charging mahh lazor attack

>> No.20629955

They don't deny there were problems with the great leap forward but they still don't really blame Mao as much as they should.

>> No.20630007

Are we safe yet?

>> No.20630018

Not until we submit to their demands.

>> No.20630028
File: 15 KB, 221x621, Does_not_include_runs_where_i_didn't_get_to_the_boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried it for 2 to 3 months so I don't know everything about it.
My stats for Johnston. Still have to get Gotland.

>> No.20630031

Capitalize your Suzuya.

>> No.20630032
File: 142 KB, 560x750, ae4b129cac6636eea077881920ca67ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can the buoys speak English?

>> No.20630036

Hard to since i am in your shoes too. Mind share your fleet and LBAS.
Want two of mine, i can even give you two ducks too.

>> No.20630037

Haruna is for vanilla.

>> No.20630069

Things I've learned from this general:
Nanjing did not happen, comfort women were prostitutes
9/11 was the Chinese, not the Saudis
Japanese created jet engines and the atomic bomb
Tashkent was the fastest WW2 destroyer
JAV pornstars leech your energy
Roman Empire still rules the known world

>> No.20630087

You lost?

>> No.20630089

I recommend Richard McGregor's excellent book, Asia's Reckoning. I believe he mentions that yes, it was brought up. But (if memory serves me) the Chinese wouldn't budge from any less than muh 300,000, while any Japanese attempts to examine it more closely ended up getting nowhere. Discussing the same issue, he mentions that his source (Bu Ping, who was one of the Chinese historians on the committee) later admitted he was not sure if he had been blindsided by his own biases, and that the Chinese historians had felt obliged to toe the party line (muh 300k) mainly because doing otherwise would be career-ending.

They also tackled the issue of the Japanese invasion of China. The main divide there, if I recall, was that the Chinese saw it as an all-out, state-sponsored-and-supported act of aggression that deliberately set out to conquer China, while the Japanese historians had a slightly messier view (Kwantung Army up to no good, a lot of messy communication between forces - some thirstier for war than others - that eventually led to war).

Seriously, just read the book. My memory probably got some things wrong.

>Maybe once all the families are dead there won't be that excuse anymore. Not like it isn't a legitimate complaint, but historical revisionism and the tunnel vision a lot of Japanese have is dumb. It's a weird victim complex or something.
The way history is taught in Japan also sucks, it's very factual ("memorise X") and doesn't really teach you to think about history critically, evaluate sources, and so on. The end product, unfortunately, is a bunch of people who don't know or don't really care about the issue. And ignorance tends to be a breeding ground for other people to feed misinformation to them.

>That's just a case of whataboutism. The Chinese government has criticized Mao and recognized generally accepted death tolls from the Great Leap Forward as being true. They don't deny crimes, why should Japan?
Still leaves the Cultural Revolution & Tiananmen Square. Jokes aside, though, if you unironically think that the Chinese government has faced history fully, completely, and without remorse, then I recommend the following books (yes, I am autistic about books and I'm dragging you and the entire thread down with me):
-The Party (also by Richard McGregor, excellent source access, goes into the full details of the CCP)
-Out of China (by Robert Bickers, explains how the narrative has changed over time, and the history besides that)
-Middle Kingdom and Empire of the Rising Sun (by June Teufel Dreyer, excellent long history of bilateral relations)
-Everything Under the Heavens (by Howard French, good for understanding Chinese perception of the world at large I guess)

And it's unlikely to get any better with Xi in charge.

I won't disagree with you that Japan definitely needs up to step up their education / knowledge of history though. And also needs to more effectively face down the past (through acknowledgement, more interaction or otherwise) so that it doesn't come back to haunt them.

Sorry this took so long to type up, I had to dig for sources and also last-minute clear weeklies at the same time lol. I don't normally sperg out like this but you seem genuinely interested so I'd rather give too much detail rather than too little.

>> No.20630095

Don't forget Haruna is for vanilla.

>> No.20630099

But are they Twenty-One Demands?
Also to whoever was asking, I recommend you copy this down before it gets deleted for being off-topic.

>> No.20630103

Am I on /his/?

>> No.20630105

Yeah shit meant to post that in onahole general sorry

>> No.20630106

>Roman Empire still rules the known world
But do you know who or what is the Roman Empire these days?

>> No.20630112

posting, which is entirely based and historypilled.

>> No.20630123

Depends on who you ask but it's a mixture of The United States of America and the Republic of Finland

>> No.20630136

Ok, they are on page 4, one page down below, you might need to wait awhile tills they go lower though.

>> No.20630143

Not the anon, but in terms of Japanese Empire and crimes during WWII Jean-Louis Margolin's "Emperor's army war" is great start to understand aspects of the country and its remembrance.

>> No.20630150

I want to impregnate the whale!

>> No.20630157
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>But are they Twenty-One Demands?

>> No.20630170

why does goatland keep talking about goat meat? I ate it once and it wasn't very good.

>> No.20630171
File: 200 KB, 1572x1920, Heir of Roman Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They speak only classical Japanese.
I didn't even remember the USA theory.
Do you have picture of it?

>> No.20630190

Seriously, Finland?

>> No.20630191
File: 100 KB, 1200x972, 1200px-USSWhale%28SS-239%29%3B0823901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USS Whale when?

>> No.20630192

Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to defend China or anything. I think the Chinese government is considerably worse than the Japanese when it comes to historical revisionism and abuses. I just meant they hadn't fully denied all crimes which is what a lot of Japanese politicians seem to do. Didn't mean to generalize.
I haven't read about the subject nearly as much as I should though, so I'll start with some of your suggestions. I appreciate it greatly.
Also I haven't got Johnston to drop yet.

>> No.20630219

The claimant of the Byzantine Empire ceded the Roman Imperial Crown to the dual-monarchy of Castile-Aragon.
Some claim that this crown passed to explorers and intellectuals funded by the Spanish, and eventually fell into the hands of colonists in North America.
The founding fathers supposedly had possession of the crown come the Philadelphia Congress, and claimed themselves to be the true Roman Empire in secret, born again as the United States of America based upon the Roman Republic. Deep freemason shit.

>> No.20630225

Kind of a justifiable when the market is filled to the brim with predatory gacha.

>> No.20630268
File: 175 KB, 500x735, Mad World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed my spergout.

Everyone else, have this rare Ooyodo (15+ minutes late for reset) as compensation for my autism. RIP Ooyodo anon.

>> No.20630291

Ooyodo anon is gone? Since when?

>> No.20630306
File: 692 KB, 2877x4092, IMG_20190113_142159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shigure is so hot.

>> No.20630313

That is a rogue lunar AI though.

>> No.20630315

I thought it was the new beast of revelations too.

>> No.20630338

Ooyodo anon was actually meganefag

>> No.20630346

Since about last year? Even in the archives the last time anyone tried to post the same old line was about August 2018.

>> No.20630351

Worm slut!

>> No.20630354

>have no Arashi, Isokaze, Hagikaze
>they show up in the friend fleet

>> No.20630361

He had a meltdown and everything.

>> No.20630365
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Would you like to be manhandled by her?

>> No.20630387

Did that fleet do any good? My iso is doing jack shit and I'm thinking to replace her.

>> No.20630404

>was about August 2018.
Fuck I didn't realize it had been that long since I stopped trying for the magic 0s.

>> No.20630408

Chuuha'd the boss from almost full HP and cleared one mook. A hit on the boss is between 100-200 HP.

>> No.20630412

Sushi is just a japanese girl. Even for a manlet like me, she's probably the same height as me, at best.

>> No.20630440

Just bad luck I guess. The historical buff is great, my Arashi/Hagikaze/Isokaze keep hitting the boss and dysons for 300-400 per double attack.

>> No.20630441

>A perfect run with no chuuha ships and an S at boss ended with a Fusou
RNG is a cruel mistress.

>> No.20630447
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If it's any consolation, at least this probably isn't you.

>> No.20630450
File: 243 KB, 868x578, Johnston Farming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First base set to ASW split among C and ZZ, the other 2 bases full of bombers to boss. Used both route ASW and boss shelling support. You can actually lower the FP since LBAS usually took out a Nu or two even while unranked which made the AS/AS+ requirement a lot lower. I'd say you can lower it to ~400 if you can consistently take out the Nus with LBAS.

>> No.20630484

Definitely not, I've been laughing at Axisfags for years.

>> No.20630507

Still surprised we don't have the Hell Diver. Almost got the Vindicator though.

>> No.20630521

We don't have the latest Suiseis either for some reason.

>> No.20630525

I still think we were supposed to get the SB2C as a hard E-5 reward but someone in the chain got confused with the SB2U and they didn't realized until maintenance.

>> No.20630528

I'm still waiting on yasen suisei fighter we were promised.

>> No.20630568

Fuck I've just realised I didn't use the grope formation at boss and now I'm afraid that if I were to use it I'd deal less damage in daytime overall.

>> No.20630570

Time to wait for New Jersey and Missouri then.

>> No.20630574

We are mainly missing a night fighter variant and the the D4Y3. For Suiseis.

>> No.20630588

I can't see any girl from KanColle being more than 180cm.

>> No.20630599

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.20630603

Yamato is the same height as Iowa based on official art, so even Iowa-class isn't tall by western standards.

>> No.20630604

Wait for the Dutch ones.

>> No.20630626
File: 674 KB, 2855x1794, 28-3759876-uss-midway-cvb-41-1946-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly the solution is a boat that makes Iowa look like a womanlet. Too bad that she is a bigger never ever than even the E.

>> No.20630647

Implying that they won't make her a womanlet like Taihou due to her youth.

>> No.20630651

It's funny how you can still claim Big E is a never ever when we just got the one DD that embarrassed the IJN.

>> No.20630676
File: 473 KB, 1011x431, D4Y4 early.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei 43 and 54 could also be possible.
Some places claim that 43 was made for kamikaze only, but that originates from one poor source. There doesn't seem to be too good official record about it, though it's known that earlier and later production 43s had many differences.

>> No.20630678

Midway can be an American Katsuragi.

>> No.20630710

Woah there buddy we don't have the D4Y3 and the nighter variants. One step at a time okay? Especially before we get into poor source'd(Looks like the Japanese records on the D4Y4 are sparse as well stating it's mostly a simplified D4Y3 with more armour and the second seat removed to make room for more bombs, and the D4Y5 is a concept).

>> No.20630732

Isn't D4Y3 just a land based variant though? That might be the reason it's not in.

>> No.20630744

Just add the tail hook back on and call it D4Y3Kai or some shit.

>> No.20630768
File: 419 KB, 1193x405, D4Y4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes kind of true. D4Y3 could already carry 3x250kg bombs, so 1x800kg would not matter so much in game. The rear gun removal seems very weird, since the seat remained.
That's partially true miss information.
At first they had tail hooks, but since there wasn't anymore need for carrier planes, they removed it a bit later. Some 601st D4Y3s were planned to be stationed on one of the Unryuus at first.

>> No.20630771
File: 800 KB, 940x552, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought back to the cruel reality.

>> No.20630792

>That's partially true miss information.
Most of the ones then that were captured probably didn't have tail hooks because they were being used at land bases. I won't really question you since you seem more knowledgeable. And probably most of the Japanese remember that most D4Y3s didn't have tailhooks either. So thus the misinformation.

>> No.20630835

To be fair to the japanese everyone was removing some guns on a lot of the bomber aircraft. TBM-3s started removing the ventral gun so it could carry radar without as much penalty.

>> No.20630870

Yeah, chuuha doesn't do shit. Only with taiha or sinking her do you get a guaranteed pass.

>> No.20630884
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Common drops on S ranks should be illegal.

>> No.20630896

WTF bros. I was gay all this time and doing it with Trannies?

>> No.20630906

Stukas to carry their maximum bombload couldn't carry the second person as well.

>> No.20630920

It's a "we happy few" thing.

>> No.20630932

Will 29k fuel and 22k baux be enough for 4 kills that I still have left?

>> No.20630945

Yeah, I used 20K total for clearing the whole event.

>> No.20631053

There is a reason Ship girls are infertile.

>> No.20631057

>only own 2 seaplane fighters
Any recs on how 2 E2 medium with this in mind? I'd like to save myself from getting fucked somehow by my own stupidity since there's 2 ship locks here.

>> No.20631091
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She picks you to be her Admiral!

>> No.20631110
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>> No.20631113

Saiki getting attacked

>> No.20631134

To test how well the admirals can overcome impossible odds.

>> No.20631161

I'd say go for the imp route anyway since the boss is that weak and it's a pain in the ass unlocking the shortcut, but that's assuming your ships are leveled and that this isn't your very first event. It's hard to say without knowing what you already have in mind

It's just normal Re in medium, so the shortcut isn't out of the question. It's just a matter of whether or not you think it's worth it. Note that PT imps in echelon in the day do jack shit.

You won't need a single CVL aside from Zuihou in all of E-3, so don't overthink your planning.

>> No.20631162

Do E-2H, I did it with 1 SPF on part 2.

>> No.20631166
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>> No.20631177

Guess now that we've a Fletcher there really isn't any point in getting excited for any future DDs unless they're Gearings/Allen M. Summers.

>> No.20631178
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x720, 20190113_14262622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love night planes. F4U-2 when?

>> No.20631182

Seconding this. It's really, really not that hard. The equips are more than worth it too

>> No.20631184

I gotta put the screws into these dumb things at one point.
How much do you need for the whole lineup?

>> No.20631192

Do you already have a 2 Hellcat?

>> No.20631198

Don't you need a CV flag for the quest?

>> No.20631199

Nah more fletchers with lingerie is always good. More ducks is always good. More Kagerous and gumos is always good.

>> No.20631200

Check Akashi-list.

>> No.20631212

You ruined the surprise

>> No.20631218

I did the quest before finishing E-2, I was just finishing the bar while having Johnston leech exp.

Too bad for you, I'm not that dumb.

>> No.20631268

I've got the two F6F-3s. You gotta upgrade one to the 5 and then max them out both right?
Shiet... I don't think I've have enough screws for awhile

>> No.20631298
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>> No.20631312

Alright that should save some screws.
For 3N: 56 screws to max + 6 for quest = 62 if you use slider from 6 stars.
For TBM-3D: 10 scres
For 5N: 72 to convert F6F-3 to F6F-5 and another 84 to max + 8 screws for quest = 164 screws.

Total comes to 236 screws. You don't need 5N in most cases though so you can do that one really slowly, which brings the more immediate cost down to 72 screws. Just make sure to use Iwai as your dive bomber for 2nd strongest yasen CVCI.

>> No.20631313

>It's hard to say without knowing what you already have in mind
I dont have anything in mind yet, I'm reading about the topic and watching some videos.

First event, not so sure about how doable that is but I guess trying wont hurt. Mind explaining how you did it?

>> No.20631351

QILMNP route, using Nelson touch on M node and splitting LBAS between boss and M node, guessing you won't be able to pull it off though. The big thing is that AI on boss isn't the worst, M node is the big hurdle.

>> No.20631382

That's a very cute Johnston. Pls gib.

>> No.20631392

That doesn't sound nearly as bad as I thought if I just stick with the 3N. Thanks for the help.
Is the best setup to use 3/5N, TBM, Iwai, night personnel? I got that Iwai bomber long ago but never really used it, neat that it can night battle.
Also should I get that special night personnel from B106? Still haven't cleared that quest.

>> No.20631412
File: 433 KB, 1240x1021, 72561956_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find your own Johnston

>> No.20631423

For a non-Sara Mk.II CV/CVL, best set up is TBM+5N+3N+Skilled Night Personel if you just want yasen. Next best is TBM+3/5N+Iwai+SNP which also gets day time CVCI. TBM+Mk.III Swordfish+3/5N is technically stronger but you don't get day time CVCI as well unlike with Iwai. If you're using Sara Mk.II (not armored Mod 2) then the best is TBM+5N+3N+Iwai, with next best being TBM+3/5N+Iwai+X.

>> No.20631447

>used ASW formation at air node
I'm retarded.

>> No.20631448
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>> No.20631455

Tomonaga/Murata Ryuusei fucking when?

>> No.20631460

Tomonaga and Murata Ryuusei Kai.

>> No.20631464

That's just too much farming. You pick the wrong formations and quote posts that don't exist. Go to sleep, TTK.

>> No.20631487

>gold background
Never mind.

>> No.20631633
File: 204 KB, 1130x1650, Dws4U-dU0AAztNf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems Hibiki has grown a crush on the Commander. As a professional, you are going to do what?

>> No.20631636

rape her

>> No.20631674

Shit girl, shit class.

>> No.20631703

Keep the relationship professional

>> No.20631707

Make her oldest sister a lady

>> No.20631708
File: 475 KB, 572x800, 4D303097-F1C5-4FA0-9E50-2F9FE5C276C5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want her and Amatsukaze on me

>> No.20631746
File: 1.01 MB, 1383x813, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What changes do I operate for LD?

>> No.20631783

>Prototype Keiun

Use a Yura plane instead. It can trigger contact against subs

>> No.20631822

Man I'm a blind retard. Well for what it's worth ASW LBAS + ASW support worked fine for what I intended it to do (clear out mooks so that the OASW damages sub loli to soften her blow). But it's restructuring the escort fleet that I'm interested in primarily. During chipping I've only killed the boss twice in 4 attempts (granted, with no support, only LBAS), once with chuuha Yukikaze scoring something like 136 and once with a healthy Yukikaze for 700+.

>> No.20631834

This is so hot.

>> No.20631850

Too busty.

>> No.20631854

>Well for what it's worth ASW LBAS + ASW support worked fine for what I intended it to do
I'm in a similar position with only two Toukai, but last dance turns both sub nodes into the hardest formations. It's going to be rough to say the least

Give Myoukou a searchlight + TCI and put her in flagship position. Switch Shigure to TCI too.
Rearrange Isuzu and Kashima to lower positions so that the boss and CV hime don't get free shots at your ships in night battle (they probably aren't going to kill anything except maybe a taiha'd Nu).

>> No.20631858

Molest the fuck out of her.

>> No.20631859

Can Amatsukaze expose her shoulders too?

>> No.20631875

Do I move any radar around? Also, should I replace the AP with another fighter or will the LBAS chip enough for me to get AS?

>> No.20631893
File: 785 KB, 752x1062, 46cfd13518fa89fb48791b2ccce2e08f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would result to fucking.

>> No.20631925

Sorry to bother you guys on slightly unrelated business. I'm translating a Kancolle doujinshi and I was wondering if 特効 has any particular translation that the community uses or if it's just "extra effective".

>> No.20631941
File: 414 KB, 728x448, ayyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this.

>> No.20631943
File: 31 KB, 682x381, 1522181062709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, you're using Myoukou as a radar carrier. Give it to Yukikaze instead, searchlights give a slightly better chance of activating cut-ins than lookouts

You're probably going to need stronger fighters in LBAS. This failed to get me AD. Needed to switch to a +10 Zero 53.
530 FP is enough for your main fleet to get AS at the boss as long as you fix up your LBAS. You'll end up at a little above 500 by the time you make it to the boss

>> No.20632001

Need more context, sometimes equipment have bonus damage and sometimes girls have bonus modifiers.

>> No.20632019

>"Anal seems to be extra effective against you"
Also, the Japanese wiki has a page titled that.

>> No.20632022

Not really. Maybe "bonus damage" but that's more informal.

>> No.20632037
File: 21 KB, 400x300, 1480977509393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anal seems to be extra effective against you
Can't argue with that.

>> No.20632058

Just stick with that. Translating it to extra or bonus modifier would just sound dumb.

>> No.20632135

that is too scary to be true

>> No.20632154


>> No.20632163

Jesus Christ though. It must really be the fucking russians.

>> No.20632191

>It must really be the fucking russians

We don't even know how to computer in here, stop spreading capitalist disinformation.

>> No.20632199

Shut up Russian spy.

>> No.20632203

Putin pls

>> No.20632207

No because she doesn't wear a bra underneath, that fucking slut.

>> No.20632213

Please everyone knows you can hire certain certain Russians to DDoS for you for relatively affordable prices.

>> No.20632226

Comrade >>20632191 is correct. Only western pigs would have the lack of shame to carry out a DDoS attack while simultaneously putting the blame on others.

>> No.20632234

Am not a spy. Only enjoy the game.

Am not Putin. Wish I was though.

Hey, life is hard in here so don't judge. But still - we would never DDoS Kancolle. Is a good game.

>> No.20632239
File: 133 KB, 991x1400, __amatsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__77138a98e3f57e9933b0591e591eb15e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because she doesn't need one.

>> No.20632245

russians wouldn't try to kill the game because f2p kusoge and pirated copies of heroes of might and magic are all they can play.

>> No.20632264

We also like old Fallout 1&2. Reminds us of our Motherland if we drive outside the major cities for half an hour.

>> No.20632284
File: 830 KB, 1100x682, 15849205_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maya-sama would like to take you on a drive around the port

>> No.20632291

Hey at least with the extension I would have save enough furniture coin to buy the 148k furniture before they remove it.

>> No.20632315

Naganami for sure

>> No.20632329
File: 197 KB, 1157x1636, 15864377_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) tell me

>> No.20632332
File: 369 KB, 750x1000, __amatsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yuutai__310a0384c1bb6e813bd0e89b7182ac41[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one resist her?

>> No.20632342


UGUME in E3 chipping the last boss

>> No.20632344

Porn of Yuugumo tends to be really lewd. Like she needs dick to live lewd.

>> No.20632357
File: 183 KB, 550x778, __amatsukaze_kantai_collection_drawn_by_souji__5126f8583934ae77106f65e5e94acd1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't. She gets manhandled every day, usually either by me or Nagato. She's not even allowed to wear her sailor top around the base, just for easier access.

>> No.20632367
File: 250 KB, 850x933, Kaga lovely 76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaga is love, Kaga is life

>> No.20632382

They must have done some hotfix recently because all my runs today have been really really good.

>> No.20632387

A shit.

>> No.20632404
File: 427 KB, 675x1200, 1544380551651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shit now that the superior Intrepid is here.

>> No.20632417

Because she's the biggest slut on base with Beaver as the close second we know.

>> No.20632432

>she's the biggest slut
Not when Shimakaze exists

>> No.20632453
File: 92 KB, 1200x675, 1543216174553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flirters are bigger sluts

>> No.20632460

I want to fill her womb.

>> No.20632465

They just talk big game but in the end you still have a lot more clothing to get through which makes it easier for them to cockblock you when not in the mood.

>> No.20632467
File: 337 KB, 1190x1684, __suzuya_kantai_collection_drawn_by_narushima_kanna__e91b5a51dbe0b895e0eedf8a8c15d6db[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, TTK.

>> No.20632471

I would say that are at about equal.

>> No.20632475
File: 72 KB, 308x866, Chara_kofuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duki with a hoodie when?

>> No.20632503

It would look good on Wakaba.

>> No.20632512


>> No.20632522

That's not true.
Suzuya and Haruna exist. These 2 are literally the Sanae of Kancolle.

>> No.20632530
File: 743 KB, 800x480, work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does the DDM point "refund" happen?

>> No.20632540
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>> No.20632551
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>> No.20632562
File: 260 KB, 1280x720, 54060781_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you lump Haruna with those sluts?

>> No.20632563

Are the servers still under attack?

>> No.20632568
File: 70 KB, 1086x717, Johnston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the soul in this picture.

>> No.20632569

The 15 IIRC.

>> No.20632573

Haruna is a good girl

>> No.20632577
File: 566 KB, 992x1407, 1428013642102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20632580

What can I buy with 1k points?
I already have enough extra boat slots for the next 4events.

>> No.20632596

A ring? Akashi pocket?

>> No.20632630

Fuck, the Suzuya CVL quest looks like a pain in the ass.

>> No.20632638

It's easy.

>> No.20632670

Just like Suzuya

>> No.20632688

Well I guess I decided to start my KanColle folder from scratch after noticing I saved a lot of shitty pictures and too many dupes. Off to the boorus with me.

>> No.20632697

You have to be rich though, not that easy.

>> No.20632702

Is the event extended?

>> No.20632707
File: 341 KB, 633x903, eff0e516320b8d90f5700aca0ef980ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much for a night with Sazuya?

>> No.20632737

Same goes for the quest, you have to be "rich" for it to be easy too
Don't think so.

>> No.20632743
File: 482 KB, 720x900, 1547364025431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last day of DMM Games Festival.

>> No.20632790
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How do you feel about Hatsushimo?

>> No.20632807

She's a good onahole.

>> No.20632811

>Same goes for the quest, you have to be "rich" for it to be easy too
6-5 is a walkover now

>> No.20632816

Her personality doesn't match her art at all

>> No.20632823

A good AACI support when the others ships are taiha.

>> No.20632842

I like this

>> No.20632859

Why is this image mirrored?

>> No.20632884

>2k baux in a single LD sortie

>> No.20632897
File: 2.05 MB, 1488x1773, ara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20632934

I want to grope that butt.

>> No.20632960

Even at work, all I think about is Johnston.

>> No.20632987

Same happened to me with Nelson.

>> No.20632990

You need to stop thinking about farming.

>> No.20632998
File: 527 KB, 588x810, DwydLpeUwAEVS0l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's thinking about you rescuing her too, Anon.

>> No.20633011

Nelson is a reward though. You are thinking of Jervis, Tashkent or Gotland

>> No.20633012

Just how bad were your fleets that you couldn't get a reward ship?

>> No.20633027

Maybe he was thinking about her tits

>> No.20633042

What is wrong with that pic?

>> No.20633060

Looks like her femurs are broken.

>> No.20633082

Ironically, getting those ships was more easy, even Johnston was easy tho.

I was busy in Nelson event, I thought I would never get her in LD.

>> No.20633202

Finally got everyone I wanted from E3-2. Fucking good riddance semen slurping sub himes until the next event.
