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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20593219 No.20593219 [Reply] [Original]

Guide & resources:


JLPT level 1 (N1) – around 900 hours of study
JLPT level 2 (N2) – around 600 hours of study
JLPT level 3 (N4) – around 300 hours of study
JLPT level 4 (N5) – around 150 hours of study

>> No.20593243

first for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5y4L4bneyM#t=77

>> No.20593392
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second for

>> No.20593497
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third for

>> No.20593580

>when you realize this thread >>20575825 is rooted in truth

>> No.20593619

>resumed anki after a 2 week hiatus

>> No.20593634

ok u can close the thread before all the dorks start tryin to talk about retarded shit just save the first 3 replies

>> No.20593651

Uso wa uso de aruto [Kanji] keru jin denai to [(Kanji)Kanji]shi.

What does it mean? Also, at what point does one know where one word ends and another begins? Is it simply dependent on knowing most or all of the words used? For instance, I can read straight hiragana if I know the words:


But if I don't know all the words it's hard to tell when I should assume the word ends. For instance, see how I separated the hiragana above, based on gut, without actually knowing whether I split a word into more parts than it should've been? My guess is frequenting a dictionary while digesting sentences helps, to make sure one parses words appropriately. But sometimes that has limits. So how do you all do it?

>> No.20593703

wowzers idk how to even approach this one

>> No.20593707

I grabbed a torrent of both of them, why do textbooks feel the need to do everything in kana instead of introducing you to 漢字 from the beginning.
It makes reading it really awkward.

>> No.20593719

thinkin i might do this i didnt know it would get so bad so fast

>> No.20593793
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It's finally over

>> No.20593927


>> No.20593971

how does it feel to speak Japanese?

>> No.20594074

pretty clear that he does not

>> No.20594100


>> No.20594127

How would you guys translate 流石にそれだと湿られない?

>> No.20594138

So THIS is the level of people who finish core6k uh....

>> No.20594141

sorry about that false flaggin aint in my blood i gotta tell ya that was a joke
but i bet it aint far off

>> No.20594150

>Indeed if that's the case then I can see why there's no reason to feel bad

>> No.20594156


>> No.20594179

i prefer the term "soggy biscuit" there

>> No.20594198

if thats the case then dont be a soggy biscuit

>> No.20594208

if thats the case you know what time it is


>> No.20594233

Is this question too hard for you, jp?

>> No.20594249

yea its actually too hard to im not properly certified to teach special ed gomen

>> No.20594279

>yea, not yeah
>its, not it's
>im, not I'm
>lack of punctuation

Looks like you'd also fail in teaching English. Certainly not properly certified to write it.

>> No.20594292

i like genuine stupidity more than this inept forced bait

>> No.20594307

haha im better than u because i write on the internet like im writing a term paper LOL

get some game kid

>> No.20594324

Good to know I'm talking to an idiot. Unfortunately, at this point you've exceeded your daily idiotic post quota. This reply is the best I can give you.

Try submitting another comment tomorrow.

>> No.20594332

there not gonna make it and then theres really not gonna make it

>> No.20594365


>> No.20594376
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>start VN core as decent way into the core deck
>start at like 40 words a day thinking it'll be mostly the same as core plus some slang
>correct rate is in the toilet
I'm screwed. No new cards until I get this under control, I just hope its possible

>> No.20594400

this kind of shitposting gives nothing to engage with how am i supposed to be compelled please change your style

>> No.20594415

>at what point does one know where one word ends and another begins
With basic grammar, sentence structure and to some extent vocab knowledge.
Once you go past being a complete beginner you'll realize that general sentence structure is actually really easy in Japanese.
It's a 2ch meme, it basically means that without people who can't distinguish between truth and lies using bulletin boards would be hard

>> No.20594422

imagine same fagging ur own question and answer every fuckin thread

>> No.20594436

calm down. it's normal to have very low retention rates particularly if you don't feel like reading (even from example sentences) which helps reinforce words. just stop doing new cards for awhile. no big deal.

>> No.20594456

Sorry about that, I left the thread immediately after posting.

I'd say I feel pretty confident reading Japanese (good grasp on grammar etc), I have been listening to Japanese radio and watching shows like ガキの使い while also doing reading (LNs) for about an hour every day.

Production wise I'm still not in a place where I feel I can write accurately enough to portray my emotions, but that's not surprising since I haven't been outputting anything in comparison to my massive input. I can watch anime unsubbed and understand a decent amount and pick up on most manga picture that I happen to come across while browsing the internet, which feels pretty great.

>> No.20594466
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now you start learning japanese. come back after finnishing the beginer requirement of reading the oreimo light novel series.

>> No.20594477

because they are elementary books, literally designed around teaching a 8 year old mouthbreather japanese, they are not supposed to know 2k kanjis right off the bat you massive nigger faggot

and it does have kanji lessons

also you should be able to understand it fine without having your dumb kanji character shown to you on a flash card, how do expect to hold a conversation with a japanese person? do you hand them a bunch of cards and tell them to show the corresponding kanji related to the topic?

>> No.20594487

>who can't distinguish
who can*

>> No.20594490

fucking christ i can't wait to get to this guy's level where i can start learning japanese. i'll read all kinds of lns.

>> No.20594531

I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. you are not even a begginner until you have read all 12 volumes of oreimo. extra credit for being caught up on eromanga sensei and reading neko sis.

>> No.20594542

what if i have taste

>> No.20594555
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>> No.20594559

Based 日本語 poster.

>> No.20594571

me first

>> No.20594589

how many times are you gonna post this

>> No.20594594

god damn i just had the worst RTK reps of my life. usually I'm like 92-95% correct. Today I was 82% overall with 72% on mature cards. It was just like the perfect storm of barely-used kanji that you don't see much in actual reading, combined with vague keywords that are hard to build a story around.

still feels bad man

>> No.20594641

how long should it take to learn hiragana and katakana, I just started a couple days ago using DJT kana at work. slowly adding more rows . . .

>> No.20594655

ps as you can tell I learned Japanese from porn games and my grammar is fucked

>> No.20594657

Thanks anon, maybe all is not lost

>> No.20594666

I did it in a couple of hours. It doesn't really matter how long it takes you, though, because compared to everything else you have to do to learn the language, it'll take almost no time at all.

>> No.20594671

why not just make it simple dude all u need is a simple 主語 and simple 述語 and then u have ez 日本語

ex わたしはゲイ

>> No.20594691

you need to recognize it almost instantly, just like with regular latin letters, otherwise reading will be a chore

also its usually not enough just with kana apps, try to take a pen and a piece of paper and write down all the kanas and their sounds, having everything pop on a screen makes it too easy to recognize and doesn't force your brain to memorize it as fast

>> No.20594697


>> No.20594704

nobody has ever gotten to the level of a literate reader by grinding in some a stupid program meant for people who can't even recognize the shapes

>> No.20594705

>you need to recognize it almost instantly, just like with regular latin letters, otherwise reading will be a chore
waitin until that point before you fuckin read more is a waste of time
you got there with latin letters by readin words and sentences not by playin with flash cards all day
just get to 90% and then stop fuckin around

>> No.20594715

took me a week to learn to recognize the hiragana (but not write) and after a week or two of reading i stopped making mistakes and confusing similar kana like ぬ or め. that was months ago. don't sweat the small stuff like that.

>> No.20594717
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>> No.20594720

not who you guys quoted but I just barely started. . .

>> No.20594733

People on here used to reccomend reading 2 hours everyday. But I don't think anyone does that as I didn't and people always tell me that the amount I read is impressive. If you just read 20 pages a day you will get 25 lns in a year done and that is less than 1 hour of reading a day. And people on here would be impressed by the number 25.

>> No.20594737

yeah that's why you're using djt kana
take it easy and don't worry too much and you'll just know what you gotta do

>> No.20594764

>waitin until that point before you fuckin read more is a waste of time

we are talking a week here, maybe two at most

you need to get to the point where you dont force your brain to translate the kana into romaji and can recognize the voice instantly, otherwise you will get a heacache when reading and give up

maybe a turbo autist like yourself dont need to practice it as much, but regular people might

>> No.20594773

when when the spirit compels u dude and no other time

>> No.20594803

buddy it takes several months if not a couple years for reading strings of kana to become as comfortable as a reading Latin letters. you can't hold a candle to a lifetime of literacy after a couple fucking weeks. I'm not saying the kana are hard or anything you just picked a really shity example.

>> No.20594818

Imagine unironically arguing about fucking kana. Sorry to tell you guys but you will not make it.

>> No.20594832

i was talking about recognizing the individual kanas and their sound, i never said anything about being able to speedread through an entire book before you move on

>> No.20594843

gate keeping my 3 day old learning journey already

>> No.20594848

one or two weeks is fine
im warnin against the people who will go for a month or more cause they think havin trouble with a few means they aint good enough yet and that kana flash cards is the solution
if i was gonna make it i wouldnt be here

>> No.20594857

You have not started any journey you will quit in like 5 days, Also as mentioned above you are not a beginner until finishing oreimo.

The term gatekeeping is the most anti intellectual term coined by sub human leddittors.

>> No.20594879

before even starting to practice kanas, you need to have watched atleast 10k hours of subbed anime

>> No.20594884

yall should watch the now classic anime called gatekeepers lmao


>> No.20594924


>> No.20594942
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oreimo means the lns in japanese. if you have done that you don't need to learn kana.

>> No.20594945

it took me around 2 months to finish kana now around a year in I've learned my first kanji but do have a little bit of trouble remembering it lol. I do 5 minutes a day at least on duolingo tho so your results may vary.

>> No.20594975

i do 20 minutes a day on duolingo because i want to go all in and really crush this nihongo thing

>> No.20594976

I only know the vowels, something is better then nothing

>> No.20594986

holy crap...

>> No.20595004

i do a minimum of 30 minutes of immersion every day as well as 2 hours of watching old matt videos to make sure i'm doing the right things and keeping up my motivation.

>> No.20595011

it feels like just a minute ago the thread was so fresh and so clean not yet tainted by the aids of flashtards and the oreimo guy

>> No.20595017


a. 筧沙也佳
b. 赤城浩平
c. 五更瑠璃
d. 新垣あやせ

if you answer this correctly you correctly you are a beginner or a lucky guesser.

>> No.20595023

when flashcards actually work lol!
seriously who's talking sweet about flash cards of all things

>> No.20595042

I went from being an illiterate mouthbreather to an absolute chad that shittalks nihonjin prostitutes during intercourse in perfect japanese after watching avatar the legend of korra

>> No.20595069

the threads always have waves of bad and worse but right now a taihuu is hitting and the civilians need to evacuate

>> No.20595095

im stubborn im gonna sit here and watch it all tumble down instead of move to higher ground

>> No.20595148

I agree this is the worst it has been in my 2 years on this thread. people are talking about stupid beginner shit and the there is only like 2 recurring themed posters.

>> No.20595161
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is there something like this for Korean?

>> No.20595162


>> No.20595172

I mean something like the DJT site for Korean

>> No.20595173

the quality of this thread is actually in line with previous threads and a few new years newfriends has no effect on the avalanche of shit dumped into DJT by jamal and his gang

>> No.20595180

you need to listen to 10k hours of k-pop before even thinking about learning korean or even attempting to memorize hangul

>> No.20595182

i mean ur right about that these small timers cant cause the paradigm shift like i can

>> No.20595205

¡Everyone starts out as a beginner!

>> No.20595212

my mom just made chilli and it was really fucking good.

>> No.20595233

>resolved to read 50 pages worth of Japanese every day
>9 days in and my reading speed is already improving dramatically

Literally don't even have time for Anki but honestly haven't needed it either. Reading is the 薬 that will なおす your アンキ癌 to 全快 status

>> No.20595239


>> No.20595241

mommy made curry for her big boned joyboy today and it was pretty good

>> No.20595245

you probably already have a large vocab

>> No.20595251

make more excuses

>> No.20595261

you've probably been learning for awhile so reading is already easier and more fun for you than someone like me

>> No.20595271

yall know japanese already so fuckin お上手


>> No.20595274

i like to read while fondling my unwashed foreskin, and after having it buried down there for a while and i decide to take a sniff it'll have the most vile smell of fermented urine / semen you've ever smelled, but its so good

>> No.20595299

Nah, you're cut.

>> No.20595312
File: 128 KB, 550x345, 一人で暮らそうとする.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In language, the poor stay poor. Stop being poor. The difference between this and the actual economy is that you can choose to stop being poor right ass now.

>> No.20595319

i could stop being poor if i had the patience to develop the necessary skills. same with japanese. but i don't.

>> No.20595325

are u sure ure not smelling ur posts ???

>> No.20595329

you dont need to develop skills to become not poor

you just gotta go get money go tell them i said get u some i bet u they get u some https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adRBbJiH9vo

>> No.20595336

btw that vid is the official djt crew anthem

>> No.20595340

you get good at reading by reading
nothing else

>> No.20595397
File: 29 KB, 1392x325, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yosh time to meditate

>> No.20595403

calvins greatest hits

will that boy ever do anything or will his entire life just slip right by

>> No.20595418

jamal's greatest hits

will that boy ever do anything or will his entire life just slip right by on djt

>> No.20595424

i do shit every day and am happy and comfortable in my own skin ftw

>> No.20595426

does the anti-anki autist somehow believe that anyone does anki in any way does ONLY anki and never reads anything at untill he's done core10k or something?

>> No.20595429

just me personaly i dont believe any of u flashtards can do shit without ur training wheels and crutches and google

>> No.20595432

it's just some long running dumb meme like "manga isn't reading". and he probably lacks perspective since it's been years since he was a beginner.

>> No.20595434

>even if you learn nip anime will never be real

Still feels like a loss anyways.

>> No.20595439

anime is real as hell

its u whos fake


>> No.20595448

how many times you gonna post the same strawman

>> No.20595491
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The problem is Ankidrones are too scared to actually try reading/playing/eating/drinking various media

They think that grinding out 100 extra words in a week that they'll probably just forget is better than getting 1/5 of that that you'll NEVER forget because of memorable scenes in that book/game/film you consumed.

Mama bird pushes the baby bird out of the nest for a reason, just fly.

>> No.20595503

citation needed the post lol

>> No.20595546

so you do think that people who do anki don't also read and consume various media. okay.

>> No.20595553

listen children ankidrone specifically means nothing but anki
you can do anki and not be an ankidrone
you can do anki and be an ankidrone

>> No.20595563

How do I deal with not having a 八重歯 gf?

>> No.20595566

dang got appreciate the efficiency of nihongo
"渡加" - two syllables vs "moving to canada" - 6 syllables.

>> No.20595569

ankidrone is a meaningless term cause you have no proof people actually do it
and no doing anki for 3 hours a day doesnt count cause that doesnt mean they dont also read

>> No.20595577

what happened to good old reddit poster to show us the power of ankidrones

>> No.20595580
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>> No.20595582

anki is actually really useful in the beginning but some people unironically do shit like rtk for a year before looking at any native content.

>> No.20595599

pretty sure those people only exist on reddit, so i dunno why there are people in this thread who spend multiple hours a day obsessing over them.

>> No.20595600

I'm a neet and have been reading 6-8 hours a day of vns and the progress is really showing. remember language is a snowball effect

>> No.20595610

"must" 1 syllable
"なくてはいけない" 8 syllables

>> No.20595618
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>> No.20595620
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this is the NINTH consecutive day of me learning japanese
there is really nothing that can stop me

>> No.20595625

buddy im just tellin yall to read more with some hyperbole and yall gettin offended that i aint callin anki based
at least half the other memers are probably doin the same
anki can help just dont overdose
hope that helps

>> No.20595626

>They think that grinding out 100 extra words in a week that they'll probably just forget is better than getting 1/5 of that that you'll NEVER forget because of memorable scenes in that book/game/film you consumed.
lol doesn't fucking happen. this is why the "read more" drones are so full of shit.

>> No.20595629

im going to propagate the anki meme to every newcomer i run into and not just on this site and theres nothing you can do about it

>> No.20595643

Imagine being so proud this proud of yourself for sticking with something for 9 days.

>> No.20595660

>"read more" drones
i smiled but im failing you on this assignment
please apply yourself

>> No.20595674

fwiw ur all drones to me

>> No.20595684

i think they call that solipsism

>> No.20595690

damn this guy didnt even bother to attend the first lecture he just skimmed over the syllabus lol

>> No.20595700

i didnt take the class i just googled it

>> No.20595708

damn this guy didnt even take the class he just googled it

>> No.20595711

maybe post this on rebbit where "i don't plan on reading till i'm n1" people actually exist en masse.

>> No.20595712

youre goddamn right

>> No.20595715

lost souls exist in all places and this is my home

>> No.20595726

ima just be real with u

if u watch 10000 hours of eng subs and then start reading ur gonna get so good at japanese so fast

>> No.20595729

how the fuck are we supposed to watch for 10000 hours if we only live to 100 years

>> No.20595735

none of yall are makin it to 100

>> No.20595738

hope i dont make it to 100

>> No.20595742

i jog 10000 miles every day im for sure gonna make it to 100 but probably not more

>> No.20595748

there's been a lot of words i'd come across all the time in my reading and then forget them within 5 minutes even tho they're relatively common, so i end up looking them up literally multiple times an hour. usually i'd at least remember the definition, but not the reading.
finally just put them into my anki, and suddenly every time i see them in the wild i instantly know both the reading and definition.

but yeah some guy on djt said that 20 minutes of anki a day is a huge waste of time and i should just read and never do flashcards cause they're bullshit so i obviously i should follow his well-intentioned advice.

>> No.20595753

these strawman arguments are startin to hurt my feelins
tryin to make me out to be the bad guy by misrepresentin my wisdom

>> No.20595764

just do flashcards for 10 mins then turn off anki

who cares about reviews or anything

ur only allowed 10 mins then turn off the flashcards

>> No.20595765

theyre not strawmans every quote argument unqoute against anki is always a false dichotomy

>> No.20595772

is there a way to extract the kanji from the 2K/6K deck? I would like to have a spreadsheet or a pdf so I could print them all and do my repeats when im not on my computer, I do have small notebook with all the kanji that ive been learnig but If theres a to extract the vocab that would be nice

>> No.20595774

listen children you can do anki you can do sentence cards you can do subs2srs you can do rtk you can even do duolingo i aint gonna come after ya
just make sure you read more or ill be real sad

>> No.20595773

btw thats the biggest concession ull ever get from me take it or leave it flashtards

>> No.20595777

ill give an even bigger concession you guys ready for this
i do 15 min of anki
just read more im dead serious right now i want you all to make it so bad

>> No.20595781

15 mins is too much

10 mins and spend the other 5 mins on this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE0cVhQdh30

>> No.20595783

same exact experience here. the context while recreationally reading does not magically cement readings in my mind. i often recall the meaning of a word so long so long as i've encountered it multiple times per session but not the reading. i think most of the people claiming you should "just read" (and stop saying this is a strawman as i have seen this multiple times here) forget what it's like to have a small vocabulary.

>> No.20595934

shit, I can't do my anki reps now. jamal hasn't given me an approval.

>> No.20595937
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>> No.20595953

the militia is rising

>> No.20596005

learn dakuten first, then kanji, and then go kill yourself in Aokigahara

>> No.20596006
File: 31 KB, 739x441, visual novels word coverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this true?

>> No.20596020

ive been thinkin about a solution to a real problem in our youth
its been said that rendaku is one of the biggest hurdles of fluency
ive come up with a simple but elegant solution
it is called rendakuten
you put a dakuten on a kanji that is undergoing rendaku
someone tell abe

>> No.20596046

Dolly calls it tenten bonding or something like that

>> No.20596052

How do you say "I want to be a screenwriter but I have depression and my life is very miserable right now" in japanese?

>> No.20596059


>> No.20596066

you aint tricking me with this shit, it says "im gay"

>> No.20596068

Maybe. Why? Are you just going to do one deck and then stop using Anki?

>> No.20596072

you got me


here is the actual translation

>> No.20596074

no i already finished vncore and don't plan on doing a premade deck ever again.

>> No.20596078

im so proud of everyone learnin their kanas and ganas

>> No.20596081

i can read katakana okay?

>> No.20596090

what the fuck?

>> No.20596095

why do I learn japanese again? remind me

>> No.20596103

tell us how you forgot and ill tell you if you should even try to remember

>> No.20596105

at least a dakuten for 々 would be good. like if "= dakuten then 日々”= ひび and 日々 would be ひにち. like the kana iteration marks つゞき = つづき

>> No.20596112

test 人々゙

>> No.20596114

i liked japanese culture because it was so different from western

>> No.20596117

its the kana for v

>> No.20596122


>> No.20596125

it worked tell abe
by the way 日々 for ひにち is invalid according to based english wikipedia
yeah just find somethin else to do

>> No.20596133

if I fap to 10000 JAV titles will I become fluent in japanese?

>> No.20596137

>by the way 日々 for ひにち is invalid according to based english wikipedia
ye i know. thats why the dakuten would be useful to tell the difference between the two. in reality the noma with the dakuten on it is more strokes than just writing 日 again, but the point is still valid i think

>> No.20596156


>> No.20596166

If you guys actually want to get good at Japanese you should stop coming to this thread and immerse instead.

>> No.20596173


those 10k hours of subbed anime aint gonna watch itself you know

>> No.20596177

what will you do if everyone leaves to make it

>> No.20596185

々 just repeats the kanji before it and the repetition is a voiced consonant therefore putting a dakuten after is redundant and which is why ひにち is invalid

>> No.20596195

>If you guys actually want to get good at Japanese
when did i say that

>> No.20596201


>> No.20596245
File: 132 KB, 460x650, 1535684855463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shows are you watching raw this season, my ninjas?

Bermuda Triangle: Colorful Pastrale
Boogiepop wa Warawanai
Kemono Friends 2
Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai
Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka
Mob Psycho 100 II
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken (started last season but it's 2-cour so it's airing through this season as well)
Virtual-san wa Miteiru
Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita!
Yakusoku no Neverland

Also, I'll take this moment to recommend that you download raws so there's no temptation to enable the English subs while you're watching.

>> No.20596252

avatar the last airbender and avatar the legend of korra

>> No.20596272

if u watch the new boogiepop then lmao

>> No.20596312

you forgot about Date A Live 3

>> No.20596321

now thats the show u want

>> No.20596328
File: 3 KB, 65x195, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't find any kanji except the second
巨 doesn't seem to be it

>> No.20596333


>> No.20596345
File: 545 KB, 1069x760, fhrn0SP2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone translate the comments in the red boxes for me? please

>> No.20596352

fuck handwritten kanji, that last one looks nothing like that

>> No.20596356
File: 5 KB, 197x282, 1538200179679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why people say stroke order is so important

if you're unsure then any handwriting converter will understand what it should be

>> No.20596368

post a better pic the kanji is not at all readable here.

>> No.20596372

apparently thats a faggot mobile

>> No.20596397


>> No.20596401

you cant read it either faggot why else are you posting it

>> No.20596411

majority of it should be readable, sorry it's a terrible photo from like 2013

>> No.20596413

Animelon not working for me. Anyone else experiencing the same?

>> No.20596494

Why? I haven't read much about it, beyond the fact that it isn't a remake. I just decided to pick it up since the original one was good.

I didn't watch any of the previous seasons so I'm not watching it.

>> No.20596528
File: 35 KB, 955x821, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Japanese so cute

>> No.20596538

i watched the commercial and i dont think i could watch a boogiepop anime that looks like that just period

but the old anime is also completely unwatchable if u havent read the books

>> No.20596541

1. Recaro seats and momo wheel.
2. Recycle deposit 11630 (I guess you have to pay them to take it from you lmao)
3. Important happenings, can't read much except timing belt change at 95k
Are you importing this lancer or what?

>> No.20596544

my second pass through rtk is gonna be so fucking easy. i'll do 100 kanji a day.

>> No.20596567

I actually bought it 4 years ago, but didn't actually ever read what the auction sheet said, then I got curious last night.

Yeah and really the timing belt is the only part I could actually understand. Thanks for actually trying, I appreciate it.

>> No.20596580

And the quality is bad because I miss placed the physical copy, so all I had was my emailed shit version..

>> No.20596718

I unironically use DuoLingo. Only when I'm on break at work, though.

>> No.20596839

Raws are lower quality.

>> No.20596857

none i gave up listening after spending like 200 hours not understanding anything and will return to it later.

>> No.20596860

theres no point in watching raw anime if u dont know all the words

>> No.20596873

It's later now.

There is. You will be able to understand a lot of sentences with only a basic vocabulary of a few thousand words, especially if you're watching slice of life or something. Just because you don't know every word in every single sentence in a show doesn't mean that watching it is pointless.

>> No.20596882

theres no point in media if u dont know japanese

>> No.20596887

>It's later now.
it is but i'm putting it off even longer than i planned. listening practice was the worst experience in my fucking life (it was far worse than RTK and i can't believe i wasted time with that) so i'll probably wait until this summer to start again. hopefully by then i'll have a better intuitive grasp of grammar and a much larger vocabulary.

>> No.20596918

its actually true tho

what kind of retard picks up media for japanese without knowing japanese

>> No.20597097

Anyone know good japanese news radios that I can listen to while I go to sleep?

>> No.20597139
File: 185 KB, 1334x750, arimas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning japanese from this book, it's going well

>> No.20597204

pan motty koy

>> No.20597238

>cheese eye
Fuckin funny

>> No.20597274
File: 3 KB, 314x30, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put ur langauge skills to the test

what is this supposed to be in nihongo

>> No.20597300

I think that we should have a live group study session!

>> No.20597315

study dates are for fags id rather watch anime

>> No.20597331

When an otaku says study session, that's what he means!

>> No.20597351

no he means this

attaches images of gay jav with those boys on the table or w e you know the one

>> No.20597358
File: 132 KB, 848x960, 1532804197830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first of all aint none of u all real otaku

second heres ur image

>> No.20597382

>ghosts of departed cattle

>> No.20597405


>> No.20597413


>> No.20597427

I want to go to their concert and sneak backstage and ask them for an autograph in horrible broken japanese whilst stuttering, making them laugh at me and even bullying me, and then writing their autograph on my forehead, but they actually just wrote "virgin loser" or something instead

>> No.20597437

theyd prolly think u were cool if u just talked to them in english and didnt try japanese at all

>> No.20597546
File: 14 KB, 809x181, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is this?

>> No.20597572

did u think the maho tukai thing was born on 4chan or something lol

>> No.20597583

Breaking news. Core vocabulary series doesn't cover names, locations and story specific vocabulary of light novels and anime that eventually get explained in context in the story. Further news at 11.

>> No.20597591

大丈夫人 would anyone say that

>> No.20597652


>> No.20597684


>> No.20597765


>> No.20597780


>> No.20597793


>> No.20597799
File: 56 KB, 583x435, 1517748702990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20597813


>> No.20597825


>> No.20597835


>> No.20597844


>> No.20597891
File: 376 KB, 907x720, 1534668289100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're having fun and enjoying watching something even without understanding it perfectly, then what's the problem?

If it's actually a good show, you can always rewatch it at a later date when you get better.

>> No.20597893


>> No.20597896

Or alternatively you can go and read the source material after finishing it.

>> No.20597920


>> No.20597930

the problem is youre still not even making it to the surface layer and likely never will

youre inventing your own perception of it because you lack the foundation to understand it the japanese way making the entire thing pointless

>> No.20597955


>> No.20597981


>> No.20598002

jealous post?

>> No.20598007


>> No.20598024

>grammar is fucked
better than his. i learnt a lot from nekopara so dont say shit like that about eroge- ever again

>> No.20598044

the people saying to read for 2 hours a day cant read 20 pages in 2 hours と思います

>> No.20598045

You're making a lot of assumptions here.

And you could make the same arguments you're making here for literally doing anything in Japanese.
>W-W-W-Why would you read X when you'll misunderstand parts and invent your own perception of what happens as a result? hurrururrurffff
Who gives a fuck, you autistic freak. If I'm doing something in Japanese, it's to better my ability in Japanese, and so long as something is serving that purpose in some form or another then it is by definition never "pointless". All the less so if it allows me to have fun in the process.

>> No.20598061

it's visual novels and the frequency list it's comparing it to doesn't handle that stuff either, it's just biased in favor of the words that vns generally tend to use

>> No.20598068

how do i know what って means if it can stand for so many different amalgamations of と and という like というのは

>> No.20598071

i aint those people but of course not how can you read and shitpost at the same time
djt is a fulltime hobby

>> No.20598088

read the rest of the sentence.

>> No.20598089


>> No.20598095

what if i'm too low iq for context to help

>> No.20598098

im not making any assumptions

ive watched the western anime fans do this shit for 30 years

they literally dont even know what they are watching most of the time

anyway to cap it off have fun but this is definitely you in the end https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YPWNLOuKzk

>> No.20598108

watch more anime / read more

>> No.20598115
File: 8 KB, 800x218, bad explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20598116

then smile and nod and move on to the next sentence

>> No.20598117

You aren't too dumb to grasp the context in English which means you aren't too dumb for it in Japanese either. Context is always your biggest friend in nip.

>> No.20598121

how the flip are u supposed to parse that

>> No.20598127

don't think, feel

>> No.20598136

also i put the zero/null in the wrong place and forgot to put in なら but whatever lol

>> No.20598145

seriously actual introspective into average western anime fan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YPWNLOuKzk#t=120

>> No.20598168


>> No.20598172

gotta watch you some curedolly

>> No.20598173
File: 41 KB, 609x512, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20598183
File: 111 KB, 720x480, genki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20598187

did anyone here major / minor in Japanese language and if so do you have any comments about your experience

>> No.20598192

げんき -> げき ->ゲイ

>> No.20598193



>> No.20598198

Why not

>> No.20598203

matt majored in japanese and dropped out
you could ask him more but you have to pay to bask in his presence

>> No.20598205
File: 35 KB, 551x473, キャプチャ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump them 鞄s out i know u got em and i wanna see em

>> No.20598207

dying language

olympics globalization

shit economy

all good stuff gets translated anyway

blah blah

>> No.20598215
File: 1.33 MB, 2250x2635, genki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20598220

>and dropped out
i thought he was still going for his degree and mentioned it in one of his latest patreon videos

>> No.20598222

that boys got the workbooks cuz hes doin work

>> No.20598223

I did. The experience turned out to be overall very enjoyable and I owe a lot of my knowledge to it, despite what DJT Mount Stupids might say. Fun fact, most foreigners who are native level in Japanese took classes in university.

>> No.20598227

hes going for his degree like hes going to move out of his dads house

>> No.20598228

lol you're the same guy who owned in an argument last time aren't you

>> No.20598233


>> No.20598239

lol ive never seen a post this ironic end so catastrophically

>> No.20598245

he said somewhere he was goin back to college cause he dropped out
he also said some things about cs but maybe hes gettin the nihongo degree because its less effort
im happy for u

>> No.20598249

i still remember when i used to dunk on kids ITT about RTK lol good times.

>> No.20598256

now u are my fuckin guy

>> No.20598266

I'm not being ironic. You're just mad because you didn't have the same privilege that people who actually know Japanese such as me did. I can understand your feeling, trust me.

>> No.20598269


handshaking rappers jpg

>> No.20598277

i think you misunderstood what i meant by ironic

your dunning krugers has reached a pretty advanced level unlike your nihongo lol

>> No.20598289

Share some of that knowledge, will you? I am genuinely curious.

>> No.20598308

in the presence of an expert the eager ones come forth

>> No.20598312

Who's the real Dunning Kruger here I wonder? The one who is coping and deluding himself into thinking he is superior because he didn't have acess to high level education or the one who actually made it?

>> No.20598360

dolla dolla gon make me a nihongo balla

>> No.20598363

Imagine having your boyhole filled with dick

>> No.20598372


>> No.20598392

If kimochi means "feeling", why do girls in porn say "kimochiiiiiiii kimochiiiiiiiiii" while they cum?

Imagine an american pornstar screaming "OHHH FEEEELING, FEEEEEELING, OOOOOOH, FEEEEEEELIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGG". It's retarded.

Japanese girls are retarded. I guess all the energy that was supposed to go to their brain is wasted in growing 10000000 pubes a week.

>> No.20598405

Not a meme.

Nothing nothings good.

>> No.20598411

Kimochi + an extra い at the end means it feels good, but sounds pretty much the same to gaijins

Watch more hentai

>> No.20598414

Because it's kimochiii, not kimochi. Different things.

>> No.20598422

respectable attempt

>> No.20598423


>> No.20598426

LMAO get baited noobs

>> No.20598427


>> No.20598429


>> No.20598435

>merely pretending

>> No.20598438

wasnt baiting i just wanted to know if anyone remembers some good times

>> No.20598440

imagine walking in on mommy wrestling with your new replacement daddy

>> No.20598442

*Kimochiii times

>> No.20598447

i remembered it vaguely

>> No.20598453

*kimochii times

>> No.20598454

if u wanna remember good times click here


>> No.20598465

It's so bad it forces me to go away to my happy place.

>> No.20598466

that dudes hair is all fucked up and his voice is kind of weird but i dig it even though i can barely understand him
im yung and im fresh white t shoat

>> No.20598483

imagine waking up to mommy slidding her fingers into your special boy place while whispering to herself how long it has been

>> No.20598486

where can i learn yakuza speak you バカ野郎ず

>> No.20598491

keep ur klk fantasies to urself

>> No.20598497

mommy never loved you?

>> No.20598517

yea but not no incest aids shit

i get that love from ur mommy

>> No.20598518

nobody ever loved jamal

>> No.20598530

sheesh boys dont all 告白する at once

>> No.20598531

I love jamal!

>> No.20598532

closet homo

>> No.20598539

um do u read my posts lol aint no secret

>> No.20598551
File: 61 KB, 1024x576, genki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yall are bein weird again lets talk about somethin normal
mina genki

>> No.20598559

no i kinda like this i feel like the mc in otome game right now

>> No.20598564

i meant the incest fantasy
we can always talk about bein ゲイ

>> No.20598568

imagine opening the little trashcan where the girls in the house puts their used tampons and smell it

>> No.20598574


>> No.20598592

do u like smell ur moms used up 'pons (only time im ever gonna use punctuation savour it bitches this is important) or some shit

if u wanna talk dude about anything im here for u and i wont judge

>> No.20598608

when djt is discussin used 'pons alway rember happy day

>> No.20598619

speaking of girls and incest my eemoto almost caught me mid rage wank lol

>> No.20598623

what is rage wank

>> No.20598627

i got mad at something and needed a hit of the dope so i tugged my pole for a bit and bam all neutral now

>> No.20598636

Imouto creampie and mating press?

>> No.20598644

im more of a cousin kinda guy but yeah

>> No.20598647

every day we drift further from krashens plan

>> No.20598650

man who cares if u get busted if she gives u shit just make up a story about how u busted her flickin her shit one day but didnt say shit cuz ur on the moral high road

>> No.20598656

shes the kind to not care but joke about it for eternity my penis could only handle so much emotional bullying its for the best

>> No.20598658

cum in her panties

>> No.20598672

dude do u have any idea how gross this actually is to someone who isnt some brain damaged onlychild

>> No.20598677

im some brain damaged only child and its gross to me

>> No.20598680

imagine sneaking into mommy's room after is done wrestling with new replacement daddy and smelling the bedsheets

>> No.20598684

ok lets really test ur mettle

whats ur thoughts on oreimo

>> No.20598698

i dont know anything about oreimo beyond the title

>> No.20598709

make sister into breeding sow anime is nice

>> No.20598711

the anime didnt make me want to read more of kirino

kinda upset ruri lost cause i liked her

its ok though cause i got my spiritual fulfillment from chuu2

>> No.20598728

little metal loli huge creampie and mating press???????????????

>> No.20598734

and afterwards we cuddle while playing fortissimo

>> No.20598736

what the fUCk is ur issue

idk if i have positive things to say so ill just agree that oreimo is trash

>> No.20598747

thats a relief but what is ntrs real depraved fetish

>> No.20598771

ill tell u dude its this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcKG4EJ6rsQ#t=25 just make everything 2d lol

>> No.20598773

also im the dude @ the end of the vid

>> No.20598776

becky breeding sow

>> No.20598787

>put this mayonnaise on your child
what the FUCk did he mean by this

>> No.20598792

i remember seein that comment and bein like wow whats ur fuckin issue

>> No.20598806

no i mean i aint got no idea what that actually means

>> No.20598809

its jaw dude it was put that mayonnaise on ur jaw

>> No.20598813

oh i hear it now
i googled and found multiple people makin the same mistake shoulda used the ears my momma gave me

>> No.20598819

im p sure ppl who mishear it like that have deeper darker issues that only the lord can fully judge them for

>> No.20598831

imagine waddling around back the abortion clinic opening the baby dumpsters and smell it

>> No.20598833

i was tryin hard to interpret it as feedin the kids come on now im the only other one here not touchin myself to oreimo

>> No.20598836

now that one i can relate to

thats me at the daily japanese thread

>> No.20598843

yall are gross im goin back to readin saya

>> No.20598859

sometimes i just load up training mode on nitobura on the saya stage and just leave it on my tv all day

>> No.20598863

imagine how pathetic you have to be to be shitposting all alone in a thread for learning japanese

>> No.20598885

but all my saikoona tomodati are here

>> No.20598898

仲間がいてよかった : )

>> No.20598945

what was calvins twitter again?

>> No.20599000

>6 months after learning the words for tuberculosis, prefectural office, and philosophy, finally learned the words "houseplant" and "rainfall"

>> No.20599005

why are people callin core anki

>> No.20599009

Because it sounds nicer than saying BASED Core 6k

>> No.20599137

>finally learned the words "houseplant" and "rainfall"
You should know those from watching anime

>> No.20599183

you think beginners would stop using decks that are really bad for them after a better deck exists but apparently the people reccing them resources are too set in their ways

>> No.20599353

i tried tellin people if theyre gonna use premade decks anyway to at least do the smaller one but shouganee

>> No.20599359

>I'm not dumb, just lazy!
Most people who ankidrone, like he said, are too afraid to take the step into reading. And if they do "read" it's hardly anything and elementary level stuff. If you were here for more than a month or two then you would remember the threads use to be full to the brim with people asking how to start reading while giving their anki stats.

>> No.20599379

hey what happened to all those people
oh yeah they didnt make it
we must be in a new cycle of new years resolutions and well have to wait a few months to start seein the signs again

>> No.20599432



>> No.20599443

how many DJT threads I need to read in order to be on JLPT N5 level

>> No.20599483

As long as you remember to post epic baits and get all the yous while giving none in every thread you should reach it in no time.

>> No.20599504

after about 20 threads youll hit n5 but then it gets slower n6 takes a hundred and n7 probably a thousand

>> No.20599508

dont read any of these threads, just listen to 500 hours of drama CDs

>> No.20599536

Apparently the lowest score you can get on jlpt is n5 so you're already there, you made it.

>> No.20599658

what's the end all of learning japanese?

>> No.20599770



>> No.20599813

yo if i am around n5~n4 level can i subtract the n4 away from the n5 and be n1?

>> No.20600020

Am I doing this right? I've been ignoring step 1 after I've seen all the cards, and I don't have any trouble recognizing the contained words when I'm reading books. Can I just delete it, or what do I do with it?

>> No.20600029
File: 3 KB, 430x60, 54ry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot file

>> No.20600077

why are you using the multi-part core deck

ok general rule don't use any decks off ankiweb

>> No.20600089

Because the fags in this thread and some instructions in the DJT website told me to start with core2k, but avoid the optimized decks. Was I rused?

>> No.20600119
File: 574 KB, 934x509, いわゆる翻訳者.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright which one of you N3 dekinaimono's is trying to translate for the Japanese Restream of AGDQ?

>> No.20600129

Might as well just read from here on out, drop anki

>> No.20600148

The optimized decks are fine, they're just bitching about the order that groups words by kanji instead of the original random order. You can resort them by setting sort to the Core Index, sort, then change learn order to that.

There are better decks than Core though. VNcore is popular here, but there's also Nayr5k and the Tango JLPT decks floating around.

>> No.20600168

I enjoy doing a bit of anki every day though, I don't seem to retain stroke order and Kanji within words just from reading. There's a few exceptions, like when the same word shows up a lot in a short time frame, but words that have bigger intervals between them in texts don't stick at all unless I anki them.

I'm really too lazy to change to another deck or change settings, I'm probably just going to start my own mining deck soon.

>> No.20600220

the instructions all tell you to download a specific core2k/6k deck because it's the least bad

there are "further optimized" and "kore" decks on ankiweb, those are the ones people are calling bad

>> No.20600228

>original random order
the original order was actually frequency based, it was just a very very shitty frequency list

>> No.20600295



>> No.20600322
File: 318 KB, 640x424, かな.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20600654

just make sure you have sentence on the front and everything else on the back. I've seen core decks arranged as vocab decks which is just wrong and bad.

>> No.20600694

congrats on the stupidest post all thread

>> No.20600819


>> No.20601080
File: 1.17 MB, 1459x647, wf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats written on the food

>> No.20601085


>> No.20601118

i dont understand what you said

>> No.20601191
File: 957 KB, 1920x1080, funnyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha its like real 4chan

>> No.20601231

being underappreciated サラリーマン who has assimilated into japanese society fully

>> No.20601286

but that's life of suffering

>> No.20601370

fuck, my brain refuses to remember economy-related cards

>> No.20601455


>> No.20601582

How do you say "Thousands of years of happy reign be thine;
Rule on, my lord, until what are pebbles now
By ages united to mighty rocks shall grow
Whose venerable sides the moss doth line." in japanese?

>> No.20601586

>I'm not dumb, just lazy!
no trust me i'm not saying i'm not dumb. i'm saying that the dumber you are the more patience you need in order to succeed in anything. some people try to spin this into a motivational argument by implying that unlike intelligence, your patience is malleable. so discipline yourself and you can still succeed. but that's not true, and i'm just as impatient as i am dumb.

>> No.20601598

i've learned words like うんこ and ちんぽ thanks to jamal's spam.

>> No.20601610

how do you say "im gay" in japanese?

>> No.20601621


>> No.20601634


>> No.20601665

It was grouped frequency, but the order was kana based if you look deeper at the Core 6k. Frequency and kana sorting are both shit. Kanji sorting is also shit but less so since it sort of groups a theme based around the kanji.

I feel sorry for Japanese kids because their kanji books (the ones using a literal shit as a mascot) are sorted by kana. They don't even teach kids the simple ideas about themed radical and sound radical parts of kanji.

>> No.20601668

How do you say "name subject to change" in japanese? Like you have an object named X, but you add "name subject to change" to establish that it's temporary name and it will be changed

>> No.20601671

put わ at the end of your sentences

>> No.20601676

you're a beginner, stop grandstanding

>> No.20601678

Looks like ketchup. Why?

>> No.20601710

it's ketchup, but whats the text saying

>> No.20601746

imagine peeking into your neighbour's windows and see him violate his dog with his peepee

>> No.20601756

it starts with 汝 im pretty sure and u can just google the rest : )

>> No.20601773

come on dude if u cant handle the omerice in stans gate u really shouldnt b reading it

>> No.20601778

what does this has to do with japan or japanese language

>> No.20601788

everything and nothing at the same time

>> No.20601799

i made him lose his mind i think hes completely off his rocker

>> No.20602018

im starting off by reading tae kim's grammar thing on the itazuraneko website, am i supposed to remember all this and study it or can i just read all of it once? because i'm already getting confused.

>> No.20602026

stop posting

>> No.20602052

No. I will post, and nothing in the world can stop me now,

>> No.20602076

ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ


>> No.20602178

it should be used as a primer and optionally a reference but there are better ref books on itazuraneko

>> No.20602195

hell yeah year end bose

>> No.20602221

why does this thread feels so similiar to doctor who general

same kind of shitposting, same attitude

>> No.20602226

Life is suffering, but we can choose where we want do die

>> No.20602242

i dont know what that means

>> No.20602251

A strange combination of superiority complex for learning a hard language and crippling insecurity from being literal trash of society

>> No.20602256

a thread dedicated to discussion of british cult 56-years lasting tv show "Doctor Who".

>> No.20602261

you'll have to go back and reread it many times before stuff sinks in.

>> No.20602262

i heard that some people dont even read any grammar book and get straight into anki/rtk, i dont want to completely study grammar either but i want to at least give a whole read to the tae kim page on itazuraneko, and go back as reference maybe, then from there start practicing reading and learning kanji, i think this is the best way

>> No.20602269

only the mount stupid dunning krugers have a superiority complex

anyone whos made it to the peaks of mount stupid 2 just wants to raise the scrubs on the smaller mount stupid up

>> No.20602273

Based, it all makes sense now

>> No.20602285
File: 91 KB, 447x597, 1529949669438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check this handy info graphic

>> No.20602295

>more than 2 days spent studying the kana

Give up now.

>taking >6 weeks to complete core 2k/6k

Why are you bothering?

>reading shin chan as your first foray into studying via manga

You got this, keep up the good work.

>> No.20602317
File: 684 KB, 650x800, 1524747076363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20602333

Manga isn't reading buddy.

>> No.20602349
File: 233 KB, 640x360, read manga ftw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just cuz u cant read it doesnt mean u gotta drag everyone else down to ur level

>> No.20602358

why would anyone feel superior about not makin it
were mountain climbers here
we gotta help the youngins up to the bigger and better mt stupids beyond
maybe together supportin each other well be able to make it to the biggest mt stupid we can see

>> No.20602371


I don't care if manga doesn't want to read whatever/whoever buddy is.

>> No.20602382

It took me an afternoon to do Core6k, if you're not even willing to sacrifice a day to learn the basics of Japanese why are you bothering?

>> No.20602441

we gotta build a space ship or some shit to break free of tracing the eternal shape of the wakaba mark like were on 北の界王s planet in dragonballz

>> No.20602477

would you believe me if I said if I took a 3-year japanese college course because I thought "LOL japan is cool why not" and now I'm not even sure if I could pass N4?

>> No.20602489


Who would doubt this?

>> No.20602494

no i wouldnt everyone told me you can buy nihongo

>> No.20602497

sounds about right

>> No.20602517

If you said one year I might have, what kind of shithole country do you live in where you can go that slow and still pass your tests?

>> No.20602521

would you believe me if i said わたしはゲイ

>> No.20602529

negativity aside i want to reassure you that you can still make it if you can just fuckin read do you think you got that in you

>> No.20602539


Oohrasay, barkah

>> No.20602541

Russian federation

>> No.20602557

im not sure if i understand this post correctly, is the implication that you might be homosexual?

>> No.20602577

money cant buy u 日本語 but it can buy u ドラッグズ


>> No.20602591

can drugs buy you nihongo

>> No.20602640

gonna say no maybe they can buy u some kinda 幻想 that u know 日本語 but even thats pretty ビミョー

>> No.20602651

btw thats fuckin bars right there ez

>> No.20602681
File: 77 KB, 810x1080, genki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least money can buy you genki

>> No.20602693

But it can't buy me 元気

>> No.20602701

one step at a time

>> No.20602704

i pirated it and printed it out with my mommy's laser printer

im such a bad big boned joyboy! oh me!

>> No.20602716

so can someone fuck me? im pretty girl with cute short hair

>> No.20602731


>> No.20602738

this is a really good post god bless i appreciate it

>> No.20602740

sure, i guess i could waddle my way over to you and impregnate you

however i need confirmation that your hymen is intact before you will allow you to take my semen and urine fermented bigboy diaper off me

>> No.20602759

you guys haven't ACTUALLY used genki right?

>> No.20602777

asl. post pic

>> No.20602792

no me first im cuter with a nice bob and even bigger bobbs

>> No.20602813

but how is tthe ばがいな

>> No.20602820

its a benis lol

>> No.20602824


>> No.20602844

I did over a year ago. I did not really start getting into learning with immersion until like after 10 months after starting. and I am doing great.

>> No.20602862

the problem with the word immersion is you can never tell if the person is talkin about mindless shit or good cc

>> No.20602877
File: 90 KB, 589x800, 9c7a6087bb9abb5fe5f17a50679d0c26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess immersion is bad term, I mean through watching high tier anime raw like evangelion and reading high tier lns like haruhi.

>> No.20602885

immerse yourself in a bathtub and drop a plugged in and switched on iron into it

>> No.20602890

if its high tier to you youre gonna make it gambare

>> No.20602962 [DELETED] 

imagine sneaking into your mommy's bedroom at night, slowly pulling her blanket off and see that she has a big brown benis down there

>> No.20602973

>his moms penis isnt rosy pink
laugh *slurps* ing at you fags

>> No.20602978

Can I take a day off?

>> No.20602989

can understanding liar soft vns on anything more than a surface level wait another day?


>> No.20603029

if u read liar soft games ur going to prison and theyre throwing away the key

>> No.20603036
File: 64 KB, 815x472, 392407381247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off topic is one thing but this is not even japanese adjacent.

>> No.20603041

what if i started with inganock and stopped after sharnoth

>> No.20603045

read when you feel compelled not when its your scheduled nihongo learnin time

>> No.20603048

never gonna make it

>> No.20603061

I mean i love moms penis as much as the next guy, I just don't this is the right place to talk about it.

>> No.20603079

and not play celenaria ?? smfh

>> No.20603091 [DELETED] 

mother's oversized brown phallus dragging across the creaking floorboards while leaving a trail of urine behind it

>> No.20603095

aight were gettin hook uve had ur chance

>> No.20603096

why would i play celenaria tho

>> No.20603105

why wouldnt u

>> No.20603117

in the context of a genkan i been seein stuff like kare no kutu wa nai
is it forbidden to have nisoku kutu in your genkan

>> No.20603123

I disagree. If I were to only do what I felt like I would just eat , lay in bed, masturbate, and listen to music. But that is not actually what is best for me. When I start reading I love doing it I just never want to start.

>> No.20603132

which touhou do you masturbate the most to

>> No.20603141

i disagree i never feel like reading even in the middle of reading and it's the only way to learn japanese so i have to force myself to do it

>> No.20603148
File: 350 KB, 1024x768, cannedcna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do japanese people really eat that

>> No.20603157

I don't know what you mean but i like incest, rape, loli, and futanari.

>> No.20603170

you are a man of culture

>> No.20603179

fair concession
dont obsess over not missin a day though and if a time comes that you still arent feelin it after you start it aint gonna kill you to stop
might also mean its time to find somethin else to read

>> No.20603193

can u explain ur issue more clearly tho i think i know what ur talking about

>> No.20603201

i just like the last 1 of that list and all the others ur definitely going to burn in hell for eternity

>> No.20603233

specifically ive seen oh no ones home cause there aint any shoes multiple times
im askin if this is contrived or if its relatively common for there to be only one pair per person

>> No.20603241

Im muslim so all those things besides futanari are perfectly ok.

>> No.20603246

no u

>> No.20603267

oh one on the doma rest in the bako i got it

>> No.20603331

ur not my homeboy that links this vid lately right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6NLFkGdIww#t=86

if so shame on a ninja u can do w/e the fuck u want

>> No.20603334

btw its friday : )

>> No.20603356

i aint never seen a genkan in my life had to think about it forgive and forget my man
i aint feelin huraidee

>> No.20603367

i didnt see the timestamp that just backs my confusion look at that pile

>> No.20603381

hes a 1 man party

on friday

>> No.20603383
File: 2 KB, 124x107, 1538402975625s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is jamal located? like what country you in and from.

>> No.20603388

the fuck up out my business

>> No.20603398

i was askin is it common for proper kitinto nihonjin to only keep one pair ready
if your answer is look at these ninjas doin different the shame is on you

>> No.20603431

i mean if u were in a regular household and everyone had like 3 pairs of shoes laying there dont u think it would kind of be a mess

u already figured it out but common sense also works pretty good sometimes

>> No.20603447

i've seen a new word several times within the past several minutes while reading. 謝る. i forgot its reading several times and even forgot its meaning once. my guess is that after this part i won't see this word for a long time and i'll forget it. even though i had to type it and post it here i'll still forget it. but if i put it in anki i'd memorize both the reading and meaning within a week.

>> No.20603473

you right
keep us updated

>> No.20603481

don't have to. i already know i'm right and that "read more" shills are full of shit.

>> No.20603486

well no shit
how would keepin us updated affect you
im askin for my sake so i can learn more from the masters

>> No.20603493

any one know a good resource for audio books?

>> No.20603496

i mean there's no need to keep you updated because it's obvious that i'm right. i'm not a master but that makes what i'm saying even more true. you're not a beginner so you don't know what it's like.
