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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 357 KB, 751x870, 72297181_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20488884 No.20488884 [Reply] [Original]

Did you get everything you wanted this Christmas?

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h
Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe
Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk

>> No.20488887
File: 348 KB, 1600x1131, 9bb2376f22027027d04016832c4ac7ebd84dd755080bb8d83d92f52530d81f3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20488901 [DELETED] 

Previous thread died so I'll ask again.
What would you do if your waifu became terminally ill and the only way to save her was to make your daughteru's boyfriend fuck you in the ass while your daughteru sucks your wife's cock which she grew as a symptom of the disease?

>> No.20488911

I want to sleep today and wake up by my waifu's side tomorrow. It will be like a christmas miracle.

>> No.20488913
File: 151 KB, 800x529, 1545675017187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20488916

i'd fall for that tummy

>> No.20488926
File: 214 KB, 560x420, RJ241361_img_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20488938
File: 239 KB, 1294x901, gazer jurryhouse cens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the thread was closer to dying than I thought. Everybody is probably off having a very Merry Christmas.
Anyway, re: commissions

Have a good christmas and holiday seasonin general, mgt

>> No.20488942
File: 394 KB, 1174x1109, WyHdCp5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super sadist huggers

>> No.20488944

Gazer gotta sexy back.

>> No.20488948


>> No.20488956 [DELETED] 

I would lube up my asshole with pickle juice and let my daughteru's boyfriend go to town on my virgin anus. Then I would jerk off the boyfriend while he jerks me off at the same time as we watch while my daughteru sucks her mother's fat cock.

>> No.20488960
File: 158 KB, 850x1102, __yeti_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_caleana__-4c57c014fe13f6067b77b5577c787bfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this.

>> No.20488964

Very much so

>> No.20488976
File: 2.33 MB, 1563x2819, atlantis (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some cute gift art from my sister

>> No.20488981
File: 302 KB, 2048x1024, IMG_20181225_211448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist is very nice and good, he sent me a couple postcards (including one of my waifu) earlier this year. Please consider supporting him and buying his doujin!

>> No.20488985 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.20488990
File: 172 KB, 500x500, 1545760486703.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Gazerfag and >>20488926 have to do with >>20488976?

>> No.20488991

I like it Anon, it’s spunky. Tell her good job!

>> No.20488994

No man can escape The Cuddler!

>> No.20488998

>down 15lbs in a month
Gettin fit for my demon wife!

>> No.20489003

Thank you janny you're on fucking point today, have a wonderful Christmas

>> No.20489006
File: 249 KB, 850x1223, __anubis_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_hhhori_-1a14b7e1779a0016e3d0d1f9b8451320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489011

What is this abomination?

>> No.20489020
File: 293 KB, 1200x1500, 1536216010564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Ratas with big Tatas.

>> No.20489024
File: 99 KB, 900x742, dpu8gky4bg621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dear diary: I caught Santa!

>> No.20489025
File: 12 KB, 240x240, Deep_one_rising_2013_by_pahapasi-d725jha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An aquatic one.

>> No.20489026

The world needs more shortstacks.

>> No.20489029

Ganbatte anon.

>> No.20489032 [DELETED] 

Not the other dude, but you should genuinely fuck off.

>> No.20489035
File: 400 KB, 800x800, 21990739_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this.

>> No.20489039

You're going to feel like shit. It's normal to lose 1-2 lbs a week, any higher is going to fuck you up.

>> No.20489065
File: 908 KB, 2247x2627, wIsMFGi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489079
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>> No.20489086

There's so many Lims in just one picture

>> No.20489087
File: 674 KB, 552x816, 1545756483009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489094


>> No.20489097
File: 524 KB, 1200x1670, 1540529184578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. I need a harem of future little broodmothers.

>> No.20489111
File: 1.07 MB, 1748x2495, p042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready!

>> No.20489117
File: 729 KB, 1600x2263, sexy_monuca_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489152
File: 798 KB, 2886x4096, DvKBZZtVAAIIl3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your party's bard.

>> No.20489167

>That's very nice. What is it?

>> No.20489178

I'll let it reach voicemail.

>> No.20489186

What level is she?

>> No.20489189


>> No.20489191

Oh gosh she looks pretty high level.

>> No.20489207
File: 612 KB, 866x1200, 72190621_p21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thousands of people are injured in button-related accidents every year.

>> No.20489246

MGE Shadowrun when?

>> No.20489258
File: 2.83 MB, 2508x3541, 1dc216b141495fbf810ac981c55b615d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489259
File: 1.80 MB, 1500x1600, 67466173_p8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489277

We need a sneaky bard though.

>> No.20489281

That’s true so all of you with busty waifus, make sure to always get them clothing that comfortably fits them. Also if this does happen make you comfort and hug them tight, for your love for her will always last.

>> No.20489282
File: 166 KB, 763x786, DPCoRkuUEAAnUGw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no oni big sis

>> No.20489292

Or just don't get clothes with buttons.

>> No.20489298

Merry Christmas! Your present is another chapter.


I really should have done a Christmas short or something. I didn't think to write one until last night. Maybe next year.

>> No.20489301
File: 274 KB, 1200x1000, Dt8kMFEWkAEDnZe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489308

Stop spamming this image every thread fucko.

>> No.20489339

Reminder Orcs are pedestrian and nobody likes them

>> No.20489361

Just go with the tried and true Sweater Puppies.

>> No.20489373

>Oh god, he's so cute. Stay calm, Bertha. Deep breaths. Huff, huff. This rugged, musky scent. Is it the scent of a man? Ngh, my whole body is burning up. Take me now, you little hunk!

>> No.20489374

But what if it's all hot out?

>> No.20489382
File: 1.20 MB, 2048x2048, 1532123172645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweaters, you say?

>> No.20489394
File: 265 KB, 1200x1600, DvQrddvUYAAwZoN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489423

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please get ready to pull yourself away from the wife tomorrow when you go back to work.
It may be tough but you gotta do it.

>> No.20489428
File: 94 KB, 1280x1708, C07a_04_0_1_0_00_C07a_00_0_0_0_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a big elf.

>> No.20489456
File: 270 KB, 800x1000, tumblr_ogxp0yNB9K1vdwcbco1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I work for my waifu?

>> No.20489460

Perfect momster material. Would love to get doted on by her.

>> No.20489475

You still gotta go.
Can't have nepotism!

>> No.20489489
File: 226 KB, 900x800, tumblr_ogiw9rT2Tp1uq10vyo1_raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489496
File: 1.10 MB, 1700x1192, 72040989_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489524
File: 64 KB, 531x960, 1542950991355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Human blood is the richest in both taste and fulfillment according to most vampires. Hemomancy and proper "grazing" allows for enhanced flavor. The staple food of the night's nobility.

>Animal blood tastes thin and would require draining several for a proper meal. It's theorized that a lack of spiritual power within these animals is makes them so unsatisfying and many discerning gourmands have made anonymous quarries into magical animals from their sources.

>Blood from Beastwomen is quite filling but regarded as peasant food only drank when one is out of better alternatives. Often means a vial of beast blood or an enthralled kikimora are on hand for vampires who travel alone. Hard to find untainted sources of it the closer to the demonic lands one travels.

>Longevity is not really a concern for vampires making mermaid blood something that is sought for lovers who haven't taken blood oaths of marriage yet. The market for it is usually saturated with merrow blood, forcing most to find an authentic source personally.

>Dragon blood and those of their kin is like spiced wine and is said to "stain" the blood magic of the imbiber, allowing them to mimic pyromancy. Getting it is another matter as dragons are quick to anger and easy to offend.

>Drinking from demons is not normally even a consideration for a vampire in her right mind. Accounts from the journals of corrupted vampires tell of a sweet taste to their blood that is likened to the licorice root found in the Opal Kingdoms with some smokiness.

>It is completely unheard of for the blood of an angel of any kind to be tasted by any undead, the very nature of divine servants making it difficult for most undead to even approach. Attempts at capturing one to sample has proved exceedingly difficult and some vampires have made getting a stock of angel blood one of their unlife's goal.

>> No.20489552 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 526x600, 1545798865163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489561
File: 782 KB, 720x960, 1514077319821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Cuddler claims another victim, won't someone stop her reign of terror?

>> No.20489562
File: 145 KB, 900x820, DsgdXn8V4AAzDPl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489572

>Kiki trying to keep it together for Mastah and Shoggy despite wanting to cry
>Shoggy openly smothering him with slime tentacles, letting him go but trying to prolong contact as long as possible
It'll be important for Mastah to spoil his maids again as soon as he gets home

>> No.20489575
File: 1.09 MB, 1352x1213, 1523171373156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Christmas night where I'm at.

I hope everyone has had a comfy Christmas, and I hope you're all bundled up with some nog, or in my case some peppermint schnapps hot coco.

Gonna cuddle up with my daki soon and sleep.

>> No.20489582

Super happy with how Nano drew the mice. He always makes them look super adorable!

>> No.20489612

>no KDF

>> No.20489629

I don't see gazer or nightgaunt either

>> No.20489637

Maybe Nano just really hates latex

>> No.20489675

Take a closer look at the tree and its ornaments.

>> No.20489686
File: 603 KB, 970x1450, 1539078871125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute spooder daughteru. Her Nacha mom would say so too, if she wasn't busy calling me disgusting, fatty-loving trash.

>> No.20489691

No Anubi.

>> No.20489710
File: 2.42 MB, 1116x1636, FrhYK7qI_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more art of sandworms in their compact form.

>> No.20489720
File: 763 KB, 1280x1182, 1449054754974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489730

that's a big bone

>> No.20489739

Good? Evil? Not of it matters
there is only monstergirls, and choosing which one to stick your dick in.

>> No.20489759 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 600x600, 1545801453202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489765

this is where i'd ask her to kneel down with me and give a handjob

>> No.20489785

Doughragons are for marrying.

>> No.20489791
File: 605 KB, 1280x1867, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489793
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1347, e04c4a0ca6be9aa9a6d069961eb5fc2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the kind of zombie i want but i wouldn't decline one of these VERY repressed dragons

>> No.20489798


>> No.20489802
File: 107 KB, 689x828, You_will_never_touch_fluffy_tail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489811

That's convenient since they don't tend to ask for your opinion first.

>> No.20489813
File: 251 KB, 670x823, 65963036_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489831

What if a vampire drinks from another vampire?

>> No.20489835

Do you think, when she hugs her tail, she imagines hugging a man?

>> No.20489858
File: 496 KB, 707x1000, ff40b9e02b963d2471432092596c1a944540a0a3b3ffab9f904c1f6107c42a54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489862

would she show mercy if i welcomed her tackle with open arms?

>> No.20489875
File: 341 KB, 800x774, 1533087813393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20489879

It's the correct decision. Otherwise you end up with a tantruming dragon zombifying half the countryside with miasma searching for you.

>> No.20489889

I love nee-sans with big titties and black sclera

>> No.20489899
File: 761 KB, 1072x1592, 58818195_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summertime with a snek!

>> No.20489905
File: 144 KB, 1135x1185, aFrgUWy0_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.20489907
File: 300 KB, 793x408, 1543883919806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just asking if they practice fluffing a man in their spare time.

>> No.20489909

I wonder if Lizardmen society has big meaty Croc girls and some loli Skinks. Would be interesting to exploring their jungles.

>> No.20489918

>Vampire drinks from another vampire
>While that vampire drinks from her
>Forms a feedback loop and a blood elemental ouroboros spirit is born

>> No.20489919
File: 209 KB, 1419x829, bexGKGdg_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489924
File: 743 KB, 1200x1400, KWLBjAQk_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one way to find out.

>> No.20489925

So is touch fluffy tail still alive? Is /monster/ still contained? Are wikifags still contained? I haven't been lurking for a while. Kind of hoping at the least all the content has been consolidated to one place in terms of writefaggin.

>> No.20489928

Big meaty tails are a sign you should impregnate them!

>> No.20489934
File: 103 KB, 600x600, __original_drawn_by_pukao__d0a8240c4b78a3b40d33cefac79ec80f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the hell are these for?

>> No.20489944
File: 388 KB, 941x1300, 72280643_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck a plant.

>> No.20489965

>A big Ara Ara Mistletoe milf will never push you down and stand over you, giving you a prime view of her big fat ass
>She'll never shake her motherly hips from tide to side, ara araing and telling you that it's really bad luck to not kiss while being under mistletoe
>She'll never sit on your face and tell you to kiss her pussy for good romantic luck

>> No.20489973
File: 343 KB, 749x1000, 21781947_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20489999
File: 71 KB, 610x479, Yadachan_000766078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bully this bird with my lightning rod.

>> No.20490049

>reminder that mistletoe is a parasitic species

>> No.20490060

christmas with a houri

>> No.20490063
File: 640 KB, 1177x1200, harpy00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rank your birbs from best to worst, and perhaps include your reasoning why.

>> No.20490064

Christmas is 364 days away anon, jesus christ.

>> No.20490074

Gandharva (servant of Eros) > JubJub (always horny but the yolk thing is disturbing) > Siren (the song thing) > Black Harpy (family and friends are very close) > regular harpy (cheerful) > the rest (can't remember and none really stand out)

>> No.20490081

It's still Christmas over here.

scratch that, black harpy is second

>> No.20490104

From best to worst
>Black Harpy
Good girls, "highest intelligence of all harpies" cute, sexy and ferocious, great for fucking real hard, and the sweeter stuff for when she's in her breeding season. Ultra protective and fierce. Unrelated to MGE, they fit in with lots of norse symbolism, as ravens and crows are best birds all birds.
>Owl mage
Mage. Owls are great. Fluffy. Really fluffy.
>Thunder bird
Vanilla is one of the best flavors.
>Jub Jub
Fails to stand out, but you'll always be able to pin her down and fuck her no matter when, no matter where, no matter what. That's a benefit I guess.
Should have been a fish-bird
>Crow Tengu
Discount Black Harpy, inferior in every way. Redundant. Should never have existed beyond being weebnerd Black Harpies

>> No.20490115
File: 342 KB, 1197x921, 1 - 4T8tWdC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully the nerd birds, they're good girls!

>> No.20490121


>> No.20490134

Sex-crazed, just the way I like it
>Black Harpy
Smart and aggressive in the bed until mating season

The rest don't matter.

>> No.20490144
File: 183 KB, 551x891, 2 - pK5CdFP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg your pardon?

>> No.20490146

Owl, kiki, jubjub I'd be fine with, though the momonika thunderbird is also quite persuasive.

>> No.20490153

It's the sound of a distressed nerd when approached by a nice lady, as I learned from The Simpsons.

>> No.20490155
File: 894 KB, 1130x1745, 1539528397327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely Anubis

>> No.20490159


>> No.20490162
File: 86 KB, 353x354, 143857543654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have the time to list them all, but just going to say that Owl Mage is the best bird so far.

Anyone who says otherwise is just upset that Owl Mages always defeat them in Deep Forest zones.

>> No.20490191

>Deep Forest zones
Don't go in the Deep Forest, guys. It's safer in Maus Hills.

>> No.20490197
File: 204 KB, 950x877, 1539515071040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20490224

That's a man baby

>> No.20490268
File: 1007 KB, 1240x1748, 61717725_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

entire thread is manbabies

>> No.20490275

I want to punish that Anubis

>> No.20490284
File: 251 KB, 1200x1200, mice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the Maus Hills!

>> No.20490315

>ywn have a mouse harem so big you couldn’t fuck them all in a day if you tried
Marrying mice means you need time management skills! Otherwise you’ll get angry little wives who’ll jump and rape you no matter the time or place.

>> No.20490587

Got to watch out for one of the bosses in Maus Hills, she's a big mean Rat Girl with a gold border around her avatar, standing at a towering 5 feet!

>> No.20490591

Mouse wife looks really scary, what did you guys do?

>> No.20490607

Mice are nerds!

>> No.20490649

Maus Hills hospitals are scary. No matter what you come in for they'll always put you to sleep first and then you wake up in a dimly lit room tied to a bed with dozens of creepy mice nurses hungrily looking at you as if you were a snack.

>> No.20490664

>Here a loong 'Jiiiiiiiiiii' sound and assume it's hospital equipment.
>It's not.
>It's a bunch of Mouse Nurses lined up watching you with glowing red eyes. Waiting to see if the Hero needs more nursing.

>> No.20490719

If bapho makes me tired can it be a temporally bad girl ever after for one, as if, I am?

>> No.20490730

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.20490732
File: 104 KB, 790x1000, 1537189736976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20490750

This man overdosed on bapho pussy. He needs a gentle familiar to heal him.

>> No.20490758

The only cure to bapho pussy overdose is extended cuddling with said bapho

>> No.20490767

And this anons, is why you don't drink any experimental potions made by a bapho.

>> No.20490790

What if this is just an ESL guy trying to say how much he loves baphos? Surely a member of the Sabbath will take notice and pay him a very special home visit

>> No.20490821

>Anon’s medicine gets swapped to lilim grade aphrodisiacs ‘accidentally’
>All thirty three of his designated nurses are overly-eager to take care of his month-long erection, the lot of them working around the clock to keep him soft.
>Well, as ‘soft’ as a steel beam gets
>And all the others continually argue over who gets to play big-sister as they continue drawing out his treatments after getting hospitalized by a random Bubble Slime Mage spawn

>> No.20490876

loli with fang is my weakness

>> No.20490885

>Crow Tengu,
Cute, Smart, Powerful, Like a quiet life, but still fun to tease.
Owl Mage,
>Very fluffy, very smart.
Big brown birds that like music.
Nothing wrong with vanilla.
Not all that found of the Punk theme.
Eh, Have a boring gimmick.
Too slutty.
>Black Harpy.
Inferior Crow Tengu

>> No.20490927


Poor cockatrice is not even memorable enough to be declared shit. What a sad, sad bird.

>> No.20490932

I want to help a birb lay an egg, then eat it for breakfast

>> No.20490954

I wonder if theres a stoirt from an ostiders perspective about a nurarihiyon moving into a house and claiming a man

>> No.20490971

Go home, Wile E. Coyote.

>> No.20490984

>Anon gets teleported to MGE land
>They don't speak English or any other language from earth
>He tries to tell some sabbath girls how much he loves them
>At first they care confused but soon get what he's trying too tell them
>Anon gets his bapho waifu despite barely even being able to talk to her
>But then again, love is beyond language
Kind of cute. Also:
>Bapho teaching anon their language using kids books.

>> No.20491014

This got me thinking of Sonic, which got me thinking of hedgehogs - how about tsundere hedgehog girls!

>> No.20491025

>Wants his bapho wife to wear cute print panties
>Can't understand how to articulate it
This poor man

>> No.20491026
File: 3.99 MB, 340x340, Piano-Hedgehog1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20491029
File: 106 KB, 749x1200, DvVrY5mUcAIfTjZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New girls is out.

>> No.20491034

Stop and die.

>> No.20491043

big tiddie elf goth gf

>> No.20491045
File: 620 KB, 934x629, banshee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the profile.

>> No.20491046

I bet she's a real screamer.

>> No.20491055

So he got around to banshee. That's another one to cross off the list.

>> No.20491063

>Goth gf girl
What a lovely Christmas present.

>> No.20491065

>Goth MG
Oh fuck yes. What a great way to end the year.

>> No.20491074


>> No.20491091

It's a christmas miracle!

Gonna offer them some lizardman gold as a proposal

>> No.20491094

Another cutie for the Undead Kingdom.

>> No.20491099
File: 414 KB, 1131x1600, cat pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20491103

>This demon daughter is said to "cry" by appearing in the person who is nearing death "Banshee" death. It seems that we could only cry sorrow for human death in old days but now it is a part of the goddess of life and death and it seems that it became existence which leads the dead man to undead and erotic thing!
Here is her text only profile for easy machine translation: http://kurobine.sakura.ne.jp/mamonogirllover/zukan/banshee/text.html

>> No.20491107

Very cold undead pussy!

>> No.20491110

Woah that's a big cat!

>> No.20491127

Christmas carols with Banshee!

>> No.20491130

Big, fat, chested cat.

>> No.20491148

She's more of a cry baby than a screamer, her profile talks about how she cries during sex and when her husband says he loves her for example.
This might be the first time I want to make a monster girl cry.

Celebrating the new year at a fancy undead party!

>> No.20491158

>cries instead of screams
At least her design is nice.

>> No.20491173

Those boobs are perfect for tugging on

>> No.20491174

>Banshee cries while singing Christmas carols
>Wendi caroler hugs her leg and won't stop until she's happy again

>> No.20491178

We're going to have another girl threadcanoned/perhaps officially an emotional wreck
I fucking hate this place sometimes.

>> No.20491187

Everyone is missing the true answer.
Thunderbird just found a singer for her band

>> No.20491190

Don't sound hot at all, actually its sucks desu hearing your wife cry when going balls deep.
Id rather her to moan loud af somewhat a scream insteed of crying, a deep moan coming from insides of her soul.

>> No.20491198

I want to make "waaahh..." This crybaby

>> No.20491201

I'd love to see how much these ladies vary among their species.

>> No.20491203

>tfw this headpat shit is clogging the MGE tag on Twitter

>> No.20491213

Maybe a misinterpretation of "wail". It can mean cry or shrill scream.

>> No.20491221

>all their tears invite their husband 's inferiority and embrace their flesh.
This inferiority thing is repeated a few times, seems like their crying has a magical property that makes you want to fuck them.

>Loli banshee who frequently asks to sit on your lap only to cry when you comply
>Any attempt to make her stop crying only further her tears of joy

>> No.20491225

Fuck off Ace jesus fuck. Take your shitty meme and shove it.

>> No.20491226

Me too, we should never ever have any fun with anything or detract from the Official Truth.

>> No.20491244

>Loner anon that everyone thinks is a bully accidentally makes his Banshee classmate cry
>His attempts to cheer her up just make it worse
>Only way to make her stop is to fuck her brains out
All according to keikaku.

>> No.20491253

>In the Old DL Era the former "Banshee" could only foresee death and be attracted to those who died.
>They could not do anything to prevent the death of a loved one, only be sad and mourn.
Those ancient Banshees need a whole lot of healing.

>> No.20491256
File: 1.24 MB, 1477x1600, Moth-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've found her... the new lead singer of my band!

>> No.20491261

Oh no she's sad.

>> No.20491274

What strategic advantage were they supposed to provide, or were they created for shits and giggles.

>> No.20491277

They're undead, they're not supposed to exist.

>> No.20491290

Oh fuck off, stop twisting my words.

>> No.20491299

This. He's taken a cute concept, ran it into the ground and gained an ego the size of jupiter over it and his shitty cyoa series.

>> No.20491305


i just wanted to post a drawing i did, i dont know what yall are talking about ._.

>> No.20491311

Now moth-Chan shall ascend again!

>> No.20491312

I'm surprised that you've been in the dark over Ace's headpat shittery.

>> No.20491313

Its because Ace is Psychofox 2.0 and thinks he's an integral part of the fandom by "fixing" it.

>> No.20491333

People are just bitter that Ace took a cute concept (your waifu head patting you) and ran it into the ground.
There are also more than a few reasons why people are so quick to jump on Ace, but to avoid drama, lets not go into that.

It's a cute and good pic, so don't feel ashamed over posting it.

>> No.20491335

Holy shit yes, been waiting for him to do Banshee since he mentioned them in the Q&A.

>> No.20491336

>Disposition: Sassy, ​​dedicated
I bet she'll be smug once you creampie her so much that it oozes out of her. Using tears to get dick, undeads are desperate.

But if she sees that a man who's about to die cheering her on during the concert she'll cry and ruin the performance, or maybe enhance it I guess it depends on the lyrics.

>> No.20491343

He also ran the Raiju headpat thing into the ground because the concept of sexual monstergirls triggers him.
Plus he's a massive faggot to KDF, and can dish out the bantz but sure as shit can't take it when the tables are turned.

>> No.20491344

Ugh, getting real tired of this. You did good melon but the meme is as stale as can be.
Ace is on the thread's shitlist along with Bollocks and Bob.

>> No.20491347

For good reason, he's the biggest piece of shit in the active community.

>> No.20491350

How long is the shit list

>> No.20491352

>Yet another fucking heatpat image on twitter I need to scroll past to get to the good stuff
Fuck you and fuck ace.

>> No.20491361

Ace reaps what he sows tbqh.

>> No.20491369

If he just had the slightest amount of humility or self awareness I think he'd be a cool guy.

>> No.20491376

I liked this until I noticed it was another headpat.
The guy who comms all these needs help.

>> No.20491383

KDF depending on who you are
Few other i forget

>> No.20491385

Chowder, but he's become less of a faggot recently.

>> No.20491388

What is it about this community that attracts all the autists with emotional and ego problems?

>> No.20491390


>> No.20491394

>another undead cute with nice hips and no panties
It's been a while since the last new girl, but it was worth the wait.

>loli banshee

>teary-eyed deepthroating
>orgasm face with streaks of tears running down her cheeks when you come in her ass

Shameful arousal but also shameful arousal.

>> No.20491402
File: 11 KB, 350x236, Greetings fellow duderino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw not on the list

>> No.20491410

>Gregori isn't on the list
Shit list.

>> No.20491413

He used to spam his shit lilim and astroturfed his low tier writing all the time. Then he left the thread in a fit of rage when anons noticed and made fun of him. He's less of a faggot now because he stopped spamming shit oc, dropped the ego and put effort into improving himself.

>> No.20491417

That list gets so much longer if including people from 2013 and 2014 who aren't in the spotlight any longer. There's also Shigy but he's small time compared to the rest and his thing is so over the top that it's comical.
You redeemed yourself, it's one of the nicest surprises in recent memory.

>> No.20491422

>Ask her why isn’t she wearing panties
>she starts to cry

>> No.20491425

>You suddenly go balls deep into into a loli banshee's ass
>She lets out a scream that pierces your soul and make you cum instantly
>It's the best orgasm you've ever had by far

>> No.20491430

The art is great, but the meme is stale and annoying. Its not your fault, its the twat comming all these things.

>> No.20491434

Pretty lewd
And loli banshee is for snug

>> No.20491439

>those spoilers
I love shit like this so much. Think she would be all teary when being spanked during doggy style or choked in missionary?

>> No.20491444

And Jiangshi continues to be the only undead i care about

>> No.20491449

She looks really sexy, but the translation so far is shit. A girl who cries all the time during sex isn't hot, its just weird and unpleasant.

>> No.20491454

Speak for yourself, it's high grade boner fuel for me.

>> No.20491456

>nicest surprises in recent memory
I'll try not to ruin it.

>> No.20491462

Owl Mage. I like mages a lot and hypnosis sonds kinky.
>The rest:
All the others. Harpies aren't worst girls by far, b ut they do nothing for me.

>> No.20491465

Eh, I think her design is pretty shit honestly

>> No.20491489

Look at how sheer her outfit is. Geez I can see everything.

>> No.20491499

Another member for the Hourglass Association.

>> No.20491510

>If my husband saddles, they will shed tears as if I were myself, I will accept my husband 's depressed mood in the form of carnality and comfort her husband.
That's the one sentence that mentions them crying during sex and as you can see it's convoluted. Give her a chance.

>Clothing that emphasizes her hourglass shape
>Slim womanly form that evokes the highest form of beauty
>Extremely lewd cameltoe and puffy breasts
>Long messy hair that goes down lower than her knees
She's almost as perfect as Wights are.

>> No.20491535 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1131x1600, DvVv5YSU8AAa-ui.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this image so much

>> No.20491551

Fuck off.

>> No.20491553


>> No.20491559

Symphonic death metal monstergirl band. New girl Banshee as a lead singer, Thunderbird on guitar or keyboard. What other members the band has? Gandharva for other guitarist/bassist? Would Siren be jealous of Banshees high notes?

>> No.20491565

He knows, he's doing it to be a faggot.

>> No.20491575

Best to worst
>Tie between Jubjub and Black Harpy
I love both so much, Jubjub being crazy about getting dicked even for a monster girl combined with her slightly short stack-ish body type make for an unforgettable girl.
Black Harpy is one that's grown on me over time more than I thought possible, part in thanks to the updated art. Their straight forward ferocity is welcome since there's not really another aggressive harpy and the way they act in mating season is a nice contrast
Incredibly underrated, having a girl sing a special song for (you) and only (you) is very romantic and while they don't always have to be idols there's something great about fucking a popular girl.
Was originally my favourite harpy but over time my tastes changed. I still really like them though and they're almost a tie with Sirens, their great looking bodies, slutty facial expression in the profile and tendency to paralyse themselves accidentally make me want to fuck one silly.
She should be higher on my list, I love brown girls so much but her gimmick crosses over with Siren a little with them both being musical birds so I think Siren took her share of affection.
>Owl Mage
I love how fluffy she is and her eye gimmick can make some pretty fun situations but she's still a bit new and probably needs time to grow on me if she does.
Chasing one down could be great fun but I'm a picky person and her old art is a bit on the dated side. If she was given an art update and an extra line or two in the profile she wouldn't be this low.
>Crow Tengu
I forget they exist unless I'm looking at a race list, I'm a terrible person.

>> No.20491576


woops my bad, failed to do a cursory check to see if it was posted

>> No.20491595

KDF and Ace are fucking small time compared to a guy who wrote futanari in a vanilla community and a dude who literally wished NTR on somebody

>> No.20491596

Content so spammy you have to post it twice. Fuck off Ace, no one likes your shit memes and your CYOAs are painfully mediocre despite how hard you shill them.

>> No.20491607

Ace actively laughs at discord posters when their countries have something shit happen, but gets assblasted when people make fun of events in texas. He's a pathetic little man.

>> No.20491617

Fuck birds.

>> No.20491628

He's the sort of guy that makes people think that Texans are dumb and self centred, unfortunate too because most our texan posters are pretty cool.

>> No.20491638

>High notes
>Banshee's dressed in a way that would make Gomez Addams fall head over heels for her

TFW you sing this to woo her.

>> No.20491645

>death metal with female vocals
sorry but that's one thing monstergirls can't improve

>> No.20491652


>> No.20491654

Apparently he's a doctor. I'm not sure how because he's clearly a fucking moron.

>> No.20491668

thanks I hate it

>> No.20491674


>> No.20491683

But black harpy barely has any good art.

>> No.20491690

and why should she?

>> No.20491697

Those are some really inconvenient looking stockings there. If she steps wrong they're liable to get pulled clean off!

>> No.20491703

>All these poseurs complaining about THE goth girl crying black tears so much
You don’t deserve her, you’re not true goth gf fans.
True goth gfs are kinky emotional gals who you passionately kiss while you impregnate to the sound of despair and emotional distress while her tears mingle with yours
Go get some cosplayer, banshee and I will court each other and pool the darkness of our souls together!

>> No.20491704

No reason, I just thought that such a popular harpy would get better art.

>> No.20491707

Goths are shit

>> No.20491708

Banshee-chan isn't wearing any underwear!

>> No.20491710

Veterinarian. But semantics.

>> No.20491712

I wanna suck her piercings on her nipples and lovingly irrumate her as her dark tears stain my dick!

>> No.20491734

>be shota orphan
>think this lady is a nun
>approach her from behind and hug her leg asking for help
>she startledly asks what’s wrong
>tell her you’re an orphan and hungry
>tries not to cry
>cries a lot

>> No.20491740 [DELETED] 

>Be an adventurer, of common stock and low birth
>You were raised on a farm in the countryside, your father telling you to never stray towards the Sídhe's hills and tombs dotting the landscape
>'Nothing good ever came from the Fey, my boy.' You can remember him saying to you.
>But the night is dark, and full of terrors, the embers of your campfire struggling against

>> No.20491742

>Undead bestowed by the goddess of death herself with a voice that can literally raise the dead
She'd blow out of the water any wannabe metal singer, though she does seem more like the type to learn the violin or the organ.

>You leave to run an errand while your goth banshee wife reads a book
>You come back to her crying her eyes out because the story took a tragic turn
The profile seems to indicate that dicking her is the solution, but are there other way to stop her emotional distress?

>> No.20491744

Banshee’s hiding a fantastic set of hips on that small waist. And those tits are PERKY.
Exactly this. It’s growing strong!

>> No.20491752

I mean, why even consider another option is my answer. Dick her pussy! Dick her tits! Dick her mouth till she’s happily sucking on it like a pacifier!

>> No.20491756

Hey, I don’t care because she’s undead. The only undead I have ever given a shit about has been Liches, and even then it’s not quite clear why.
And Pharaohs, I guess, since they’re pretty much undead in label only.

>> No.20491761

I think that’s the real reason she’s crying
They’re tears of embarrassment

>> No.20491763

You wake up with your monstergirl waifu by your side!
and the first thing she insists on doing is pegging you with her fingers
What do you do jpsies?

>> No.20491768

That would be kinda weird, but it could be much, much worse
I'd still try to talk her out of it

>> No.20491772

Crybabies can't be good momsters!

>> No.20491773

Nah you don't understand, Anon. The very idea of her soon-to-be husband being a virgin/bachelor forever causes her to cry those tears. How sorrowful for a man to pass into the arms of Lady Hel without ever tasting the flower of a woman.

>> No.20491781

Banshees only appear before people that are about to die, this makes that scenario that much more despair inducing
That poor banshee will have to endure extreme sadness until she can finally resurrect that orphan and become his adopted mom (wife)

Don't praise how good her body feels during sex or she'll start crying tears of happiness and the dicking will only last longer.

>> No.20491783

She’ll be strong for her new sonnu!
She’s gonna just shove his face between her legs when she starts crying so he can’t see!

>> No.20491801
File: 481 KB, 538x761, wFDQGjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20491807

>wake up as an undead incubus shota to a CC Banshee momster doting on you in a room that’s straight up waterlogged from how much she’s been crying
>get breastsmothered for literal days
I can (un)live with that.

>> No.20491814

All of you are babies!
Who sent all of these babies?

>> No.20491816

>On the shitlist with...
I've been trying to not even post here as often because as a creature of habit I can't continue to do decent stuff without my ego getting in the way and causing trouble.

So as recompense, have a cute Johj coloured by Regura themself.

>> No.20491821
File: 201 KB, 850x1200, gyaru johj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would help to attach the image next time.

>> No.20491847

She'll definitely cry if you try to skip on the daily breastfeeding and cuddles, she needs to shower you with affection or else your resurrection spell might fail.

>> No.20491858

She’d never let a single moment go by without smooshing against some part of your body, and your dick would be frequently pampered and tended to. Not to mention her healthy growing bust from its excessive use.

>> No.20491865

>That’s my co-worker Anon
>He’s 30 something and lives alone in some villa over on the north end of town.
>He always says he’s happy and just wants to live a quiet life, but he always seems upset, like this isn’t how he thought his life would turn out.
>I hope he feels better soon, he’s starting to get on my nerves.
>I don’t know what happened, but Anon is like a new man.
>He went from a quiet nerd to some kind of suave lover over the weekend.
>He says he had a wonderful time with his wife for his anniversary
>I’m glad he’s so happy, but I still wish he would get his reports to me on time.

>> No.20491979

The concept of a banshee as a permanent state doesn't sit well with me. She should be a lesser succubus, a transitional girl, turning into something more when you heal her of her trauma.

Perpetual crying would unsettle me too greatly, tears are a sign of distress and I have to question how socially healthy it is to see women crying so often it desensitises you. It's a vital social mechanism after all. When a bitch bursts into treats, it signifies an issue that needs to be solves for the harmony and safety of your family unit.

Not "It's nice weather to hang the washing" and so she starts banshee crying.

I really hope this translation is all kinds of messed up, and it isn't like it's protrayed. Or her picture is the only thing worth while. Reminds me of those Scholomance cultists from wow.

>> No.20491993
File: 142 KB, 1200x1200, 1544564584733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a busty vampire throw anon inside a coffin and lay on top to punish him after tightly closing it?

>> No.20492006

Depends on how busty

>> No.20492017

you are getting smothered either way and getting used as a heat source

>> No.20492044

Never. No busty vampire would ever think to do such a thing. That's ridiculous anon. Where would she even get such an idea, to lock herself into a tight coffin with anon, smother him with her breasts while she straddles him, feeling his hardening bulge rub against her pussy as her hips move on their own. They definitely don't have a course, Best Ways To Punish Your Husband (Gone Sexual)

>> No.20492050

Sounds nice.

>> No.20492055

What a dumb vampire,beds are comfier

>> No.20492058

I like big ______

>> No.20492062


>> No.20492065

Snuggle lumps and paw pads

>> No.20492066

Just a reminder that dragons are proud, invincible, mighty, graceful and you should give them tribute and nice compliments about how incredible they are.

>> No.20492068

Smaug please go.

>> No.20492070
File: 191 KB, 800x800, ebd6898242e6a3e4f3c875e36e6e6b53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf ears!

>> No.20492074

Even zombie dragons,wurms and jabberwocks?

>> No.20492082

Especially those. Why wouldn't any of them be equally proud and mighty?

>> No.20492085

Dragons are too much during Christmas and won't be able to take anything by force for a week so they need to post anonymously on the internet to get tribute.
Don't fall for it. Go to their lairs and draw on their faces with marker!

>> No.20492095
File: 219 KB, 572x472, 3NvoZXF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20492104

>You'll never get paid to be a busty vampire's thermal body-pillow
Good. I don't want it. Six to eight hour inside a soft, warm, cramped coffin, squished up against a mature hourglass vampire with your crotch forced up against hers, your legs a tangled mess, your face buried in her cool bosom while she hugs your head. Imagine how awkward it would be, just to have your arms free you'd have to wrap them around her and grope her ass or something.

I bet she even moves in her sleep, or sleep talks, squirming her motherly hips against you, "Oooh no mister strong vampire hunter D, don't thrust your thick, throbbing stake into my tight wet vampire pussy! it's my only weakness!"

No thanks.

>> No.20492106
File: 22 KB, 199x192, CLIPStudioPaint_2018-12-26_16-51-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20492110

>Mourns humanity's suffering.
>Can revive the dead with her cries.
>Once married, cries tears of happiness from small gestures of affection.

I don't know about you guys, but I like 'em. They're good girls.

>> No.20492111
File: 171 KB, 763x713, __druella_and_lilim_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_less__d101e936e781c4926e133f674e02e76f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grigori doesn't even post here.

>> No.20492117

All dragons are tippity top tier girls that all humans boy want to be with and all monsters want to be!

>> No.20492121

Plus being bloodsucked and bited constantly must be lame and the pay is low!

>> No.20492123

We need a dragon echidna,a tiamat perhaps,big motherly with wide hips and huge horns to handle

>> No.20492126

Cute but she may be too big to really close the coffin

>> No.20492134


>> No.20492140
File: 214 KB, 618x687, CLIPStudioPaint_2018-12-26_15-56-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget the most important part, undead are soft !

>> No.20492142
File: 218 KB, 1200x969, Dpb4zlyXgAEdkxv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20492145

Gonna make that Banshee scream with rough fuckings.

>> No.20492153

The best part

>> No.20492155

I was going to make a joke about banshees seeing anon and crying in sympathy at how he has no friends and is always alone, even if he himself has grown okay with it, but then I realised, if they're so sensitive and empathetic, they probably make really good girlfriends and are probably able to break through to your heart really easy.

They won't even need to rape you, though to my understanding, seeing them cry makes you want to fuck them

>> No.20492163
File: 421 KB, 1008x1200, doodles_685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20492170

Please stop. My dick can only get so erect.

>> No.20492172

Jesus that was fast.

>> No.20492178

I pity the dead who can no longer enjoy such things.

>> No.20492179

Here's the last paragraph from the translation posted on KC patron. Hope it help clear some things up.
> In addition, they are extremely easily moved to tears. They shed tears with a little thing besides demise of human. All of their tears induce husband's lusts and excite carnal desire. When their husband feel sad, they shed tears as if it happens to themselves, and they console their husband by accepting his melancholy as lusts. They naturally shed tears when loved one revives as undead, they also easily shed tears with happiness such as being whispered love by their husband. Such tears with joy also induce their husband's lusts. Consequently, they have intercourse with their husband and bring more lusts and desire by moaning sweetly and tearfully with pleasure.

>> No.20492181

A thought just popped into my head, where did KC mention that he was going to make a shrimp knight?

>> No.20492196


>> No.20492199

Remember, it's easy to make a banshee cry, but infinitely more rewarding to make them smile.

>> No.20492204

What about crying of happiness with a smile?

>> No.20492208

What's the verdict on the black tears going down her face?
Are they permanent markings? Does she cry actual black tears? Is it just her makeup washing off?

I like them too. I want to help to turn one's tears of sadness into tears of joys.
You should seldom tell her out loud that you love her so that each time you do say it she becomes an emotional mess who is too happy to function.

>> No.20492214

The tears going down her face are part of the Banshee myths since in some versions they'd be keening in mourning.

>> No.20492215
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x1061, mERtt6UW_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this even blueboard-safe? You can literally see her pussy through the fabric.

>> No.20492222

Wew lad

>> No.20492229

She looks so sad. Someone should fill her womb to the brim so that she forgets about all the deaths she had to mourn.
Her breasts and thighs look soft enough to take a comfy nap on.

Now that's too soft. How are you supposed to be struck by the fear of death upon meeting her when she looks like a fertile soon-to-be mother?

>> No.20492233

So they're massive crybabies, or are for people who have a kink for banging crying emotional wrecks, or both.
I think I'll pass.

>> No.20492234

Looks like I'm changing my top 10

>> No.20492238
File: 428 KB, 663x1071, 71636414_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20492246


>> No.20492269

I'd feel way too bad about choking a cute loli, even more so if banshees are so emotional. But if she had some breeding hips, that big pale butt would get slapped around.

>> No.20492278
File: 310 KB, 739x557, 04df8ab3ca8b01268bcc8442201f02e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget.

>> No.20492279

Praise Nav!

>> No.20492289

She's the perfect monster girl for men who enjoy being sad then.
The lewd power of their crying is strangely attractive too. Instead of the usual awkward moment there is once someone is done crying you instead get to enjoy some highly emotional sex with her.

They're definitely not for everyone, but I think KC did a good job making her appeal to the most people while remaining faithful to her mythology.
Would you have preferred them be to very creepy girls who possess a magical scream that makes people go mad with lust, or something along those lines?

>> No.20492302

Big snow mounds for plowing

>> No.20492312


>> No.20492321

I mean, magical/cursed screams is definitely what comes to mind well before just plain crying all the time.
I'm usually not one to mind random shit making your dick hard because that's just the modus operandi for MGE, but straight up blubbering doing it? It's whatever. I don't forsee much staying power.

>> No.20492322
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>> No.20492331


>> No.20492335

Perfect for facesitting.

>> No.20492339

KC’s translation is up now on his Patreon, and while it does say they’re easily moved to tears i think people are slightly over-exaggerating. They’re gloomyfus. As someone said before part of the appeal of the big tiddy goth gf is that gloomy emo babe disposition and that’s clearly what KC was going for. Peppy and non-gloomy goth girls are just makeup choices, true emo/goth is a whole personality too.
I love em. I’ve loved the idea of being awoken as an undead incubus and they are absolutely tailor made for that experience. I bet she’d put on a whole song and musical number for when you rise from the table to join her in an undead kingdom.

>> No.20492342


>> No.20492347
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>> No.20492348

But that's just the thing. If you want gloomy, liches already have that in spades.

>> No.20492353


>> No.20492360

But liches arent my cup of tea,they are short and i am allergic to mage classes

>> No.20492368

That’s more Kuu-gloomy, whereas Banshee is emo-gloomy.
It’s certainly not for everyone but I think it’s very very cute and attractive to console a crying girl and have her be so emotionally invested in you that she cries against your chest often. Totally get why some people may find that annoying but to me it’s like the ultimate reassurance that she loves you if she gets that emotional about it. Add in some light teasing of her blubbering nature and yeah, easily a high tier girl for me.
Bonus points for one that’s a total babe bombshell who gets sad thinking she’s not worthy or good enough even as she BTFOs every other girl in town with her hot body. I dig em.

>> No.20492371

Louder, louder! Such sweet cacophony!

>> No.20492379

Nothing indicates them as being short.
As for the latter, I pity you.

>> No.20492382

I prefer MG who got a strong body and know how to use it instead of throwing flimsy spells around and are screwed when silenced

>> No.20492383

I want to pet this creature

>> No.20492385

i rather breed it desu

>> No.20492389

Vulkan no.

>> No.20492395

>all his spells are verbal
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.20492399

>Roasting chestnuts on a hellhound's eye-flames

>> No.20492429

Vulkan YES!

>> No.20492431

I will Boop its snoot and you cant stop me.

>> No.20492432

>Going on a date with your banshee wife
>She keeps seeing other couples where the woman looks extremely happy and cheerful
>This causes her great worry that you dislike how she's constantly gloomy
>You assure her otherwise by pointing out all the things you love about her usual demeanor
>She begins cryings on your chest and goes on about how she doesn't deserve such a perfect husband
I can see why some people would think such a premise is a bother, but to me this sounds extremely wholesome.

>> No.20492437
File: 124 KB, 848x1200, qli7qedb_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lichs aren't gloomy, they're just autistic.

>> No.20492440

>”Oh my poor husband... woe is you, your wretched curse my doing...”
>look up from your reading the Nightly Newspaper at your Banshee wife crawling on hands and knees towards you, black tears streaming down her cute face, full lips, and dripping down onto her full luscious breasts
>”...what is it, babe?”
>she wails and crawls forward, her hands tracing up your inner thighs as she sobs and rests her head against your lap, right over your crotch
>”Woe is you, to be cursed to eternal unlife and have naught to show for it...”
>her full toned ass wiggles in the air behind you as she unzips your pants and sobs even while a hand starts fondling your half-chub
>”...to have such a gruesome fate, stuck with one such as m-me...”
>she kisses it, her graceful hand rubbing the other side as it inflates to it’s full impressive length, tears running down onto her hand only lubricating it more
>”However does -smooch- one such as -smooch- I console such a -smooch- destitute and forlorn soul -smoooooch- as yourself?”
>her last kiss lingers on the tip, and she looks up expectantly at you, hovering her mouth around it as her tears slow just slightly
>you gulp and take a moment before speaking
>”...Y-your Love is all the blessing I could ever ask for, deares-“
>you’re cut off by your own moans as she slams her head down, cock burying in her mouth and stuffing her unbreathing throat, vibrated on by her letting out a loud, passionate wail as her mouth is closed around you which makes it sound conspicuously more like an erotic moan than a desperate cry
>she bobs her head up and down as she does so, her face streaming with tears, but of a lighter color, her mouth gulping and glucking even as her supernatural moaning wail coaxes you closer to climax
>you grab the back of her head and moan yourself, lost in pleasure as you bob her faster and harder, undeterred by her undead nature knowing it will keep her safe for rough throat fucking
>your moans mingle with hers, and she sucks you so hard and passionately soon you have tears in your eyes of passion as well
>the whole street hears the wailing, less experienced members lamenting the ‘moaning house’ while your longer term neighbors snicker to each other and feel inspired to find their significant other

>> No.20492447

I like her complexion. The leggings are a little weird, though.

>> No.20492450

Yes exactly. This is right on the money.
As is this holy shit. See, I’m glad some people get the appeal.

>> No.20492454

Discord would be better if Bollocks necked himself like I've been telling him too.

>> No.20492459

What does a Banshee laughing sound like?

>> No.20492503
File: 294 KB, 1536x2048, DvRrxWeU8AEprq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug reporter more smug than ever after attracting husband.

>> No.20492526


>> No.20492565
File: 575 KB, 1733x2579, Amoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20492595
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x1414, 72313246_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20492617

What would she do if I stuck my finger in her mouth mid-"amoo"?
What would she do if I stuck my dick in her mouth mid-"amoo"?

>> No.20492637

I want to tell my Banshee lover all my deepest fears and regrets in life and listen to her cry while she strokes my hair. Will she tell me it will be ok?

>> No.20492659

She will tell you that though gloom and despair will consume the world a thousand times over, she will wallow in it with you, and by her embrace you will find solace and warmth against the blackest dark of night.

>> No.20492689

You have my attention.

>> No.20492691
File: 128 KB, 634x900, DvWRZgrU0AATYjV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best nerd.

>> No.20492694

>those slightly-transparent clothes

What a slut. I wanna find a banshee and call her a slut until she starts crying!

>> No.20492704

MGE has a lot of good nerds and nerd species.

>> No.20492710


>> No.20492718

I really want to be her assistant

>> No.20492730 [SPOILER] 
File: 911 KB, 1683x1899, 1545847150192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pothead.

>> No.20492746

You can't hear what doesn't exist. Watching a comedy show with a Banshee would be pretty awkward.

If you do find a Banshee it means you're about to die and she's the only one who can revive you. I'm not sure calling her a slut is a good idea.

>> No.20492752

That's more than enough for me. I bet she cries everytime you cook for her.

>> No.20492767

Of course I’m about to die
Something something orgasm in french

>> No.20492770

Runya Runya definitely a nerd
Crow Tengu
Club Trumparts
Cyclops, the nerds of smithing.
Owl Mages
Ratas sometimes?

Funny enough Gremlins don't really strike me as the nerd type despite their hobbies.

>> No.20492775
File: 440 KB, 595x842, __akagi_azur_lane_drawn_by_sakurame__e8c86c9b38a889b914f07e99f394b09a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna get fluffed.

>> No.20492778


>> No.20492794

I’d make her pussy cry every night.

>> No.20492802

>It's a hemp hat

>> No.20492810

She's more succ than dragon if you ask me.

>> No.20492817 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20492823
File: 259 KB, 604x856, 1544742220079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books do Runya Runya read if they can't use magic?

>> No.20492836

Where the fuck is my Balrog, KC.

>> No.20492837

Yes, exactly.
Waterfall pussies are best just like that.

>> No.20492839

There's a shitload more knowledge out there than just magic.
Also, as Runya herself said, she doesn't have any problem using magical effects outside of traditional magic, so things like magical objects, possible heiromancy, alchemy, etc.
It may also be worth noting that she also professed a keen interest in Ropurotto's beast magic...

>> No.20492849

I'm picturing a very wordly soft spoken motherly Banshee who uses outdated words comforting Anon after he learns yet again of some atrocity going on in the world.

I would appreciate you do not use a proud dragon as an example for your insulting perverted talk. This is unacceptable.

>> No.20492857

The only pride in a zombie dragon is pride in her husband.

>> No.20492859

Not soon enough, happy Banshee got ticked off the list though as a reminder he's working on his old promises.

>> No.20492864 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 784x110, 1545848481766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh, guys...

>> No.20492866

I think that was one of her subordinates asking to be transferred to the beast magic sect.

>> No.20492868


>> No.20492872

who the fuck is that in the background

>> No.20492875

Ha! Didn't even notice that.

>> No.20492881

A slight mistake.

>> No.20492882

That's the Genie girl.

>> No.20492883

Looks like he forget to switch the template from the genie to banshee

>> No.20492884
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>> No.20492887

I never knew how much I wanted a tear stained blowjob until now.

>> No.20492892

What's the best girl to run a livestream with?

>> No.20492903


>> No.20492911

I imagine any girl like any potential chaos girl that lives in the deep ocean like a deep one or the Balrog and their relationship with the volcanic areas and preventing eruptions would take a while since it requires not only writing and designing and entry but making sure all the info he wants to give about a previously unknown part of the setting is finalized as he wants it. Like how the Pharaoh had all the sun god info. Plus from the Q&A about unreleased dragons.
>But I can't make such powerful beings show up easily, so please wait.

>> No.20492915

>tall, curvy motherly banshee is praying to Hel in the kitchen with only soft small tears as anon walks in
>the television is a news report over a terrible battle between two human nations far off in the world
>Anon feels terrible at the needless loss of life
>Banshee stands and gestures in prayer
>”It is inconsolably lamentable. May gracious Hel’a render her gift of morbid peace to their eternal souls..”
>her tears stain her face and drip to her breasts as she turns to you with open arms
>”Come embrace me, dearly beloved. Let not the ravages of far-flung loss diminish thine comforts and graces that goddess Hel’a hath bestowed upon thee. Tend to my bosom, and I shall tend to thine undying soul with all the love I overflow with for thee.”
>you poop your face right in there as her arms drape around you, cocooning you in a tomb of softness
>she strokes your hair as she kisses your scalp and her breasts heave against your face while she sobs somberly
>”There, there. There there...”
>she sits on a conjured chair of gloom, her soft crying warping in its magical way to soothe and lightly arouse you
>”Your eternal death, mine immeasurable gift... I shall see you through, my dearest Wilted Black Rose... my husband...”
>she tugs her blouse down for you to have access to her whole creamy breast and vivid nipple
>man are you glad you died

>> No.20492932

Plop, poop, same difference. Darn phone on vacation.

>> No.20492933

>be Saphirette's husband
>while she's away doing important research, her familiars take care of your raging incubus hard-on
>when she returns, they move aside so she can take her rightful place on your cock

>> No.20492964


>> No.20492975

>Even the letters of the word “magic” are nowhere to be seen, and I'm extremely jealous. If possible, the writer would also like to transfer to this Sabbath.
It's definitely from Runya's perspective, the mana-use-without-magic envy makes that clear if it wasn't already.
I guess it's possible that she's dictating it to a Runya sabbath member who wants to swap organizations, but it reads oddly in that case.

>> No.20492981
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>> No.20493028

I'd like it if beast boost runya was essentially a fainting goat.

>> No.20493094

More undead are always welcome

>> No.20493118

Would trade Syndecode for that faggot any day of the week

>> No.20493174


>> No.20493186

Would Banshee cry at very small things like stubbing your toe?

>> No.20493224

It’s like he fixed the lich.

>> No.20493238

She's too lewd. The man should be the one taking the lead, her doing so takes away from her character.
Pretty good greentext still.

Now that's perfection, thank you for this.
With a Banshee like that you can spend every evening crying out onto her lap until all the sadness goes away.
Them being so emphatic that they cry with you makes them by far the best monster girl for emotionally scarred anons.

>> No.20493316

>tfw no milfy Banshee momster who cries at all your graduations and award ceremonies from a mixture of how proud she is of you and feeling she doesn't deserve such a great son

>> No.20493341

Banshee makes me want to have a harem now. I want to introduce her to my moonlight titania waifu and see who is the bigger crybaby.

>> No.20493371

Banshee cries over how sweet you are to your wife and how blessed she is to have you

>> No.20493377

Im tired of these threads
I'm going to go out and try to get a gf

>> No.20493398
File: 131 KB, 850x1004, __hellhound_and_musashi_monster_girl_encyclopedia_and_etc_drawn_by_less__-d69dc62278c0e2a1d1227a1ddb045b5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20493403

>he doesn't have a monster girl tulpa gf

>> No.20493419

As long as neither of them cry about me "betraying" them by having two women in my life. Bonus points if they cry about ne worrying about their feelings.

>> No.20493436

Not worth it, just mix things up and fap to jav once in a while.

>> No.20493444

Everyone would think she is some kind of lunatic who lost her child years ago and now goes to every award ceremony to mourn yet again.
They'll be pretty spooked once they see shotanon running up to her and calling her mother.

A moonlight titania would cry over the sky being too beautiful while a banshee would cry over you calling her beautiful. I don't know which is worst but they both need a man to rely on.

>> No.20493451

>tfw incapable of getting it up to 3D

>> No.20493452

You're playing with fire

>> No.20493459
File: 455 KB, 1280x1856, tUq3MsX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not mentally ill here.

>> No.20493467

What the fuck's a tulpa? Is that a new word for a daki?

>> No.20493476

Of course not
Both would probably be weeping over how kind you are.

>> No.20493478

It's a stupid /x/ meme where you essentially communicate with your Id and give yourself schizophrenia.

>> No.20493493
File: 63 KB, 500x551, 1530118508256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's basically an imaginary friend, but for autistic adults.

>> No.20493507

Me and you, my friend, have it figured out.

>> No.20493520

On second thought, asking what a tulpa is was a bad idea. And now I'll have to get this information out of my head.

>> No.20493542

But she's blind anon how would she see the sky?

>> No.20493553

Isn't that supposed to be Kenkou Cross?

>> No.20493561

he wants to be the little girl?

>> No.20493563

Beware the old blood, Anon. By the Gods, beware it.

>> No.20493572

KC-baph has glasses though.

>> No.20493593
File: 806 KB, 750x875, 50150721_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this is.

>> No.20493692
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>> No.20493711

who doesn't?

>> No.20493718

Kenkou-chan is too pure. I bet her Sabbath branch would be all about promoting monster girls of all sizes and shapes regardless of the Sabbath's teachings.

>> No.20493728

I want to throw a medusa('s torso) over my shoulder and carry her to the bedroom while the other 90% of her body meekly slithers behind me despite her vocal protests and weak pounding on my back.

>> No.20493739
File: 95 KB, 1000x1331, Dt3CtpMU0AMzV8Y.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice Queen-sama, your dress!

>> No.20493740
File: 188 KB, 540x603, 1545853762971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kiss an anon and make him feel all special and loved

>> No.20493775

This man is first in line at the Alp Clinic

>> No.20493777

Fuck off retard

>> No.20493784 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20493809

Meat is magic

>> No.20493835

Love you too, Medusa-chan<3

>> No.20493868

Emperor's new clothes, but only Anon can see she is naked. Pointing it out leads to swift marriage.

>> No.20493951

So she is a competitor to Will'O'Wisp? Wisp catches guys dying single, Banshee brings them back to (un)life.

>> No.20493962

I'd marry the bikini queen and we can get a nice ice apartment or duplex in Winterstown until we can afford an ice castle

>> No.20493976

>Banshee momster with huge pale goth tits you get to snuggle between as she sobs
Man being a permanent undead shota Incubus is the tits.

>> No.20494028
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>> No.20494066
File: 681 KB, 1280x1868, P197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New horitomo

>> No.20494079

Imagine the reaction an Apophis' court would have if her husband was able to pick her up and fuck her so roughly, so bestially from behind and below that she would be unable to slither right for a week.

>> No.20494082

What would you do if your monstergirl waifu asked you to do a sexy dance and striptease for her?

>> No.20494135


>> No.20494139

As long as she knows and is okay with the fact that it'll be super awkward and embarrassing, I'd dance her the dance of my people.

>> No.20494140


>> No.20494186

Somebody already posted the closeup of the Dragon Zombie’s pussy. I imagine that would be the universal response.

>> No.20494193

>porn of her already
Hell yeah

>> No.20494196
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>> No.20494212
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>> No.20494231

That's a valid option, but the best is just to have a huge Banshee wife that's more than 7 feet tall.

That first picture got me way harder than it should have, the other two got me very hard but in a different way. .

>> No.20494261

Now you’re talkin.
Gonna just motorboat those titties at standing height as she cries and holds me close.

>> No.20494279


>> No.20494301
File: 1.26 MB, 2712x2727, tribalawooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20494485

I think I understand and properly appreciate banshee now.

>> No.20494495
File: 393 KB, 623x479, real dead hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give wight-san some doujin ideas!

>> No.20494515

>Anon. A blizzard is approaching, grab hold of my tail and don't let go or you will be lost in the snowstorm.

>> No.20494535

>butt stuff

>> No.20494557

A pale blonde girl getting mating pressed by a fat old man.

>> No.20494617

>Cries of "Homewrecker!" echo in the distance.

>> No.20494708

Reminder this super hot ghost babe is IRISH.

>> No.20494715

Ready—- FIGHT

>> No.20494719
File: 422 KB, 826x1062, __original_drawn_by_materclaws__0c86db240cde897924326c37ca4b8934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweater sneks.

>> No.20494728

She may be Irish, but my 7’6 MILF tier one is gonna have a phat ass that’d make an Irishman faint.

>> No.20494739

>Not the Yuki who started the storm

>> No.20494767

Multi mamano Melee!
Ice Queen joins the battle!

>> No.20494784

Leprechaun MG when?

>> No.20494804

The most, biggest, ridiculously stacked shortstack you can imagine. She practically is more tit and ass/thigh than woman.

>> No.20494806

>Red-headed shortstack with a massive rear and freckles.
She's going to get bred.

>> No.20494815
File: 133 KB, 990x1400, DqezNF8XgAI7LXY-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cold and collected yandere Kikimora's exploits with her shota master:
>The parents of the Kikimora's young master love vacationing throughout the various monster territories, leaving their son behind in her care
>Developed a super strong attachment to her master through very special circumstances
>Rejects all visitors
>Whenever they're alone together, she always has him address her as "Mama"
>Both pampers him and rides him ragged throughout the manor
Not sure what else a yandere Kikimora would do alone with her young master though.

>> No.20494819

Doubt KC would be nice enough to make a oppai loli species that isn't some part holstaurus.

>> No.20494832

It's been long enough since hobgoblins, there's room for more.

>> No.20494838

That's why she's a shortstack

>> No.20494839

>TFW no pharaoh to literally give you her heart
It's okay, she only wants yours metaphorically.

>> No.20494840

She is a total bombshell, and she needs to be filled with hot spirit energy.
I don't usually get new girl fever, but this made me really like her. Banshees sounds very affectionate. I would spend a lot of time trying to make one happy.

>> No.20494842

>leprechaun accosts you at the side of the road
>”Ye hoo! Begorrah, stand and deliver! Ye walk on sacred fey lands!”
>holy fucking shit she’s stacked
>utterly, completely ignore whatever she’s babbling about and pick her up
>”Eh?! What’re yeh doin you blockhead?!”
>turn her around to get a faceful of that ass which cannot fit in her dress
>she’s wearing rainbow panties that are more of a thong from how woefully underprepared they are
>”No! Me pot of gold!”
>ravage her from the rear for hours

>> No.20494866

Anyone know any good artist to get a commission from?

>> No.20494873


>> No.20494874

Thanks, I wrote both of em.
They’re fantastic girls. Imagining her shyly telling her husband that she’ll try and by happy just for him while smiling and crying happy tears is Feels.

>> No.20494875

Would be great.
Gonna get her addicted to my dick!

>> No.20494888

Depends on the girl you're commissioning from but I've got a list I've got my eye on if you just want some general ideas.

>> No.20494907

She’s gonna chug it like a pint and end up even more stacked than she already is!

>> No.20494912

The best.
A little mound of swearing useless meat!

>> No.20494913

GreenMarine, Ramenwok, Sookmo, Melon, .less, your right hand.

>> No.20494953

>all that fits her are just her overalls going into her panties that are being eaten alive by MEAT
>and her hat, of course
>she’s heavy, but still the right height for picking up and just fucking the living brains out of at any time
>swears like a sailor, drinks like a satyros, but moans like a courtesan
>drips like a damp washcloth, too
Great wife you got there.

>> No.20494954

>enlisted in the mg army
How the hell are you supposed to fight along with half-naked women jumping around and always making very suggestive poses?

>> No.20494955

They really are fantastic, and it seems they are good for both playful bullying and romantic holding.
I want to make a Banshee wear a skimpy, gyaru outfit with lots of bright colors, while I give her endless compliments about how cute she is.
I want to tell a Banshee that her tears taste delicious.

>> No.20494965

The best.
Gonna give her the potato

>> No.20494967

Just fuck your wife until you're not distracted anymore? I can't imagine making it past basic without the willpower of a God or a ring on your finger.

>> No.20494989

>”I-I am the pallbearer of death though!”
>”Nah, you’re a cutie in a skimpy skirt right now”
>she covers her face and cries through her hands in embarrassment, her schoolgirl outfit accentuating her delicious womanly body
>”B-but dearest-!”
>”That’s right, turn around and show me that butt. Cmon honey, it’ll make me sad if ya don’t!”
>she blubbers and turns, yet still naturally in a sexy pose, showing off her big pale twin orbs of the rear
>give her a playful spank as she yelps and instinctively leans back against you, sobbing
>clasp her face in your hand, turn her head up, and lick her tears right off her face
>her legs squeeze together as her crying takes on a very... sexual tone

>> No.20494992

Summary from dude who's supporting KC on Patreon:
They're servants of Hel, goddess of Life and Death and get closer to men who are on death's door, if the guy strike their fancy they'll start loving him and mourning his fate and when he passes out they revive him as undead, once it's done to keep him "undead" they need to pour regular mana inside of him aka sex, and they also have a tendency to cry a whole lot which strikes the arousal of their husband
Disposition is Gloomy and Devoted
Also reminder that if you stop sexing her you'll trully die so there's that too.

>> No.20495000

you're there for support

>> No.20495015

!bet 200 that people will take that last line out of context and mistreat the poor gloomyfus

>> No.20495025

>Also reminder that if you stop sexing her you'll trully die so there's that too.
Sex is better than eating or drinking anyway.

>> No.20495029

so not being in the mood is being suicidal to them

>> No.20495030

>Also reminder that if you stop sexing her you'll trully die so there's that too.
That sounds uncharacteristically dark by KC standards.

>> No.20495031

Oh anon, don’t you make me want to take one of those gloomy girls and make her into a HARD sub who gets off on being degraded

>> No.20495040

Oh damn, I think Banshee just snuck her way into my top ten. I really want to make rough love with a Banshee like that. If she doesn't believe that she's good enough, I'll make her feel it through her whole body.

>> No.20495044

That’s how it always was with immortality cases in MGE
The Perpetual Sexual Energy Loop (tm) only works if sexual energy is being exchanged on a somewhat regular basis

>> No.20495051
File: 663 KB, 1367x629, Succubus_book_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking you literally have to be fucking them 24/7
Hello /tg/

>> No.20495055

This anon >>20495025 has it right. How is this any different from the things we normally do to keep ourselves alive?

>> No.20495057


By 'stop sexing' he means that you still need your daily fuck to keep going. Or you can just go to a Lich and have her do the thing.

>> No.20495065

>Also reminder that if you stop sexing her you'll trully die so there's that too.
It's not like dying there it's that bad with an afterlife and all of that.

>> No.20495069

I never said that you stupid motherfucker. I never gave a single indication on how often you needed to do it, as far as I care you could only have to fuck once a month to be just fine. Again, I get it's been rough out here lately but jesus fuck, come on.

>> No.20495071
File: 621 KB, 877x1103, Latenight lich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lich-chan do the thing! C'mon do the thing!

>> No.20495074

>have a banshee bound up in hanging shibari with her eyes tied over and a ball gag
>delicious black tears stream down her face as you tease her nips and clit with an electric-enhanced vibrating item
>she wants to wail, but her gag just keeps her whimpering
>but her absolutely WEEPING pussy doesn’t lie as she rocks helplessly in her suspended position

>> No.20495078

>Yosh, time to get to work!
>(does the thing)

>> No.20495097

So its a combination of bearing the flag but also being the stress relief?
This would get only worse if you had a promotion to lad them.

>> No.20495103

Oh yes anon, that's the good stuff right there. Perfection.

>> No.20495106


>> No.20495121

What a filthy slut.
I love it.

>> No.20495134

It must be tough to be the shota son of a Banshee
>she cries when you get straight A's on your report card
>she cried when you graduated elementary school
>she cried when you got MVP of your little league sports team
>she cried when you popped a boner seeing her naked body
>she cried when she took your virginity
>she cried when you knocked her up
>she cried when you both got married

>> No.20495148

That sounds great though.
The taste of her mana-infused tears mingling with her breast milk as she nursing handjobs me would be worth ten lifetimes.

>> No.20495152

Imagining the photo albums for these events is pretty silly and cute.

>> No.20495168


>> No.20495171

>Her tears

>> No.20495182

Swap the order on the last two. What kind of man do you take me for? And no, I don't mean the last three. I'm not THAT upstanding.

>> No.20495185

It just says:
> In other words, he requires the monster continuing to supply mana by having intercourse as his wife.
There is nothing that says it has to be every day or every hour or whatever. It's just as an undead incubi you need to periodically fill yourself with your wife's mamono mana. Which you would be doing in the first place anyway.

>> No.20495207

For some reason, seeing a pregnant monster girl in a sexy wedding dress is super hot.

>> No.20495262

That's how most of the extended lifespans work in the MGE. They're possible because you're frequently getting pumped full of monster mana.

>> No.20495263

>For some reason
It's because you're a degenerate. You're among friends, but never forget. It makes the degeneracy hotter.

>> No.20495273
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>> No.20495356
File: 85 KB, 1288x1052, 1513221951938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ice Queen
>all 4 in a Mexican standoff stare down
>some say this is how the town of forever winter - Winterstown - was created

>> No.20495372

Yeah, I guess if you’re into the trailer home aesthetic.

>> No.20495402
File: 1.04 MB, 2600x1800, fdd68f3705d844e674e786ce375937c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of the delinquents.

>> No.20495412

I can easily pretend this is a christmas ghoul. Tsundere ghoul blowjobs are literally the best.

>> No.20495476

I want to watch my delinquent daughter going through her rebellious phase and disrespect her sweet, soft-spoken momster before finding out her mom used to be the tough-as-nails leader of a giant biker gang before she met me. She'd straighten up really quick after that.

>> No.20495500

fuck off monorus discord.

>> No.20495505

I'm not even a Discordnigger. Keep sucking Aces dick though.

>> No.20495506

I want to catch a delinquent monster playing in a cat cafe.

>> No.20495514

Majority of the people in the Discord are good about keeping their drama where it belongs though. Nice job replying to literally hours old shitposts, though.

>> No.20495529

>shitting on ace who publicly spreads his bullshit via highly visible commissions clogging the MGE tag
>i-it must be discord!
Nice deflection retard.

>> No.20495536 [DELETED] 


> I'm not a discord spic! im totally not like those leftypol faggots that QQ's like aspies on monoruses irrelevant furfag filled discord.

>> No.20495546

Okay this is bait.

>> No.20495547

Are you well?

>> No.20495552

he hides furfags in his discord to network. funny enough those networking drama circles are now irrelevant because tumblr is dead.

>> No.20495561

>defending ace
>bringing up an 8 board
Yeah you're from /monster/, fuck off.

>> No.20495568

> special ed posting this hard.

Kill yourself commie. If you faggots want the content then pay up. Instead of complaining about paypigs.

>> No.20495593

In english please?

>> No.20495639
File: 560 KB, 773x1034, monstergirl_raiju__censored__by_rakellis12_dckw2k7-pre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder Ace.

>> No.20495641

Banshee bully'd into wearing a bunny-suit and a rabbit-tail butt plug, and then bound on her knees while you train her into an oral slave. Her moans and whimpers feel so good.

>> No.20495645

Please don't encourage the mentally deranged.

>> No.20495653

'Kill yourself you leech. If you shitheads want more content that's not from Ace then commission some artists instead of complaining about shits with a lot of disposable income that like to commission their waifus and memes.'
I speak /biz/ and /pol/, so, some things might have been lost in the translation.

>> No.20495666

This should be interesting. Who, pray tell, do you mean?

>> No.20495677

Looks like Ace noticed we were talking about him. You know if you dropped the ego and stopped spamming your garbage memes you wouldn't be hated this much.

>> No.20495701

how about we talk about Banshees instead? I would like to see one wear a ghoul collar and have a pleasure rune on her tongue.

>> No.20495719

>tumblr is dead.
didn't furries have their own thing?

>> No.20495723
File: 137 KB, 1248x567, Plebeian fetish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,000 hours in MSPaint

>> No.20495726
File: 91 KB, 800x1200, DulGIYhUwAE75nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20495742

Quick! Shove your dick in her mouth.

>> No.20495816 [SPOILER] 
File: 239 KB, 375x368, 1545870606431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20495817

>tumblr is dead.
what happened?

>> No.20495819

they banned porn

>> No.20495822

Why do I feel like I'm the one who should be asking for help right now?

>> No.20495829
File: 17 KB, 787x400, 1543872682703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Powers That Be desired more dollars, so they banned adult content to attract advertisers.

>> No.20495846

Really funny thing though, the porn bots managed to sneak past the filters by tagging their content SFW.

>> No.20495852


>> No.20495900
File: 392 KB, 526x702, zxayAp9D_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me.

>> No.20495902

>Makes new rule to stop the people breaking the rules
>Turns out it only punishes the once that followed the rules since the one breaking the rules, shockingly, doesn't follow the rules
I would say there is a conspiracy behind all of this if it weren't well know how inept the tumblr staff is.

>> No.20495925

IIRC Apple removed their app from the app store as there are rumors of literal CP being shared on tumblr. I could be wrong though.

>> No.20495942

Just stop posting bad memes. Minotaurs are fine though.

>> No.20495947

Yes. So they threw the baby out with the bathwater.
Not like I ever used them much before, but now it's gone from "log in to get around safe mode" to "doesn't exist"

>> No.20495973

That is what happened, yes. The app was not available in the appstore for some time. Though there wasn't an "official" reason given. so we can only speculate why.

>> No.20496025
File: 474 KB, 516x898, 72324048_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20496032

Unironically wholesome.

>> No.20496036

Honestly, why they're cute and all. I couldn't handle them crying all the time, be it from sadness or joy.

>> No.20496049

I need to sleep. Wonder what MG would be best to help you fall asleep (not counting weresheep since that's cheating.)

>> No.20496053


>> No.20496061

Dormice. But they're in Wonderland

>> No.20496114

While I do like her design, I can't help but dislike that there doesn't seem to be anything physically to distinguish her from an undead elf. Hopefully her "making of" may point out some more distinguishing traits.

Three completely humanoid girls in a row likewise makes me hope the next girl will be more monstrous.

>> No.20496116

Owl mages would probably be really good. You'd be surrounded by fluff and space out until you fall to sleep. Also, titania. Queens of nighty night tucking in.

>> No.20496171

Husband of the year.

>> No.20496196
File: 511 KB, 1181x1754, 71999668_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20496209

Wish they spent as much detail on the bottom half as they did on the top half.

>> No.20496214

800% a cute. Would take a long walk off a short pier with.

>> No.20496219

>raw footage of titanias tucking their otoutos in all cutely

>> No.20496247

>Rough and tough manticore watches TUCKED in Incognito Mode

>> No.20496269
File: 911 KB, 996x1098, DvYqInwU8AIyhYO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20496313

Great job Latenight-sama!

>> No.20496325
File: 395 KB, 1000x1100, DvYp3gPU8AAtpPQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20496328

I want the huge scarred musclecore who’s secretly a comfycore!

>> No.20496334

Tall, Ultra busty and buff wives with small, super fat bottomed ones.

>> No.20496339

Nyan nyan Nyanmeow-nyanmeow!

>> No.20496347

>Playing Minecraft on your gaming laptop in your waifu's mouth

>> No.20496359

Nice cats.

>> No.20496387

What would the best combination of monsters for an undead harem be?

>> No.20496396

Ghoul, Zombie, Lich, Dullahan, Vampire with tentative Banshee.
Also Ghosts/Phantom or Zombie Dragon.

>> No.20496422

5-10 dragon zombies.

>> No.20496424

Zombie dragon sisters.

>> No.20496461

Lich, Wight, Pharaoh, and Vampire
Wisp, Phantom, Banshee, Doppelganger

>> No.20496462

Regular Zombies in the double digits with a single stiff hoppy zombie

>> No.20496469

Harem of clingy meaty Jiangshi

>> No.20496493

Pharaoh and 3 mummies

>> No.20496495

But think of all the massages!

>> No.20496496

>earthquakes caused by bootyquakes as they all careen to the front door leaving a river of miasma and girl juices behind them
Adorable. I’ll take 5 exactly.

>> No.20496501
File: 479 KB, 2880x1800, tkDMy6J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20496503

Yes, yes, yes!

>> No.20496506

That's a small sandworm!

>> No.20496522

Shameless too, exposing her whole body above the sand like that.

>> No.20496529

She looks young. She's probably in that rebellious stage.

>> No.20496543
File: 460 KB, 751x950, Vampire45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wights and Vampires are a good start

>> No.20496550
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>> No.20496553

How can smarties even compete? Cute dumdum doughragons! Love hubby big good!

>> No.20496560
File: 529 KB, 1024x1024, sandworm_by_nanostar-dbtosv4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20496561

Bapho-chan's cunny is the best. I'd love to just shove my face down there and eat her out all day long.

>> No.20496568

MEAT doughragons are for loving.
And having them unknowingly go Dracowight

>> No.20496577

Show my what your ideal date with mg gf would be like.

>> No.20496586

Probably getting raped by her in a nondescript alley.

>> No.20496588

Reminder that monstergirls don't actually love you and just want to consume your life essence.

>> No.20496594

When they stop calling you ‘Hubby’ and start saying things like ‘dearest husband’ or stop saying ‘glug glug~’ for ‘passionately make love to my throat’ the process is starting!

>> No.20496599
File: 299 KB, 1707x1731, hero evolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just want to consume your life essence
You get back far more than they take.

>> No.20496609


>> No.20496616

>They all start turning at the same time
>Agree to 'keep it simple'
>Goes flawlessly for months
>One day one slips up and says "Thank you dearest" instead of "THANKS HUBBY" like the rest.
>The glares she gets as she goes from gray to white

>> No.20496618
File: 52 KB, 545x878, df49acf6-2b65-43d7-9683-058f8e5c5ea2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it that time again?

>> No.20496621

I don't have any good pictures, but for me and mine it'd be eating pasta on the floor at midnight while watching a comfy movie, or putting on some music (also late at night) and dancing around together in our living room with nobody else around.

>> No.20496627

Cute cute cute cute cute, one for each. I would enjoy the first 200 years of cute dumdum and the next thousands and thousands with laid back Wight doughragons. They’ve nothing to fear! Never alone ever again!

>> No.20496634


>> No.20496645

>"Well shit Sindra, you couldn't even make it a month?"
>"Hey! I just was planning on showing a little more affection! And don't act like Yuera hasn't been sneaking it either!"
>While the pair argue, two just simply squeeze in tight.

The cute

>> No.20496652

>one of them starts sobbing after the gig is revealed
>ask her what’s wrong
>she sniffles and blubbers out “Does-does this mean you’ll never ties us up and bu-bukakke is ever again?”
>Anon smiles warmly as he holds his wives close
>”Of course it doesn’t mean that! Where would you even get such an idea? You are all now my perfect pristine proper princesses, AND my meaty fuckmachine mammary mounds!”
>cheers rise up from the happy sisterhood of wives
Wholesome, to me anyway.

>> No.20496661

I seriously cannot fathom a better life than this. I want to keep imagining a life with these five meaty cuties!

>> No.20496673
File: 128 KB, 1200x930, 1455849334535-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20496675

It is cute and wholesome, although they may cause a scene should the local nobility find out.

It certainly is comfy

>> No.20496695

Five newly wighted dragon zombies with ancient treasure they just remembered where they hid looking to noble up and join the aristocracy?
The tanuki money managers and merchants are gonna be orgasming extra hard that month. Shopping spree!!!

>> No.20496700

When will this guys yandere Succubus /ss/ hmanga get translated?

>> No.20496707

The tanukis will be there, the vamps and wights will be trying to get them involved in politics, and the zombie shop keeps will be treating them the exact same.

>> No.20496765

>Dragon Wights head into the mall and see all their Zombie friends who look at them with dull worry
>a moment passes where the zombies wonder if they will be treated lesser now
>suddenly, Dragon Wights let out a dumdum roar and hug all their friends, speaking Zombieeze to them
>everyone is all smiles, except the Vampire and Phantom emissaries who are puzzled by the behavior
>Wight-san just nods though, as if she totally understands

>> No.20496791

A good wight dragon never forgets.

>> No.20496816

I wonder how the sex life changes once a Zombie Dragon becomes a Dracowight.
They’re still thicker than a snicker, but do they have more finesse or just quake’n’bake like always?

>> No.20496822

They can get more creative with positions.

>> No.20496852
File: 305 KB, 999x847, quick banshee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.20496859

Gonna give her a marshmallow kitten.

>> No.20496867

You're gonna make her cry!

>> No.20496874

Too bad!
She's getting a cute kitten!

>> No.20496879

Banshees would look good in MGEified Victorian mourning attire.

>> No.20496880

Don’t be sad Banshee-chan!

>> No.20496895

I was surprised she didn't get a proper veil. Come to think of it, neither did the genie. Odd.

>> No.20496896

Nothing fanart and off-profile designs can't fix.

>> No.20496911
File: 219 KB, 620x600, 26444216_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you help her find her tablet?

>> No.20496928

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, remember to make your banshee wife shed tears once a day, tears....of joy!

>> No.20496954

Banshee girl already has more art in her first day that many girls combined. She did hit pretty hard.

>> No.20496982

Apple, Android, or Kindle?

>> No.20497040

Well, who doesn't like big tiddy goth gf?

>> No.20497062

The wailing could be offputting.

>> No.20497063


>> No.20497103

Everyone in the Undead Kingdom will hear your love-making.
