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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 304 KB, 1064x1600, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2046004 No.2046004 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2046012
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>> No.2046014
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>> No.2046015

urg...wish I can effort 1....

>> No.2046016
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>> No.2046018
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>> No.2046023
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>> No.2046057
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>> No.2046839
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>> No.2046846
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>> No.2046847
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Stunning dress.

Looks like it was taken at a recent Volks Dollfie anniversary show? Link?

>> No.2046852

ugghhh Worse than idol threads. Can you go back to wherever you were a month ago and not posting here?

>> No.2046853
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>> No.2046864
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>> No.2046867

Newfag GTFO.

>> No.2046880
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>> No.2046893
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A month ago? I've been posting these regularly pretty much since the day /jp/ was made.

>> No.2046902
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>> No.2046906

Uhhh excuse me?

>> No.2046908
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>> No.2046922
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Huh? Was just pointing out that me going back to where I was a month ago would not change anything.

>> No.2046917

This is the most pathetic thing i've ever seen.

>> No.2046923

hurr durr

>> No.2046927

Uhhh welcome to /jp/...

>> No.2046930

wtf, dolls? seriously? hahaha, oh wow.

>> No.2046936

So you faggots play with little doooooollies? Did your mommies buy them for you?

>> No.2046935

My samefag senses are tingling

>> No.2046941

/jp/ = dolls, figs, shit
Kordox = Rare example of good tripfag.

>> No.2046945

Welcome to /jp/.

We also have figurine threads in which you can ridicule us in. ;_;

>> No.2046956

I'd love to see these get defiled on robot chicken.

>> No.2046961

Go back to /b/, please.

>> No.2046965

>robot chicken
Enjoy your toilet humor.

>> No.2046976

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies.....

Yeah... posts reported for /b/ faggotry. Shit is really ruining /jp/.

>> No.2046981

Contrary to popular belief, posting nothing but these dolls by yourself in /jp/ does not make you a good poster.

>> No.2046989

You probably never saw Kordox because you couldw only log in when school is out and when your mom isn't bugging you to do your homework or telling you to take out the trash.

>> No.2046998

where the fuck did my post go?

>> No.2047008

It went to /b/. Hurry! Go run after it!

>> No.2047106
File: 242 KB, 864x1120, 1183303922396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for posting your dolls.

They are very pretty.

>> No.2047147

This. Pure imagedumps in a board like /jp/ just doesn't make sense, /c/ would be a much better board for these.

>> No.2047167

I don't even have a problem with image dumps, but Kordox contributes nothing other than dumping his doll photos here. How is that "good posting?"

>> No.2047195
File: 135 KB, 397x331, mikumikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all new.
He's not cropping them.
He's not telling us that this BELONGS in /jp/.
He's not giving us the "HURR I'M SO DEDICATED ♥" shit.
And this is actually in the interest of several anons.

>> No.2047220

This is the first time in almost a year of /jp/ that I see a shitstormed Kordox thread. What the fuck happened here people?

>> No.2047221

There are never enough doll threads.
Totally unacceptable.

>> No.2047226

Keep posting, Kordox. I don't like dolls, but you're an entirely respectable tripfag who should be left to his own devices.

Also, don't respond to trolls and they will leave.

>> No.2047256

Shut up you fucking nigger newfag, Kordox's dolls have always been on /jp/ , your shitposting is what is killing this board, as NOBODY has ever complained about Kordox's threads.
You should be fucking banned from the board you goddamn asshole.

>> No.2047278

Not that I mind doll threads. But >>2047167 is right, imagedumping doesn't make someone a good poster in a board like /jp/ which is more or less discussion/text>image oriented. These would be much more appreciated if they were posted in pure imagedump boards like /c/.

>> No.2047293

/c/ is a shithole.
dolls are relevant.

>> No.2047303


>> No.2047307

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

>> No.2047339
File: 199 KB, 600x800, 1233842892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the thread does sometimes evolve into a discussion about dolls, which is always what I am hoping for.

Anyway, continuing thread. Have some Obitsu dolls. Couldn't stand these in the beginning, but I kinda want one now, but of course they are also hard to get.

>> No.2047342

>Good poster
What right do you fags have to judge who is a good poster and who's not? Kordox just posts what he likes, is /jp/ related and interests a group of people. Then again you're only a troll so no reason will ever go through your thick skull.

>> No.2047350

Because /jp/ hivemind collective has claimed him to be the ultimate tripfag - for posting dolls?

>> No.2047357
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>> No.2047358

No one said Kordox is a bad poster.

>> No.2047360

Strange looking, but intriguing after a minute of observing.

>> No.2047364
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>> No.2047369

I've never seen anyone call him the ultimate tripfag, but even if they do, that is just one person's opinion.
He doesn't attention whore or troll, he just posts his dolls and remains civil.
Therefore, he is a decent trip-poster.

>> No.2047372
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>> No.2047383

I've started having sex dreams about dolls rather than humans.
What the fuck have you bastards done to me.

>> No.2047390
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>> No.2047396

Oh, these aren't yours? Where do you get your pictures then?

>> No.2047399
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One more

>> No.2047401

One of us..
One of us..

I love dolls more than real women, but if I had sex dreams, I am not so sure they would involve dolls.

>> No.2047402

I found most of them on japanese blogs.

>> No.2047521
File: 29 KB, 590x380, jdoll-collector.1218958623979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few new trolls here trying to inflame a doll thread. They may find these educational towards that end:

Guy's and Dolls.


>> No.2047595
File: 51 KB, 600x902, img_7373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They finally started selling the 50cm body separately, so some international retailers should get it soon. Been wanting one for awhile now. But yeah, the two full sets that aren't liscenced anime stuff (Mizuku and Mikaduki) will probably still be tough to get.

>> No.2047626




>> No.2047828

These threads always bring me closer and closer to actually buying one of these.

>> No.2047869

wow, she's gorgeous. is that velvet?

>> No.2048712


>> No.2050099


>> No.2050205

Kordox, for one who would want to get into this hobby, where would you start?

I was looking at some of the bodies and clothes and stuff on HLJ, but I'm not even sure where to begin.

>> No.2050223

I think you'd be better off checking out the Volks website. At least that's what I remember him telling me to do.

>> No.2050553
File: 58 KB, 279x477, Esca_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone likes the Sayuka Beat Angel Escalayer the Volks international lottery for her is in three days.

>> No.2050554
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>> No.2050555
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>> No.2050601

Volks has an American store.

>> No.2052034

It really depends on what kind of doll you want.

For Volks, check out these three sites:
http://www.volks.co.jp/jp/ (has a lot more information about many more dolls than the English version)
Most of their dolls always seem to be out of stock, and many of their most interesting dolls are limited editions. Look for them on auctions sites like Yahoo and eBay. The price vary widely from doll to doll. In short: Depending on what doll you want, it may be very hard to get it, and they will not be cheap.

If you like mamachapp:
http://mamachapptoy.blog102.fc2.com/ (blog with many pics of their different dolls)
Unless you live in Japan yourself, or know someone there to buy them for you, then you'll have to get them from auctions on Yahoo Japan where they cost 2-4 times as much.

Azones website is http://www.azone-int.jp/
They also have two blogs with lots of pics:
Much easier to get than the other kinds of dolls. Can be ordered from sites like hlj.com and toyslogic.com

Should also mention Obitsu. They make jointed bodies in all different sizes, as well as complete dolls:

>> No.2053023
File: 22 KB, 450x600, relisalice-img450x600-1224502141v89tsw686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if an acution just had this for the picture it wont come with hair or an outfit right?

>> No.2053091

That's actually how they're normally boxed, not wearing the wig or outfit. It's included in the box, the owner just has to put it onto the doll themselves. But just to be sure, ask someone who knows Japanese or run the auction text through an online translator.

>> No.2053317

ok, thank you

>> No.2053710

yours something very while ago someone ? in line & crux terminatus Old man to 4 i dont going to disagree, because whether posting nothing but our

>> No.2053787

Your English is incomprehensible. Study harder.

>> No.2054831
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>> No.2054834
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>> No.2054839
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>> No.2056236
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>> No.2058348


>> No.2058711
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Thanks for that

>> No.2058716
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>> No.2058724
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>> No.2058732
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>> No.2058752
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>> No.2058757
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>> No.2058823
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>> No.2059153
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>> No.2059220


>> No.2059224
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>> No.2060205


>> No.2060919
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Shana for /a/.

>> No.2060925
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>> No.2060932
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>> No.2060943
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>> No.2062137
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Reposting pics from /a/

>> No.2062149
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>> No.2062158
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>> No.2062163
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>> No.2062169
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>> No.2062184
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>> No.2062188

I want a dog like that too.

>> No.2062192
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>> No.2062205
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>> No.2062218
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>> No.2062235
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>> No.2062252
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>> No.2062378

Anyone got and AOD 90cm doll?

>> No.2063031


>> No.2063106
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>> No.2063113
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>> No.2063120
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>> No.2063125
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>> No.2063129
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>> No.2063141
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>> No.2064189

