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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 95 KB, 450x600, Sheryl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20446330 No.20446330 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

Previous thread: >>20422601

>> No.20446351
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>> No.20446446
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>Global players are mad about Ranked PVP while that mode is currently abandoned in JP version
It's hilarious.

>> No.20446473

I can't believe Ayane is my new favorite character now, I don't know how it even happened.

>> No.20446506

you're probably a siscon

>> No.20446518

Wouldn't Rino be more of a little sister character than Ayane? Its popular for little girls to call MC Oniichan even when they're not related.

>> No.20446564
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Translated Xmas event, found it on youtube

>> No.20446580

I, too, wish to be Nozomi. Although for different reasons though.

>> No.20446583

Me on the right

>> No.20446658
File: 1.35 MB, 2048x1536, Screenshot_20181220-033354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta say, by Chinamen mobage standards, a decently "passable" game.
-Typical tower-defense, rather simple mechanics and design.
-Decent, if not at least mildly entertaining, story by mobage standards.
-Menu interface and navigation overall is a little atypical, account transfer info left untranslated from Chinese.
-Incredibly barebones in character work, 95% of the case isn't even voiced. Even the "main heroine" lacks vocal cords.
-For the most part, designs are inoffensively unremarkable. A few outliers, in both ways.
-Overall really comfy feel and atmosphere, both in gameplay and menus.

Can't say I'm familiar with tower defense games so I'm not sure how someone used to the genre would feel about this game, but I like it enough to at least give it a try.
Free handouts for gacha currency are incredibly slim, though. And 6* rarity (the highest) is at 2%. Odd values for how much a gacha is worth, 288 units of currency for 1 roll, 2450 for 10.

Still, a few of the girls are cute so that's all that really matters.

>> No.20446776

>Although for different reasons though.
Why though? As far as I know Yurishit doesn't exist in Priconne and any ship exists because of the relationships the VA's voiced before (Nozomi and Chika's VA's just happened to voice Grea and Anne). Which is in my experience a tad less nutty than shit like Drang fucking Therese but still out there

>> No.20446822

Maybe anon just wants to be an idol gf for Yuuki

>> No.20446842

What is inside the box?

>> No.20446959
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One of those

>> No.20446961

So why is Ayane living in an orphanage with Kurumi if she still has her parents?

>> No.20447044

Anyone played Megido 72? The first animation in this clip has to be the cutest thing I've seen in a while. I think they're having their 1st anniversary.


>> No.20447116

Yes, its our anniversary, /anon/. Its not a bad game now so you can give it a try, they are giving a lot of shit too.

>> No.20447341
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It's almost that time of the year - what are you hoping for from your mobage this Christmas?

>> No.20447421
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x800, Screenshot_2018-12-19-02-30-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Xmas ayane so I'm happy even if I should have waited for possible free rolls. She seems kind of niche considering she can outdamage a 5* Christina at 3* but she hurts herself pretty badly on her UB and can even oneshot herself from 100% if she crits depending on circumstances but she's so cute, her stories are so cute and her icon is so cute that I'm very happy with this.

From Shironeko I'm hoping to get Xmas Sheryl before 2500 so I don't have to wait and dump on the next time they bring her back and for Houkai I'm hoping for the story to start getting happier instead of having suffering intensify with every update, I like my happy endings.

>> No.20447459
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Im just hoping to get this guy in Food Fantasy. For other mobages... I didnt get my main goal in SINoALICE (I got Red riding Hood Xmas but not Snow White Xmas), and I'm waiting for the new banner in Destiny Child to pull.

Now I wanna look more mobages for xmas, for example E7, Kings Raid, Grand Chase, PriConne and Prince of Tennis.

>> No.20447689
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More of my favorite characters to roll, and more free shit to roll them with. Which is pretty much what I'm hoping for the rest of the year, too.

Going pretty well so far, managed to get my christmas Anko and Sheryl.

>> No.20447703

>looking at some games to keep me sane while I'm visiting family over chistmas
>remember seikimatsu days came out this year
>they still don't have a download for the RnB version of their theme song from https://youtu.be/JeKmM96WU6U?t=69
Still the best song to come from a mobage not counting rhythm games.

>> No.20447724

What do you guys use for emulating? Is it still Nox for almost everything?

>> No.20447735

Nox, LDplayer and whatever version Bluestacks is on these days are popular choices.

>> No.20447762

Bluestacks4 has excellent performance if you have a fairly decent PC since it's a resource hog. They try to bypass anti-emu protection which is a plus.
Nox can bypass some anti-emu protection as well. Doesn't have the best performance but it's more friendly towards low-mid PC compared to Bluestacks.
Mumu has better performance than Nox and isn't a resource hog but it doesn't attempt to bypass protection.

>> No.20447766
File: 170 KB, 650x952, DuwlCRUV4AIZlyP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please play

>> No.20447788

Does Bluestacks still require you to do some weird shit every day if you didn't get the cracked version?

>> No.20447794

No. They found other, less intrusive, ways to annoy you.

>> No.20447940

Do they at least not get in the way when opening it up/are already using it?

>> No.20448107

Anybody try kabaneri yet?

>> No.20448115

>not even a guarantee 4* in 10 roll
hard pass

>> No.20448613
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>> No.20449358
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But you see it everyday.

>> No.20449864

>Elemejeje suddenly ranked 1st for blunt on .me
I guess .me is also a meme site now.

>> No.20449882

Famitsu blows my mind how Sheryl is suddenly shit tier when nothing has happened and Chaguma Ruka is suddenly so much better than Summer tina when she was pretty awful to play as.

I could see the reasoning between some choices before but I don't understand anything anymore.

>> No.20449890

Wasn't there an update to warriors recently? That may have had something to do with it but I forget what exactly changed.

>> No.20449892

>2% for 6*

Worse than Aigis in the that aspect, hopefully getting gacha currency is easier, since there's not that much competence in tower defense so far I'd say it has an advantage, we'll have to see how it holds up when ArKnights finally releases (and see if it lives to the hype of course)

>> No.20449912

I thought I could just cruise on through the entirety of PriConne's main story on normal mode with just using the Twinkle Wish trio, everyone's favorite idol, and some random filler, but even at level 113 all 5* rank 11 the world 18 boss was almost impossible.
I miss when we were complaining about rank 6 blue and green earrings.
From further playing, I realized there's a little more gacha currency they toss around through dailies and other stuff, but seems that thankfully a lot of characters can be earned through farming shards (like in PriConne) and events so, while things may seem a little stingy at first, it doesn't look so bleak in the long run.
As you say, just to wait until ArkKnights comes out to compare the two.

>> No.20450105

Now I'm complaining about rank 11 earrings, not a lot of things have changed.

>> No.20450120

Didn't this general die

>> No.20450160

I thought Chaguma Ruka problem is only she lacks status barrier with her S2 has slow start and isn't that good for clearing map. I'm using her original form instead because it makes her normal attack into gatling type like Aisha.

Elemejeje barrier is shit aside for bossing.

>> No.20450166

I didnt like her playstyle much compared to Chaguma tina who's really good at clearing with Heliobright bow and that insane lifesteal so I can't understand why Ruka is above her now and she's down in the shit tier.

>> No.20450232
File: 179 KB, 880x487, ayane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cute xmas lines

>> No.20450238

you cant trick me dude im waiting for the free rolls

>> No.20450250

Look at her cute face and how she's so excited for xmas, how can you resist?

>> No.20450345

I had a theory regarding Kokkoro showing up in 現実 as her iteration from the game, but upon seeing the preview with Rei being in her school had me think back on it for a second. Well, it's all speculation, I guess we might know more next month when the time comes. Or the month after that since they do chapters in two parts nowadays.

>> No.20450352

How come Ayane is in the Orphan guild when her parents are alive?

>> No.20450464

>All old Christmas events rerun excluding last year one in Shironeko
>Haven't do all of them
RIP my life.

>> No.20450714

Share your theory anon, I'm down for story discussion. I'm still trying to process what happened myself

>> No.20450736

Kaiser already explained that there's a lot of little things in the world that don't make sense, but somehow no one thinks about it besides himself. Probably a byproduct of the world.

Alternatively she just hangs out at Sarendia, nothing wrong with that

>> No.20450741

So Ayane is physical Illya on steroids

>> No.20450757

>discount version of Christina

>> No.20450806

Is a good time to start playing Alice Gear Aegis? I was wondering If there is any good event for new players since we are near xmas

>> No.20450818

So far they have a collab with strike witches so if you're into that, is a good moment to start playing, also, there's the anniversary next month.

>> No.20450863
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I think you mean
>Christina is now a discount version of Ayane

>> No.20450865

>Another self critting RNG character only this time it's single target physical
I'm glad they can somehow make a banner so utterly undesirable.

>> No.20450875

Who would win?
>One of the Seven Crowns, a pro gamer with the power of Absolute Offense and Defense
>One teen in Christmas clothes with a bear plushie on a stick

>> No.20450876

Thanks, I'm not familiar with Strike Witches yet but I'm kinda interessed in the anime. I will give a try

>> No.20450901

*crits herself*
What now?

>> No.20450918
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>> No.20450923

*crits the enemy for even more damage*
I don't know, what now?

>> No.20450933

/ban_user: XxXAyaneWants69420XxX

>> No.20450974
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God what a sexy body

>> No.20451157

One hit for 100k then being out of the fight does not make up for sustained damage over the course of 1 minute and 20 seconds that literally any other DPS could bring. Just look at how viable Ilya is when you're past the first round of fights in CBs. She becomes a serious liability and this is exactly what Ayane will be too. There are very very minor exceptions to this depending on boss mechanics but overall you're always going to be taking a gamble and, very often, the gamble doesn't pay off.

>> No.20451260
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you dont gamble in priconne, the odds are always against you

>> No.20451846
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AG Stream stuff

>> No.20451887
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That's nothing, look at this

Reports indicate that she's usable if you invest on her in the way Ilya is literally unusable at 3* and support her with stuff like Nozomi or Xmas Kurumi because more pdef makes her take less self damage. Apparently people can burst 3 times at higher stars with only just Nozomi heals which is nice but you'd probably want a healer to support her so she doesn't die horribly.

Axe crit rate is also a LOT lower so she shouldn't be critting herself or the enemy that much but it would be pretty awful if she crits herself during a big hit.

>> No.20451943
File: 872 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181220-015732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly did I or we do to deserve all these fuse hammers?

>> No.20451947

Xmas is hammer time for colopl

>> No.20451956

Colopl shachou rigged the darts challenge.

>> No.20451959

Its your christmas present

>> No.20451983

>but it would be pretty awful if she crits herself during a big hit.
So she's unreliable where you trade off big dick damage for the chance of her randomly exploding. In a world with no CB resets anymore I can only see people whining as they fail to push 1m because their main damage died. Even with support Ilya is still a huge risk so I don't expect this to change for Ayane either but I guess time will tell.

>> No.20452096
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its not that bad actually. look at this self dmg

>> No.20452448

That's non-crit, which is where the element of danger arises. Even Ilya is self-sustainable when she doesn't crit. When she does crit however it turns what should be smooth and easy run into a complete shitshow and that's what I'm worried Xmas Ayane is going to be like.

>> No.20452510

ilya has 2 skills that hurt her constantly and randomly, meanwhile ayane self dmg is from ub only and its controllable. just pair her with christmas kurumi along with a healer and she will be viable. the question is, is it worth to to use up to 3 slots just for that big dick meme?

>> No.20452591

Indeed, that's the main question. It's well and good saying they're viable with support but there comes a point where you're gimping yourself because you simply have too many slots wasted on said support. And this is all under the assumption that she isn't gonna be getting hit. Most CB bosses end up doing party wide attacks with poison on the first 3 members, burst attacks hitting everyone etc so she becomes just that bit riskier and/or slower to use because you have to recover from that damage first before you can safely let her go to work. After a few cycles CB bosses are hard enough to survive as it is without someone going suicidal so I'm not entirely sold on her performance. Could be useful to instagib someone in Arena perhaps?

>> No.20452743
File: 112 KB, 500x360, 1445840807617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no room for anything else
1 phys def debuff
1 healer
1 tank
if she dies then the whole team will fall apart and of course frontliners take the most dmg. even ilya and co. lineup is waaay safer to use

>> No.20452907

>FMA collab rerun in Tagameme instead of Fate
>Akanesasu Shoujo kusoge is already going to be kill on January 31

>> No.20453117

Wasn't Akira trying to keep Kaiser contained in her Labyrinth? What is she doing in "real life"

>> No.20453130

>Global players complaining about lack of guaranteed on a banner with one Global exclusive and 2 farmable in the future characters
>JP is doing 7500 gems guaranteed bait gacha for farmable characters and another 7500 gems character gacha without guaranteed before FMA collab
It keeps on giving.

>> No.20453446

Huh? How is there no room for anything else?

Jun/Skokkoro or Nozomi/Skokko is pretty common so you'd just shove XAyane in there and she'd deal damage while being healed by Skoko in an emergency and passively healed by Nozomi's big aoe heals or Jun's ST heal. In the case you'd need to add XKurumi because the boss hurts and you want to take her for extra survivavility against the boss you can also take her because she plays great with Kurumi, its just a matter of thinking a little and making the team comp work.

>> No.20453492

>Just look at how viable Ilya is when you're past the first round of fights in CBs
Extremely viable? At the top rankings using Ilya is basically required because of her insane DPS. Sure, she will crit herself to death sometimes but even if you factor the reduced damage from a dead Ilya your overall damage will still be higher if you use her every time. If you don't use her then the other clans that do will rank above you.

>> No.20453663

>>Akanesasu Shoujo kusoge is already going to be kill on January 31
That has to be the fastest I've ever heard of a kusoge being kill. When did it come out? September? October?

>> No.20453963

What’s the optimal rank for S. tamaki?

>> No.20454064

>Christmas Chika dances with the llama costume
wtf I thought she was for (Me)...

>> No.20454409

Anything but 11 for everyone is a meme

>> No.20454553

Can confirm. I took my rank 2 Ilya and rank 4 Peco to the dungeon boss, couldn't survive 30 seconds.

In all seriousness though, sub-11 (when you can go higher) for anyone is indeed a meme.

>> No.20454575

Not really, there were some ocassions where you would have wanted a R9 Makoto in the previous clan battles and there were some arena matchups where a R9 Halloween pudding would kill some comps where a R11 pudding would fail.

But now that we have full R11, it would be indeed a meme to keep these characters at R9 because the stat gap between these two levels is too big to ignore now.

>> No.20454585

>were some ocassions ... in the previous
>now that we have
The original question was "What's the optimal," implying "is" as in present-tense. Make up your mind please.

>> No.20454600

Sorry, my bad for trying to answer a question here.

>> No.20455298

>Japanese release of 10 Project not giving out daily stamina and free rolls for launch like china
Feels bad man, the chink server runs like absolute garbage

>> No.20455550
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We can go higher

>> No.20455797

The JP version overall is just one oddity after another. Even the regular daily stamina things are quite atypical with their timeframes. 12-14, 18-20, and 21-24. If one reads the titles, they'd figure out why, but it's still just really unusual.

>> No.20455843
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>Houkai lottery has good 4* gear at 0.25% rate
>got 500 crystals, which has a 1.01% rate
Lucky but not lucky enough.

>> No.20456066

>Jun/Skokkoro or Nozomi/Skokko is pretty common so you'd just shove XAyane in there and she'd deal damage while being healed
you cant heal a corpse. she oneshotted herself even at 3* with no phys def debuff on her
>In the case you'd need to add XKurumi
there is no case here. ayane is just too unstable without kurumi

>> No.20456068
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What a lewd cat.

>> No.20456120

Don’t let this distract you from the fact that she’s over 18
Old and busted

>> No.20456219

Been away from Houkai for a few weeks, what Christmas shit should I keep an eye out for?

>> No.20456375

>Do a 10-roll with free rolls
>Karma 5* dupe
>Farm up another 10-rolls
>Karma 5* dupe again

I want this dude to just go away forever, all I need from this gacha is Sheryl

>> No.20456387

I'd like an answer to this too, there's like a bazillion banners up on the event missions thing.

>> No.20456578
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>> No.20456618
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>free 15k jewels

>> No.20456672

Kyaru is so fucking cute...

>> No.20456762

>free 19x10 whale tears

>> No.20456774

You forgot to post the other one.
Enjoy your free ten Kuukas and 90 Hiyoris.

>> No.20456922

>Somewhat shitty stone slab from Sharehouse 3 coop
At least it's easy although the 19* one is probably impossible to solo.

>Karma with free 10 rolls
I thought it's only for rerun.

>> No.20456927

The present mission gives you 225 jewels, that's pretty much one free 10-roll

>> No.20457012

>Wake up
>Free 10 rolls
>Kyaru ad is cute as fuck
I never doubted KMR

>> No.20457222
File: 1.90 MB, 1597x899, MUH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yabai desu ne

>> No.20457233

Any theories on what's going on with Kokkoro and Rei being in real life?

>> No.20457253 [SPOILER] 
File: 559 KB, 1261x709, 1545387370033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Matrix is slowly collapsing. I, for one, am fine with it since most characters look hotter in the real world.

>> No.20457273
File: 840 KB, 1264x710, Twinkle_Wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm so happy my girls are back again

>> No.20457292
File: 1.04 MB, 3594x1200, Schools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.20457309
File: 293 KB, 1024x894, story_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another Eden 2 announced for Christmas Day
>Still haven't finished 1.5 and the side stories
>Had to grind event in multiple kusoge currently at the same time
>Tempted to delete a few but I got a decent gacha luck on these kusoge and they are a bit generous for F2P

>> No.20457326

Imagine when we have to start rolling for real world variants.

>> No.20457350
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>Real world Muimi

>> No.20457372
File: 114 KB, 640x760, Portrait_Alice_Alternative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You joke but SINoALICE does exactly that as a recent example. All the fairy tales have "alternative" versions of themselves. I fully expect PriConne to do the same at some point.

>> No.20457524
File: 43 KB, 500x592, Mobage (2018).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20457773

A waste of character design.

>> No.20457974

Thanks キャル

I would love to roll for the real world girls on their game outfits.

>> No.20458126
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>> No.20458333
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>> No.20458404

>priconnebros took over /gbfg/
What a time to be alive.

>> No.20458420

Fuck just when I spent 3 10 rolls for Christmas Ayane, guess gonna have free shards for 5* her or HShinobu.

>> No.20458730

>Wild Arms next chapter and Tales of Rays last chapter are also scheduled for Christmas Day

>> No.20459324

I guess they got tired of sharing the crown in /mbgg/ with Shironeko players and wanted to completely-rule a thread of their own.

>> No.20459376
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Plus one more for Mimi, Shiho, and Haruka.

>> No.20459456
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-12-21-18-54-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you still love your waifu if she turned into a eldritch abomination?

>> No.20459459

Next Monday is apparently a national holiday in Japan and they don't actually count Christmas as an actual holiday despite mobages have Christmas event.

>> No.20459485

Mama Saren's 桜庭学院高校 uniforms are the best.

>> No.20459520

only if her pussy is still tight

>> No.20459699

Jokes on you that's my fetish

>> No.20459756

I think Yui and Eriko's uniforms are pretty /fa/ too

>> No.20459783
File: 85 KB, 751x1121, q4jz63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they going to do with monks in Shironeko?

>> No.20459983

>snowy night Barns Tower
>World's End boss at the top
What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.20460295

>Free pull was nothing but 1* garbage
It begins.

>> No.20460340
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Meanwhile I didn't even want her to begin with. Well, at least it's better than something like the chuuni retard.

>> No.20460349

>Island 13 coop boss on Casino one
Kusopl fanfiction.

Free garbage rolls are still better than garbage roll using actual gems.

>> No.20460364
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2018-12-22-03-39-04-686_jp.co.cygames.princessconnectredive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone reached 2m already?

>> No.20460382
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, Cute-human-ax-hojo_ayane_normal_start-1-sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Game Ayane is outgoing and tries her best to be a good older sister for Kurumi and the other kids at the orphanage
>Real Ayane is so shy that Pukichi does most of the talking

This is really cute

>> No.20460388
File: 275 KB, 1050x508, 1527629153450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like DMM is doing a campaign where they give you 50% bonus points when you buy and spend points in games.
I assume it applies to buying jewels in Priconne too but do your own research before buying because I'm not sure.
Priconne is having their own jewel sale too where you can buy 500 jewels for 480 points so if you want to whale then this is probably the best time to do it.

>> No.20460391

>Kusopl fanfiction.
More complaining about a danger spam asshole is in a timed run with -10 second penalties for getting hit.

>Rainy mid flower park
>Two submarine whales eat up all of my time
Plus I just rolled another 10+1 full of nothing. Nothing but misery from Kusopl nowadays.

>> No.20460417

Do you get money back for spending 1k yen?

I've been considering maybe buying the dungeon sub for more mana and it'd be nice to get a cashback from it.

>> No.20460498

>PasuMemo anime is licensed by Sentai so it's probably Shitdive exclusive

Tfw I already got max affection with all Sharehouse characters but still have to do the stages again for dailies.

>> No.20460686
File: 173 KB, 1002x1334, Skin-Peking_Duck-Gentleman_Spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please play of the day: Food Fantasy. CN has an anniversary event, so Turkey and Beer have rate up.

>> No.20460694

Must have missed our sister thread, the homo games general.

>> No.20460707
File: 725 KB, 1002x1334, Ascended-Spicy_Gluten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for not posting a girl soul, even if food has no gender in this game.

>> No.20460712

Where's the girl? I only see some woman that's probably old enough to have played with real dinosaurs as a kid

>> No.20460726

You gotta go back to /gbfg/

>> No.20460761

>Another Eden gets eop / switch release
>Scooters gets nothing
At least put up english language version on jp servers my dudes, it's fucking criminal.

>> No.20460780

I want to bring Ayane home and teach her how to overcome her shyness!

>> No.20460789
File: 3.92 MB, 3000x4243, 2ndAnniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schedule for Compassfes on the 23rd has been posted - the main event starts at 11:00 JST, but the news segment is from 17:10 ~ 17:50, I might be able to stay up long enough for it.

During the news segment, voting for the second fan hero design will take place. All of the nominees are here: https://site.nicovideo.jp/seiga/compass2/..
Link for the stream: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv316699395

>> No.20460802
File: 617 KB, 650x520, 1533676950086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Langrisser shill?
I started playing your game and I am having fun

>> No.20460811

>Do 10 roll
As long as I get Neneka/Labyrista/Muimi from Prifest I'll gladly take 19 tears daily

>> No.20460913

Anyone know what kind of setup people are using to support Christmas Ayane in CB?
Hoping that its not Christmas Kurumi since I really dont have the resources to invest in another unfarmable unit

>> No.20460945
File: 61 KB, 678x1024, DYlRokeVAAEutRG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be really nice but I just don't see them making a profit by providing english text.

>> No.20460957
File: 168 KB, 2208x1242, Not mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No support for round one, going to have to wait for R3 because that's where the real fun begins.

>> No.20461037

what rank is that ayane?

>> No.20461042

In that screenshot, 3*

>> No.20461054

i meant equipment rank

>> No.20461057

R11 maxed most likely, zero reason not to if you're using someone in CB

>> No.20461059

26:02 is this song from BGHS?

>> No.20461110

>R11 maxed
I'm not sure what world you live in but I wish I lived in it too. If I just picked up a character less than a week ago I certainly wouldn't have her at R11 maxed due to the huge restraints we have on stamina right now. R10, perhaps. It's hard enough getting the other R11s up to date (again) with the new gear without having to blow stamina on a new character too.

>> No.20461295
File: 389 KB, 1080x786, Merry_BGHS_Xmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No breaks on this train crushing hopes for anyone not topping popularity polls.

>new Haruka with a fancy new skill giving your girl wings and boosting dodging (in an age of stacking combo minus and spamming skills where you don't want to waste time dodging)
>new Michelle and Shiho
>reprints of all the previous Christmas group cards
What a mess has the Eve gacha become.

>Haruka's friend skill applies to the other two that got cards, not those in card art

Good job at shameless blatant jewing, Kusopl. Even if this included those ranking etc. cards that didn't have skills but still came with outfits, someone like Yuri would barely reach half of f*f/Sado/Misa/Kuru. I don't mind Misaki getting her card count up a bit, but it's been enough. Can't say the others have that excuse.

>> No.20461617
File: 1.48 MB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20181222-092825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KMR/10. Got xmas potato on gbf free rolls as well.

>> No.20461656

>When you want to jew your players
>but also make all the fans of unpopular girls quit
>but also make them roll gacha to rank for their girl

Rates were ass this year. I went through that image and highlighted who I got vs who I wanted and it's awful to look at.

>> No.20461769
File: 284 KB, 555x508, DNoqRc9U8AA9WQi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, on tough stages I still need to do a fair amount of dodging to get my skillspam started. Still dunno how useful a buff to it would be, though.

The outfit wings are cute, at least. I'd maybe try a roll if I didn't just spend an unplanned 500 on the other christmas gacha.

>Even if this included those ranking etc. cards
That'd bump up the popular girls too, anyway.

>3/6 Ankos for the year, 4/7 with birthday
Thank goodness birthday gachas are still a thing, since most of them came from there.

>> No.20462115
File: 156 KB, 1200x750, 378ACC74-A2DB-4C63-AFAC-61E9220C217F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife and father in law (deceased)

>> No.20462151
File: 1.36 MB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_2018-12-19-20-39-07-513_com.moepoint.warshipgirlsgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love getting Saru's.

>> No.20462231

An abomination girlfriend sounds better than a dead one.
Now imagine Beo yanking Death away from Suguru.

>> No.20463056
File: 90 KB, 434x414, Ayane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not sure what world you live in but I wish I lived in it too. If I just picked up a character less than a week ago I certainly wouldn't have her at R11 maxed due to the huge restraints we have on stamina right now.

I saw your post and decided to do this today just to show you that its completely possible and not really hard, especially when you happen to like the character. There's also very very few axe viable axe characters in this game so all those axe mats should be piling in your inventory if you've been farming other characters and events.

>> No.20463177

Shinobu looks gorgeous here

>> No.20463243
File: 540 KB, 480x270, 1520120897364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20463249

My wife Muimi is so cute

>> No.20463501

>Dumped 2k gems on Shironeko Summer rerun gacha hoping for Tina,Brad or Vincent
>Didn't get any of them
>Spent another 250 gems and ended up with 2 Farfalla which I don't want since I have Chaguma Judah on that last 10-roll
Kill me.

>> No.20463503

me too

>> No.20463653
File: 20 KB, 102x103, fuck this thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of the new stages drop this?

>> No.20463894

Why is grinding items in this goddamn game such a slog

>> No.20463991

If you're referring specifically to PriConne it's a number of factors - very limited AP, garbage drop rates (33% on a good day for most promoted items on a stage), huge reliance on double drops which is only active for 5 days out of the entire month, huge amounts of items required to actually create the item and finally the fact that specific drops are limited to specific stages. You're forced to make a decision on what to actually grind so while you make progress on one or two characters with todays AP you make ZERO progress towards anyone else. You need 35 fragments to make a weapon, 10AP a stage, 33% drop rate = over a thousand stamina to make a single weapon then you need another copy of the weapon after you rank the character up etc. so it's just a huge slog. The fact they have the nerve to make you spend 200 additional AP for hearts now is just a kick in the face.

>> No.20464283

Would be nice if they have stamina pots

>> No.20464340

or just better drop rates. seriously, the rates are fucking trash and you need a fuckton of them

>> No.20464504
File: 485 KB, 765x680, 1585386485757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this? another chinese cheaters clan?

>> No.20464555

>Top of my clan for months
>Can't even be bothered to log in this month
I guess this truly is yabai desu ne.

>> No.20464745
File: 1.06 MB, 640x842, DurnWv9UYAAxMHp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on tough stages I still need to do a fair amount of dodging to get my skillspam started
True enough, getting started is the most tough part there. So it's not like dodging is dead, but this new skill won't help you in this part where you'd welcome it. What you want are those knockback resistance &
damage null weapon subskills on startup. Or knockback resistance & HP steal.

What the new skill does is keeping your combo no matter how many times you dodge and extending the invicibility time during dodging. You still need to combo your way to it, and in this Haruka's case the high 14 combo doesn't help. Then, I'm not going to deny I sometimes wished I could dodge more to be extra safe from buff-killer poultry, but two dodges should be enough to get by most of the time. So it doesn't look all that amazing. What would've been nice is if it didn't only prevent your combo from dropping, but make the dodges count towards combo.

>That'd bump up the popular girls too
Except it wouldn't, more or less. Only Kurumi is exception with her Hoshimori (No)Chance lotto party dress. Sadone had that archer card, but that was last year, so it wouldn't make it on the list anyway. A "free" card from events doesn't exist for f*f and Misaki. You'd think they'd make everyone roll bonus for a ranking Shiho bloodbath by now, but it's always goddamn gacha. Is the onsen Kanon subcard that didn't even come with outfit the only free f*f card in whole BGHS history? Can't remember anything else.

>> No.20464992

>Tried Farfalla on the mage elemental quest
Her lightning elemental damage isn't that much different compared to Chaguma Judah for some reason despite she is rated 1st for lightning damage on .me. Judah ended up doing most of the killing.

>> No.20465218


>> No.20465310

Does anyone but Tamaki have UB delay? Nobody in my dumb clan thought to put her up.

>> No.20465316

Tamaki, Summer Tamaki, Io.

>> No.20465843

Halloween pudding has 220~ TP remove compared to the cats 170~

>> No.20466521
File: 607 KB, 1200x675, 1536383591149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still cant update priconne on PC
Has anyone else had this problem before?

>> No.20466616

>Clan is full for once
>6 people still haven't hit the boss
>1 hour left

>> No.20466649

Are you telling me to log in, Anon?

>> No.20466761

>Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.
why is this still here

>> No.20466776

why are you still here shitposting about this

>> No.20466783

To keep up appearances and pretend everything is welcome here. While in reality when someone post something the usual suspects don't like they try to kick it out.

>> No.20466800

You're in /jp/, not /vg/. Nobody has done any such thing since we moved here. If anything we encourage the discussion otherwise it's just Shironeko and PriConne.

>> No.20466805

When is 5 extra daily gems in Shironeko will start?

My Christmas is already ruined since I only got shit from gacha in all kusoges which I'm currently playing.

>> No.20466808

Find a new hobby dude and maybe another /vg/ thread to shit up with your cancer

>> No.20466811

They are 5ch clans.

>> No.20466872
File: 76 KB, 734x538, 1534963594480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's Warship Girl English /mbgg/?
Would you recommend it over Azur Lane?

>> No.20466883

>WSG over AL

Not really, WSG is too vanilla and too like Kancolle. AL at least tries to put a spin on things and makes the gameplay be different and more engaging.

>> No.20467207
File: 412 KB, 350x605, notx7o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bronya is cute

>> No.20467217

Did they nerf dungeon rewards? All I've gotten are garbage silver and bronze equipments every stage, not even golds

>> No.20467371
File: 917 KB, 1275x713, 1545517647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no elf-cunny hot water bottle
why exist

>> No.20467535

what a dumb hat

>> No.20467760

I wonder what their requirements are to avoid being kicked. Some game that was popular with China and SEA that I played many years ago had guilds who would demand logging in at least once every 12 hours and spending around (at the time of currency rates) $500 USD/month.

>> No.20467851
File: 53 KB, 980x623, 1526319702198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their requirements aren't hard. They just basically just require you to be at endgame and be active. Also some stuff like don't hit each other in arenas and must use clan supports.

>> No.20468111

>5ch has multiple clans in top 100
>futaba has multiple clans in top 1000
>mbgg has one clan in top 10000
Sasuga /mbgg/

>> No.20468260

That's because some statistical data that I'm pulling out of my ass [citation needed] indicates that one's extent to being an EOP (and thus not having an interest in moonrunes-only games) is directly proportional to how strong an eSports mentality one has.

>> No.20468285

A good part of the strong people here aren't in sky princess because the guild turned itself into a meme whether it wanted it or not so its not a good measure of the strength of the people here. Though Japanese will always have the advantage for obvious reasons.

>> No.20469151

>tfw trying to compete against your guildmates and feel like a total weakling

>> No.20469488

Why is 19* sharehouse 3 coop so fucking tanky. I'm afraid to do this with randoms now after finishing with 25s in a team with 2 chaguma aishas and that homo lancer from the homo gach

>> No.20469866

People were asking about it earlier so I noticed Ayane explains why she hangs out at Sarendia with Kurumi and the other orphans when her parents are still alive and around on her 7th story episode. Too bad I'm Japanese impaired and all I understood is what I described.

>> No.20469973

Yeah, once I got a successful run for my clear gems, I went down to 17* for the actual farming.

>> No.20469986 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 188x564, 1545553087556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Kaede, Evening Kaede, Night Kaede tomorrow.

I wish her birthday wasn't in the middle of all these other gachas so I could spare a roll for it. But then again, there's not that many outfits I'd want that will probably make it in the lineup either.

>> No.20470034

When are we remaking the clan into Sky Queens?

>> No.20470051

After Yuuki connects with everyone and makes them his queens

>> No.20470183
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 1545558403737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary of stuff from the compass news stream:
>MeguMegu's full theme should be released soon
>Short animation for tadaomi was shown and should be released later on
>Thomas was the winner of the original hero design contest, and will be implemented at a later date
Sadly shark girl was a close second
>Some eSports shit
>A spin off manga/comic strip series will be available on Comico, the art looks to be done by several Twitter artists
>Reaching account level 100 gives you a misspelled congratulations souvenir, though it appears to be limited.
>There will be a new UR exchange ticket added - these can be gained from a 90 day login (and one will be given for free). These can be exchanged for a specific UR card - the rotation of available UR cards changes each day.
>Until the 9th, there will be a free guaranteed fire UR pull
>The next season will be for 13 - play for seven days during the season (???) and be rewarded a unique costume recolour.
>There will be a Taiko collaboration featuring a new stage, should be available on the 25th

And for heroes, the first original hero of 2019 will be Thorn Yuriev, more details will be available at a later date: https://youtu.be/znsu02Anhew

Compass will be having a collab with Konosuba. Megumin (tank) and Aqua (sprinter) will be added alongside 8 collab cards and costumes for Jeanne, 13, Kiryuin, Matoi and Violetta. It'll start on the 27th: https://youtu.be/tWisBPG9gZc

Should be everything but I'll double check when I wake up

>> No.20470212

I just saw that they had a GG collab in Compass. Do they rerun collabs? If they do, Is there a schedule like once every year or something?

>> No.20470265

>CB over Christmas
They couldn't postpone it for a few weeks? What a shitty time to have it.

>> No.20470299

19* is almost impossible to solo like I said. At least it's impossible to fail 17* even if you did nothing since these metal skeleton can't destroy the tree in 2 minutes.

>> No.20470528

If only they give twingun Kaede birthday, I would get it.
I like Kaede, Haruka and Shiho, too bad their default weapons are awful.

>> No.20470729

I swear I always get better CB damage when I just leave it on auto instead of trying to be efficient with my timing.

>> No.20471096

might pick this up. any reroll guides?

>> No.20471756

It does get a bit tougher if some archer decides to pick off those metal skeletons early, and start the next waves before the gate is open.

>> No.20472222
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, gd_389502_-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean for what files and shit to delete or what to reroll for? For files, I dunno.
For the first rank there are a few good cards that are worth having, but after maintenance on the 27th there will be a gacha that gives you one free UR of the fire element along with the new UR ticket that lets you pick what you want. After maintenance they're also giving out 2525BM and Aqua as part of a 7 day login campaign, so you only need to try and get Megumin from the hero gacha to not miss out. It might be worth starting now to get as much BM as possible to roll the collab gacha when it's available, rather than reroll before the guarantees are available.

The GG collab has run a total of 3 times now, it's not impossible to appear again I guess, as Ky has only been available for one of those times. The only one they haven't re-run yet out of Street Fighter/Re:Zero/Vocaloid is the Satsuriku no Tenshi one, so I would expect that next.

>> No.20472366
File: 291 KB, 1280x640, rank_181221.jpg?1545379210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot meme right here

>> No.20472529

Me on the far left, second from the bottom.

>> No.20472631

AL's gameplay is what made me not want to play it.

>> No.20472664

I'm in the same boat as this anon, AL's gameplay is so shit

>> No.20472685

You don't play colle games for gameplay though? Its 100% auto if you're playing a game like Kancolle or WSG and only like 90% auto if you're playing AL.

Girls frontline requires more of your attention and input than all of the above but the gameplay is absolutely nothing to praise and also a game you'd play because the girls are cute and you enjoy collecting them.

>> No.20472704
File: 1.83 MB, 1280x6479, News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summary summary:
Aqua will be a sprinter sporting a 1.15x multiplier across all stats. Her main focus looks to be on purging enemies - her dash attack will break shields on top of the usual stagger. However, it looks like any negative status effects she receives (poison, silence, stun etc.) will last for 1.5 times as long. Her hero skill is a global purge/shield break that deals moderate damage, removes healing/buffs and knocks down enemies.

Megumin is a tank with low attack and good defence/HP. Her hero action will heal her as well as charge up her hero skill gauge. Her hero skill itself is a giant piercing-damage explosion on the map (I think you target which portal key you want to nuke), but the range is huge and can potentially hit all points. This can only be used once per game, however. Her special bonus increases the radius of her HS by 1.5 times depending on her health, with more health = larger radius.

For cards, going left to right:
>UR Ranged piercing attack
>UR Shield (unknown %)
>UR Shield break
>UR Heal over time
>SR Stun trap
>SR ranged lifesteal
>SR Enemy defence debuff (close range)
>SR Individual defence buff

This will be available on the 27th - login campaign featuring 2525BM and a free Aqua will start then.

Costumes for the collab

The next cheeki breeki to enter the fray is Thorn Yuriev. His voice and model looks done, so I'm guessing he'll be released after the January season.

The Taiko collab stage will be released on the 25th at around 17:00 JST. The C point looks like feeding grounds for a well place Ky/Adam hero skill.

Thomas was the winner of the community hero design contest, it'll take a number of months before he's added.

This is the special costume for 13's season, which is rewarded for playing/logging in for seven days over his season. This could indicate similar trends for future seasons.

Should you have managed to limit break an UR card to +4, any further dupes of that card can be converted into 4 of the non-specific UR tickets.

>> No.20472720

At least AL is fair. KC is nothing but RNG regardless of how much you prepare and there's zero you can do to improve your chances. You can be fully sparkled, wearing the absolute best gear, using the correct formations etc. and this means nothing when you have to pass through 5+ aids nodes to reach the boss in every single event. I can't speak for anyone else but that reason alone is what made me forget KC even existed. AL can be fully automated similar to KC but at the same time you can assume direct control and play yourself if you so choose or if you're in over your head and auto can't survive by itself so at least there's more options on the table and you can have an impact on the success of your fight(s). The gameplay itself isn't particularly exciting but it's a collection game so it's not exactly a big deal. To each their own though.

>> No.20472721
File: 122 KB, 1080x1528, DvGCTiBUUAEGwhz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And also here is Violence Trigger - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKdHiLzBf34
I'll update the Mega in a bit

>> No.20472770

Yeah that's why I enjoyed Kancolle much more (KC battle results are predetermined though), plus I liked the girls designs and VAs much more than those in other games
Personally I enjoyed the rng, it makes ship drops much more exciting. And I can't stand the VAs and ship designs in AL, there is only a handful of shipgirls that I actually liked. I really tried to force myself to like AL but I just can't

>> No.20472824
File: 64 KB, 460x567, DQgQWaAUMAA2xoQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite for me I guess. I enjoyed KC during its early days and it probably peaked for me at the arpeggio collab, after that it just went down until I lost interest but I find AL pretty fun, the girls are super cute and having the option to actually play it and affect/control the outcome of the battle makes it a million times more enjoyable.

It also has a lot of little girls and keeps adding more instead of limiting themselves to just destroyers and the voiced collabs so I've been enjoying myself a bunch.

>> No.20472885

>And I can't stand the VAs and ship designs in AL, there is only a handful of shipgirls that I actually liked. I really tried to force myself to like AL but I just can't
KC has Shibafu being the 'face' of the game and is constantly shitting up the game with horrible CG so your statement can be applied to KC too. Apart from Saru, who only has a handful of designs, most of the girls in AL actually have decent art and they're slowly starting to get proper VAs in too like Sawashiro for Monarch.

>> No.20472912

Tried GF, didn't like it. If I wanted to collect cute girls and have a direct control turn-based experience I should probably play AG or something, but at the moment I'm just playing Phantasy Star and Romancing SaGa instead.

>> No.20472939

Pandora feels so awful to play it's unreal.

>> No.20473032

>Apart from Saru, who only has a handful of designs
>Saru has the most designs in the game and is the face of the game for everything except the EN version

What did he mean by this?

>> No.20473047

The real shame is that the AL general and GF general might as well be generals for the EN version of the games with barely any discussion for the JP/CN servers

>> No.20473167

Why is it a shame? There doesn't seem to be anyone interested in playing the JP/CN versions.

>> No.20473189

>AL thread was comfy and nowhere close to dead with mostly JP discussion
>Global gets released
>Thread gets taken over by global retards asking the same questions that were asked a year ago and refuse to read any of the FAQ
>Impossible to have any form of discussion since it's just shitposting now
A true shame.

>> No.20473200

Doesn't "it's just shitposting now" apply to the entirety of 4chan at this point?

>> No.20473234

I'm interested in playing the JP version and still playing the JP version but its hard to find people to talk about it or mindlessly funpost about it. Even the wiki caved and put the EN events at the top with all the other stuff on the bottom so you're pretty much left with no one to talk about it with considering the thread is just EN and autisming over whatever is the shitpost of the day for those people.

For GF, I used to play just CN but I kicked the game off my phone mostly because I lost interest and the game was too huge to keep around. If I get a phone with bigger storage I might consider reinstalling and playing only for the major operations but then the only people I'd have to discuss it with are the EN crowd which isn't very appealing.

>> No.20473254

There's still threads where you can get decent discussion or your questions answered like in the DMM thread or here. As much as people complain about the state of this place, /mbgg/ is still pretty good compared to the other mobile game generals and got better after the move to this board because we no longer have to fill entire threads with bumps and shit to stay up.

And in other threads, at least you're shitposting with everyone about the same topic on the same server and playing the same events as everyone instead of being the guy that's still playing on the old servers because all the old players left/quit or were simply overtaken by everyone playing on the new servers.

>> No.20473361

>I was looking for /mbgg/ in vg
>someone tells me it's in jp
To the point, there was supposed to come out some feh-like srpg where you can bond with your party members. I think it was in beta last month? Anyone has idea.

>> No.20473534

Mbgg was too dead to stay alive at /vg/ thread died multiple times so now it's on jp because this board is slow as fuck so it won't get bump off anytime soon.

>> No.20473676
File: 153 KB, 790x346, wwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I beat 14-3 hard? I just need 5 more shards to unlock Jun. I can't even beat the stage as I always just time out.

>> No.20473806

Alright the first thing you need to know is that Halloween Puddi is worthless for damage. She's a pvp high level annoyance, but her damage is all on UB. Next you need to increase your damage. In this case, Makoto. It's always Makoto. Plus if you really insist on using Halloween Shinobu, you have to realize most of her damage comes from AOE, which is why she tends to synergize with Mitsuki.

>> No.20473961

Run Nozomi and or Pecorine as your tank then Makoto, Tomo, Stamaki and Shiori as your main phys team.

For Jun's hard specifically, try going with your 3 tanks then Makoto/Tomo and see how that goes for you but you need to get Tomo to R10 maxed at least, I hope you worked on her during 2x and didn't ignore her considering how Tomo, Kaori and Christina are the main damage dealers everyone uses for everything.

>> No.20474046
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Could I get some advice on the Ilya Hard node as well? Or if it's not possible with who I have who should I be pumping up

>> No.20474057
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Some of my other characters

>> No.20474186

Kyouka/Kyaru(Equip)/Misato/Akari/Jun is a 3* and you have all those characters.

>> No.20474366

bro just click the star in the top right in the stage select and it will show you how other people beat it

>> No.20474404
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No one excited for Another Eden 2.0 update ?


>> No.20474405

I'm planning on giving the EN version a try when it comes out because I heard it was very story heavy

>> No.20474450

kakkoii shinobi

>> No.20474790

Anyone got speculations for the new character equips?

I get the feeling Akino will have her field AoE changed to apply some sort of additional team buff, maybe physical attack or physical defence (hopefully the former)
im thinking this mainly because I cant see them being able to do anything to her parry skill to make it not suck ass and it seems UB's are generally off-limits for buffs judging from the last set

Depending on what they give Arisa she could become the new hotness for PvE

>> No.20474870
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>> No.20475195

Finally maxed my Makoto after only using 20 tears. What a journey.

>> No.20475241
File: 382 KB, 1024x1024, Albacore_M1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, it feels great to play this shit again.
Sadly I have to re-do everything once again, like using all my resources to get Kirov and use her gun on high class CA/CL.

>> No.20475559
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>Albacore is a sexy little girl in both boat games
I love China

>> No.20475654
File: 326 KB, 1024x1024, Vauquelin_M1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand you.

>> No.20475757

>Want Shiho
>Got Haruka instead
Kusopl. Only rolled 2 times, I don't know whether I should roll more or not. Chance of getting 1 card out of other useless card is slim.

>> No.20476108

Can anyone here enlighten me on the Ragnarok mobile game? Haven't seen my siblings for 5 years and they both seemed hooked on the shit since we grew up in middle school on that shit.

>> No.20476113

Currently very huge in SEA region

>> No.20476127

How predatory is it? Is it demanding time wise etc.

>> No.20476385
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>REALLY miss the story translations about Houkai and talking about the story/characters so go to /u/
>Everything is about how the girls are lesbians and how Himeko is a repressed lesbian because the game tries too hard to sell her as straight
>Far slower than /jp/

Maybe I'll be able to get those translations and interesting story discussions if I join TL anon in death

>> No.20476579

>Need to clear 1.5 and the latest side story
>Haven't do both because I'm busy with other kusoges and real life stuff
>Still need to grind EXP and equipment mats as well which is somewhat more slow and painful compared to other games
>My effort will be wasted once the game is kill
They should have just make an offline version of it IMO.

>> No.20476736

Why does the mana chest still exist?

>> No.20477076
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>> No.20477107

My sister in law is so cute

>> No.20477157

reminder to sleep less than 7 hours per day. you dont wanna be a dumb klutz like her

>> No.20477160

If sleeping gives me superpowers I'd gladly do it

>> No.20477366

Kinda chill if you play with friends since you can do Endless Tower and Vahalla Ruins to hunt some bosses without having to compete with other groups.
The game has stamina system where you get 100% EXP and drop rate for 300 minutes per day, and leftover time can be accumulated up to 900 minutes. You start to get EXP and drop rate penalty after that, but you can still fight and do quests, etc. There's also built-in auto battle, so prepare to bot.
Servers are dogshit.
It becomes P2W real fast if you are serious about PVP or MVP hunting, because there are several ways to boost your ATK. This includes gacha items, which you can realistically do a free roll once a month. Not to mention how each roll is obscenely expensive and how the rates for seasonal gacha items feel like a literal scam.
At least you can now use any headgear/weapon/tail (why)/backpack you can equip as costumes.
Story is also dogshit.

tl;dr It feels like a Chinese game with Ragnarok skin, but I kinda enjoy it. Just don't spend money.

>> No.20477375
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I've been busy visiting family for the holidays and wont really be able to play over the next few days for obvious reasons. Good luck with the top 500 finish lads.

>> No.20477397

Have a nice holiday. Cheers.

>> No.20477420

Wish i had one or two haha

>> No.20477422

I finally joined a clan that is capable of it which is a nice change from my usual 1500~.

>> No.20477901

Is possible to get more than one 4* during the tutorial reroll in AGA ir the gacha is rigged? Already rerolled over 50 times and only got one

>> No.20477954

Nope, fixed to always give 1 4* and 2 3*.
The 4* you can roll is also fixed to the first 8 starters characters, so you can't roll collab characters from it.

>> No.20478011

Meh, I will stick to Sitara then

>> No.20478343

Is this the new IP from Coloplfes? Been living under the rock for a while.

>> No.20478423
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Don't think we're hitting 500 at this point. 1500 at best

>> No.20478425

How are you here but not able to play, don't lie to me anon

>> No.20478506


>> No.20478562

My bad. So, did they more information about their new games?

>> No.20479127

>new games
The stream isn't happening until the 26th. I wonder if Shinobina 2 development is completely abandoned since it seems the stream will be only for PoTK and Tagatame.

>> No.20479730

10 quartz for christmas in FGO only REEEEE bros help us.

>> No.20479733

No /vg/ cancer allowed here sorry, you have to go back

>> No.20479748

Post game with better gifts then

>> No.20480084

>Did a 10-roll on dead kusoge a few days ago but didn't get the rate-up SSR or SR
>Got a ticket from login today and got the rate-up SSR with it
I wish this happened in Shironeko after that waste of 2250 gems >>20463501 and another 2k gems in the original run to only got Farfalla.

>> No.20480269
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 最後の授業.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP again. It hit harder with Japanese voices.
>tfw she died on Christmas Day

>> No.20480429
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>> No.20480464

>That Kokkoro
She's so cute

>> No.20480493
File: 172 KB, 834x563, DvNhQKYUwAAvwH8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She finally arrived! I really dig how the packaging looks. Luckily I rolled her 4* variant in the game so I can make use of the free stuff she comes with. Now I just gotta find time to put her together.

>> No.20480502

>Get your waifu in the game and IRL
That's a pretty sweet deal, merry xmas anon

>> No.20480684

Does Kokkoro rub arujisama's chest every night?

>> No.20480717

I skimmed the "lol everyone's secretly a lesbian thread" earlier when I was wishing to talk about the game with someone and apparently she's probably ot dead? See >>>/u/2772883 for more info on what I'm talking about

>> No.20480913

>roll 2 6*s in 10project
>both dupes of the only 6* I have
fucking cunt, even when you win you lose

>> No.20482070

Why can't you fight against the next boss when you defeat the previous one in clan battle?

>> No.20482265

1.4 GB update for 一零プロジェクト for just a simple Christmas event.
There's, what, just some lines of text and a few backdrop images. What kinda backwards-ass coding are these Chinese doing?

>> No.20482580

You can. Just hit the battle button because you have to use the previous team with remaining time from last battle. Also, go learn nip.

>> No.20482803

It's some weird shit happening with the JP version, the Chinese version had way less downloading

>> No.20482820

>Flynn's chapter came with a raid event
>green anima
>also has an item gacha
Neat. Piece of cake with Rita and Estella. Getting Estelle's wedding mirror is finally paying off.

>> No.20482855
File: 82 KB, 1152x532, Screenshot_20181224_232322_com.netmarble.destiny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone play Destiny Knights mind telling me if this is a good roll?

>> No.20482894
File: 2.00 MB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_2018-12-24-23-31-41-481_com.moepoint.warshipgirlsgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that collection of Saru's girls going /mbgg/?

>> No.20482941
File: 847 KB, 1486x4096, DvOht5RVsAAcooj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going fine

>> No.20483062

OwO Is this WSG?

>> No.20483067

Actually, now that I think about it, I don't recall seeing any Sarus in 10project. At least not yet.

>> No.20483076

Official countdown to New Years gacha!

>> No.20483181
File: 534 KB, 900x1440, 1519349548814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest HELL so far imo. There are lots of characters who can clear it, but of course, Vice Prez Aisha and motherfucking Werner are the main stars of this shit again.

>> No.20483792
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Merry Christmas /mbgg/! Have a great day!

>> No.20483844
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2 more are coming. so this is why the collab period is much longer this time.

>> No.20484371
File: 125 KB, 432x277, BkNvmQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw I'm probably problem with the ball and sometime in the 1st batch because laser attacks out of nowhere.

>> No.20484595
File: 161 KB, 852x1199, DvMdg4zUcAEOypW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some kind of level requirement to clear 17-14 on normal? I'm around lv100 and shit hits too hard.

>> No.20485084

Levels make a huge difference. You could be level 100 with a team and get destroyed against the VH dungeon boss then you can be level 115 with the exact same gear and suddenly kill it in 2-3 groups without an issue.

>> No.20485175
File: 133 KB, 576x768, photo_2018-12-25_08-06-36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see their in game models if you finish up the event. Sure hope grenade launchers become a new weapon type

>> No.20485189

Oh wait those are machine guns. I'm dumb and tired

>> No.20485768

Need new bread soon, half way down page 10.

>> No.20485932

Merry xmas and a happy new thread!

