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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20416362 No.20416362 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>20375145

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.20416364
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>> No.20416452
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>> No.20416662

If you can only get 1* with this team then nothing can help you

>> No.20416882
File: 1.07 MB, 1267x722, geminiseed3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I see now.
I was also hyped because of saitom. I knew game also featured a lot of characters not drawn by him, but hell. It's not like he is an all-age artist. He's a well known H-mangaka and their decision confuses me.

>the art isn't top notch but it's cute and serviceable, and the gameplay is more or less an improved version of FKG
Well I a got a different impression after trying it out. At least half of the girls have very decent art, animated sprites during dialogues and such. The gameplay feels more like a FGO-lite with that Buster/arts/quick look-alike. What's bothering me the most is how little is actually voiced in this game. And the battle animations are, yeah, could be better. I'll give a closer look, maybe it's actually not that bad.

>> No.20416933

There's a rule about posting chimp looking ass feet.

>> No.20417136

You're playing with fire my friend, you better have proof for these claims.

>> No.20417261
File: 374 KB, 952x633, 245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, i can skip buffs now. But im still forced to watch all those skills over and over again and im still need to do multiple clicks between every fight to speed up movement. Can devs just play they own game for a day? Or they somehow enjoying this shit?

>> No.20417344

Some pretty big seiyuus here.
I wonder how did they get them to voice eroge characters again? I mean do they pay more for voicing sex scenes? It's logical to assume they do. But it's Japan, so I'm not sure. I mean Nabatame Hitomi and Ishigami Shizuka have tons of all-age anime roles. The only thing which held me from recognizing them was the fact they can sound very differently and they don't have 200% recognizable voices like say Hayamin or Ookubo Rumi.

Maybe it's a regular practice, I just haven't seen many seiyuus return to eroge work after they become "big".

>> No.20417478

VAs that started their career voicing eroges still go back to do these works all the time, just with different aliases.
The more mainstream ones that got popular through normal anime roles or idol career won't do eroge works though, may have something to do with their agency contract.

>> No.20417484

No idea how the seiyuu industry works but there's this article on the topic.
Can't vouch for its correctness but in short, eroge work pays a lot more (and on per-word basis) than a normal anime work with fixed pay, at least if you're not some legendary seiyuu who can set their fees as much as they want.

In the artist's defense, he carried the whole game alone, and the H-scenes were good.

>> No.20417522

I see, thanks. Well that's good to know most female seiyuus don't find returning to eroge roles morally degrading.

>> No.20417575

By the way if you're interested, there's also this wiki that collects info about mainstream seiyuus voicing R18 roles.

>> No.20417789

It does do something that FKG is lacking though. If you managed to do the equivalent of Evolving your units/FA-ing them, the sprite does actually change into their Evolved looks, so that's nice.

>> No.20417887
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Max level raised from 35 to 40.
Future updates include multi-party battles and equipment fusion.

>> No.20417941
File: 877 KB, 1131x638, unit6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Returned back to Unitia after dropping it somewhere around the end of the first event with a free nurse character. I remember reading it had some kind of a renewal? I noticed that now you can limit break your characters with dupes right away without needing rare and expensive materials.And iirc you also had to evolve them to 6 star first. The stat boost is huge and it really helps early on in the game.
I also noticed Oracle Assist upgrades and it looks like evolve materials are dropping like candies now. At least it took me way less runs to make a 4 star character into 5 star. Has anything else changed in the game?

By the way I'm still amazed how the artist keeps this level of quality for each new character. I hope they pay him enough for this level of detail.

>> No.20417956

>Has anything else changed in the game?
You missed 15 days of free 10 rolls and a pick 5* login bonus.

>> No.20418064

Guild battle, which is basically a DPS race where you smash the the boss for a few minutes. Good rewards but you need to be in an active guild for it. Raid battle is coming soon, probably after the current event.
Some balance here and there but I didn't pay much attention to them.
And you somehow missed 2 weeks of free rolls.

>> No.20418183

I keep discovering characters between games that I may like for different reasons sharing the same VAs. I'll go a while before noticing after they say something that sounds familiar to another character. Now I have to find out if they've done other work too.

Anyway, I wonder if its similar to artists, where it's not uncommon for them to draw lewd before getting more official/recognized jobs.

>> No.20418282
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Seems fair.

>> No.20418323

I think it's a bit different with artists. First of all most of the artists who start off drawing porn actually love what they do. Whereas I can't really be sure about seiyuus. I mean sure maybe some of them do enjoy talking dirty and moaning in the mic for money. And in the case of artists you're more likely to identify the drawing style than you are in identifying seiyuu's voice.
I also don't remember any artists trying to hide the fact they returned to drawing porn after they did some big "safe" work. The only time something similar happened is when Sayori had another account where she uploaded the lewds. It was relatively obvious it's her alt account and I don't remember what caused it, but one day she just uploaded all of her porn to the main account.

I'm pretty sure that "if I want to take real commission I have to draw lewds because they're popular" is usually an approach of western artists.

>> No.20418860 [DELETED] 

>I'm pretty sure that "if I want to take real commission I have to draw lewds because they're popular" is usually an approach of western artists.
Part of it might be that the Western community has a bigger private/porn commission scene, even a mediocre artist can make a living if he swallows his pride and caters to furries. I don't see this happening in Japan, their Patreon equivalents are fairly milquetoast compared to the "learn to render like a god, explode in popularity, earn $20000 a month drawing nothing but cute girls" process of actual Patreon artists. So Japanese artists have less reason to draw things they don't like for the sake of money/popularity, I think many have different jobs and are doing it as a hobby anyway.

We do have a Western equivalent in young college students doing art on the side and posting it on Twitter/tumblr or joining various cons, but that community is pretty recent and it'll probably take 10-15 years before we have the kind of quality porn artists that Japan, China and Korea produce regularly. They're getting there though, there are Western artists becoming popular on Pixiv, publishing in Comiket and joining Jump/Kodensha manga contests, and a couple even draw regularly for DMM games.

>> No.20418870

>I'm pretty sure that "if I want to take real commission I have to draw lewds because they're popular" is usually an approach of western artists.
Part of it might be that the Western community has a bigger private/porn commission scene, even a mediocre artist can make a living if he swallows his pride and caters to furries. I don't see this happening in Japan, their Patreon equivalents are fairly milquetoast compared to the "learn to render like a god, explode in popularity, earn $20000 a month drawing nothing but cute girls" process of actual Patreon artists. So Japanese artists have less reason to draw things they don't like for the sake of money/popularity, I think many have different jobs and are doing it as a hobby anyway.

We do have a Western equivalent in young college students doing art on the side and posting it on Twitter/tumblr or joining various cons, but that community is pretty recent and it'll probably take 10-15 years before we have the kind of quality porn artists that Japan, China and Korea produce regularly. They're getting there though, there are Western artists becoming popular on Pixiv, publishing in Comiket and joining Jump manga contests, and a couple even draw regularly for DMM games.

>> No.20418978

I'm glad it's the West who learns from Japan in this regard and not the other way around. If only western governments and companies stopped banning and prohibiting drawn porn right and left. It's hurting more than it's helping.

>> No.20419006

>Dalia starts at level 10
>Still costs 90 hearts to unlock
>Available for a limited time
aaaaaahhhh please spend money

>> No.20419073

Man they were doing so great so far.
But I guess you do need to make money. Can't be selling panels all the time.
Only saving grace is that there will be a rerun later.
Now you have to think twice before spending your Super BondPs

>> No.20419195

>there are Western artists becoming popular on Pixiv, publishing in Comiket and joining Jump manga contests
There are? I only know of that one artist doing stuff for FKG or something. And a lot of Chinese/Koreans/SEA.

>> No.20419293
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Can't be helped, I didn't expect Sylvia to be OHKO'd.

>> No.20419379

Just place Lapis' tokens to stall the ranged attacks dude

>> No.20419491
File: 13 KB, 150x150, 1313604768462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutaku funded another PewDiePie video.

>> No.20419597

Why bother with token-stalling when I can do Gellius-stalling.

>> No.20419599
File: 551 KB, 607x482, emperor homo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mephistopheles just confirmed that Emperor is gay and in love with prince.

>> No.20419600

I wish I could roll her but rolling specific imperial units is impossible

>> No.20419606

I don't even want to think about ridiculous amount of SC I wasted on every imperial gacha over years to finally get her.

>> No.20419676

I still dont have the only two imperial units I want, Angeline and Mephisto
I rolled that piece of shit Wurm instead

>> No.20420276

What kind of team should I use for the Flos Ferri ranking quest? Can't deal any damage.

>> No.20420506
File: 556 KB, 640x1346, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate-up again when? I missed her

>> No.20420759

>I rolled that piece of shit Wurm instead
I feel like shitting on Wurm has happened in every one of the last three or four threads. And she's not even bad. Eldora is shit, but Wurm has a really fucking good skill.

>> No.20420777

She just isn't what I wanted and aside from her skill she looks like the portrait of mediocrity

>> No.20420789

SAW and Fafnir AW2 lets her deal quite a bit of splash damage.

>> No.20420801

Meph and Angeline were my last two blacks, I wanted Elmira or Aurora.

>> No.20420894

I ended up getting 3 Wurms and some other imperial black before I finally got Mephisto on her banner. I don't like selling blacks but I can't even deploy all 3 of them for meme strats either.
I wish you best of luck next time around, anon.

>> No.20420958

I don't believe you.

>> No.20421310

What's the radius of her splash?

>> No.20421417

Not documented anywhere that I know of, but here's a video from before all of the buffs they threw at her and dragon soldiers in general, back when she actually was terrible.

>> No.20421420

I don't know a thing about Aigis but the line seems pretty cut and dry to me.

>> No.20421495

God, Makhia is so fucking perfect

>> No.20421512
File: 1.38 MB, 1281x679, priestlady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty new to Artwhirl, did i miss the event to recruit her?

>> No.20421548

There are two Western artists drawing for FKG, yeah. But there are also some circles releasing Touhou remixes at Reitaisai, /ic/ I think had some manga contest threads with quite passable work, and nowadays every new anime-style artist makes a Pixiv in addition to the Twitter/Deviantart/Instagram hell triad. Hell, even our own Magister and his chums made a name for themselves.

To be honest, I don't think anyone sweats where you're from as long as you speak Japanese and can draw/compose in a particular style, it's just that Western artists have their own art society and aren't necessarily interested in getting into the Japanese scene, even if they like anime. Take the neo-tumblr style for example, we tend to dislike it because of Rudolph noses and overly angular faces, but plenty of people draw that way on purpose and it can also be charming if executed competently (think Stand Still Stay Silent).

>> No.20421599

Don't worry, she's set to appear later.
Make sure to plan your points ahead of time.

>> No.20421616

Does anyone here playing Last Dragoon? Currently there is event that you searching 19 type Gurara, I got 18 already but it's really waste potions to look for the last God Gurara, does anyone know which area I must search or it's random?

>> No.20421995

I can't wait to be 2/3 on a blonde twintail party, but sadly this one doesn't tick literally all my fetishes like Gina does.

>> No.20422397

Why does he do it? Isn't he supposed to be a multimillionaire

>> No.20422656

Money. Pretty much no one stops trying to make money no matter how successful they are.

>> No.20422693

As he makes daily videos, he's always happy for video ideas.
Also, this is like a collaboration. His viewers check out nutaku after watching his video and nutaku players check out his videos after seeing the Pewdiepie outfit added to the game.

>> No.20422710

>Pewdiepie outfit
How horrendous, but they're catering to gay games so I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.20422727
File: 42 KB, 155x129, outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, meant a fan outfit

>> No.20422903

As someone who just picked up Unitia for the free gacha stuff, should I use the 5*ticket to pick a dupe or a different character? It looks like I need copies to LB them and even a 3* LB once has way better initial stats than a 5*, but maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.20422933

Pick dupe for LB if you plan to use her for arena or guild battle, especially with the massive stat boost characters gain from their 1st and 2nd LB. Non LB 5* is just way too squishy to survive these quests.

>> No.20422939

As I thought, thanks!

>> No.20422962

There is another 5* pick ticket reward after you finish the main story, though I can't remember if it requires full normal or full hard clear.

>> No.20423434
File: 226 KB, 292x383, but that love is 403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure she means brotherly, platonic love here.

>> No.20423464

Nope. Cocks.

>> No.20423506

Loli Empress form in AW2 incoming.

>> No.20423602

And you're overestimating the breadth of strength and meaning 好き has.

>> No.20423751

Can't access exchange shop in FKG. Is it me or some server problems?

>> No.20423774

Perfectly fine here.

>> No.20424245
File: 607 KB, 1054x580, flos ferri ranking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's everyone's first day of ranking event so far?

>> No.20424391


>> No.20424425

Aquamarine and Sakuraishi backrow, fully stacked with Focus Fire weapons and debuff immune amulets.
Front row Morganite with 1 agility weapon, Pink Epidote, Kaolinite (nothing needed except Hp).
Make sure morganite freezes the yeti with her auto, because yeti has 99999 defense and tanks everything. Start with Sakura nuke, Aquamarine skill 1, then nuke, debuff with Kaolinite after boss autoattacks, cycle through all the skills except Kaolinite, Morganite AoE and Epidote burn. Freeze the yeti again with Morganite AoE when it defrosts, end with Sakura and Aquamarine nuke again.

>> No.20424511
File: 487 KB, 742x995, ded games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these newish games dead last in the rankings
I guess the gacha gold mine is over. You can't clone and copy shit and expect it to get popular anymore.

Circlet Princess probably still has a chance to recover though, once its anime airs next month.

>> No.20424635

Would Inca Rose be better than Pink Epidote here? Her damage dealt up should stack with Sakura's Damage Taken up, right?

>> No.20424639

>Circlet Princess probably still has a chance to recover though, once its anime airs next month.
I wouldn't count on it. It's a cashgrab all over the place no matter how you look at it. I feel bad about wasted saitom designs.

>> No.20424684

Yes, she stacks with Sakura, but she does not stack with Aquamarine who has the same passive.
You can still use her though as long as her level is high enough to be tertiary damage, some of the top ranking players have inca rose instead of epidote.

>> No.20424708

Collected fame at 16600 by accident D:

Anything I can do to collect more rewards?

>> No.20424719

Even gacha spin off of high profile franchises struggle to survive nowadays, let alone some no name, low effort cashgrab ones.

>> No.20424758

Keep doing what you've always done. It's just the fame gacha roll you used. The point rewards are unrelated.

>> No.20424779

As the other guy said it doesn't matter, and unless you specifically want Happy you should always roll before 35k anyways. If you don't care about possibly getting the second chibi you can also roll as soon as you get to 10k.

>> No.20424811

It's due to the market flood. Companies made so many garbage gachas that barely anyone bothers with them unless they have a good differentiator now.

>> No.20424836

A reminder that a browser game with H scenes needs at least 4 of these to be alive
>attractive art and characters
>fully voiced or at least mostly voiced
>regular freebies and gems
>not paywalling players into submission
>a popular IP behind the game

>> No.20425061

Rocket Nurse really dropped the ball hard. I don't think they learned anything from their previous attempt. And they waste their money on live-action PVs and useless IRL campaigns too.
I'm still holding out hope for them. They might pull off a NurePara at the very least.

>> No.20425652

Any good videos with Vieda + GoldGet? I could use her for some nice map farming.

>> No.20427230

What are debuff immune amulets?

>> No.20427307

What was their previous attempt?

>> No.20427599

The amulet that looks like a sword, prevents Attack Down, Defense Down, Damage Dealt Down and Damage Taken Up.

>> No.20427891

Jet Nurse, was it? There should be a video or two on Youtube.
A dead all-ages game that gets a second life on DMM R18.

>> No.20428017
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>Stand Still Stay Silent
It helps that Minna is an extremely good background artist.

>> No.20428646
File: 195 KB, 957x637, got a bunch of samurai though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bashera really worth awakening?
This event mission is just not dropping the silver archers I need.

>> No.20428938
File: 87 KB, 595x398, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have assets and spoil character arts for content that's months away
>but don't update character arts for bloomed characters despite it existing for over a year

>> No.20428944

Spica is the superior archer. Bashira is just a low budget replacement for Rion/Nanaly/Elizabeth.

>> No.20428969

I don't get it. Does Anemone have her Full Bloom form in Nutaku but doesn't have the icon for it? Or do you mean that they should put in Bloom Stuff immediately instead of Provisional Blooms like in DMM?

>> No.20428999

I don't think blooms without art are a thing on nutaku.

>> No.20429030
File: 252 KB, 941x630, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't get it. Does Anemone have her Full Bloom form in Nutaku but doesn't have the icon for it?
>I don't think blooms without art are a thing on nutaku.
It's exactly the case here, which boggles my fucking mind, because it's not like it's missing. Anemone had her bloom available on Nutaku for a long time now, too.
Peach also doesn't have her third art, I just bloomed her.

>> No.20429186

I don't know what nutaku's update schedule looks like, but it's not like they can just add blooms for everyone at once. I imagine they have some kind of schedule they stick to for adding blooms with or without art/2nd hscenes.

>> No.20429365

What part of 'bloom without bloom art' don't you understand?

>> No.20429386

Dmm had a ton of blooms without art so I'm not sure what the issue is. It's basically a time saver and let's them put the girl back in a spotlight when they do add the art.

>> No.20429403

>Dmm had a ton of blooms without art so I'm not sure what the issue is.
The issue was no art drawn yet. What's the point of not adding it if it exists though?

>> No.20429430

Well if they're releasing 2nd h-scenes and the last csq with blooms like dmm did I imagine that would be their hold up.

>> No.20429589

Scenes need writing/translating. I can imagine there's 'some' time/work constraints preventing them from being implemented immediately.
Again, this does not apply to art assets that already exist.

>> No.20429650

It's more of a hype thing. Dmm probably does the same thing. Do you really think they don't have bloom art already done for the new girls? It's basically just a marketing decision for when it's time for a girl to show up in the gatcha again and have new art/scenes/cs story.

>> No.20429653

Forget missing bloom art, Nutaku still hasn’t updated older CSQs with missing voices.

>> No.20430543
File: 656 KB, 1131x639, 8492194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd time now, nice.

>> No.20430757

Any idea how the typical imperial centered team looks like?
I want to build one.

>> No.20430903

In the past I'd have said no. Now it's up to you. It does change her targeting priority, but she has enough attack to match Spica now and they fixed her SAW to no longer have an attack penalty. She's great if you choose to. I did and I absolutely don't regret it.

>> No.20431518

Throw whatever you have together & see if you can do the holy trinity of RPG, then shift stuff around until you feel comfortable.

>> No.20431967

Solano worth getting to max? I have Farne bride and Rino already.

>> No.20433396

I'd say just get 1 for collection. She doesn't really offer anything those 2 won't.

>> No.20433449

Worst Summoner.

>> No.20433607
File: 1.89 MB, 1000x1000, 1522728744324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so now they reveal new himes while the maintenance is ongoing, that's nice.
Guest artist, I'm assuming.

>> No.20433663
File: 239 KB, 558x342, White Empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly really depends on what map you're facing. This is my current blind team, which I would have also added Kyuubi and Diana if I do have them. Of course I would switch to units like Rosel, Lucia, and others when the map requires me to do so.

>> No.20433765

That'd be either Bride Farne or Valentine Rino. At least Solano has 2k+ true damage.

>> No.20433786

>Jewel Princess PVP Major Update
From 17/12 11am onwards: Arena will have the following changes:

>[1] Matching system change
· You will be able to select one of three opponents before a battle. (Except Greenhorn Ranks)
While an opponent is selected, you can check party members, rarity, level, and formation.
· The method of randomizing selectable opponents has been changed.

>[2] Added stat limitation of characters
· If your current Rank is lower than your opponent's, restrictions will be imposed on the opponent's overall team.
If there are characters that exceed said limit, that character will be rebalanced to the limit threshold.
· The content of regulation may vary for each grade.
There are no changes concerning HP adjustment of you and and your opponent's team members and will be as is.

>[3] Changes to Greenhorn Rank
· If there are no available players for matchmaking in this rank, the player will fight a preset team instead.
· Winning and losing points gain/loss is adjusted for this rank.
· Greenhorn Ranks get unique victory rewards not obtainable on other ranks.
· The lowest demotion possible for an existing player after Greenhorn is G3 rank,
Once you have promoted to G3 rank from Greenhorn, you will no longer be able to demote to Greenhorn Rank.
For players who are currently Greenhorn Rank for the season from 12/10 (Monday) to 12/16 (Sunday), they will be Greenhorn rank.
Adjustment to greenhorn rank is complete.
· For Greenhorn ranks, we will abolish the score reset at the end of every season.
The score is reset to the your rank's lowest as usual.

>New Greenhorn Rewards
・For those who have already promoted to G3 rank and above, they will still be able to obtain the Greenhorn rewards in their gift box. Please allow time for us to process the rewards.

>Upcoming updates
After this adjustment, we aim to have our players to enjoy ranking Arena as much as possible.

Our next adjustment will be targeted towards Medium to High ranked players and is currently under adjustment and planning.

>> No.20434266
File: 1023 KB, 3000x1000, 1518125084696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might as well do the thing early then

SSR Februs (guest artist: 津路参汰)
>1: Water damage to 1 enemy; reduce their charge turn by 1. Consumes 15% of max HP; 10% at LV55.
>2: Grant Waterwall to all allies.
Waterwall negates damage taken up to a set amount and grants energy drain.
8T CD/5T uptime
>3: Boost Fire RES for all allies.
4T CD/1T uptime
Burst: reduce CD for 2nd skill by 3T.
Passive: Boost to own DEF while encased in the Waterwall

SR Janus
>1: Deploy a Drone to support 1 ally.
4T CD; 3T at LV45/15T uptime
>2: Negate the effects of all attacks on self; also restore HP at LV65
6T CD/1T uptime
>3: Deal (plain?) damage to 1 enemy based on the number of allies supported by Drones.
Passive: Boost to allies' ATK and DEF if supported by Drones.

R Lumina
>1: Boost to DEF to all allies (stackable)
5T CD; 4T at LV45/20T uptime
>2: Grant Regen to all allies.

Pretty sure Lumina's another guest artist but I can't find anything at the moment.
No funny datamines either, it seems? Probably nothing to mine, really shitty month, honestly.
Oh and Accessory Quest 7 got added

>> No.20434515
File: 644 KB, 1147x265, 16turns in 2 min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the ranking quest in Jewpri bugged? My skills are going on cooldown without even being casted, and turns are passing in an instant so the yeti won't stay frozen for more than a few seconds.

>> No.20434586

Its normal to me, I ended at turn 3 with the usual 1.1 million.

>> No.20434702

>only look at the upcoming SSRs and see nothing interesting
>waste jewels
>that new dark SR with big boobies
Mistakes were made

>> No.20434711

God bless the jew devs, the new arena changes is letting me win most of my games.

>> No.20434842
File: 237 KB, 956x643, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Testament is the bad guys here?

>> No.20434975

I'm loving these massive bongos.

>> No.20435069
File: 201 KB, 800x1121, __katabami_flower_knight_girl_drawn_by_dreamlight2000__c14882b0a482cd82508df0501d1f75a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wood Sorrel's rarity growth gives her 60% act-again rate, lifesteal, counter, defense up, and skill up in addition to a 40% party-wide attack up
Holy shit, someone must like her a lot on the FKG dev team.
Also, to anyone having issues with getting fucked over by RNG in the newest whaleship maps, most effective setup by far seems to be bringing four turtle mantas. They grant no abilities to the whaleship but absorbing attacks aimed at the whaleship and not exploding to a faint breeze means they can actually accomplish something past the first turn.

>> No.20435129

I can't even get past the prologue maps still. Guess I need to level more of the girls I never use.

On a related note, bloom art post where?

>> No.20435136

Not the anon who usually posts them but someone already uploaded them to the English wiki. Easter Cactus, Hops (Yukata), Larkspur, and Water Hyssop this time around.

>> No.20435207

How do you kill Angelite?

>> No.20435219

1. Status damage (burn, freeze, poison, petrify)
2. Reflect damage (Amethyst)
3. Death (another Angelite)
4. True damage
5. White Onyx (stops the debuff)

>> No.20435617

It's not like we've never been able to empathize with bad guys before you know?

>> No.20436757

So the /jp/ union for DMM Kamihime's dead right?
Union event and no one's playing.

>> No.20436848

Half of the union members haven't been online for age, the old leader gave the role to someone else then disappeared for months.
Deader than dead.

>> No.20436917

Surprisingly enough Nutaku Kamihime /jp/ union is alive.

>> No.20437012

It's on a downward trend, though. Our scores in the last union event were pretty low, relatively speaking.

>> No.20437268

Guess I need to find me a mildly populated japanese union pronto, I wanna see the most out of the union event rework next month.

>> No.20437442
File: 415 KB, 700x568, __katabami_flower_knight_girl_drawn_by_kadose_ara__ec6e3b1e8e09aa1b2144766e09b22071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking forward to her rarity bloom because she's super cute, does this make her a top tier attacker?

>> No.20437493

Can't burst as well as Rainbow Rose and Bupleurum, can't stall as well as Kerria and Adenium, but strikes a good balance. She lost one of her distinguishing characteristics (huge stat total for a gold) but her statline is still solid.

Elder brother strong.

>> No.20437676
File: 656 KB, 781x1000, __katabami_flower_knight_girl_drawn_by_suzume_simple0091__a7a397ffc8ba7b75caaedab96b1fe50a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elder brother
If wood sorrel is a boy then I guess I'm gay now

>> No.20437791
File: 404 KB, 1049x742, 58839496_p3_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20439100
File: 153 KB, 487x227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, /jp/, who is your first max-ampy girl?

>> No.20439155
File: 700 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20181218_082514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if "will be" then pic related.

>> No.20439190
File: 136 KB, 449x223, eventually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on it. It'd help if the magic nidhogg stages were the 3rd or 4th set, I've got no shortage of girls for it and it'd help speed the farming along significantly.

>> No.20439346
File: 1.13 MB, 1141x641, necro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone playing the tokyo necro game that launched an hour ago?

>> No.20439393

I'm glad Santa Camilla is event unit, she's the one I really want.

>> No.20439425

If Camilla is event and Cypria is the handout, that leaves Kanon and Konekone for gacha. I'm okay with this.

>> No.20439449

Same, now I can save my sc for new year's.

>> No.20439488

I am but the screen constantly freezes on my browser so I'm giving Nox a try. First try which then bugged out during installation and seemed to have corrupted the files so I'm still in the middle of re-installing it. RNG has been kind to me so far though.

>> No.20439554

Is it me or is a mobage crash going to happen within a year or so? Just like old times during the console game crash back in the E.T. days?

>> No.20439621
File: 125 KB, 196x514, rare peperomia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always and forever.
It's a shame that her rarity growth is probably still far off since she was from one of the last handful of batches before that mechanic was introduced, but it gives me time to work on other girls so I can't complain too much.

>> No.20439675

Lost my motivation immediately after I rolled that ugly as sin megane monster with the 5* ticket.

>> No.20439835

Didn't know you get to fight Alice in this game.

>> No.20440246

Got the gaijin with my 5*, I'll try rerolling for the black-short haired girl because she give me a boner.

>> No.20440354

Long-range type girls are ridiculously superior to close-combat/short/mid-range. I feel cheated that I got 3 5*s all of them are short-range.

>> No.20440416

I dunno about that, my short ranged JK can shit out damage like no other.

>> No.20440493

Why do DMM games always have obnoxiously loud music? I know I can turn it down, just saying.

>> No.20440793


>> No.20441081

Isn't it a Japanese thing? All eroge also have crazy loud music.

>> No.20441382
File: 2.82 MB, 1334x750, DC7BE39E-2356-4863-8FCB-FD64DDBC064B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me what the fuck is going on in FKG plotland

>> No.20441568

It pretty much is. I find myself always having to adjust game volume down for imported Japanese games so I can actually hear the voices because it's usually blaring so loud that it's drowning them out. Localized versions seem to have better balancing out of the box.

>> No.20441785
File: 915 KB, 947x615, Almost_complete_yamabuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, seems like I lost some hp/atk mega-ampies somehow.

>> No.20442192
File: 881 KB, 969x647, 47214821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a bit short, hope another round of Nidhogg starts soon.

>> No.20442225

Wait, just those two? Weird. Looks like different amounts, too.

>> No.20442406
File: 1.26 MB, 968x642, 5609874956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It warms my heart to see how far Artemis has come. All those sukis and daisukis were heart melting. I hope Kamihime uses her more for future events.

>> No.20442568

What the hell?
Aigis has been restarting it's loading screen everytime I start the game these two days, it's really annoying.

>> No.20442710

Yeah. I'm pretty sure I bought all mega-ampies ever available, maybe I've spent atk/hp on some other girl accidently.

>> No.20442862
File: 209 KB, 966x642, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.20442883

Lmao bro just max your assault weapons brooo just nuke it before it wipes you BROOOOOOOOO

>> No.20442956

Any way I can get two silver Bishops to AW Moltena? 4 if I want to 2AW her.
I know I can get some from the youkai story arc but I'm not strong enough, I have all other materials and this is really frustrating.

>> No.20442968

this but unironically and without the bros

>> No.20442991

Why aren't you strong enough to clear the youkai story when you have units ready to AW? Just go look up some low-rarity clear videos. But other than story, keep an eye on the daily rotation, I guess.

>> No.20443089
File: 315 KB, 579x375, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whole week until the next mission with a bishop as a drop, just great.
I just hope the Christmas event on the 20 have it.
On the meantime, who should I AW first between these units?
Level is not a problem, I just want to know who benefits the most out of being AW'd.
I'd go for Diano since I'm building an imperial team but her AW is just disappointing with just a few stat increase and +3 cost.

>> No.20443109

How do you deal that much damage? No way even with a set of skill level 20 assault weapons.
Unless you also need the meme 100% bonus damage eidolon which I don't have.

>> No.20443133


>> No.20443157

jus b urself

>> No.20443175

Frederica and Kyuubi

>> No.20443217

How strong is your burst? 400k should be enough if you managed to full burst 2 times

>> No.20443233

Where's the rest of your def debuffs?

>> No.20443248
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20181215_032642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20443266

Sorry I forgot to mention I'm not a whale so I don't have every SR hime at my disposal.

>> No.20443302

Sorry but "I'm not a whale" doesn't excuse yourself in a game like Kamihime.
Stick to acc4 until you get a good grid or learn to build a better party, it's permanent content, no point in rushing to clear it ASAP

>> No.20444290
File: 250 KB, 960x640, Thanatos_Close.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do 3k magical gems
>it shines golden
>welp. Well, I guess I at least got 4 SRs
>after 9 capsules, 0 kamihime
>10th and last capsule
>pauses, so it's gonna be a kamihime. Nice.
>suddenly, rainbows start popping off of it
>my golden SR capsule becomes a rainbow SSR
>got Thanatos
Nice. This had never happened to me. Fucking Kamihime is trying to make me addicted to betting though.

>> No.20444294

Mecha team rocket Testament best Testament.

>> No.20444456

I'm not seeing Atalanta in your team, which has a DEF down debuff and is a welfare hime.
But as the other anons said, being a whale means nothing, you can spend thousands and still be a retard when it comes to team composition. I'm playing this game since launch as f2p and the gacha only allowed me to build a single (proper) team that, with enough grind, is able to clear any content efficiently. (save tower's higher floors, no 100% either)

>> No.20444624

On one hand, tower higher floors are super fun.
On the other hand, the limited tries really get on your nerves since you're essentially doing everything blind, save for the rough battle info you get.

>> No.20444918
File: 202 KB, 1199x800, 1543640433057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still one of the cutest character / outfit combinations in the game. Too bad she cries so much.

>> No.20444992
File: 91 KB, 616x530, Duv3vqTUUAE5xEg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minerva isn't getting her AW2 art is she?

>> No.20445302

>you can spend thousands and still be a retard when it comes to team composition
Where do I find some guides or something, all I've learned from /jp/ is STACK ASSAULT WEAPONS

>> No.20445417

Called it.

>> No.20445430

We're getting the plump Cypria as a login bonus again? Strange.

>> No.20445483

Your brain is the guide.
Try out which team comp allows the most flexibility with your soul, how can you cap debuffs, offense, and survivability.

I can't stress enough how important it is for your soul to be as much of a jack of all trades as possible.
Take Mordred for example, her kit makes god tier for newbie early game, but she's also a blatant training wheels trap, Outrage is honestly a garbage skill in meaningful content, a very weak common B frame debuff, low chance of charm and blind, and basically every DoT in the game adding up pitiful damage every turn but taking up precious debuff uptime unless you skip the attack phase each turn.
Debuff resistance up is a meme buff, enemy resistance down is okay but you'll find it win more on element, sometimes even off-element.
So that just leaves Propaganda which is amazing if used right, but, if the enemy has a mode gauge, proper management of it would allow you to just skip through overdrive, and in fact that's what you're intended to do for acc4.
And if it's something tricky like a boss with a single charge turn, you can just sub it on a better character like Jeanne, who has tanking, DA, small regen and a significant ATK debuff.

jus b urself

>> No.20445533

>Your brain is the guide.
I see.
Then I guess I'm fucked.

>> No.20445538

just go poke the lv70 Catastrophe of your given elemental advantage in auto battle with different groups and see which one lasts the longest then

>> No.20445637
File: 48 KB, 437x530, Duv3ADsUwAEJKTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am cum.
Bit strange that they gave a ranged unit Rak's abilities, though.

>> No.20445664

You meant Christa, because both cannot be redeployed if killed and not retreated (unless you have Xing Fu or Kyuubi/Malika for Christa.)

>> No.20445687

Beautifu tummy

>> No.20445736

Who the hell is that?

>> No.20445831


>> No.20445974

I forgot about update and wasted my gold, damn. Black units 2AW is 350k gold, right? My cute hard carry Duo need to wait a bit.

>> No.20446212

Her skills sound op tho

>> No.20446625

Just noticed Cynthia's ability was boosted from +13% to +15% atk/def for all melee on deployment. Almost good now.

>> No.20447287

Cynthia's main purpose is to powercreep other melee units like Sylvia so if you want to maximize their stats for the memes you need her.

>> No.20447473

Is she the black unit for tomorrow shrine rate-up?

>> No.20447842

Cornelia is the black. Kanon is plat.

>> No.20447901


>> No.20447910
File: 385 KB, 590x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in general, yeah, but the Christmas version somehow looks equally terrible.

>> No.20447913

At least she covers her ugly head.

>> No.20447922

>Massive improvement over her original art
are you blind or do you fucks just hate on everything by the artist?

>> No.20447939

I don't even hate the artist, but why should I give two shits about a faceless girl? Call me when they show her AW.

>> No.20447944

>just hate on everything by the artist?
He literally just draws a Meguca head on 5 tubes.

>> No.20448019

I wished we could get a white empire unit, oh well if they have global abilities like Yukata Nanaly then I might try to get them.

>> No.20448053

White Empire doesn't celebrate Christmas.

>> No.20449804

Oktoberfest skins when?

>> No.20449863
File: 81 KB, 844x511, Screenshot_2018-12-19_22-26-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... huh. And it happened to me again with a premium ticket. It was golden, but then when it showed me the capsule, it started popping off rainbows, and then it turned into an SSR, and I got Fafnir.
Maybe it's a christmas thing?

>> No.20449922

They got rid of rainbow walls except for like guaranteed promos on dmm a while ago. Nutaku probably just got to that update recently.

>> No.20450036

Ah. Well, that makes more sense.
So I guess, on the other hand, I got two SSRs in under 24 hours, so that's nice.

>> No.20450289
File: 160 KB, 1435x947, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st roll.

Glad I got her so easily without resetting my black counter because Cornelia seems like shit since they gave her a dumb theme team ability.

>> No.20450294
File: 31 KB, 182x296, 1545286006034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas.
Except Minerva.

>> No.20450295

Can confirm she did not.

>> No.20450312
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-12-19-22-26-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I hate this game.
7 fucking plats and none of them were the rateup.

>> No.20450318

>Actually got the rateup black instead of the rateup plat

The desire sensor is a twisted thing

>> No.20450322
File: 1.20 MB, 2220x1080, 20181219127774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have some motivation.

>> No.20450368
File: 3.03 MB, 960x5029, event20181220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20450395

Math anon waiting room to tell you it was only slightly higher than 50% chance to get her

>> No.20450463

Looks like this AW2 choice is an easy one. El Drago gets -3 cost and a token, Neptune gets 45% CDR and +20 range. Base ATK difference is only +57 in Drago's favor.

Sucks that Minerva didn't get her artwork, but I knew that was going to be the case as soon as I saw Duo's being shown off alone. Toss her into the Grace pile.

>> No.20450470

Oh, and Neptune also gets 1.3x ATK against Mermen. I glazed right over that part.

>> No.20450478

Okay, second form Astaroth is absolutely gorgeous. Props to the majin artist.

>> No.20450526

>free token and higher stats gain vs 45% cdr
What are they thinking

>> No.20450555

Holy shit, Christmas Cornelia is actually the most useless unit they've released all year.

>> No.20450572

>For 40 seconds, defense increases by 1.7x. Gradually recover HP for all allies (20HP/0.5s) and reduces attack for all enemies by 15%.
That's ripped straight from the wiki.

>> No.20450579

where's the use

>> No.20450601

Minerva profits from more range and cooldown reduction and i dont need to raise a bad class now against merman. Might actually go Neptune. I mean she doesnt even new art so why should i care if devtea doesnt.

>> No.20450612

I feel like this would clash with the flying priority.
Are there flying mermen coming?

>> No.20450630

It doesn't as swimming enemies are already treated as flying enemies in-game and an attack increase against merman doesn't change priority for targeting flying units first.

>Global regen
>Global damage reduction
Where's the useless.

>> No.20450635
File: 1.10 MB, 967x647, 82912819831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swimming units are coded as flying (sasuga JP coding), so there shouldn't be any issues.

Ended up with a copy on my meme alt. Now I just need to decide whether or not it's worth it to break my non-donor status for my main, or just wait till next year.

>> No.20450694


>> No.20450716

Do it. Money is no object if it's for the sake of your waifu.

>> No.20450734

Does the attack reduction stack with curse users? She might see some use with that. Would love to add more attack debuffs alongside Orochihime.

>> No.20450739

>Where's the useless.
>Global regen
>Global damage reduction
I mean you kinda just answered your own question. I can't think of a single majin where I would want to deploy her for 40 seconds of mediocre regen and atk reduction over literally any decent black.

>> No.20450746

Why do people hate the madoka head.

I think it's cute!

>> No.20450748

So how do you counter this majin? I don't remember any way to counter poison clouds with fuckton dps or is it "just kill him fast lmao" kind of majin

>> No.20450764

All I remember is Aquamarie reduces it.
Maybe Fengshui would help since Mei-hua is asking you to kill him.

>> No.20450777

It's more like "Just heal through the poison lmao".
Granted you still need good dps.

>> No.20450790
File: 156 KB, 1175x696, 7YEw3UO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first necro event is live for anybody that cares.

new five star is another yellow sniper.
Snipers honestly seem broken so far, they can attack from across the whole field and even have piercing shots.

>> No.20450821

I wish I could play that game without it crashing every few minutes.

>> No.20450833

probably a browser eating up too much ram issue if I had to guess. have you tried using the dmm game player?

>> No.20450845

You need like double Rinne worth of healing to heal through it at level10, wonder what lvl15 will be like

>> No.20450942

I forgot I got Tifa during the anniversary. She's supposed to be good, right? I've never used her class so I don't know what to do with her.

>> No.20450969
File: 282 KB, 961x636, 54636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to host this raid 2 times in different time and both of them failed because nobody cares and dead game.
And Duo 2AW fucking sucks. Such a bad day.

>> No.20451027

Kamihime had such a good 2018 but they decided to shit the bed in the last month of the year.
What a mess.

>> No.20451108

>last month of the year.
It has been a mess for several months now, right after they claimed that they would slow down the release speed for new himes. Their whole schedule was completely out of whack since then.

>> No.20451109 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 953x638, gonnadie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Christmas Kanon deserve a spot here over a mage/chibi Lapis? I don't have any leveled splash damage units.
She looks decent.

>> No.20451164

Feels bad having Grace and Minerva but not having Sylseth and Duo.
And you know Minerva is NEVER getting her AW2 art since she's shelved as the 'inferior' black like Grace was.

>> No.20451201

Who cares anymore. Pirate class was a great opportunity to do something interesting and new. But all, what we got, is another CDR\range\cost garbage with a single worthless faggot token. And looks like every new 2AW will be like that.

>> No.20451229

Oh no, the retard is back and he missed vampire lord aw2.

>> No.20451259

And what exactly interesting and new you see in vampire lord 2aw? Tokens can paralyze too? Awesome, i'm so hyped, Just fuck off.

>> No.20451383

Which is precisely why AW2 art is worth more, if it's not gonna do anything interesting, at least it could make the units look better.

>> No.20451456

Are you having any luck with multi battles? 99% of them are full when I try to join even though it says 1/10 and I hit shit as soon as it pops.

>> No.20451471

I couldn't get in 90% of the time, and even when I managed to get in one, the boss was fucking dead before the game finished loading the stage, and I got 0 loots from it.

>> No.20451496

I managed a couple but it was only because I hosted em myself an opened them only to guildies. Maybe it'll normalize when everyone isn't new and doing the same ones. I dunno, but right now it's even worse than trying to do event bosses in Granbru.

>> No.20451501

Oh no, the retard doesn't know how to read descriptions either.

>> No.20451686
File: 3.53 MB, 1046x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still a chance for Grace since Alicesoft is whoring around the Rance cast across various gacha games.

There's a decent chance that we'll get a Rance collab gacha later on since the last one didn't have a gacha. They'll probably implement Grace's AW2 art then.

>> No.20451855

Lychnos is really good for this Majin. She turns all Dragon Soldiers immune to status and if you place her fast she can ramp up just in time to hulk smash that grinch.

>> No.20452155 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 180x180, 1545318270605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20452191

Is someone here mad enough to start a Christmas team for Aigis?
Cornelia makes their units much more useful and I'm tempted to start an account just for christmas units.

>> No.20452370

Fuck sailors, I guess. Devs trying to keep them as useless as possible.

>> No.20452539

What does Grace have to do with Rance though?

>> No.20452575

Guess I gotta AW2 her now. Might be a good start for my dragon party, since I have a lot of dragons anyways.

>> No.20452578

Drawn by someone who is now one of Alicesoft's in house artists, I think?
He would be pretty busy right now compared to back when he was a freelancer.

>> No.20452583

She isn't Rance related, but there's a tiny chance that AS would lend Onigiri-kun to dev tea during the collab.

>> No.20452635

Don't forget Dine too. Ever since mage armor AW2 I had thought that the matter was just a case of the artist being unavailable, but ever since the anniversary I've come to dread AW2 with two gacha blacks since there's a very high chance that we'll only get the art for one of them now. It fucking sucks because the art is all that matters because we know >>20451201
is a lost cause. Princess AW2 will be fucking awful.

>> No.20452637
File: 112 KB, 214x200, 001_Sprite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20452661

Dine makes it really clear that it's not a matter of artist availability since cyocyo's just out there drawing high quality lewds of Prisma Illya lolis on Twitter for shits and giggles while Dine goes without.

>> No.20452667
File: 1.47 MB, 1049x697, Machinabeinguseful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's incredible for this boss. Just need to pump out enough AoE heal for the second phase.

>> No.20452702

There was a king reigned in the East:
There, when kings will sit to feast,
They get their fill before they think
With poisoned meat and poisoned drink.
He gathered all that springs to birth
From the many-venomed earth
First a little, thence to more,
He sampled all her killing store
And easy, smiling, seasoned sound
Sate the king when healths went round
They put arsenic in his meat
And stared aghast to watch him eat;
They poured strychnine in his cup
And shook to see him drink it up:
They shook, they stared as white's their shirt:
Them it was their poison hurt.
I tell the tale that I heard told:
Mithridates, he died old.

Move over Vepar, new best majin right here. I wish his dragon was a just a little bit more centipede-like, though.

>> No.20452829

I will if I roll Charlotte to finish my xmas collection. Not sure if I want to bother without her.

>> No.20452877
File: 204 KB, 825x615, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That didn't take too long, even got a cute undead sniper with it, now only Kanon is missing.
Who would benefits this team the most from the black tickets?

>> No.20452968

Wtf you guys told me Rinne is the best unit in the game but everyone is using Saria over her

>> No.20453103

>people are using an easier-to-get platinum unit over a rare black unit
Imagine that.

>> No.20453112

Saria puts out more healing during her skill which is more useful for the second phase of the current Majin.

>> No.20453204

The epitome of desire sensor.

>> No.20453247

why don't they just get another artist to redo Minerva's art or something

>> No.20453403

15 Plats.

15 Plats and no Kanon. Fuck my life.

>> No.20453443
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Update 1: Aigis really likes giving me these costy melee units, but it's about time she gave me Kanon like seriously.

>> No.20453454

>3 blacks before Kanon

>2 blacks before Kanon

She's a shy one

>> No.20453490

She's mostly a giant statstick with good single target true damage.

>> No.20453641

Is Xmas Kanon OP or something?

>> No.20453681

Not really, she has low phys damage

>> No.20453698

OP cute.
Also that belly.

>> No.20453886 [DELETED] 

1264 x 3 is low?

>> No.20453919
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Dot poison? More like global ultra regen.

>> No.20453994

Take this majin for example. Basilisk has 1200 DEF while green slime has 2200 DEF, and gunner ATK speed is too slow

>> No.20454169

Can't just tease like that and not link the full thing. Please.

>> No.20454640

I really want Tifa, what are the chances of getting her with rerolling in the shrine right now?

>> No.20454983

They already posted on twitter yesterday that they are aware of the issue and are investigating.

They will probably have to code a patch that changes how the system works so it might take a while. It's a problem caused by the playerbase being too big

>> No.20455017

Cheers, anon. I figured it had to be something. Found out you can just solo em instead, spending a BP to continue if you die.

>> No.20455034

yeah but starting a battle by yourself costs 30 AP which is pretty steep.

>> No.20455056

True. I've managed a couple just by trying to be smart about spending AP. Before heading off for work, etc.

>> No.20455630
File: 97 KB, 400x536, A5C0A5EAA5A2_4172745F4461686C69612E6A7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dahlia'a cost has been reduced from 90 to 40 SuperPs, bringing her in line with other senpai.

>> No.20455673

Well shit. Is there going to be a refund?

>> No.20455678

Yeah, at today's maintenance. Along with some stamina and tickets.

>> No.20455694

Killer. I could really use those extra 50 points. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.20456779


DMM games festival.

>> No.20456818

>no kamihime
Kamihime confirmed for ded game.

>> No.20456823

Do we get DMM points again like the 500 from summer or just a repeat of the disappointment tickets from anniv?

>> No.20456825

Douzo lad


The other 2

>> No.20456832

No mention of any free points giveaway, just cashback (pointback?)

>> No.20456834

No more free DMM points raffle.
Instead you get 1000 pts if you spend 2000 JPY in-game.

>> No.20456843

Does it count games like Princess connect?

Its on the DMM plataform and you can buy stuff in there with DMM points. Aigis/FKG offers are far too expensive for me while that other game has better value stuff.

>> No.20456850

Pretty sure its for turning money to points, which you can use for whatever.

>> No.20456856

Fucking gay. This campaign started like an hour after I spent ¥5000. I need to pay attention to shit.

>> No.20456858


>> No.20456865

Maybe I'll consider it then, thanks.

>> No.20456893

You weren't expecting a DMM campaign?

>> No.20456898

If you didn't spend the points you bought right away, you're safe.

>> No.20456899

To be desu, it just completely slipped my mind. I've got shit to do tonight and I was buying something on a limited timer with only a few hours left on it and wanted to get it squared away.

>> No.20457215
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Here goes my last gacha black that will never get deployed anyway

>> No.20457336

Are all your blacks maxed out? Please post a screenshot if so. I want to feel the cold hands of Envy.

>> No.20457432

Nobody's going to mention the 10-streak ticket for logging into Aigis for 10 days?

>> No.20457475
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>> No.20457521

>Only 3 who aren't maxed out are Saki, Hakunokami, and fucking Shokatsuryou
>Valentine's Day Alice
>TWO Kibahime's Maxed out
Dammit you had one job anon. I'm certainly green-eyed now.

>> No.20457527

Wait I'm stupid it's just regular Alice.

>> No.20457648

Hakunokami served me well when I was a newbie so she will be getting her red dress and levels eventually
Saki felt underwhelming, the only use I could find for her so far is clearing out trash during first phase of Garuda, will max her out later anyway probably
Even though she's probably one of the most useful blacks here Shokatsuryou is getting leveled last because she doesn't benefit much from levels
Only have like 5 plat cans left, gonna wait a month or two before I level someone else

>> No.20457928

It didn't have to be like this.
They had a good thing going and ruined it for no reason.

>> No.20458712

What happened?

>> No.20458772


>> No.20458786

It's better than Kamihime or something?

>> No.20458804

Same devs. They were already understaffed and tried their hand at handling 2 games at once.
Unitia's speeding up in terms of content lately but as a result Kamihime's content pacing turned all whack. There isn't even a christmas stream this year.

>> No.20458912

I can't blame them.
They had invested a fuckton of money in Unitia.
They can't afford it to fail.

>> No.20458988

>can't blame them for bad investment
Why not? They went full retard and got, what they deserved. Feel free to blame them as much as you want.

>> No.20459002

>Have a successful game and a failing game
>Instead of keeping your playerbase on the succssful game happy you double down on your failure and get two dead games instead of one

Galaxy brain business decisions over here

>> No.20459053

Looks like Akanesasu has announced their closure, but will make the app standalone so that it can be played without needing to connect to their servers.
Probably a first in the history of DMM games?

Also is Circlet Princess closing down for a renewal?

>> No.20459082

Kamihime is still doing okay, top 5 in DMM R18 still, but it used to be a consistent top 2 alongside with FKG.
Unitia IS doing better than before, I think it used to dip below the top 20, but now it stays around the top 10.

I don't think either game is in any danger for the time being but if by this time next year one of them has to go, it's gotta be Unitia because Kamihime is easier to salvage.

>> No.20459383

It was pretty obvious that they got too cocky with Kamihime success and thought they could get another mega hit with Unitia
Of course it didn't work out and they went full panic mode trying to salvage it. It wouldn't be such a shit show if they spent a few more months on it, but after several delays they probably can't afford to drag it around much longer.

>> No.20460367
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Should I just pick with my dick? I only have one 5 star and it's Mevis.
Do any of the 5* girls have light femdom scenes?

>> No.20460390

Eclair does as far as I know

>> No.20460411
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>light femdom scenes
These 2, pick your poison.

>> No.20460436


>> No.20460467

is there suppsed to be 150% affection in aigis in future?

>> No.20460475

next week
in game magazines

>> No.20460693

