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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 171 KB, 1000x711, DbtmMneVQAAgFqr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20392504 No.20392504 [Reply] [Original]

Scans never ever edition

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

>> No.20392520

Taking bets on how fast the OP image gets deleted

>> No.20392532

So what do top P. Arena defence teams actually look like

I wouldn’t know cause they’re hidden and all

>> No.20392548

>Top of page 10
>Still didn't link previous thread
OP is a faggot

>> No.20392708

h.shinobu and mitsuki
maho and s.kokkoro

>> No.20392748

What if I don't have Ilya ;_;

>> No.20392757

I'd bet in like next 10-20 minutes

>> No.20392817
File: 137 KB, 300x200, 1448055799493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not having best girl by now

>> No.20393265

Why would you use an R-15 image for the OP of all things? Be a little smarter about these things, Anon.

>> No.20393635
File: 649 KB, 483x676, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute dyke

>> No.20393662

>be rank 58
>beat rank 48 opponent
>climbed to 38
Oh well.

>> No.20393785

Can Tales of the Rays be transferred safely from iOS to Android or does the usual "premium currency is reset" thing apply?

>> No.20393877

I don't play Grubble, but it feels so disorienting seeing "Karyl" when we've just stuck with a 1:1 romanization of "Kyaru" for 99% of the time.

>> No.20393884

Can you fags fuck off to /u/ seeing how this is the only game you fags talk about?

>> No.20393895

The Cygames translator has a bad track record of pointlessly changing names of characters for no reason at all so expect awful things if Priconne ever gets an English version. Karyl is pretty much confirmed and set in stone to be her English priconne name because they're stubborn and won't change/fix a name after picking it.

>> No.20393902

Grubble translation is a joke and is outsourced to a company that has no idea about the communities or what they call characters. Every character in Granblue is supposed to have a unique title when you uncap them for example but in the EN "translation" EVERY character just gets "Skybound" as a title instead. Years later they finally decided to flat out just remove these titles in the EN version. Seeing shit like Karyl is unsurprising to me at this point.

>> No.20393960

The usual. You need to spend them before transferring between different OS.

>> No.20393968

Shironeko Christmas event is Sharehouse S3

>> No.20393998
File: 771 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-12-10-15-05-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free 10-roll and a single

>> No.20394009

>only care about Ranko
>x1 Ranko 5*
>x3 Uzuki 5*
>x1 Uzuki mirror
>x1 Uzuki 4*

>> No.20394043

Tfw I didn't even get any 5* from the free rolls.

>> No.20394097

karyl aside the translation was fine and the event story is pretty cute
i liked the pecorine food jokes
>not liking cute girls that likes cute girls
what are you, straight?

>> No.20394131
File: 207 KB, 800x1150, Screenshot_2018-12-09-18-06-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a pretty fun story yeah, I literally just went to granblue to read the event story. It was pretty nice being able to actually read a story outside of that translated halloween event, looking forward to part2 of this.
Apparently they made Kokkoro and Peco into really solid SSRs too which is even nicer of them.

I hope its no one I'd go hard for so my gems are safe, NY/Xmas sets are always the ultimate bait because they get powercreeped out of existence a month later always.

>> No.20394143

Did /jp/mbgg win the Civil War?

>> No.20394198
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>> No.20394204

4 guys 4 girls? Looks like they're hitting the bait hard

>> No.20394221

I think i'm pretty safe as long as one of those girls isn't Sheryl. If one of them is then I might as well start preparing my coffin for me and for my girl when the new powercreep mechanic hits.

>> No.20394227

>dropped shironeko when first sharehouse was going on
>now they rerun all of them
I don't remember this game being so generous

>> No.20394230

Two characters on far left are just Shizu and MC and two or three characters on the far right are probably just NPCs so the actual playable characters are only three or four characters.

>> No.20394236

I thought the hair matched Shion at first but
>Wide ass smile
>Waist wings
So I have no idea now.

They stopped resetting clears.

>> No.20394254

And on top of that, it's not just one hand-picked image, but a collage of someone's event lineup to sell, complete with prices and descriptions. Seriously, why would anyone do this.

>> No.20394263

Nope, not going back to this game again with its awful gacha pool. It's so diluted it's not even funny and barely possible to get anything meaningful

>> No.20394268
File: 2.15 MB, 1413x1024, gAOoKl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The front girl's silhouette really looks like Eleanor and people are already making comparisions.

>> No.20394269

Theres nothing wrong with OPs image you faglords

>> No.20394270

I have an easier time getting characters in Shironeko than most other games I play. The amount of jewels/rolls you get are really good and the rates aren't bad plus powercreep was pretty tame in 2018 considering the only powercreep gachas in the 2nd half of the year were World's end, Summer and Chaguma.

>Xmas Eleanor
Oh no my jewels

>> No.20394289

>Sharehouse rerun instead of 2015 and 2016 Christmas rerun
I'm actually disappointed since I haven't done the last two unlike both previous Sharehouse.

>> No.20394317

>Only got Onsen Ciela with 2500 gems because there was a guaranteed one
>Got Sheryl with 250 gems
>Only got Iris with 2000 gems
>Didn't get any of this year Summer characters with 2000 gems
>Didn't get either Phantom Thief with 1250 gems
>Only got 2 Recto on Overdrive 3 with 1250 gems
Shironeko gacha is too random for me and the 4* projects doesn't really help.

>> No.20394387
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>> No.20394457

Is this nigga really popular enough for this?

>> No.20394761
File: 64 KB, 720x371, BoringAssTrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe if I get to level 100, there will be a bunch of other requests
>An eternity later
>Level 100
>Evening in Japan
But I leave up my level 100 for a minute and it's finished before I'm done loading.

>There's one available
>Sorry, they already finished but we wanted to let you know anyway

>> No.20394924

so are they welfares or do grababs have to gatcha for them

>> No.20394941
File: 661 KB, 1024x576, 200500401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been rereading the later story chapters and the epilogue of Priconne again and I'm starting to think Kaiser might be one big red herring, a lot of things just don't add up


>> No.20394945

Granblue never does a gacha for collab characters. Every collab character is always a welfare.

>> No.20394985
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>> No.20395450

>have 5 out of the 8 swimsuits
>Will probably reroll for both Nanoha and Fate even if they end up garbo

>> No.20395461

I wish. The twintails don't seem to be layered like Nagi's and in the first place, they wouldn't push a gacha character into corner like that. Looks like Aputo.

I can't see that as anyone else. To what deity should I pray that it turns out to be wrong?

>> No.20395536

>a lot of things just don't add up
Such as?

>> No.20395877
File: 641 KB, 1024x576, 103200602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the top of my head:

If Kaiser got his wish granted why is he unsatisfied with it?
If Re:Dive is the bad end how did Yuuki meet Pecorine?
Why is Kokkoro looking for an arujisama irl if she only does so in game on Ames's orders?
The Lost as a whole
If the memories are actually memories how come Yuuki has no voice in them?
If they are still in game why doesn't Muimi log out? If this is reality why doesn't Muimi just use annihilate Kaiser herself?

Honestly I can close an eye to the last few but the biggest issue I have is that I don't think that the world is a construct of Mana's wish, or at least, not entirely. My suspicions are that
it's a composite wish with both games' main heroines or that Re:Dive is just the period of time where Kaiser and Yuuki are trapped at the epilogue and Minerva is reconstructing them but both of these ideas have holes in them as well.

>> No.20396267

>If the memories are actually memories how come Yuuki has no voice in them?
I think he actually does. It's just that Cygames shifted the way of his speech from a direct one to "the girls repeats Kishi-kuns phrase as if he just said it".
I personally liked his dialogues in the original game. The way he always panicked when walking with little girls irl. Like I remember one of the episodes actually ended with a police officer showing up and asking him what was he doing. He was more active and talkative with silent girls and more submissive with the active ones.

>> No.20396309 [DELETED] 

Man who the hell cares this much about the plot of Underage Panty Quest Mobile Edition, I guarantee you not even the writers have given the plot half as much thought as you have.

>> No.20396322 [DELETED] 

Go back to /vg/ please.

>> No.20396330

>If Kaiser got his wish granted why is he unsatisfied with it?
The biggest question I've had since the start of the game is if Kaiser got their wish granted then how come they're not in a position of power like the goddess helping Yuuki?
I mean like you won the game and got everything you wished for so how come this person still has to fight other people off for the top dog spot (again)?

>If the memories are actually memories how come Yuuki has no voice in them?
Most likely trying to make him self insert shit

>If they are still in game why doesn't Muimi log out?
Its most definitely not a game and probably more of a case of Isekai. There's far more things that don't add up if this is still a game like how in the world did everyone that has ever played Astrum get dragged into this Alicization wannabe? How come they all managed to be online at the exact same time when the wish got granted to be stuck? And how come their real life bodies are surviving all this time without logging off and none of the people that have their memories worry about this or mention anything about this?

>If this is reality why doesn't Muimi just use annihilate Kaiser herself?
This is like asking why doesnt MC just go walk up to the main antagonist and stab him from behind, why doesn't the hero shoot the villain while they're busy giving a speech or why do the bad guys wait for the main heroines to use their long transformation sequence power up to attack.

>> No.20396344 [DELETED] 

no u

>> No.20396359
File: 307 KB, 1849x1414, 1544461989217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass will be having a daily login campaign from now up to the 17th. Rewards include two hero tickets, an UR ticket, 10 free hero tokens, a 64/128GB chip and 200,000 energy.
There should also be a triple UR gacha from the 15th ~ 17th - unsure if free and/or can only be rolled a limited number of times

>> No.20396408

Rather than Alicization this whole situation makes me think of Log Horizon with everyone being in a world that's pretty similar to the game one, but not completely the same so I bet the most Kaiser could do with his wish was to take Peco's position rather than becoming something like a god.

>> No.20396419

I still don't really think its a game though. Maybe it was a game but its not anymore and the safe assumption is that everyone related to the game got moved from the "Old world" to this new world.

>> No.20396431

That's what I mean, that this is now another world and not a game or the old one.

>> No.20396504
File: 67 KB, 424x640, 789089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. Is this general more receptive towards Pasumemo?

>> No.20396615


>> No.20396653

This makes me kinda sad. If it was an anime or a manga they could make huge plottwists by changing the way the world works and stuff. But since it's a mobile game this is not going to happen. So they either accept living in this fantasy world, or continue fighting until the game is shutdown.

>> No.20396804
File: 217 KB, 781x1199, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are my Romancing Saga players at ?
game is dope

>> No.20396873

>The biggest question I've had since the start of the game is if Kaiser got their wish granted then how come they're not in a position of power like the goddess helping Yuuki?
That's why I don't think Kaiser's wish got granted, and it's either someone else's, a combination or no one. Especially since Minerva stated herself that she only wants to grant Yui/Rei/Hiyori's wish.

Yui's wish in particular can kind of fit here, since her wish was that she does not need a world where Kishi-kun isn't happy. While Rei's wish was that Minerva fulfill the wishes of the other players that manages to clear the game.

Pecorine also stated that she sometimes envied the lives of the common man, while Kyaru has mentioned that she's happiest when she's playing Legend of Astrum and idolizes Mana, so both their "wishes" could tie in here as well.

>> No.20397855

Gonna have to shill it better then that.

>> No.20397948
File: 1.64 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_xmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to pick up Xmas Sadone after all, since there most likely won't be a better chance than this
>she comes running on her own in second roll (after nothing from first)
Well, what now. There are some highly anticipated gachas to wait for within a month, but throwing away that pick ticket would be incredibly dumb too. I guess the story and affection gems I wanted to keep as emergency reserves won't last as long as I wanted.

>> No.20398227
File: 162 KB, 900x900, 59272174_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ticket is just for that Christmas set, right? I'd still probably stop there. More gems seems more valuable, now that you have who you most wanted to ticket anyway.

>> No.20398528
File: 223 KB, 1500x1056, Dr34VgEU0AAgqBq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the pick whoever you like thing doesn't go outside the super old sets. We had first swimsuits and copypasta maids before. They're definitely going to do this for first Valentine's too.

I don't have anyone else and the serious lack of outfits in my Kaede's wardrobe with how cute hers in this set is really tempts me to go for it. I'd have no trouble finding someone else to pick too, this was a very good set for outfits. But I'll still probably try waiting for next leaks at least.

>> No.20398760

>Compass will be having a daily login campaign from now up to the 17th. Rewards include two hero tickets, an UR ticket, 10 free hero tokens, a 64/128GB chip and 200,000 energy.
>There should also be a triple UR gacha from the 15th ~ 17th - unsure if free and/or can only be rolled a limited number of times
Thank you based compass-update anon.

>> No.20398865

Should I leave my tanks at rank 10 or 11?

>> No.20398872


>> No.20398883

Thanks for your fast reply anon.

>> No.20398910

Tanks want R11 to be bulkier
Archers want R11 for more damage
Mages want R11 for more damage

Generally ranking someone up is either an upgrade or a side grade/low priority upgrade except for rare cases where the unit wants to burst more often in which case you'd keep them at R9 like Makoto for example but after we get every R11 item or start getting R12 then it might be necessary to push them to R11-R12 anyway because the overrall stat gain of three whole jobs would be better than the TP gain that R9 provides.

>> No.20399134

Any games with cute girls to collect that can just play itself?

>> No.20399174
File: 33 KB, 636x592, 57BABA1D-44C1-4A02-9CD5-316FC6B2A4FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess connect! Re:Dive

>> No.20399184

Azur lane, Flower Knight girl

>> No.20399806
File: 60 KB, 481x688, 1528104807545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyaru gets bullied everywhere

>> No.20399828
File: 108 KB, 600x334, pandoraM_2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So she just got upgraded to gold SS status on Famitsu, but man is she hard to play. I mean spinning around like a mad man shouldn't be hard, but it's a little getting used to how the ability works.

>> No.20399937


>> No.20399947


>> No.20399955
File: 663 KB, 1366x2039, SH3_tease2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More clues.
On the couch to the left, is MC-kun, someone wearing a pendant that's awfully similar to what Mr. Nigger wears, and then Shizu.
Can't tell anything about the two decorating the tree, or those in front.

>> No.20399980

>Random World End rerun and free Chaos Embryo
I guess Elenoar and either Rufus or Sheryl confirmed.

>> No.20400063

I was thinking maybe this first batch of gacha reruns has everyone that will show up, since both sharehouse gacha are also up.

Also the hoodie/jacket pocket lining looks like a really familiar pattern but I can't remember from where. Sheryl is the closest but that doesn't seem quite the same.

>> No.20400110
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>> No.20400117
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>> No.20400153
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>> No.20400166

Playable Muimi when?

>> No.20400181

/mbgg/ is dead in /vg/?

>> No.20400215

There's /mobg/... oh who am I kidding, /mbgg/ is dead in /vg/, yes

>> No.20400984

with most popular mobage having their general and those who quit playing kusoge or simply monody wants to discuss about it. its bound to happen.

>> No.20401021
File: 179 KB, 900x1200, J6uT07g61g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rufus or Sheryl
I was gonna suggest both, those headphones kinda seemed like they'd fit for him even though I don't think he was wearing any last time.

But then fanart reminded me how long his hair is, so maybe not.

>> No.20401367
File: 1.47 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181211-120506_白猫.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily single
Thanks Colopl

>> No.20401536
File: 2.54 MB, 1024x1331, zE5WPm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pendant that's awfully similar to what Mr. Nigger wears
Gacha ruined.

>black&pink arrows
>bright blue lines
That screams Sheryl all right.

I wanted to say the long parts only start at the back so he could easily have it tied up or something, I wouldn't guess the supposed Eleanor is Eleanor from her hair on the Santa outfit picture, it's like they deliberately cut some hair parts off. But then I was reminded how Rufus' hair explodes into all directions on the top of his head and you can't see anything of the sort in the silhouette. Headphones remind me of Sheryl again and there was a guess based on that long scarf/ribbon thing that has both ends flailing long behind him though, so who knows.

Another thing to consider is that previous Sharehouses gathered characters from different events, so either it isn't Rufus or this isn't something to go by anymore.

>> No.20401881
File: 48 KB, 720x720, JmT6DAQiUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the hair doesn't totally rule it out, and I think other previews like that have had hair bits omitted too. But it just seems like more of a stretch with as much hair as Rufus has.

Not that it matters too much to me, since I was already ready to spend my gems back at "almost definite Sheryl."

>previous Sharehouses gathered characters from different events
True, but most of the regular holiday events do that too. And that doesn't stop those from sometimes keeping characters paired up.

>> No.20403128
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1544558538029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheryl and Eleanor xmas gacha
>Together with eddy to shit up the pool
>They're all going to be powercreeped faster than the gacha will drain your jewels after they introduce their new powercreep mechanic

Kusopl strikes again

>> No.20403219
File: 52 KB, 669x495, L7LE0DFGP9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine by me, I'd take a cute Sheryl with an alternate costume over a powercreep character I don't like as much any day.

Now, if that powercreep gets stuck on a new version of one of my other favorites, that might be a cause for concern.

>> No.20403254
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>> No.20403359
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>check out what wikis say
>suddenly Factice
Didn't think of that, but it surprisingly fits.

I'm kind of interested in the girl next to almost-confirmed-Sheryl, looks like a cute maid-like outfit. But the only one I can think of with silver twintails and exposed abdomen is Miss Monochrome, who's a collab character.

>> No.20403378
File: 6 KB, 225x225, carlos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, pretty much my reaction to having to blow my jewels after I thought I was safe

>> No.20403725
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>> No.20404123
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>> No.20404133

what did they do

>> No.20404148

>account restricted
Should have stopped using the cheatapk.

>> No.20404330

Can precumfags get their own thread already?

>> No.20404389
File: 1.18 MB, 1263x707, 154429798482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protecting my underage concubines

>> No.20404407

>Did 4 10-rolls just now but only ended up with 2 dupe mirrors in the last 10-roll since the previous 3 are just garbage
Fuck gacha as usual.

>> No.20404415

>wearing skirt in winter

>> No.20404596
File: 287 KB, 1920x1200, DuLmYyIW4AIzKsq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20404974

Get in the gacha, cutie.

>> No.20405296

I'm a bit late to the party but what's a good 1-2 turn setup for the current event VH boss in Priconne?

>> No.20405484
File: 1.08 MB, 1197x960, aWOljR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Giganigga is in

>> No.20405511

I'm doing it with Jun (R11 5*) + Kaori (R10 5*) + Makoto (R11 5*) + Christina (R10 4*) + Yui (R11 5*). On full auto the boss is left with barely 100k HP, sometimes less. Not enough firepower to finish it off since I ranked up Kaori to R10 by mistake and Christina isn't 5*.

The comp nips recommend is that one but replacing Kaori with a 4-5* Tomo. I tried it with my own 3* Tomo R10 but she died too quickly so I switched back to good old Kaori.

>> No.20405568
File: 498 KB, 1080x1870, 1544590935946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 rolls without any Raptors so far.
>Now this.
Make it stop.

>> No.20405631

I use Kyouka, Summer Kyaru, Yui, Misato, and Akari for 2. It'd probably be 1 if they were better equipped.

>> No.20405706

Okay, this is it for me. Should I start now or wait for the collab? And what is the main source of gacha currency here?

>> No.20405755
File: 1.35 MB, 1024x1331, YUbgwP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More ColoplFes stuff for Shironeko, a mode change for MC maybe?

>> No.20405756
File: 19 KB, 400x309, 242545664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that hand looks wh*te.

>> No.20405776

If your main interest is the Strike Witches, wait for their collab and reroll them would be a better choice. Otherwise you can start the game now and get a bunch of free stuff from the current SOL Raptor collab event. The tutorial roll is fixed to give you one 4* and 2 3*, but they are limited to the starter characters pool so you won't get newer characters or collab char from it.
There are 3 ways to gain gacha currency daily, coop mission reward, daily quests and no damage runs in investigation mode. They give you scout points, and when you reach 100 point you get a scout ticket, which is one roll. Normally you could get 10 rolls within 10 days if you finish all the tasks above.

>> No.20405790
File: 251 KB, 512x512, Kk7E4V9GRt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some sharehouse voice lines were datamined.
>warrior Eleanor
>cross-saber Sheryl
>berserker Eddy
>??? male archer

Why, Kusopl. Why does the meme giganigga get a new version sooner that someone like Nagi?

>> No.20405799

>Cross-sabe sheryl
>Actually wanted a cute xsaber because im missing slashers

well shit, hoping they have an early guarantee at 2500 because xams and all

>> No.20405818
File: 645 KB, 3500x4092, 1544590998543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if they're going to do a Christmas event for the week in between? Looks like they're only doing the other maid costume set in the meantime, so at least there's not going to be any need to fish out someone again.

100 points = 1 ticket to roll, 10 for a 10+1
12x4 points from resource dailies
30 points from 5 runs of co-op
3x5 from no hit / all dodge bonus in investigation hexes
Then the usual sources from events, login bonus, or story

The tutorial roll is fixed 10+1, with one 4-star of current girls, and two 3-stars. I forget if you're left with any tickets to use after that though. So depending on that you could start now and save up or aim to reroll when the collab starts. It's up for a long time though, 10 days and the entire month of January. The two girls on the banner are login bonuses, so have to wait for 4-star info.

>> No.20405821
File: 101 KB, 708x380, dXMxfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battle Island in rune memory as expected and new coop with fire and dark enemies soon.

>> No.20405848
File: 104 KB, 468x740, 64747473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already set up a cardboard Christmas tree in the office so we probably just get a shitty login bonus accessories like the Halloween one, and some Christmas theme cash costumes.

>> No.20405878
File: 173 KB, 1366x768, MKkazn6464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mystery archer was a new guy
Guess that explains why we couldn't figure him out.

Also, new character for a sharehouse, that's new.

>> No.20405932
File: 3.25 MB, 2560x1000, 3w5PuU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20405943
File: 56 KB, 714x682, 54655744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm intrigued and confused. But mostly intrigued.

>> No.20405991

Well, an extra character was over the norm to begin with. Not to say a series of events has to be always the same and four existing characters weren't a possibility, but it's not surprising either.

>> No.20406063
File: 175 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_20181212_102615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brawl Stars is now out in Japan. Europe and Americas follow later today.

>> No.20406097

I didn't get original Sheryl thanks Rufus and don't care about Eleanor enough to risk those two fags.

>> No.20406200
File: 323 KB, 630x2760, episode_1197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20406213

>Boxer Eddy is berserker

>> No.20406276
File: 363 KB, 1672x940, HD-Player 2018-12-12 15-36-22-693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand this boss.
Sometimes he's piss easy. Sometimes he destroys the entire party within seconds.
What's up with that?

>> No.20406340
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1061, 8JlahP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yui with a cute maid outfit is NPC
>dragon rider guy with an okay outfit is NPC
>now roll your Eddy dupes instead
I wish I could ignore Sheryl and Eleanor like I could with Battle Island.

>only Eleanor looks Christmasy enough
Shironeko really avoids the obviously seasonal stuff, don't they. We didn't even have Halloween this year.

He's obviously going to bludgeon stuff with the punching bag instead. In Island his weapon was some random huge gun he came across, but made it into a blunt weapon because he couldn't tell how to use it. He's not exactly smart enough to use equipment as intended.

>> No.20406375
File: 278 KB, 1672x940, HD-Player 2018-12-12 16-11-34-000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some "secret" that I don't understand?

>> No.20406390

>Shironeko really avoids the obviously seasonal stuff, don't they. We didn't even have Halloween this year.
Actual seasonal stuff effort when to Tennis instead. Last year Christmas being Chaguma is worse than this. I don't get why Kusopl still wouldn't rerun Christmas 2015/2016 events.

>> No.20406432
File: 419 KB, 1440x1209, LazyAssKusopl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This event has been thorough trash.
>ntr-lite throughout the event stories because Sensei wasn't able to go but a complete look-alike not-Sensei is there to meet the girls to show them around
>Subaru, Kaede, and Misaki eventually ring the wish bell or whatever and get their outfits
>Show the card art, fade to white
>Epilogue finally up
>"Oh, Subaru and Kaede ran off ahead after getting their outfits"
>Later, "Hey, everyone is here plus Subaru and Kaede"
>Bell stops ringing
>Misaki, Subaru, and Kaede lose their outfit
>Suddenly Subaru and Kaede have something to say
What the fuck is this shit.

And now that I don't need to fight these stray assholes, I get them nonstop while trying to finish these new schoolwork tasks.

>> No.20406576

If Saren's the mama does that make Suzume the papa

>> No.20406688 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 640x369, 1544617079822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suddenly no gacha tickets in rewards
>new schoolwork AFTER you ran the stages a ton for ranking
Kusopl through and through. I absolutely don't care about the "ntr-lite" thing though, but that's just me not getting self-inserts I guess.
>Sensei is unvoiced and spriteless, therefore makes reading story more of a chore
>not-Sensei is unvoiced and spriteless, therefore makes reading story more of a chore
All the same for me, doesn't change a thing for enjoying cute girls' story. Or maybe not enjoying in this case, when you get this trash of a event that constantly reminds you how they treat unpopular characters. They could just throw the outfits alone into ranking for A/B-grade since it's Christmas month and all, but nope. This whole thing just looks like they're laughing at those two and their fans, why would you include them in the first place when you can't even prepare the Live2D? Meanwhile, they could still make triple the usual card art for Sadone's birthday for some reason.

And guess what? They're doing it again. I thought Urara was more popular than this, but maybe not.

>> No.20406802
File: 181 KB, 600x878, Kusopl Fes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw tempted to roll but wanted to wait and see whether my other favorite characters will appear on New Year gacha,

>> No.20406925
File: 111 KB, 720x515, RengeAttack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Kanon acts any different even though it's supposed to be a different person.
>Nozomi isn't shy or lost for words
>"Better not tell Sensei about this"
>Kokomi is shy for an insignificant moment
>Renge still wants to go on a date
>lol, doesn't bother me
Filthy /u/-fag
This has been shitty writing for a Christmas event in a waifu game, with a garbage grindy event, with recolors of the ugliest free outfit, on top of skimping on live2D for two girls that barely need any different rigging based on the dress design? They're getting really fucking bold with their bullshit.

At least I can save, only one in that lineup I could conceivably want but looks like she's a subcard. The fucking subcards from scam points didn't even count toward event points in this, and they're likely going to pull the same shit again.

>> No.20407006

I'm curious about a Eleanor without Iris.
Too bad i don't have her normal version and same for Sheryl.
Maybe it's time to ger off my lazy ass and finish my islands and then reset them.

>> No.20407262

>Romancing SaGa handing out gems like candy the past couple days
I think they're trying to make you fall for the Christmas gacha but I'm waiting for Asellus instead.

>> No.20407291
File: 997 KB, 2791x1841, VSIp2u0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've yet to read everything till the end actually, but I don't thing anything will change anyway. Though the whole setting is bullshit and the girls shouldn't act like it's non-dupe Sensei, yeah.
How do you even jump to that conclusion. As far as the stories go, I simply like reading them as just that, characters interacting with each other without having to pretend I'm one of them who already has his own lines and personality to an extent. In the end the visual presence is big and as they obviously can't make him into a real character the focus goes to the girls anyway, so I can find something to like about that alone without clinging to the waifu aspect.

>subcards from scam points didn't even count toward event points
Oh right, this was a big fuck you as well. This event definitely makes it into top worst ones. There's always some new bullshit from SakamotoP, but I haven't felt this disappointed since Misaki's first birthday.

>> No.20407374

This game is going viral in Japan. I think it was trending on their twitter at one point. Dozens of tweets being made every minute.

>> No.20407506

I think he was insulting Renge.

>> No.20407549

>insulting Renge
Never, she was the main reason I was rolling.

>> No.20407579

SKaryl(5*), 8 years old(5*), HMisaki(4*), mommy daycare(5*), best twin(5*) 1 hit turn the boss pretty consistently. Otherwise boss has around 20k leftover hp when summon absorbs UB.

>> No.20407621

Am i the only one that get stuck in a loading screen when i start an event quest in Shironeko?
I never had that issue before.

>> No.20407697

Which quest? I didn't have any problem when doing my daily quests earlier. Sometimes there are some downloading bars when starting a quest as well and it seemingly got stuck on loading message.

>> No.20407705

I get stuck in any of the events.
Only story islands work.
I tried on my other devices and still get the issue.

>> No.20407820
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 4b2d28c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't anyone tell me Matsuri was this cute?

>> No.20408014
File: 85 KB, 669x326, Screenshot_20181212_190517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too shabby.

>> No.20408046
File: 257 KB, 398x412, 5D21C552-0989-4BE5-A570-33948462EE2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her a few years anon

>> No.20408109

Weird. No problem on mine at the moment.

>> No.20408236

I bet she'd be a real beauty as an adult despite her tomboyish tendencies

>> No.20408241

cute until she opens her mouth

>> No.20408436
File: 752 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-12-13-03-40-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 long range characters
Unless you're playing Mileena at close range with Mirror Dance/Petal Storm/Sundering Snow to juggle the boss you're gonna need someone to keep the boss busy so the rest of the party can cast/attack without getting interrupted.

The boss will aggro whoever is on the 4th slot first so you want to put a melee character there. For example this is my party. I control Velvet and move around the boss as I get close to him to dodge his first attack, then I start attacking him. Two normal hits followed by JUST chains to gain high amounts of MG while breaking the boss' Iron Stance. Afterwards I use Velvet and friend mirror to finish it off. Battle is over in less than 10 seconds.

My team is probably better geared than yours so I don't have to worry about dying since it all ends pretty quickly. If you're gonna do the same thing then you should change your healer's AI to heal when HP goes below 75% to help your tank. The safest choice would be using Ix/Kocis if you have their dash artes with iframes.

>> No.20408637

Nah, Yuuki's the papa.

>> No.20408712

Tfw somehow I'm able to clear Battle Island Nightmare for the stupid title now but still unable to clear World End and Monster Strike Hell quests.

>> No.20408871

I like that the challenges are pretty different each time. Made it through the Battle Island one okay too, but I'm also still failing at the WE one. And I can't blame my gacha luck, it's just me not playing well enough.

For the Monster Strike one, there's always the co-op option to try to get carried by someone. I'm trying to avoid using that unless I'm definitely stuck, though. Thought I was at 41, but then I was able to Sheryl my way through.

>> No.20408922

I'm going to blame poor optimization since some attacks from the enemies are causing lags.

>> No.20409822

>Shop weapons are far cheaper to buy
>Shop isn't filled with silver weapons anymore
>But 2 of the slots are pots and there's only 5 per day
Is this really an improvement

>> No.20409863

wait how are you supposed to get gear enhancement shit now?

>> No.20409867

oh nvm shop had me in the bonus shop screen

>> No.20410056

>Pukichi is real and not Ayane's delusion
What the hell?

>> No.20410088

Delete this, there's nothing wrong with her voice

>> No.20410109

If Ayane treats Pukichi as her family isn't it domestic abuse to swing his face into all those momsters

>> No.20410113
File: 1.47 MB, 1270x715, Priconne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my setup and it works great for me for 1 turn kills. They're all 5* with full R11 on Kyouka/SKaryl/Akari and R10 on the other two. Have yet to give Yui eye hearts. Wins the fight with like 10-15 seconds left.

>> No.20410119


>> No.20410129

traitor cat doesnt deserve proper translations

>> No.20410149

Are you doubting the OFFICIAL translation we have received? Her name is Karyl.

>> No.20410152

Nah, Pukichi said he's Ayane's guardian, of course he's gonna protect her.

>> No.20410161

And IRL Shinobu can actually see ghosts, it doesnt make much sense
Also cyborg ghosts apparently exits since she channelled one during her memory story

>> No.20410202

I really want to do a full swing inside Ayane

>> No.20410209

Shinobu is honestly nothing compared to the likes of Hatsune and especially Muimi

>> No.20410217

Whats Muimi's superpower?

>> No.20410224

To the line.

>> No.20410253

Being attracted to someone other than the protagonist in a harem game

>> No.20410260

That'll be fixed when she becomes playable

>> No.20410280

get out precum

>> No.20410521

>you should change your healer's AI to heal when HP goes below 75% to help your tank.
Thanks you. I set Haruka and Uzuki to this and Mileena to the 55% option and now I can make do even with these four.
Just started for this event so I most of my characters are still plain useless.

>> No.20411396
File: 161 KB, 593x885, 056u395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we actually get a Christmas event this time.

>> No.20411446
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>> No.20411476

>No mention about a guaranteed one in 2500 gems despite it has 4 characters
Kusopl. I guess I'm going to at least wait until they reveal New Year characters.

>> No.20411485

Is atelier online dead?

>> No.20411507
File: 75 KB, 801x845, Screenshot_2018-12-13-09-27-06-768_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong debut.

>> No.20411614

Muimi is an esper like Hatsune but to an extreme degree and with a far greater array of powers. The entire magic system in Legend of Astrum was based off her skills, so we can assume anything anyone can do in game, she can do in real life. This is probably the reason why she was one of the few people to retain her memories in Re:Dive. Also worth noting is that her boyfriend Okto has the same Leap ability in real life like Rajiraji.

>> No.20411639

>The entire magic system in Legend of Astrum was based off her skills, so we can assume anything anyone can do in game, she can do in real life.
>Cute little girl that's actually a legendary witch

I really like Muimi's design because she does things to me but this is actually so stupid. I mean I shouldn't complain considering the premise of the game is that a goddess inside a VR game remade the old world to astrum but why bother calling it "Real world" when we're just going full index here with the modern magic shit.
Hatsune seemed pretty tame for me though, her powers seemed to be regular esper stuff with the huge downside that she falls asleep every time she uses them.

>> No.20411662

I think all this supernatural stuff was more on a "urban legend" level in the original game. It was there but it wasn't big enough to be used or noticed by everyone.

>> No.20411670

This anon is right >>20411662
Muimi was under the control of the Seven Crowns so it's not like she's going around town shooting lasers or what not. Shinobu's ability is pretty discrete, Okto uses his ability once in the epilogue and Ilya doesn't have most of her vampiric power anymore. Only Miyako does supernatural stuff regularly and that's only because she can be invisible

>> No.20411672

Also Mahiru can talk to animals but everyone including herself thinks it's just cause she spends so much time with them

>> No.20411691

Yeah this is what sort of bothers me. I was thinking of the story as a game where the characters have a "Real life" and a "In-game fantasy life" with the stuff in real life easily passing for urban legends like espers, ghosts and llamas with Ilya being the biggest offender I guess with her being an actual vampire.

To hear one of the characters is actually some genius witch with every spell in existence being avaliable to her tosses the sorta-realistic scenario and goes full blown fantasy. Stuff like this also makes the scenario where Re:Dive is actually still just a game a lot less believable and gives more power to the "Old world was actually remade" one. I just have to adjust my expectations to this new information/genre instead of still thinking about it in those terms.

Though with all this said, I still really want to roll for Muimi and still consider her one of my most wanted characters. Very interested in seeing what will be the plot twist that causes Okto to get forgotten and MC to be her new love interest.

>> No.20411704
File: 82 KB, 900x1157, Dt9caqmVYAATHsW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okto to get forgotten
Never, Muimi will be the first cuckbait character. If anything she'll just come to enjoy Yuuki's company about as much as Okto at kizuna rank 8 like with Arisa and Losaria. But I'd still roll for her as well

>> No.20411706
File: 844 KB, 1024x576, DD4CB0F3-8B72-45A3-9D0B-C0A57AA3BAF5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Kishi-kun compete with this?

>> No.20411712

>Super Hacker
>Partners for life
>Also has superpowers
He can't. Just look at how happy Muimi is whenever she gets to talk about Okto

>> No.20411713

Funny enough, Arisa actually has more depth as a character in Priconne than she has in Shadowverse. Yeah she still mentions Losaria every third sentence but seems more girly and relaxed. And she actually goes doki doki for Kishi-kun.

>> No.20411720

>Arisa and Losaria
To be fair, Arisa isn't really a dyke for Losaria. Losaria gets taken in the prologue of Shadowverse and Arisa keeps searching for her until she actually finds her and discovers she's the big bad now.

Could argue that they're close friends and not a case of full /u/ like Erika with her princess or Vira with Katalina. And even Vira has a version where she's far more friendly and receptive to Danchou (Summer vira) so Okto is absolutely going to get KMR'd while Muimi starts going dokidoki for MC.

Story in shadowverse kind of sucks and barely has any thought to it, most of it is just fan memes and radio memes. Which is understandable, most people aren't playing an esports TCG game with tournaments and shit for the story while Priconne's selling point is the character stories and getting you to fall in love with the characters.

>> No.20411746

Is this tales fun?

>> No.20411754

One of the twists they could go with might be that Okto is actually her blood related older brother so they can still be close as brother and sister while MC is the love interest. Would also explain why she's so happy whenever she talks about him too.

>> No.20411767

>Muimi and Okto are long lost siblings separated at birth
>Met eventually as teenagers and clicks with each other and become as close as real siblings
That's kind of romantic in a familial sort of way

>> No.20411773

>imagine how powerful their incest child will be

>> No.20411782

Of couse, they could always go the simpler way of making her just like both of them but muimi is definitely going to end up getting bonding stuff with MC if she ever becomes playable though, especially if the game lives long enough for her to get alt costumes with more bonding scenes.

>> No.20411810
File: 649 KB, 260x260, 3040201000_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if most of her scenes are talking about Okto and asking MC an advice about different aspects of relationships with boys. And her bond 8 CG is a flashback about her being together with Okto with MC in a background.

>> No.20411834

Gbf collab was a mistake

>> No.20411881

Keeping up with Arena and P.Arena meta is fucking hard in Priconne.

>> No.20411946

>He doesn’t have Halloween Shinobu

>> No.20412021

I get to marry my wife Karyl in two games now instead of one!

>> No.20412065
File: 74 KB, 301x261, 1542751613080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not your wife

>> No.20412069

Can i make love to Kyaru's feet?

>> No.20412071
File: 184 KB, 883x861, Life is cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you are.

>> No.20412078

What girl of the initial Re:dive trio is more popular among japanese players by the way? I get the feeling it's something like Kokkoro>Peko>Kyaru.

>> No.20412082

No idea but I'm pretty sure Kokkoro is on top

>> No.20412093

ペコリーヌ - 326 (Peco)
キャル - 400 (Kyaru)
コッコロ - 466 (Kokoro)
Pixiv numbers if it helps. Guraburu is helping Kokoro's popularity a fair amount since she's both a good unit and she's cute.

>> No.20412095
File: 856 KB, 2919x4096, DuODzPKVYAEKVk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is cat

>> No.20412119

I want to rape Kyaru's feet

>> No.20412195
File: 63 KB, 666x377, DuSbGCjUcAEl_1q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Chika!

>> No.20412331

Odd: Waste all of my 1750 gems and hope I will get at least one of them
Even: Wait until they reveal New Year characters

>> No.20412422

I wonder how often she “services” her manager

>> No.20412465

I don't mind, Muimi and Okuto's relationship is pretty cute for Yuuki to get in the way when he already has like 20 girls in love with him.

>> No.20412475

You can never have enough petite girls in your harem

>> No.20412480

Muimi's the one that's going to add Yuuki to her harem

>> No.20412505

Zero because she has a big crush on Yuuki

>> No.20412518

Idol duties come before personal relationships

>> No.20412639

If he's that great then why does Yuuki get all the pussy that includes bitches like teachers, princesses, vampires, lolis, llamas, ghosts, and rich company owners like Christina?

>> No.20412655

Because he's a mobage harem protagonist.

>> No.20412665

>If Yuuki is a chad then why is he a chad
What did anon mean by this

>> No.20412676

Well the initial question was if Yuuki can compare with Okto. He definitely beats Okto with his sheer amount of quality pussy available.

>> No.20412704
File: 282 KB, 1000x1000, Npc-unknown-staff-akira-1-normal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct me if I'm wrong but Yuuki got his supa hakka account with Princess Knight setting from Sawashiro almost randomly in the original game, didn't he? I remember it was something like
>Hey, psst, shounen do you want to play this new slick VR mmo?
>Sure why not.
And then everyone was all over his dick because he had a unique ability to buff female characters and because of the urban legend about granting wishes.

>> No.20412716

Akira said that Yuuki wasn't a random pick, but she didn't say what the real reason was. Yuuki also had a harem of like half a dozen childhood friends already so he's naturally attractive.
Okto definitely believes in quality over quantity

>> No.20412718
File: 1.13 MB, 640x842, DuRo_YGVAAEJbjw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for Urara and Asuha to get laughed at by SakamotoP.
>super limited Bell Sadone leaves on 17th
>gets replaced by previous year's Christmas Sadone
So not only they effectively shat on everyone who wanted that card in her birthday gacha, they want to make any Sadonefag who missed it roll this twice.

Event looks like simple stage grind. No ranking in schedule, but leaks showed endless descend. More like endless floor 200 loop as it's now, anyway.

>> No.20412719

That doesn't really answer why they want his dick in real life too though. Unless you're telling me that bitches will give their pussy in real life in exchange for in game buffs.

>> No.20412725

The buffs were never the reason why the girls like him

>> No.20412728
File: 1.10 MB, 640x842, DuRo1cqUUAICmVZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20412729

>Okto definitely believes in quality over quantity
>Okto has one 10/10 girl
>Yuuki has 30+ 10/10 girls
Anon pls. Yuuki has both quality and quantity.

>> No.20412731

That's exactly that I'm saying anon.

>> No.20412842

Because he's devoted to his wife, either that or Muimi going full yandere is always a possibility.

After reading some of the chapters of the first game I can see why they like him, Yuuki's a pretty cool guy.

>> No.20412901
File: 180 KB, 988x1186, Dq86NYiU0AAJEMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but when are Neneka and Masaki going to fuck

>> No.20412919

I hope this qt is in the next Fes gatcha

>> No.20412941

Nice try, Masaki.

>> No.20413583

Uh how much do i have to wait if i want to reroll summer Pecorine to start playing the game?

>> No.20413604

Next summer or just buy my account.

>> No.20413623

>Selling your account
Don't do this to me

>> No.20413665
File: 258 KB, 840x1188, 60468671_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm rolling for the girls. They already showed 2 of my favorites so there's no way I can get away from this.

Is there anything I should be getting with priority from the monster strike collab? Was busy with some other game and now I have to rush this entire thing today.

>> No.20413709

or you know, just whale, anyway you've got like 6 months ahead to stack up jewels

>> No.20413968
File: 264 KB, 849x1200, MJmo1wB6xG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say focus on clearing the regular island and raise d'Artanyan. The only rune saber hero character we have so far. Clearing normal&nightmare gives all the runes you need for upgrading her, her weapon, a building and BGM exchange, no farming needed. Event points have permanent memosword. There are spheres for everyone's weapon exchange scattered all over coop and single, not sure if anything really good is in there though.

Then there's another building and two stone tablets from the three-parter coop, requires a lot of grind. I hope you cleared each part of the other coop at least once for the gems. The stages were on rotation and most of them already finished their turns.

Lastly, have fun with the tower if you get there.

>> No.20414046

Pecorine is FAT.

>> No.20414688
File: 678 KB, 1024x576, 108500201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't make it...

>> No.20414760

So if I have S.Tamaki, H.Shinobu and Christina and like 800 tears should I 4* 2 of them or save for a 5*?

>> No.20414825

It’d be more effective to 4* two for now but you might not have the motivation to 5* them down the line if you aren’t swimming in tears

I’ve got H Shinobu and Kyaru sitting at 4*, highly doubt I’ll ever be able to 5* them since there’ll be fresh powercreep and esports freebie characters like S Kokoro to suck away my tears

>> No.20415387

So I just spent 3 hours rerolling for an R (the lowest rarity) in Onsen Musume. At an 80% rate, each girl has less than 1% on non-rate up.
Why does this game feel like it was made in 2012?

>> No.20415493
File: 139 KB, 900x1500, 1544747441843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pororotcho's full song has been released: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2CLaPzWypk
No fancy backstory or illustrations, but a solid tune regardless. I'll add his and Blanche's to the mega later this weekend

>> No.20416477
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>> No.20416484
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>> No.20416489
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>> No.20416492
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>> No.20416496

I need her and I need her really badly, lets hope kusopl doesnt' ruin my xmas.

>> No.20416560

Tfw I didn't get any of this year Summer characters with 2000 gems. Hoping I could get at least one of Sharehouse 3 characters with these 1750 gems.

>> No.20416718

I was gonna ask someone to help me with floor 40 of the tower but 4chan went down.

>> No.20416719
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>> No.20416731
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2250 gems in and I have Eddy and Sheryl. Really happy about Sheryl but I'll farm 250 more and try for Eleanor off the guaranteed. Also, datamine stuff from the NY batch.

>> No.20416741

>Got Karma and Elenoar with 1000 gems
>Found out there is a guaranteed one in 2500 gems which they didn't mention in the stream
I wonder if I should continue or wait until they reveal New Year characters.

>> No.20416753
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>> No.20416766
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>first pull jack diddly squat
Oh so we're gonna be like that eh kusopl.

>> No.20416767
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>The girl I'm going hard for is SS-
>The one I got is gold SS

Merry xmas to me I guess

>> No.20416779

Wow they really baby moded the tower.

>> No.20416784
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>guaranteed 5* on first stamp
So it seems this became a given for 4+ characters and they don't have to go out of their way to mention it, nice. Or maybe they just forgot, but whatever.

>> No.20416796

*stamp card

>> No.20416817

>lancer and dragon rider
Please be good. I miss having a good set of those classes. Plus I like shield guarding like a boss

>> No.20416823
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*block your path*

>> No.20416829

>Read Sheryl's skills now that they're up
>She's just a bad symphony character for this version now

I'm so extremely sad about this but I sort of expected it considering Eleanor is in the same gacha and each sharehouse has only had one prize unit. Hopefully she gets a better alt in the future so I can actually look at her and not the robot when I use her.

>> No.20416852



>> No.20416873

Karma is somewhat hard to use compared to Archer Aisha and Chaguma Setsuna imo.

>> No.20416887

I'm surprised they didn't make Karma the freebie and put him in gacha instead.

How good is the new Himeko? She's pretty fun to play but don't know how she compares to the meta character you'd bring for abyss.

>> No.20416909

Karma isn't a cute girl anyway, I'll stick to Tina for my archer needs. Doesn't even feel satisfying like Werner screaming his heart out and getting full invincibility while doing so.

>> No.20416967

2500 and only 1 guaranteed karma, rip kusoge

>> No.20416970

>2500 and only karma
thats some next level bad luck

>> No.20416979

I couldn't beat 140 even with all my characters available.

>> No.20416996

Literally me except with Onsen Ciela.

>> No.20417007
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>> No.20417079
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Too bad they didn't make Carl playable but it was still a good ride.

>> No.20417087

Kishi-kun is cute as fuck, I can see why the girls like him

>> No.20417164

Are you guys playing burosuta yet?

>> No.20417340

the worst part is she might share the same fate as lumie and never get a new version after this one when everyone stops liking her because she's not broken like last time. at least her ponytail version is super cute and she gets 2 outfits.

>> No.20417465

Sharehouse S3 part 1 feels really short. Hoping part 2 is longer.

>Tested Karma and Elenoar
>Both of them deals about same amount of damage from their skills to training dummy without ingot weapons, accessories and stone slab (at least for me)
>Elenoar is a Light element version of Ema but better

>> No.20417524

>eddie dupe from 2500 roll
It hurts, guess I'll wait for reruns to try again for Eleanor.

>> No.20417824
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8 x 250, Karma and Eleanor, and a sigh of relief.
I shall wait for the login bonuses first before I do Eleanor's upgrades/LB/giga.

>> No.20417868

wow cant wait to get 3 hearts in luna tower!!!

>> No.20418044

I'm glad since I forgot about the other quests.

>> No.20418061

romancing saga needs x2 speed button

>> No.20418082

So, whats the Luna Coin for?

>> No.20418120

>tfw can't beat floor 110
Wasting a reset on this feels bad

>> No.20418218

I guess she actually has some loyalty left in her

>> No.20418272

1300 gems to pick up for the Christmas stream in SINoALICE for any who play.

>> No.20418500

>Tried both on coop
>Elenoar is a bit too much of glass cannon for me since she is lacking damage-50% and has somewhat of SP problem compared to her Rune Saber version. She feels like a combination of Chaguma Tina and Ema
>Karma is lacking status barrier and his shield buff can be dispelled

>> No.20418638

Waiting for the global version.

>> No.20418645


>> No.20418885
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>> No.20418891
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Done with the gacha in my last single.
Don't give a shit about the guys and Eleanor is not that cute anyway. Time to save for NY.

>> No.20418900

Didn't they become hearts?

>> No.20418908

What is she saying?

>> No.20419091

Her original version is still pretty good and saved variants pretty hard so there's still hope. Tina went broken original xsaber -> bad xmas version -> chaguma -> summer so hoping she's just following on Tina's footsteps.

Eleanor is pretty cute but yeah I probably would have stopped if I got Sheryl too, sucks that I have to keep rolling on this.

>> No.20419212

What's the consensus on RomaSaga?

>> No.20419279

Did they add a new quest in sharehouse 2 when it came back? There’s a ???? Job I can’t access

>> No.20419289

I had that too, but once I loaded it that disappeared.

It's not the ??? job, though. That's the tower that opens up after you do other jobs for a bit.

>> No.20419465

>HxH new kusoge is still on maintenance after 1 week
I wonder if it will be the longest launch maintenance.

It seems to be popular in JP for now.

>> No.20419481
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>each sharehouse has only had one prize unit
And each Sharehouse till now (a whooping total of two expamples) has only had three returning characters too, there's no reason for things to follow the routine. Considering you're fishing in a pool full of useless fourstars to begin with, every banner unit should be good. Too bad we can't have that. But hey, at least there's no one popular reduced to a sorry lancer this time.

>> No.20419513

>HxH new kusoge is still on maintenance after 1 week
Finally an accurate mobile game adaptation

>> No.20419536

their twitter says its going to be a few more weeks at least too

>> No.20419545
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also luna tower 140 is pretty ridic

>> No.20419631

It's only fair that HxH game would take a hiatus every now and then.

>> No.20419756

Is the Skull Magna or Heliobright better for Sheryl? I want to make her the best she can be.

>> No.20419764
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Priconne clan Soft has space for members!

>> No.20419777
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Crestoria's concept OP full

>Milla, Velvet and Leon
Oh boy. This is going to be an original story but I'd be down for some cameos.

>> No.20419791

Can it get top 1000?

>> No.20419811
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>> No.20420134
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>> No.20420226

What even is Artifact

>> No.20420244

Some card game that Steam made instead of making actual proper game

>> No.20420274

Maybe with more members

>> No.20420297

Jesus christ that music was awful. Looking forward to the game, though.

>> No.20420357
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>Accidentally forgot to turn on auto UBs on Luna Tower and wiped on a normal floor
I didn't need to climb anyway...

>> No.20420643
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Damn bro look at you.

>> No.20420830

Whats that?

>> No.20421035

Who the fuck was streaming Priconne on Twitch of all places and to 900+ people too?

>> No.20421038
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>> No.20421046

I just joined a new one and would feel bad if I left.

>> No.20421184
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This was fast.

>> No.20421198

Should I play precum?

>> No.20421224

no, go back to /gbfg/ where you belong

>> No.20421225

Do you enjoy cute princesses and shit gacha rates? Then yes. Do you enjoy being promised a top 500 finish but instead feeling nothing but disappointment towards 20 other human beings as they fail to deliver it? Then also yes.

>> No.20421232


>ColoplFes mode Shironeko MC is only a present for those attending the event
Kusopl sure knows how to celebrate.

>> No.20421244

>Coloplfes and Granbluefes on the same day and the same time

You'd think they'd at least try to not coincide.

>> No.20421254

thats not for another 6 hours

>> No.20421271

they usually do a prestream kokkoro gangbang till it starts so maybe everyone was watching that

>> No.20421384
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Colopl sure loves these puffy pants on their MCs.

>> No.20421398

if itou miku doesnt show up onstage wearing a skimpy kokkoro outfit im going to shoot myself

>> No.20421671
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So pecorine eats cats for lunch? Kyaru and Tamaki better watch out.

>> No.20421821

Is that project babel's mc? Did they say something about the gameplay?

>> No.20422000

She eats anything, even cooked bugs iirc? I might be wrong on the bugs, but she definitely is anything but picky eater

>> No.20422035

What are the other gachas coming back for the free rolls? I need a strong swordsman and missed the moncollab girl

>> No.20422096

>Strong swordman
You are stuck with Battle Island Charlotte on current ones and Summer Brad on 2nd group unless you are willing to wait for New Year ones which may or may not be good. Other ones are currently outclassed since their parameter buff is shit.

>> No.20422171
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>SakamotoP's other game gets Re:Zero collab
>meanwhile BGHS stopped getting even the food stuff

Yes and yes, they showed it. Some running around a map, healing people for quests and turn-based fight against some monster with cutscenes you'll probably want to turn off after a while. Not sure if there'll be any archive for the stream, but you could try checking. Pre-registration now open.

>> No.20422200
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>Honkers 2.9 update
>Chapter 9 won't be available until the 4th
I don't get it

>> No.20422201


>> No.20422266

That looks like it's competing with AE for some reason. Sasuga kusopl.

>> No.20422336
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>literally just AE
>and (((new))) formation system

>> No.20422491

Looks exactly like AE lmao, pretty interesting though.

Also, is anyone playing Teria Saga? Surprised that I haven't seen it mentioned before. Pretty fun casual game that only takes quite literally 1 minute at most to reroll. Quality live2d models and great art as well. Honestly didn't even know the game has already been out for 7 months, surprised that its such an underappreciated and quiet game, especially given how quality it is.

>> No.20422598

MCs model looks strikingly similiar to Cloud

>> No.20422603

New bread since this one is falling (slowly) off page 10 and nobody has bothered to make one yet.


>> No.20422627
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more like mercenary arthur

>> No.20422676

I would make one, but I'm short on cute pictures. Just dumb screenshots from Shironeko.

>> No.20422735

>AE rip off

Sasuga kusopl, not even hyped, nothing about shironeko 2 (switch project) yet?
