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20390457 No.20390457 [Reply] [Original]

Last Chapter:


Horizon final volume is out already, illustrations on the previous thread and waiting for Js06 to deliver the usual summaries.

>> No.20390500

at least seem like happy ending and Genki Horizon seems like a Miracle

>> No.20390847

Well that's what people on twitter has been saying for now, it is a happy ending after destroying the ether moon but who knows if there is a drawback from what they did.

>> No.20391205

I've seen the same on other places but ffs what the fuck happened.

Also i saw the illustrations and some spoilers about Musashi being a wife??? maybe i didn't understood the post.

>> No.20391463
File: 434 KB, 3000x1472, nate-mitotsudaira-beach-queen-figure-by-wave-corporation-009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were criticisms of this figurine, but if you ask me, they`ve nailed the most important aspect.

>> No.20392106

This thread is an absolute trainwreck. Can we just let it fall off the board? Thanks.

>> No.20392144

The previous thread is 2 blocks down buddy, you got the wrong door. Nobody here is complaining or trashtalking like the end of the previous one.

>> No.20392295

Can someone help me get the high res of these ones please?

>> No.20392465

Ahhh too bad these ones never look like the promo pics.

>> No.20392596


>> No.20392691

All on the artist's pixiv.


>> No.20392707


>> No.20393692
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>> No.20393848

You know what sucks? Suzu never got a piece of the cake.

>> No.20393893

She works in a bathouse.

>> No.20394090

Lewding Suzu feels wrong

>> No.20394279

What if she lewds herself?

>> No.20394646
File: 780 KB, 2400x2400, bestgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting best girl!

>> No.20394796

Quiet girls are the wildest anon.

>> No.20394814

Suzu serviced more dicks than anybody else in class Plum, I can tell you that.

>> No.20395511

You know is kinda disappointing that either Suzu or Kimi never got anyone that the reader can consider a possible "couple".

Suzu maybe can get paired with Toori if we take in consideration that Katagiri exist and we know that there will be future kids but on Kimi's situation we have ZERO, Null, nulla chances to ever read something that shows her with someone else.

>> No.20395708

There's still the possibility of a "Kimi's bizarre adventure"-spinoff in the future.

Also, Kawakami seems to be siphoning from Satoyasu's drawing powers.

>> No.20395715
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>> No.20395797

Hey this one isn't bad, it looks much better than other abominations kawakami spawned on his twitter.

>> No.20395922

She even does stands already.

>> No.20395947
File: 272 KB, 460x656, pc_1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already got Bitches' pictures and js06 probably got his copy already but Dengeki finally decided to upload the preview:


>> No.20396138
File: 72 KB, 427x640, DS7VmT9VQAALRR5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this illustration, it has the right amount of skin and thicc, also a nice balance of her eroticism while being cool at the same time.

Kawakami only gave her 2 costumes in the mobile game, right? is there an image rip of it somewhere?

>> No.20396147
File: 757 KB, 1167x756, Screenshot_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabbed a dump of all the images on the O2F twitter if you're interested in that

>> No.20396170
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Please and thanks!

>> No.20396278

Here you go

>> No.20396317
File: 20 KB, 400x239, O2F_official-985787221700632576-20180416_094923-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

>Futayo doing a dynamic pose teaser
>no full pic


>> No.20396365

Yeah thhat was the point they noticed people were not playing the game and instead getting the pictures from twitter.

>> No.20396381
File: 18 KB, 400x237, O2F_official-985787221700632576-20180416_094923-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling that this was drawn by Satoyasu together with the two Lesbian Witches Illustration.

I wonder if there's a wiki somewhere with a gallery on it.

>> No.20396593

>180 pages of preview

>> No.20396854

how can anyone compete

>> No.20397888

Do we have anything like HO or NT coming soon?
Asking to know when we can expect some new chapters.

>> No.20397901

He just started translating the new HO volume.

>> No.20398261

Good place for epubs of the completed horizon novels? Madokami only has up to 6-A

>> No.20398352


>> No.20398978

Thanks マイニガー

>> No.20399407


>> No.20400423

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did they just put up a second release of the full boxset?


>> No.20400467



>> No.20400539

Does that mean it might not come with some of the extras?

>> No.20400547

As far as I can see it you'll still get that last volume side story exclusive to the store.
The other side story exclusive to the box.
And the complete card binder.

But that's google, better wait for someone who can read it.

>> No.20400739
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EDGE confirmed?

>> No.20400823

NEXT BOX seems to be a sequel of some sort to Horizon, while On a Planet Without Gods should be a short story or short series published online.

>> No.20400855

Online for sure? Neat.
Let's just hope it's not in the magazine again like Hexennacht.

>> No.20401028

It will be published on kakuyomu, which seems a online reader for light novel?

>> No.20401070
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>> No.20401507

Yeah, the page where Kawakami posts those little stories about Horizon.

>> No.20401571

Got a Source on that? Looks dope af

>> No.20401610


>> No.20401633

There's summaries for these on js06's twitter.


>> No.20401713

Whatever Kawakami does after Horizon I hope he doesn't use EDGE for short stories or shit like that, this is the most important era in kawakami universe because is the moment when the Foundation world change and stop existing thanks to the war in the heavens.

>> No.20401804

Him doing short stories in EDGE probably won't stop him from setting a multi-volume series there eventually. It's not like Obstacle Overture precluded Hexennacht from being set in Obstacle.

>> No.20401862

Worth reading?

>> No.20401890

Correction to my mail, it may actually be the 24th.

>> No.20401949
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Don't think we would have recurring threads if we didn't think it was.

>> No.20402315

>I can't decide for myself so I need someone else telling me what to do
Go and read it, if you like it stay if not whatever.

>> No.20402321

I still didn't finish owari chornicle though

>> No.20402323

Is there any link between Obstacle Overture and Hexennacht? I mean... is it one of the many world Kagami's sister created?

>> No.20402520

Don't have enough money right now. Will it still be avaiable after Jan 20th. i really want the bonus

>> No.20402537

Then finish OnC before reading Horizon. A lot of details from OnC are going to click on your head when you start with Horizon, in fact some of the technological elements on Horizon and how things work will be a bit confusing without that basis.

>> No.20402542

The big box with all volumes? Probably not, it already sold out once and is accepting second reservations.
If you're lucky they may make more.

>> No.20402975

Demmmmmmmm hope untill 20/1 i get enough money
Well there is still hope for Kadokawa re-release it in future anniversary

>> No.20403475

Is there any changes to the projected sales of the bd box? I remember it was pretty high

>> No.20403660

At its peak shortly after the previews dropped the predictions (of one of the sites at least) were hovering around 30-40k, but after it fell out of the amazon top 10 again to where it's sitting now the predictions have been steady for a combined ~10k standard and exclusive edition.

>> No.20404068

Where do I start with Kawakami? Owari no Chronicle or something else?

>> No.20404112

It doesn't make that much of a difference. If you start with OnC and continue into Horizon you'll have a better understanding of certain things but if you do the reverse you'll still gain the same understanding except retroactively.
Personally I started with the Horizon anime, then the LNs up to vol 3-4, at which point I took a break to read OnC. Actually following the anime without having read the LNs can be a bit troublesome, but if you use your brain or ask here it's alright.

>> No.20404197

That's ridiculous, those many sales for a BD-box of a six year old anime?

I think a lot of people would argue to start with the Horizon anime and move on to OnC and then the Horizon novel (because that was the order it was all translated in and it worked well for them). Personally I think you could start anywhere, and if you find one of his works interesting you'll probably like the rest as well. None of it relies heavily on any of the other series.

>> No.20405562
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Depends on what you're looking for.

If you want continuity in terms of how the world went from one point to another, go and read OnC first. Owari offers the settings of the Foundation world and why evolved in the current one, you're going to see a writing similar to Horizon but at the same time you're going to feel like Kawakami wanted to do more with OnC, blame the editor for that.

The main point of OnC is that you're going to have one of the best MCs ever, Sayama is just amazing on every way and team leviathan is crazy so you're going to enjoy this from the beginning to the end.

Now, if you're a casual, watch the anime and then read Horizon, or even better skip the anime and just read Horizon. The anime itself is pretty good but the problem is that there was so much material and Sunrise couldn't put all of it on the anime, crucial details are missing and that's why you must read Horizon since the very beginning without skipping anything.

After OnC and Horizon read CITY, this one is different, is like a different kawakami mainly because this was published 20+ years ago. Is confusing at the start because you're jumping in a world that's incredibly complex but belive me and this is coming from one of the few who have read it, everything makes sense at the end.

The order of the universe is:
>Ahead = OnC
>Genesis = Horizon
>Obstacle = Hexennacht
If you want to follow the order is up to you but I recommend to do it this way.

>> No.20405579

Did it end with harem + incest?

>> No.20405620

Does birthing your brother’s lovechild with another woman count as incest?

>> No.20405635

Who is the chat name Tsurugi that shows up to talk with the Speers occasionally?

>> No.20405711

The only harem is Toori/Horizon/Asama/Nate my virgin friend who only cares about that.

Also no, there wasn't incest.

>> No.20405715

>He doesn't read the first few pages of the volume

>> No.20405731

Finished reading 11-C, so here's an extremely abridged summary:
Destiny (using Nobunaga's appearance) shows up at Westphalia and shows off the dragons, gods of war, and "fortunate" versions of people that everyone will have to fight if they try to stop Destiny's suicide.
The harem splits Toori into multiple copies to have sex with him.
Once the full moon at the end of December arrives, the Musashi, the Yamato, and the other nations' fleets fly to the 2nd moon to confront destiny.
They are stopped by the "fortunate" versions of themselves, which are what they would be if destiny had been on their side and everything in their life had always worked out for them.
Many a character arc is completed in these battles and the "unfortunate" versions (the real versions) emerge victorious for a variety of different reasons. Usually stemming from the idea that the "unfortunate" parts of life help you grow.
They confront Destiny at the 2nd moon, invite her to come to Musashi, and convince her to release Nobunaga who is still alive, but Destiny still insists on dying.
They link the Logismoi Oplo to the Musashi's main cannon and fire a special shell that Matsunaga had prepared for precisely this purpose before he died, but Destiny blocks it.
Just when it seems all hope is lost, it turns out Oriotri's sword is actually a version of that shell she made in the future after future-Musashi lost because they didn't have it.
Destiny prevents Horizon and Toori from pressing the "fire" button unless every single intelligent life form chooses the "I want to live" option on a sign frame sent to them all.
After everyone chooses the "I want to live", Destiny reveals it was rigged because she gets to vote too, but Azuma has ??? answer for her since ??? is a possible future for Destiny.
They blow up the 2nd moon, which applies an "update" to Destiny to fix everything (although she insists she will overcome the update and choose suicide again) and Miriam reappears.
In the ethery aftermath, Horizon and Toori get a brief chance to speak with Motonobu who reveals that the s of P-01s stood for "sentiment".
Miriam and Azuma give ??? the name Sein, all the other Princess Disappeared people are thought to have reappeared but not all of them have been found yet, the Testament updates for the next 100 years, and Class Plum and the rest of the world can look to the future once more.
Kawakami's plan is to release a new series while also releasing Horizon spinoffs or prequels/sequels about Toori's group. He says he already had a plan for what happens next in the story from the very beginning.

>> No.20405745

Thanks, as always.

>> No.20405783

Tsurugi isn't listed there.

>> No.20405793

That was fast. Thanks!
What did they do with the 4 divine gods of war in the end?

>> No.20405805

A few questions Js06.

Basically Nobunaga is on Musashi now or she's gone?
Why the girls split toori and is there any of them pregnant?
It is 100% sure that after these 100 years everything would be alright?
Did everyone finally started to settle outside Japan using the gate?

Thanks for your summary as always.

>> No.20405806

They created the "path" used to reach the 2nd moon.

>> No.20405832

>Basically Nobunaga is on Musashi now or she's gone?
She is presumably with Musashi now, but the epilogue doesn't say.

>Why the girls split toori and is there any of them pregnant?
They were testing a spell. Nothing about pregnancy is mentioned.

>It is 100% sure that after these 100 years everything would be alright?
Not 100%, but the Testament updating is a sign that the Apocalypse is no longer happening.

>Did everyone finally started to settle outside Japan using the gate?
That's the plan.

>> No.20405839

Just a small favor. The name seemed to first show up in volume 6 very rarely.

>> No.20405849

U forget Suzu

>> No.20405851

A more personal thing, what do you think about the ending of Horizon, it was a proper one in your opinion?

>> No.20405857

That's Hirano, Asama's daughter. Because she belongs to the Tsurugi Shrine.

It was a great ending. I almost always love Kawakami's endings. The epilogues are usually frustratingly short, though.

>> No.20405925

Who's the haremettes that split him apart? Horizon, Tomo and Nate?

>> No.20406140

Anybody have the latest mediafire link? Lost mine in a crash and my paranoid refusal to sync my bookmarks to an online account, searching "mediafire" in archives just gives a billion things.

>> No.20406161


>> No.20406260

I'd recommend OnC first because unlike Horizon, it's fully translated. But it doesn't matter THAT much. Just don't start with Hexennacht, it will give you the wrong impression about all of this.

>> No.20406410

Thats a stupid question, they are the only members of the harem since the very beginning.

>> No.20407114

I think I'll try out the universe order considering that FORTH is only 2 books and OnC is right afterwards

>> No.20407858
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>> No.20407904
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Someone actually bought them

>> No.20407914

Why not? I'd have bought a lot more than four if I were there.

>> No.20407923

I would buy the school uniform one

>> No.20407937

what the fuck.

>> No.20408003

What's Fortunate versions like? are they puppets or have free will that interact their unfortunate selves? what's Fortunate Futayo like? Is she called Honda Tadakatsu and still carrying her father's Tonbokiri?is there a sex gag between her and Futayo?

Horizon underwears are a mystery to me, are they like pasties or are they wearing g-strings?

They have a blessing that conveniently hides their anus like how they breasts go "boing" when they bounce as their offering to the god of eroticism, right?

>> No.20408048

I want an Epilogue with the new adventures of Genki Horizon

>> No.20408156 [DELETED] 
File: 789 KB, 3264x2448, 1544172041821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[/spoiler]I don't know if there was fortunate Futayo, but in the pictures you can see Uqui and Terumoto ones.[/spoiler]

>> No.20408167
File: 789 KB, 3264x2448, 1544172041821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if there was fortunate Futayo, but in the pictures you can see Uqui and Terumoto ones.

>> No.20408528



>> No.20408717

Got it.

>> No.20409568

One thing I forgot to mention was the "fortunate" versions had an unfair advantage because Destiny gave them the full set of Testamenta Arma to use.

Also, the toughest fortunate version to bring down was Kimi's. Horizon called her "more of a final boss than the final boss".

They have free will, although Destiny seemed to have given them the preconception that the unfortunate versions needed to be eliminated. Some of the victories were more about proving yourself worthy than actually destroying your fortunate version.

Futayo's did have the Tadakatsu name and Tonbokiri. In the fortunate world, both Tadakatsu and his wife never died (Fortunate Futayo didn't know who Kazuno was) and Tadakatsu had given Futayo the name and Tonbokiri once he deemed her worthy.

>> No.20409741

>the toughest fortunate version to bring down was Kimi's
How so?

>> No.20409779

There were fortunate versions of everyone then? What about Toori, Horizon, Nate, Asama, Tenzou, Mary, Uqui and the rest?

>> No.20409809

Wasn't she the flower at the peak of summit or something? like you can't touch her unless she permits it and she has protection as long as she offers her blessing to her god, I think her god is the god of eroticism and dance, that means as long as she shows off skin and continues dancing, she's nigh untouchable and her god won't permit hindrances to her performance?

Can't find a video of Futayo and Kimi's fight, have this MAD

>> No.20409817

That's just normal Kimi, He was asking about the other one.

>> No.20409926
File: 1.21 MB, 1823x2619, Horizon6-B729_729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Futayo's did have the Tadakatsu name and Tonbokiri. In the fortunate world, both Tadakatsu and his wife never died (Fortunate Futayo didn't know who Kazuno was) and Tadakatsu had given Futayo the name and Tonbokiri once he deemed her worthy.

I can't wait for Volume 11C to get translated, I wanna read her fight against her fortunate self.

Also, what happened to SPEERS? How was Nori-chan and Kiyomassive's wedding?

>> No.20410311

She could summon Amaterasu with her dance, plus general Kimi-ness.

Only those whose fortunate versions were fighters. For example, there wasn't one of Noriki and he speculated his fortunate version was born a girl and lived a happy life after marrying Ujinao (who would have beenborn a boy and never had to be automaton-ized).

Toori and Horizon's were briefly seen on fortunate Musashi as it went down, but they didn't directly join the fight. Fortunate Kimi said her brother was a swordsman, though.
Nate's was a version that had always been on good terms with her mother and could always do the werewolf transformation.
Asama's was a version that could be honest about her feelings and ended up in a (sexual) relationship with Toori starting in middle school. This revelation led to many chat messages of "sasuga Asama".
Tenzou's was there assisting Mary's, but it didn't really get into what the difference was there.
Mary's had a different fighting style due to differences in her past, but (if I'm remembering right) those differences were more implied than stated.
Uqui's lived in a world where elder sister stories always have good endings and they got in a fight over whether bad endings should be allowed or not.

The SPEERs joined Musashi and were working with them throughout.
No wedding yet. Maybe in a sequel.

>> No.20410327

>summon Amaterasu with her dance

Wow. That's pretty last boss. As expected of Kimi, I guess.

>> No.20410337

That sound really fun. Thank you.

>> No.20410352

It's another Kawakami Tsirchmas miracle.

>> No.20410420

>actual fighter Toori
I want that a lot.

>> No.20410499

>Toori and Horizon's were briefly seen on fortunate Musashi as it went down, but they didn't directly join the fight. Fortunate Kimi said her brother was a swordsman, though.

wait, so Fortunate selves didn't return to their fortunate timeline after it was over, but got tricked by Destiny to fight for her and also went down in the fight?

idk if I should be happy, I mean even if Destiny returns them, their timeline would get trimmed and end in Apocalypse anyway. I hope they're happy seeing the unfortunate selves defy the odds and pass the obstacles.

>> No.20410570

They're not actually from some other timeline. They're just temporary ether beings created by Destiny to defend herself. Their "past" and their "world" don't actually exist.
It's a hypothetical scenario created by Destiny on the (very faulty) assumption that her enemies can't defeat a fortunate version of themselves.

>> No.20411000

Different anon here with some doubts.

You mentioned that the ether moon was destroyed after musashi, toori and Horizon shoot this moon and now it's remains are surrounding the planet but to do this the ship actually went into space?
In political terms, for now what's going to happen with the recreation of the Testament, with this I mean if everyone in the world dropped this idea that people needs to lose their life or die to fulfill these interpretations?
Another detail that is missing, maybe you know about it, FutayoXMasazumi is confirmed or we still have no idea?
And last one, what's the status of Toori and his harem in terms of power? this is based on what we know that he's some sort of god and that now Asama and Nate need to met certain conditions to use their power.

>> No.20411657
File: 670 KB, 1063x1280, __amaterasu_and_issun_ookami_game_drawn_by_namito__3fc8369f6730541d6c8a9dcd979a78a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summon Ammy

>> No.20411822

>This revelation led to many chat messages of "sasuga Asama".


>Uqui's lived in a world where elder sister stories always have good endings and they got in a fight over whether bad endings should be allowed or not.


They should tho, it builds depth on the characters.

>> No.20412016

Didn't Suzu literally confess in 1-A

>> No.20413389
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>> No.20415114

Dont die

>> No.20415506

I almost can't believe the OVA is only a week away now. Feels like it hasn't been that long since the announcement and previews.

>> No.20415536

>the ship actually went into space?
Not really since the 2nd moon was located a lot closer to earth than the normal moon. It was just high up in the atmosphere.

>In political terms, for now what's going to happen with the recreation of the Testament, with this I mean if everyone in the world dropped this idea that people needs to lose their life or die to fulfill these interpretations?
Musashi has made it clear they will interfere with and stop anyone who tries to force loss of life using the history recreation.

>Another detail that is missing, maybe you know about it, FutayoXMasazumi is confirmed or we still have no idea?
It was implied very, very heavily, but still not outright stated. Which I still find to be a weird choice on Kawakami's part, but whatever.

>And last one, what's the status of Toori and his harem in terms of power? this is based on what we know that he's some sort of god and that now Asama and Nate need to met certain conditions to use their power.
Toori basically has a more powerful version of his ether sharing spell and it affects Horizon, Asama, Nate, and Kimi more than others due to their close connection.

>> No.20415611


Thank god that Musashi decided to intervene with it, I remember this was one of the reasons why Destiny gave up on this world, after so much death. Also, agree on futayo and masazumi.

>> No.20416651
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>> No.20417538
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Kato Tatsuya has his box

>> No.20417806

I just hope amazon sends them out early. They didn't for the last volume so my hopes aren't that high.

>> No.20418010

I hope Gamers doesn't send them early.
I want to be paid before the courier turns up asking for the cash.

>> No.20418842

Do we have anyone providing subs for when the OVA comes out?

>> No.20418863

The box has English subs and I believe that includes the OVA as well.

>> No.20418868

Owari subs said they'd do it

>> No.20419971

He had his before everybody else, I'd imagine.

>> No.20420032

Waiting for the new BD box upload, scans and the episodes with new encode. Would be cool. (with the subs, or a remake of the old subs)

>> No.20420118

For all we know, episodes are all the same, so there is no need for reencoding.

>> No.20420891
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>> No.20420973

>38k yen

>> No.20421112
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>> No.20421214

What's Futayo afraid of?

>> No.20421460

My love

>> No.20421677

Making me want to get me a copy.

>> No.20421962

>bd box comes out the same day I get paid
Literally the only thing that'll keep me going for this last week of Christmas rush hell.

>> No.20422635

Sorry for asking this, but is there a pdf collection of these books anywhere or are they just in epub format? And when should I read the Kimitoasamade Horizon books?

>> No.20422643

I'll never stop believing in the incest.

>> No.20422650

It's not that bad considering.
It's basically the limited edition BDs for about a third the cost.

>> No.20423161

I imagine genetic defects are pretty much a non-issue due to how advanced science is. Plus, there's magic.

>> No.20423889

A guy in the last thread posted this. It has azw3 files for all the translated volumes I think. If you need to convert them to pdf Calibre is free and works well.

>> No.20424337

>I'll never stop believing in the incest.
That's why your brain will never work properly, go back to your doujins.

>> No.20424484

Genetic defects aren't really an issue first generation anyway.

>> No.20424687
File: 270 KB, 2048x1152, DucoVbVU8AABaZA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horizon on the middle of nowhere

>> No.20425152

Ok, thanks.

>> No.20425184


>> No.20427189

You were probably someone who hated the harem thing and the 1000+sex thing.

>> No.20427919

>Resorting to ad hominem
Absolutely pathetic. One thing is what happened in the LN and other completely different is trying to push your virginal delusions my dear incel friend. Go back to "that" place, i know where you come from.

>> No.20427977

Putting the box set next to one volume really hammers home how huge it is. Kawakami's one hell of a writing automaton to put out so much.

>> No.20428708 [DELETED] 

Btw, how did Horizon returned her emotions?

>> No.20428716

Btw, how did Horizon return her emotions?

>> No.20429461

Are you serious?
Everyone who read the LN knows how since volume 1.

>> No.20430136

I mean, she stayed autistic until the end of the final volume and then suddenly started to smile here and there.

>> No.20430377

You have no idea what are you talking about. Read the LN instead of assuming things, horizon displayed emotions way before that, the only difference is the smile.

>> No.20430496

Adding on that, even if you only watched the anime, she literally fucking cried at the end when she got Lypē Katathlipsē, aka the weapon with an effect similar to Tombokiri.

>> No.20431521

Where do we get the information about the Party of Seven Hundred from? I'm having trouble remembering, but now I'm also wondering how much side material I should be searching through.

>> No.20431913

It's referenced a couple of times here:


And in retrospect, the image on the third page of the History section of 1-A is pretty clearly about the Party of Seven Hundred:


>> No.20432094

Thanks, I ended up finding the more detailed stuff in the encyclopedia translations.

>> No.20432099

What does the encyclopedia say about them? For that matter, since when were there encyclopedia translations?

>> No.20432330

Is obvious that the encyclopedia is not going to contain all the information about it mainly because the knowledge about this topic comes from the times before Horizon, the latest just added more pieces of information to this, which means old LN readers will understand the whole picture.

That's why edge is so important.

>> No.20433649

What? I was under the impression that he still hadn't explicitly told that particular tale yet.
There's a few translations in a pastebin from just believe

>> No.20433774

Oh we know about the story, in fact there is a very old pastebin with it. The thing is, until we get edge we won't be able to tell the story with all the details because even in Horizon the characters don't know the whole story.

>> No.20433819

>Taking this much offense
From your response you're not even worth an an ad-hominem to take place, not mentioning that there was no debate nor argument for something of the ilk to take place.
You even use the word "Incelibate" incorrectly, though thats to be expected of a buzzword throwing normalfag who believes virginity to be an insult on a board that worships idols and touhou, with both of them being very symbols of Japanese virgin men. If you think harem and 1000+ times of sex are not "virginial fantasies" while incest is, then I'm sorry to burst your shitty bubble but its not and is perfectly plausible. You also severely underestimate how much of a madman Kawakami is by stating this, this, along with your buzzwords and "virginity insult" lead me to conclude that you are not from here, so promptly fuck off.

>> No.20433882

Your butthurt is hilarious Evi.
Told you to go back to that place where you already got btfo, only speak when you read this instead of pretending because you're failing so hard that is embarrasing just because you can't separate your delusions from reality.

>> No.20433903
File: 74 KB, 391x590, 1539737695472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you must be someone else. That'll get him

>> No.20434368

Anyone ever think the English titles for these series could be better? It just seems to me that something like "The Closing Chronicle" and "Horizon Beyond The Horizon" have a better ring to them, even if they sound a bit cliché

>> No.20434752

Jap relationship with english is a weird one. They don't care if something is wrong grammar-wise or sounds weird as long as it is "cool".

>> No.20434985
File: 1.85 MB, 1430x2081, 019A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20434998

I don't know if Owari no Chronicle even has an official English title. Regardless, I think "the Ending Chronicle" sounds okay which is what I've heard most people say.

>> No.20435135

Rips when?

>> No.20435150

Hopefully some jap rips it on the weekend
If not I'll do it when I get my box, but that might be after Christmas, depending on when they ship it
Same goes for the new CD that comes with it I guess

>> No.20435436

Where is the rest of this?

>> No.20435478


>> No.20436689


I edited the pages, I don´t translated.

>> No.20436802

I don’t know what the “names to be blessed” part is about, but wouldn’t Marga and Margot’s names fall under that?

>> No.20436857

Yeah but the encyclopedia only named those.

>> No.20437506

Looks like 11-C is sold out on amazon

>> No.20437527

And I still can`t get 11B.
God almighty...

>> No.20437528

Happened to 11-A and B as well. Just gotta wait for restock.

>> No.20439985


>> No.20440003
File: 341 KB, 2047x1244, DurRxKxU8AYsRhg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20440367
File: 1016 KB, 1791x2560, 02-A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The digital covers are up.
I'll put them in the MEGA later, for now:


>> No.20440399


>> No.20440863
File: 154 KB, 800x568, tokuten_book09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS preview is up on the site

>> No.20440919
File: 103 KB, 800x568, tokuten_book11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20440923
File: 112 KB, 800x568, tokuten_book22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20440927
File: 127 KB, 800x568, tokuten_book52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20441121

>Suzu gets her man
Thank you based Kawakami

>> No.20441205

Sorry to break this for you but he didn't.

>> No.20441211


>> No.20441441

That whole novel is set between chapter 15 and 16 of volume 11, right? Just want to make sure google isn't screwing with me.

>> No.20441611

10 double pages in a row at the beginning. That's going to be a lot of work.

>> No.20441989

50 percent of Naruze’s facial expressions are visual shitposts

>> No.20442124

Always two pages of summary for every full volume after the anime till volume 10 and the family page before the real deal? Really curious how Kawakami summarize it.

>> No.20442148

And that's why I love her.

>> No.20444014
File: 105 KB, 522x571, ss (2018-12-19 at 04.12.46).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone buying it?

>> No.20444153

Of course

>> No.20444297

I didn't know there were OnC figures

>> No.20444646 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 425x500, 1545222697778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kawakami has his copy
Fucking hype

>> No.20444662

My order from Gamers is being prepped. Got tracking code already but hasn't been scanned.
If they ship tonight I might get it tomorrow.

>> No.20444684

Kimitoasamade GT comes with every version of the BD box set, right?

>> No.20444697

As far as I know it does

>> No.20444912

As the other anon said, yes. I think BVC store has an alternative cover for it, though.
The only exclusive store booklets are Animate and Amazon.

>> No.20444974

Still nothing from Amazon even though they ship mine to Central Europe.

>> No.20445065

You expect them to ship early?
You're lucky if Amazon ships on the day of release.

>> No.20445135

I was hoping they would do it, not really expecting it due to past experiences.
They usually did ship on release day, though.

>> No.20445582
File: 89 KB, 593x617, Dux2_mAVAAAg4jH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't know yet how many pages it has, right?
Putting a 120 pages preview out which covers only the prologue and chapter one gives me a bit of hope for a lot but I'm uncertain.

>> No.20445718
File: 194 KB, 1536x2048, DurRxKuU8AAUaue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20445759

Well, that's not very much. Makes me wonder why they put out such a huge PV.

>> No.20445830

Last minute stalker predictions:
8246 standard edition
2854 amazon limited edition

>> No.20445955

That cover, looks like a doujin.

>> No.20446070

You can see where Kawakami gets his inspiration from. Faced with such a madman, Satoyasu can only comply.

>> No.20446174

Pretty decent numbers for a 7 years old show.

>> No.20446242

What a disappointment.

>> No.20446389 [SPOILER] 
File: 815 KB, 3264x2448, 1545242420399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening.

>> No.20446414

The art looks great here. Why did only the cover illustrations get super deformed?

>> No.20446422


>> No.20446448
File: 148 KB, 1417x652, DuzGFc6UYAAh_KG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some lucky bastards have it already

>> No.20446546

Now we wait for the ova rip to send us to nirvana

>> No.20446595

Did Owarisubs got their copy?

>> No.20446608
File: 233 KB, 939x1334, 72181235_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, that would be great even if it was an airing show, right?

>> No.20446647

Amazon hasn't started sending out internationally yet and I dont't know if any of the other stores even offer shipping outside of Japan.
Even if they did it would take until early next week at the very best.

>> No.20446667

Animate's international store has it as well and there are the obvious other stores like CDJapan.
But yeah, nobody outside of Japan will have it this week.

>> No.20446860

>and there are the obvious other stores like CDJapan
Oh right, I forgot about those. I assumed it would only be on the stores listed on the site.

>> No.20448110


Amazon said that it will be delivered between the 24th and January 2nd, I hope a BDMV rip will pop up in the next few days.
I wish we had the Technohexen delivery instead of a random guy from DHL.

>> No.20449081

I wish Technohexen were real.

>> No.20450303


>> No.20450362

Who's idea was it to put English subs on the release?

>> No.20450629

They do it for a lot of releases, and they're not that bad.

>> No.20450702

Thank you

>> No.20450737
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, [Owari Subs] Kyokaisenjo no Horizon 11 [BD][986EF4E1].mkv_snapshot_08.57_[2018.12.20_09.27.08].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This, at least from Horizon and onwards S8 put official english subtitle on the Home Video releases (Love Live!, Buddy Complex, etc) and they're actually good.

>> No.20450955

Weird, I just got a phone call from the courier saying he was nearby and asking if I was at home and had the money prepared, but the tracking still has no information.

>> No.20451007

Holy fucking Christ. I shouldn't have opened the booklet.

Get fucking hype guys. Get fucking hype.

>> No.20451026

Post pants

>> No.20451049

GT is 287 pages.

>> No.20451080

My mind is absolutely destroyed right now.
I'm gonna hit a 7eleven and get some booze.

>> No.20451102


>> No.20451122

So getting my beer than

>> No.20451135

It is my earnest wish that everyone who frequents this thread could watch the bonus episode for the first time together.
And that I could orchestrate it without any concerns of legal ramifications.

>> No.20451175

Shouldn't it be possible by streaming it on a private group conversation like on Discord?

>> No.20451182

We can host it on cytube, but we're gonna need a rip for that

>> No.20451186

The bonus episode is 12m15s.

>> No.20451193

That seems rather short for what's supposedly in it.

>> No.20451195

What. I expected something like 30/40min, how much action is cramped in so little time?

>> No.20451204

inb4 it's called XXI-PV because it's a preview for Horizon XXI adapting volumes X and XI

>> No.20451208

It's not very fleshed out, it's pretty much just scenes.

>> No.20451215

At this stage I wouldn't put it past them.

>> No.20451220

What about the VAs for the speers?

>> No.20451318

Only the best SPEER has lines, is credited and has the most extensive battle scene.

>> No.20451344

He's not going to tell us anything until we'll watch it, fucking hype.

>> No.20451349
File: 248 KB, 1345x1209, sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoil me Futayo's screentime

>> No.20451355
File: 1.35 MB, 2400x1600, _THE2327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20451363
File: 1.08 MB, 2400x1089, _THE2323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 seconds

>> No.20451384
File: 273 KB, 801x1003, futayo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 seconds


>> No.20451394

I can feel my hype decreasing by the second
After they said they started planning for it 4 years ago I expected more than a glorified commercial

>> No.20451433

Honestly I can't fault them.
Resurrecting a project after so long just for a boxed release, you're not going to be able to go really big.
I am still over the moon.

>> No.20451444

>Over the moon
Oh u.

>> No.20451468

Can you do the left one up close?

>> No.20451479

>only the left
What is wrong with you? We need all of them, help us glorioud Bitches!

>> No.20451497

The chat on the Special CD is dick jokes.

>> No.20451500

>The chat on the Special CD is dick jokes.
Toori Please

>> No.20451526

More like Kimi, Horizon and Asama.

>> No.20451546
File: 1.77 MB, 4096x3072, Du148--UwAAhuwG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can win some stuff if you buy the BD at their actual store

>> No.20451567

I wish I could, but I'm not physically anywhere near a Gamers store.

>> No.20451584

Just the one new song they already previewed or are there more?

>> No.20451614

The rest of the songs on the CD are the special songs from the rest of the special edition BDs.

>> No.20451634

As one of the other anons already said, the expectations and hype I had are almost completely gone. I just hope your happiness means that it's still very much worth.
If we consider the previews we got for the booklet and the OVA we're basically paying a lot for 160 pages of new content and 10 minutes of animation.

>> No.20451705

That really depends on if you already own all the rest of the content.

>> No.20451726

I guess so. And if you don't care that the old Kimitoasamade releases are included digitally.

>> No.20451735
File: 51 KB, 480x270, letdownmalcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the OVA is only 12 mins and works as a commercial and we got the other GT volume and we already gor 120 pages of those 280.

I cannot deny that I'm disappointed at them playing with the fans this way but from a monetary standpoint is a good move baiting everyone so they can spend this ridiculous amount of money on this, unless you dont have anything from Horizon and you really wanted to buy the BD's with proper subs.

Pic VERY related.

>> No.20451754
File: 450 KB, 1200x1512, 71913723_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well hopefully it'll make them understand that Horizon/Kawakami is still a goldmine at least. And 12 minutes is way better the big pile of nothing we've gotten thus far.

>> No.20451802

Horizon isn't a goldmine at all, saying that is just deluding yourself. It did well years ago and it got a boost on LN sells but it was never a goldmine as you say. Here everyone thought that this was something else, is an OVA for fucks sake, every time we get an OVA annoucement these days is at least 24 mins or something longet than that and the details of this BD box didn't included this crucial detal if 12 mins.

Now the BD box and the other box with all the collection did great in terms of sells? yeah it did thanks to Horizon ending after 10 years and the fanbase that is not big at all. Anything coming from kawakami that is not exactly a goldmine but a constant stream of money that is slightly above average in terms of numbers, that's why everyone let Kawakami do what he wants.

>> No.20451856

Horizon DO SELL on numbers 90% of the rest of the industry wish it could sell.

The problem with it (and same as other Sunrise and Studio 8 anime, Rip Accel World) is that Love Live makes even more money and with even less effort (tons of CGI Animation)

>> No.20451870

Accel World is getting a movie...

>> No.20451890

>Accel World is getting a movie...
nigga, have you been in a coma?

>> No.20451896

Kinda, I even stopped reading 90% of what I used to read except for horizon and risou no himo.

>> No.20451920

Horizon selling numbers were always above average and that's good for the novel considering the size of it, but if you want a goldmine there you have SAO, you have Mahouka to some extent, and as you mentioned Love Live too. Is still not enough to call it goldmine but is good for the fanbase and Kawakami because he gets a free pass for anything he wants.

Also Love live is almost dead, leaving aside the gay ass shit they're pushing next year with the new idols there isn't any other proyect on sight so who knows.

Oh you read Risou too? that's a good one.

>> No.20451923

the movie came out 2 years ago, 1st half was wasted recap of the anime, the rest of the movie do was really good with tons of animation and shit from latest LN but it was basically and OVA rather than a movie

>> No.20451936

different studios

iirc it hovered around 10K only

>> No.20451969
File: 530 KB, 1200x1542, 71913723_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, Horizon outsold both Mahouka and the second season of SAO.
I did some back-of-the-envelope calculations, and as it was around the 60th best selling series since 2000 (http://www.someanithing.com/1)) and there's been something like 4300 series since then (https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/search/genreresults?w=series&from=2000&to=2019&lic=&a=AA&a=OC&a=TA&a=MA&o=rating though I don't trust this number) that would place it in the top 1,4% of best selling anime. I'd say it's fair to call it a gold mine.

>> No.20452044

>Friend, Horizon outsold both Mahouka and the second season of SAO.
Not in terms of LN sells and you're only counting the second season of SAO so that data is irrelevant, both of them sold like hot cakes for the most part, being SAO the usual winner thanks to how popular it was until the new volumes came out with shitty stories that can be classified as awful fanfics.

Horizon managed with both seasons over 45k which is good but nowhere near to be the best, is a good number nonetheless but again is not a goldmine, that's just deluding yourself thanks to your preference for Horizon.

I would like to say the same but what we like or what we want is far away from what happened in reality. There are many franchises that sold incredibly well going over any number that Horizon ever made but that doesn't mean is bad at all, is just not the best especially when it takes so much time and resources while trash like SAO or LL with low effort gets mountains of money.

>> No.20452060

>Not in terms of LN sells
but we are talking about the anime. the fuck is LN sales do in this?

>> No.20452134

You know what's the purpose of anime adaptations or not?

>> No.20452182

Not for every adaptation though.

>> No.20452198

not every addaptation is a glorified sink hole ad for the LN.

specially if it turns into the few hand counted anime that goes beyond the 15K barrier constantly

>> No.20452374

Edge is here.

>> No.20452398

The other thing as well

>> No.20452422
File: 153 KB, 600x397, godless_rough_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat. Now the wait for the bundled tank with proper illustrations begins.

A bunch of old illustrations with some arguably "bad" coloring and definitely some stuff drawn by Kawakami himself as well.

>> No.20452574

This is gonna be sick.

>> No.20452603

Only if we get a series like OnC, I don't expect another massive LN like Horizon.

>> No.20452658

Ebooks are out as well

>> No.20452692

Well is just an online serialization so you're fucked mate we're not getting another LN.

Personally I don't really like this because edge is incredibly important for 2 reasons, one is the connection between what Sayama and Co. did back in the Foundation world and how all the races went to the "heavens" (aka solar systems, new planets, dimensions) just to end up in the biggest war ever that destroyed the real earth and leads to the enviromental gods being in charge of rebuilding it.

>> No.20453057
File: 268 KB, 600x541, godless_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhhh it's happening again

>> No.20453111

With those tits I wonder how they didn't thought that she would be a fucking hunchback. Big tits are great but when is too big it becomes shit.

>> No.20453123

gravity control?

>> No.20453160
File: 3.88 MB, 1800x2462, 1449588820185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, good old designs.

>> No.20453178


>> No.20453682

>still not shipped
Fucking amazon

>> No.20453700
File: 433 KB, 1434x2048, p0401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apart from the obvious limitations, some nitpicks and volume 1 - very, very bad - they did a pretty good job overall.


Happy early Christmas.
Missing volumes will be added at some point in the future.

>> No.20453712

Merry Christmas

>> No.20453761

Niiiiice. Super weird to see it without the dithering though.

>> No.20453810
File: 2.86 MB, 2048x1463, Horizon4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooh, this is so nice. Really makes me want to get back into cleaning and typesetting.
Is there anything in particular that needs doing, Muton?

>> No.20453820

Well, right now everything volume 4 and 5-B+ requires typesetting. I was planning to restart it once I get these; we can split the work since it's quite the backlog.

>> No.20453871


>> No.20453875

Why the borders looks so pixelated?

>> No.20453920
File: 1.51 MB, 2000x2004, go ahead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'll start looking at 5-B then.
Anywhere I can reach you for questions about fonts etc.?

Where? I don't see it.
Zooming in, there's quite a bit of jpeg artifacting though. Might need some filtering.

>> No.20453935


>> No.20454008

Also, whoever makes the new thread, don't put the link anywhere near or in the OP please, thanks.

Here's the majority of fonts I've used so far for everything Kawakami for now. For what to use where just drop me a mail once you have time.


>> No.20454039

I'll send you a mail once I've gotten started. Going to get home and try some different settings for batch filtering the illustrations before I start anything else.

>> No.20454093
File: 115 KB, 450x450, 1344770163986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blu-ray box ships today

>> No.20454224

Muton can you like make a pastebin with the link(s) so anyone can save it instead of trying to find the threads in the archive please?

>> No.20454281
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere - 16 [E8F21CA3].mkv_snapshot_22.43_[2012.07.25_22.04.29].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there are people who still don't have their BDBOX yet

>> No.20454295
File: 1 KB, 233x127, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What for? It's just one link and people have been using the archive for years.

It hurts.

>> No.20454322
File: 35 KB, 370x320, 1541074575718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so mean...

>> No.20454326

The face of a jew? yikes.

>> No.20454718

I can't even afford Futayo's 1/8 scale fig and missed my chance on commissioning a Futayo daki thanks to an emergency.

>> No.20454774

>Can't afford his waifu
You should be ashamed.

>> No.20454850

I did manage to buy Volume 10-A and her figma thanks to the money I got from commissions, nowadays, I'm just too tired... I think I won't be able to draw her in our anniversary orz

>> No.20455092

A bit early but let this one go, and yeah the request of the link was noticed don't worry.


>> No.20455639

