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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2038788 No.2038788 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, why does Shirou get to be such a goddamn pimp?

>> No.2038797

Because he's oblivious, an idiot, and surrounded by women who happen to have those as turn-ons.

Or he's the protagonist of an eroge and that's what's usually supposed to happen.

>> No.2038808

Because Shirou can kill Servants.

>> No.2038814

Just the one.

>> No.2038824

Cause he is a good boy.
That has an appeal.
He is also majorly FUCKED_UP.
Women want to take care of him.
He is also a beefcake.

>> No.2038828

because he has a hard body and a firm, tight ass

>> No.2038834

Saber in HF.
Berserker in HF.
Possibly Caster, if he could get her into melee.

>> No.2038841

He can kill any servant the plot needs him to.

>> No.2038844

Dark Saber and Berserker were special cases.

I'll give you Gilgamesh though.

>> No.2038849

In HF he was using Archer's h4x.
Gilgamesh is the only servant he can beat with his own power.

>> No.2038859

Well, technically, Archer's power IS Shirou's power.

>> No.2038862
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and even then he needed Rin's mana supply. That and Gil wasnt fighting at 100% (then again he never is)

>> No.2038863

You know full well what the difference is, so stop with fucking semantics.

>> No.2038867


Shirou + 10 years + Mind of Steel + hella combat experience + MAGIC CIRCUIT OVERLOAD + Servant Summoning = Archer.

Archer has a bit of an edge.

>> No.2038877

Shiki can't kill Berserker without Arc's support. Arc>Rin and Gil>Berserker therefore Shirou>Shiki. Killed a stronger servant with weaker support. FLAWLESS LOGIC.

>> No.2038878

Archer is still Shirou.
We can go the ploth4x route, since Archer couldn't kill Berserker in the Fate route or Saber, and yet Shirou with just his arm takes out the dark versions of both.

>> No.2038879

Powerlevels. Every fucking TM thread.

>> No.2038882

You really did not even read the fucking thing.

>> No.2038883

No, Shiki just flat-out can't kill Berserker. That's fanfiction, and I'm pretty sure you know it.

>> No.2038885

BTW, where is an OFFICIAL statement that says 'MEoDP do NOT work on Servants'?

Just post the segment,interview or whatever and we are done with it.

>> No.2038887
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If Rin can beat Servants in melee, I'm sure Shirou can

>> No.2038889

but caster has shitty physical defense and you know it

>> No.2038894

1. It's Caster.
2. It was by surprise; Caster was expecting a magic attack, and was prepared to deflect a magic attack.

>> No.2038890

Shirou fought off Lancer using a rolled up poster.

>> No.2038895

...You people seriously post these things?
I don't know if I deal with trolls or retards anymore.

>> No.2038897

I'd beat off Lancer, if you know what I mean.

>> No.2038899


Yeah, that's a bit much. This one's gotta be a troll, though.

>> No.2038903
File: 115 KB, 490x367, 1233985569760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ado Edem > ORT = VIVIT > EX-Yuka > Type Jupiter > Sikieiki > Eirin = Type Saturn = Crimson Moon = Yorihime = Toyohime = Yukari > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Tenshi > Yuugi = Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Suika = Zelretch > Counter Guardian > Gilgamesh = Reimu = EX-Alice = Shinki > Arcueid > EX-Marisa = Flandre = Komachi = Dark Sakura > Dark Saber = Mokou = Kaguya > Ran = Yuyuko= Yuka > Lancelot = Saber = Remilia > Suwako = Kanako = Sigma > 5th Berserker = Roa Elesia = Utsuho = Mima = Gengetu > Dark Berserker = Iku = Yumemi > EX-Keine > Satori = Koishi = Marisa > 4th Caster > 4th Lancer > 5th Lancer = 5th Caster = Yumeko > Aya = Mugetu = Patchouli > 4th Rider > 5th Rider = Orin = Sakuya > Youmu = Alice = Mai > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri = Reisen = Sanae > Tewi = Medicine > Yuki = Chiyuri > Elly > Merlin = Nitori = Archer > Kouma > 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin = Luize = Rikako > Lyrica > Kana = Keine = Lolice = Sara > Aoko = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Soren Araya Kurumi > Momiji = China >Ellen > Mystia = Chen > Gun God (Black Barrel) = Touko = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia = Meira = Wriggle > Hina > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Fujino = 18th Roa = Parsee > Kotohime > Flower Tank > SHIKI = Arba (potentially) = Heaven’s Feel Shirou = Kiri = Letty = Yamame > Koakuma > Nanaya = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Cirno > Orange > Minoriko > Shizuha > Rumia = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Arba (usually) = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee = Kisume > Lily > Daiyousei > Fake Shiki > Shinji = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Gun God (unequipped) = Hisui = Kohaku = Starsapphire = Lunachild = Sunnymilk

>> No.2038907

Because Nasu wanted to write him this way.

>> No.2038908


Surprise, superior training, and superior ability (physically anyway) added together they tend to make for a victory

>> No.2038911

Can we put SPAWN characters in there too?

>> No.2038913

I'm sure being a Servant, Caster is superior physically.

>> No.2038916


Lancer was toying with him, that's the only reason he lasted more than 3 seconds.

>> No.2038920

Being a Servant does not grant you superiority in EVERYTHING over everyone.

>> No.2038924

Lancer is a fail filled fag who couldn't even properly kill himself when commanded by Kotomine to do so.

>> No.2038928

>Nanaya=Reinforced Kuzuki


>> No.2038933

Kotomine didn't order him to kill himself, though. He just ordered Lancer to stab himself in the heart.

Gotta love the technicalities in a Nasuwork.

>> No.2038934

I can't tell who is stronger anymore!

>> No.2038935
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Hey, Lancer can't help not dying when he is killed.

>> No.2038936

With that whopping E luck skill

>> No.2038939
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Obviously me

>> No.2038940

but what if lancer was in Ireland?

>> No.2038941
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Have some Rance pictures instead.

>> No.2038943

Instead of Technicalities, you could also consider he has 'Battle Continuation:A' and that in his fucking original legend, Cu Chulainn poisoned and wounded in every conceivable way and weakend due to breaking a geis tied himself to a tree and kept killing the fucking enemies.

Also, Kotomine said 'Kill yourself, Lancer'.
Fuckers that do not even read the material properly are what ruin these threads.

>> No.2038947


Ever hear of the Irish curse?

>> No.2038944

whatever happened to the luck of the irish?

>> No.2038948

If you check the Irish heroes, they do not have much luck in their life.

>> No.2038949

The F/SN status check system are pointless anyway!

>> No.2038950

...Dude, I'm on your side here. Besides, it's been almost three months since I read UBW; I was just assuming that whoever said the thing about not being able to kill himself properly hadn't read it and was trolling based on second-hand information, so I said the first thing that came to mind to shut him up.

>> No.2038958

What's the point in shutting someone up with half-assed information to counter a 'twisted' argument?

>> No.2038969
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This thread is now about useless fags.

Pic related.

>> No.2039012

This will never work.

>> No.2039020

The fact that it shuts them up, and hopefully lets the thread die sooner doesn't seem worth it to you?

>> No.2039026
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Some tits are added.

>> No.2039032

If you think what you did is 'effective'. when it is at least just as bad a a troll who intentionally makes stupid posts, we have a problem.

>> No.2039087
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Useless outside of the kitchen

>> No.2039102

/problem solved

>> No.2039133
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dude isn't even real and can't even leave the fucking shrine

>> No.2039149
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Good partner for Lancer so they could fail together

>> No.2039172
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>> No.2039179


Type-Moon > Touhou.

ORT > Type Jupiter = Ado Edem > Type Saturn = Crimson Moon > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Zelretch > Counter Guardian Archer > Dark Sakura = Gilgamesh = Arcueid > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker = Roa Elesia > Dark Berserker > 4th Caster > 5th Lancer > 4th Lancer = 5th Caster > 4th Rider > 5th Rider > Nrvnqsr = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer = 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Kouma = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Souren Araya > Touko = Alba = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Fujino = 18th Roa > SHIKI = = Heaven’s Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Fake Shiki > Shinji = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Gun God (unequipped) = Hisui = Kohaku

Superior chart is superior and CORRECT.

>> No.2039183


The original is always superior to the copy, as always.

>> No.2039200

>Type-Moon > Touhou.
lol no
try harder little fag

>> No.2039217

Marvel > Touhou > One Piece > Naruto > Type Moon

>> No.2039229

>Marvel > Touhou
>Naruto > Type Moon
You're a gigantic fag.

>> No.2039232

>>Type-Moon > Touhou.

I thouroughly disagree with this statement, but the rest of the post is AWWWWWWWWWWWWWRIGHT.

>> No.2039243

They're hardly comparable anyway. One is a series of danmaku games with awesome soundtracks and the other is a universe with neat rules and superpowers.

If you're going off the fanbase, though, they're both fucking obnoxious.

>> No.2039262

THE HULK > DC = Marvel > Touhou > Type-Moon

Say otherwise and be a faggot.

>> No.2039276

Toho > Touhou

>> No.2039278

Type Moon is just overhyped, not overrated. They are good games, we just end up with 10x the amount of threads we should on them.
Blame mirror moon.

>> No.2039281

otherwise -_-"

>> No.2039288


Well only because Comics are written by 891798121982198210 different authors and their powerlevel grew out of whack way too fast

Touhou > Type Moon, that we can all agree on

>> No.2039293
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Smash>THE HULK > DC = Marvel > Touhou > Type-Moon

Fuck yeah, Pouches.

>> No.2039300

Actually, most authors are consistent on the powers used in a single continuity(aka, before a reboot, or in a specific Earth/universe).
The ones that really stick out and write shit are usually ignored.

But comic fans take advantage of that if it supports their favorite character.

After a few Batman,Superman,Flash etc threads, you learn not to even bother anymore and just let idiots be idiots.

>> No.2039320

hulk is strongest one there is

therefore hulk could beat ORT

>> No.2039354
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This guy > Type-Moons

>> No.2039360
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HAHAHA, nice.

>> No.2039362


I agree. Akio had a beautiful waifu and a cute daughter. Too bad Nagisa dies.

>> No.2039363

So what happens to his cute daughter and beautiful waifu then?

>> No.2039392

Akio != RANCE

>> No.2039394

Did you reach that conclusion on your own?

>> No.2039399

Actually, I reached the conclusion that Akio does look a bit like Rance. びっくりした。

>> No.2039402

Kidnapped by (choose a criminal organization) and forced into sexual slavery.

>> No.2039476


Stop trying to compliment on yourself. It make you look bad.

>> No.2039570
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>> No.2039590

Hey typemoon fags, Why is lancer's divinity so downplayed?

He has like one rank below berserker and none of the super useful GODLINESS

>> No.2039593

yeah for someone the goddess of death secretly masturbates to he seems to die.......often.

>> No.2039605

Most Servants are the way they are because of Divinity, monstrous nature, karma, bloodline etc.
That's why they are far above humans. Even poor Archer is the way he is due to his contract with the World.
Lancer is not more special then the rest.

And pretty much everyone but Saber dies in battle at least two times throughout the three routes.

>> No.2039610


Comes with the territory.

He needs to be with his waifu of death and no one else!

>> No.2039611

he's the deadpool of fate/stay night?

>> No.2039615


Lancer would actually have one-rank-higher stats in all areas except the ones he already has As in if he weren't being supported half-assedly, making him a pretty hardcore Servant.

>> No.2039621
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He's too distraught over the loss of his waifu.

>> No.2039644


Get this. When Cuchulain had his first victory in battle, he went into a frenzy and attacked anyone in sight. Queen Mughain of Ulster came up with a plan to calm Cuchulain's frenzy by leading a hundred and fifty naked women out in front of the raving mad Cuchulain because he was still a virgin and was easily embarrassed by the female body. Then they womanhandled him into a cauldron of ice-cold water to literally cool his temper. Later, he goes on to train under the warrior queen Scathach of the land of shadows who had two daughters. The younger sister Uathach became his mistress, and after defeating the older sister Aoifa in a duel, she became his mistress as well. All in all, Lancer was a pimp in his former life. He has so many completely valid waifus that I don't know fucking how Nasu justifies him being such a throw-away character. Pretty much proves that his only purpose in F/SN was filler. One of the few things that grinds my gears about the Nasuverse, along with Roa somehow not remembering magic in time for the big fights in Tsukihime.

>> No.2039648

There is no evidence stating that Ado Edem is weaker than ORT, and since ORT is only noted to be strongest in terms of pure strength it's quick likely Ado Edem could cut it in half just like Slash Emperor cleaves the blood sky (which can hold back 2 Types at once).

That's also the dumbass version with Gun God up above servants despite the fact he has completely human parameters and can't even aim at a servant as such.

Revised&improved version is as follows:

Ado Edem > Type Mercury (ORT) > Type Jupiter > Type Saturn = Crimson Moon > Type Pluto > Type Venus > Primate Murder > Original Roa > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Counter Guardian > Gilgamesh (Tohsaka) > Gilgamesh > Arcueid (standard 30%) > Dark Sakura > Dark Saber > Lancelot = Saber > 5th Berserker = 17th Roa (Elesia) > Dark Berserker > 4th Rider > 5th Lancer (optimal) > 4th Lancer = 5th Rider (Sakura) > 5th Lancer (Kotomine) = 5th Caster > 4th Caster > 5th Rider (Shinji) > NRVNQSR = Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Archer > Kouma > 5th Assassin = 4th Assassin > Aoko = Barthomeloi = Kojirou = Ciel = "Ryougi Shiki" = Souren Araya (within his workshop) > Gun God (Black Barrel) = Touko = El-Melloi = Night of Wallachia > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R.Shiki = Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa > Tohno SHIKI = Arba (potentially) = Heaven’s Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki = Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Kotomine = Zouken = Luvia > Kiritsugu = Irisviel > Maiya = Arba (usually) = Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya = Kariya = Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Azaka = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee > Fake Shiki > Gun God (unequipped) = Ryuunosuke = Tomoe = Shinji = Hisui = Kohaku

>> No.2039660
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And even in FHA, Lancer can't spend quality time with his waifu because she has to hang out with Avenger instead. Isn't it sad, Lancer.

>> No.2039663

>Roa somehow not remembering magic in time for the big fights in Tsukihime.

And when he does, he gets Depletion Garden'd. Haha.

>> No.2039668


I say we make Ado Edem = ORT since we cannot tell who would be victorious. Also, change the workshop for Araya to "Ogawa Building" since it far surpasses anything like a petty workshop and begins to become his very own body, perhaps surpassing even a shrine. Frankly speaking, any Mage in their workshop is much more powerful, but Araya is nigh impossible to beat in the Ogawa Building.

>> No.2039672

He'd much rather be plowing Rin anyways

>> No.2039675
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Of course I am a pimp. I know sex like the back of my hand.

>> No.2039687

Meaning he is, in fact, a male.

We already knew this.

>> No.2039692

So when does rider rape ayako?

I've only seen the anime and played through "fate" so far.

Is rider the random molester that attacks her in "fate"?

>> No.2039698


Yes, the one that Shirou says will teach her some femininity.

>> No.2039703
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>> No.2039707

but taiga says she fended off the molester.....

>> No.2039709

was it shinji's idea or is ayako just that rape-able

>> No.2039711

While we're on the topic of F/SN...

Where can I find a torrent/direct download of the OST to the PC version?

I can only find the Realta Nua one, and to me it sounds completely different.

Only been listening to it for 5 minutes, but whatever.

>> No.2039713

She's very rapeable

>> No.2039716


Probably Shinji's idea because of his superiority issues, because Ayako could be dead and STILL superior to Shinji.

I just realised how awesome she actually is.

She's superior in most ways to everyone on /jp/.

She's also very rapeable (As in, you would look at her and think 'Fuck I'd rape that'). Good luck trying though.

>> No.2039723

>Fuck I'd rape that
That's a very metal way of thinking, you should stop listening to DMC.

>> No.2039727


I don't listen to DMC.

Never actually have.

>> No.2039733

I wouldn't want to rape Ayako, I'd just want to be her friend.

>> No.2039737

lol friendzone

>> No.2039742

>Ado Edem > ORT
stop that

>> No.2039760


>Leysritt = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Sakura = Ilya

>Leysritt = Sakura = Ilya

Wait, what?

You make no sense.

>> No.2039829

You know, if we include speculations, character artboks info and unused in official works, thus unverified powers and abilities with unknown affinity , the mightiest being in Nasuverse is Brainwasher Detective.
Someone fix the chart.

>> No.2040054
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>> No.2040408

He was also only ~8 years old as well then too.

>> No.2040832
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>> No.2041291


Sakura and Ilya are actually pretty shitty Mages.

>> No.2041310

Sakura has the potential but minimal training.
Illya is a walking set of Circuits,
She is not supposed to perform much magic.
