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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.00 MB, 1200x875, 70371196_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20355364 No.20355364 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

>> No.20355431
File: 331 KB, 800x480, three elementary schoolgirls shaking their hips violently in front of the camera.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for lolis

>> No.20355944

bros...the thread on /vg/ is gone...

>> No.20356024

Is it worth it to invest in the regular traitor cat if I already have Kyouka and Illya?

>> No.20356029

More mages is always welcome so absolutely yes.

>> No.20356042

Okay, man I'm glad that her fragments are so easy to get.

>> No.20356047

Don't forget her new unique equipment, that makes her pretty nice.

>> No.20356060
File: 28 KB, 241x388, DoFxNcXU0AACxwW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuuki is taking care of twin babies in Christmas Chika's first story
What kind of parents puts VR headsets onto infants?

>> No.20356074

I'm absolutely sure the Re:Dive world must be a different world and the real world was actually remade/destroyed, it makes no sense other way.

>> No.20356428

Someone tell me about the game with the cutest girls

>> No.20356722

7/9 of the current posts are about it

>> No.20356731

ok so can IRL shinobu actually see ghosts or is she just batshit insane

>> No.20356741

Great, and what's the name of the game then

>> No.20356744
File: 132 KB, 640x840, Shinobu3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can, she was able to see Miyako irl while she's invisible

>> No.20356748

He's talking about Princess connect Re:Dive but there's a lot of other games with super cute girls like Alternative girls, Shironeko project, Houkai Impact, among others,

>> No.20356760

Thanks, I guess for now I'll check out Princess connect

>> No.20356825

Imagine fucking Shinobu while she mentions that all of her and your family members are watching.

>> No.20356834

I went to the link in the OP and followed that to download the apk for princess connect and for some reason it opens but stays on the Cygames screen and then closes. Any tips?

>> No.20356855

Phone or emu?

>> No.20356857

Using Nox

>> No.20356860

They killed emulators for priconne so its not going to run. Try one of the emulators that hide their root or are used for games that have strong anti-root measures instead.

>> No.20356878

What a sad day. Recommend me your favorite game then that works on emulators?

>> No.20356884

Princess connect has a PC client through DMM that runs a million times smoother than any emuilator, you just won't be able to reroll in the DMM client.

But for other games, try the other ones I mentioned here >>20356748 if you want.

>> No.20356885

You don't need an emulator for Priconne. Go to the Priconne website and click the DMM button. It'll download the DMM client for your PC and you can play it straight up on your PC without an emulator.

>> No.20356932


>> No.20357200
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zerida a cute

>> No.20357314
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Predictions for Xmas and NY characters? Hoping for some Tsukimi love.

>> No.20357327

I'm pretty torn about it. On one hand I'd love to see alts for characters I love but on the other I'd rather the chance to save up jewels to roll on whatever powercreep mechanic they put out after xmas/NY.

>> No.20357353

Almost guaranteed to happen. Asai-P usually tries to obsolete everyone around the end of January. Every single Christmas or NY character was pretty much put out of commission shortly after they were released for 2 years now.

This time, I wonder how they're going to top CC.

>> No.20357361
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Hoping for: new Mireiile.
Expecting: almost definitely not that.

>> No.20357364

Pretty much, being xmas/NY is suffering because they're the very definition of bait.

>> No.20358113 [DELETED] 

command & conquer kamige is out bros

>> No.20358118

Go remake your /vg/ thread

>> No.20358150

bro dont be like that

>> No.20358356
File: 22 KB, 580x110, banner_event_trailer_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys told me Kyaru was safe from Granblue shenanigans.

Why would you guys lie to me?

>> No.20358387

RIP gran, going to get backstabbed by this traitor cat.

>> No.20358410
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>> No.20358415

>No words are spoken
Please tell me all of the episodes for this guy are like that

>> No.20358421

>used to enjoy game
>powercreep balancing just makes you angry when playing it
Nothing pleasant ever lasts.

>> No.20358426
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181203-230255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you mean these cutscenes yeah. In the end he shows off how much of a bad ass he is by taking out some monsters.

>> No.20358475

Kyaru looks extra cute in gbf

>> No.20358580


>> No.20358586

She's kind of cute, too bad her heart is rotten.

>> No.20358612

Rotten girls are the best

>> No.20358741
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>> No.20358843
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Christmas Kurumi looks like GBF Yugu

>> No.20358888
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This will be the first western mobage that is a big success in Japan. Prove me wrong.

>> No.20359144

Does PoGo count as western?

>> No.20359148

Reindeer Rima when?

>> No.20359159


>> No.20359310
File: 1.30 MB, 512x288, 1518523995383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yuuki is voiced by Touma
>Lives with a loli like Touma
>Amnesiac just like Touma
>Knows lots of girls that want to fuck him like Touma
>Nice and supportive guy like Touma
>Anti 7 Crowns just like Imagine Breaker

>> No.20359443
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>Knows lots of girls that want to fuck him

>> No.20359450

Yes, but is he an advocate of EQUALITY?

>> No.20359498

He doesn't hesitate to beat up girls like Muimi or Christina and doesn't mind going on dates with boys like Yuki

>> No.20359504
File: 276 KB, 1073x1483, DtFx6OgU8AAU5Gq.jpg-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping for a broken Sarah, which will never happen. More Lumie would be good too, but at least Christmas seems unlikely, since she got a card in Shironeko TCG and these things barely ever overlap. I really hope Nagi gets something, she should have a solid chance to come back. It's been long enough since her debut, was useful enough for a while, is cute enough, and still stuck at her first version only. But then again, she got her own dragon attached to her and it would make a lot of sense to make her dragon rider next, so maybe they'll save that for a separate story and not these seasonal gatherings, so who knows.

NY: eagerly waiting for warmly dressed Sheryl.

But we'll probably get a Christmas Ciela or something, although I'd take that too.

>> No.20359578
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The real protectors of kishi-kun

>> No.20359772
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Leave Kishi-kun to me

>> No.20359773
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>Still 10 days until next gacha
>Last collab co-op tomorrow and new weekend boss this Friday
I wonder what filler event which they are going to do from next Monday until next Thursday.

>> No.20359820

Is Xmas Kurumi good? Gotta know if I should farm her shards or just leave her at 3*

>> No.20360135

Which Princesses would be good mothers?

>> No.20360241
File: 8 KB, 155x33, 1542662241975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot imagine ending the year without a fourth Ciela and having less than 100 gems.

>> No.20360341

You mean biologically? The old hag, if you can somehow get her womb working again.

>> No.20360534


>> No.20361010

I meant how they would fare as a mother, rather than genetics

>> No.20361128

>tfw have to play GBF just to make sure Kokoro doesn’t cheat on Yuuki with Gran

>> No.20361200

If anything Yuuki is cheating on Kokkoro with other girls as usual

>> No.20361222
File: 232 KB, 640x767, news_1204_1a_ODg2YzExMmE1MWMwOTMzNTMzZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another gacha to go up when ranking starts. Christmas '15, which is one of the super old sets and you get a pick ticket after three 10+1s again.
>cards will have 100% event&ranking bonus instead of the usual +50% out of nowhere
>when good poison cards are way more important anyway
>when ranking rewards are just weapon and some useless furniture anyway
They're trying hard. I guess the cards are still good for the SP reduction immunity, aside getting old outfits you missed or didn't get a chance to get because you weren't playing at the time.

>pick ticket available until November 13th
>the next November 13th is in 2025
>BGHS confirmed to be alive for another 7 years
Nice. Fix your notice already dumb Colopl.

>> No.20361234

November 13th (Thursday), I mean.

>> No.20361831

>11 empty spots
What now

>> No.20361854

I'm gonna join when I reach level 90.

>> No.20361919

I cant believe sky princess is ded

>> No.20362022

At the very least fill it with random 112s, be they nip or from some other shithole of the internet. All we seem to get is level 70 people who seemingly log in every day but somehow, months later, aren't even above level 100.

>> No.20362203

We arent /mbgg/ guild anymore. Just get some random ass. Kick them if they underperform/leech.

>> No.20362851 [DELETED] 

I can't believe I quit my clan last night because I saw you had 23 member...

>> No.20362856

I can't believe I quit my clan last night because I saw you had 23 members...

>> No.20362889

4 of them haven't logged in a month

>> No.20363050

Is it so difficult for you faggots to answer a simple gameplay question? Or are you too busy fapping to your princesses? No wonder you idiots migrated here, there is ZERO gameplay discussion and all just muh wanting to fuck muh princesses bro.

>> No.20363072

I usually add a picture to my posts for attention or just reply with "pls respond" when I want a question to be answered, not go out of my way to make an ass out of myself because people missed my post. Maybe you should try that next time.

>> No.20363135

Well she gives a 250 armor buff with her first skill
She’ll definitely have some usage for frontline teams against physical damage bosses but AoE attacks shut her down in pvp

>> No.20363528

Xmas Kurumi is good, she's a support tank. She's going to stand behind Shizuru and ring her stupid bell to provide a def buff up for your party members, that's her entire purpose.

Most likely going to work at 3* or 4* so there's no need to go ultra hard for her so that's why nobody has made a huge fuss about her. Christmas Chika is also not really that amazing and more of a niche character like summer maid so there's not a lot of buzz about her either, only thing people can do right now about the game is talk about the characters, story or the gbf collab.

>> No.20363699


>> No.20363745
File: 1.69 MB, 2220x1080, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are my jewels in the DMM app and mobile app different despite having the same account?

>> No.20363754
File: 455 KB, 597x510, IMG_20181204_210535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her face when

>> No.20363915

They don't carry over. You have to switch back to your phone to use them.

>> No.20363968

Is it so difficult for you to figure out a simple gameplay question that requires the intelligence and attention span of a child as old as Kurumi herself?

>> No.20363974

A shame, but I understand why. Thanks

>> No.20364386

>1000 of both coop runes needed
I should have grinded more of them on previous ones so I can procrastinate now.

>> No.20364590

>Getting ridiculous lag when doing this coop with other players unlike the previous two for some reason
I guess I will grind the 13* version instead.

>> No.20364913

someone was shilling a game before that was about to be released today, december 5. i just forgot the name. anyone can tell me?

>> No.20364949

hunter x hunter just came out. in maintenance last I checked

>> No.20364961

Has someone played newest Million Arthur? The anime looks fun.

>> No.20364983

Wow Sarendia how come KMR lets you have two events?

>> No.20365017

hmm.. i remember it was supposed to be released mid-nov but got delayed to december 5. altho i'd still hxh out. thanks

>> No.20365275

>Romancing Saga tomorrow
I wonder how they are going to handle the characters and gacha.

It's the MMORPG one which was already released in China a few months ago. I wonder if JP version is better since I remember people hated the China version when it was released.

>> No.20365397

pls come back

>> No.20365485

Did they release the JP version or not?

>> No.20365794
File: 55 KB, 518x725, IMG_20181205_165725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my fuckdoll, kokkoro-chan. Say something nice about her.

>> No.20365831
File: 560 KB, 694x567, MadKokko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this

>> No.20365843
File: 148 KB, 640x1136, frDqFYz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there no costumes for us?!
I bet SakamotoP is having a good laugh. This is definitely on purpose.

Ranking has started. There's one mission giving gems going away early on 7th in new schoolwork, so don't forget about that even if you don't care about ranking. It's just sending some help requests.
>link to complete stats of the amazing main prize nowhere to be found
I doubt there's a single person who at least somewhat plays their own game on the team.

>> No.20365848 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 188x188, 1544023080497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, super cute Sadone soon-ish. I hope the cards I want make it in the birthday gacha.

>> No.20365863

JP version was finally released at the end of last month.

>> No.20366139

I heard that Destiny Child releases tomorrow globally
Is that true?

>> No.20366289
File: 1.22 MB, 558x831, pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny butts will save /mbgg/!

>> No.20366773

No. January.

>> No.20367538

Fuck off, stupid nigger.

>> No.20367598

>thread on /vg/ died again
Not even DC can save that thread.

>> No.20367889

not like we aren't equally as dead when we lost about half the posters in the transition.

>> No.20367906

/jp/ threads are naturally "dead", its their default state. You can't compare a board where 3 posts a day is normal to a board where a thread needs 1 post every 20 minutes to not 404.
That thread also had a link to /drag/'s discord so its pretty safe to assume it was just a shitpost and it actually died for real last time.

>> No.20367936
File: 197 KB, 720x1280, 20181206-072833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my 3rd 10+1 on the Raptor gacha
>No new 3-stars despite missing quite a few of the newer girls
>Last 4-star from gacha was Baselard over 90 days ago
>Still haven't finished her gear because I never get any drops
>34 rare/danger nodes since my last motif shell drop
>The one from map completion gave another dupe for a girl I don't have
Just fuck my shit up

It was because faggot OP only made it to shill their discord link.
DC had a good thread on /v/

>> No.20367943

"dead" with discussion is better than no discussion at all and nothing but shitposting in an attempt at keeping a thread alive.

>> No.20368143

I like it here. It's comfy.

>> No.20368357
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ready your butts !




>> No.20368689
File: 300 KB, 800x1200, DtOc-bwUwAANEdz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass will be down for maintenance in 3 hours, and it will last for 4 hours. Once over, the final season of the year will start, may your winrate be high! Ganbaru if there's actually any other compass anons in here

>> No.20368995
File: 850 KB, 1152x2048, Chinese version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese version probably will be available before English again

>Still not available on qoo and apkpure despite the app can be already downloaded from playstore about 2 hours ago

>> No.20369108

>Guaranteed SSR after 20-rolls in a mobage
>Did 10+1 and didn't get anything
>Start doing singles for the remaining 9 rolls and somehow got both SSR with 5 tickets
Sometimes I wonder if I should just start rolling gacha using tickets first instead of gems the again RNG gonna RNG so I usually still ended up wasting the tickets.

>> No.20369287
File: 205 KB, 600x1200, Dts8H6iV4AUVmVb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Server is up but still not available on qoo and apkpure

>> No.20369750

>umamusume website no longer says the game releases in 2018

>> No.20369854

Between the inconsistent appearance rate and the wall you eventually hit for damage, I don't know how they expect players to deal with 100 levels of these faggots without a deadly poison skill. Which I have, but it already feels like an eon to kill 5 of them.

>> No.20369858

I love how everyone looks like they just stepped out of the 80's. Super comfy.

>> No.20369933

Kind of a stupid question but what do you do with the small heart lockets in Priconne? I figured they have to do with the large ones you get from Luna tower but I can't find them in any menus.

>> No.20369936

Destiny's child is out

>> No.20369948

For the anon that wanted it to get its own general, see >>>/vg/236737389

People on the E7 general ended up making one for it.

>> No.20370040
File: 706 KB, 499x887, AGA_SOL_Raptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this happened yesterday, 2nd 10+1.
Luckily, I can change her skin to the other better-looking version through the dressing room.
Wondering if it would be worth trying one more 10+1 to go for the non-Strike version as well, gameplay-wise.

>> No.20370140

Sorry. I don't play censored EOP trash.

>> No.20370227

No, you just play nipshit trash.

>> No.20370259
File: 1020 KB, 640x960, 4DUJWo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck.

>> No.20370266
File: 193 KB, 850x1169, __rita_rossweisse_honkai_impact_drawn_by_aliceblue__09ff379d421905449ef3ac407382d639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rita is out
>The Houkai posters died in the transition along with the TL/Update guy
>New phone is going to be delayed

Things aren't going well in the Houkai front but I'll hang in there

>> No.20370284

That was pretty obvious since the end of the show, though.

Hopefully they'll announce something at the fes in a week or so. I'm betting on something vague like a "spring 2019" announcement though. If they push it into summer this early they're totally fucked.

>> No.20370286

They'll find their way. Maybe.

>> No.20370294

Uncaps for the weapons. 10 frags also make 1 full heart

>> No.20370306
File: 3.16 MB, 3000x1688, 61351818_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scythe weapons exist now
Wonder if we'll get a playable Seele later on, too.

>> No.20370307

reminds me of touhou the devil of decline. i expected nothing from kusoenix but damn the game is pretty enjoyable so far

>> No.20370309

Seems like its super possible and Rita is testing the waters for Seele. Would definitely save up and roll a lot for her.

>> No.20370324
File: 437 KB, 596x682, 1544083955717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20370330

Oh no, the granblue TL strikes again.

>> No.20370334

I think they did this last year for December/Christmas too.
>Each segment has two sets with a girl I want in each
>Only so many free rolls
The jewel stash that I finally managed to amass is not safe.

>> No.20370354
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>> No.20370396
File: 699 KB, 583x663, 1544084199622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Summon so he gets to be inside Lyria
The chad lolicon knight, gran can't even compare

>> No.20370406
File: 1.56 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20181206-175120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it bros

>> No.20370444
File: 44 KB, 410x416, 1530502946408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you did what?
SS chars need dupes to increase their level cap. they will soon be useless
its atelier online all over again

>> No.20370462

>Kokoro turns into Cockoro
>Kyaru turns into Carol
>Peco is Peco
One out of three is par for the course considering the state of Guraburu's TL. I can't wait to uncap them for their Skybound title!

>> No.20370475

Now hear me out bros. Kyaru came from the anagram of her real name: Kiruya.
Take out the recurring character from both Kiruya and Karyl (K,R,Y,A) then you have I,U as the remaining character from Kiruya and L from Karyl.
I is the 9th letter of the alphabet
U is the 21st letter of the alphabet
L is the 12th letter of the alphabet

>> No.20370508
File: 32 KB, 800x450, BEB1A9A3-2F0A-44F4-836C-39AFE5D46019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night activity with your princess!

>> No.20370539

What was Kurumi thinking here

>> No.20370709

dropped romancing saga. It costs like 30 usd to do the SSR 10 roll which is pretty costly for a game with a 5% rate. Also seems pretty grindy in regards to getting frags to up SSR level limits. combat is like watered down jrpg gameplay so its just absolutely boring

>> No.20370716
File: 42 KB, 354x395, DoK4nf7V4AARG7Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna Tower 150F
>No restriction on characters used
>No stamina cost

>> No.20370729

Why did you losers make the clan public?

>> No.20370769
File: 3.67 MB, 1408x1566, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like maid like daughter

>> No.20370818
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>> No.20370904
File: 218 KB, 1280x776, 16fb073a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you ride Kyaru's cab?

>> No.20370911


>> No.20371214

Fuck no, I bet I would crash or something because the car betrayed me, also it must be smelly for sure.

>> No.20371660

Dam they even made Kirito playable

I guess the old main cast of Yui and co are the only ones loyal to their game

>> No.20371679


>> No.20371740

I would not. Kyaru? Sure. Kyaru Alter? Very yes. SKyaru? No thank you. I absolutely hate that shitty CG she was given with the dumb crying face and glasses. Her "2*" version is acceptable but still not great. Life isn't very cat during summer it seems.

>> No.20371821
File: 448 KB, 1080x1920, universe!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, too.

The game's new. They're not going to make 5* limit break shards rare as fuck forever.

>> No.20372027
File: 75 KB, 640x440, DttvInsVYAAP7_P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee Sadone, how come Colopl lets you have THREE birthday cards?

What the fuck Kusopl, I thought we were done with this shit. More than half the girls already had birthdays, I wish they stopped adding new functions and shitting on everyone whose favourite's birthday already passed. But maybe that's for the best with this one, RIP compufags.

>> No.20372103

Well, that would have been nice for all the Birthday Anko dupes I got going for her other birthday cards.

>> No.20372132

limit break isnt like other games. level limit is 30 and you can get to 50. each level requires 5 frags. dupes give 20.

>> No.20372139

Ranko a cute.

>> No.20372225

I'm aware of how it works. There are "general" limit break shards and I doubt they're going to make the 5* ones hard to get forever.

I still can't tell the difference between character quality in the 3 rarities outside of ease of acquisition. So aiming to max level cap on A/S characters is probably going to be the way to go.

>> No.20372242

Can't say I'm very excited for these rerun. My gems might be safe.
>set 1
Maybe Sheryl but it's been a while, she might get powercreeped soon. Already gave up on getting Prince and Eleanor last time.
>set 2
>set 3
>set 4
Maybe King's Crown 2 Aisha, wouldn't mind getting Sierra for collection. Might spend my free 10-roll here.

>> No.20372251 [SPOILER] 
File: 98 KB, 564x188, 1544116017365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three illustrations
>prefect chance to bring back horns with cute decorations
>they still fuck it up

Birthdays really should be something where the devs think long enough about what to do before every round and stick with it until the end. But it wouldn't be BGHS to not stomp on everything in the past that's done and won't bring any money again. Yet they still insist to continue with those shitty friend skills for these, which is the one thing everyone wants to change.

>> No.20372308

there's someone else than me who plays this shit huh

>> No.20372340

I don't really mind birthday additions being offset instead of all at once. As long as nice changes stick around for at least a year, so my favorites get some chance at it before colopl decides to go do something else instead.

Always more birthdays to come, so long as the game doesn't close down before then.

>horns with cute decorations
Would be nice, but I'd expect that not to show up on the card art even if they did.

>> No.20372445
File: 449 KB, 1024x1448, L4RL3CjoRi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parameter boosts for some
>daily free roll for over a month
>one free 10+1 from the get-go
>second free 10+1 from completing new event early
>daily present quest to go with reruns, first set will give 10 gems instead of usual 5
I hope there'll be at least one more 10+1 announced during ColoplFes.

>Sharehouse Luca with Sheryl
Would be nice to get that Luca one day as it's the last version I'm currently missing, but doesn't seem like it will be this time. Not particularly crazy about Sharehouse outfits and I really want Sheryl.

>> No.20372559
File: 192 KB, 750x1024, DfDtO5PU8AA4MkN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2nd Anniversary season has started in Compass - it will run until the 16th.
As per usual, 128GB chips will have a chance to drop after a victory until the 10th - there is also 3 of them up for grabs when you reach a total of 20/40/60 wins during the season.
Anyone still wanting some stuff from the Re:Zero collab has until the 9th to do so.
Coquelicot's full song will fucking finally be released this weekend. Pororotcho's is also looking close to being done.

That's all, ganbaru.

>> No.20372728
File: 11 KB, 177x53, So_why_are_they_crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megido is in twitter trends because it's anniversary apparently
>even the twitter icon is crying
This game.

>> No.20372734

Tears of joy at surviving a whole year, clearly.

>> No.20372737


>> No.20373219

Yo that's a neat drawing of MC.

>> No.20373631

I've asked every time anyone mentions it and nobody seems to have ever played it enough to know.
It'll forever be a mystery.

>> No.20373693

>5th box doesn't give you whale tears

>> No.20373806

You get memory shards for the limited character instead. Whale tears are for the normal events.

>> No.20374257

I hope you didn't make the mistake of rushing to it.

>> No.20374267

>why are they crying?
Not even the players themselves will ever know why, because it's just a meme tagline. The devs wanted Megido to be remembered as "that mobile game with crying protagonists".

>> No.20374427

>More effective on females
But it's just as effective on Yuki?

>> No.20374569
File: 161 KB, 1280x720, GrandchaseF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i'm addicted to this kusoge

>> No.20374594

Isn't it doing badly?

>> No.20374831
File: 328 KB, 856x520, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't think so

>> No.20375064 [DELETED] 
File: 561 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181206-190913_Google Play Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's out!
>#1 trending
Oh boy.

>> No.20375148 [DELETED] 


>> No.20375311

Is it too optimistic to think limited weapons will just directly cost goddess tears?

>> No.20375348


>> No.20375741 [DELETED] 

lmfao we even have thread police in /jp/

>> No.20375755 [DELETED] 

>I'm new to /jp/ : the post

>> No.20375768 [DELETED] 

>/jp/ has only been a general board for as long as I've been here : the fagboy whines

>> No.20375958
File: 11 KB, 326x326, 046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, >>20370259 is up to bait people into pulling for World's End. Like me.

>> No.20376136
File: 1.37 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181207-005736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot that they give you a free pull. Thanks, Colopl.

>> No.20376146

Nice. I already have rouche chaguma 2018 so i wonder if i should still roll for WE..

>> No.20376364
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Did we win?

>> No.20376432
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>> No.20376460
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Top 5 is still pretty good I guess

>> No.20376499
File: 6 KB, 240x210, 1532785134669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread on /vg/ died again

>> No.20376523

>Two shitty BR mobile games in the top 5, one of which is a direct copy paste of the other
That's a yikes from me.

>> No.20376667

why did we move to /jp/

>> No.20376744

Try looking 2 posts above. It helps to read sometimes, Anon.

>> No.20376751

so the /vg/ general can't survive because everyone moved to /jp/, got it

it doesn't explain why people moved in the first place faggot

>> No.20376759

leadingprovider of self‐developed PC‐client and mobile games to worldwide users they said
fucking subhuman filth

>> No.20376782

A better question is why would anyone want to stay in /vg/

>> No.20376789 [DELETED] 

A splitter got bold and plebbitors' idea of comfy is a bunch of fags in the same thread playing their own game and never talking about any of it. The first thread of the split is a real eye-opener as to why most weren't so thrilled about moving over:
>Not only is the general being moved because of shitposters, but it's full of these other faggots
Cue some bitching here to remind me about the state of the /vg/ thread, which only got out of hand after the split because nobody fucking posted anything else.

Also, OP is a fag for not linking the previous threads.

>> No.20376868

Constant shitposting.
Constant harassment towards certain games and basically telling people to "get the fuck out" thus killing off what little potential discussion there could have been.
A good majority of the thread is nothing but bump posts because it's a slow thread on a fast board.
Little discussion actually being had when the above points are taking place.
Slow board means no constant bumping in fear of the thread dying.
Little to no shitposting as a result.
Actual discussion has taken place in these past 6 threads in a friendly manner.
People are happy to discuss their niche games again.

People moved to /jp/ because a certain handful of users effectively made the /vg/ general a fucking horrible place to be in and now, with people being here instead of there, the thread keeps dying as a result. They shot themselves in the foot and have nobody to blame but themselves.

>> No.20376894

>novel length whine

>> No.20376925 [DELETED] 

stop metaposting

>> No.20376932 [DELETED] 

make me fagboy

>> No.20377095
File: 153 KB, 1700x956, Dtz3hCPU4AEEevv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Livestream tomorrow. They'll show this month's PV there. Rokurou was teased, probably coming in the New Year event. They'll talk about Crestoria as well, hopefully they'll reveal the release date.

>> No.20377171
File: 218 KB, 1200x675, DtIUikLUcAEmoyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Sega finally did a game where you don't have to grind 24/7 and wait for stamina restores. Yeah it still takes a lot of time to farm trade mats for character copies. But compared to Chain Chronicle and Soul Reverse Zero, where you often had to also farm fucking unique uncap materials, this is nothing. Besides, the copies are just +10% stats each and allow character to generate more "mana", it's still a neat boost, but not a gamebreaking one. Maybe Star Ocean Analmemes is also not that bad when it comes to events, but I didn't play.

I hope mobage companies are finally starting to understand that nobody will stay for a game where you need to grind your ass off to get these event characters, when games like GBF and FGO give out better looking, better animated and generally more content-heavy unique characters and rewards for spending much less time on the game.
People will spend money on your game if the waifus are good. The age of "pay to even attempt to win in pve games" is long over.
Sorry for /blog.

>> No.20377226

Is that game fun? I like the designs so I might check it out.

>> No.20377232

How is BGHS doing these days?

>> No.20377238
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, brawlstars.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the /vg/ thread should be named into mobile games general and open it to everything besides shitty gook gacha games.

>> No.20377259
File: 521 KB, 720x924, 1531466050271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around here? There's still a couple of us that have stuck with it. Mostly dead, though.

In general? Dunno, but it's at least not closed down yet.

>> No.20377270
File: 1.36 MB, 1039x583, idola9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun is a relative thing. You'll have to decide for yourself, but I'll give you some pointers:
The game has a nice soundtrack. The battle system is a typical turn-based stuff, but with some interesting and unique mechanics. Upon reaching a certain affection level every character can be "transformed" into one of two different forms, changing its artwork, visuals, skills, some animations and a blast(ougi/super attack) animation. So each character is basically 3 characters in one. I don't remember many mobages which had a non-linear evolution like this. The games also has a unique mode where you combine your characters into a huge Kaiju(Idola) and send it as a raid battle to everyone else. It also has plenty of Phantasy Star franchise references and features(like weapons, monsters, races, there's also Quna from PSO2).

>> No.20377298

To discuss popular pay to win games like Clash Royale and other apps with angry screaming men on its icon? Western companies make different mobile games and will never grasp what makes asian mobile games good.

>> No.20377309

>In general? Dunno, but it's at least not closed down yet.
That's what I'm afraid of. I liked the game but it seems like it's one of the least popular Colopl titles right now.

>> No.20377315

Why not discuss both?

>> No.20377327


>> No.20377335
File: 135 KB, 618x595, 1452139464837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I don't think it's ever been that huge to begin with, and it's managed to last this long. It's something I can't rule out, but it doesn't seem like it's right around the corner, either.

In general, I don't think it's that useful to worry about shutdowns, anyway. It'll happen to all mobage sooner or later, just focus on enjoying them while they're still around.

>> No.20377963

Do you guys still have discussions about honkai impact?

>> No.20378080

Yeah, some of us play that. In my case, I'd discuss it more personally but its a horrible pain playing it on my outdated tablet so I'm getting a new phone for it but I still have to suffer the month of december with this thing.

>> No.20378407
File: 1.19 MB, 1512x1243, SadoneBD18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very despair-worthy start, but somehow it turned around in second half. Good to see military got in, but NY was my top priority after birthday card and I got that, so recolor from scampoints seemed like a good stopping point. Especially when I already had the dragon knight one too.
>no Xmas from last year
Disappointing, but feared as much. That one had a good friend skill, so they'll probably throw it into Hoshimori gacha's larger pool next update.

Now to decide if I want Sadone's Christmas '15 badly enough to use up all my remaining gems and some when there's Eve gacha and NY 700roll to worry about.

There was a poll to vote for new cards and they're supposed to come out in spring. Anniversary is close after that too, so it will likely still live till then at least. BGHS has been in a rather sorry state for a long while, but doom about service closure has been a daily thing for ages yet Colopl is still keeping it alive somehow. So who knows, it might stick around for longer than anyone could expect.

>> No.20378899
File: 102 KB, 900x383, 006lmXQBgy1fxw3zh9vfsj30p00anq6o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honkers 2.8 trailer, Night City looks nice.
New A rank Rita form that can be farmed, new story chapter set in Arc City and the start of Crimbo festivities. It looks like the Christmas stuff will work in a similar fashion to the summer event, there are a bunch of new costumes but I'm unsure how many (if any) will be free or rewards.

There's also an enemy Rita type in the new chapter with a different moveset, so she'll probably be the S rank for 2.9.

>> No.20378903
File: 920 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_2018-12-07-21-43-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was expecting nothing.

>> No.20378905

>Farmable Rita and a Xmas event

Looking forward to it, thanks for the update. Whats Crimbo though?

>> No.20378909


>> No.20378913

I guessed so but I still had to ask just in case

>> No.20378973

If Kyaru is a female Princess Knight does she boost boys?

>> No.20379082
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, photo_2018-12-07_22-42-11 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that was a surprisingly good roll, with only a day or two until the event and the limited gacha are over.

>> No.20379374

>Everyone rolling WEs and finishing collections
>Roll WE and get nothing again
Back to the dumpster with you white cat.

>> No.20379475

Look down, Anon. You have your answer already. I want to serve Karyl Alter.

>> No.20379506
File: 2.21 MB, 1080x1920, LittleShachooWhere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are just more likely to bother posting results if successful.

>use free roll for Sheryl
It's going to be tough waiting till the end and hoping I get lucky before trying with gems. The possibility of next gacha bringing back someone I'd roll for could easily clear my stock too.

>> No.20379715
File: 471 KB, 1920x1080, b323d72a5315e73ba7ed99fc59fe233b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only need Rita's Scythe since the set is shit
>get C and B pieces of the motif set, not even T which is somewhat good
>do one last single
>Blood Dance Claymore
Desire Sensor'd.

>> No.20379883
File: 47 KB, 720x725, 1541674340821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's running on skim gem rewards and whale rolls. They also use it to see what sort of misery they can put waifu-fags through before they actually drop the game. Right now they're trying near-consecutive releases for specific girls, especially f*f

They're probably at least going to finish up Story 6 and as another anon pointed out, it's enough stuff/expectation to last until Anniversary, which is then close to swimsuits again.

>Well, I don't think it's ever been that huge to begin with
There's a reason the BGHS 5ch thread has the longest prefix of any thread on its board. Sakamoto-P basically killed any hype for the game when it was found out kusopl was merely filling out the initial junk gacha with some trade-in cards instead of intending to use it throughout the game's life. Then they didn't do anything to improve the base game when the anime came out while also having the awful roll-over 19 girl gacha.

Now that faggot is running their furry game.

>> No.20380018

>The Redhead and Elf aren't there

>> No.20380170

The risemara drove me up the fucking wall. I kept getting the furry/old man in the tutorial roll and when I finally didn't get them, I used the multi ticket and starter gems I'd either not even get a 4* character or I would and it'd be the furry or the old man. I don't know if my phone is cursed or if I need to sacrifice a child or three to Satan for good rolls.

>> No.20380219

I already got all the important characters in batches 1 and 2 so you won't be seeing my dupe pulls just yet. Gonna use the free 10+1 for Piana btw

>> No.20380343

I bet that smelly masked traitor's gonna be limited.

>> No.20380360

Of course she is. She'll be the equivalent of zodiac characters from Guraburu, only appearing once a year. Only she wont be in legfest so you'll have to spend during shitty rates. Why? Because KMR.

>> No.20380367
File: 13 KB, 344x135, 1460225728051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the awful roll-over 19 girl gacha
Yeah, that stretch was definitely the closest I've been to quitting. Probably would have if birthday gachas weren't a thing.

>> No.20380382

Sell me on romancing saga.

>> No.20380395
File: 23 KB, 252x247, 1462174938677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BGHS 5ch thread has the longest prefix
I think it's not the top longest one, but definitely up there.

>swimsuits again
Holy Alulu please no more. They have absolutely no idea what to do with them, at this rate it will be another generic swimsuit set #6363. Maybe some girls are different enough, but in general they feel like no effort was made to bring something to make them stand out and make even day one players to really want them. I guess Misaki could use another one as she's the only girl with just one. But then again, they had perfect chance for that last time, yet still shifted her to that aqua set instead. Brilliant. Meanwhile, I can't wait for Kurumi's fourth light green bikinis with flowers.

>> No.20380408

If you don't like SaGa games you're not going to like it. If you do, it's about 50/50.

>> No.20380531
File: 252 KB, 800x732, 65374080_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swimsuits may not be too original, but I still like them. Especially with the low braids Anko got last time around.

But yeah, new and different stuff is nice too.

>> No.20381655

>Haven't opened Houkai in a while
>Open it
>That intro video

Holy shit

>> No.20381707

Limit breaking seems like a logical thing to do at first, but considering you need to farm 400 nuts for each copy, which takes freaking forever, I guess just stop at whatever copy you feel like. It only adds +10% stats and increases the rate at which the elemental gauge is increased(25% per copy, meaning the elemental gain is doubled at 4 copies).

>> No.20381916

>Decided to use the free 10+1 hoping for Dark Prince
>Somehow got 2 Elenoar instead
I wonder if I should spent my current gems or hope for the singles and future gacha rerun (assuming there will be more). Too bad it seems the 2nd free 10+1 will start from 2nd group.

>> No.20382000
File: 146 KB, 370x320, 1493584805928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back into priconne couple weeks ago, I heard there's Fes rate up now but there wasnt one on end of November, is it not monthly thing?

>> No.20382070

It’s only happened twice since the game launched
Christmas/new years fes soon maybe

>> No.20382542

>blew my gems on the hag
>probably won’t roll this juicy pettanko
Feels bad

>> No.20382664

>Guaranteed random mirror ticket
>Need to clear Hard mode

>> No.20383321

Seriously asking, is Knives out good?
How is it better than PUBG or Fortnite?

>> No.20383329

Priconne Global server when?

>> No.20383419

>based Ix is back
>happy Mileena
Loving the new outfits.

Velvet's collab mirror is 10/10.

>> No.20383421

The game has too many little girls craving for MC and a fanservice surrounding them. Current western society can't handle this. Even if they do localize the game, imagine how many stuff will get censored or cut. It's the Cygames localization team we are talking about. Look at GBF and Shadowverse with all the cut lewd jokes and name changes.

>> No.20383451

Crestoria will have English version and it will die in a few months after the release.

>> No.20383566
File: 226 KB, 1500x1024, I0hn9H4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Especially with the low braids Anko got last time around
Yeah, very much this. All the different hairstyles are great, I need to give points for this at least. Still, while two ordinary swimsuit sets are perfectly fine, it's getting stale at third and I'd take something else at that point. But I'm sure they could still make an interesting set, they just don't try to incorporate in some other theme because they think everyone will roll for Shiho's tits anyway, even if they only did a recolor with new card art.

It's still Mari. You need to specify what Mari card you mean, but it's likely it's still up there in best cards even if there was a newer stronger Mari already.

>> No.20383895


>> No.20384275
File: 3.65 MB, 2508x3541, 71967943_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm still living in 2014. This is my main heroine.

>> No.20384352

I think they'd show up for summer next year at least since they have those juicy assets to reuse. Main story wise they're most likely going to be the last guild to be featured with how important they are, so we have to go through Forestier, Weiss Flugel, Twilight Caravan and Lucent Academy first.
>last available story
What did anon mean by this

>> No.20384359

>What did anon mean by this
The last released main story episode I mean.

>> No.20384374

I hope the new Rita is as fun as the current one, she's so fun and great that it makes me really hyped for a future seele.

>Roll for the Scythe
>Get C from the motif set and Theresa's chery cross
I guess its better than nothing

>> No.20384438
File: 601 KB, 1024x576, 200900401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pecorine gets thrown in jail, stripped of her Royal Armament
>Kyaru takes the throne, calls for a meeting with Jun and Okto
>Tomo tries to find out what's going on, but is repelled by the guards
>Matsuri meets up with Tomo and invites her to chill at a cafe where she's going to meet Little Lyrical
>In the throne room Kyaru reveals that the entire city is being brainwashed by a magic device, but since Mana is stuck inside the Labyrinth, she can't provide the magical power to sustain it, and it will run dry soon
>Kyaru orders Jun and Okto to search for Labyrinth and their allies and destroy or capture them ASAP
>Jun's worried about the monsters that's showed up in town recently, especially since there's a festival that's going to be held soon. But she doesn't question the order since she's also brainwashed
>Okto somehow isn't brainwashed and finds all this really fishy, he also subconsciously remembers Novem
>Neneka, who has transformed into a butterfly, eavesdropped on this plan and visits Pecorine in her cell.
>She reveals that she's one of the Seven Crowns, but she's also just a clone, so she can't use all her power either
>Her real body has been captured and is used to power the brainwashing
>She warns that even though Pecorine is fine now, she will soon be used to power the device as well
>She tries to come up with a plan with Pecorine, since as the princess she would know the layout of the castle
>With this knowledge, she can try and contact Labyrinth and increase the chance of success of breaking Pecorine out, in return, she requests that Pecorine helps to break her out as well

>> No.20384482

So where do nips go to discuss pricunny?

>> No.20384703
File: 11 KB, 120x120, Stamp73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Granblue gets an entire side story event
>Peco and Kokoro playable
>Kishi-kun summon
>General misc event rewards (rings, crystals, pull tickets etc.)

>PriConne gets a ten pull worth of gems spread out over 10 days
>Nothing else

>> No.20384913
File: 146 KB, 850x936, ayane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Priconne updates
Highlights are that Luna tower will not cost Stamina anymore, will be able to use every character you own without the 15 character restriction and that the VIP sub is going to be changed from +1 dungeon entry run to 2x dungeon drops that stacks with the 2x dungeon drop event so you only have to run dungeon once a day even with VIP.

Also 150 crystals a day from daily login to a total of 1500 crystals.

>> No.20385195

They have multiple threads per day on it on futaba.

>> No.20385240 [DELETED] 

wtf bros why can't we have /pcrg/ like them...

>> No.20385298 [DELETED] 

Are we still brofagging here too?

>> No.20385394

>Just noticed Chaguma and most other current events/rune memories will end tomorrow
Hoping there will be old Christmas events rerun or something tomorrow.

>> No.20386416


>> No.20386992
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>> No.20386993
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This looks neat

>> No.20387934

cute but useless as fuck

>> No.20387958

Better then nothing.
Then again, Elen, Gustave and Katrina just does all my work for me.

>> No.20388474
File: 994 KB, 1440x720, Screenshot_2018-12-09-19-15-31-467_com.sega.idola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm quite enjoying this game

>Fully voiced story even MC with CGs
>Sprites are pretty good and they even copy the art style of the image
>Has a raid mode with you becoming a giant form complete with SRWtier final attack

Gacha is pretty shit but Was able to roll the 5* fire chick and the main chick in first two ten rolls so I'm okay. I just want to know how to put her helmet back on it

>> No.20388735
File: 185 KB, 1784x1382, DtzCIgYVsAAduGP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still no leaks for Shironeko next event

>> No.20389335

/mobg/ needs your help

>> No.20389558

What do LPs do in romancing saga?

>> No.20389578

this is all your fault. i hate you

>> No.20389910

Is she going to be playable?

>> No.20389951
File: 247 KB, 1929x1080, 1544370398117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blanche's full song has finally been posted after just a mild wait.
She's still cute.

>> No.20390398
File: 543 KB, 678x499, 1516285953561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this Dylan / Judah shilling
We need a new homo or something, I'm sick of these two.

>> No.20390766
File: 509 KB, 1024x1024, Dt58qffVAAAKfKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait I just realized something.
If they ever release a summer version of any female character in Idola, they can make her Chaos version a Gyaru!

>> No.20390853
File: 103 KB, 690x962, Iohamt10FQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need a new homo
How about no.

>Judah together with Tarou on that badge
That's kind of cute actually. Koyomi really was the best thing that could happen to him in Chaguma.

>> No.20390875

Is she in the game cause if so i t's time to pick it up.

You know we're getting homos whether you like it or not, kusopl has to appeal to the 5%er.

>> No.20391291

How is Honkai doing in nipland?

>> No.20391717

>Collab story is that the Gourmet guild decides to set off for Flavorville town
>Gran and his crew happen to be in the same crew

Priconne taking place in the world of granblue fantasy confirmed, I can't believe Randoseru was just one big sky island all along

>> No.20391762

>Tried playing shironeko again
>rolled the 10+1 gacha two times and got only 1 4*, from fourstar that I already own no less
Now I remember why I quit this game.
And they still can't even be bothered enough to fix that damn "only accept 10 gift at a time" button?

>> No.20392512

