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File: 849 KB, 1400x1400, touhou-enneagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
202893 No.202893 [Reply] [Original]

I have taken nine of the girls and arranged them in their respective spots based upon the concept of the Enneagram. For those of you who are not familiar with the concept, the Enneagram is a typology model, influenced by a variety of ancient thought systems such as Sufi Islam and Kabbalah Judaism. The Enneagram categorizes a person by one of nine numbered personality types, explaining the typical traits of each number. Each personality type has a special relationship with every other role on the figure. The Enneagram has a psychological purpose, identifying how the mind of each type works, as well as explaining how that person interacts with the world. The Enneagram also holds a spiritual significance for many people, who see it as a source of enlightenment. I have friends who swear by the Enneagram; they see it as a codex of sorts for understanding every person that they come into contact with. I also know folks who dismiss the Enneagram as a foolish fortune-telling device, citing the Forer Effect as evidence against its value. Personally, I believe that the Enneagram is just one of many tools that is useful in examining human interaction. It is not an absolute, as we are more than numbers, but it is interesting to apply this device to people in real life and characters in fiction. That is exactly what I have done with this Touhou Enneagram. It is just as interesting (and a lot cuter) than the model originally developed by a bunch of bearded Semites centuries ago.

>> No.202894

Blah blah blah now how do I pick my Touhou?

>> No.202895

I put together this chart as a parody of sorts. It takes some of the personality traits and quirks of nine of the Touhou girls and assigns them to the position of the Enneatype that best matches their behavior. This blog does not have a large amount of readers, but if this post was linked to on certain Touhou-related boards, I can very easily foresee arguments over where each character should ideally be positioned, and whether or not the behavior that landed a character in her position is “canon”. First of all, this is not an in-depth examination of the nature of Gensokyo’s girls. I took elements of each character’s personality, represented in both official and doujin works, and assigned an Enneatype to her based upon that. Each decision was thought-out, but I did not take every minute detail into account when making these choices. If you think that a different character would be better suited for a certain type, then please leave a comment explaining why. I’m just asking that nobody makes a tremendous fuss over this. Likewise, if an Enneagram buff should stumble upon this entry, please realize that I am not a scholar of the model. My descriptions of certain personality types may not live up to your standards as a result. tl;dr.

>> No.202897
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Sikieiki is the judge of the afterlife, deciding if spirits will spend their time in heaven, hell, or somewhere else entirely. As a judge of deeds, Shikieiki is known to lecture other characters on their shortcomings and behave in a matter that is, well… judgemental. Because of her perfectionist tendencies, she is a prototypical type One. Ones are constantly striving not only to improve themselves, but their surrounding environment as well. As a result, they sometimes come across as stuck up, bossy, and hard to please. Ones are a stiff type that will accept nothing less than perfection. This model fits Sikieiki well, not only due to her role as a judge, but also because of her position as a demanding superior to Komachi.

>> No.202906

Holy shit that is a lot of goddamn boring bullshit. Can't you summarize this shit?

>> No.202912

Not really since it's copypasta.

>> No.202914
File: 454 KB, 450x750, 1205423210619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious Copypasta is obvious.
Moar please.

>> No.202916
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Even though she is one of the most popular characters among fans, the Rainbow Puppeteer Alice Margatroid is often depicted in doujin works as being an unloved loner, longing for contact with others, specifically Marisa. The description of a healthy type Two, however, seems to be at odds with Alice’s situation: healthy Twos are naturally helpful and their presence is often enjoyed by others. Alice, on the other hand, is a less than healthy Two, craving affection and acceptance, but never quite receiving it. In some doujins, Alice is depicted as being a stalker, obsessive, and even mentally-unstable, all of which are traits of an unhealthy type Two.

>> No.202925
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1205423384295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Hong Meiling is not appreciated as a person, but is instead identified only by the roles that she plays. As a Chinese girl, she is somewhat of a token in Gensokyo. In fact, some characters choose to address her as “China” instead of calling her by name. Meiling’s occupation is to guard the gate of the Scarlet Devil Mansion and that is what she is perhaps best known for, besides being from China. Because she is known more for the roles that she fulfills rather than for who she really is, Meiling is a good example of a Three type. Threes wear multiple masks, and the rest of the world sees the Three’s value through the roles that he or she plays. Like any good Three, Meiling seems to have a certain energy and passion for improving her performance as a gatekeeper, realizing that she will garner more respect as a result.

>> No.202932
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1205423498094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he Night Sparrow Mystia Lorelei is an confident and individualistic girl. Armed with a song that has the power to strike fear and confusion into the hearts of humans, Mystia roams the roads at night scaring mankind for the thrill of it. She may not be the brightest or strongest character, but she displays a strong sense of self-confidence even when facing a tough opponent. In doujin works, she is often depicted as a performing artist as well, singing her song to crowds of adoring fans. It is this blend of confidence and creative energy that Mystia displays that makes her an ideal type Four. Like Mystia, Fours are often quirky and odd in ways, but they do not doubt themselves and aren’t afraid to stick out in a crowd. Fours are often artistically inclined in one way or another too. Mystia expresses this natural creativity through her hypnotic song.

>> No.202933
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A physically frail but incredibly intelligent magician, Patchouli Knowledge is a rather withdrawn individual. She rarely ventures outside, choosing to instead spend her days in the Scarlet Devil Mansion reading books and researching magic. Patchouli’s inquisitive nature and generally antisocial behavior make her a typical Five type. Fives are the most detached of all the Enneatypes, placing value upon understanding information rather than emotional experiences. While they may have a circle of close friends, Fives are almost never the life of the party. Patchouli certainly fits this profile of a cloistered knowledge seeker. Knowledge is even in her name.

>> No.202949

Cirno does not fit into the 9 (peacemaker) at all.

>> No.202952
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1205423856069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keine Kamishirasawa is a trooper. Cursed to an existence as a Were-Hakutaku, Keine juggles the burdens of teaching a school, defending Gensokyo’s human village, looking after Mokou, and hiding her monstrous secret from the people that she cares for. Keine has thrust the responsibility of looking after human beings upon herself and remains fiercely loyal to mankind. As a result, she fears for the fate of herself and her home, sometimes using her power to hide the entire human village in the folds of history during times of crisis. Like Keine, type Sixes have a strong sense of loyalty as well as a desire for security. They fear the unknown, and gird their loins for battle when required. The problem that Keine and every Six face is getting over their fear of the external and beginning to feel safe and confident.

>> No.202954

She solves problems
Stupid problems
Prof. Cirno
She's a ⑨.

>> No.202955


>> No.202963

6 sounds more like Ran.

>> No.202983
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1205424366476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An energetic, confident, and curious witch, Marisa Kirisame seems to be interested in or enjoy just about everything. She is a social character in doujins and seems to be friendly with nearly everybody, though she can be a bit of a pest sometimes. As a whole, Marisa is fun-loving and has an appreciation for life, making her an ideal Seven. Like Marisa, Sevens are generally active and involved people, taking advantage of life’s opportunities. They are eager to participate in activities, often with other people, as Sevens are a sociable lot. The vivacity of a Seven may annoy more reserved or pessimistic characters, but the sprightly Seven may not even realize the effect that he or she has upon others.

>> No.202988
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1205424457575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much like One types, Eights are strong-willed and often find themselves in charge of the situation, but while Ones like to ensure that everything is orderly, an Eight just wants control. Unlike Ones, Eights aren’t authoritative figures, but rather natural-born leaders who use their skills to establish dominance. For a lack of a more formal term, a successful Eight is “the man”. As the heroine of nearly every game in the Touhou series, Reimu is indeed the man. She is not a control freak who squabbles about details, but if something isn’t going her way, she is going to fix it: most likely in a forceful manner.

>> No.202993


>> No.203012
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1205424981659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all knew that this was coming. How could you have not seen it coming? After all, it is essentially a mortal sin to associate Cirno with any number other than ⑨. Even if her personality was more in line with a different number, I am obligated to assign her to the Nine category to keep this stupid meme running. Luckily, Cirno does share some qualities with the rest of the Nines out there. The Nine class is seen as the mediator between all of the other Enneatypes. Therefore, the ideal Nine is simple, innocent, and relaxed. Of course, being able to see every side of an issue without bias may leave a Nine confused at times. Who comes to mind when words like “simple”, “innocent”, and “confused” are uttered? Cirno of course. That makes her a Double Nine, doesn’t it?

>> No.203023


>> No.203026

Nothing for 10s and elevens.

>> No.203037


>> No.203059
File: 16 KB, 350x368, 1205426304855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So THAT'S how you draw Lisa's head.

>> No.203060

You just won this thread

>> No.203150


I'm China D:

>> No.203158

Wow, this is even more nerdy and pathetic than the time I hacked up a guide to moe magical correspondences for the Illuminates of Thanateros.

>> No.203165

No, you're still winning in that regard.

>> No.203175

No, this is worse because it's based on some Jew tripe.

>> No.203181

It's not a Jewish concept. It's influenced by a figure from the Kabalah, but that's it. It's really more of a modern thing.

>> No.203196

It's still some potato-nosed pseudopsychology.

>> No.203219

Awesome, I'm a type 6 and I love Keine.

>> No.203229

I'm a 9! D:

>> No.203231

I'm a ⑨! D:

>> No.203238

... Isn't it sad, Alice?

>> No.203244
File: 138 KB, 600x845, 1205429496039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already knew about this ^_^ i'm cirno!

>> No.203248

I'm a type 6. I wanted Alice but a Keine is fine too.

>> No.203318

I got 6/8 for Type 4 & 6
and 5/8 for Type 3, 5 & 9

It's as inconclusive as it could be. I fail at personality.

>> No.203327

I'm a ➄ (aka nerd, lol)

>> No.203339
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1205430758153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got Shiki

>> No.203424

I always liked Reimu anyway

>> No.203456
File: 148 KB, 648x906, 1205432066590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Shiking

>> No.203479

I don't fit into any of these ;_;

>> No.203520
File: 78 KB, 385x550, 1205432808224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type 1 X X X 3
Type 2 X X 2
Type 3 X X X X X 5
Type 4 X X X X X X 6
Type 5 X X X X X 5
Type 6 X X X X X X X 7
Type 7 X X 2
Type 8 0
Type 9 X X X X X X 6

Interesting, I'm Keine mixed with a bit of Mystia and Cirno.
More interesting is the Type 8. I'm anything but Reimu.
That'd explain why I don't like her.

>> No.203525

I'm confused, how do you make this work?

>> No.203550


That was retarded, there were multiple questions I wanted to answer both or neither to.

>> No.203556

>Anonymous of Austria

It's also interesting to look at the results when you throw nationalities into the mix. For example, the stereotypical Italian is a seven, the "average American" is a three, and Germans/Austrians are often stereotyped as sixes.

>> No.203566

type 4. (8 points)
Never cared about Mystia, but I think the type 4 really fits me.

Also I'm glad I scored only 1 point on the type 8, because I don't like Reimu.

>> No.203578

I'm a 5, just like mai waifu \(・∀・@)/

>> No.203598

You... you...


>> No.203607

I'm a Mystia mixed with Patchy, Marissa, and Cirno

>> No.203612

Type 1 - 4
Type 2 - 2
Type 3 - 4
Type 4 - 5
Type 5 - 6
Type 6 - 6
Type 7 - 2
Type 8 - 1
Type 9 - 6

I remember taking this test before. Pretty much the same as last time. Type 5, I think, suits me the best. ¯\(°_o)/¯

>> No.203615

I got 6 on both Type 4 and Type 6

...oh well

>> No.203618

I got 6 on type 4 and type 9

....kind..weird i guess

>> No.203621

Seven in Type 2 and 0 in Type 3... ;__;

>> No.203627

Type Two
The Helper
The caring, interpersonal type. Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.

Although this makes me kinda happy.

>> No.203661

This test is silly.

That being said, 8 in Patchouli and 6 in Keine. I think I'd prefer it the other way around.

>> No.203668

You're a helper!

>> No.203674

Type 1- 4
Type 2- 2
Type 3- 2
Type 4- 5
Type 5- 6
Type 6- 7
Type 7- 2
Type 8- 2
Type ⑨- 6

So I'm a 6, with 5 and 9 in a close second. Reading the descriptions, this sounds about right.

>> No.203710

That's the best Anon can get.

>> No.203729

I got a 6 and 9.

>> No.203753

Type 1- 4
Type 2- 1
Type 3- 3
Type 4- 7
Type 5- 5
Type 6- 6
Type 7- 3
Type 8- 0
Type ⑨- 7

wtf am i?

>> No.203762

① - 4
② - 0
③ - 6
④ - 5
⑤ - 6
⑥ - 6
⑦ - 1
⑧ - 2
⑨ - 6

China, Patchy, Keine and Cirno... lol personality

>> No.203769

4 and ⑨?

>> No.203797

also I got 5 in Type ④? WTF

>> No.203887
File: 29 KB, 450x634, 1205437653746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Huh. My turned out interesting:
Type 5-8
Type 3-7
Type 8-5
Type 1-5
Rest of the types are 3, expect for 4. And 0 in 2.

Jack of all Enneagrams(?) LOL at >>203621

>> No.203969
File: 276 KB, 577x389, 1205438349049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your highest score was a tie between Type 2, Type 5, and Type 7.

I'm Alice, Patchouli and Marisa all in one?

>> No.203974

Enjoy being in love with yourself.

>> No.203986

i got this one

>> No.204003

① - 4
② - 2
③ - 5
④ - 5
⑤ - 6
⑥ - 6
⑦ - 1
⑧ - 1
⑨ - 6

>> No.204007

Enjoy your demons.

>> No.204011
File: 176 KB, 800x600, 1205438883191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious mages.

>> No.204048

outdoor library?

>> No.204056
File: 25 KB, 396x349, 1205439329565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you fagging up Touhou with this personality test bullshit? Go back to fucking lifejournal.

>> No.204063

>fagging up Touhou
I don't think that's possible.

>> No.204119

I got Mystia and Cirno.

I knew I was a stage two boss at best ;_;

>> No.204123
File: 106 KB, 435x550, 1205440296208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

① - 5
② - 3
③ - 5
④ - 4
⑤ - 7
⑥ - 1
⑦ - 4
⑧ - 4
⑨ - 3

Not surprising that my highest score was Patchy, considering my detachment from social situations and my penchant for philosophy. Got Shikieki and China for my strong sense of social justice and ambition, respectively. Considering my plans for politics, these also fit. I wish I got more Alice though, she's my favorite character...

>> No.204133

① - 3
② - 3
③ - 3
④ - 7
⑤ - 5
⑥ - 3
⑦ - 6
⑧ - 0
⑨ - 6


>> No.204142

① - 5
② - 2
③ - 1
④ - 5
⑤ - 6
⑥ - 6
⑦ - 2
⑧ - 2
⑨ - 7

An cross between Patchy, Keine and ⑨?
Sure why not.

>> No.204162

1 - 5
2 - 1
3 - 3
4 - 6
5 - 5
6 - 5
7 - 4
8 - 4
⑨ - 3

Mystia? I'm the OPPOSITE of that, sucky test is sucky.

>> No.204167

wait... got these results

① - 4
② - 6
③ - 7
④ - 1
⑤ - 4
⑥ - 4
⑦ - 3
⑧ - 4
⑨ - 4
anlot of 4's

>> No.204169

anonymous of south america is now anonymous of china.

>> No.204182

Another resource for Enneagram tests is http://similarminds.com/personality_tests.html.. I tried the Advanced test and came out as a 4, and the other test came out as a 6, with 4 being one point behind.

>> No.204348

Siki, Meiling - 6
Cirno - 5
Patchy, Keine, Reimu - 4
Mystia - 3
Alice, Marisa - 2
