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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2035290 No.2035290 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever made a social faux pas due to your power level accidentally leaking out?

I wanted to shoot myself today when I was in my physics lecture. The professor asked if everyone understood some problem and in my half-asleep state I blurted out "Hai~". I immediately realized what I did when the entire lecture hall gave me a weird look and one guy actually facepalmed. I don't think I can show up to that class again with a straight face.

>> No.2035298

Yeah, I'd give up that class if I were you.

>> No.2035300

No, because I am not that huge of a faggot.

>> No.2035303


>> No.2035304

I wouldn't care if people knew I watched anime, played VNs, and fapped to loli. I make no attempt at hiding my power level but I don't go around showing it off.

That's just retarded though, I'd be embarrassed of doing that no matter what language it was in

>> No.2035310

atm people who were there don't even remember

>> No.2035315

i can pull that off because i'm asian and they might think i'm just a fob

>> No.2035334

I'm Irish. So when I accidentally did something just like that, and somebody asked about it later I just said "No, no. I said 'AYE'".

Got away with it. Not only that, but now I'm nicknamed Pirate. :)

>> No.2035343

me in the glasses near the pillar

>> No.2035351

I once tried to make a ^_^ face unconsciously, but I realized soon enough to stop it. Wow that was really stupid.

>> No.2035360

I was corrected a teacher in history on her pronunciation of a Japanese place name.

God, I must have looked like such a tit.

>> No.2035367



>> No.2035377

No, but I sometimes get caught by people listening to jap stuff.
I usually pass it off by saying " what the fuck is that ?" and changing songs.

>> No.2035378

I sometimes make a strange sounding "さあぁ。。" while I make the "dunno, lol" pose.

Not that it makes any difference.

>> No.2035384



>> No.2035396

How do I IRL ^_^'d?

>> No.2035398

I was on a bus listening to IOSYS with the volume on full. I didn't really think anything of it until the bus stopped and half of the people on it turned around looking at me.

I was all like "what" for a few seconds until I realised why they were looking.

>> No.2035405

Not too serious. If you blurted "Si!" or "Oui!" it wouldn't make much of a splash, so why should Japanese be singled out?

>> No.2035406


I was listening to Merzbow on the bus once.

Suddenly, blank stares, everywhere.

>> No.2035407

It's expected for me to have some sort of power level since I'm Asian. It's like people EXPECT it or something, I'm more white inside than anything else. A 1/3rd of my University is Asian anyways so it doesn't really matter if my power level 'leaks out', its always at 100%.

>> No.2035417

When I was but a lad, I made a most grievous error which to this day causes my cheeks to turn that violent crimson they did on that fateful day. Indeed, I cannot even talk of the event in anything but a mocking tone for to take it seriously would damage my ego too strongly.

Once, I was attempting to woo a fine young maiden and all t'was well much to my shock and elation. But, alas, it did not last as I lent her my own pod of I. she heard on it all my weeaboo tunes and, my greatest of embarrassments, she took me to be after her solely on the grounds that she was of that far eastern kin that does on the elongated island dwell.

Oh my sweet, never shall you know that it was not your Asiatic tones that won my heart but your openness and fondness of spirit. I shall forget thee never, but to my pod of i I make vile, vile curses. CURSES I SAY.

>> No.2035418

I actually can't stop using "Ara-ara"(my-my).

>> No.2035420


The hell kind of shitty headphones do you people have if other people can hear what your listening to like that? Or am I the only person left on the planet without hearing loss?

>> No.2035427

Not really. I tried showing a guy a nicodou vid to a friend in my first year of uni, that... circle-wm guy who wears a horses head and drinks 'hi potions' and shit.

He thought it was really wierd. Not funny at all.

>> No.2035426

Flips not welcome on /jp/ board!

Wapanese board for Wapanese peoples!!! go back to you own board!


>> No.2035431

Pinoys are pig disgusting, I for one agree for you. However I am some sort of Chinese/Japanese mix. Hooray!

>> No.2035433

Uh, I use Sennheiser myself. If other people can't hear it when you have the volume on full, then you, sir, have shit headphones.

>> No.2035436

Who gives a fuck? And so what if you were after her partly because you have a thing for Asian women? When she made a big deal about it, you should have called her a whore and punched her hard in the vagina.

>> No.2035437

That's okay then, you can stay if you adapt to our culture.

>> No.2035444

I don't see what's weird about saying "Hi" when someone addresses you.

>> No.2035445

Almost all headphones (aside from the huge ones that look like earmuffs) let out ALOT more sound than you would think. It's really easy for other people to hear what you're listening to, even when you're listening at a comfortable volume.

>> No.2035447

I don't put my earphones directly in my ear, I put the cord by my ear.
I do that because I like to listen music while not having anything in my ears and hearing my surroundings.
Of course, as soon as your head gets near from mine, you're likely to hear some music.

>> No.2035449

Just tell them next time that you dreamt you were on a Norwegian fishing boat and you were warning the fellow passengers of a shark.

>> No.2035450

I say fuck even though english isn't my native, and nobody seems to mind. The same applies to japanese words.

>> No.2035452

Because everybody probably thought he was saying "Hi" and did not know he was using a Japanese word in the first place, except for the guy that facepalmed, total /jp/ guy. Even I facepalmed just reading the story.

It's so bad, even I feel embarrassed for you.

>> No.2035453

True, and only people with a certain power level even know what はい means, or even that it's a Japanese word in the first place.

>> No.2035456

This is why people need to invest in canal phones for public listening. Isolation + privacy.

>> No.2035462

The maiden made not an issue of it, though distant and cold she became after having listened to the pod of i. I can only guess that it worked it's vile magic on her, for not other explanation exists.

I could not make an open confrontation on the matter, for her mouth she would purse up like rather than speak with me as she had once done.

Perhaps I ought to have her lower regions booted, but such wisdom was not mine at the time alas.

>> No.2035463

I was listening to j-music on my nokia, but I accidentally disconnected my earphones while sitting in the bus, so the music was played by my phone fucking loud

people around were exactly like OP's pic.

>> No.2035467

My dad says hai all the time because he works for Honda and is surrounded by Japanese people.

>> No.2035468

All of you are retards, why do you care what people think of you? I listen to japanese music where I want when I want, who the fuck said that I have to be asshamed of the music I like?

It's retarded to hide your power level, then again, it's even more retarded to wear anime t-shirts and say shit like "kawaii" or "baka", if people asks me "what do you like to do" I answer "I like to watch anime", because it's true

>> No.2035471


>> No.2035474


To be fair, listening to harsh noise & industrial in public would warrant stares regardless.

>> No.2035475

Should've pretended you were going to sneeze

>> No.2035480

In college, you need some respect

>> No.2035483

I care about what people think of me because I don't want to make a fool of myself.
If I loathe the people who do so, I have no reason to act like an idiot myself.
People who lack self-awareness are the cancer killing youth.

>> No.2035482

Swearing in a different language is generally considered politer since people don't know what you are saying.

>> No.2035485

I wouldn't want the respect of people who judge others by their interests.

>> No.2035486

That's why my power level it always at 60%, and nobody seems to mind, in fact, I'm quite popular, but that's just because I'm also one of the top students.

>> No.2035487

You were brought up without a very important thing. Shame.

>> No.2035489

I accidentally opened my 1.4Gb folder of ecchi pictures on my laptop in a cyber-cafe
but only a few people saw it

>> No.2035491

College =/= high school, there are no bullies at college, and as long as you're at least not annoying you will still be invited to parties, I'm majoring psychology, by the way

You may as well play in a band or buy at hot-topic and still be a ronery fag

>> No.2035496
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>All of you are retards, why do you care what people think of you?

>> No.2035497

I have like 1000+ touhou songs on my ipod. I was getting ready to leave work when one of the girls wanted a ride. So when she got in, she picked up my ipod that I left on the seat, and it somehow turned on and displayed the song (bunch of japanese characters). she was like "What's this?"
"Oh, I like listening to classical piano music. That song is by a japanese composer. It's pretty nice"
"I see."
It was left at that. Also I was telling a half truth, the song was a piano arrangement. Although I can feel her grinning or something.

In these types of situations you have to take it easy, or else it'll get worse.

>> No.2035498

But you need the respect of teachers, etc. That's how it is, that's how life is, sorry.

>> No.2035499

Yeah, I'd be embarassed if my folder was that small too.

>> No.2035511

When I was a low powerlevel faggot, I once randomly wrote "seppuku/bukkake" (it was a shitty joke I had, a parody of the phrase murder/suicide) on the blackboard. Later, when class had started, the teacher noticed and inquired what bukkake meant (he already knew about seppuku), and my friend sitting next to me, knowing what it meant, very much encouraged me to tell the class too.

In the end, my only regret is that I didn't tell it with more eagerness. The current me would be much more pleased if I was provided with the opportunity to explain the concept to a class of 14 year olds.

>> No.2035505

Indeed, saved my ass lots of times

>> No.2035506

Yeah, that was basically it except when you say it like "Hai~" with the extended sound it would and did sound odd to everyone no matter what language they think you're speaking. It's obvious that the facepalmer knew what I really did since he was looking at me for a good while afterwards, along with a few other people in the class who probably watch anime.

I'm seriously thinking of trying to switch to the other professor since classes didn't begin that long ago, but I would be charged a hefty late fee for registration.

>> No.2035507

I'm not sure about that.

"Did everybody understand this?"

>> No.2035508

I do that one often too.
Luckily, I have very few vocal pieces, so I can pass off most of my stuff for Hardcore/Jazz/Classical.
Quite fortunate, I might add.

>> No.2035509

Just deal with it, you're a loser anyway. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2035513

you could pull that off if you were the Fonz as well

>> No.2035514

>you will still be invited to parties

I go to college and I have no friends. I have never been invited to a party.

Don't apply your experiences to everyone else. This shit is no better than high school was for me.

>> No.2035515

Shame of what? Of not listening to shitty rap songs with lyrics that I can't undestand because they're too fast to be listened to? shame of not dressing like a girl while complaining how unfair life is? Shame of not skipping classes because the coolest parties always happens during class-hours?

The only difference between you and any other group of society is that they're not asshamed of what they do

>> No.2035519

When you're majoring physics, you need all the respect you can get

>> No.2035521

I don't know if you'd really be eager to do so.
The subject of sexuality is quite an embarassing one to talk of in public.

>> No.2035525

Good grades and being polite to your teachers is enough, they don't care about anything else

>> No.2035528


This. I'm generally a kind and approachable person, and I've never been invited to a party in college. There's no shortage of parties here, either.

>> No.2035531

But since I think that these people are ridiculous, your argument is pointless.
People who are overt about themselves, regardless of their interests, are annoying.
Nobody cares about your life, don't put it in front of others.

>> No.2035532

sage for ronery

>> No.2035533

That's because you're socially inept, it has nothing to do with you being a weeaboo

>> No.2035539

Your point being?

Also, I'm pretty sure that there is a huge link between being socially inept and being a (/jp/-style) weeaboo.

>> No.2035541
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キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.2035544

If you aren't socially inept, then you don't belong here, normalfag.

>> No.2035546

Subject Verb Object. Please.

>> No.2035547

I sure as hell am, I just don't think that there's a real conection between being a weeaboo and being socially inept

>> No.2035549

Because I could get a chance to observe the reactions, mostly. When it was forced out of me, I was in a position where I couldn't really see how anyone reacted to it. It's not often you get to see the response of girls faced with strange new perversions.

>> No.2035555
File: 9 KB, 391x362, 1233946544373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I care about what people think of me because I don't want to make a fool of myself.
So, if I understand correctly...
A) You don't want to make a fool of yourself because you care what people think of you.
B) You care what people think of you because you don't want to make a fool of yourself.

>> No.2035557

A somewhat opposite story happened to me. Because I'm part Jewish, sometimes when I'm tired or annoyed, I'll go "oy". One of my friends would always ask "What?" whenever I'd do that. I later learned that she thought I was using the Japanese "oi", which means "hey".

>> No.2035558

>I sure as hell am
Well, at least you admitted to being a normalfag. Now get out.

>> No.2035559

You were in high school, most girls you faces probably were faced with bukkake before.
I'm pretty sure the answer you would've gotten from most girls would've been " AHA so that's what it's called !"

>> No.2035560

That depends on what you mean by "weeaboo".

You can watch Naruto and talk about it with all sorts of retards.

But just try bringing up VNs and eroge in an IRL conversation. Just try it.

>> No.2035561

To be fair, there's a big difference between actively advertising your interests everywhere you go and simply not caring if someone finds out what kinda music you listen to.

>> No.2035562

No, I admited to be socially inept, what now?

>> No.2035566
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I cannot in normal speech of this topic speak, for it gives me too much shame to do so.

>> No.2035568

But you have friends and get invited to parties?

Seriously, get out.

>> No.2035573

Now you're just being retarded, nobody else talks about what they masturbate to, why should I?

>> No.2035575

The correct thing would be :
A) I don't give half a fuck what people think about me.
I go out once a week.
B) I don't want to act that way because I have self esteem.
I believe that going around saying japanese words and wearing a bleach T-Shirt is stupid.
I don't do these things because I have a semblance of self respect.
For the same reason, I don't shove a broom up my ass when I masturbate.

>> No.2035578

Isn't "oi" a general shout out to someone in English as well?

>> No.2035579

>nobody else talks about what they masturbate to

Everyone else has moved on from masturbation to actual sex and they talk about it all the fucking time.

>> No.2035581

Socially inept doesn't mean I'm an asshole, and I'm still virgin ;_;

>> No.2035585
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This. You don't need to suppress your power levels, just don't be a fag about it either. Listening to some jap music on your headphones is one thing but singing the fuck along in your Naruto headband and touing hos shirt isn't a lack of suppressing power levels - but an overabundance of 'hurr i want attention im a faget and i think liking this shit makes me special' on a Sion-tier level.

>> No.2035589
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>> No.2035593

Nobody is having nearly as much sex as you think, and even those who does still masturbates

>> No.2035597

i once left my mp3 player full of japanese anime music and let someone from my classes listen to it without realising what was on there.
goddamnit, i'm not even a weeaboo - i just really liked the music from FLCL

>> No.2035600

>i'm not even a weeaboo
I have bad news for you, dude

>> No.2035602

Maybe if you're from Australia.

Or Jewish.

>> No.2035606

Yes, Thanks to alcohol.

>> No.2035608


one great thing about hawaii, any slip ups like that are just regarded as part of the language

>> No.2035609


Wouldn't most of the people think that you are just extending your Hi really long?

>> No.2035611

I once defended Japanese war crimes when I was drunk. No joke.

>> No.2035612

i meant to say

>> No.2035613

Filthy normalfag, being drunk in public.

>> No.2035625
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>> No.2035629

You know who you are, don't deny it.

>> No.2035628

I pretty much need to be in at least a light state of drunkeness in order to get through the day. But yeah, okay.

>> No.2035634



>> No.2035639

I'm sometimes invited to parties, and I try to be nice to everyone there, but if a lot of people are in the same place/area it makes me feel a little nervous.

>> No.2035640


>> No.2035641

But most VNs aren't porn, they're just stories with sex in them

>> No.2035650

my pants ripped and everyone could see my naruto underwear.
......fuck, i'm in college, man

>> No.2035653

Oh, right, it's erotica. So much better and more appropriate for casual conversation.

>> No.2035654

>VNs aren't porn, they're just stories with sex in them

I know that. You know that. But most normalfags would not be willing to listen to you try to explain it.

>> No.2035661

Did she say as much that you were after her only because you were a weeaboo?

>> No.2035667

Not even erotica. Some don't even have any sex scenes.

>> No.2035669

I sometimes mumble 'kusooo...' and stuff like that to myself, dunno if anybody noticed. Don't care either, half my class are weeaboos anyway, one girl speaks Jap fluently and two others (excluding myself) are learning it.
I also sometimes say stuff like "well, son of a bitch" or 4chan memes out loud, even though I'm not in an English-speaking country. Nobody cares though. And I care even less because I don't want anything to do with anyone of them anyway.

>> No.2035670

You still fap to them, right?

Anyway, let's say you're speaking with some skater dude for some reason, you might be interested in how he does those tricks, he tells you about the way he places if foots in the skate board or how much he practices every day, you might be interested up to this point, but you don't really care about his new shoes that were specially designed for skate-boarding, do you?

In the same way people might be at least a bit interested in some of your hobbies, but you're in no way forced to bring up the most obscure ones, just because they asked you to lend them some anime they might like doesn't mean they're interested in staying up all night clicking a mouse just because Kotomi is in that lonely house waiting for you to... I... Huh... have something to do

>> No.2035675

Remember the rule:
If women are interested in stories with sex in them, it's AWRIGHT
If men are interested in stories with sex in them, it's

(While stupid, the above seems to be the general rule for North America.)

>> No.2035681

i'm the same, except i just scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER instead

>> No.2035692

I prefer to call people jews, personally.

>> No.2035684

For Europe too, and for Japan even more from what I've heard. So unfair ;_;

>> No.2035690

If you are getting invited to parties all the time and you browse /jp/, then chances are you are a girl.

>> No.2035693


I used to do that too when I lived in PA, then I moved to New York and there are actual niggers around so I can't do it anymore.

>> No.2035697

Says the guy that went to a strip club.

>> No.2035701

During finals week last year, I drove around campus with JIBUN WO on full blast with my windows down. When I made a stop and pedestrians gave me funny looks, I just winked at them and gave them thumbs up.

>> No.2035702

Sucks for you, racism is so omnipresent in my country, I can crack jokes that would probably get me killed or maimed if I were living somewhere else.

And I'm moving to the US next year...

>> No.2035703

  __     __
 / ☣ \   / ☣ \
< (◣◎◢)> < (◣◎◢)> This thread is now an athens thread.
 (つ㍍ づ   (つ㍍ づ    Quarantine procedures are now under way.
 | | |   | | |     All /jp/-ers, please evacuate the area immediately
 (__)_)  (__)_)    and await further instruction

>> No.2035706

there's your problem.
i can't imagine anon being female nomatter how hard i try

>> No.2035712

in before athens' "proof"

thread reported to prevent athens thread

>> No.2035714

Where do you live? Eastern Europe?

>> No.2035723

And suddenly you woke up and found out you were browsing /jp/ and fell asleep

>> No.2035731

Imagine a really ugly girl, that should fix it for you

>> No.2035735

Nah, France.
Although the media's really vocal about this shit, you can easily get off while calling people filthy arabs, jew shit and slaves.
that's the tradeoff we got for letting these fuckers do what they want with the government.
