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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 290 KB, 1216x912, 1233837710628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2030588 No.2030588 [Reply] [Original]

What is the story behind this picture?

>> No.2030591

such a sad story ;_;

>> No.2030597

OH GOD. That IS tragic! ;_;

>> No.2030592

Idol isn't popular anymore, and is trying to sell one of her DVDs on the street.
The End.

>> No.2030595


>> No.2030596

Why won't she smiley ;_;

>> No.2030602
File: 57 KB, 650x414, 1233866482129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She lost a bet to hoop dog.

>> No.2030603
File: 49 KB, 700x388, 1233866494734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story behind this picture?

>> No.2030611

Only some people on the first row are like that, if you notice.
Either that, or everyone in the aisle-seat has nothing at all.

>> No.2030605

Yeah, what IS the story behind that picture?

>> No.2030608

The story is pixels.

>> No.2030609

The fatty on the left doesn't seem to give a shit about the panty protest.

>> No.2030616
File: 240 KB, 1440x810, 1233866640468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story behind this picture?

>> No.2030619

<-----------------/b/ is that way

It's a shoop, op.

>> No.2030622

Oh, okay. So what, she wasn't really advertising that DVD?

>> No.2030629

Wtf?this image...
Everybody is staring.I don't like this.

>> No.2030637

This picture makes me feel bad. Like every time you accidently ripped one back when you were in school and everyone just kind of stared and you could feel the blood rushing to your face and you just kind of look at your desk but everyone knows what happened and they aren't going to just forget it.

>> No.2030649


"What are you fucking sandal-wearing slant mongrels looking at?"

>> No.2030646
File: 187 KB, 1024x768, 1233867087301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story be­hind this picture?

>> No.2030655

I have an embarrassing story. Does /jp/ want to hear it?

I'll assume you do. We were doing biology. They asked me to read about the vagina in front of everyone, including the line "tampons, penises and can rip the hymen" or something to that effect.

I was blushing like a beet-root, but only because I had to do it in front of the ladies. So, I tried to make it seem as if I was chuckling. But, it came out as nervous laughter. To which some bitch in the back row said "aww, leave him alone. he's obviously backward".




>> No.2030671

It's GO time!

>> No.2030673

It's like somebody just decided to pull down his pants and take a dump right there. For some reason, the girl in front finds this charming.

>> No.2030674


>> No.2030678

...Why do people keep posting my desktop background?

>> No.2030688

It's all right, man. We all go through that at some point.

After the first time, though, I've always done my 'in front of the class' reading in as close an approximation to the Discovery Channel voice as I can.

>> No.2030693

This pic hurts me.

>> No.2030702
File: 153 KB, 652x728, 1233867691511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story behind this picture?

>> No.2030703


>> No.2030711

Oooh! Oooh!

Can somebody post that picture of the fat guy being beaten up by Japanese school girls in surgical masks next?

>> No.2030712

>"aww, leave him alone. he's obviously backward"
What does that mean?

>> No.2030713

Delicious Flat Chest.

>> No.2030717

Girl on the far right doesn't give a shit and is apparently doing her nails.

>> No.2030726

There are women in /jp/ RIGHT NOW, they are everywhere! YOU CANT FUCKING ESCAPE THEM!

>> No.2030721

"Backward", as in Forrest Gump backward.

>> No.2030724

The photos are all fucking doctored, you dimwits!

>> No.2030731

It means he's a special boy.

>> No.2030735

We already established no women on the internet, and especially not on /jp/.

>> No.2030741

The women on /jp/ aren't real women, just like we aren't real men. It has to do with context. Now stop trolling.

>> No.2030744

When we had to do this I was probably the only one in the whole class who wasn't snickering like a juvenile bitch. Of course, we were like thirteen but still, there comes a point in your life when the mere mention of words should stop being hilarious.

>> No.2030754

Who would you like, in order of preference?


1. = 4th choice
2. = 2nd choice
3. = 3rd choice
4. = 1 choice!!
5. = lol fatty

>> No.2030756

I remember everyone laughing during sex
education and the teacher starting to yell
at one specific guy.

Shit was hilarious to watch.

>> No.2030769

i'll take that hotty in the background, thanks

>> No.2030774

sex education begins at home with your sister for most young boys.

>> No.2030782

Assumed you have a sister at hand.

>> No.2030790

Most virgins (read: /jp/sies) never had a sister.

Sisters teach you how to deal with girls.

>> No.2030800
File: 21 KB, 379x371, 1233868495912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is t­he story behind this picture?

>> No.2030795

I know, right? Hell, half of my bad reputation in high school probably came from when I took Health over the summer before my freshman year. We, of course, watched a miracle of life video, which was fairly graphic in all the ways it should have been. Amidst a chorus of 'Eeeeew' and 'groosss!', I banged my head against the table in disgust, turned around (I generally sat in front to improve my chances of not failing), and made a fairly loud claim about the idiocy and immaturity inherent in finding such things disgusting or funny in any way, or even surprising considering how every single one of them had almost certainly seen worse thanks to the magic of the internet.

A couple people laughed hesitantly, but a guy in the back nodded. That guy is still my best friend, too, and before you say anything, we haven't seriously talked about porn or anything similar since that day.

>> No.2030804

My sister had a testosterone problem that we only found out after her first year of college.

I never learned how to deal with girls that actually act like girls.

>> No.2030801

Fuck yeah, that's true. Never had a sister...

Wish I had, just so I wouldn't be such a fuck up.

>> No.2030807

Sisters teach you to hate women. I don't know what world you live in.

>> No.2030811

Because they have sex with you?

>> No.2030818


>> No.2030819

Exactly. So you never have them on a pedestal like most ronery virgins.

>> No.2030831

Isn't it, though? Everybody who's had a major part in my life has been or acted like a guy except my mom. So now, I can't get into any kind of relationship because all the girls I meet are too much like my mother.

>> No.2030837

That is the proper way to deal with women. Look at most married men, they hate their wives.

>> No.2030843


>> No.2030849

Sisters need to be put on a pedestal, not women.

>> No.2030864

Hope you realize that sisters can be both.

>> No.2030865

so what IS it like to have a sister?

>> No.2030869

Wrong on both counts.

>> No.2030874
File: 159 KB, 1037x1334, 1233869330299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's he story behind this picture?

>> No.2030875


most people here arent even virgins, they are just joking.

>> No.2030880

I'M not. ;_;

>> No.2030885

Japanese are crazy?

>> No.2030887


Dunno about that. Why would you joke about that? I'm a virgin...

>> No.2030913

Are you sure?
Because I'm virgin.

>> No.2030921


>> No.2030950
File: 107 KB, 1280x960, 1233870112232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the story behind this picture?

>> No.2030956

You're a funny guy, anon

>> No.2030957

What IS the story behind that picture?

>> No.2030968


Seems pretty self explanatory to me bro. Girls cleaning urinals. What else need to be said?

>> No.2030984
File: 53 KB, 600x450, 1233870520258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a 26 year old virgin.

Become expert on the ladies

>> No.2030983

But WHY are they cleaning urinals? I mean...

>> No.2030986

Because they're dirty

>> No.2030988
File: 25 KB, 348x380, 1233870554921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2030875 most people here arent even virgins, they are just joking.

>> No.2030989

Oh god, please don't post that guy. I can't stand to look at him

>> No.2030995
File: 63 KB, 640x480, 1233870612818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool pics, bros

>> No.2030996

No, I mean....why girls? Why school girls? I mean...awesome, but why them?!

>> No.2031009


Why not? I believe in Japan students clean the school...

>> No.2031015

It's Japan.

There is no reason for what they do.

>> No.2031017

I wish that were true. Unfortunately I don't remember that ever happening in my childhood.

>> No.2031018

Holy shit that cat has only half of its body

>> No.2031020

I'm a virgin.

>> No.2031022

Just don't go to Japan, everyone will constantly looking at you like in this pic because you are a Gaijin until you leave.

>> No.2031034

>Sisters teach you how to deal with girls.
Ahaha. What? Sisters are nothing like girls. Two different creatures.

>> No.2031057
File: 107 KB, 960x720, 1233871140347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story behind this picture?

>> No.2031066

>japanese crazy painter.jpg

Mystery solved!

>> No.2031070

>Sisters teach you how to deal with girls.
ummm, no they dont

>> No.2031086

why not

>> No.2031093

because if you ask them to have sex with you they just freak out and never talk to you again

>> No.2031102

sounds like the average girl to me


>> No.2031115

Because you don't act the same way towards your sister as you do towards prospective romantic partners. Unless you had an incestuous relationship with your sister, treating other girls like your sister will never get you a girlfriend.

>> No.2031123


>> No.2031134

been there ;_;

>> No.2031143

You are going to like this. True story. It was the end of 100th grade, and my best friend threw a giant party because his parents were home for a couple days. What kind of party can a 100th grader throw, you know? So only about over 9000 people showed up. 6 dudes...8994 girls.

Just as you would expect, some crazy shit happened. These girls were freaks, but hot as hell. They would always have that seductive look on there face... the kind that gets you aroused just by looking at them. We were all good friends in school, but never really chilled outside of it. We were all about 95, and really sexually inexperienced. These girls however, have fucked at least 20,000 different guys. From the moment they walked in the house, we could tell what they wanted.

Lost in their desire, they began to grind up on me. We made out for about 100 minutes, but these girls wanted more. They made me go into my room, and play a modified version of spin the bottle. Basically, instead of just making out, she would decide what to do with the guy. At first we were shy, but pretty soon we all started to jack off while the girl did whatever she pleased.

Your situation quickly escalates. She is getting fucked in turns, by 3 different guys, fighting over her pussy like the kids that they are.You would join them, but then she waves at you to come over. Your dick is probably the hardest its ever been. Sticking straight out, and pulsating; It feels like its gonna explode. To your surprise, she grabs it and just sticks it in her mouth without warning. You have never had my dick sucked before, but let me tell you, it isn't amazing.

Penis, sucked as it was, was ready to cum in seconds. Rick Astley didn't know what to do, so I asked him where I should blow my load. And at that moment, he said something I will never forget. She turned to me and said, "read the first word of each paragraph."

>> No.2031159


OP pic: Not a shoop. She's really hawking her DVD's on the street.

second pic is hoopdog, our hero.

third is "panty protest", girls were protesting a teacher who molested a student and didn't get fired.

fourth is new to me.

fifth is new too. I like the expression of horror on their faces, though.

sixth is hilarious. I like to think it's part of a neet retraining program.

seventh: No, a black person acting like a a Japanese is still a weeaboo. A Japanese acting like a black man is still a wigger.

>> No.2031173

>OP pic: Not a shoop. She's really hawking her DVD's on the street.

moar details, who is she? why was she driven to this?

>> No.2031169

>>2031143 We were all about 95


>> No.2031206

Fuck, i read the whole thing too

>> No.2031211


Always read the end first, newfriend.

>> No.2031274
File: 37 KB, 210x280, 1233873182519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she really selling her own DVD?
If she is then she is Saori Goto. She made the voice for Chitose in Galaxy Angel.
I think this is part of that DVD

>> No.2031281


An Idol that stops being an Idol. Japanese media used her up and cast her aside.

>> No.2031291


nope, it's a shop. we have stated this in the past 10000 threads about this OP pic.

>> No.2031296


>>Is she really selling her own DVD?

Yes, she's really selling her own DVD's. On the street. Like a huckster.

>> No.2031311

then what's that girl really doing on the street?

>> No.2031312

about the first pic I'm guessing that shes just a regular idol that was advertising her DVD, but got freaked out by the otakus at Akihabara. She probably made that face for just a sec, but the guy who took that pic is a genius for capturing that awesome second forever

>> No.2031331

Im guessing She's advertising something and someone shooped the Saori Goto DVD.
Shes not Saori Goto

>> No.2031338

It would be sad/funny if she were though...

>> No.2031343


OH bull-fucking-shit. Those arguments consisted of "The skin on her neck is darker than her face. Must be shoop!". Nobody else even -checked- the shadow gradient to see if the skin on her neck had the same tone as that of her face.

>> No.2031370


>> No.2031382


Everyone knows Saori Goto only really exists on your TV.

>> No.2031398
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 1233874280149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..... Looks like /jp/ needs an inside man......

Detective Benson! I'm assigning you the job to lurk the shit out of 2chan...

Report back to me in 24 hours!

>> No.2031421
File: 80 KB, 1020x360, 1233874496388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2031441

キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!!

>> No.2031451

Compare both pictures.


>> No.2031472

so tis true :(

>> No.2031486

It seems she's selling a DVD.

>> No.2031492

"Such a sad story ;_;" and "It's shopped, you morons!" are memes.

It's not shopped, it's not a sad story.

>> No.2031508

OP here.


Jesus, this thread's been around long enough.

>> No.2031512

something that happens every day in akihabara.

>> No.2031516

OP: Thanks.

All I needed to know. I mean, jeez guys, it's been at least three hours.

>> No.2031526
File: 11 KB, 131x225, 1233875886303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a shop; this is our favorite picture to repost over and over and argue about.

If you want to learn more, then just keep your eyes peeled; this gets reposted every other day.

>> No.2031534



>> No.2031538

it's because all of the other faggets never before have been to japan.

>> No.2031573

Stop posing as me.

>> No.2031598

It's not a shop, which you would know if you actually analyzed the goddamn picture with skills that consist of experience with programs -besides- MSpaint, fagabilly.

>> No.2031619


Could you be any more of a faggot ZUN? Fuck's sake.

>> No.2031655

First time I agree with you.
I'm tired of this repost.

>> No.2031730

Well but it is a shop. I've seen the original.

>> No.2031787


Let me guess, original is efg, AMIRIGHT?

>> No.2031813

She is Saori Goto, a Seiyu.

>> No.2031842

What else to expect from a loser namefag ??

>> No.2031857
File: 41 KB, 704x396, 1233880078206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2031914
File: 3 KB, 130x100, 1233880576454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2031927
File: 178 KB, 525x2000, 1233880650203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2032135

brb fapping

>> No.2032213
File: 216 KB, 482x482, 1233883043431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op pic is photoshopped. Repost is repost. Crazy gaijin try to make fun of Japan more than 9000 times. Goto Saori is famous seiyuu(voice Actoress). She works as seiyuu, but she is too shy to work in showbiz world. So some anon in Futaba(Toshiaki) make many photoshop pics of her like this.

>> No.2032335


Quoted For The Fucking Truth

>> No.2032366

>but she is too shy to work in showbiz world
her idol DVD actually exists

>> No.2032427

I don't know what do you want to say. The girl who stands in front of Akihabara station is some nameless idol. OP pic is changed her face and DVD and poster and price. Goto Saori is famous seiyuu, she has some radio programs, when she release new CD/DVD, she can tell/promote in her radio program. and Akihabara has many CD/DVD shops where many seiyuu can use for their promotions. She won't stand in front of Akihabara station like OP pic. If she stands like that, many people come to her and it will be some kind of panic.

>> No.2032520


You don't know how disposable your idols are in Akihabira, seeing as how you live in Hokkaido.

Go back to 2ch.

>> No.2032550

She did it wrong. Why do they always do it wrong?

>> No.2032553

Are you crazy gaijin? You really don't know Goto Saori. She is working as seiyuu, and she is too famous to stand in front of Akihabara station. FYI, it is prohibited to stand in front of Akihabara station for promotion of idols.

>> No.2032562

why retard gaijin can not understand photoshop pic? Are you really crazy like primitive man?

>> No.2032570

I read that it was a photoshopped image. It doesn't change the fact that it's wrong.

Vertical, not horizontal. Only emotards go horizontal.

>> No.2032566

OP is cute. Would hit it.

>> No.2032567


Are you crazy chibi? You really don't know reality. She was an idol who is now working as seiyuu, and she was too famous to stand in front of Akihabara station until the recession bit her in the ass. FYI, people gotta pay their bills.

>> No.2032575
File: 115 KB, 1024x779, 1233886279010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a promotion of gaijin in Japan.

>> No.2032590
File: 25 KB, 510x381, 1233886480927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard gaijin is retard

>> No.2032594


Naked man is Nipponese.

The gaijin is laughing.

>> No.2032603
File: 123 KB, 1024x779, 1233886634623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O Really?

>> No.2032609
File: 3.00 MB, 1440x1600, 1233886657066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really should back the fuck down before I arm the nukes.

>> No.2032615
File: 92 KB, 803x1205, 1233886723603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the story behind this picture?

>> No.2032626

This pic is older

>> No.2032634
File: 22 KB, 400x309, 1233886882312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2032643
File: 79 KB, 1024x779, 1233886989609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2032668

Sure is /b/ in here.

>> No.2032690

So when some stupid gaijin want to insult Japan, they can not tell the color of skin from white pigs.

>> No.2032726
File: 76 KB, 603x474, 1233887941493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2032727


We can. We can. Don't you know the tones of your own skin color? White Americans acquire marble tones when they don't get enough sunlight. When Japanese don't get enough sunlight, they look American.

>> No.2032742
File: 36 KB, 397x500, 1233888098272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a promotion of Korean Christian.

>> No.2032788
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1233888682629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a promotion of Korean voice actoress.

>> No.2032838


How can you tell the difference between Japanese azns and Korean azns?

>> No.2032844

Learn Korean flags and korean letters, hangul.

>> No.2032864


corean is beautiful master race, and japanese filthy monkey.

>> No.2032880
File: 142 KB, 450x346, 1233889748016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolwhat? this is korean before korea became a colony of Japan. They look like they don't know bath or shower.

>> No.2032913

That's Presbyterian to you.

>> No.2033020

I like how whenever Japanese post on here, they always post racist stuff about Koreans as if we actually care.

>> No.2033193

Fuck off jap

>> No.2033209


This thread had nothing to do with coreans either.

>> No.2033219

Get these Coreans out of here!

>> No.2033276

bump 4 lols
