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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 885 KB, 1086x1101, 70050238_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20300320 No.20300320 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally, there's some Chinese and Korean games too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:

>> No.20300406

Imagine how stinky Kyaru's farts would be

>> No.20300414
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>> No.20300421
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Why doesn't she bring us rainbow papers every time

>> No.20300498

Just stop.

>> No.20300698

Damn fuck. The clan battle bosses literally become cancer at round 6.

>> No.20300716

I wanna punch a traitor cat.

>> No.20300728
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>> No.20300982
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>> No.20300997
File: 1.32 MB, 392x362, KyaruNevia1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20301052
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It's Matsuri's birthday!

>> No.20301239

That's clearly a boy.

>> No.20301439

She's being extremely kind by not doing so. The unemployed rate would skyrocket if only rainbows got hired

>> No.20301977

>Famitsu doesn't have motif ratings
>.me doesn't have motif ratings

>> No.20302045

How the hell do you do decent damage to Sagittarius?

>> No.20302056

180 pdef/70 mdef on round 1
300 pdef/200 mdef on round 2
370 pdef/150 mdef on round 3

I'm not an expert at all in this but my guess is magic teams.

>> No.20302134
File: 484 KB, 300x300, 13.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha you have to comp your team around his bullshit instagib ub
>he is immune to phys dmg too because why not haha

>> No.20302148


>> No.20302149

The blind is what confuses me the most. It's so fucking random at times who gets hit by it.

>> No.20302151

His UB inflicts 30% HP to everyone and 90% if the target is blind. His skill1 blinds lowest HP target and deals magical damage while his sk2 deals magical damage and restores his tp by 450.

>> No.20302172

> His skill1 blinds lowest HP target
And yet that never seems to happen for me. I can have a DPS sitting on 20% health and it'll randomly fucking target Makoto who is at 90% health for example. I'm convinced it's bugged in some regard.

>> No.20302211

>1st form

>> No.20302228

Are you EOP? Did you read the video title?

>> No.20302260

We are talking about his 3rd form here arent we?

>> No.20302262

Yes, and it says it works on his 3rd form doesn't it? Not to mention the video is of his 2nd form, not 1st.

>> No.20302275

We are talking about these forms >>20302056

>> No.20302284


>> No.20302291

Oh they do have it. I checked the front page for both and they didn't have them there so I thought they were still "under review" or whatever.

>> No.20302296

I am talking about those forms too. I don't understand what you are confused about. The Sagittarius in the video is form 2 with 300 pdef/200 mdef.

>> No.20302335

Hmm seems like I confused those. The thing is when you bring him down to 1/2 hp bar, its really hard to deal decent damage on him

>> No.20302452

sky princess is top 2k for life now. i want off this timeline

>> No.20302539
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The GBF collab will bring new members to us

>> No.20302574

I can see how this will go already. I'll replicate it perfectly in practice and then end up with 800k in the real thing.

>> No.20302584

That was me today in clan battle. I did 1.2m to sagi then did 800k in the real thing.

>> No.20302768

You could get all of the motifs or at least 6 of them depending on how difficult the challenge tower thing will be. The coop ones isn't that hard since you can always be carried.

>> No.20303008

Maybe if 1) lazy faggots would actually log in for 5 minutes once a day and help and 2) faggots in general would stop leaving before the guild can actually fill. Until both of those points are addressed it doesn't matter how hard you try you'll always be stuck in the shitter ranks because you're fighting at 50% the effectiveness of any other guild.

>> No.20303036
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It works fine even when it's below 50% hp.
I did 1.2M damage with Christina at 4* and S.Tamaki at 3*. Everyone else 5*.

>> No.20303041

>Testing my third team
>"Alright, 1.2m is acceptable, lets test it a few times to see how reliable it is"
>Test ~10 times quickly to see
>Flawless every time
>Actual run starts
>Spaghetti everywhere, the blind stacks are all wrong, people are dying, oh god make it stop
I fucking hate it.

>> No.20303048
File: 24 KB, 225x225, yuito-kimura-cygames-r225x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you enjoy REEARU BATTORU loyal customer?

>> No.20303070


Service starts in a few days

>> No.20303090

Interesting. I will keep this comp in mind the next time I hit him

>> No.20303644

Joke's on you, nerds. I'm just here for the cute princesses. If you want esports tryharding in a one-click-gameplay-design autobattler, go find one of those nip clans that actually care about e-peen.

>> No.20303659

Kuuka can tank 2 UBs and all the blind shit.

>> No.20303708

>There is a Rune Saber LB rune for exchange in Shironeko which will expire at December 31
>Doesn't have any Rune Saber which can uses it aside 3* ones
Fuck. D'Artagnyan doesn't even need it since she is a hero-type.

>> No.20303720

And I already LB8'd all my rune sabers so I guess that thing is going to be wasted

>> No.20303742
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>> No.20303748

>esports e-peen
we try cb for the rewards
no one is forcing you to get x amount of points each month, contributing some half ass runs is perfectly fine too
let this sinks in your head a bit
high rank = more jewel = more fun gacha time for everyone to enjoy the game
its not even your duty but dont you, like, wanna make people around you happier?

>> No.20303778

Okay, I'll bite. Assuming you were actually being serious (you're not), the basis of your argument is "more fun gacha time." You don't need gacha to enjoy the game and "make people happier." You got meme'd by the gacha mechanic in 2018, point-in-case.

>> No.20303806

>saw through my bait instantly

>> No.20303876

You have fun with the princesses you don't have because you never use the gacha.

>> No.20304087
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I hope the xmas event isn't too baity, I need to save jewels and I ended up spending on monster strike even though I said i'd pass.

>> No.20304153
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Vice Prez has usurped the Prince.

>> No.20304171

>Sheryl suddenly way down in the shit tier when there hasn't been any blunt powercreep
>Suddenly the strictly bossing hammer girl is above her
>Aisha alone at the top

I don't understand what even happened here or how they came to this conclusion

>> No.20304187
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Based best girl.

>> No.20304188

>Chaguma Ruka on the same level as Summer tina
Whoever made this list was high as fuck, I love ruka but she's so awful to play as.

>> No.20305363
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>> No.20306069
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>> No.20306900
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New chapter begins. Thought I take the chance to ask if I'm the only one who is still playing it?

>> No.20306904

>Stop crying your heart out
Nice subtitle.

>> No.20307001 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1543167570422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new OST
>new story
>>new main characters

I've been waiting for Souma to be on the scooter.

I hope the anime will be good.

I like it too.

>> No.20307020

I could never get into it but I really liked the OST and will definitely watch the anime. Hopefully it'll be good.

>> No.20307027

So is it a prequel like SG;0?

>> No.20307052

No idea yet. I have to assume it's some kind of time traveling/alternative reality shit though.

>> No.20307175

>No takuya
This is some heresy.

>> No.20307799

>three stamina pillars
wait a minute
oh god please no
dear lord
i think i have wasted over 5 digit worth of stamina
so this is how not to play priconne

>> No.20307829

One pillar comes from killing hard boss, other one is from killing VH boss and the third is from killing EX boss.

>> No.20307838

There's 5 pillars in total anon...

>> No.20307841


>> No.20307852


>> No.20307858

Where is this from?

>> No.20307864
File: 868 KB, 663x837, 20181125_203229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's 5 unless you don't count the original one

>> No.20307891

I meant there's 4 in that picture

>> No.20307960
File: 46 KB, 456x306, DC8DE056-620A-48B0-975C-455D82691211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have been sitting in my box for god knows how long, over 8 months?
man it hurts, this should be day-one knowledge

>> No.20307972

??? were you not liking other people's rooms

>> No.20307980

>Has been playing for 8 months and didn't see all the stamina things in screenshots or other people's rooms
How did you get wifi under that rock?

>> No.20308016
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no bully please

>> No.20308038

I hope you aren't the shitposter who cried constantly about stamina. I took the effort to figure out exactly how much stam you get per day and listed it all out clearly.

>> No.20308046

Well look at the bright side, your progression rate is going to skyrocket now that you have like 500 more daily stamina

>> No.20308075

i have been progressing just fine without those pillars. its not that bad to cry about it like at all
im already at endgame so they are kinda pointless to have now. whatever i guess

>> No.20308189

Does anyone still play scooter? How generous are they during Christmas or anniversary? I have 87 stacks and I'm not sure if I should do 2 10x on the step up for a guaranteed 6*, though I can't get the guaranteed limited, or if I should save them.

>> No.20308223

There's >>20306900 so they might have some generous or nice campaigns planned for it soon.

>> No.20308338

I wanna lick Neneka's tummy.

>> No.20308474

People do that?

>> No.20308490

back when gold was actually needed to upgrade your stuff they did at least

>> No.20308612

Christmas and new year are good time. I'd save stacks for that time. Personally I hope for the release of the anime they will have something special.

>> No.20309112
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I was told to repost here. /vg/ dead?

mobage releases for this week:

Mist Gears
Phantasy Star Idola
Langrisser CBT (english global)
Grand Chase (english global)

(maybe?) Romancing Saga Re:Universe

>> No.20309122

>I was told to repost here. /vg/ dead?
Another guy living under a rock. /vg/ has been dead for a while now, its just a skeleton thread being kept alive by shitposters and a few anons with separation issues.

Idola's CBT was posted above I believe, service starts on the 27th so people that haven't done prereg and want to do it should.

>> No.20309123
File: 1.41 MB, 1789x1010, destiny knights eve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Destiny Knights

>> No.20309125


>> No.20309131
File: 54 KB, 640x814, E3DC6598-D41F-4BAE-86DC-DB8A48D8E443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to do your dailies in princess connect!

>> No.20309136

Hey, stop punching my wife.

>> No.20309191
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Thanks anon.

>> No.20309199
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Stop lewding Tsumugi

>> No.20309271
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It's her fault for being so cute.

>> No.20309676

Does this mean princess connect win google play award 2018?

>> No.20309881

Dumb seafag

>> No.20309923 [SPOILER] 
File: 82 KB, 640x842, 1543205586121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how horrible will the possessed Mari gacha be? Place your bets.
>Fallen Floras reprint, but that's still not enough filler so Flora Transform "reprints" as well
>maybe some other limiteds that weren't reran last time like Sin Aoi if lucky
>Maris leaves after 24 hours, replaced by another Flora Transform
I wish Kusopl didn't drop this bait right before Sadone's birthday.

>> No.20309932

Nominated for best of google play awards 2018

>> No.20309960

I hope sadone gets a really cute card

>> No.20310054
File: 86 KB, 900x250, image20181122_syoumetsu0_0release_muryo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One free limited 6* soul upon login until Dec 12. I guess this could be used for rerolling.

Since it's new main story time, there are some free stuffs including up to 200 stacks, except 100 of those are in multiplayer bonuses, and others are tied to story clear orders. I'm not sure if the stacks are meaningful enough for more rerolls.

There also seems to be a gacha renewal:
>6* rate increased from 2% to 3.5%
>Some souls are downgraded to non-limited status, generally Pygmalion series, Bonds in the Dark series, and the older tarot souls
It's something.

My phone is dogshit so I'm just logging in at this point.

>> No.20310063

>6* rate increased from 2% to 3.5%
I wish more games did gacha renewals like this, its pretty nice of them. Most of the time these games start at some ultra low % and stay there forever outside of super special events with increased rape up.

>> No.20310244
File: 255 KB, 1024x576, Onmyoji-Arena-x-InuYasha-Crossover_-Cara-Mendapat-Inuyasha-summary-1024x576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /mbgg/ play any MOBAs?

>> No.20310275

There's #Compass I believe but the few #Compass anons we had were among the few people with separation issues that would rather spend their days babysitting and keeping a dead thread off page 10 than to try to discuss things here which is a shame.

>> No.20310288

I liked the compass guy, he seemed nice.

>> No.20310455

Not really, they're too zoomer for me.

>> No.20310565
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>No Nozomi
>No Io

>> No.20310567

>Xmas Ayane
Oh no my crystals

>> No.20310614
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Evil Chika confirmed

>> No.20310616

KMR really knows how to drain my crystals

>> No.20310654
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My wife Kokkoro is so cute

>> No.20310656
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I'm the only one here playing it, but Akanesasu Shoujo suddenly has a Cardcaptor Sakura collab.

>> No.20310666

Whats Akanesasu Shoujo? Never seen it in these threads before.

>> No.20310679
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>> No.20310682

Who's going to be the freebie

>> No.20310708

>50 pieces
>1 million mana
>3 hearts
I'm too poor for this ;_;

>> No.20310710
File: 124 KB, 1200x674, akanesasu game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soshage that launched together with the anime airing this season. A tactical RPG with a separate plot from the anime, though for the most part the main cast is the same, with a new game-only main character.

Both the anime and the game are about a cast of five girls from our world and a girl from another one traveling to parallel worlds a-la Sliders, with elements of Quantum Leap, Spellbinder, Langoliers, and Kamen Rider thrown in.

Uchikoshi is credited for the original concept, although he's not writing the actual story. Both the anime and the game are flopping very hard, but both of them are also fun.

>> No.20310713

I don't know if I'll get to the mobile game since those games based on an anime don't really do it for me but i'll check out the anime probably.

>> No.20310719
File: 349 KB, 474x268, 001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than new Despair Mari, lineup is:
>Flora Transform
>Witch (3rd memorial)
ALL MARI. Sasuga Kusopl, a MariFes gacha right before Christmas month. Not to mention immediately after she got a new card in Hoshimori gacha too.
>the reprints and "reprints" will be a different weapon type than they were originally
>tfw there might be broken Maris of each weapon type if they'll keep dragging BGHS' corpse long enough
I give up.

>bonus story in event needs ridiculous amount of points
>there's nothing but a whole lot of trash on the way to it after the last reward worthy of mention that's not fun to reach as it is
They really expect everyone to roll this one.

>> No.20310725

Its not enough that mari falls to despair, players should too

>> No.20310736

>with a new game-only main character
>it's not another Asuka

>> No.20310738

They did that for Toji no miko too, they kept all the anime chars but the main character(s) were game only.

>> No.20310759

Tojis didn't have a setting where it was possible to see multiples of the same person interacting with each other, though. But yeah, different MCs for different medias isn't anything new.

>> No.20310761
File: 1.61 MB, 1334x750, CDF360EB-B70E-4AA8-9BD7-606D4273B92C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please redpill me on Rei’s unique

>> No.20310768

If you really want to make an educated decision with these, you should a while for people to try them out and see how good they are.

>> No.20310774

I thought having the game MC cameo in the anime was a nice touch for tojis personally, I wish more games connected their anime and games.

>> No.20310826

>500k something points until the bonus story.
>Only nets 600 or something points every run.
>Need 700ish runs to goal.
Even with using frep it's nothing but despair

>> No.20310887

What's the point of my precious tower rewards now that you can farm them willy nilly?

>> No.20310916

Somehow I get the impression that the implementation of these weapons was incredibly half-assed.

>> No.20310989

>Extra 200 stamina spent on hearts every day
>Drop rate even on level 2 is abysmal

>> No.20311021

That seems like a waste considering how little you need

>> No.20311039

You need 80 heart shards per character, that's not what I would consider little

>> No.20311043
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20181126-105331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Chika beat the game and get her mind wiped by Mana like Yuuki

>> No.20311053

Huh? You need 3 to make the equipment. That's all you need per character.

>> No.20311063

Nevermind, I'm dumb. Just saw you can upgrade them further. That's a yikes.

>> No.20311080

Better get started on grinding your extra Jun fragments.

>> No.20311089

>153 spare Jun frags
Yeah I think I'm fine on that

>> No.20311130

Sadly all of mine are sitting on <20 extra so I gotta go out and grind. It's fucking annoying you can't buy fragments from the shop when the characters are fully upgraded, I'd love to get Pudding stockpiled.

>> No.20311409
File: 171 KB, 1000x500, Ds6qkKrVsAUaKUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suddenly adding kaigan for 9 Babel Chronicle characters while some older 5* still haven't got it
Fucking Gomi.

>> No.20311618

Ideally they'll forget about this weapon thing and never add any again.

>> No.20311713

Is KMR actually a genius?

>> No.20311721

It'd be fine if they didn't use fragments because then it's just an upgrade that you can work towards slowly for characters when x2 rates aren't up. Right now though you're forced to blow a thousand whale tears on limiteds and now you gotta get another 50 for every other character you use too? It just seems like such a money grabbing move, especially when we're more than likely going to get 2 Christmas banners too. Apparently there's no such thing as too much money for KMR.

>> No.20311739

>Pecorine gets a new sword
>It already has a bite mark in it

>> No.20311758

>1650 tears to fully upgrade a 3* to 5* with weapon

>> No.20311759

Bro what if Peco bites me in our wedding night?

>> No.20311773

>Marrying someone of Peco's social class
In your dreams

>> No.20311834
File: 157 KB, 1200x750, Deu0oShUEAAdvfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Chika wasn't stuck in the clan battle shop

>> No.20311999

i wish she didnt sound like a hag

>> No.20312030
File: 134 KB, 640x840, Chika4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing she doesn't

>> No.20312040

hopefully Ayane

>> No.20312070

A-At least Nozomi's weapon is gonna be easy to get.

>> No.20312078

If only she had the sword against Kyaru Alter

>> No.20312094

Peco is actually good now?

>> No.20312192
File: 112 KB, 919x1140, 1540852586705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Increased all her base healing and gave her 2 (TWO) damage absorption shields

>> No.20312204
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>Everyone called her a traitor
>only member from the main cast not abandoning (You) for the shitty GBF collab
apologise to her

>> No.20312281

>main casts full of literal whos

>> No.20312298
File: 840 KB, 1264x710, Twinkle_Wish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the real main cast

>> No.20312329

I don't, they were boring.

>> No.20312499

How do people Kaigan limited or non perma characters in taga? I had a rough time getting enough shards just to 75 someone back when I played so getting enough character chards to 91 gacha only characters seems really painful.

>> No.20312622

Your game died for a reason. Let it go.

>> No.20312625

>Letting go of things
Go tell that to our friends at /vg/

>> No.20312849

Anyone else unable to update DMM to 2.4.6?
It just crashes abit after the install starts, doesnt seem to work even when I uninstalled and tried again.

>> No.20312856

Ask the DMM thread, if anyone knows it's them.

>> No.20312859

Keep trying, it'll eventually work. That was a known problem with DMM fucking something up and a lot of people were unable to update.

It might be faster to reinstall DMM if you have a fast connection that can chug through all the gbs you have to redownload but else try switching connections or just retry until it works.

>> No.20312878
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>a party wasn't found so we forced one onto you to lead
Stop it. Why is this a thing? There's a different button for that, why would you make a second button do the same thing when it should only do something else?

>> No.20312881

>Every trio of seasonals contains 2 strong characters and one weak character
Who will it be this time?

>> No.20312883

Maybe the game thinks you're a natural born leader. Though I've never had that happen to me when doing my coops.

>> No.20312903

My phone is so filled up with mobile games that I'm considering getting a new device to play stuff, I've finally gone off the deep end here.

>> No.20312918
File: 128 KB, 850x1341, __sora_arknights_drawn_by_alpha_ypalpha79__sample-af4fbb779e5f61e2f82e003defa42428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know whatever happened to Arknights?

They were supposed to have a collab with Azur lane and had an alpha/beta a few months ago so I was really looking forward to their release then absolutely nothing. Its like they just suddenly disappeared off everyone's radar.

>> No.20313152

The game is dead, move on

in November 30th it'll be a year since the first cbt

>> No.20313171
File: 403 KB, 1280x1961, __arknights_drawn_by_lebring__0c40bab0b91f30304290b7e104352786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its been a year since the cbt for it
Wow, time sure flies. I hope they release it someday though, I'd love to have a nice tower defense game that isn't aigis and the game looked promising.

I think there was that Chinese tower defense game that was advertised on the DMM thread or a bit but nobody ever talked about it or posted about it so I'm back to waiting on Arknights someday.

>> No.20313187

10th project? Is getting a jp release soon, and you can try it in CN.

>> No.20313193

>Its getting a JP release soon
Cool, I was sort of put off the CN release because I missed their launch window due to real life problems and didn't want to feel like I was behind everyone else but maybe I'll give the JP release a whirl.

Do they have some kind or prereg or is the JP release a TBA thing?

>> No.20313287


>> No.20313678
File: 93 KB, 843x1024, Ds8YbnoUcAAz1d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20313703

Is there a rundown of what the new weapons do in PriConne?

>> No.20313711

Basically the good ones are Kurumi, Rei and Peco. Kyaru doesn't seem too bad either.

Peco is the clear winner here though, she becomes Jun 2.0 with her personal equipment.

>> No.20313712


>> No.20313730

Is there a gacha without daily chores?

>> No.20313741

Most of the games have daily tasks but I dont think missing dailies hurts you much in some games

>> No.20313753


>> No.20313779

I guess I'll focus on Rei and Peco for now. Rei actually looks like a decent choice for CBs now? Though I'm not entirely sure how potent she is compared to the usual suspects like Makoto.

>> No.20313782

Rei isn't going to overtake makoto but if you used her or had her leveled then she just got a lot nicer.

>> No.20313818

Maybe in conjunction with Makoto instead? Getting rid of Mutsuki would be useful since she barely does any damage.

>> No.20313841

in M.O.E. the daily quests just give you money, so you can ignore them for the most part

>> No.20314450
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181126-165527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mana on main account
>log out of main account
>play brand new for shits and giggles
>try for mana with 50 gems
This game I swear.

>> No.20314459

You fell for the curse of alts, this always happens to me and I typically end up rerolling or playing on an account that wasn't my original account on pretty much every game I play sooner or later.

>> No.20314487

Yea. As much as I love her she ain't worth losing my progress, even if it's only about 5 months worth of upgrades and whatnot.

Have there been any collab characters that remain top dog tier for a long time anyway?

>> No.20314497

I wouldnt reroll for Mana either, I'm just saying that I often end up raising an alt and said alt ends up far better than my main because I did a lot of dumb shit on my main, wasted stuff I wasnt supposed to waste or just general newbie mistakes while I already know exactly what to do and what not to do on an alt.

As for collab characters, I think the strongest collab character was that one miku last year? I'm personally expecting a huge powercreep in new years so I wouldnt worry much about characters now unless you really like them.

>> No.20314531

I don't think anyone's worth that unless you love the character enough regardless of power. Maybe not even then.

I've got an alt that I play around with sometimes, and it got my main 10-pick target a while back. But I'm still sticking with my main account, hoping to eventually do the same on it.

>> No.20314538

Yeah I forget that this game can save your stuff with your email, so I'll just use my spam email. And play it for when I get bored.

>> No.20314558

>collab characters that remain top dog tier for a long time
It's the opposite as far as I know. Some might prove to be useful for some specific thing once in a blue moon, but you barely see them in coop after their event is over, usually. Well, that goes for a lot of regular characters I guess. No idea what makes Mana so good now and if it has potential to last, I didn't bother checking out the collab characters.

>> No.20314728

which pricunny is your prihunny?

>> No.20314734

There's a /vg/ thread alive if you want to go there instead

>> No.20314753

I don't know what that means but I love every princess and Muimi

>> No.20314764

I sort of wish collab characters were better. Shironeko doesn't get the best collabs but it'd be nice if I liked a series and could use the character without them going to shit instantly after their event is over.

I'm looking forward to the xmas girls and the xmas event myself. Hope the gacha doesnt fuck me.

>> No.20314797
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>> No.20314854

I think she's mainly rated so high since she's great against big bosses and the current event boss is really big. I expect she'll go back down some once we're up against smaller bosses again.

But she's also quite good at general area-clearing, and she buffs the party's attack/skill damage.

>> No.20314874

I can't wait for tumugi to be in shops

>> No.20314923
File: 257 KB, 1000x1414, kbp_idolaphantasystar_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here going to try out Idola?

>> No.20314974

While preparing to play it I realized I lost my Google Authenticator for my Sega ID. Fucking hell.

>> No.20315080


>> No.20315276

>Had a bit of space left on my device
>Using it all for epic7 so can't try idola

I really need a new device with more space.

>> No.20315346

Are you retarded? With 2FA, you always need to keep the backup codes in store.

>> No.20315401

As if I know where I saved some QR code years ago.

>> No.20315404

Not him but I usually email myself account information and label it as ACC INFO for these kind of cases

>> No.20315511

With a level 50 blossom wish, Yui can heal for just over 9.5k, probably over 10k once it gets higher level. Now that's just silly.

>> No.20315513

Peco becomes absolutely unkillable with her personal equipment too. Can even tank the chimera wipe on EX dungeon and heal up.

>> No.20315525


>> No.20315532

>Customer survey
Hopefully its not a joke like the granblue one where they ask you a bunch of stupid unrelated questions and the only granblue related one is "Would you play granblue if it was on steam?"

>> No.20315551

>Just wanted to pop in and let everyone know it seems to be running on Bluestacks 4 for now. First pull takes less than a minute (just restart the app to try again). The 5 star unit is automatic, but I don't think it's a genuine 5 star. It looks like the tutorial pull only gives you 2-3 star units that have been upgraded to 5 star.

If anyone is trying idola out, this seems to be some useful information in this gematsu article.

>> No.20315553

Do I get bonus jewels if I say in the survey my favorite Princess is the same as KMR's? (Hint: The answer is Kuuka)

>> No.20315606

Idola has worse attack animations than most flash games. Already dropped.

>> No.20315687
File: 272 KB, 379x378, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh time to look up art for this mobage i'm playing
>All the bad art that looks like children scribbles
>All the horrible porn that makes you ask why would anyone draw that

>> No.20315810

Apparently someone made a general for idola over here if anyone is interested

>> No.20315875

>Colopl has announced Project Babel, a new RPG for smartphones featuring a scenario by Kazushige Nojima (Final Fantasy VII, Dragons Dogma Online, etc.) and sound by Hitoshi Sakimoto (Final Fantasy XII, Tactics Ogre, etc.). It will be a free-to-play title with item-based micro-transactions.

>> No.20315885

On a princess connect note, the priconne x granblue collab will be December 9th - 21st. Hopefully we get something on our side too.

>> No.20315889

I wouldn't be surprised if they were literally using flash to create those animations. I really hate how it's become "okay" to have these kinds of production values in mobages, surely SEGA can spare enough money to have sprites made out of more than a single static image?

>> No.20315891

Are they really that bad?

>> No.20315900

But i don’t want homoshit from gbf in my princess connect

>> No.20315901

I don't either but it would be really nice if we got a campaign or more free things. Probably not getting a character because xmas limiteds.

>> No.20315905

You can look at the trailer on the app store. I dunno if it qualifies as "that bad", FGO does the same shit and it's making bank so clearly people don't give a fuck.

>> No.20315918
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>> No.20315921

Hatsune is the cutest sleepyhead

>> No.20315925

What does Hatsune smell like?

>> No.20315974

will we ever get a mini clip like this instead of 4koma manga?

>> No.20315980
File: 884 KB, 1200x1200, 71838819_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notification of implementation of 1st『Princess Connect!Re:Dive』 customer questionnaire/survey

This time, in order to offer a service that lets our customers enjoy the game even more, from 27 Nov, 3pm jst, 1st「Princess Connect!Re:Dive」customer questionnaire/survey will be implemented
Therefore, after checking the contents listed below, we seek your cooperation with regards to the questionnaire/survey

■ Duration implemented
27 Nov, 3pm jst till 4 Dec, 2.59pm jst

■ Way to answer
Enter your answers on each respective topic in the questionnaire/survey page, and tap the send (送信) button that is displayed at the bottom of the page once you are done

■ Questionnaire/Survey page
1st「Princess Connect!Re:Dive」customer questionnaire/survey is here, https://questant.jp/q/ZJC9WARQ
When you tap the link, an external browser will be start up

■ Regarding checking of Player ID and entering it
By following the procedure below, you can check your Player ID (プレイヤーID) and paste your Player ID on the questionnaire/survey page
1. Tap[Menu](メニュー) from the footer menu in-game
2. Tap [Profile](プロフィール). Player ID will be displayed in the Player ID field
3. Tap[ID Copy](IDコピー) that is on the right of the Player ID field
4. On the Player ID field of the questionnaire/survey page, paste the Player ID that you copied just now

■ Points to note
1. You can only answer the questionnaire/survey once with each account
2. If questionnaire/survey page is closed before it is completed, the contents entered will be resetted
3. In order to answer the questionnaire/survey, Player ID is needed
For Player ID, please check the above「Regarding checking of Player ID and entering it」

Old news about equips and the sacred ruins

>> No.20316013

How come no one thinks it's strange that a tiger beast girl and an elf girl are siblings

>> No.20316026

We're getting a login bonus like GBF got with Spechan

>> No.20316124

If GB side already teases collab characters, there's no reason PriConne shouldn't as well. So yeah, no characters are likely. I expect only some special login and furniture or something, otherwise a Djeeta pickup with free rolls would be fitting if they'll feel generous.

>> No.20316484

So that's why I was not able to beat the Pecos in arena now. Is Nozomi's good? I upgraded her equip to lvl90 without realizing what those even do since she is one of my go to tank. Guess gonna had to farm some pecoshards and more hearts for fat princess then.

>> No.20316485
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>> No.20316493
File: 2.51 MB, 1334x750, 00396F01-2FF9-4FEC-8C67-BBE887411746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please remember to do your dailies in princess connect!

>> No.20316503

You can't make me.

>> No.20316516

I wish we were less limited by stamina so I can keep connecting with my princesses all day

>> No.20316538

>Limit Muimi's esper powers in game
>Doesn't limit Hatsune's
Nice going devs

>> No.20316590

>Need to dump stamina into hearts now
>Need to dump stamina into x2 normal when it's up
>Need to dump stamina into daily hard modes you need (Ilya, Kyouka, whatever)
>Need to dump stamina into farming 50+ shards of every single character for their equipment now
>All with an extremely limited stamina supply and somehow keeping up to date with equipment
This game needs half elixirs.

>> No.20316765

Is this the Dragalia killer?

>> No.20316770

Wtf I hate Kuuka now

>> No.20316800
File: 101 KB, 589x930, Dghpu4CUwAA7ceb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuuka did nothing wrong

>> No.20316894
File: 59 KB, 506x253, rank_171017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have there been any collab characters that remain top dog tier for a long time anyway?
The longest that I know is Hanasaki Miku. Undertaker meta didn't take off right away until late October (or probably even as late as early Nov) so she was able to escort the ZC couple for almost two months.

>> No.20317029

Mana isn't that good for small bosses and she is somewhat vulnerable when casting S1 and after her S2 animation. She sucks on gimmicky enemies like the small skull heads on island 13 coop which can only be damaged with normal attack. She is good for the large boss like current coop event and lightning quests for that elemental sword.

>> No.20317034
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This cat is in heat.

>> No.20317045
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>Only guy around is Okto

>> No.20317160
File: 1.13 MB, 1232x598, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suya suya

>> No.20317166

A punch to the gut will fix that.

>> No.20317371
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>> No.20317545

/vg/ thread died again
So close.

>> No.20317552 [DELETED] 

heh I tricked them again with the old sage trick

>> No.20317553

>shitposts itself to oblivion
>still didn't make it
But alive thread

>> No.20317659

FGO is a mix of Fatefags and battered wife/Stockholm syndrome. If the rates were better it wouldn't be as financially-successful, although it'd still turn enough of a profit to keep the server lights on.

>> No.20317707
File: 628 KB, 1030x1013, JointPics_20181128_015648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I used up several years of my luck for this roll.

>> No.20317713

Is this like every mari in two 10-rolls? That seems pretty amazing

>> No.20317762

I'm honestly surprised they're still trying. I've not looked at the /vg/ side since this was originally made on /jp/ a few threads ago but it has been quite comfy with steady actual discussion which is pretty nice.

>> No.20317776

From what I've seen: The only discussion left there is the Houkai translator guy, tales updates and AGA and it gets BURIED in a sea of shitposting, just look at >>>/vg/235358068

The Houkai person probably got the idea Chinese stuff isn't allowed here for some reason when nobody has shit on either since the thread was made but it just can't be helped I guess.

>> No.20317817

If Kyaru equips Pecorine's 「Royal Armament 」 is there anyone that can stop her?

>> No.20317917


Compile heart mobage

>> No.20318038
File: 195 KB, 631x1200, Ds27wm9VsAU8coz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compass has updated with a few balance changes. For cards, only the global purge was changed with the cooldown rising from 38 to 48 seconds.
For heroes, Noho:
>Defence increased from 1.05 to 1.10
>Barrage cards are now 15% faster overall

>Damage interval of hero skill reduced by 0.1 seconds, does more frequent damage now
>Damage dealt by hero skill increased by 5%

>Hero skill needs 18% less to charge
>Close range cards are now 12% faster overall

>Hero skill needs 10% less to charge

>Tesla's wall now applies a 5 second stun upon contact
>Tesla's wall pushes hit enemies 25% further back

>Minikuma bomb that drops upon death has a 1 second shorter fuse time
>Minikuma also moves 50% faster
>Long range cards are now 15% slower overall
>Max radius of hero action reduced by 13%

>Defence modifier decreased from 0.9 to 0.8

Nice to see Tesla getting a buff to make his wall not so bad any more.
Here are updated casting times by card/hero: https://app.famitsu.com/20170706_1080488/
Re:Zero reprint on the 1st.

>> No.20318075

I don't play compass but I've always really liked that cute girl with the two hair colors, megu I think. She and Lyrica are really cute.

>> No.20318115
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Pinnacle taste my friend

>> No.20318436
File: 123 KB, 640x840, Ayane4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will we know who the welfare is

>> No.20318444

After GW ends

>> No.20318491

>It's nearly over
Thank god.

>> No.20318904

By the time GW ends the event would have already stated

>> No.20318935

>Liked the story and characters
>Dropped it after I saw forced Idola battle for dailies
If anyone decided to sticks on it, it seems it has guaranteed 5* random characters gacha ticket every 300-rolls.

>> No.20318977

What's that? Forced PvP garbage?

>> No.20319049
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x523, soul-seeker-six-knights-feature-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came out today

>> No.20319058

Oppai loli

>> No.20319099

What's an upcoming game that I should be hyped for?

>> No.20319125

uma musume if it ever gets released

>> No.20319163

why would you ever be hyped for cygames garbage?

>> No.20319345
File: 529 KB, 756x1149, YamiMariGacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descend of Despair (on players' wallets) is out. This gacha turned out to be even lazier than it seemed.
>new Mari skill: 10 combo/ proficiency, affinity lv.2, 2 hits, rarely deadly poison
>skill animation is THE SAME as Flora, only with ominous purple effects and the sword you get from giving Kusopl money instead
>original Flora has a weaker first hit, this has the same damage on both and overall higher
So basically an upgraded Flora Mari. And Flora Mari is still good so this is top tier for buffs alone.

>original Story 3 Maris had event bonus instead of their new copypasta counterparts for a short time
At least they gave out gems for that and most people wouldn't know anyway.

Anyway, I'd never think rolling both the broken Maris could be disappointing. Still happy I finally got proficiency on spear, but the main prize eluding you is just that big I guess. Especially when the outfit type/theme is in your top 3. RNG please have mercy on Sadone's birthday.

Congrats, you don't see 3 *4 rolls that often these days.

>> No.20319408
File: 215 KB, 432x1059, Marice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a hunch this was just a recolor but even the animation is the same?
Sasuga Sakamoto-P

>> No.20319538


>> No.20319557

>Manlets and goblinas
No thanks.

>> No.20319565
File: 390 KB, 1028x1400, goblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having taste this shit.

>> No.20319575
File: 117 KB, 800x1413, 1522117749778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like shortstacks and goblins are okay, but those look more like those trolls with the wacky hair you saw in the 80s.

>> No.20319860
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1538633176128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he made another thread

>> No.20319869

Just ignore them and don't give him the attention he wants, he's probably going to keep going forever.

>> No.20319872

Why does every game insist on shoehorning in some sort of PvP? I hate it.

>> No.20319888
File: 712 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181127-181002_Google Play Store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no.

>> No.20319905

I literally just pre registered for that.

>> No.20319930

>2 year old game

>> No.20319949

Redpill me on this game.

>> No.20319957

Korean grindfest in English

>> No.20320370
File: 193 KB, 1260x710, arum arena of valor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Chinese overlord Tencent™ commands you to play Arena of Valor. It has waifus.

>> No.20320373

I want my Chinese overlords to give me more information about Houkai 4th or Arknights instead

>> No.20320443

On the topic of honkers, I'm going to miss the updates and translations for sure. Guess I'll have to start relying on that fansite more.

>> No.20320470

Mobages are dead

>> No.20320520

get fucked dumb americans

>> No.20320578

Another nail to the coffin of the argument that the gacha system is yet another idea the west tries to imitate from Asia but ultimately struggles because very obvious differences in markets, among other things, that anyone with 2 brain cells can figure out.

>> No.20320859

>1 hour of no posts
>still alive and well
Why are we still staying in /vg/, again?

>> No.20320872

The /vg/ thread hasn't completed a thread since epic7 release which was more than two weeks ago so you can safely ignore that.

>> No.20320876

Why can't they just include step-up pulling for a guaranteed SSR/5* for lootboxes? That'll shut the people off.

>> No.20320897


Apparently its a december release

>> No.20320941
File: 458 KB, 358x636, 0kG2qp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP PaniPani. I never played you but I just found out you had cute stamps.

>> No.20320945

Did they end up closing it?

>> No.20320953
File: 461 KB, 358x636, SAxvFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP, you will be missed.

Not especially by me, but I'm sure by someone.

Yeah, seems it just went down.

>> No.20320957

Rest in peace, I remember it for being that one game colopl didn't know what to do with.

>> No.20321127

>announce service closure just around weeks before it's 1st anniversary.

Speakung of dead games, Divine Gate gets its plugs pulled in two weeks. Seems like they have a lot of units planned for release, too bad the 0 update kills the game pretty much immediately.

>> No.20321128

>Another coop with stone slab which need 2k runes in Shironeko

>Had capsule system
>Adding gacha which even trash 3* equips are better than most equips from capsules
>Alternative gacha jobs are gacha-only
I wonder if it's even salvageable in the first place since Kusopl will nevet get enough profit from capsules system.

>> No.20321621
File: 883 KB, 1080x1080, 1543341398678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual AG winter stuff (free rolls, login outfits, stock gacha etc.)

>> No.20321692
File: 1.50 MB, 1408x792, 105431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Tsumugi have a paizuri hole

>> No.20321771
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>> No.20321777
File: 40 KB, 1200x675, DtDDdNrV4AAZYXE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20321979

Shit rates and you need dupes to make charcters viable
This was kind of balanced by the Korean version giving you a 10 roll almost every other day through daily gem sources
The JP release nerfed freebie gems hardcore and EN might pull something similiar

>> No.20322008

>The Houkai person probably got the idea Chinese stuff isn't allowed here for some reason when nobody has shit on either since the thread was made but it just can't be helped I guess.
If I had to guess, i think it is because /jp/ in general fucking hates when chink/gookshit is posted and maybe some people thought it applied to this general too. And to be honest, /jp/ is quite selective with the things they allow. For example Idolmaster threads are okay but if a Lovelive thread appears, they just want it dead as soon as possible. No idea if that's still the case, I stopped coming to this board since a bit more than 2 years

>> No.20322033

Rice hands

>> No.20322047

But who was phone?

>> No.20322434

These clan battle bosses are such a pain in the ass. I don't even feel like trying.

>> No.20322453
File: 1.04 MB, 3594x1200, Schools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whose school would you go to?

>> No.20322524
File: 128 KB, 1080x604, de7c35e00c44228dc51146af046c0109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reasons to not post Houkai aren't related to this board.

I didn't like how part of the playerbase was alienated constantly because they played in a server some JP players didn't like. It wasn't even a sort of friendly banter like "I shit on you for playing there but I'll help you with your questions anyway". They were unhelpful posts that discouraged future talk. To me everyone is playing the same game I like so I'm willing to help with anything regardless of version but not everyone shared that sentiment.

There aren't many /mbgg/ Houkai players left. Shitting on another Houkai player and then turning around and ask to be helped didn't sit well with me. I figured the split was a good time to stop posting altogether but then /vg/ refused to die so I kept posting there a bit longer. Once it dies for good my Houkai posting will die as well.

Haven't posted about Rays here since someone else brought up the game in the other thread and not here. Figured I'll keep talking about it there for a while in case they're there and not here. New version coming up in a few days so that seems a good time to start posting here and only post in the other thread if someone has a question.

>> No.20322791

>Xmas Sayuri
Haven't played in a while but how come it feels like she's getting the shion treatment with a bunch of treatments?

>> No.20322821

They probably weren't even Houkai players dude, the thread as a whole had a gigantic shitposting problem where everything would get shit on regardless of what it was. No new games were allowed, existing games got constantly shit on, new people were constantly bullied out and the general basically froze itself in a permanent cycle of eternal hostility and shitposting to the point it just simply died.

We haven't had none of that since the thread moved here because its a different board that's slow as molasses and has a different culture/moderation where someone trying to apply their /vg/ style shitposting will get deleted before they can collect their replies. Stay here for a while and notice how the move was actually beneficial because nobody has to take shifts to keep the thread alive or how you can actually talk about things without getting constantly shit on which is really nice and why everyone ended up moving here.

>> No.20322843

I don't play Honkers but don't let a few sour grapes spoil the bunch. The /vg/ shitposters would hate on everything regardless of what game it was so just take it with a grain of salt. We've had none of that shit here (so far) for whatever it's worth.

>> No.20322853

>with a bunch of treatments
Well I meant a bunch of limiteds, my bad.

>> No.20323014

Hopefully you realize we had this same, exact problem with the last Houkai guild leader. Game was picked up to shitpost by people and he actually let the shitposters get to him then proceeded to nuke every single resource he ever made to fuck over everyone that played because some shitposters that didn't even play the game just wanted to funpost about it.

So please don't allow some shitposting to ruin everything for the people that are actually interested in the game or play it again.

>> No.20323063
File: 111 KB, 638x640, Ds_2LeoU0AE1nd3-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More compile heart mobage news

>> No.20323078

this too

>> No.20323672

>30 minutes before reset with 1 fight left to do
>Game kicks me out and wont let me back in
Is KMR sabotaging my CB score?

>> No.20323679

>priconne maint out of nowhere
haha thank you kmr. its not like i wanna do my daily cb runs or anything

>> No.20323690

>Doing maintenance BEFORE the reset instead of shortly after it
What kind of incompetent moron do you have to be to not see the problem behind this?

>> No.20323693

Wow I'm glad I JUST finished my runs

>> No.20323696
File: 5 KB, 150x135, 1539149691058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already posted news about the maintenance, it's entirely your fault that you didn't read it

>> No.20323699

>still have 3 runs left

>> No.20323700
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1536360725033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't leave things for the last minute. Hope you learned your lesson, baka gaijins.

>> No.20323701


>> No.20323707

>priconne maintenance announced a week before and half an hour before
>people don't read announcements and complain about it anyway
Sometimes I wonder why they even bother announcing maintenance.

>> No.20323709

They did? Last maintenance notice I saw was for the 26th. Still doesn't change the fact that the timing is god awful and the person who decided it needs a slap in the face.

>> No.20323711

>2x drop rates over
>Event hasn't started

>> No.20323724
File: 36 KB, 400x502, raff5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with this maint, sky princess is 100% out of top 1k

>> No.20323733
File: 207 KB, 451x274, top 500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20323743

nice shop

>> No.20323746

thats like posting a cute trap without showing bulge

>> No.20323747

It's not a shop, it's actually real. I took it like 10 minutes after CB started.

>> No.20323755

I think you missed the /vg/ thread friend

>> No.20323764

what did he mean by this?

>> No.20323770

My guild was in the top 10 for a good while then we dropped hardcore as expected, it was nice while it lasted.

>> No.20323775

I'm sorry, Sky Princess. It looks like this is the end for us..

>> No.20323793
File: 16 KB, 128x128, 0p1FhDi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't give up!

>> No.20323797
File: 145 KB, 475x440, jAQWKq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every 25 hits, atk is buffed by 30% for 15s/ each following set of 25 hits adds 10% up till 50%
This sounds a bit more interesting than the usual tablet stuff.

Didn't they also boast how the game has no gacha, before adding it after all? Didn't last them very long.

>> No.20323808

Yeah they boasted about their capsule stuff but then it ended horribly, added gacha when the capsule stuff failed completely and then service closure I guess.

>> No.20323812

its already too late. im packing up my things right now

>> No.20323818
File: 18 KB, 128x128, JMV23AX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't cause it's maintenance

>> No.20323820
File: 316 KB, 777x712, It was like she was looking at walking garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all over. Our dreams of a top 1000 finish are simply impossible to achieve now. There's no reason to try anymore.

>> No.20323847

feel kinda bad for some nips in our clan, at least they tried. meanwhile our baka gaijins are just goofing around

>> No.20323859

They couldn't even reach #1 so don't feel sorry for them, they're part of the problem.

>> No.20323926
File: 117 KB, 622x998, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as expected, the nips are raging too

>> No.20324003

I just don't see why they couldn't delay it by 30 minutes to prevent this situation from happening in the first place.

>> No.20324058

If Sky Princess doesnt/at least try to improve, im leaving.

>> No.20324069

They found out she was Shion-tier popular when they did that in-game poll a while back and Shion, Sayuri and Chiho came top

>> No.20324072

Good Riddance

>> No.20324075

The poll was a mistake, I was pretty comfortable with my two sayuri limiteds a year but now she had like 3 in 6 months

>> No.20324103

>Paired with Sayuri

Halloween after swimsuits. I forget what else before that. It's more than usual but not quite Nono tier yet, who wasn't getting any new standard gacha additions for almost a year.

>> No.20324162

Honestly we just need to get more guys, I don't care if it's nips or reddit or whatever, but if we keep kicking and not replacing them then it's no wonder that we keep dropping

>> No.20324353

Where is the option to leave a clan anyway? I can't find it.

>> No.20324377
File: 71 KB, 1024x576, 🍮.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuranbatoru kaisai-chuu wa dattai ga dekimasen

>> No.20324380

Can't leave a clan during GW and you shouldn't anyway, get your rewards first then leave.

>> No.20324459

Please don't leave me alone.

>> No.20324517

I just noticed the level 6 dailies.

>> No.20324587
File: 373 KB, 570x398, 1531907866086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking deer should have been the final clan boss. It's way harder than the Sagittarius.

>> No.20324645

We need to find more friends

>> No.20324664

I've seen it posted a lot in these threads but this is actually the first time I see gameplay of #compass

>> No.20324710

You were supposed to be one..

>> No.20324721

But I'm not leaving

>> No.20325003
File: 413 KB, 640x633, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy to hear that.

>> No.20325609

Anon pls. None of your members would survive round 6+ anyway.

>> No.20325781

Might have to abandon sky princess for a random nip clan
There’s no way we’re going to fill our 15~ dead slots

>> No.20325995
File: 50 KB, 257x359, 65D1A4B2-CA2D-434A-8935-917480BC5F95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you going Kishi-kun?

>> No.20326065

Do it anon. I abandoned Sky Princess months ago and I've been in a top 500 nip clan that's pretty chill ever since.

>> No.20326066 [SPOILER] 
File: 279 KB, 752x376, 1543465112395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BGHS Christmas leaks.
>5 skills and one subcard according to 5ch
>first row looks like the girls have a card for themselves
>triple select(?) for second row girls
I'm tired of trying to guess what do they want to do here.

>> No.20326068

That kanon looks really cute

>> No.20326110

Don't do it. 500 more jewels is worthless when you think about it.

>> No.20326132

I'm mildly upset Renge and Kokomi are in gacha again so soon after their paizuri suits.

>> No.20326316
File: 261 KB, 1178x1500, Dq5wMFBU0AAHFH0.jpg-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, f*f gets mentioned all the time, but those two are getting more cards than they should be too. I never got the impression they're anywhere that popular to warrant it though. So I guess they're still higher than some other girls, or maybe Kusopl has two separate conditions for who makes it in for new cards: popularity or boobs. Then again, that doesn't explain the severe lack of Anko.

>> No.20326317

Stressing out over clan ranking for that extra 500 jewels is funny given that you're just gonna get an extra dupe Kuuka 97% of the time with those jewels anyways.

>> No.20326329

>tfw blew 50k and didnt even get H.Misaki
I know bro, i know

>> No.20326342

But im gonna need those 500 jewels to refill stamina for hard maps since frags are no longer useless

>> No.20326344

You absolutely deserved that

>> No.20326351

Im still sad ;_;

>> No.20326366
File: 825 KB, 1000x1000, 70503424_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of okay with it, after Anko's birthday (and phantom thief Renge) I could use some time to save back up for future Ankos.

>> No.20326434


Prereg is open

>> No.20326469
File: 1.95 MB, 1200x1000, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, I didn't know this was happening.

>> No.20326487

>get to save up for her if popular, but little screentime/merch/etc.
>gems on shoestring budget if popular with frequent cards, but get to see her a lot in stories
Both have their pros and cons. Maybe some other games have it better, but BGHS has become so blatant about favouritism that if you like the popular girls, everything is hell. Especially with the 1+1 shit they're pulling, yet they keep pushing out multiple gachas each event. Reprints all the way, but still. And I'm not even counting in birthdays.

>> No.20326597

Will PB save this wretched general?

>> No.20326625
File: 65 KB, 776x550, 1541127636449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added bonus to being on the unpopular side is that you'll have a bit easier time with ranking events. Though I hope Anko doesn't get one of those for a while, since then I'll want to spend gems anyway for point boost.

But yeah, I feel like medium popularity is the best place for a favorite to be in most games. Not popular enough that you never get a break from gacha, but not unpopular enough that the devs and fanartists completely forget them.

It's also not helping my gem supply that I got lazy about dailies a while back, so I've been getting 6/day instead of 11/day. But oh well.

>> No.20326633

Wait for gameplay news..

>> No.20326640
File: 1.09 MB, 640x842, DtJiIy1U0AA3kPb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Misaki is super limited and gets replaced with Eve Miki on 3rd
>Eve cards as reprint filler
>Subaru, Kaede, Misaki subcards in scampoints similarly to Moonstone Miki group card, except there's no trace of Kaede&Subaru having another card of their own, and that means no outfits
What the fuck Kusopl. I wonder what's the chance they'll have the outfits as ranking rewards, with no accompanying card. If there's 5 skills, then ranking rewards are still up in the air.

>> No.20326649
File: 1.10 MB, 640x842, DtJh7c-UwAAn5oz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6-day ranking in schedule
>stray irous hunt this time, get your swimsuit Itsukis ready
>separate coop point rewards from hitting other Senseis' irouses
>rewards include some coat recolors (is this third time?)
>last content update in current schedule is 12th, but event lasts until the end of the month

>> No.20326766

I want time to save. Anko-fags only had her birthday to worry about since Aquamarine.

Popularity-wise, pretty much all of the 3rd years got combined into Shiho. Add some house-wife and she ended up covering the strike-zone for a lot of the other girls. Kokomi is just for lewd and getting memed on, so she kinda serves both as a bad roll and a desired one.

>Subaru, Kaede, Misaki subcards
The chance they were select card was slim with there being a group icon. Guess they abandoned that idea after Valentine's since it gave players too much choice over their RNG.

>coat recolors
Yes it's the third time and worst outfit they could recolor. Really giving those color sliders a work out this year.

>> No.20326849

Since when has /mbgg/ cared about gameplay?

>> No.20326863

When the girls aren't cute enough like in that video.

>> No.20327082

Where do you find nip clans that are willing to take in gaijins

>> No.20327102

It's not like you have to tell them

>> No.20327114

Does it really matter? Regardless of what guild you are in there's very little interaction needed, if any. As long as you do ~50M per CB the nobody gives a shit if you talk or not.

>> No.20327157

And this is why I don't know why Sky Princess isn't full. If there's not enough interest from /mbgg/ players then just bring in other random fucks. If they don't pull their weight you can remove them but it's not like it matters if they are English or Nip or whatever else. Obviously /mbgg/ players would be desired but it's clear that there's a) Not enough interest in the game and b) Whoever left for esports doesn't care to rejoin because the clan never gets itself on its feet. If it actually did hit top 1k for the first time in months then perhaps people would stop giving it shit and actually consider rejoining.

>> No.20327242

Kurumi welfare
Nozomi shards
Chika gacha
Ayane probably the 2nd gacha

>> No.20327247

>Ayane 2nd gacha
rip me
Time to save I guess, hopefully itll be on time for xmas freebies.

>> No.20327262
File: 132 KB, 900x473, IMG_20181129_101332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend Chika is so beautiful!

>> No.20327266
File: 137 KB, 900x473, IMG_20181129_101608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20327270

1500 jewels tomorrow for 2m downloads

>> No.20327317

Wow! A whole 10 pull!
it's fucking nothing.jpg

>> No.20327411

Show some fucking respect

>> No.20327509

320000 more points for BGHS Marisu story.
Pray me good luck.

>> No.20327685

Fuck this. I thought I only need 62000 points to unlock last story. I missed 1 zero.

>> No.20327782
File: 138 KB, 593x838, Dsz6YF0VAAAGhDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May Mumi lead you to the promised land of mumipoints. That's still a lot though, I hope you have at least some bonus.

The first pages were so lenient it's unbelievable how ridiculous of a turn the last addition took. Maris bringing despair upon gacha wasn't enough, it seeped into Marice event too.

>> No.20327965
File: 20 KB, 128x128, Oissu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New bread onegai

>> No.20328448

Make a new thread RIGHT NOW or you are going to get another Kyaru OP.

>> No.20328455

>Make a new thread RIGHT NOW or you are going to get another "there's" instead of "there're".

>> No.20328475

I warned you.


>> No.20328549

>or you are going to get another OP with a super cute cat
That fails as a threat.
