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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 246 KB, 1200x844, DruGM6jUcAA4Qwt.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20248453 No.20248453 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>20205425

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>> No.20248457
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>> No.20248894
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ded game.

>> No.20249134
File: 116 KB, 650x530, soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll get these rewards in a few hours.
Are you guys ready?

>> No.20249228

>50 SC gives me enough for a black
>PUG is shit and the blacks on the first banner will probably be shit so I can't use it until next week anyway
The worst

>> No.20249560

I don't know why, but I really like this image.

>> No.20249817
File: 251 KB, 1200x847, Drvg1-bU0AAZIkT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly do you like about it?

>> No.20249843

I'm not sure, but I definitely know I don't like this image.

>> No.20249910

Xing-pu is probably the best free event black from 2017-2018

>> No.20249951
File: 170 KB, 941x628, 325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed, what Aigis gacha have unofficial small pool of very common gold units and its really hard to get someone but them.

>> No.20249956

This dude is more common than silvers

>> No.20249964
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>> No.20249968

It's not unofficial though. The good pool for the normal premium summon is 17 while the plat/black pools are over 40.
They probably shouldn't have removed the older golds since they don't add new golds anywhere near as often as plats/blacks.

>> No.20249991
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>> No.20250030

That explains alot. What a fucking retards.

>> No.20250043

You're right, I now compared those 45 girls separately in the various stats, which makes Alstroemeria
#35 in Def
#24 in Atk
#5 in HP
in addition the effects of her abilities are only half as strong as what's common on other rainbows.

All in all I'd say rainbow Alstroemeria is on the level of a decent 5*. One you will never be able to RG, so she'll eventually be the single worst character in the game

>> No.20250057

I hope they buff her to Colchicum tier. That's both reasonable and the kind of thing they're known for doing.

>> No.20250068

Now Racua might actually survive encounters with non trash tier mobs and she even boosts undeads atk by 20%. Might actually consider unbenching her for no heal teams.

>> No.20250078

Still trash though, daywalker is superior

>> No.20250093

Not too surprising since they plan on releasing her into the normal gacha next year so she's not really an event unit.

>> No.20250121

>Release a black that can heal undeads
>She's actually a terrible healer and her healing output doesn't actually make a difference most the time
>Still the only way to heal an undead outside of self healing
>Make vampire lords have a healable path
RIP in piss Melabyss

>> No.20250142


>> No.20250144

>a black that can heal undeads
Who, I'm out of touch with the game

>> No.20250147

Do you mean the base/base sp gacha? How the fuck can anyone pull a black there, the rate is like .00000000001%.

>> No.20250149

I don't actually know why I added in normal into that sentence but I meant the premium gacha.

>> No.20250156
File: 109 KB, 955x638, Melabyss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black necromancer. The heal cool down is too long to be useful for anything other than a 1 time heal.
Would have been better if they gave her unique ranged tokens or something. It sucks that her AW passive is only really active if you have other good undead units. Necro tokens are so outdated maybe they'll get a lich path or some shit with AW2(in 2022).

>> No.20250160

>Ticket gave me Racua
Is Aigis trying to tell me something?

>> No.20250161
File: 243 KB, 1434x951, wifey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cute necromancer. Since necromancers aren't normally healing units her heal is tied to her skill which provides a single instance of healing on a 40 second CD. Yes it's garbage.

Since they're adding in making undead units healable maybe they could buff necromancers to just heal undead normally too or something or a 2AW path based around healing. Granted at this point it'd pretty much only be useful for Silvia unless they do some healable shit for her 2AW too if they ever release it before the game shuts down.

>> No.20250169

Not for Ema, no.

>> No.20250182

Nice art but she seems like not useful at all

>> No.20250189

That guy was just shit posting. They already had dates set for both of those like the day the campaigns were announced.

>> No.20250208

Honestly having a hard time seeing why you wouldn't want to make Ema healable. Granted carmilla is just a straight upgrade to what you would normally want from her (self sustaining unit you can place down and ignore) but making her healable just seems like it opens up more situations to use her in while still being a slight upgrade in the traditional use and giving her some decent MR on top.

Maybe the double lifeleech output makes up for everything especially when she's hitting 3 enemies at once. I haven't tried it personally so I don't know but I still can't imagine it lets you tank anything you wouldn't normally be able to tank.

20% atk buff for undeads is nice though, especially if you're using any Jiangshi but you could just use Racua for the same thing.

>> No.20250220

Yeah she's absolute garbage. Even on undead only teams because as said her healing doesn't change anything and necromancers attack at a snails pace so her DPS is still really low with her passive at maximum potential.
She's cute though so I'm hoping necromancer 2AW comes out within a few months and they can make her useful through that.

>> No.20250228

How can we save them tho.
Make them hit the entire map? Lich token or Lich dragon token?

>> No.20250239

Give them infinite tokens or perma-reviving skeleton tokens (like Racua). Also make the tokens grow stronger based on the total units killed by your team.

>> No.20250246

Make them undead Rinne.

>> No.20250257

Honestly giving them a token oriented path where they have undead dragons or something was my first idea too because at the moment their tokens are trash unless you have nothing else to let you stall, although everything else about the class is garbage too.
I'm not that creative though so maybe devtea can think of something interesting and unique that's also useful. I actually have some faith they can make good 2AWs after the Oni paths ended up both being good, Oni was a relatively simple class that was already useful though. I don't use HA so no idea how their 2AW ended up working out for them but the vampire lords looks like another situation where both paths are useful in their own right so maybe they'll be able to keep it up.

>> No.20250267

Aigis freezes for me now on the loading screen post-mission clear.

>> No.20250288
File: 20 KB, 955x634, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just fucking completely shuts down on this precise moment and the screen doesn't move.
Happens on Iron. Back to Chrome I guess, though it runs shit on it.

>> No.20250448
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>> No.20250509
File: 870 KB, 3000x1000, 1515047400766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SSR Erebus (guest artist: なまにくATK)
1: Dark damage to 1 enemy/grant Vigor to all allies; Vigor effect increased at lv55
7T CD/3T uptime
2: Cover all allies (3 times; 4 at LV75)/grant Intercept to self (effect boosted at LV75)
6T CD/2T uptime
3: Self Energy Drain, ATK, DEF and DATA up/consumes 50 burst.
5T CD/3T uptime
Burst: Gain Fortitude (1 time)
Passive: Chance to reduce 2nd skill's CD when taking damage.

SR Moros
1: All allies' ATK and DEF up/effect increases if Rocking and is treated as its own unique buff frame.
8T CD(7 at LV45)/3T uptime
2: All allies start Rocking
15T CD/7T uptime (8 at LV65)
3: Dark damage to 1 enemy; specs increase relative to allies currently Rocking
Burst: Extend Rocking status by 3 turns for all allies
Passive: DA up for all allies relative to the number of allies Rocking

R Lampas
1: Dark damage to 1 enemy/inflict DEF down (stackable)
5T CD(4 at LV45)/180sec uptime
2: DEF down to 1 enemy/dispel DEF up buff(s?)
8T CD/180sec uptime

What's with guest artists saving dead elements?
Also Sphinx 2nd reissue and Epic Quests added. New LV100 Wind raid Bethor.
Sphinx weapon FLB -> change Assault (M) into Assault (L)
2nd weapon -> Stinger/Defender (M)

Initial Epic Quest lineup:
Crom Cruach (Fire)
Jormungandr (Water)
Sandalphon (Thunder)
Quetzalcoatl (Wind)
Barong (Light)
Dullahan (Dark)

Bethor weapons:
Glaive: Pride (L) and Stalwart(?) (S)
Bow: Assault (L) and Exceed (M)
Arcane: Vigorous (L) and Ascension (S)
Bethor call: Critrate up relative to number of LBs on the summon

>> No.20250560

After running some numbers Ema and Eden are just straight up better than Silvia at tanking any boss once you add healers into the mix. Simply hilarious how they thought giving characters balanced around on hit recovery ways to be healed would be balanced.

>> No.20250566

>2 units are better than one
Wow sure is unbalanced

>> No.20250572

But I don't need Ema to tank bosses.
I need her to singlehandedly hold lanes back by herself in some remote corner of the map.
Carmilla has added bulk and "faster" recovery which is exactly what I needed for her.

>> No.20250597

> (guest artist: なまにくATK)
My dick.

>> No.20250598

Good luck healing them on Barbatos.

>> No.20250615

This. I don't think anyone hyped around daywalker actually used Ema before. Not once did I ever think to myself gee I wish I could be using a deployment slot to heal my Ema who is off doing her own thing away from the people who actually need a healer around. Instead I've been wishing that in situations where she gets overwhelmed she can live just a bit longer to get off her paralyze without me needing to pay her any attention which is exactly what Carmilla offers as well as better dps for less chance of leakage.

>> No.20250632

I wish I didn't have to wait maybe half a year for Gusion to come back to check if she's now able to endure the assault of Super Saiyans without dying on LV10+

>> No.20250647

So Erebus is like a weaker Dark Gaia

>> No.20250735
File: 307 KB, 1858x607, eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 33 SSR himes now so getting a dupe every once in a while is whatever but what are the odds of it on back to back 10 ticket pulls.

>> No.20250749

Do you just stock up tickets until you can roll in batches of 10?

>> No.20250766

I could see Ema pulling off something like this now since she has pretty crazy stats: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm34095801
Eden + Aix or Rinne can probably tank it up to level 10 now.

>> No.20250771

I only roll in 10 batches. I did all the Epic quests a few times since I was sitting at 8 tickets and you can get 2 from each.

>> No.20250785

I do the same. Feels neat and tidy.

>> No.20250858
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>> No.20250964

Happens on Chrome for me.

>> No.20251125
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twitter-code anon kun Thank you much!

>> No.20251176

>event with endless for newbie missions
>subjugation event rerun
>prooly anniversary soon too?
Cmon now. How the fuck should i grind all of this.

>> No.20251231

Vampire Lord lifedrain is an 'all-or-nothing' affair, the number of enemies engaged makes no difference as to the amount of HP restored.

>> No.20251271

>subjugation event rerun
It's not a rerun.

>> No.20251294
File: 122 KB, 600x292, musasama s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok is bad news time

first, 戦国武将姫 MURAMASA乱 - にじよめ has been shut down. is not a game of dmm (I think) but, it had excellent art, and looking to recover something of it leading to the next news

second, an entire Japanese wiki circuit and therefore all the info of games it contained included images, the character design of characters, and various other assets of famous to semi unknow kusoges, that are very hard to find otherwise, has been shut down. is gwiki.jp
(hitsuji chronicle jp wiki, for example, was on gwiki.jp)

unless they move all their data somewhere else I don't know. is all lost.

>> No.20251303

RIP in peace.

>> No.20251400

Technically speaking, 戦国武将姫 MURAMASA is a third-party IP. DMM had one of its spinoff too (tsuya 艶 which died a few months back, but somehow still alive on hangames).
That said, 乱 was one of its more popular spinoffs, with multiple sites hosting it (yahoo, mbga etc. ). Shame to see it go.
There's still the original mobage kicking alive though, if you care.

>> No.20251627

Well that makes sense now that I reread the wording of it. Also makes Carmilla seem even more shitty outside of the atk buff since a lot of the time she's in range of my Rinne just for the dodge buff anyway and getting some heals from that will do a lot more than 2% more hp per atk.

>> No.20251703

YEP just happened on Chrome as well.
What gives? Not a browser issue?

>> No.20251802

I've got twitter codes. Want kamihime ones in return, but can be persuaded to just give them away.

>> No.20251863

Daywalker Ema or Carmilla? I got Racua and both gacha electric zombies.

>> No.20252050

Carmilla's 4% lifedrain equates to ~73 HP/s over Daywalker's 2%. Any halfway decent healer is going to blow that number out of the water. Bonus points if you have Rinne.

The 1.2x attack buff gives Carmilla an effective +150/256 (skill)/271 (SAW) attack advantage over Daywalker. Shu's attack is raised by 163/262 (SAW), Lei's by 153/230 (skill). This bit favors Carmilla, for sure.

Carmilla has +130 HP and +135 defense over Daywalker, while Daywalker has +25 MR over Carmilla and can be directly healed. That trade pretty clearly favors Daywalker during your typical scenario; ranged enemies were always Ema's greatest weakness, especially magical ones - gaining the ability to be topped off while said enemies close is the best cockblocking measure there is.

In my opinion, go Daywalker for Ema. If you really want to power up your Undead girls, just bring Racua along.

>> No.20252070

Thank you for the detailed response.
Speaking of Rinne, was there any word on a third pick your black ticket for the anniversary?

>> No.20252102


>> No.20252211

No word yet, but I expect that we'll get another one. It would be silly for them to decrease the value of the anniversary reward(s) when they're trying to build hype for the GP release.

Just kidding, it's going to be a Chibi Ticket and you're going to like it.

>> No.20252224
File: 428 KB, 800x1280, 1519944593669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chibi Ticket
That'd be the final nail in the aigis coffin

>> No.20252225

Personally I went Carmilla because while I do have Racua at level 90 already I don't actually ever use her or want to force myself to start using her just to buff my jiangshi, where as I use Ema and my jiangshi almost every map.

But yeah like the other anon already pointed out ignoring the atk buff a Daywalker Ema backed by a healer will do way more than a Carmilla will, 2% more hp on hit isn't really going to make you live long enough to get para off on things that killed you before unless it was extremely close.

So yeah while I did go Carmilla myself I do think Daywalker is better since it opens up more situations where you can use her. I was planning on raising the dupe for both paths regardless since she's one of my favourites so I just went with what makes my jiangshi zap harder for now.

>> No.20252385

Aigis freezes after every mission complete loading screen. Nice.

>> No.20252516

Happens only after Labyrinth missions. Is this something I can expect SC for or is it seriously happening only to me?

>> No.20252521
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>> No.20252527

Works fine on firefox for me but rarely if it crashes after mission complete screen i get the rewards anyway so you should be fine.

>> No.20252534

I do get my rewards. But the labyrinth grind is already tedious enough without the need to refresh the browser and reload the game every mission.

>> No.20252768

I'd honestly rather they have just evened out silver and gold rates instead of swapping them. It's nice to get less silvers than you used to, but now I hardly get any, which means I never have silver EXP fairies around to quick-level AW fodder. And the remaining gold pool is full of useless classes that no one needs for AW.

>> No.20253091

Although doing some LOES maps I was too lazy to get full drops on before after doing the one with all the plague rats and the two big piggies the Carmilla path can actually make a difference.

Currently have AW99 and Carmilla 99 Ema's (tfw no orbs to 2AW to Daywalker until tomorrow).
My normal Ema actually dies to the first hit of the second pig whereas Carmilla completely regens during paralysis making it through them both with full HP at the end of it.

Granted a Daywalker with a healer would accomplish the same thing and it's against a very specific enemy who attacks so slow they can only get off one hit before you para them but it's nice to see her come out completely full hp in a situation that would normally kill her without any sort of assistance.

>> No.20254599

Thinking of getting back into Aigis. Can I still get the google rewards and other stuff?

>> No.20254870
File: 373 KB, 2048x1411, Dr7hCONVAAEXHqu.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else here reading gacha isekai webnovels on narou?
I'm reading one which seems to be based on Aigis and it's pretty amusing so far.

>> No.20254892

How so? Isn't Aigis's setting rather generic?

Also, any recommendations?

>> No.20254951

Interesting. What is the title?

>> No.20254973

Seems to be やがて本当の英雄譚 ノーマルガチャしかないけど、それでも世界を救えますか?

I'm just skimming the prologue, but damn, Aigis is heaven compared to the monstrosity that is Chaos Destiny.

>> No.20255092

>How so? Isn't Aigis's setting rather generic?
It isn't set on the Aigis universe but on a totally different generic Isekai setting #989.

It's about a guy that died while playing notAigis and got isekai'd in a generic fantasy world by god to become a hero. Unfortunately his soul is too weak to get a cheat that god, feeling sorry, turned him into the prince and gave him normal gacha as his ability. So he's stuck adventuring in isekailand with a bunch of fodder and silver units.

>Also, any recommendations?
Unfortunately this is the only gacha isekai webnovel I'm reading so I don't know if the rest are good.

>> No.20255110
File: 58 KB, 861x968, rezero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another kanpani collaboration incoming.

>> No.20255244

Which Karma rarity should I be trying to get? Black rarity seems more of a team player and overall better stats, but not really sure if either has a use.
Are the scenes any different or just palette swaps of each other?

>> No.20255296

>but not really sure if either has a use.
Plenty of use for the black one even in end game content (Kimaris, Barabtos, anything that needs to be stalled but hits too hard for normal tanks/healers). The platinum one can be used in Barbatos too as an alternative.

>> No.20255351

Where are the new normal, non limited, non collab employees.
This mountain of silver feathers aren't going to spend themselves.

>> No.20255420

Is there a way to change the daily pachinko balls into dmm points when you don't have a jappo cell phone?

>> No.20255536

Nope, don't bother with it

>> No.20255638

Does anyone have a link to the aigis livestream due tomorrow?

>> No.20255800
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Also pic related is a plat monk being given out during the livestrem

>> No.20256859
File: 24 KB, 335x181, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double perfected Ema!

I wanted to try out SAW on one but I'm not sure anymore. 3 block on her normal skill is just too nice and I don't even know what route I'd rather have SAW'd.

>> No.20257100

How fast do you think they'll be kicking gaijin?
Also, that vine and flower on her inner thigh is in a really unfortunate spot.

>> No.20257354

For those playing FKG, is it worth it to Max Skill Level and Unlock all Equipment slots before Rarity Growth or is it better to use those Skillblooms and Dressblooms on Knights you don't intend on RG and eat the higher cost?

>> No.20257404
File: 580 KB, 433x797, 1542264118774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nico Premium only I think.
Maybe you can find a youtube link somewhere.

>> No.20257439

The cost different usually isn't huge and you're going to lose everything you use on them, so I probably just wouldn't bother on someone you're going to RG.

>> No.20257497

Personally, I'm using all my skill- and dressblooms to reduce RG cost. But I have a lot of characters I plan to RG, which makes cost reduction a top priority to me.

By the way, does the game give out gold dressblooms often? So far I have 6, but I think most of them were one-time-only shop exchanges or main quest rewards.

>> No.20257914


>> No.20257936


>> No.20258005
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single rolls OP

>> No.20258163
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>> No.20258446

What happened to the popularity contest in Aigis?
Wasn't there supposed to be some rewards, AW gold chibi and a gacha with the most popular units?

>> No.20258655


>> No.20258868
File: 36 KB, 600x250, 1032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20259133


Aigisbros, I no longer have the will to pull.

I've accumulated 153 SCs on just giveaways & events after drying up the normal sources.

Every single banner has girls I already have or don't care for at all. Rolling for a plat never yields the desired banner plat. Ticket it? Roll several copies later. (Clarice dammit)

What do I do now? I'm too stingy to use SCs on refills & boosts & already have my racks.

>> No.20259347

I really love the way the the SD characters look in BGR.
I've even masturbated directly to some of them.

>> No.20259689

207 SCs now. Forgot to check the box.

>> No.20259768

I'm assuming they're using it for the anni at this point so expect it after next maint I guess.

>> No.20259856
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splash screen

>> No.20259867

those gifs are from their website. the models in the game have probably a superior quality but I'm unable to rip them

>> No.20259882
File: 149 KB, 544x680, Dqzwe6XXgAAnIAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharing a few of these from whale providence. because they are objectively great.

>> No.20259889
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>> No.20259896
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>> No.20260318

The latest Ranking Quest boss has the following gimmicks:
- standard boss immunities
- guaranteed paralysis AoE
- vanilla single target skill
- immunity to passive debuffs
- 40 seconds penalty to any skills casted by a jewel princess

>> No.20260641
File: 214 KB, 1200x1150, DrJN3qYU4AEgliQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone here planning on watching the anniversary stream?

>> No.20260649

I will if there's an alternative to the nico stream

>> No.20260655

I'm EOP ;_;

>> No.20260664

Wait, is the stream today niconico only?
I remember last time it was being streamed at fresh and pcsp too.

>> No.20260665

Show some self control and sit on them, stupid. Maybe someone you like will get a Christmas or NY limited.

But at least wait until the stream is done with news.

Yes, hopefully on the nico stream because seeing reactions is amusing. If they're doing a youtube stream too, I might run that alongside so I have something that isn't 240p to take screenshots of.

>> No.20260669

DJT is a couple threads down.

>> No.20260672

I don't play Aigis, but Zarigani will be the host so I've booked the stream's time-shift.

>> No.20261249

Livestream is on!

>> No.20261272


>> No.20261278

tfw timed my "I wanna fuck snake loli" on nico right as she popped up

>> No.20261396
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>> No.20261458

Can people tell me more about Yuba no Shirushi? I know it's already cancelled but what about those weird designs and Aztec/cyberpunk mix?

>> No.20261480


>> No.20261486

He failed at his own game with a full team of black s... shameful display.

>> No.20261490


>> No.20261492
File: 358 KB, 1280x720, aigis-00037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that the LN writer?
Requirement was only to clear but, yeah
That was pretty sad panic at the end.

Now this next guy is going to piss off a golem with his broken gold team.

>> No.20261506

I just placed Mehlis in the middle and the golems never attacked me, easy clear.

>> No.20261523

>Guy randomly places half his blacks
>Most of them die and he almost leaks
>Place two golds
>Flawless victory
This is actually really nice story telling by the aigis team. It doesn't matter how much you whale, the game is skill based and being a master strategist will always get your further than being a dumb whale.

>> No.20261543

I had a dumb setup because I don't have any fencers finished in those rarities and ended up using princesses. But had the silver mage sitting in the middle and she couldn't manage to piss them off enough.

>> No.20261690
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>> No.20261707

don't do this to me

>> No.20261720

No new free black ticket ;_;
But we get 50 free rolls.

>> No.20261721

No free black ticket this year
Dead game.

>> No.20261734

>50 free rolls
So that's a free guaranteed Black, right?

>> No.20261744

They don't count towards pity

>> No.20261746

Who knows. It's a ticket so it might have no ceiling.

>> No.20261751


>> No.20261773
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>> No.20261782

That looks like it would hurt on the right girl.

>> No.20261784
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>> No.20261790

I want to do so many things to Makirin's samefaces

>> No.20261799
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>> No.20261806
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>> No.20261808

Honestly even if it did I'd rather just pick a black than end up with 1 random black some plats and an ass load of golds/silvers.

Very disappointed mainly because I made the mistake of not picking Rinne on the other tickets and I think I've seen her on rate up like once

>> No.20261812
File: 530 KB, 1920x1080, Unbenannt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20261816

>mainly because I made the mistake of not picking Rinne on the other tickets and I think I've seen her on rate up like once

Are you me? I fucking regret it now

>> No.20261817
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>> No.20261818

Literally me
Summer Aria? She got a class change? As in, actually a different class.

>> No.20261828
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>> No.20261836
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>> No.20261859

>But we get 50 free rolls.
So, when and will we be able to keep them for later?

>> No.20261871

Is it 50 free rolls or rolls equaling 50 SC of value (AKA 10)?

>> No.20261887
File: 703 KB, 640x3600, Aigis5th_news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 I snipe someone else compiling this stuff

Top to bottom, updates from the stream
>Affection bonus can be raised to 150 with a special item, the 50 is separate from the first 100
>Awoken Skill can be switched back and forth without using resources
>More space in 2nd and 3rd barracks
>Prince max rank raised to 500
>Happy-like fairies for gold and sapphire rarities
>10x summon ticket given 5 times for reaching early Prince ranks
>Chibi Awoken Lapis will be given as present, and she'll get her unique background, also food will be gifted, and will do the Popularity Contest Summon
>Selling 5th Anniversary tickets - Black exchange ticket or Plat exchange ticket
>Available units are those released until the end of Aug 2018
5th Anniversary Event
>New class 魔王親衛隊 シャディア
>Special 5th Anniversary Fairy obtainable in the mission that gives 150k exp
>Bain platinum monk bunny will be given later after maint to everyone
Then a collab with 封縅グラセスタ, but no info

>> No.20261890

We get 5 10-roll ticket.
They'll send it on your present box.

>> No.20261904
File: 944 KB, 264x320, [Screams Externally].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christmas Kanon

>> No.20261912

I'm betting the 10 roll tickets will function like the plat tickets and draw when you take them out of your box making them complete garbage since you won't have access to pity or rate ups.

>> No.20261915

So, they won't be affected by any banner and there's no reason to keep them?

>> No.20261924

I mean, that's how they're supposed to be.
More mad about the fact they'll give no RC but whatever, it's still 50 new units, out of which a lot have to be dupes I can sell so it's whatever.

>> No.20261952

Who knows how they'll implement this ticket. Aigis doesn't have a 10-roll function in its gacha and the devs didn't announce that they're adding one either.

Best case scenario is if it works similar to the free 10-roll we get as a newbie, allowing us to pick which gacha we want to use it on.

>> No.20261960

At least I know I don't have to get a pity black ready for this, but have to get that Kanon.
Who is the one in the middle?

>> No.20261967

Honestly the only good things are the skill switching, barracks space and affection.

Everything else is pretty much literally nothing or shit we already knew about and the 10 rolls instead of a pick ticket is a let down.

I'd rate the stream as a 3/10.

>> No.20261971

La Hermana de Iris (Dorada)

>> No.20261990

Yeah, guaranteed black you already have or no black at all with luckletfag
Fuck devTea, it's a dick move

>> No.20261997

The right is Cornelia?

>> No.20262004

Hard to tell since she doesn't look terrible.

>> No.20262017

Saber alter.

>> No.20262018

That hair and art style looks similar

>> No.20262022

It's Cornelia, I can tell by the wide cheek.

>> No.20262026
File: 499 KB, 560x536, aigis units.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What to get with the free black ticket?

>> No.20262034

When do we get these? Next login?

>> No.20262038


>> No.20262045

Silvia, Hermit of Balance, Electric Zombie, Ingrid, Rion, Lapis. Cant go wrong with any of these.

>> No.20262056

This except Tenma instead of Ingrid. Unless you rightly prefer Ingrid due to the art.

>> No.20262061

So how do we save Wurm? How do we save Dragon class?

>> No.20262062

Doesn't really mean much because it's out of my 180 rolls and luck but my black rates right now are
>Out of nowhere blacks: 1.7%
>Pity blacks: 2.2%
So it's possible to completely wiff in 50 rolls, but should be at least one black if 3% is to be believed.

But gold Iris splits her bangs in the middle and does twintails. It's the closest but doesn't seem like it's her.

>> No.20262065

You can't get any of those with the free black ticket.

>> No.20262066

He said free black ticket.
Either Moltena, Altair or Ingrid.

>> No.20262067

>gold Iris
It's her sister

>> No.20262073

>But gold Iris splits her bangs in the middle and does twintails. It's the closest but doesn't seem like it's her.
Her sister, you doofus.

>> No.20262074

Honestly you already have Rinne and Elyse who are the two best picks so you might as well just dick pick.

Can't go wrong with any of Ingrid, Moltena, Altair or Aisha though.

Towa and Kikyou can also be good choices too but mainly for their passives.

>> No.20262084 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.20262092

>La hermana

>> No.20262103
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>> No.20262129

She graduated from Queen's Blade Catholic Academy of Holy Poses.

>> No.20262304

Dragon Soldier needs to be a subclass of soldier and thus benefit from all synergies like skills and abilities that boosts soldiers. Their skill should allways give a few up.

>> No.20262358
File: 225 KB, 1441x955, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to level her? Her and Eldora are the only two blacks I have untouched.

I hope she stays trash so I don't have to bother

>> No.20262473

Eldora is definitely shit, but Wurm is actually quite decent for cheese strats.

>> No.20262482

>flexible ballerina slut
Looking forward to her scene.

>> No.20262531


Ranger|Avenger|Heavy Artillery?

Phantasm Beast Tamer|Elementaler|Joker

>> No.20262534

I've actually dropped her a few times just for the skill.

When using her like that though there's 0 reason to invest in her since skill levels do nothing and CC/AW increases her UP cost by a ton.

>> No.20262606

Ah yes, the fearsome Apple element.
Truly a power to put the other Elementalers to shame.

>> No.20262612
File: 76 KB, 895x503, 1542460765605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for this cutie.

>> No.20262626

Apples have killed gods.

>> No.20262632

She's the event unit after next maint.

>> No.20262641

Looks more like a curse user to me.

>> No.20262671
File: 442 KB, 800x450, C0C_piIVIAATAMi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute girl elementals
Literally unbeatable.

>> No.20262740

Only had to wait a literal year for her to join

>> No.20262758

>Xmas Kanon

So is Kuremisago dead now?

>> No.20262782

How do you know he hasn't posted here already?

>> No.20262794

He was never alive.

>> No.20262835
File: 42 KB, 382x112, 8492194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He works fast.

>> No.20262845

Lock your fucking units.

>> No.20262854
File: 290 KB, 452x696, xmaskanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am cum

>> No.20262862

I want her to wish me a merry xmas

>> No.20262890

>that navel
This isn't just dangerous anymore, it ought to get a SCP number and a Keter designation.

>> No.20262908

Lock and fuck your units

>> No.20263000
File: 1.10 MB, 1366x768, 1527538282110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, it's good

>> No.20263026
File: 37 KB, 968x463, Shadia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has it really been a year?
It goes by so fast.

>> No.20263041

>It goes by so fast.
Does it?
I'm waiting for the next daily reset and it feels like time stands still now

>> No.20263073
File: 953 KB, 1000x1250, 1542473684068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top is rank tickets. Bottom two are the paid exchange tickets.
May or may not be accurate, blame 2chan.

>> No.20263121

If I had $100 to burn then I'd probably get the chinese zombie because of how easy she makes things. Sucks massively that we didn't get a new anni ticket though, I really wanted my free rinne.

>> No.20263128

I'm not looking forward to the salt compilations when everyone gets their free 50 rolls.
People will die.

>> No.20263132

Chinese electric zombie, or chinese hermit of balance?

>> No.20263191

Depends on your other units. Having both, I'd say the hermit is stronger. I don't even need the timestops anymore since I got her.

>> No.20263260
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>> No.20263332
File: 349 KB, 500x707, 1519007581263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never got a chance to play it, but it really seemed one of a kind from what I read up on it.
You play as the leader/progenitor of a warrior tribe that have descended from gods. Among the common people that inhabit your land, some ("supplicants") possess spiritual powers.
Invaders come into your land killing the people and sacrificing their skulls to revive their god, while also seeking the "supplicants" for some reason, subjecting them to experiments. These tortured characters are what you get to save and collect.
Then there's also the fact that you can straight up sacrifice your warriors or supplicants without mercy for power-ups.

Supplicants here: https://ユバの徽.攻略wiki.com/index.php?%E7%A5%88%E3%82%8A%E4%BA%BA
PV: https://youtu.be/1wV_5P_dRRM

>> No.20263386

Deciding between the same thing.

Hermit of balance is better for my dick and just seems more broken all around. I don't have anyone who can reduce MR for extra balance though.

Electric zombie is just okay as far as dick picking goes. I have Melabyss and every other gacha undead besides H.Karma maxed out & mincost though since a full undead themed team is something I've wanted to do for awhile and she just kinda completes it.

>> No.20263488
File: 260 KB, 620x640, 1539968013054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No free pick and choose ticket? I'll never get Rinne then.

>> No.20263535

Best bet is to go all in on the popularity gacha since she was like 2nd place or someshit.

Same situation as you but sitting on 1 roll until black and I'm whaling the ticket anyway so I'll have at least 2 shots of getting her minimum

Knowing my luck I'll get two Lapis dupes though

>> No.20263632

>determined to prove my luck is shit with the 50 SC I have left
>5 golds, 4 silvers, my 4th? or so Shade for the pity and only plat
Haha, owned

>> No.20263682

>at last we get to cuck Maou
I was really hoping we'd get another black male unit as Maou himself too to team up against Final Form Keraunos

>> No.20263707

I'm gonna buy it I think. Didn't spend shit on Aigis in like 4 months.
The real question is Lapis or Sheng-Pu?

>> No.20263711

>Getting free chibi lapis

Its a pretty easy decision

>> No.20263735

Like the other anon said we're getting chibi Lapis who will pretty much do the most important part of Lapis which is the attack buff. If you want a DS to do dmg than the plat toddler is better for that than Lapis anyway.

Sheng-Pu is just completely busted and makes the previous years broken units like Lapis and Silvia look balanced. Also bare feet.

>> No.20263749

>Like the other anon said we're getting chibi Lapis who will pretty much do the most important part of Lapis which is the attack buff
The 20 second buff is seriously the reason she is (was?) the number 1 metagame unit in Aigis?
I have a personal rule of not really using chibi units...

>> No.20263764
File: 407 KB, 693x764, Livre_AW_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plat toddler
That's rude, Livre is really cute and good. Her h-scenes are great too.

>> No.20263787


>> No.20263853

Demon Summoners are a pretty solid class which helps a lot but yes the atk buff is the main reason since it's still the highest of it's type and through most of her lifetime the only other option of a type A atk buff was through non-awakened prince which as you can imagine nobody used.

Even now your only buff alternatives are Blanche, xmas Charlotte's token and Remii saw, all of which are weaker. Remii does have the advantage of being perma but the range is lower and it's still .2 less so there's still not really a type A buffer who can compete with Lapis for giving your team maximum dmg output.

>> No.20263862

Man I'd risk the jail time to sow my seed in this cute and squishy potato.

>> No.20263875
File: 612 KB, 2047x1447, 68615307_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remii is cuter though and goes on a melee slot. I wish I had Kuuko so I could have the cutest family.

>> No.20264217

Oh my god

I need a full guide on how to get this no matter where in the world I may be.

>> No.20264237

So we are getting all of that on next thursday?

>> No.20264246
File: 188 KB, 550x550, 55668899_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do the 50 Stamina Special Map about trying to avoid the pest that one-shots you and takes only 1 damage
>Instead of doing the sensible thing and building max speed teams, deploy strongest two teams
>Team 1 dies horribly but manages to deplete half its health
>Everyone in Team 2 wipes except Viola and Leschenaultia
>Leschenaultia's dodge + pest not using it one-hit persist until she kills it
>Takes on the Boss Pest alone on low health and manages to win
Saviour of Winter Rose's alternate version when?

>> No.20264422

As far as I know, HobbyJapan doesn't ship overseas, so you'll need to pay a bit extra for a proxy service. I can vouch for using White Rabbit Japan on the Nanaly daki, but they're a bit pricy.

List of other providers here:

>> No.20264608

So wait, we're getting 50 free garbage rolls that don't count towards pity instead of a 3rd black pick ticket?
Guess I'm never getting my Sophie or Altair.

Also, Minerva is still decent right? Just got her while dumpster diving for Uzume. Pulled my 9th plat on an Uzume pickup banner that wasn't her. 2 rolls away from a pity and am strongly considering hanging myself if I don't get her.

>> No.20264662

She's serviceable, especially considering she has no 2AW yet.

>> No.20264691

Good to hear, at least. I miss when she was one of the best blacks. Take me back.
I really hope her AW2 art fixes the abomination that her AW art is.

>> No.20264718

So what do you think of Epic Quests now that they're finally implemented?

>> No.20264722

"Wow it's fucking nothing".

>> No.20264727

They're pretty epic

>> No.20264730

Easy 1500 crystals and 12 tickets and I'm outta there.

>> No.20264852

You have my sympathy, anon. I'm in the same boat with Lychnos. I think I'm around 7-8 plats that aren't her exclusively rolling on solo plat rate-up banners.

>> No.20264881
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>> No.20265091
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>> No.20265095
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>> No.20265106
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>> No.20265114
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>> No.20265373

Anything I should know about peropero seduction?

>> No.20265711

>DMM general shilled in /mbgg/ so much that they moved to /jp/

>> No.20265879

Did you mean the mobage general?
Because this thread has been on /jp/ since forever.

>> No.20265884

Yeah I meant the mobage general

>> No.20266546
File: 180 KB, 870x1200, DsHxPvIVYAIa4sC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eagerly awaiting for smol Lapis.

>> No.20266647
File: 225 KB, 909x527, 23535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one bugged or what? 15 runs, beer drops with 100% chance but no crystals.

>> No.20266658

Nerine is so cute, I wish I had her rainbow version so much

>> No.20266674

These are your new neighbors >>20147939

>> No.20266675

Hopefully you have Monica, but expect it to be stubborn.

>> No.20266848

I don't remember which one but I had 30+ runs without a drop on one of those

>> No.20267034

Well, fuck. I'll keep trying then.
Still, rerun such a huge for newbs event, together with subjugation is really stupid. I mean, 7 days for everything, really?

>> No.20267117
File: 1.62 MB, 1366x768, 1530096964010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't my luck be blessed like other people here

>> No.20267238
File: 282 KB, 955x628, WWWWWWWWWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some half a year ago, I posted an 11 bronze roll here

>> No.20267245
File: 296 KB, 600x835, aigis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like Aigis

>> No.20267314

I'm joyously awaiting your 11 gold roll.

>> No.20267526

From the Newcomer Gacha? Jesus, that's some roll.

>> No.20267554
File: 154 KB, 1200x692, Dg0nmA8VQAUWzoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anniversary stream ended up being pretty shit, but I'll forgive them if the collab lets me get this semen demon.

>> No.20267999

Any video strats for the new subjugation?

>> No.20268057

What's the best afk team/soul in kamihime? to rack up damage and survive during autoing the fight

>> No.20268067

Heracles can survive on her own for quite long to throw out 500~750k nukes wheb she's off cooldown

>> No.20268097

I was thinking the same thing when I went looking at the collab title yesterday, but I'm sure they won't, as much as my dick craves it.

>> No.20268151

What was the nip reaction to the lack of a free black ticket?

>> No.20268174

They like the 50 free rolls better.

>> No.20268228

I start with two soldiers and rearguard, then build up defensive positions north and south with my strongest units. Having Silvia helps, she manages the south almost on her own. I also deploy Ramii and Remii, they kill everything in range without getting rekt by melee attacks. So you could try the green slut i mean Fuuko against the orc horde from the south and maybe Artillery in the north supported by at least two strong healers in the middle. Put your strongest duelist behind Fuuko, that should help with slipping orcs. Once the final wave arrives, withdraw artillery and replace with Oni or samurai. The gold Samurai has evasion on skill and should work. In theory. Usu pikaprince to kill the ufo and the triple goblin cannons or you will loose your healers.

>> No.20268324

Low IQ strategy.
High IQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2081kOVrZVM

>> No.20268410
File: 1.57 MB, 1040x694, 1519964191785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this enough for the 2nd half?

>> No.20268416

>10 fucking minutes
I hate subjugations so much

>> No.20268442


>> No.20269554

When are we even getting those 50 free rolls?

>> No.20269570

After next maint like everything else.

>> No.20269626

Oh, alright. Thought it was kinda weird that nothing was really going on so far.
Is there anything else in addition to the 50?

>> No.20269679

The collab probably won't be in the next maint but the game comes out on the 30th of this month so it'll probably be around then. But everything else is pretty much what we'll be getting next maint.

>> No.20269802
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>> No.20269862

Begone foul creature, the power of god compels you

>> No.20269869


>> No.20269922

Shit, I'm blind as fuck. Thanks anon.

>> No.20270045

I always laugh whenever that Prince starts chucking rocks into enemy faces. I need to try to get that title the next time it comes around.

>> No.20270062

Imagine sitting through Aigis' slow as ball (and unskippable by the way) summoning animation 50 times in a row.
You could make a meal for 12 before you're done.

>> No.20270190

I don't have to, because I doubt the devs will make us sit through 1 summon at a time, they can't be this unaware.

>> No.20270199

Game's 5 years old and you still can't do multirolls.
Might wanna reconsider that.

>> No.20270281
File: 134 KB, 845x567, bc2975627c5329766b7def61d0638a33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I really need ninjas, what maps do you guys recommend? I know Eliza's map is the cheapest, but I doubt the drop rate is all that good.

>> No.20270302

The one you can do right now.

>> No.20270382
File: 345 KB, 1125x1588, DsBbih6U0AAHtJM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it's just another way to discourage rolling since you can already do quite a bit with 5 SC worth of refills. So if you're willing to part of with those 5 SC then you gotta sit through those animations.

I usually don't mind anyway since I'm multitasking during those rolls so it's whatever.

>> No.20270912

What's the name of Tyr's artist? The wiki doesn't have it listed.

>> No.20271474

It's fucking dead, Jim

Nutaku is running a zombie that even the japanese buried a while ago.

>> No.20271479

I missed the Aigis livestream, was there a code that I am too late for for the plat monk?

>> No.20271490


>> No.20271504

No code. Just log in after next maintenance.

>> No.20271521

Oh, that make things much easier. Thank you.

>> No.20271860

Anyone else playing Circlet Princess?
How do you fuck the main girls? I only see supporter hscenes.

>> No.20272021


>> No.20272323
File: 98 KB, 987x467, 0nK38cx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New alternate skins.

>> No.20272328
File: 258 KB, 2070x640, ovyzcRj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20272331

Holy shit that wolfbane skin, that absolutely fixes any problems I had with her rainbow art. Too bad I didn't roll for it. The enotera one is great too and the anememe is just one more to the list.

>> No.20272355

>Holy shit that wolfbane skin, that absolutely fixes any problems I had with her rainbow art.
I could have done with something more than a meme outfit from almost two years ago, frankly.

>> No.20272449

>>Awoken Skill can be switched back and forth without using resources
Finally I can use Magic Missile.

>> No.20272473

That Enotera skin is sex.

>> No.20272693
File: 276 KB, 860x520, EEC4FBD6-3EA7-4716-AB02-69B00D665688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no Halloween Daisy bloom
>they’re redoing this deal again



>> No.20272943
File: 807 KB, 873x445, 1511509259729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't clear these.
Is that bad?

>> No.20272946

Not really. It just saves you from having to grind 5000 more tokens for the high amps/amps.
And let's everyone know that you're a scrub.

>> No.20272990
File: 174 KB, 1196x799, 1516055135770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Enotera/Tori skin

Guess I'll have to RG her after all.

>> No.20273040

Liverwort's skirt/dress keeps getting shorter, now it's up to her ribcage and exposing her bellybutton too. Not to mention how she's barely covering her breasts now.

Is she really from Winter Rose or is she actually a Banana Ocean spy?

>> No.20273144
File: 822 KB, 957x639, exnidhoggr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what >>20272946 said

>pic related
apart from the first clear reward, this is what you get. in other words: being able to clear both saves you about 3 or 4 stamina pots.

>> No.20273250
File: 467 KB, 720x480, 1530893879527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20273964

Each anniversary roll must have a special long animation to celebrate! Im also looking forward to everyones reports. The day of rage is near.

>> No.20273979

This honestly feels like the last year of Aigis. I don't even know if something as radical as a localized English version (on DMM, just a language switch) would save them.

>> No.20273994

>I feel like it's just another way to discourage rolling since you can already do quite a bit with 5 SC worth of refills.
Can you?
My account is already rank 215 after a year and a half and I don't see what refills can do for me that just taking it lightly and waiting a day or two can't do.
Outside of racking up more items from item collection events, but 5 SC don't do much there, and IC events actually just fucking suck.
It's too much work to get to the bond fairy rewards, skilling up the event unit is piss easy with how rainbow fairies rain on you, and the second you have a solid way of ramping deployment points, cost reducing units sort of stops mattering as much.

>> No.20274027

I don't know about that. I don't think they would've bothered releasing a google play version if they're planning to shut down the game in less than one year.

They also made a lot of changes to the interface this year.

>> No.20274035

I have never used a refill and I'm endgame too. Not sure why any f2p would waste SCs like that. Most "free" units are shit to begin with and those which aren't don't really need the full cost reduction as you said.
I've stopped running subjugations too once I win once, fuck the useless rewards.
SC refills are for youtube guys to find the best minimalist comp.

>> No.20274064

Aigis is dying (again)

>> No.20274198

Stream was pretty comfy. And looks like game still have a lot of fans, who love it. I have no idea how they still have any income though.

>> No.20274227

It may have been comfy but it wasn't exciting. It lacked hype. Development feels lethargic lately.

>> No.20274235

>Development feels lethargic lately.
Just lately?

>> No.20274247

Well I expected more from the Anniversary and didn't get more, so yeah, lately I guess.

>> No.20274263

It's an old and small browser game. I dont know, why would you expect any hype from it. And comfy stream is actually a very good thing. Means devs actually like their job and relations within the company are not tense.

>> No.20274280

Not him, but it is the 5 year anniversary. That's a pretty big milestone. Most games that live that long cook up some really interesting stuff and this was really just par for the course. Or rather, it would be par for the course if they streamed more than once every year and a half (and bothered to give out the stream sapphires anymore).

>> No.20274316

>Means devs actually like their job
Who wouldn't like getting paid for doing nothing?

>> No.20274339

I agree. It would've been nice to have seen something to make me excited for the future of the game but instead it was just QoL and art previews for the most part. Some new event type or mechanics would've been nice. Fuck even just adding challenge/hard modes to normal events or revivals would've been nice.

>> No.20274390

They probably spent most of their development time this year in creating a google play version.

>> No.20274425

>What is DMM mobile version
Mobile client isn't new.

The best thing they could've announced during the stream would've been some hentai, using the results from the popularity contest. They showed off some paper media instead. I forget if any of it was new, but it probably has superior returns for the cost.

>> No.20274551

>How do you fuck the main girls? I only see supporter hscenes.
You can't. Currently, there's no way to fuck the main girls. Or anyone from the story it seems (I head you can get enemies as drops to be supporters but they don't have H-scenes either).

>> No.20274574
File: 160 KB, 550x1058, キマシ?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for Aburana's and Ginran's new versions.

>> No.20274586

Man, I hope they redesign Alyssa at some point.
Her design is so fucking dated compared to everyone else in Kamihime, at least the other main characters have their alternate SSR selves that fit the modern artstyle of the rest of the game.

>> No.20275898

>I have no idea how they still have any income though.
They don't need to make much with how little money they put into development.
With no VA, only single frame, non-animated scenes, hardly any music, content drip-fed at a snail's pace, etc., I don't see the operating cost being very high.

>> No.20275912

Your autistic victim complex is showing again my dude.

>> No.20275943

>Everyone I disagree with has an autistic victim complex.
Quoting you, by the by.

>> No.20275950

>Even bothering to reply to that sperg
Guy still doesn't know what a "victim complex" is so don't even bother trying to communicate with that thing, it can only screech autistically.

>> No.20275958

>Stating facts is autistic
Okay bro

>> No.20276002

I'd try to explain why they put more effort into a single map and the spawns on it than the autistic shit you love like kamihime where an entire events "content" is copy pasted from another game with extremely static mechanics and values. Stick to reddit dude, your posts are embarassingly fucking bad.

>> No.20276003


>> No.20276203

You don't even know who you're whining to. I don't even play Kamihime.
