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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 17 KB, 405x289, facepalmnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
202421 No.202421 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/,

So I woke up this morning, and like any other morning I grabbed my newspaper and had a bowl of Mini-wheats. Halfway through, I see this article.


The resulting facepalm was so hard I think I broke my nose. On a side note, god damn it, I buy the newspaper to NOT READ ABOUT WEEABOOS WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?

>> No.202438

I stopped reading at the article's title. tl;dr?

>> No.202467

girl likes naruto, girl reads weaboo forums with a lot of "girls", girl uses random japanese one liners, girl writes baka on brothers forehead, girl loves sasake. This was on the front page in Entertainment mind you.
tl;dr mom writes about ultra weaboo daughter

>> No.202476
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>> No.202485

What the fuck with reading newspapers in the morning? What are you, fifty years old?

>> No.202488

You should write the author some mail telling the truth beyond her condition.

>> No.202487
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>But at home, she's free to peruse them over and over, like holy texts
>like holy texts
>holy texts

i lold.
i did not facepalm though,the kid is 12,what can you expect.

>Hey lady samurai...Bleach and Samurai Champloo beat the chakra out of Naruto...but you and your chibi kunoichi-chan have excellent taste just the same!
is worthy of a double facepalm.
pic related

>> No.202496
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>> No.202490

And the brother thought having "baka" written on his forehead was cool because it was written in the "language of manga."

>> No.202517

Point me to something more constructive I can do while I eat and I'll be glad to do it. I don't watch much TV so I get most of my news from the papers during breakfast.

>> No.202516
File: 77 KB, 954x293, 1205417484107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey lady samurai...Bleach and Samurai Champloo beat the chakra out of Naruto...but you and your chibi kunoichi-chan have excellent taste just the same!

>> No.202519

that was the only facepalm worthy moment imo.

the girls 12 my friend, that tecnically makes her a weeaboo loli.
you know what to do anon.

>> No.202512

Bitch named her daughter MOJO.

>> No.202526

Well I read them now, because well, I am actually part of society and sadly enough contribute to it. Figurines and HDDs aren't that cheap...

>> No.202533

Teach her the true ways of the weeaboo, and slowly start to take advantage of her sexually?

>> No.202632

>Creating fan fiction, she writes, amounts to "making art and community" — and that's just what human beings do, the stuff that defines the species. To Curtin, the mystery is why boys aren't doing it.

This is what women really believe, and why they will not stfu and need to talk and gossip about every fucking thing.

>> No.202680

Black coffee + Cigarettes + Sunday Morning + Sitting on a patio at home when all the church bells are going off = Heaven on earth.

>> No.202699


>> No.202747

revealed to be her nick if you read the article, tard

also wondering if mommy missed the hardcore buttfucking nostral cumshot variety of yaoi fanfic on purpouse

>> No.202750


>> No.202748

The comments are much worse.

> kunoichi43 wrote:
>Good on Mojo! I am a 43 "grown up" woman with manga crushes on my own. Thanks to little kunoichi (aka my own beautiful daughter), I became an anime/manga fan three years ago.

Just pathetic.

>> No.202764

Holy shit.

>> No.202767

"Mojo," hmm? Sounds kinda familiar, hmm?



>> No.202761

>manga guys are no more remote or unreal than Zac Posen or Orlando Bloom
Have to admit that.

>> No.202769

Just because I like the sound of church bells in the morning doesn't mean I'm christian you odious cretin. I don't believe in any God(s).

>> No.202772

Fucking Texas.

>> No.202781

Houston as a whole is worth facepalming about. You should feel bad about living there. Unless you like your lung AIDS.

>> No.202788


>> No.202801

OH god you amerikkan pigs !
You really are pigs!

>> No.202859

Smoking is bad for you.

>> No.202871

Good on Mojo! I am a 43 "grown up" woman with manga crushes on my own. Thanks to little kunoichi (aka my own beautiful daughter), I became an anime/manga fan three years ago. My anime crushes are the Ishida men (Uryu and Ryuken), Shuhei Hisagi and Renji Abarai from "Bleach" and Jin from "Samurai Champloo." My girl prefers Gaara from Naruto over Sasuke ( an opinion that seemed prevalent at the Japan Festival we attended last year). She also loves Sesshomaru from Inuyasha and Urahara and Hitsugaya from Bleach. Most anime fans I know are female even though anime/manga has a reputation , somewhat deserved, for sexism and misogyny. By the way, the illustration used for your article in today's paper is Sasuke's brother Itachi. :)

>> No.202902

oh my god.

>> No.202926

The smiley at the end reminds me of that picture "I sent that bitch a smiley face. Bitches love smiley faces."

>> No.202935

I almost raged.


>> No.202947

They all seem to like Jin for some reason....

>> No.202964

This thread never happened.

Anonymous, let's never discuss this again.

>> No.202966
File: 26 KB, 298x407, 1205424097535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was enjoying a perfectly delightful military parade until you weaboos wrenched me across time and space to rage at you. I hate you. I hate you with a passion that, for the first time in my life, I cannot articulate. I will find every last one of your kind and heap your grotesque bodies upon a thousand corpse fires, I will dance in your flayed skins, I will grind what few children you have produced into hamburger and serve the meat to your pets. You have successfully made me furious...

>> No.202968
File: 359 KB, 835x1200, 1205424106915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.202974

>Manga/animé is the most popular category, and Naruto rules it. The site lists 128,000 Naruto stories, about 10 times what you get with a reasonably popular property such as Fruits Basket
I lol'd

>> No.202982

You made glorious Nihon honorary Aryans. You have no excuse.

>> No.203006

What's funny about the article is that a 12 year old weeaboo basically acts the same way as a 20 something weeaboo.

>> No.203009


Nothing wrong with liking Jin, the man is pretty badassed

>> No.203034

Good article. I've seen few anime&manga related in newspapers, and they suck.

>> No.203053


>> No.203057

search and double rape

>> No.203062

Cheerios went up my nose when I saw that her name was "Mojo".

>> No.203073

OP here. Just got off class.I'm only here for the reason that I'm attending Texas A&M so I'm reasonably close. That aside I'll enjoy my perfectly working lungs quite well. I'm more annoyed at the fucking horrible mass transit system on the few occasions I go out, then the air pollution, although I guess they go hand in hand.

>> No.203141
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>> No.203169
File: 37 KB, 450x484, 1205428555335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen of /jp/, do not Rage over this news article. There is nothing for you to get upset over a weeaboo loli's obsession of Naruto and fanfiction. You know this kind of fail exist here and sooner or later its going to get picked up. You are anonymous, you should know better than to whine at something as small as this.

Laugh anonymous, laugh for me. I want you to point and laugh over this matter than seeing you rage.

>> No.203180

I raged at the article's title, before the page had even loaded.

>> No.203185

Well, your picture made me spew my wheaties at least.

>> No.203748

If Anon was into anime/manga at 12 years old, chances are he would have been doing similar things. As it stands now, most of us were 12 when anime was a lot less popular in the West and internet communities were fewer in number, so we just didn't have the resources to fail as hard.

Hell, back when I was 12, I used to cut pictures of friends and paste them onto Star Wars CCG cards, and play the most embarrassingly stupidly narrated D&D games.

tl;dr leave the loli alone, she's only 12. If she's still the same way when she's 20, then go ahead and let loose.

>> No.203754


>> No.203758



lol you from houston?

do you like the rockets? i like them too ^_^ 20 game win streak xD

>> No.203795

I'm only 22 and I read the papers. Why bust out my laptop when the news is sitting right there on my kitchen table?

>> No.203828


>> No.203829

Do you remember me, cancer?

>> No.203832


I can't agree more. Anonymous is crying over spilled milk.

>> No.203834

>It's Sturgeon's Law, 90% of everything is crap.

Aptly put.

>> No.203837


ah Aids-san

of course i remember, how do you do

>> No.203842

I was surpressing my power level ever since I was 12.

>> No.203846

"I'm not sure where the boys are. And I can't figure out why Mojo and her fellow fangirls have latched onto Naruto and its mostly male characters when there's a universe full of more obviously girl-friendly characters."

I personally masturbate to nothing but Touhou and Akagi, while reading Azumanga Diaoh like it were the bible.

I also have a friend named Mojo, he's awesome and does drugs and skateboards to work. He's like 34.

>> No.203856

User Image
kahauna wrote:
Hey lady samurai...Bleach and Samurai Champloo beat the chakra out of Naruto...but you and your chibi kunoichi-chan have excellent taste just the same!


>> No.203872

I blame the stormfags. If they had manned up and won the war, we wouldn't have to deal with this faggotry.
