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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2024136 No.2024136 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>2021931 on autosage modo.

>>If you're comfortable with a forum, you can still use it: http://jpproject.2ksite.com/

>>For VN's story use this: http://editthis.info/anon_vn

>>And I guess this wiki can be used for something useful too: http://jpwiki.co.cc/

In case you have missed out, polling has begun on

if you actually give a damn and is willing to contribute later. Pruning will be done tomorrow (polls will reset, so a re-vote is required).

>> No.2024147

Cool phpBB bro

>> No.2024164

Person from jpwiki.co.cc here.

I've been trying to gauge the viability of the website I created for this endeavor the whole day. I first created the website when the very first thread was made. However, I worked on it constantly and did not release a link until I thought I had something to show. By the time I refreshed the thread a forum and several wikis were well underway.

I guess what I want to ask you folks, will anyone be considering the website to coordinate /jp/-related collaborative work or should I just scrap it?

I know that at this moment we have nothing and some of you will say we have no need for it. However, I believe that by establishing a framework today, we won't have to worry about rushing to create one when we DO need a web site later on. Anyways, let me know.

>> No.2024174

keep the wiki for now. the other anons might collectively prefer to use the wiki instead of the forum later, either immediately after the poll for sharing the materials or even after the final product is out.

>> No.2024177

Why was the 12th option made in the poll? To keep the trolls all in one vote?

>> No.2024182

Fuck you.

>> No.2024187

Now hold on a second, both of you. I think CurryButt was just joking around with that one, and it was taken a bit too seriously by the poll-maker.

>> No.2024189

I have to sleep soon, midterms tomorrow

umm, can someone give me a very brief tl;dr on this? I'm interested but don't have the time to read through the last thread right now ;_;

>> No.2024192

What? Don't tell me you seriously want a fan-made Ciel visual novel instead of all the other stories

>> No.2024193

its a viable suggestion just like any other. i want to keep options open for now.

>> No.2024196

Not much happened. But we got a lot of different ideas for a VN and we are now trying to decide which one to use.

>> No.2024202

oh shit, really?

Did someone else pick up on my hobo VN idea? If not can I suggest it

>> No.2024203

I'm going to propose an alternative development model for our projects.

Rather than shoe-horning everyone into working on one project that may have been voted on by people who may not actually be contributing, we should operate things more like a bazaar or open market. If one or more writers are serious about a particular VN idea but don't get their idea voted #1 in the pool, they're still free to go ahead and develop the plot and script on the wiki....

*continued in thread


>> No.2024211

Keep the wiki. The wiki has uses that the forum won't be good at.

I posted this in one of the threads of the forum:

"We just need to use these three tools accordingly:

/jp/ - getting the word out, attracting new talent, etc.
forum - centralized persistent place for dedicated discussion, daily communication between project contributors
wiki - collaborative writing of plot backgrounds, scripts, central place to share and store artwork, etc."

>> No.2024215

it doesnt matter. if the fan-made ciel novel ever wins, and if there are no one willing to work on it, /jp/ is forced to go for the 2nd-best option, again if there are people willing to work for it.

>> No.2024224

CurryButt was samefagging as a guest in the forum so the admin added it.

>> No.2024227

>If it wins we'll be fags and not do it

It's no wonder /jp/ is a bunch of jobless loser NEETs

>> No.2024236

Better make that the other three, because I love Ciel but haven't voted yet.

I don't intend to, either. I'm not going to be part of the project, so it isn't fair for me to have an input on what it becomes. Besides, I wouldn't vote for #12 anyway, and I seriously doubt CurryButt did either.

>> No.2024229

Only posted once there, actually, and it was the "seconded" post.

>> No.2024232

I support this proposal.

>> No.2024235


The alternative development model posted in >>2024203 solves the problem of samefags/trolls who won't be actually contributing to the project. Check it out.

>> No.2024244

It's not like anyone has an obligation to work on a project they don't want to. If the Ciel vn gets enough legitimite votes it will have enough staff even without the people who are unwilling to work on it.

>> No.2024254
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Again, I'm not samefagging if you're trying to imply me, and if the curry idea wins i WILL be taking part in it, not just 'hurr lol trold u guiz XD'. If you weren't trying to point me out then it still stands anyway. ಠ3ಠ

I wrote currypasta and all those other shitty Ciel-versions of pasta i've done. Why wouldn't I write a VN?

>> No.2024265

I didn't mean to accuse you of it. But this puts the other anons at ease who would love to contribute to a VN but don't necessarily want to work on a Ceil VN.

>> No.2024269

Alright, for every new idea there should be a separate thread. The thread in which at least 2 writers, 2 artists, 1 programmer and 1 musician gather should become the main project.

>> No.2024273

...You know what? Fuck it. If it happens, I'll try to contribute to it as well.

>> No.2024276

>I wrote currypasta and all those other shitty Ciel-versions of pasta i've done.

God damn, boy, you really love your currypasta, don't you

>> No.2024282

No need to have a "main" project. We can have more than one project going on simultaneously. One project might have more people working on it and thus more resources to allow it get completed first or with a greater scope.

It'll naturally occur, there's no need for some elite fag to say "this is the main project, all of the other projects are cancelled, oh, and by the way we have enough people for the main project, so you can go away now." Remember, we need to defeat e-peen envy and faggotry and increase our overall success rate.

>> No.2024283

alright well aside from my curry idea doing surprisingly well, I like the new idea too but in the same way admin-anon thinks it should be used. The poll might have samefags, or proxyfags, etc - but it will give an idea of at least (probably no one cares enough about this to proxy for something like this anyway) the ideas that anon in general is interested in.

The VN isn't just for those working on it, but the audience as well. So I think using the poll as a way to just get a first gauging of what anon thinks about the stories is a good idea - then taking the top-voted ones from there and using that rather than just free-for all liek that new idea or just polls like the current/old plan.

>> No.2024293
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Who doesn't? のヮの


Also a side note, but waifu is a drawfag as ive mentioned quite a bit before, so if curry wins I already have one writer and one drawfag ಠ3ಠ

>> No.2024299

fuck yeah, posted my hobo VN up

>> No.2024310

I'm gonna have to wait until you guys start agreeing before I consider if I want to join.

>> No.2024318

All it takes is for someone to get up and say, "I'M DOING THIS ONE. WHO'S COMING WITH ME?"

>> No.2024330

Exactly, you don't need to get everyone behind your idea. If you build it, they will come. In other words, if you're serious enough about your plot idea, you'll write the first draft of your approval, get it up on a wiki, tell fags in the forum about it, and get people fine tuning it.

>> No.2024332

Er, first draft of your script, I meant.

>> No.2024338

Wow, because of this project thing I've been ignoring all other threads on /jp/ all day long.

>> No.2024341

Perhaps. The problem is that people first conclude that they want to make a VN, and then try to get ideas for it, leading to pretty mediocre ideas, as they have to force it. The best ideas are usually the "holy shit, that would make an awesome VN" kind that pops out a few times in your daily life.

>> No.2024345

midterm guy here, now I don't want to sleep ;_;

>> No.2024347

I suggest that we add drawfag sub-forum so that there can also be possible manga/animation projects. Plus, it makes it easier for the other people to recruit drawfags.

>> No.2024349

>>2024347 here
The potential down-side to that is drawfags are usually more drama inducing and attention whores, hopefully we are more mature.

>> No.2024351

Go to sleep, anon. I'm going to sleep too now. I'm sure we won't miss too much.

>> No.2024354

Yeah, I at least did something productive and printed a study guide.

Good night, /jp/ ^_^ why would you hate me for an emoticon, I truly mean well towards all anons of /jp/

>> No.2024369

Ugh... I think these project threads have triggered my OCD. I've been hitting F5 too much. I should go to sleep as well. Good night.

>> No.2024386
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Same here, though for all of /jp/ in general and minus the sleeping right now part. Seems extra slow right now around here though ;_;

>> No.2024405

go to sleep.

>> No.2024410

okay ;_;

>> No.2024610

there is no 'WIN', you can start a thread/wiki it now if you like. i feel that admin-anon's 3 days is a bit too long

>> No.2024784


>> No.2024789


