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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 131 KB, 835x1199, meltan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2023365 No.2023365 [Reply] [Original]

New Meltan thread

>> No.2023369

Probably won't play too many matches though. My fingers are starting to hurt.

>> No.2023370


>> No.2023372

Old is back here:

Make sure you didn't miss anything.

>> No.2023379

(copied from auto-sagin' thread)

No worries. I know how frustrating it can be. My Nero's not that much better than yours, I just know where his openings are. While I'm thinking about it, 2Cs are also good deterrants for jump-in happy people like myself, though really aren't a good idea against the characters with a good dash or projectiles.

>> No.2023386

Hah, yeah. And animal-spam just fails miserably against Ciel, Satsuki, and the lolis.
I really should fire off more A-crows when they're keeping at a distance, though. I lost count of how many BEAM-U I just stood there and blocked.

>> No.2023395

It's okay, I learned yesterday that M-Hisui wins the crow vs beam adventure. Not to mention that she can just Ex it to sidestep the crow and punish him at the same time.

>> No.2023415
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>> No.2023422
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everyone knows im tsuntsun for /jp/ already anyway, this is just more proof of that ;_;

>> No.2023431

True, but now I have something solid to argue with next time someone posts that TripTier list.

>> No.2023468


>> No.2023479
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>> No.2023481
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>> No.2023480

>TripTier list.
It's like we're really /v/! And possibly other shitty boards.

>> No.2023485

Don't look at me, I didn't make it or post it. And what am I supposed to call it, then?

>> No.2023492

Eh? I'm not accusing you of anything.

>> No.2023493

you're supposed to not even acknowledge its existence, because then you'd become a tripfag that cares about a tripcode tier list and that's terrible

>> No.2023509 [SPOILER] 
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Man, people on this board really need to lay off the drugs...

>> No.2023511 EC

>> No.2023515

>Warning: 330ms is the max playable ping. You probably shouldn't even try playing.


>> No.2023518


>> No.2023533
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>> No.2023544
wc hosting.

>> No.2023546

What is it that you do, that makes me want to set fire to your car.

>> No.2023553 EC
WC and EU shouldn't bother.

>> No.2023563

That was... odd.

>> No.2023568

Well, for one, I don't own a car. Maybe you just like trying to do impossible things?

>> No.2023578

Well shit, apparently my converter is broken. Sorry for that.

>> No.2023587

i knew you wouldn't snub me, bro

but seriously, that sucks.

>> No.2023590

Unless the PS2 pad's plug is supposed to be missing a pin, it's apparently my pad that's broken.
I wish you'd die.

>> No.2023611
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>> No.2023632

>I wish you'd die.

...Well now I'm just confused. Was it deleting my posts that brought this on? Because I thought the big wink image named 'Understood.jpg' was enough to explain that particular faux pas, and everything after that was just playful banter.

>> No.2023661
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>> No.2023686

There's something infuriating about you. Everything you do and say is done as if to troll me.

>> No.2023690

Well, if it helps at all, it's unintentional.

...Think maybe it's just the name/trip?

>> No.2023704

Hell if I know.

>> No.2023748

back for punishment, if there's anyone willing to play against a punching bag I'm your man. Can't host myself but if someone hosts I'll join.

>> No.2023767

Option 7, mizuumi.net

>> No.2023773

We got pretty good delay when we played earlier, where do you live?

>> No.2023792

I'm on campus at NJIT right now
gonna do that right now

>> No.2023802

A lot farther than I thought.

>> No.2023895

GGs. Use Len's j.B more against ground people. Better reach quicker start up. You figured it out eventually, but the weakness of Len's 5C is that if it whiffs on the second spin, you're going to be eating a lot of damage. Try to always cancel it into something else. Throw more cats. MORE CATS. ALWAYS MORE CATS.

>> No.2023912

GGs. It's really hard to connect jB to a ground combo though, I can't seem to get it down in practice. The pushback is just too much.

>> No.2023916

good games. God dammit, isn't there anyone on /jp/ that is near my level in this game, kinda getting tiring having my ass handed to me all the damn time.

>> No.2023921


Far be it from me to offer advice, but here are a few things I notice Ciel players doing to me:
Heat->Hiero. If the opponent goes into heat and you have 100%+ magic circuit, you hit them with 236C.
Recover->Hiero. If the opponent techs off the ground and you have 100%+, hit them with a Hiero.

Your side-games (called 'okizeme' by most) were pretty good (better than I do; I focus more on hitting a few combos or setups); dashing under me when I thought I was in the corner got me fucked up badly on multiple occasions. You might want to learn how to implement jumping into that; as it is, I've got a 50% chance of blocking just by holding down and a direction.

Learn a few Bread-n-Butter combos, as well. Either make your own, or look a few up. Doing that made my Nero a lot better than it used to be.

For a few Nero-specific tips: Unless I'm in Max Heat, my Arc Drive can be dodged simply by double-jumping and air-dashing backwards (It doesn't go so far). The EX Snake is unblockable when you're in the air; don't try to jump out of it, and if you see me use a special while you're in the air, air dash or double-jump if you can.

>> No.2023928

Getting owned is how it's gonna be for a while. Once you grasp the basics that are universal to fighting games, you just need to absorb the nuances of the particular game.

After that, you games will start being closer, and when you eat a combo you may start to have an inkling of what led to it and what you might have done differently.

Even though it seems like there is a huge skill gap, once you have execution and basics down, it all comes down to who is better at guessing what the other person is going to do next.

>> No.2023930

Put an j.a after it and you should have no problem. Also deals with people who try to clash anti-air.

You can also fake launch with 2B5B against most characters (timing's really tight for some) for about 2-300 extra damage.

>> No.2023931

There's a good chance I'm as close as you're gonna get; just learn a bit more of the basics, learn when to punish with Hiero, and we'll be dead even.

>> No.2023938

thanks for the advice, but as you probably noticed alot of the times I would get you into a combo I would fail to follow up, or would seem to punch and kick at the other side of the screen for no reason. My controller hates me and likes to let me suffer. Working on learning some combos, I can pull them off left and right in practice, but when it comes to the actual thing I setup the launch and always fail to pursue.

>> No.2023939

I haven't played in months and I was pretty low tier back then too.
That said, I can't host either, sorry.

>> No.2023946

Oh. And you can either extend that Len OTG combo quite a few more hits if you really wanted, drop an Arc on their face at the end of it to lock them down, or if you're in max, chain in a 623 to really annoy them. You can also relaunch ex-ice of the 236[A] if you're in max and want it to end slightly earlier or you just need a little extra damage to win. There's a lot more stuff you can do off the ex-ice 236[A] too aside from just a standard combo. 2B4B is a better launcher for that anyway. 2B214C gives you all kinds of throw or IAD crossup options, 236[B] can also be tossed in there, etc etc.

>> No.2023947

In practice there's no pressure.
When you know you're up against someone, even if they're not physically there next to you, there's a sense of pressure that occasionally causes a person to choke if they don't compete often/lack confidence.

You'll get there eventually, though it'd probably help your confidence to find someone near your skill level.

>> No.2023953

That's exactly how I was until recently. Just keep at it, and eventually the combos will be more muscle memory than watching and timing.

>> No.2023961

executing combos is all muscle memory, it's as simple as that.

i've been trying to pick up Miyako, but her ground combos require a precise sort input that I can't yet grasp. It's partly because her 2b has really weird properties and it's hard to get it to combo.

>> No.2023964

yeah I know that eventually, still, I've played probably over 100 matches each day since monday and only won about 1 each day... that's sad.

>> No.2023966

What controller are you using? (Be specific.)

>> No.2023972

an xbox 360 controller, there are plenty of times I try and just do a move and it simply does not listen. A perfect example is almost everytime I try to throw some keys when there's distance between me and my opponent, instead I just sit there like a retard doing an axe kick leaving me wide open for loads of punishment.

>> No.2023986

I hear the 360 dpad is horrendous, that might be part of the problem.

>> No.2023994

Unless I'm horribly mistaken, you can't even use the 360 dPad when it's hooked up to a computer.

>> No.2023988

...Oh god. Oh... Oh god.

Never. EVER. Use a 360 controller for fighting games. If you're going to use a console controller, use a PS2 one or buy one of those third-party computer controllers that looks like one. The 360 controller is almost obscenely picky about where the directions are, so trying to do a 214C (throwing keys) will net you a 14C (axe-kick).

>> No.2024001

Keyboard 4 lyfe bitches

>> No.2024008

I had a feeling it wasn't completely my skills just blowing ass when that shit happened. Now that you spell it out like that though, if there's a way I can get into practice mode with mcaster I could hook up my hotrod to it and get an actual arcade stick to work, I just know it would take me a while to relearn everything on a new controller.

>> No.2024016

Closest mbCaster has to practice mode is debug mode, though I'm not sure what that has to do with it.

>> No.2024020

good enough for me, I'll take what I can. So until I can get it, sticking with that shitty ass 360 controller...

>> No.2024022

Lookin pretty Saya there, Akiha.

>> No.2024027 EC

>> No.2024028

...I think it's the chins.

>> No.2024030

i'm not sure why you can't just config mbacPC.exe to use the controller of your choice. It's not that hard to figure out.

>> No.2024059

hey guys whats this game called

>> No.2024074

Melty Blood: Act Cadenza.

If you decide to pick it up, just use /rs/; mirrormoon.org has an English-version installer (make sure to get the MBAC ver.B installer), and meltybread.com has download links for MBCaster to let you play online.

>> No.2024151

When you guys finish, can you let me know? Was it always that laggy, or only when I was watching?

>> No.2024285

Just checked, and holy fuck they're still going. It's been a little more than an hour. I don't think I've ever seen a session go this longbefore...

>> No.2024298

I've played sixty matches in a row once...

>> No.2024304

I played with Ciel Dude an hour or two nonstop a few times before, usually at least 45 minutes or so.

>> No.2024311


I wish my schedule allowed for this kind of thing. Oh, and my adrenaline glands; not having parts of my brain explode would be a plus.

>> No.2024319

lol, well me and him playing isn't serious moodo anyway. We play quite a bit 'seriously' actually trying, but then we spend forever just screwing around, and then finish it off with a couple more 'real' rounds. So it's not so boring, repetitive, or stressing, but fun as hell.

>> No.2024323

Melty Blood sucks

>> No.2024333
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>> No.2024371

Finally got it installed, anyone know how to get a PS3 controller to work?

>> No.2024373

it won't

>> No.2024376


Google got this:

>> No.2024378

No. I'm still using a PS1 controller. Not even at PS2 stage yet.

>> No.2024380


If it's not working at all, then maybe you should spend the 20 bucks on a controller made for the PC to begin with. I use a logitech one, it works perfectly fine and is designed exactly like a ps2/ps3 controller so its comfortable, it only costed i think 15-20 bucks at best buy.

>> No.2024383

Augh, lucky bastard. I got a 20$ logitech that's blue and looks like a curvier PS1 controller sans analog sticks.

I've just been using the keyboard since then, though. Not worth the effort.

>> No.2024413
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No idea about PS3 controllers. Since I'm feeling kind tonight and I'm hoping that when I can finally do netplay with /jp/ again there will actually be worthwhile people:


It works perfectly, easy install, button mapping is simple, works with meltan, fatal/fake crucis, etc.

>> No.2024443

>>2024027 here.

>> No.2024445

good games, though those 4 wins against aoko it felt like you were just giving them to me.

>> No.2024448


>> No.2024449

Hey, we have the same gamepad.

Except mine was only $10.

>> No.2024453

I was getting bored.
2a on wakeup just about everytime was getting to me.

>> No.2024455

Still no luck on getting my ps3 controller to work. Surely at least one of you isn't living on minimum wage and can afford a ps3?

>> No.2024458

you were bored? I can understand, for me after like 20 matches I just wanted to drop the controller from hopelessness. However I perservered... only to get my ass handed to me even more.

>> No.2024470

well daddy warbucks, if you can afford a ps3 im sure you can afford a gamepad

>> No.2024469

The lag killed my combos.
Well in the end, you spammed alot less.
Though you need more overhead attacks.

Standing on the ground, crouching just leaves you wide open for a charged j.c
Either Stand up and guard, move the hell out of there, shield or dogfight.

>> No.2024477

I've never been much of an aerial combatant, I just don't like how the jumps and jump dashes are structured, I don't have enough hang time to react and direct myself without completely missing my target. So I figure stick to the ground, yeah it won't always work, but until I get the hang of moving around in the air I'm gonna stick with it so as to not completely fuck myself.

>> No.2024489

In that case get used to using anti-air moves, and shield + counters, if you wanna avoid being hit or touched.

>> No.2024493

also as noted from earlier, my shitty ass controller failed me regularly. However yeah I will probably be using more anti-air moves, as well as eventually getting a better controller.

>> No.2024497

what is this?

>> No.2024498

A thread. Is this your first time on 4chOn?

>> No.2024506

god dammit, I just got my ass handed to me 105 times, why is there this urge to play more meltan. Oh well, bumpan for more hosts. If you suck please play me, if you're good, then you can use me to practice combos on.

>> No.2024508

i dont even

>> No.2024530
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Except I am not that curry tripfag.

Top tier casual

>> No.2024545 EU

No spikey wireless, less than 6 delay

>> No.2024686

good games.

>> No.2024689
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GGs. But never play me again unless you choose another character.

>> No.2024692

huh? you mean switch characters every once in a while, or never again if I'm playing ciel?

>> No.2024697
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Picture somewhat related.

>> No.2025407

I know of no such rules.

>> No.2025789

bumpan for hosts, absolute shit tier here ready to roll.

>> No.2025829 EC

>> No.2025854

East Coast host
Low tier(?)

>> No.2025923

ggs. The lag still remains horrible.

>> No.2025964
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east coast canada
noob tier?
less than 5 delay

>> No.2026000

ggs. One thing for sure, I can't play against cats.

>> No.2026003

GGs. I'd use v.akiha but Kouma is quite difficult to momiji.

>> No.2026008

ggs, gotta get going though. Have to play another time, seems to me as though we're relatively even.

>> No.2026009

good games, but yeah that lag was killing it sometimes.

>> No.2026012

good games, It's about time I found somebody that I can have a good even match with.

>> No.2026018


>> No.2026062


>> No.2026087

Are you not there, or is it like delay 10?

>> No.2026097

GGs 9Breaker.

>> No.2026100

/raises white flag
gg tatari :( that broom is deadly.

>> No.2026104

Kohaku ftw

>> No.2026105
east coast

>> No.2026116

Where do you live anyway? We get pretty good delay.

>> No.2026165

gg got tired of being slaughtered alive :(

>> No.2026169

i live near ottawa in canada. -9Breaker

>> No.2026173


>> No.2026180

I miss playing with you Tatari. But I'm out of states now. -Christen (the Arcueid player)

>> No.2026229

why the fuck would you set 2 delay for 177 ms ping

>> No.2026231

fucking lag

>> No.2026239

I stated east coast for a reason, and setting the delay unreasonably low does not improve the lag


>> No.2026241

hostan Mid tier.

>> No.2026259

why the fuck i have to live in south america.

>> No.2026285

The only Ciel he will play against is me :3c

>> No.2026290

GGs; gotta go though, class is in 15 minutes.

Quicktip: Nero's 214C can't be blocked if you're in the air.

Also, why is Nero's arc drive so worthless?

>> No.2026291

ggs. I crapped myself when I saw you teleport out of Akiha's Arc Drive grab. Was so busy laughing I couldn't pay attention to the rest of that round.

>> No.2026300

Yeah, I only managed to win there because I've got my BnB commited to muscle memory. Laughing so fucking hard, holy shit.

Almost as bad as when I was playing against Katakana Ciel and he EX-Hiero'd through my Arc Drive.

>> No.2026303

>Also, why is Nero's arc drive so worthless?
Obviously, you're not familiar with the crow setup.

>> No.2026310

...Huh. EX-Crows, Arc Drive when they start flying?

I stand corrected.

>> No.2026308


Most arc drives are pretty useless. You can use Ex-crows to lock-down a downed opponent to force it to hit though. Barring a very VERY well timed bunker cancel at any rate.

>> No.2026312


>> No.2026328

Arc Drive pretty much immediately after spawning them.

>> No.2026338

in b4 "baww you use dp too much"


>> No.2026345

Kinda disappointed I didn't get to play your sion more but it looks like you main warc so i can't complain

>> No.2026354

damn you

>> No.2026355

I do main vsion, it's just easier to deal with your hisui with my scrubby warc

>> No.2026365

I remember you, Christen. Are you coming back eventually?

>> No.2026370

haha, it is true that I can't deal with warc's zoning very well.

>> No.2026376
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>> No.2026379
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2026379 EU/EC
Terribad tier

>> No.2026385



>> No.2026389

So join one of the people hosting.

>> No.2026404


>> No.2026419

he's in south america or something and gets delay 7 to ec


>> No.2026420


>> No.2026426
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>> No.2026434


>> No.2026438 I really ought to change my IP, this one looks like shit.


>> No.2026453


>> No.2026464

Oh god, that sucks... sorry man.

>> No.2026469


Regrettably, it seems that my gamepad has inexplicably lost the ability to do 1, 3, 7, or 9.

>> No.2026473

That sucks. My keyboard couldn't do 1C or 9C, but I just changed the layout and it fixed that. Not much you can do about a controller, though.

>> No.2026486

oh. you fucked me up

>> No.2026494

This is the worst thing ever, GGs.

>> No.2026499

GGs, tho .-.

>> No.2026525

good games.

>> No.2026523
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fyi its really boring to play terrible ciels who dont learn ever


>> No.2026534

Except he's been learning. Just give it time (and wait until he gives up on using a 360 controller).

>> No.2026538


ggs. my miyako isn't good enough to have respectable matches, sorry about that.

good matches with your akiha though. you need to use your fire thingies more, they prevent me from getting in on you too easily, particularly when you TK them, then they start making nice crossups.

>> No.2026540

GGs, once again. (problems-with-controller-guy)
To be honest that was my first time against someone of considerable skill. I should probably play online more often because I haven't been developing at all lately.

>> No.2026541

Dunno what happened there with the sudden lag spike, it actually froze my client. Rehosting if you want to try it again, if not ggs and rehosting for whoever. Damn Nanaya's invisible dash attack and your knowledge that I only ever block it low...

>> No.2026549

TKing on a keyboard is... difficult to say the least, particularly on netplay. But you're right, it's essential to her play and something I should practice more.

>> No.2026550

Haha, no need to GG me, I wasn't playing. Just remarking on how your controller problem is similar to a keyboard problem I had.

>> No.2026551

haha, sorry about that. I always feel like I don't deserve the hit when I use those moves without comboing into them. If i were a "good" nanaya player I wouldn't even bother using the high version of that move because you can't combo into it. Once you get used to the fact that high moves take a split second longer to come out, you'll stop falling for it, and I'll be forced to stop being a scrubby Nanaya.

>> No.2026552

My skills at MB are... really bad.
Someone like to play?
hosting at

>> No.2026554

No worries about the Miyako. Next time I'll see her I'll just use Hisui, give us both a chance to get some practice in with other chars. TKing on a keyboard is... difficult to say the least, particularly on netplay. But you're right, it's essential to her play and something I should practice more.

>> No.2026556

Well then, this is awkward.

I do wish I could figure out the problem, I'm absolute shit with a keyboard.

>> No.2026559

Hey, the best way to break a bad habit like that is to eat shit over and over again, so feel free to punish me every time.

>> No.2026563
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>> No.2026564

Try a few other games that are compatible with your gamepad; if they're all fucked like that, unplug it, clean out the plug and receptor, and try again. If you've still got problems, I can't suggest anything other than just disassembling it, cleaning out anything you find, and making sure everything is still connected.

>> No.2026567


>> No.2026571


>> No.2026573

I guess I should have been more specific.
My 1, 3, 7, and 9 inputs do not work for mbcaster ONLY. It works just fine with everything else, including offline Meltan.

>> No.2026574

Still hosting.

>> No.2026591


>> No.2026584

I take it you've checked Debug mode as well, to make sure everything else works under MBCaster?

>> No.2026590

Sorry, 287ms with delay 10 isn't that appealing

>> No.2026596

God, my ping is above 9000

>> No.2026593

I'm getting a timeout, otherwise I'd play you.

>> No.2026598


>> No.2026604
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>> No.2026603

I have. Those directions are the only things not working.

>> No.2026611

Slight correction. It seems I CAN do the diagonals, but I have go go extremely slowly from 6 to 9, 4 to 7, etc.

>> No.2026614

Game's too fast for that to work out, though.

>> No.2026653


>> No.2026671


>> No.2026674

Goddamn. I need to do more netplay.
That was some of the best Meltan I've done.

>> No.2026679
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>> No.2026690



>> No.2026699

I still suck, yes. But that's what I get for CPU opponents all the time.

>> No.2026717

but i SUCK with any other character, lol
GGs, i would love to fight more with you, sir.

>> No.2026725

good games. I realized something that is critical to survival in this game, that my controller fails at. My controller doesn't register diagonals, so whenever I try to guard low, shit doesn't even register, leaving me open for punishment without even knowing it. Explains why I have trouble using supers and doing combos. Fuck I can't wait to get a better controller.

>> No.2026733

oh, you need to fix that.

but... why you can't use the keyboard? it's a lot easier to use.

>> No.2026738


BTW, i'm >>2026552

>> No.2026742

I pretty much learned it on the controller, the keyboard just would take too much time to learn everything over again, as well as the button mappings. Doesn't matter too much, by sunday I'll have a better controller. Still it makes sense why I was losing so badly to so many people, EVERYONE uses low attacks, and if you can't block them then it's game over. So this entire time I've been playing with the worst handicap possible, I can't help but laugh.

>> No.2026743


>> No.2026745

GGs. Warc autopilot combo doing 4.3k is lol.

>> No.2026751

i noticed that whan i wasn't using low attacks (other characters) i losed a lot, but when i used kohaku (LOW ATTACKS FTFW)...

Now i think about it... you never used low guard
So... you're not half bad, yay!

>> No.2026763

wow, so it took probably 400 fucking matches for me to figure such a simple problem out. Oh well, this means I'll be doing better soon so I'm good with it. and yeah I did notice that too, that I consistantly lost to kohaku who was using low attacks all the time, and everyone else was a pretty fair fight.

>> No.2026773

...Great. One more person to completely fuck over my Nero. As if I don't get enough of that already.

>> No.2026777

you're talking to the wrong guy
learn to use your summons and spam 4c less


>> No.2026778

warc's bnb does 4k+ on v.akiha...
DPs do 3k+ on v.akiha...
sion's midscreen bnb does 6.5k+ on v.akiha
etc etc... ;_;

>> No.2026794

No, I'm really not talking to the wrong guy. I've played against 'that guy who sucks', and he's just discovered and probably broken his main weakness, which means yet another person to screw me over. You say I shouldn't spam 4c, but I only used it either at the end of a blockstring, when it was a hitting combo, or when random frame-dropping cut out the 21 of my 214C.

>> No.2026798

what's better winning against someone who can't guard and pull off supers, or winning against someone who's fighting on equal terms. Plus I'm not going to stop playing with this shitty 360 controller until sunday (so anyone can whoop my ass until then).

>> No.2026807

And then I'll go back to being the board's whipping boy. Is that supposed to make me feel better?

On a related note, does anybody know if Nero has any comboable overheads? I'm about 90% sure he doesn't but since I'm apparently the worst player here it wouldn't surprise me to be wrong.

>> No.2026818

well as long as you're not deafdefiler...carry on

>> No.2026820

what do you mean go back to? technically because of that bullshit I was the boards whipping boy, even to you. Plus you'll get better as you face more people. I got better partly due to advice and simply watching how my opponent (or if I was spectating both of them) played, pulled off combos, used grabs, jumped, and maneuvered around the screen and took what I thought would work in some places and applied it (I'll still never get the hang of jumping around and aerial combat). I also listened to the advice that people would give every now and then.

>> No.2026827

So I spammed 4c? I don't remember using it anywhere except at the end of a blockstring or during jump-ins (a couple of bad habits I picked up while playing against the computer).

>> No.2026832

Sorry, sorry. Probably overreacting (again, despite trying to cut down on that), but before I played you, I really was the whipping boy. And your problems were mainly due to something you've now figured out and your crappy controller, so where does that leave me?

>> No.2026839

to do what I've been doing, finding your weaknesses and working to fix them. Like I said I went 400 matches before figuring it out, it just takes time. Plus I can safely say that I have less than 15 victories to my name, and most of them were pity deaths, playing a terrible character, or just plain dumb luck.

>> No.2026845

using it at the end of "blockstrings" when they got you punished 80% of the time is probably a bad idea

>> No.2026852

If you played me, do you think you could help me find my weaknesses? I already know less 4c and more animals, and hopefully will integrate that into my next play.

>> No.2026861

Yeah, I noticed... The computer isn't so great at punishing, so I thought it was blockstun, and kept using it to try to get some distance. I should've figured it out sooner, though...
And yes, my 'blockstrings' are much too short, and very, very crappy. Any recommendations on lengthening them or making them useful? I used to chuck out an EX-Deer or snake at the end, but then the computer fooled me.

>> No.2026863

GGs, I can't play like this anymore, I need a new pad.

>> No.2026866

Good games. Damn I really missed playing other humans. Completely different from the CPUs.

>> No.2026869

I use the keyboard. Always have.

>> No.2026878

I don't know, I don't play nero. Read this and watch some match vids of Nero players.


>> No.2026886

I take it won't have any tips about successfully completing a 'crossup j.C airdash', then? I can manage everything up to actually switching which side of the opponent I'm on in midair.

>> No.2026890

I could try, but I don't know much about the games mechanics to give specific advice, but yeah that 4c leaves you open enough for a counterattack from most players, so I'd say only use it to launch your opponent after you've got them in a chain. It's like a useful skip to aircombo, you just have to use it sparingly, when you do that you can pull it out randomly in a match and really mess someone up. If I noticed anything about nero it's that he has great reach, so it should be possible to hit them as they're coming in to attack. Now that I think about it the 4c makes a great anti-air, so I'd use it for those instances. Stay on the ground, let the opponent airdash towards you and start to make their attack, you use the 4c, depending on where he is and who it is it'll either clash and could end up bad for you or hit them and launch them into a combo. Most of nero's attacks are so far from his actual body that you can exploit that, I don't know much about him but nero seems like the kind of character that has people charge at him, not him charging at them. This is just me ranting here, but if you gleam anything from this then cool.

>> No.2026893

Well, I don't, and I need a new pad.

Ending a string with 4c is generally safe, unless playing Shiki (and maybe some other characters, I'm not sure). Just... block.

Also doing an ex deer during a string is like telling your opponent to take your hp, since it has an ex-flash and leaves you extremely vulnerable until the first hit.

421a is a safer summon, as are 214a/b, maybe after a 5bx1. Don't forget that 5b and 2c are air unblockable, as is the first hit of the 4c, in case your opponent likes to jump out. You can generally cancel anything into a 236c, it's even safe against Ciel, and continue zooing from there. Maybe throw a 2a first in case they dash at you, of a 5b if they jump.

>> No.2026901

That actually helps quite a bit, thanks.

If you want to play, it's the same as before; option seven, mizuumi.net.

>Ending a string with 4c is generally safe
Unless they're crouching, which means they recover from the blockstun significantly before I recover from the second strike that doesn't connect and retraction. I'll work on the animals, though. Thanks.

>> No.2026906

>If you want to play, it's the same as before; option seven, mizuumi.net.

Cancel that, turns out I've got class in a little less than half an hour. Some other time, hopefully?

>> No.2026907


>> No.2026910

sure I was gonna eat soon, then do some essays, but after that I'll probably have that urge to get owned in meltan... until sunday that is.

>> No.2026913

make a new thread, this one's on autosage

>> No.2026922


Here: >>2026919

>> No.2026924

Soo... who wants to play against a shitty kohaku? =3
beware of the ping, tho.
