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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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2021131 No.2021131 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like touhou so much? Seriously Touhou is just a curtain shooter game and u go around shooting things. There isnt much plot. Still wondering how characters that only appear once in the game become to popular? Answer me

>> No.2021138
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>> No.2021144

amazing music, lots of fanart, good replay value due to the games being kick in the dick impossible on the harder settings and extra stages, yuri goggles, etc...

>> No.2021151

Because you need to lurk more

>> No.2021150
File: 67 KB, 744x619, 1233699423756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your answer.

>> No.2021152


When people look at this, do you see a big Cirno, or a small Reimu?

>> No.2021155

Both at the same time

>> No.2021158

Not sure. It's fun, and the music's good... There's really not much to explain.

>> No.2021159

Get out

>> No.2021160
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Many reasons.
The one first off the top of my head is it's a setting with a lot of content to work with for fanartists and doujin groups. For example, this...

>> No.2021161

>Touhou is just a curtain shooter game and u go around shooting things
It's more complex than you think

>> No.2021163

I like it because of the porn

>> No.2021165

Do you even play the games? if not, get out

>> No.2021168

>curtain shooter
Only touhou fans call them this, OP. You've messed up.

>> No.2021172

The Touhou community is based entirely off fanfiction. Hard to believe /jp/ has such a hardon for Touhou while raging at any other fanfic.

>> No.2021175
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This thread is an eyesore

>> No.2021183

No, we call them vertical danmaku stg

>> No.2021188
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Sure is trolling in this thread.

Picture unrelated, it's me and my friends in the Parasol Only Club.

>> No.2021195

So the only reason why touhou is popular is because of fanfiction and fan art?

>> No.2021199

Only Remilia needs it though

>> No.2021202

The games are fun. The music is good.

>> No.2021207

That sure isn't the reason why I like

>> No.2021208

I don't know about everyone else, but I like Touhou not only because it's a solid shooter, but it has a 'moe' factor that doesn't feel forced (Unlike most STGs that have lolis in them).

>> No.2021211

1)people liked the games because of the danmaku patterns
2)since it has an half-decent setting and only sketched personalities and stories fanartist and storywriters fap
3)more people come to know it because of the fanfapping, "games, what?"
4)shit produces more shit, it's an endless cycle of shit, a Shitvana, if you will
5)Touhou isn't Zun's anymore, BAAW, etc

I don't think touhou 12 will ever come out, enjoy your danmaku while it lasted.

>> No.2021217

True, the character have a godly character design

>> No.2021214
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... and this one. Don't have much of anything in common, but still have the same source (although not the same artist).
It's a setting with a lot of potential for development. Strictly canon, waffy fluff or GRIMDARK, doesn't matter - someone's done it.

>> No.2021218
File: 292 KB, 1050x760, 1233700269026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about everyone else, but I like Touhou not only because it's a solid shooter, but it has a 'moe' factor that doesn't feel forced or dirty(Unlike most STGs that have lolis in them).

>> No.2021227

You picked a very bad example.s

>> No.2021233

oh u

>> No.2021237

Unless you completely hate shumps altogether, chances are your tastes fall somewhere between the ironically almost polar opposite sisters: Touhou and Seihou.

Touhou features all completely dodgable spellcards (unlike some Seihou games, in which you can actually be forced to bomb), with more emphasis on beauty and atmosphere.

Seihou focuses more on fast-paced, balls to the wall action. Everything is much faster, bosses are bigger and more varied (Ships, lolis, anomalies, etc), but tend to have less story behind them. The difficulty spikes all over the place, and bosses tend to use every trick available instead of being themed.

>> No.2021242

I don't think it'll be the fans that stop ZUN from making more games. Likely alcohol poisoning.

>> No.2021248

Someone really needs to fix the background color on that.

>> No.2021256
File: 55 KB, 524x328, 1233700872038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As you can see from >>2021214 it was part of a style comparison, not an example of artistic merit.

Flood detection sucks tonight.

>> No.2021264

They are both very similar as far as the genre goes, and neither game is a shmup masterpiece

>> No.2021271


>> No.2021272

Hmmm, hadn't noticed

>> No.2021277


> neither game is a shmup masterpiece

I though Shuushou Gyoku was pretty close, though. Banshiryu was good, but it was missing something compared to Shuushou.

>> No.2021290

>Touhou is just a curtain shooter game and u go around shooting things.
Jesus Christ /jp/, do your job and tell newcomers that we don't talk like that here.

>> No.2021353

Since when do we welcome newcomers?

>> No.2021366
File: 283 KB, 750x1125, 1233702503983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't take kindly to newcomers 'round here.

>> No.2021377


Haven't heard about this before. Should I even bother with it if I can't 1cc anything but easy mode on touhou?

>> No.2021387

Heck no, it's pretty messed up. It's danmaku but bullets move 4 times faster than Touhou.

>> No.2021388

It's a troll

>> No.2021389

If you like being raped in all possible orifices, yeah.

>> No.2021391


Depends. Contrarily to Touhou, Seihou hinges more on sheer memorization as well as lightning reflexes than cold blood, real time scheming.

>> No.2021475

So touhou is better?

>> No.2021487


>> No.2021492

Shut up
