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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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20166235 No.20166235 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>20113649

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.20166236
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>> No.20166279
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splash art

>> No.20166542
File: 34 KB, 332x530, Ak7aRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand my wallet's fucked
Is it possible to time her gacha with some anniversary sale?

>> No.20166567
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>> No.20167489

Where's the paizuru hole?

>> No.20167492
File: 1.87 MB, 1479x1371, Heliodor_6★_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant Nova (Passive) - Gain 10/15/20% Damage Taken Down for 3/4/4 turns.
Gain 40/55/60% Physical Damage Taken Down.
All enemies gain 30/40/50% Defense Down.
All enemies gain 30/40/50% Counter Chance Down.
Firestorm - Inflict 70/90/100% damage to all enemies.
Reduce the duration of all positive turn-based effects of affected targets by 2 turns. Increase 20 seconds to all enemy cooldown timers.
Spinning Sun - Inflict 90%/100%/120% Critical Piercing damage to four enemies.
Inflict exactly 1000/1300/1600 True damage to all Support-class enemies. Refresh the cooldown timer of Skill 1.

>> No.20167500 [DELETED] 
File: 285 KB, 385x480, Charoite_6★_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loyal Dog's Devotion (Passive) - Gain Magical Barrier for 1/2/3 turns.
Gain Auto-Focus Fire.
Scraping Claw - Inflict 190/220/250% Guard Break damage to two enemies.
Inflict 40/60/80% Damage Taken Up for 2 turns.
Cat's Eye Mark • Ransouinu - Inflict 120/140/160% damage to two enemies.
Reduce the duration of all positive turn-based effects of affected targets by 1 turn.
Very low chance to reduce the duration of all positive turn-based effects of affected targets by 2 turns.

Charoite is my jew waifu from this day onwards.

>> No.20167552
File: 696 KB, 1126x1102, Eudialyte_6★_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Library's Cherry Blossom (Passive) - All allies gain Poison Immunity for 2/4/6 turns.
All enemies gain 15/20/30% Attack Down.
All enemies gain 15/20/30% Defense Down.

Sprinkle Aid - Restore all allies' HP using 50/60/70% Magic.
Apply 50/60/70% Health Regeneration to affected targets for 2 turns.
Apply 30/40/50% Critical Chance Up to all back row allies.
Recover Drop - Restore all allies' HP using 50/60/70% Magic.
Remove all applied negative effects from affected targets.

>> No.20167566
File: 752 KB, 839x1045, Charoite_6★_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loyal Dog's Devotion (Passive) - Gain Magical Barrier for 1/2/3 turns.
Gain Auto-Focus Fire.
Scraping Claw - Inflict 190/220/250% Guard Break damage to two enemies.
Inflict 40/60/80% Damage Taken Up for 2 turns.
Cat's Eye Mark • Ransouinu - Inflict 120/140/160% damage to two enemies.
Reduce the duration of all positive turn-based effects of affected targets by 1 turn.
Very low chance to reduce the duration of all positive turn-based effects of affected targets by 2 turns.

Charoite is my jew waifu from this day onwards.

>> No.20168625

Fucking hell, I miss Brave Girls. Sure the gameplay wasn't the best, but I loved the story and characters. Both of which won't be translated anymore thanks to Nutaku. They won't be forgiven for letting this game along with so many other die for their own greed.

And we'll be eternally punished for it as a result.

>> No.20168643

I think the one that pissed me off the most was what they did with SenPro
goddamn I still get mad to this day

>> No.20168771

Yup. The shit with SenPro is pretty rage inducing. They made one of the most generous game on DMM and turned it into a massive jewfest for some reason.

>made you pay for the prereg gatcha
>put the fast forward button during combat behind a paywall
>remove the guaranteed 5* for every 10 roll
>increased the price of the gatcha from (50->80)
>removed every useful char and put it on the paid only gatcha
>they didn't even bother localizing events, instead they created their own half-assed original events with shit rewards

And then they wonder why the game died. Fucking SuperHippo man, I wonder if they're still alive.

>> No.20168820

Of course they're still alive, they're a company owned by Nutaku and they've found their niche in south americans and SEA morons who love garbage.

>> No.20168899

>morons who love garbage
This pretty much describes everyone that plays English localizations these days. They're still machine translating shit in Azur lane EN as a placeholder while the (Unofficial) fan wiki translates the lines so they can steal them later and hotfix the machine translated garbage as a "minor translation issue".

There's some good ones but the lengths people go to rationalize and defend the shit ones is amazing. Then they proceed to dump lots of money and can't figure out why would anyone hate it.

>> No.20169016

What are some of the good ones?

>> No.20169377
File: 1.48 MB, 982x1159, rarity-growable-gachagolds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fret, anon. Your waifu's rarity growth will be released before summer 2021

>> No.20169387

I only play FKG for Dahlia and Anemone anyways.
Get fucked nerd.

>> No.20169419

My waifu also has a rainbow version, so I'm not as worried about it, but I'm waiting on my silver side bitch to get hers.

>> No.20169431
File: 21 KB, 109x98, lau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine. 2 out of my favorite 5 already have it as well.
How dare you call me the n-word.

>> No.20169578

But how will she get her RG before 2021 when FKG will close next year when they discontinue flash?

>> No.20169615

Nevermind rarity increase, I'm still waiting for Rainlily's bloomed art.

>> No.20169655

Did I miss the Karma revival or is the schedule on Aigis just out of whack?
We're back to Aria already.

>> No.20169687

The two-event set for Anya has always been run more frequently and off-schedule than other events.

>> No.20169726
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By this point I pretty much only expect plat dupes from these, but getting a black dupe still feels really bad.

>> No.20169957

>Roll ticket
>Some plat glasses witch that i'll never use

Not a dupe but is as useful as one

>> No.20169967

sometimes I bring Adele when I don't think I'll be using many units for the 10% HP buff
it helps a bit

>> No.20169978

Reposting from last thread

Anyone got the low unit clears of 魔界の深層 and 病魔の鼠?

I think someone posted a way to trivialize these with moltena a while ago but I dont have the videos.

>> No.20170069

I recorded a ~45 of the ero scenes from Tokyo EXE Girls on autoplay before it shut down yesterday.
If anyone gives a fuck I'll upload them to Mega.

>> No.20170134

Nooooo, I wanted to own all LOLICEPT girls, but now I'l NEVER EVER roll her...

>> No.20170458

I'm fucking mad that I can't rarity growth my Lily Toad summer

>> No.20170462

You can find it on niconico or youtube

>> No.20170505

Put them on EXH

>> No.20170850

I play this on nutaku. kill me.

>> No.20170888

Do they even give enough stones for RG on there? You need like 1250 stones of rolls in the normal gatcha or like 750 stones if you use the gold only one.

>> No.20170899
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Like I'd dirty my hands with the blood of some filthy n*taku retard.

>or like 750 stones if you use the gold only one.
That's only 560 crystals though.
Might be able to get away with some fully maxed gold, but lower rarity than that and you're running short.

>> No.20170911

Yea that was like the absolute minimum. It's 530 for my Pinkladies(skill3/4eq slots). I think getting to skill 5 would lower it to 510.

>> No.20171090
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Final result.
Guess there's no surprise upset.

>> No.20171106

How come Kamihime tanks hard in the all ages ranking compared to FKG and Aigis, when it usually shares the top 3 with them in the R18 page?
Are they just easier to play in public or something?

>> No.20171120
File: 308 KB, 997x992, 27104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nutaku's self-remade events are some kind of hell punishments.

I remember with hitsuji chronicle they beat themselves at it. that game was a super slow-paced turn based rpg where you actually had to (and often needed) select which enemy and which skill to use and carefully micromanage everything.

and nutaku transformed more or less every event into a stage clearing spamfest ranking event with limited rewards based on your final rank plus fixed rewards when you accumulated enough score.

forcing you to clear over and over for the sake of making points, stages that in the Japanese version where to be cleared it just 12 times to get all the rewards. or utter difficult stages that could randomly spawn bosses right in the middle or various ultraenemies because it was a boss subjugation designed event in Japan were clearing the instance just means more boss kill count.

the top was that event with nature element mobs were the girls that gave more points, if you cleared the stages with, were water type weak to nature type. the end boss Plantos was bullshit, aoe sleep on all your team and nature magic in a row until you get crushed plus regen Hp.

>> No.20171180
File: 652 KB, 1689x1208, 0799bdb782cd1a96acd606df973b0050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aigis hasn't been top 3 in the R18 version in ages.
Here's the ranking for October.

>> No.20171351
File: 21 KB, 100x100, echeveria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play FKG too casually to even been able to reply to that question. but I don't think we have roll gold only gacha or anything like that on nutaku yet. we just finished the event of that girl in the pick. now we have the Halloween event with green girl with a scythe.

In FKG I do this: I check if the girls they have in the gacha higlighted are cute, then I check If I have enough flower stones or whatever they are called. if I have I roll and cross the fingers.
I mash up teams just based on visual appearance and on whims and as long they clear stages, and anata-sama! anata-sama! daishou! is fine

>> No.20171354

The worst part of Hitsuji was that it died on DMM so you couldn't even go play the good version after seeing Nutaku rape their version.

>> No.20171617

Any of the FKG experts want to give me a lesson on what sort of teams I'd need for each Aqua shadow EX with some team examples or something?

I've always wanted to do them and I hear you need different things for each EX so might as well ask here and see if someone is bored enough to explain them to me.

>> No.20171625

Wtf, why are oni routes actually interesting instead of cd reduction/stats boost?

>> No.20171654
File: 64 KB, 439x530, DqzhudVVAAAecdW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutest oni is getting her 2AW before heavy armors, bandits and mages!

>> No.20171666
File: 912 KB, 960x932, Kibahime_AW2v2_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Both routes look great

I love this

>> No.20171685

My oni wife is so cute, i can't decide which route to take

>> No.20171689


>> No.20171702
File: 206 KB, 354x479, Itsuki_AW2_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.20171706
File: 795 KB, 800x1082, Itsuki_AW2_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, image for ants

>> No.20171724

>Oni gets a 2AW out of nowhere
>Kibahime now gets TWO skills

Is she relevant now?

>> No.20171731

this actually looks really bad
I never hated on itsuki but her AW2 looks really bad

>> No.20171741

She looks fine to me, other than being more suited for a Disgaea game.

>> No.20171752
File: 428 KB, 1280x1780, _03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kibahime's AW2 reminds me of this doujin.

>> No.20171762

If you are homosexual, maybe

>> No.20171766

unnatural pose that looks uncomfortable and the boobs are too big, she is not supposed to be a cowgirl. But i like the weapon upgrade. With her increased stats she can probably duel most bosses now thanks to silvia tier leech and added mr.

>> No.20171777
File: 23 KB, 423x107, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there ways to increase HP other than Aisha?

>> No.20171792

Kayou has an HP buff now to Youkai I believe and I think Teeny increases HP too

>> No.20171794


>> No.20171822

So Myouou or Kibashuu Chief?

I'm personally leaning towards chief because the art is cooler and she gets a 2nd skill from it but the other one gets fatter base stats and 25 MR

>> No.20171843

Shuu all the way. We allready got two Myos.

>> No.20171849

what does the fairy boy do?

>> No.20171869

Kinda looks like a poverty Sheng-Pu, sans clones.

>> No.20171871


>> No.20171882


seems good for male only missions, probably wont AW him though

>> No.20171905
File: 2.11 MB, 1474x1236, Rindou_AW2_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rindou gets a cool AW2
>Itsuki gets deformed

Event unit wins again

>> No.20171923

Get foddered.
The weak should fear the strong

My issue here is that outside of the pink hair she doesn't even look like the same character.

>> No.20171938

He's pretty strong for a male though

>> No.20171958

>sat on my pity black for a month hoping dev tea qould remember Rinne us a unit that exists
>just give up and roll for samuroppai
>dupe Ingrid
I just feel like quitting at this point.
I'm back to stockpiling SC for half a year to have a guaranteed shot at a black, that's probably gonna be another off banner dupe.

Kind of like sparking, not rolling for 6 months but at least that's guaranteed.

>> No.20171968
File: 132 KB, 900x500, Dq59G05WkAAcMsU.jpg%3Alarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that's unexpected.


>> No.20171981

I can't stop laughing
Reality is stranger than fiction

>> No.20171991

Wat. Will we get official lewds?

>> No.20172001

Poor Kyon is going to be NTR'd. Haruhi will love that successor cock.

>> No.20172014

But I want Sugita to be in this event...

>> No.20172074
File: 191 KB, 1200x630, Dq5yOlOUcAAAUGP.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, kek, it's not just KP getting a Haruhi collab.


>> No.20172093

So I guess Nagato and Asahina are event himes.
I was expecting existing himes in JK outfits.

>> No.20172094

Holy shit, will we see the cast get 村人'd?

>> No.20172111

Collab PV.

>> No.20172130

It's probably going to be one of those only all-ages version crossovers, isn't it?

>> No.20172151
File: 52 KB, 360x360, Dq59Vq5W4AEI26F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and of course
Also an out of nowhere collab right after another one ends.

>> No.20172153

>Jew Princess has more presence in DMM than Aigis
All of my wat.

>> No.20172162

Aigis has been pretty stale lately. Let's hope the anniversary turns things around.

>> No.20172174

How's those preregs going anyways?

>> No.20172225

3/5 rewards. 3rd reward was at 50K preregs and the next two are at 100K &150K.

Considering it's supposed to release this month we're fucked (Unless for whatever reason they just haven't updated the website)

Honestly Aigis is just a shit R18 game because no voice acting makes the H scenes kinda meh so I'm not too surprised about this.

>> No.20172268

I'm surprised Aigis as a brand isn't popular enough to meet such a small number of preregs on its own.
They'll just bot it themselves, else they'd look silly teasing a new exclusive black that literally no one can get.
They've got over 2 weeks to do it.

>> No.20172270

Is there a similar one for all ages? Hopefully Aigis2 comes out soon

>> No.20172279

I believe I read they were planning on making the new black available in the shrine next year but I'm too lazy to look for the source.

They might still rig it a bit because making it look like nobody is interested in your game isn't exactly good publicity.

>> No.20172282

Why is senran princess that high? What the fuck?
And what is 封神R? I guess some anon wasn't kidding when he said Japan is addicted to the Investiture of the Gods huh.

>> No.20172285

Senran's anniversary was last month and they gave out a lot of free shit.

>> No.20172290
File: 605 KB, 1669x1136, 69d792429aad8be67db282313681dd6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the ranking for September

>> No.20172294

>Why is senran princess that high? What the fuck?
It's surprisingly addicting once you give it a try, and has tons of cute girls that cater to quite a lot of fetishes and tastes.

>> No.20172315

To summarize the info in the website, Kadokawa Sneaker Bunko is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a crossover with DMM Games.
Following works will have their characters appear in various DMM Games:
- Ore no Nōnai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Rabu Kome o Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru (Noucome)
[My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy]
- Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu
[The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya]
- Free Life: Isekai Nandemoya Funtōki
[Free Life: Records of a Struggling Jack-of-all-trades in a Parallel World]
- Masou Gakuen Hybrid x Heart
[Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia]
- Mushi-Uta
- Rental Magica

The following games will be participating in this crossover:
- Kamihime Project (Haruhi)
- Idol Wars (Haruhi)
- Otogi Frontier (Haruhi, Free Life, HxH)
- Sengoku Providence (Haruhi, Mushi-uta, Rental Magica)
- Sora no Kanata no Dystopia (HxH)
- Brave Girl Ravens (Haruhi)
- DoA Xtreme Venus Vacation (Haruhi, Noucome, HxH)
- Senran Princess (Haruhi, HxH, Rental Magica)

There's also a retweet campaign and some kind of PV production campaign with autographs from various seiyuus including Sugita, Kugyuu, Hirano etc.

>> No.20172321
File: 2.59 MB, 960x540, 1526638989140.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Masou Gakuen Hybrid x Heart
I know I shouldn't expect anything but...

>> No.20172328

>- Sora no Kanata no Dystopia (HxH)

>> No.20172348

I didn't know I needed to watch this anime until I saw that webm. Holy shit.

>> No.20172476

>And what is 封神R? I guess some anon wasn't kidding when he said Japan is addicted to the Investiture of the Gods huh.
New game just released. No idea if it's any good. Although, since it went from pre-reg to launch fast and I didn't really catch any gameplay screenshot, it's probably another auto-battler. Did anyone give it a try?

>> No.20172488

I tried but I couldn't get that game to load on my PC.

>> No.20172491

I tried but I get stuck on loading. Might try a different browser or with a jp vpn later.

>> No.20172563

Japan has a long ongoing infatuation with ancient chink literature - Journey to the West, Investiture of the Gods, Romance of the Three Kingdoms and Water Margin comes to mind. Especially RotK where a ton of games are based off the novel.

There's also Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio with a series of short stories of the supernatural + various yaoguai, which even Touhou used for some of its ideas (Kaku Seiga)

>> No.20172723
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>> No.20172808
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>> No.20172835
File: 194 KB, 710x240, 1539649545949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playable Kyon please

>> No.20172841

>Pulled two pity blacks on Koihime gacha
>It's Ibuki both times
I just wanted the loli

>> No.20172936

This is absolutely the start of a doujin.

>> No.20172964
File: 497 KB, 1006x586, 20181105_gqwrr.png?202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, I just got this on the R18 version so I guess we might be getting ero after all.

>> No.20172992
File: 20 KB, 226x107, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ragrets

>> No.20173003
File: 66 KB, 225x165, 1532448533444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, they'll just won't actually lock the event to the all ages version only.

>> No.20173098

I saw enough people shitting on the decision that Aigis will hopefully not do it again. Although I could have sworn they already said they weren't going to after everyone complained about the first one.

>> No.20173109

I don't really see what even makes it impossible for the Arslan/NnT characters to be playable in the R18 version.

>> No.20173122

Nothing. They even had the hooded doujin man versions ready to go at launch this time but they still wouldn't even put the gacha banner in R-18. And they could easily just replace assets and names for the event maps if they wanted. They're just lazy fucks looking to cash-in on a collab.

>> No.20173131

SenPro was first to the punch.


>> No.20173183

Not that anyone should've expected otherwise.
But at least confirmed they're playable in the X rated version to begin with.
Hell, the fact that they're playable even and with original voice lines/portraits alone is more than I'd have expected for a general collab like this, I'd just expect some themed in-game items, costumes or enemies rather.

>> No.20173194

Victim complex autist is back and stronger than ever in Aigis, and all it took was a collab. I don't even understand how you can correlate that with a cash grab when you're too fucking dumb to understand what a contract is kiddo.

>> No.20173241

First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I don't even know who you're trying to compare me to. And third of all, nothing you said excuses them leaving content out of the R-18 version after the fanbase complained about it the first time. They knew what they were doing. And I'm sure they fully expected the player response, which means they went ahead solely because of the money.

>> No.20173264

I can deal with downloading the all ages app to play it for a couple weeks, but when a dozen other games announce collabs with other established franchises as part of a bigger mega collab, while not gatekeeping players in the R18 versions from participating in them makes them look dumb.

>> No.20173340

I understand Haruhi not getting lewds since it's still a relatively popular IP, but I think it would have been fine for defunc franchise like Rental Magica to get lewded. That series is long dead. No one will complain.

Masou HxH is also pretty much hentai so there should've been no problems with it getting an hscene or two.

>> No.20173346

The events feature the original anime voice actors and stuff like Free Life doesn't even have a drama CD, let alone an anime.

>> No.20173442
File: 186 KB, 1024x576, 3356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20173468

But those other collabs are with different properties, so there's no guarantee they had the same requirements, right?

>> No.20173485

It would depend on how/who handled the deal.
For the sneaker bunko collab, the negotiations would have to be done by DMM staff personally, possible it was just Aigis staff alone when it came to Arslan/Nanatsu

>> No.20173518

>Suddenly every DMM game is getting a Haruhi collab

>> No.20173530

Only dying/already dead games, though.

>> No.20173539

but aigis is dying and we got seven sins instead, cant even get to 100k preregs

>> No.20173566

I have no idea how Aigis still alive but i really don't want it to be closed down. Still thinking, what gacha here fucking rigged tho.

>> No.20173583

Honestly you could estimate the average online to be 50k-75k during voting event, not really surprised

>> No.20173666

I don't think aigis is gonna make it to another anni after this year

>> No.20173933

Outright porn. Love it.

>> No.20174997

The Moltena master.

>> No.20176452

Cant find those two stages in his video playlist

>> No.20176592

The only low clears for those maps that I've seen all had our favorite hermit even the ones with Moltena.
Just search youtube/nico and you'll probably find something to work with. It's pointless for random people to find shit for you since we don't know what you have to work with.

>> No.20176602

>The only low clears for those maps that I've seen all had our favorite hermit even the ones with Moltena.
Mind linking these if you can?

>> No.20176615


>> No.20176621

Thank you

>> No.20176766

>no Sugita

>> No.20176810
File: 194 KB, 659x171, 1522252962229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world order restored

>> No.20176820
File: 206 KB, 828x567, cygames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile at cygames

>> No.20176893

Is kancolle truly dethroned now?

>> No.20176994
File: 174 KB, 1200x806, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20176998

Go go power rangers

>> No.20177154

More like strangers

>> No.20177927

I know that hentai...

>> No.20178674
File: 466 KB, 566x358, 1523280021805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At last we reached the plat ticket level.

>> No.20178792

This shit is until 1\31, so we don't need to worry about reaching final reward.

>> No.20178818

>千年戦争アイギスAのGoogle Play版リリースが決定いたしました。リリース日は2018年11月中旬を予定しております。

You sure about that?

>> No.20178860

Where did you get that from? On prereg site still 1\31 or im wrong?

>> No.20178876
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At this rate, probably won't make black, unless they fudge their numbers last minute.

>> No.20178878
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>> No.20178894


1/31 is for the reward distribution period.

>> No.20178900

This reminds me, what happened to the super sentai ninja team? I miss those extra event maps where they got "something" to defeat prince once for all, you defeat them like the saturday cartoon villains they are, then it was the wait for the until the next event to discover more misadventures of them.

>> No.20178903

Oh, i see. We're fucked then.

>> No.20178937

I honestly couldn't give any less of a fuck about the umpteen billionth Chinese unit of whatever fucking class that has 1-3 units in it anyway.

Shuten Douji killed them, reanimated them under his control using his flesh and pitted them against Kibahime, and then they got better somehow or another.

>> No.20178940

The bigger dealbreaker about Aigis h scenes for me is how there is just 1 CG for the whole thing

>> No.20179147

If they don't update the numbers to 150k then that'd scream DEAD GAME but these DMM game companies are largely incompetent as a whole so I wouldn't expect much from them. Maybe someone with a brain will decide to but who knows.

>> No.20179536

Isn't FKG the same?

>> No.20179560

FKG has 2 for each - normal and climax. Not that much better, but it's something.

>> No.20179568

Isn't it voiced? and Aigis isn't?

>> No.20179636

Yeah but it having the same static picture like Aigis and one more with cum could mean that voices are more important for those kind of games

>> No.20179748
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Gina-sensei is going to join the ranks now.
By the way, Seles's story is really nice. An uncompromising girl with an irrational hatred for MC, who gradually softens up throughout the story. Cute.

>> No.20179984

Guess that means I can finally start playing.

>> No.20181211

They became Kibahime's tokens, but they did get new majin powers not too long ago.

>> No.20181575

I've got SSR ticket codes for Senran Princess and Idol Wars.
Anyone with codes for Kamihime or Sengoku Providence who wants to trade?

>> No.20181725

Are those from the sneaker bunko campaign?
How does it work? I tried checking the campaign page yesterday and still showed up as "coming soon"

>> No.20181735

Events made in collaboration with Sneaker Bunko, celebrating the label's 30th anniversary will be held across DMM games' platform from 11.05-11.19.
Collab titles: Noucome, Rental Magica, Hybrid × Heart Magias Academy Ataraxia, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, Free Life: Isekai Nandemoya Funtouki, Mushi-Uta.

Kamihime will have a Haruhi collab event with characters voiced by the original anime voice actresses for Haruhi, Mikuru and Yuki. It is unknown at this time if there will be any H-events.
For more info on the other collabs see: https://dmmgames-sneakerbunko.com/ and https://twitter.com/dmmolg_com

In addition a promotional twitter campaign will be held where you can win cool prizes in the games, and also autographs from the various voice actors (second is Japan Only).
To participate link your twitter account to DMM here https://www.dmm.co.jp/my/-/social-login/link-list/ and follow and retweet the official DMM events twitter account https://twitter.com/dmmolg_com before the events begin on 11.05.

>> No.20182375
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So nothing for FKG and Aigis.

>> No.20182382

nothing for dead games

>> No.20182555
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The deadest.

>> No.20182638

How come there's no date on the shrine with the new black samurai?
When does it end?
Also when does the anniversary begin?

>> No.20182852

Dead game, no reason to update anymore.
Wait for the livestream date to announce closure of Aigis.

>> No.20182919
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>that super cute Peko elf is in the Otogi collab
Welp, time to dust off my account.

They had a poll during one of the live streams last year where FKG players voted against collabs only for the all ages version. Might be the reason, though it's more likely that the game will shut down next month.

>> No.20183061

>In addition a promotional twitter campaign will be held where you can win cool prizes in the games, and also autographs from the various voice actors (second is Japan Only).
>To participate link your twitter account to DMM here https://www.dmm.co.jp/my/-/social-login/link-list/ and follow and retweet the official DMM events twitter account https://twitter.com/dmmolg_com before the events begin on 11.05.

I actually won something! For Brave Girl Ravens, which I don't play. Thus, enjoy: 3334SNJP333353K6

>> No.20183785

>3 days, 3 rolls
>not even a consolation prize
this means my gacha luck will be good though, right?

>> No.20184889

Doesn't first gacha change every update?

>> No.20185948
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I'm noticing that a lot of people that really like or enjoy a game tend to complain a lot about it and every new update or addition the company does but still religiously play the game every day and care a lot about it, maybe even spending on some paid deals here and there.
Meanwhile /jp/ seems to collectively flip their shit when someone says something bad or complains about a game like FKG. How come this thread is like this?

>> No.20186033

The issue seems to be that you're a dumb SEAnigger that doesn't understand the difference between a complaint and an autistic kid who plagues the thread crying about how playing these games is the equivalent of being locked up in guantanamo.

>> No.20186035
File: 688 KB, 893x945, Screenshot_20181104-074847_ブレイヴガール レイヴンズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I got this dumb cat.

In my experience, the former tends to seek out games that they could confidently feel could serve as the latest and greatest and the one game experience to rule them all, so when updates are either just your regularly scheduled programming bringing more of the same, or otherwise not bringing it a step closer to being the most visionary on the market and reinforcing just how patrician your taste in games within a flooded and saturated market is, you get those constant complaints about it while they continue to play in hopes that their validation will eventually arrive.

Anons here, on the other hand, seem fully self aware that the games we play don't intend to be anything more than what they are, so the reactions are closer to "why are you eating this if you don't like how it tastes?"

>> No.20186069

>Anons here, on the other hand, seem fully self aware that the games we play don't intend to be anything more than what they are, so the reactions are closer to "why are you eating this if you don't like how it tastes?"

Its less about that and more of complaining about it but still deeply care about it. You see a lot of granblue fantasy players constantly complain about the state of the game, how grindy it is and a plethora of many other complaints and insults aimed at the producer but they're still the sort of person that would dunk $1000 for a spark if a limited they wanted came out in it so you can't say they hate it when they would dump all that money on a whim or it.

Aigis kind of falls into this category, I see a lot of people constantly shitting on devtea for every single move they make but they're still the same sort of people that would drop $100 for the black ticket then $50 for the plat one and possibly the chibi packs. You don't need to necessarily hate a game to complain about a game, its often people venting their current frustrations with the game because they're too invested in it and just wanted to get their frustrations out to other players with similar woes or frustrations when they actually love it and wouldn't drop it for other games because no other games entertain them or please them like the one they're enjoying right now.

>> No.20186079

>Anons here, on the other hand, seem fully self aware that the games we play don't intend to be anything more than what they are, so the reactions are closer to "why are you eating this if you don't like how it tastes?"

Not really no, the anons here are more like >>20186033 and not a civil "Why are you playing it if you hate it" when it comes to FKG. Even had someone namedrop another player and his entire current team in some sort of witch hunt over a petty grudge.

>> No.20186173

I'd always figured devtea getting flak was largely centralized around how most DMM games play their niche well enough with clear direction, but Aigis typically meandering in just what exactly the fuck it wants to accomplish despite that.

I was speaking in a more general sense. Everyone here knows about that particular nuance, but the majority of anons openly admit that they play their games for very specific reasons, which is why it's easy to take a hostile stance about being compared the broader market practices.
Unless the initial inquiry was suppose to about FKG and only FKG, in which case, fuck if I know.

>> No.20186211

Every game company will always get flak based on the fact that you simply can't please everyone and companies aren't here to please anyway because they're businesses first that want to turn a profit and games second.

I would categorize myself in the group that often complains about the games I play to my friends or the people I'm currently playing a game with when I actually do enjoy the game tons and would gladly support the company if they put out an enticing paid deal so I don't understand the aversion to complaining about things people have in this thread or how complaining about something must mean that you deeply hate the game and all its players because it seems weird and unnatural.

>> No.20186262

>I'd always figured devtea getting flak was largely centralized around how most DMM games play their niche well enough with clear direction, but Aigis typically meandering in just what exactly the fuck it wants to accomplish despite that.
The sad thing is they used to be on a good path and then they made the mistake of asking players what they wanted and treating it like gospel. "We want new classes!" And then every three units is a new class and the old ones have been power crept and almost never get new units and several still don't have AW2 after what, 2 years? Also everything is Japanese or Chinese now and fuck your western fantasy setting.

>> No.20186285

We have Germans (WE) every half a year.

>> No.20186287
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>Also everything is Japanese or Chinese now and fuck your western fantasy setting.
>Actually complaining about everything being Japanese/Chinese in a Japanese game

Nigga what

>> No.20186302
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>Not liking the Japanese/Chinese theme made by Japanese and complaining about it in a Japanese Culture board hosted by a website influenced by Japanese and backdoor funded by Chinese.

>> No.20186313

It was nice to have a game that wasn't Mobage Sengoku Fuckyou #2783 for the first couple of years, but it's fine if you want to be a contrarian asshole about it.

>> No.20186329

Pick up one of the trillion western games then? Especially when we live in said western society and these are a diamond dozen to obtain.

It seems super silly and the dumbest thing ever to pick up a Japanese game that's fully in Japanese with a Japanese audience then be annoyed when they add Japanese stuff to appeal to said Japanese audience. Its like picking up some bioware game and complaining about all the western themes in it.

>> No.20186332

>It's dumb to complain about a game you played for three years changing completely in the next two. Why would anyone do that?

>> No.20186338

Yeah its pretty dumb to complain about Japanese in a Japanese game, i'd even dare say its absolutely retarded.

>> No.20186342

Did some other shithole board slip into this thread or something?

>> No.20186358

>Game has been far better than ever in these last two years

Sounds like they made the right call then

>> No.20186460

You can tell by all of these green

>> No.20186465

Maybe? This thread was nice and chill for the last couple of years, then the 2 FKG autists started their shitflinging contest and its been downhill ever since.

>> No.20186548

Tried to finally leech the story map of all its worth in flower gems and every like 4 or so maps I get 3 others where I fail the 3* clear because of spinners.

No one actually enjoys this, right? It's just wasting tons of stamina until these mentally challenged girls follow the correct pattern
Only for another team to fuck up theirs and it's back to redoing the whole thing.

>> No.20186592

It eventually becomes becomes less of an issue and more phased out, but yes, back when there were far less story maps, their RNG spinners were there presumably as a poor attempt to pad out content by making players have to run a single map multiple times.
It was a lot more frustrating on the Event maps to boot. I still have spinner trauma from Hypercium's last event map to this day.

>> No.20186629

How poetic that what started as someone trying to defend their game and shill it ended up having the opposite effect and is what ruined everything

>> No.20186663
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I blame the jew(pri)s.

>> No.20186678

When hunting demons, beware to not become a demon yourself.

>> No.20186762

I'm confused, the guy got the jewpri kids turbo buttblasted not even a month or two ago to the point where they were attacking everyone and getting ultra defensive but he still manages to trick you gullible morons into thinking this somehow only happens to one game. I don't really remember such an extreme amount of gullible people or is this the reddit crew from kamihime marking its territory?

>> No.20186782

>Been here all year
>Don't remember Jewpri and Kamihime shitting the place

Or are those the next targets for your autistic spergouts?

>> No.20186844

Why the fuck did you reply?
Now he's gonna crusade against his boogeymen for the rest of the thread

>> No.20186851

Lets be honest, he would anyway even if I didn't reply. But I shouldn't have, my bad.

>> No.20187139

What surprised me even more is that there are anons in here who actually took my jew(pri) joke seriously and started blaming JewPri for the absolute state of of the DMM general.
They should go back to their /pol/ containment board.

>> No.20187157

I always liked the jewpri nickname, its funny

>> No.20187281

Unfortunate and unintended shortening of their name allows 2ch anons to make inappropriate in-jokes about jews from time to time.

>> No.20187355

You mean money grubbing princesses with a star of david?

>> No.20187541
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>> No.20187582

Pimped out Peridot solo backrow, then go with Opal, Garnet, Blue Zoisite/Kaolinite and Sodalite.
Then once you hit the 3 minute mark, cheese with Garnet's skill 1 and Jewelia Burst for extra damage.

>> No.20187589

Black Pearl may potentially be better than Opal since she also provides Stun Immunity on top of a Focus Fire Damage Dealt Up buff whenever she uses her nuke.

>> No.20187641
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So what are the guys going to do?

>> No.20187651

Eidolons, most likely.
This isn't a Granblue collab so no way in hell they will become Kamihime.

>> No.20187676
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I haven't played Kamihime Project in half a year, but I'm pretty sure only Kamihime have chibi forms like this.

>> No.20187496

What set up are people using to hit 1.6m in the JewPri raid?

>> No.20187819

I don't think any of them will be freebies. All of them will probably be locked behind a paid only gacha.

>> No.20187845

Yuki or Mikuru will be the free event SR, like every other collab.

>> No.20187896

I doubt they'll do anything, besides be characters in the story along for the ride. They don't even have VA.

>> No.20188353

Kamihime producer letter should be after maint, no?
Sort of excited since this was gonna be an update heavy month iirc

>> No.20190106

This thread has always been autistic since the Nutaku days, so anyone pretending it just started with FKG is either new or full of shit anyway.

>> No.20191024
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Fuck, I got worst girl. I hope you guys have better luck than me.

>> No.20191171

I probably should've tried to farm more of the Grisaia SSR weapon, but considering the rate at which they're shitting out actually great dark event weapons, I'm sure it's no big deal.
Now how about a good dark attacker to go with those?

>> No.20191386
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Two guys, huh.

>> No.20191653
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Regarding the Otogi / Kadokawa collab:

The collab characters are all Spirits, which I somewhat expected since that's the easiest way for them not including h-scenes (only a few of the regular Spirits even got a h-scene). Said collab characters can only be obtained with DMM points, you pay 1500 points for a 10 roll and get an exchange ticket as bonus for one of the characters.

The actual collab event missions only reward the usual stuff (tickets / mats) and some collab-themed equipment.

>> No.20192079
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>Said collab characters can only be obtained with DMM points, you pay 1500 points for a 10 roll and get an exchange ticket as bonus for one of the characters.
Hope they go bankrupt and burn in hell, gacha was a terrible mistake.

>> No.20192230

Way to go for the most generous game last year, probably this yeat won't be the same.

>> No.20192313

Considering it's Kadokawa and some of their most famous IPs and/or famous VAs, I'm not really that much surprised. That stuff prints money and they know it.

>Way to go for the most generous game last year, probably this yeat won't be the same.
You can probably expect something similar for all the other games participating in the collab. Also, this year already had DMM point exclusives (some of the Killdoya collab Spirits) so it's not like they did something new.

>> No.20192334

FKG will be the most generous game again and show all those haters

>> No.20193640

>Aigis and FKG are small games with mobile versions that should be extremely lightweight and data efficient
>Consume the most data out of every single mobile game I have installed

Explain this shit. FKG consumes more data on startup than I spend all day on three games combined and aigis downloads a few mbs between loading screens for no reason at all.

>> No.20193963
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Not this time. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a paid only gatcha thing too.

>> No.20193986

rip, fucking Jewdokawa.

>> No.20194003

You'd have thought Kadokawa would have learned their lesson about pissing off DMM players by now, but I guess not.

>> No.20194078

Kadokawa is fucking big in japland, they are the EA of otaku industry

>> No.20194105

And they can get bitchsmacked by fans just as hard as EA did, too. Last time they pissed them off, the KanColle Twitter got taken down.

>> No.20194311

>changes to weeklies/dailies, epic quests implemented, beginner missions changed
Also Sphinx 2nd reissue on the 15th

>> No.20194326

That was from something else entirely.

>> No.20194333

Blooms this week are Curcuma, False Hydrangea, Komakusa, and one of the Anememes.

Because we really needed more Anemone art at this point.

Where the fuck is my Halloween Daisy bloom?

>> No.20194352

Don't have any interest in this, but they do have a rate up in the jewel gatcha.

>> No.20194378

there's still time for her, more importantly where is Watercress? I hope she doesn't become the next one whose eternally left behind.

>> No.20194385

Oh god, I was joking. They really gave Anemone her Bloom right after giving her a new unit. Those maniacs.

>> No.20194397

who is

>> No.20194434

>Its been one hour and no FKG update picture

Did the guy die?

>> No.20194438

He shit talked Anemone for the last time.
I wasn't gonna let him get away with it this time.

>> No.20194444
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>> No.20194479

Anemone does get too many things though, The FKG devs should put her in some hall of fame or something and not let her keep winning every contest ever like how every other company ever does but why use logic and give other characters a chance when you can make money?

>> No.20194523

No producer letter but I figure I should point out the not minor but not quite major changes with this update.
No character kit breakdown until the dumbass intern running the twitter gives me higher res pics to work with.

>>20194444 change to the weekly rewards shown here, the eye shard fragment was moved to the reward for clearing 25 daily missions, for dailies, fodder was changed to SR fodder, and LB mat items were increased, also now you get gems from the last daily (for some reason), full daily reward is still 50 jewels
>4th and 5th beginner panel mission added, notable rewards in 4th sheet include Diablo Ptryx, an SR weapon uncap and 4 Orichalcon for clearing it in full, 5th sheet locked completely from sight until you clear the 4th one so who knows what'll that be
>epic quests added to the regular quest tab, you apparently use gems to unlock them for a period of time but all you get right now is access to the page because no quests are actually implemented in this update
>collab IS playable from the R18 client, no summon, but 2 SSR weapons, one is a fire sword with assault (L) and the other is a water staff with defender (L)

And now time for some blogging:
I regret ignoring the score attack event on the 2nd week because I got kicked from top 4000 to top 8000 like a dumbass, also fucking hell
another light SSR weapon dupe, how does this keep happening? At least it was Vishnu's which has very nice skills

>> No.20194534
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>> No.20194542

1: Fire damage to 5 random enemies
2: All allies DATA UP
8T CD/3T uptime
3: Instantly fills burst gauge/taunt
5T CD/3T uptime
Burst: Grant self guaranteed TA
Passive: Grant all allies ATK up (stackable) every time she DATAs/self ability specs up (stackable/1 time) on every TA.

What the fuck a collab SSR that seems actually good?

>> No.20194592

>What the fuck a collab SSR that seems actually good?
Nevermind, forgot about Celia, she's good, just powercreeped.
1: Upgraded to 6 random enemies at lv55
2: CD reduced to 7 at lv75

Might as well do Nagato and Mikuru now then

SR Nagato (Water)
1: Water damage to 1 enemy/remove 1 buff
9T CD (8 at LV45)
2: Self Intercept/Taunt (Intercept damage increased at LV65)
4T CD/2T uptime
3: All allies's water ATK up; split own burst gauge with frontline allies
6T CD/2T uptime
Passive: Burst growth rate increased while Intercepting

R Mikuru (Light)

1: Forego norrmal and burst attacks and change to a support stance. While doing this, grant a special frame of regen to all allies (meaning it stacks with regular regen)
5T CD/3T uptime
2: Burst gauge up for all allies, increased effect while supporting.
7T CD (6 at LV45)
3: Self ATK and accuracy up/disable support stance if active
6T CD/2T uptime
Passive: Guaranteed DATA/lower accuracy of own normal attacks

>> No.20194630

Panel 5 rewards are SSR weapon ticket and SR miracle. Really, who cares

>> No.20194717

Is it a weapon choice ticket or the one you can buy from 5 eyes normally?

>> No.20194720

Is the 74 orc map still the best map to get bronzes units to use as exp in Aigis?

>> No.20194765

The 5 eyes one

>> No.20194771

Eh, I think the extra SR miracle ticket is still a bigger deal then, since you could get one of the shittier weapons.
Still, sets a good precedent, maybe we'll unironically see a free miracle ticket for the 3rd anniversary.

>> No.20194790


>> No.20194861

Spoke too soon, producer letter TL;DR
>Haruhi collab running, etc, much like the Grisaia collab, it's got its own set of special event missions
>Epic Quest UI is ready but the actual quests will be implemented on 11/15, starting with a batch of one "raid" per element, bar Phantom. Going from the PV images they're using, figures Crom Cruach will be Fire's and Dullahan's will be Dark's.
>Beginner Support feature is implemented so new players consume no AP when doing story/dailies/raids up until a certain rank
>New beginner panel missions as said above
>New wind raid coming mid-november, little blurb saying you should approach it differently than the other high level wind raids, so maybe debuffs are back on the table? God I hope so.
>About EX Scenarios, originally scheduled for late november, finally delayed to a more concrete date in early december, gomenasorry
>Dark tower coming in late november
>Future updates:
>Replacing Lilims and Demons entirely in Union Events
>Changing the daily quest UI (it does look like a mess, especially when there's campaigns that unlock all of them at once)

Also, no mention of the Sneaker Bunko/Haruhi collab being the actual, real collab they teased in October's? producer letter so, yay, more limiteds I won't get coming soon(?)!

>> No.20194877

Senpri Collab has been added in the maint earlier. Judging from the update notes, it consists these things:

* Daily login bonus of 300 PvP currency each (all versions)

* 2x chara exp gain & halved expedition timers (all versions)

* Three collab characters that are limited to the all-ages version. First 11x roll is free, all further rolls are DMM point only (and maybe event tickets, can't tell since I don't want to bother switching to the all-ages version).

Each collab chara comes with a special story once you obtain them.

>> No.20194886
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hehe, Beenus

>> No.20195265
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Heads up: This SR Miracle is just like the last one from panel missions, expires 2 weeks after you take it out of your box.
Just don't do that until you're absolutely sure you're gonna use it-

>> No.20195426


>> No.20195742
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Had to sell some maxed event usmmons I still wasn't sure whether or not I could slot in for bonuses to buy the last eye shard.
But it was worth it.

>> No.20195828
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Pitch me your ideas for the upcoming second awakening routes for Heavy Armor and Vampire Lords.

>> No.20195844

Just rolled her from fame, spooky.

>> No.20195849

And do your work for free?
You won't get me this time, dev tea

>> No.20195852

One path would be nice to have small stats increase and cooldown reduction.
The other path, I'd say magic resistance and large stat increase would be best.
I'm an Aegis dev by the way.

>> No.20196035

Give one path infinite block.

>> No.20196325

A friendly reminder one of the pests developed breasts as an evolutionary adaptation to ???

>> No.20196335

One path should have lowered stats to make up for all that cooldown reduction.

>> No.20196416

CDR is a fun meme and all but Ema's skills are both full auto uptime.
I'd have one path that uses bat swarm tokens that don't take up your deployment slots and can be fielded in both melee and range slots, that do nothing but attract ranged attacks, and absorb a portion of the main unit's damage taken.
And then the other path just paralyzes faster, deals 1.5x damage to paralyzed targets on top of the halved defense, and absorbs 3 times the HP.

Hire me.

>> No.20196578

It's 72 one, 4x drops of archers you want vs 2x on 74

>> No.20196881

Maybe to trick their enemies.

>> No.20196946

Event 98 started its 2nd half. The 3rd tier of RB is now summonable.

Synthesis campaign. Ends 11/12.
30% stamina cut for Aqua Shadow Chapter 5, 6 stages. Ends 11/12.
30% stamina cut for Whaleship Chapter 2 (Main Part) Mission 1, 2 stages and its Secret Gardens. Ends 11/12.
30% stamina cut for Nation Missions.
A Special Quest Campaign is running. Do 50 searches to earn everything. Ends 11/12.
A Special Quest Campaign is running. Do 100 Raid Boss fights to earn everything. Ends 11/12.
Halloween Login Bonus Campaign: Get items each day you log in for 10 days. Ends 11/3.
Gratitude for 47 months since release campaign: Get 2oo FS per login day. Ends 11/8.

6* Curcuma
5* Anemone (Radiant Princess)
5* Bleeding Heart
5* False Hydrangea

>Rarity Growth
5* Flowering Peach (June Bride) [aka Hanamomo]
5* Japanese Silver Grass [aka Susuki]
5* Lunaria

>CQs got expressions
6* Flowering Peach
5* Geranium
5* Star Cluster
5* Echinacea
6* Summer Squash [aka Pepo]
5* Fatsia
5* Anthurium
5* Hypericum
6* Kerria
5* Apple
5* Ivy
5* Sandersonia

A discounted gacha featuring the RG-able gacha girls is out until 11/12. Only 3-5* characters are in it, and the only 5*s are the featured ones.
A promo gacha worth 3,000 DMM points / yen is out until 11/19. You can roll it once for an 11x. You'll get a rainbow equipment flower as an ammenity.
Another promo gacha is out called the Special Pickup Gacha 2,000. It costs 2,000 DMM points / yen to roll for an 11x and can be rolled infinitely. It is available until 11/12. The only 6*s in it are Lotus and Lotus (June Bride). 5* Rabbit-ear Iris has a boosted chance to appear. This gacha only has 4-6* characters.

>Subjugation Stages
Whaleship is out until 11/12. New manta aquatic fauna are out.
Nation mission renewal continues. 7-4 is out.
Event 86, Rampage! Kyouten Mechanical Castle, will be the reprint event from 11/8 - 11/21.
Events 44 and 45 were added to the list of re-reprint events.

CQs added for the bloomable characters.

3 objects added.
20 pests added.

Gold tab updated.
Removed an old event.

>Feature Changes
The aquatic fauna screen now has "automatic composition", "filter", and "sort" features.
It is now nicer to scroll through the the list of equipment in the PC version. Other improvements are being looked into.
If you have the simplified ability display option set to ON in an RB fight, the ability display will be simplified. (It used to not work at all on RB fights).
Adjusted the speed of the display for simplified ability display.
The max equipment storage size has been increased by 200. The max is now 1,600.
Some CQs got expressions.

>> No.20196970
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.17_[2017.11.04_15.21.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The new anemone has her blooming art and literally got released last week
>Everyone else will have to wait a year or two for theirs

If the whole shit about them having everyone's art ready but staggering it for everyone (except the dev favorites of course, can't have anememe wait) didn't bother me before then it sure does now. Doesn't even need to get #1 to get the royal treatment, this game is a joke.

>> No.20197085
File: 2.63 MB, 965x1854, bloom-art-gacha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radiant Princess is not the new one

>> No.20197448

>CQs got expressions
I'm guessing that this is about old CQs having one static expression for the characters while newer, recent ones have them cycle through the various expression arts?

>New manta aquatic fauna are out.
Any tips on how to do the new manta Whaleship quests? Looks kinda confusing.

>> No.20197568
File: 339 KB, 789x613, manta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no leveling or anything like that. You just buy the mantas and add 4 of them to the team
if e.g. team 3 is your blunt whale ship, you have to set the manta you want to use also to team 3

For the stage itself: don't waste your solar blast on the first battle

>> No.20197600

58 hours until HA AW2

>> No.20198602

Sort of. It built off the existing frustration from the Kemono Friends stuff, but it happened when they potato'd their first American boat, which is why they specifically targetted the KanColle account.

>> No.20198618

Prior to her getting yet another contest version this year I wouldn't have said that, but if we're going that route let's just throw Cyclamen in there, too.

>> No.20198649

No it wasn't, KF was months before.
The twitter got suspended because of DMCA from oversea sources.
It wasn't their first American boat, and the twitter was down before the reveal.

>> No.20198882

Intrepid is literally Shibafu's only non-Japanese boat. And no, it was down after the reveal. The KanColle account's avatar was DMCA'd before the reveal, but the KanColle and Kadokawa Games accounts were suspended after.

>> No.20198983

Anniversary announcement time?
Link to the thingajig?

>> No.20199037

It was down for a while before the reveal, I'm 100% sure because I was doing some translations at that time.
Besides the Japs don't have an intense aversion towards Shibafu, and potato moniker isn't exactly an insult for them.
I don't see how the KF incident, which happened about half a year before would influence that much.
Those were fun times though.

>> No.20199141

I completely forgot about Fleur again
RIP mincosted Echidna...

>> No.20199238

IIRC tensions were just kind of high at the time with Kadokawa. As far as I recall, though I don't know how much truth there was to it, there was some sort of unspoken rule about one artist only representing ships for one nation and Intrepid broke that. I don't know how many people were -actually- mad about that, but it's the internet so I'm sure there was both fake outrage and a few people who maybe need to reconsider a few things that were actually flinging shit over it.

>> No.20199313

>The outrage wasnt about how hilariously ugly Intrepid is

I'm disappointed

>> No.20199342

That rule was already broken before Intrepid.

I don't understand the violent hatred towards a girl, if you don't like her art, its just one less unit you need to collect. Its like screaming about Moritan.

>> No.20199352

There was a lot of that, but only here in /jp/.

>> No.20199436

Nah, it's just the overreaction culture of shitposter from /v/, /pol/ and reddit.

>> No.20199918

>Sarah dupe instead of cute black samurai. And only when pity black unit was really close again.
I give up on Aigis gacha. This shit is fucking cursed and i wont expect anything good from it ever again. Good thing i have ~10 units for AW and leveling right now anyway.

>> No.20200361

>tfw anniversary gacha comes with 2x rates but you already rolled all of the SC

>> No.20200565

>FKG offers full data download for browsers when your browser cache cant hold all that data and will most likely end up downloading shit next time you start it
>FKG doesn't offer full data download for their 'Mobile' web wrapper version where a phone would easily be able to store and actually keep all that downloaded data

I don't even have to try to meme about them, they meme themselves.

>> No.20201082


If you're talking about this then it's still 10 days from now.

>> No.20201424
File: 1.25 MB, 1117x617, raid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have a maxed out peridot alongside other buffers.

>> No.20201920

Would be a shame if someone copied that with the pimped out Peridot

>> No.20202061

Anyone playing Summon girls crusade?

>> No.20202219

I played for a week or two but got bored

>> No.20202667

Who the fuck cares about HA anyway just gimme the vampire lord 2AW

>> No.20202684

Aigis just hit 150k preregs

>> No.20202694

Aigis just botted 150k preregs*

>> No.20202876
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1482836119180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20202895

this >>20202876
I thought that game was out for years already. Are all the people in this thread just roleplaying playing a game that doesn't exist?

>> No.20202949
File: 883 KB, 1234x693, 1538164646504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20203075

That was really fast compared to how long the previous tier took.
Aigis releases on google play soon instead of requiring some shitty DMM app for mobile gaming.
It's remarkable how long Aigis lasted, it's quite outdated by today's standards.
No voice acting, no fancy Live2D animations for your adjutant, game forces you to only play once a day.

>> No.20203109

He's lying, its not hitting 150.
And it looks like Live2d is coming soon.

>> No.20203147

Speaking of aigis:

Where's the black paizuri samurai CG?

>> No.20203213
File: 175 KB, 336x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20203235

Aigis just need free or almost free missions until you beat them once, so players can actually play and beat levels by themselves instead of using youtube guides.

>> No.20203305

I really hope they let us port our characters/progress to Aigis 2 should the day ever come.
There is so much improvement the basic gameplay itself could use, tower defense is such a fun concept when played around with.

>> No.20203432

They will most likely offer some rewards for aegis veterans like a legend ticket for every 100 levels you got, or some currency/items for every black you had. Giving more may screw over the balance of early events.

>> No.20203435

I'd rather abandon Aigis and be the chosen one of Adamas or Keraunos.

>> No.20203445

Keraunos is a bitch goddess and needs to fucking die

>> No.20203514

So is Aigis

>> No.20203517

Aigis dindu nuffin
Canonically the shrine doesn't exit and the Prince has all the units in his army anyways

>> No.20203547

>Canonically the shrine doesn't exit
So what's the first couple missions about?

>> No.20203561

I mean the whole "people are summoned out of it" thing
...they just...join the army...one day...or something.

>> No.20203697

No, you bribe Aigis to work some mind control mojo on random girls as part of a satanic ritual. She is an evil goddess after all and the noble demons try to rescue all the kidnapped girls.

>> No.20203747

That would be awesome.

>> No.20204839

>Live2d in aigis
Huh? I'd rather have voices.

>> No.20205360

I want at least before/after for scenes. Too many times the pacing in the text changes completely from what's being shown.

Plus, most Live2D implementation in games that didn't already have it usually end up with "look how floaty and moving I am" sort of garbage no-effort Live2D.

>> No.20205400

Live2d without voices just feels weird. Watch your mute character float around and move around without her facial expression or mouth moving is going to be mega unsettling.

>> No.20205429


>> No.20205446

>tfw live2d for all units will be implemented in aigis before FKG implements RG for all units or better, bloom art for all units

>> No.20205459

Live2D really isn't something to look forward to unless it's used for scenes.
