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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 198 KB, 945x1476, 2662034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2008904 No.2008904 [Reply] [Original]

Miku & Rin = Old and busted

Luka = New Hotness

What are your favorite Megurine Luka songs so far /jp/?

>> No.2008934


I only like her for fap material.

Still Miku for songs for me.

>> No.2008937

i still like miku tbh

>> No.2008953
File: 266 KB, 900x1280, c87ef9ae144102bcc0b3bb27f0fc63ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then just post your fappan material of her


>> No.2008958

Shit gets booru dumped every day, give it a rest.

>> No.2008976

lol. no.

>> No.2008981

I don't know, Luka has that boobs + open skirt + socks + boots killer combo that makes my penis instantly hard, but Miku has delicious necktie and zettai ryouiki.
I'm torn.

>> No.2009004

New vocaloid girl? She's better than the other ones...

>> No.2009006

eh, too bitchder for me

>> No.2009022

Stardust Utopia.

>> No.2009042

So far: 「Looking for」

>> No.2009044
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You shut your whore mouth, Rin is waifu.

Also, still waiting for Luka torrent.

>> No.2009090

i need moar sexy meiko

>> No.2010571

They all sound like poor imitations of Miku. When are we gonna get the more realistic tweaked v3 Vocaloid engine?

>> No.2010605

Quick unrelated question, but why is Luka so feet oriented? In the past few days, half the OP Luka pics I saw on /jp/ had her sticking her shoeless foot out.

>> No.2010622

I don't know why they force her to sing in falsetto so much. She has Yuu Asakawa's voice bank for crying out loud. You don't use that with squeaky high pitch songs.

Anyway I kinda liked this


>> No.2010627

I want to lick her feet.

>> No.2010643
File: 88 KB, 700x700, 1231218731868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is for Haku to become a true Vocaloid.

>> No.2010658

Me too. I'd love to lick her feet together with you, anon. I can lick one foot, and you can lick the other one. Man, this turns me on.

>> No.2010677


I'd post the picture but it doesn't have the translation shopped in.

Anyway, let us fap.

>> No.2010690

Oh anonymous, I'm so hard right now!

>> No.2010724

Fapping so hard.

>> No.2010763

She will always be are True Vocaloid in all are hearts.

>> No.2010798

>be are True Vocaloid
>all are hearts

>> No.2010852

Sleepy anon is sleepy.

>> No.2010939

Why? All I see is a useless and talentless drunkard...
She'll never be classy enough or talented enough like Miku and the others. All she has for her future is a career in alcoholism.

>> No.2011454
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>> No.2011616

What is her, a feet idol? Because that sounds like something I would fap to

>> No.2011660

Awesome, thanks!

>> No.2011665


>> No.2011667

I believe it's due to her having a dominant personality or something. Dominant personality -> dominatrix -> GROVEL AT MY FEET, WORM.

>> No.2011689
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>> No.2011697


Like all Vocaloids, Luka can be modded to suit her master's own tastes.

>> No.2011760

Why can't Vocaloids be like this?


>> No.2011827
File: 309 KB, 800x600, KILLYOURSELFtrans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

effort edit

>> No.2011841

I will take the one on the right, please.

>> No.2011878

right is inferior

>> No.2011890

But she is so cute.

>> No.2011923

Rip=Release is my favorite one of the bunch. There are about 4-5 songs that ok, but most of them just aren't quite there yet. I think that in another week or so she'll have some hits.

>> No.2011963
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>> No.2011996

I want to raep left

>> No.2012014


>> No.2012046
File: 291 KB, 868x930, 004195bbf9dbedf8e4ad194811408f84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still like Miku best.

>> No.2012064

Miku is a talentless hack.

>> No.2012071

http://firestorage.jp/download/de76680186832e88b0f6851127d4489320268a64 for Luka ISO.

Just don't know the password.

>> No.2012079
File: 402 KB, 1024x724, 657e4f0c1e909d4b1bb5681255ef5a2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But she's cute, docile and not scary like that Junk look alike.

>> No.2012100
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I can't tell if I'm being cruelly trolled or not ;_;

>> No.2012109
File: 61 KB, 600x600, b9a73748910041017e83d4d5d1966675a90375a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, come on, Anonymous. You're no fun at all. Luka is specifically interesting because of the fact that she puts up a little resistance.

The fact that she's a hopeless tease(shirts that tight and showing that much leg? Really? REALLY?)helps a little, though it's not original.

>> No.2012125
File: 153 KB, 850x637, sample-523c111092578e5d2dfec4200ab334b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos the junk now bitch

>> No.2012132
File: 278 KB, 550x550, 2979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like both

>> No.2012147
File: 63 KB, 637x428, henchmanrealizessomething wrong1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I......i don't know which side I should read...

>> No.2012156

This is the anon who posted that link.
Just wanted to share this, since it IS the real thing.
I was also hoping someone else knew of it and knew the password.

>> No.2012161
File: 150 KB, 400x600, 14561515d936e1d5758b64083ad5f40d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Sion, you're taking the back seat here.

>> No.2012162
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>> No.2012196
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Where'd you get it from?

>> No.2012226

A topic on DoujinStyle.

>> No.2012249


Rip=Release is one of the few guys who makes her mostly sing in her "preferred" D3-D5 range. Looks like that's that's one of the keys to making her sound good. Go too high and she sounds just like Miku.

They really need to upgrade this software to version 3 already.

>> No.2012254
File: 656 KB, 705x1024, lukameetshersempais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course you know, this means war!

>> No.2012272


>> No.2012275

Says the one who has never used vocaloid, lol. Luka image dumping doesn't make you knowledgeable.

>> No.2012297
File: 65 KB, 330x476, blue fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, time to pay a visit to the Fairy with Turquoise Hair.

>> No.2012305

I'm sorry but he is correct. Using the preferred singing range is the key to a successful composition.

>> No.2012309

I'm sorry but he is correct. Using the preferred singing range is the key to a successful composition.

>> No.2012337
File: 117 KB, 689x689, luka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Password is HN@KMC

Source: jpmp3.com/viewtopic.php?t=109599&sid=ce6b37d56a59ae91e2e86c0c466a9b0b
Use BugMeNot.

>> No.2012357

Thank you kind Anon!

>> No.2012359
File: 33 KB, 576x432, 1230885629126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes! Thanks Anon.

Now to install it and have Cubase crash horribly whenever I try to load up Luka.

>> No.2012368

Ahh thanks so much!

>> No.2012417


Cool people use Ableton.

In doujinstyle it says that the PW is blue_glow@KMC

>> No.2012420


why is it like 2 gigs? seems a lot huger than the previous ones

>> No.2012422

Use the keygen from Rin/Len or Miku.

Or install Luka first and then Miku.

>> No.2012435

I didn't think that'd work. Are you sure it'll work.

>> No.2012450

So /jp/, anyone got it to fully work yet?
If so, how is it?

>> No.2012686

Still downloading, but I forgot about the keygen thing.

I haven't read SICP either.

>> No.2012884

doesn't seem to be working for me.

>> No.2013568
File: 638 KB, 1024x768, japan_superior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, time to install something I just "bought".

I wonder what background music this Japanese release group will use for their installer thi- WHAT THE HELL FUCK YES DA CAPO THEME AND NEMU

>> No.2013646
File: 118 KB, 600x800, ML_080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013654

ZUN, you know stuff about stuff, right? Make an awesome Luka song for us.

>> No.2013656


Prima is 4 gig. It's because of the english ability i think .

>> No.2013675


Make Space Oddity for me.

>> No.2013721

That is pretty good.

>> No.2015189

Neither passwords are working for me. Anyone succeeded yet?

>> No.2015203

I want her to sing "My name is Luka". Wonder if any faggots will fill that wish for me.

>> No.2015218

It took me half an hour of despair to obtain this information, so use it well:


>> No.2015221

You know this is the first time he's used any vocaloid right? He won't make anything good.

>> No.2015223

I just noticed that that is an MiB2 reference... which is sad on all counts.

>> No.2015247

I've only experienced that which is Luka for a short while. Still, I think I can rank them. This isn't final, though, Luka still has time to grow on me.

Voice: Miku > Luka = Rin/Len

Looks, etc: Luka > Rin = Miku

>> No.2015250
File: 80 KB, 1700x960, 1233601282354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ack, stupid capitalization!

Thanks, bro!

>> No.2015259

That reference was the only reason I decided to read this thread, honestly.

>> No.2015260


Equal signs are for indecisive fags. Pick one or the other.

>> No.2015265



>Voice: Miku > Luka > Rin/Len

>Looks, etc: Luka >>> Rin > Miku

>> No.2015285

Oh god, I just started the installation and the sudden "PEACE OUT!" scared me more than any horror anime.

Also, I've definately heard this song before.

>> No.2015288
File: 87 KB, 448x715, 1233602262480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luka doesn't beat Miku in looks. She may look fancy with all that Final Fantasy-esque garb, but Miku is Miku. She has twin pigtails, flat chest, mini skirt and thigh-highs.

>> No.2015291

Voice = Miku > Luka > Rin
Looks = Miku > Luka > Rin

Rin is bottom tier.

>> No.2015305


I personally thought Rin beat Miku in moe moe, and Luka was a whole other flavor. I usually prefer flat to healthy, but Luka just has so many things that work right. I wouldn't change a thing about her.

>> No.2015345
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>> No.2015374

This translation doesn't sense... Rin can't speak English, that's the whole joke.

>> No.2015494
File: 12 KB, 584x123, 1233605664806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a crack for this? I get this when I try to launch, and obviously I'm not supposed to input an activation code.

>> No.2015506

It's so adorable how some Anons are actually scared of Luka.

>> No.2015513

No, it's just funny to make fun of people who claim a character is their favourite after 3 pictures came out.

Katawa Shoujo syndrome by people like you, sion, zun.

>> No.2015515


I am not sure. When I first installed Luka cracked it wasn't working properly, I couldn't make it make a sound. And I didn't see the appeal of the elephant in the splash screen either.

Then I tried by installing Miku, then Luka cracked and then Luka over it and it works perfect now, without elephants or weird bars.

Works as expected.

>> No.2015612

Same here. The odd thing is that the second time installation of Luka took 3 times longer, as if to indicate it's actually going to do it for real now.

>> No.2016140
File: 114 KB, 802x738, 1233614287587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, this thing actually has a learning curve. I had Miku installed, but I never really did anything with her since she only knows Japanese.

On the upside, Luka sounds like a slightly improved Miku (the same at high notes, but better at lower notes). Her English stuff is just the workings from Vocaliod Prima/Sweet Ann/etc. So it can sound decent if you tweak it in the right ways.


This bro seems to be pretty good at it. He even has Miku singing in Spanish. It looks like the key is to really make good use of the hyphen (to split up the syllables in words) and to really vary the dynamics on the bottom!

tl;dr think like a singer.

>> No.2016150


Mikue is better

>> No.2016158

Holy shit, I've never heard a Vocaloid so expressive. And it's in Spanish~!

>> No.2016342
File: 490 KB, 600x497, 1233617645289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So... install Miku, crack it, install Luka, crack it with the Miku crack? Is that all you have to do to get it working?

>> No.2016362

>>So... install Miku, crack it, install Luka

Yeah, they seem to share the same values in the registry. So once you've cracked one, you have cracked them all. Also, the keygen from any of the other Vocaloids should work.

Cool copy protection, bros.

>> No.2016508
File: 306 KB, 408x640, 1233620307155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ワンダーラスト and ハローワール are the only ones doing it for me so far. I can't figure out what everyone likes about rip=release for the life of me.

I'm expecting better once Toraboruta and CosmoP get at her.

However, no one will ever replace Miku. Miku is number 01.

>> No.2016582
File: 354 KB, 931x1200, 1233621475559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright! Got it working, and in Crossover no less. That elephant thing still weirds me out though.

Time to finally try my hands at composition!

>> No.2016606


Those nipples ruin it

>> No.2016632

how can nipples ruin anything?

>> No.2016650


Very easily

>> No.2016660

They're too exaggerated. It looks like theres a special compartment in the clothing just to house them.

>> No.2016661

The Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show caused headaches for hundreds in the broadcasting industry.

>> No.2016676


lol Janet Jackson

>> No.2016695
File: 501 KB, 600x600, 1233623264666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want moar pics of her feet, where are they?

>> No.2016696
File: 120 KB, 800x600, 1233623265256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know what I like the most?

lactating nipples. With milk dripping and all.

They always use some sort of aphrodisiac or exquisite drug to produce this kind of stuff on eroge.

>> No.2016706

I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister.

>> No.2016832

How do I activate this? Anyone have a link to a keygen?

>> No.2017186
File: 47 KB, 583x542, 1233629892185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see it...

>> No.2017318


Vocaloid2 Keygen: http://www.mediafire.com/?12wybminm0r

I don't think it works with Luka.

>> No.2017326


Use autorun.exe

It cracks it for you. It's in the Disk1 folder.

>> No.2017444


Do I then simply ignore the "activation" file?

>> No.2017462


Basically, yes.
