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20104379 No.20104379 [Reply] [Original]

So is she a damn oni or not? ZUN's been dragging it out and making it obvious for so long I'm thinking it will probably be some kind of ebin red herring.

>> No.20104389

She is. And you know it. You just want to perpetuate the shitty meme. Fuck that stupid westashitter meme and westashitters who push it like you. Reimu literally finds Kasen's missing arm in a box labeled "Oni's arm". I'm glad it'll fucking die soon in 1-2 chapters. Fuck that meme and fuck EOP retards.

>> No.20104402

Shes literally an oni

>> No.20104407

zun, show us the horns, you coward!

>> No.20104444
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A long running series like this wouldn't end so soon without an announcement you rude dummy

>> No.20104458

those numbers
When I said "it'll die soon" I meant the dumb "Kasen is not an oni!!" meme.

>> No.20104582


>Wild and Horny Hermit

I see what you did there.

>> No.20104834

>Reimu literally finds Kasen's missing arm in a box labeled "Oni's arm".
That happened like last week, man. Give the secondaries some time to catch up.

Just like it happened with FS, right?

>> No.20104882

Kasen being an oni is literally a red herring and a meme, weeaboo-boy.

>> No.20104928

You have to get out of /jp/ and go back to the trash heap you came from.
>red herring
I know you're baiting but I'll bite anyway. There has been no indication of Kasen not being an oni at all in the manga. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Everything points to her being an oni. You can't just say "it's a red herring" because in your shitty headcanon ZUN is a le epic troll. I am glad we are reaching the point where it will be official confirmed once and for all that Kasen is an oni now that Reimu found her arm in a box labeled "Oni's Arm". It's time for your dumb westashitter meme to die.

>> No.20105219

purified autism

>> No.20105254

and you're purified retardism

>> No.20105433

The one baiting you is ZUN, you'll see when it turns out Kasen is actually a perfectly normal mountain hermit that just happens to hate the smell of reeking dead fish(who doesn't?) and had a bad experience with beans before.

>> No.20105499

This meme was never funny. You can stop now.

>> No.20105532

It'll be funny when we're laughing at secondaries like you when the truth is revealed.

>> No.20105572

And by we I mean me and my Uncle ZUN.

>> No.20105577

is oni a kasen?

>> No.20107005
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I think the more important question is who is this mysterious shopkeeper?

>> No.20107209


>> No.20107500

Maybe Kasen fused with an Oni at some point, or has an oni sealed inside of her, or something similar. I would be surprised if she merely turned out to be an oni in disguise.

>> No.20107508

Has Kasen ever seen Clownpiece? It seems kinda weird if not.

>> No.20107606

mesmerizing eyes

>> No.20110522

wasn't she in the background of one of the festivals?

>> No.20113866

I'm pretty sure the fourth deva will be added before whatever Kasen's deal is revealed

>> No.20113908

Man what the hell did kasen do to Fuck up so hard to get her arm chopped off and cursed? Also I can't believe reimu is dead!

>> No.20113928

Being too lewd

>> No.20114307
File: 3.85 MB, 1355x2000, suikakasen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20114317
File: 3.84 MB, 1355x2000, suikakasen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suika is cute, CUTE!

>> No.20114342

I want to get drunk with this oni!

>> No.20114361

Why do you pretend to be angry in the internet?

>> No.20114441


Very rude hermit

>> No.20114478 [DELETED] 

- としあき

>> No.20114495

I am genuinely quite interested in their past together. In some versions of the original mythology, Ibaraki-douji was the lover of Shuten-douji.

>> No.20114515
File: 207 KB, 711x549, 1523239493124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- としあき

>> No.20114605

Why do you pretend that it bothers you?

>> No.20115330

>and had a bad experience with beans before.
Is that why Kasen is heterosexual?

>> No.20115569

>when you bump into your ex

>> No.20116090

Yes, Suika squeezed her bean too hard

>> No.20116118


>> No.20116137
File: 3.77 MB, 1352x1999, suikakasen3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this mad fatty!

>> No.20118360


>> No.20119278


>> No.20121382
File: 2.52 MB, 1128x1600, dogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cute dog statue!

>> No.20121420

Heck, that's cute as hell!

>> No.20121543

I care about peoples wellbeing

>> No.20121545

Doesn't act like dog in canon. She is half komainu and half shisa. Fuck off with your shitty subservient dog headcanon.

>> No.20121646
File: 229 KB, 861x705, okina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my bitch

>> No.20121654

I wan 2 fuk kasen

>> No.20121689

Okina funneled her vitality into the statue of that legendary guardian beast and created new life!

>> No.20121828

I want to funnel my vitality into Okina and create new life!

>> No.20122338

Like that old granny is even still capable

>> No.20124380
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Did ZUN just forget about this page?

>> No.20128322
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>> No.20128491

Is Kasen a dyke?

>> No.20129216

Nigga she nearly destroyed the barrier with the whole slipping the fuck out thing in the recent fighters

>> No.20129789

Please, when isn’t the barrier nearly destroyed?

>> No.20130721

villain would mean that was intentional, when in reality it wasn't

>> No.20130826

of course. she’s an oni

>> No.20130994

unconfirmed, that's just speculation

>> No.20132282

Is Suika a dyke?

>> No.20132350

No, she's drunk

>> No.20132486

yuugi too

>> No.20132692

No, she's a hermit

>> No.20134181

It wasn't her intention, but to my understanding she was well aware it was a possibility and still did it.

>> No.20135589

that just makes her a dummy

>> No.20136539

ZUN is just doing his best Araki impression.

>> No.20136726
File: 183 KB, 970x724, __ibaraki_kasen_and_ibuki_suika_touhou_drawn_by_yohane__a27337639ad51e58cbe698595102072c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly normal hermit is thinking about that cute oni girl she's never met before!

>> No.20140694
File: 939 KB, 872x2496, yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly was she implying? I'm too much of a dummy to understand. Are they helping supply the "food" by hiding in the outside world?

>> No.20140760

look at the chapter 14 section

>> No.20141672

yukari is CUTE

>> No.20141984

Is the ultimate letting Youkai exist outside of the barrier? I read the chapter 14 section but it just says the same as in the picture, or am I missing something?

>> No.20146220

Let's be honest, she isn't that cute.

>> No.20146431

No, youkai don't kidnap those in the outside world. Do you know what "spiriting away" is?

>> No.20146646

that's a fancy word for kidnapping

>> No.20146667

It's when humans accidentally slip through the border. The same thing happens to random objects. You can stop pushing your shitty headcanon now.

>> No.20146706

So there's food for Youkai slipping through the border?

>> No.20146831

Why are you capitalizing youkai? And yes, that's how some youkai survive. They eat spirited away humans.

>> No.20146901

>...it's explicitly stated in her Perfect Cherry Blossom profile that she's the one responsible for outsiders ending up in Gensokyo, where most of them get devoured by youkai. Her involvement is made even more explicit in Chapter 14 of Wild and Horned Hermit, where Yukari reveals to Kasen Ibaraki that having the zashiki-warashi sent to the outside world takes precedence above keeping them in Gensokyo, and then cryptically comments, "Gensokyo's getting the food to fill the stomachs of all of its youkai from somewhere." This could further extend to an article on Symposium of Post-mysticism, where there were human bones near a well, but no human of Gensokyo was missing and Yukari made no reference to the outside world humans, calling it a "misunderstanding"; the bones later on disappeared.

>> No.20146926

Yeah, youkai have to eat. So what? No one gives a shit about the outside world.
