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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.86 MB, 1630x1096, house5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20089840 No.20089840 [Reply] [Original]

Does jaypee like my maplestory 2 house!

>> No.20089845

anything lewd inside?

>> No.20089860

I'm surprised /jp/ isn't playing this kusoge. What happened to those guys making threads about playing an mmo together?

>> No.20089862

Roof looks like shit.

>> No.20089868
File: 477 KB, 2499x1338, veegee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no lewds or they ban you!

I put jaypee memes in my house hoping to meet other cute jpsies but no one plays!!

>> No.20089876

wtf is this?

>> No.20089886

gotta up the fairy ratio if you want friendly jaypee housewarmings

too many old hags makes your house smell like retirement home

>> No.20089898

Maplestory 2.

>> No.20089911

>System Requirements Minimum:
>Graphics: GeForce GT 730 / GeForce GT 630
> Intel Core i3 or better
Ummm, no, sorry
and yes

>Oops, sorry!
>An error was encountered while processing your request:
>This item is currently unavailable in your region

>> No.20089959

are the touhous sorted by game?

>> No.20089978
File: 1.16 MB, 2558x1438, house3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have 6-16!

I wish I had jpsies to play with

>> No.20090004

You sound like a huge faggot, OP, and that makes me not want to play with you.
And that one dude is right, you have way too many hags and not enough fairies.

>> No.20090010

200 merets for a prostitute?

what a deal !

>> No.20090019


>> No.20090022

so much effort put into this, yet no one to appreciate it with

your existence must be sour, op

>> No.20090051
File: 106 KB, 850x773, __moriya_suwako_and_yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_kaiza_rider000__sample-d2936cc6543f9071d613fa7223017f11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully!

>> No.20090063

Pls be in London.

>> No.20090106


nope! I'm a westie!

I guess no jaypee maplers...

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow!

>> No.20090115

Well I signed for the closed beta test but never had the time to play it since then.

>> No.20090154

Is this one of those mmos that you need to grind like it's a job?
If not, I'll consider playing it with you.

>> No.20090158


You can grind it like a job if you want to, but this game is a lot more social based, theres no leaderboards for PvE or anything

>> No.20090167

That said, getting end game gear takes hundreds if not thousands of hours

But its just something to do, its not the focus or mandatory like in other mmos

>> No.20090182

>theres no leaderboards for PvE or anything
Then what the fuck are you doing there?

>> No.20090186


Hanging out! Playing music! Making housees!
Cute outfits!


>> No.20090206
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 1528891564529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds gay.

>> No.20090212

Sounds hetero.

>> No.20090386

Sounds bi.

>> No.20090628

East or west? Also where is Parsee?

>> No.20090641

Is Maplestory 2 good?

>> No.20090698

Dunno, that Patche's ass looks pretty lewd to me.

>> No.20090716

Too bad, I'm on east.

>> No.20090779

It laks that one image of Tenshi.

>> No.20090871
File: 467 KB, 464x582, MapleStory2_2018-10-15_01-25-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in europa sorry

>> No.20093915

All these /jp/sies playing and none of them together. How sad.

>> No.20094041

That Mokou image is really cute! Do you mind sharing it?

>> No.20094081

this is cute and wholesome

>> No.20094082

im back with a bump jpsies!

who plays mablestory!

>> No.20094108

i play it but the game is too corean for me mostly. i doubt ill stick around much longer at this rate.

>> No.20094132

I'm really having fun with it, much much better than MS1 and even better the devs are being more transparent.

>> No.20094134

I'd rather go and socialize with other people in real life than play another mmo

>> No.20094297
File: 266 KB, 788x950, 1449665707483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could still get into MMOs, but they just aren't the same anymore. Cute Reimu and house though OP. I'm surprised they let you upload your own images for stuff.

>> No.20094330

I do like your house. It's cute. I hope you find cute friends to play with!

>> No.20094556

We are playing together but alone.

>> No.20095489
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, MapleStory2_2018-10-19_13-40-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<Take It Easy> eu
jpsies welcome, pls no veegee
there are some members but they are just random people who applied i don't know why and i didn't want to be rude and decline them but none of them talk anyway so it's fine i guess
pls dont expect me to talk either but maybe we can do dungeons and stuff

>> No.20095541


>> No.20095994
File: 901 KB, 1357x1080, __izayoi_sakuya_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_koyubi_littlefinger1988__6c2c91a4c839cf8fc78d584adec270ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I applied for this and another guild just called <Touhou>, which I got accepted into first. However, the owner said they made it as a private guild for themselves. I understand social anxiety all too well, but why play an MMO just to be alone?

>> No.20096105

Social anxiety doesn't exist on the internet...

>> No.20096299

cute house op

>> No.20096321

This motivated me to start playing this game, I'd been totally bored recently and looking for something new and different, this tipped me over the edge. Thanks OP

>> No.20096532

I played Maplestory as a teen for the longest. I wanted to play Maplestory 2, but I didn't want to get hooked on something that would make me unproductive as all hell, especially as a working adult now. So I was thinking I'd join the JP servers so that at least if I get hooked, I'd be immersing myself and communicating with native speakers. Turns out that Japan didn't want this steaming pile of crap so never localized it, despite Maplestory 1 being pretty big over there.

>> No.20096629

How bad is the spam in that game? Noiced your getting whispered by a gold seller.

>> No.20096644

There must be some Japanese players, try join like a chinese server they probably have groups from Japanese speakers.

>> No.20096688

Not really the same, because the menus, NPC dialogue, in game text, etc. will be in a language other than my target. It isn't enough to just chat up Japanese people.

>> No.20096719

Yeah that's true I guess. The game is really popular now though so I doubt you'll be waiting too long for a translation.

>> No.20096730

japanese players probably play on KR servers but the game has been out for 3~years in korea and it's pretty dead there i hear

>> No.20097119

That's not a whisper, I think that's some kind of server wide message you can buy. But the spam isn't all too bad, those bots got dealt with quickly as I haven't seen anymore of them. You do get the occasional guild or discord advertisement, but that's to be expected.

>> No.20099259

Any jpsies on East?

>> No.20099341


>> No.20099652
File: 640 KB, 1920x1080, 20181019_204109_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in it earlier today, nice place.

>> No.20099734


>> No.20101983
File: 693 KB, 495x696, rikacustomise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my character, went for my favourite human 2hu, and in a fitting role too

>> No.20102558

What's wrong with just watching other players but not interacting?

>> No.20103543

I play on east too...

>> No.20103555

Uhmmm where is Sagume though?

>> No.20103574

Is it hard to make 2hus in this game?

>> No.20103589


And me, which is also >>20101983

>> No.20103596

you went get very far with the base character creator but you can get a good bit more with the customization you can get in-game, especially if you fork out some dosh

>> No.20103684

What server is everyone playing on?

>> No.20106274

i don't know about everyone but i'm on east

>> No.20106395

Wow well maybe some of us easties should like play together or something.

>> No.20106574

Didn't realize america servers were split by east/west until I booted the game. I made a character on east as well. Someone should make a guild.

>> No.20106699

I'd like to joint too, if anyone makes a /jp/ and touhou guild tell us cause there's two touhou themed ones on there but nobody is in them

>> No.20106743

During the second beta I had a Umineko themed house right at the entrance of Tria. I should probably get back around to playing this and remaking it.

>> No.20108090

Played for like 10 minutes and got hit on by a retard so I logged out.

>> No.20108496
File: 79 KB, 144x278, vlcsnap-2018-10-21-10h30m35s666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP but I found it by cropping it out and searching yandex for it.

>> No.20109438

Thanks for teaching me your ways, master.

>> No.20109560

Good taste. ideolo's stuff is awesome. Got a Reisen poster of his art with a nendo preorder.

>> No.20109628

Shouldn't you have thicker skin coming from this website?

>> No.20109692
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 1451779311537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've really never been hit on in an MMO before? It's like you don't even play as cute girls.

>> No.20113037

Is there jaypee clan?

>> No.20113783


Touhou clan on USwest has 30/30 (soon to be 40) and very active!!

please come here jaypees!!!! msg HakureiReimu

>> No.20113805

hi op i am looking for friends on maplestory 2. i have never played it but i played maplestory 1. would u be able to show me the ropes of this game? it looks even better than og ms!

>> No.20113808


>> No.20114337

I like the game but the dungeons are too tedious and no fun though because they're way to platform-y. Luckily I think there's ways to go forward without touching them much though.

>> No.20115076

Is there a level requirement? I'm 38 at the moment

>> No.20115104

>you can't fly any higher
not true to life for Reimu!

>> No.20115343

tfw east

>> No.20115420

Do you guys really want to play together? What's your reason to? None of us know each other and those that do would have already formed circlejerks.

>> No.20115489

Why would you want to join some random touhou guild probably made by some normalfag? I only want to join a /jp/ guild.

>> No.20115604

Wanting to be with like-minded people and end game dungeons require parties of people who aren't retarded so it's a lot better to do them with people you know.

>> No.20116453

>like-minded people
It isn't the good old days anymore. The jaypees of modern times are different from the jays of yore.

>> No.20116498

Heh, I remember seeing you recruiting. I thought to myself, "What kind of clown names his guild Touhou."

>> No.20116892

a guild called <Touhou> sounds like it would attract the worst kind of weebs.

>> No.20116979

I'd still play with a random pool of you guys vs a random pool of pubs. The rate of finding cool people I like is probably way higher here I think.

>> No.20118574

I will consider playing if there's a jaybee exclusive guild on west

>> No.20119905
File: 203 KB, 1360x768, 20181020_071702_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my house

>> No.20119910

I have an amd a4-7300 with radeon hd graphics and it runs just fine

>> No.20120048

What do you even do in this game? Just dress up your character? They aren't cute enough for that.

>> No.20120687

Core duo L2400
(integrated graphics card ) no more

>> No.20120962

Dress up, build your house, play music, and RP.

>> No.20121017

how do you rp in such a shallow game?

>> No.20121045

It's pretty bad. It's just a flat land with no house even built. You need to put 4 of each crop/animal next to each other so you can harvest them 4x per gather.

>> No.20121079

besides character customization and house stuff, theres the usual bossing/dugeon/quests
dungeons feel like 3d platformery but with an angle (i think its called isometric?)
if you avoid the faggotry that is erping as a futa loli its a pretty fun game and in some ways a step up from maplestory 1 if you've ever played it

>> No.20121628
File: 495 KB, 1920x1080, MapleStory2_2018-10-23_22-14-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried a cirno

>> No.20122162

You tried, indeed

>> No.20122174

Wait, people RP as futa lolis?
Downloading right now.

>> No.20122267

What kind of character customization is there? Can you have boobs as big as your head or be completely flat?

>> No.20122313

you can't customize the body

>> No.20123749

Ah shit I'm on east.

>> No.20123788

Is anyone going to post their ign?

>> No.20123877
File: 42 KB, 500x509, 1539049053902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) can join <Dumb> if ya'll want

it's West, and just me and a pal at the moment

>> No.20123923
File: 2.10 MB, 2099x3000, scan020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, wings get in the way though, she'd be easier to read without them

>> No.20128472
File: 303 KB, 2047x1218, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does jaypee like 2hu FEET?

>> No.20128654

I want to lewd that reimu

>> No.20129009
File: 145 KB, 276x256, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they even added a touhou reference to this game! Unbelievable!

>> No.20129025

i love you OP

>> No.20129143


I love you too, jaypee!!!!

>> No.20130587
File: 36 KB, 445x487, 1206795395016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this game have cute girl enemies? Do people make lewd skins like in Cosmic Break?

>> No.20130718

I wheezed.

There's some cute enemies, I guess. There's a system where you can make your own textures for a bunch of models and upload them. You can make lewd skins, but if they're too lewd they'll probably get reported and taken down.

>> No.20130770

I miss mabinogi..

>> No.20131573

It's only in maintenance dude, it'll be back up in 3 hours.

>> No.20134916
File: 115 KB, 171x300, MapleStory2_2018-10-26_02-38-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20140293

I really like the game.

>> No.20143525

Sell it to me.

>> No.20143884

im not a salesman

>> No.20143940

the game is free.

>> No.20143981

i need a sugar daddy pm me

>> No.20145704
File: 27 KB, 209x72, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20146250

And sold.
What class is good for a beginer?

>> No.20146331
File: 731 KB, 1920x1080, 20181027_142028_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine taking over one the empty maps full of real estate and making a little jaypee town.

>> No.20146346
File: 28 KB, 354x352, 1526195749665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not wealthy enough to buy my own land for a house sorry jaypee

>> No.20146359

Are you that trap from /msg/?

>> No.20147040

or any except thief i guess

>> No.20148894

Are priests hard to master?
My ex boyfriends always used me as heal slut slave and I became quite fond of healers.

>> No.20148954

the range on the heals is suite short and u need some extra awareness on top of mechanics (but that's healers in every mmo) which makes it a bit harder than just dpsing, or annoying maybe rather
still wouldn't say it's hard

>> No.20151274

do not homo here
not homo area here

>> No.20151650


>> No.20151702

Just play Tronix Bunker repeatedly while it's still double dungeon drops and you can afford a 2x2 plot in no time. I just got a $6m scepter drop after getting Katvan's Blade ($9m) less than 24 hours ago.

>> No.20151973

Is that game any good anyway? The trailer on steam had so gay music that I think it's just some meme game.

>> No.20151991

what is the purpose of the game ?

>> No.20152017

what is the purpose of your life

>> No.20152024

Waiting for people to make SFM ero using the models like they did with the sprites from the first game.

>> No.20157111

I'm not that good when it comes to supporting auras, but will give it a try regardless.

>> No.20157145

I don't like any of the classes in this game

>> No.20157931

what class type do you usually like in mmos?

>> No.20160972

Where's the jay pea hangout spot?

>> No.20165810

please respond

>> No.20166082


>> No.20167976

Who's Europe here?

>> No.20168708

Can I grind this shit 20 hours a day or is progression locked behind daily tasks?

>> No.20168800

The progression is 100% locked up at all corners with the key thrown away into the abyss. Don't play it if you have a problem with that. It's more like a phone game than a hardcore MMO.

There are trophies that you can hunt and grind all day though, which are basically just an e-peen meter/autism collector and have minimal effect on the actual gameplay. Even so I like hunting trophies.

>> No.20172114

there are things you can grind 20 hours a day like treva, but equipment is gated

>> No.20175799

Gated as in paywall?

>> No.20175829


>> No.20180894


>> No.20187014


>> No.20190136

heyhey what's shakin'

>> No.20190265

I got to level 52 and gave up. I'm a thief, and a shitty one so I will be kicked from hard dungeons and no one will want me i ntheir party so whats the point

>> No.20193994

thats disappointing, I can't stick to games like that

>> No.20194374

Why do MMORPGs suck so much nowadays? 90% of them are pay2win, and when you finally find the 10% that aren't like this game they turn out to be shitty mobile-tier party games for roleplayers.

>> No.20195307

>90% of them are pay2win
That's because people call paying for literally anything pay2win nowadays. There's no such thing as a free ride but your game had better be amazing if you're going to have a subscription. You also can't sell things no one wants to buy.

>find the 10% that aren't like this game they turn out to be shitty mobile-tier party games for roleplayers.
That's because mobile games have replaced MMORPGs in Asia. Especially in Japan where they barely played MMORPGs to begin with but have a large gaming market. If Korean devs want that larger audience, they have to appeal to them, and whatever game is probably made by those who enjoy playing mobile games to begin with.

Here's a counter question: Why do people complain about MMOs sucking 'nowadays' but refuse to play the ones they enjoyed in the past even though they are still running? In your case, did you only like a few MMORPGs that actually shut down?

>> No.20196926

I'm not him but to answer your question from me: There isn't a single old MMO that I can think of that wasn't shut down or ruined by some "rennovation" update. Runescape had EoC, and was already on the path of destruction before that, Mabinogi had the combat cooldown update (this one is debatable because it's not as bad as others), WoW had something along these lines although I never played it for any significant amount of time. Ragnarok Online has one as well didn't it? I could go on about regular Maplestory and maybe PSO2 but I'm not really an expert on those. MMOs can't last long because they rely on people not fucking up in the long term which is something people do 100% of the time; it's just a matter of when. There's a constant struggle with the balance of trying to cater to old players and bring new ones in at the same time while balancing new updates and trying to create fresh content. All while making money without being p2w.

>> No.20197244

You seem really flaky about if these mmos were really "ruined".
>Runescape had EoC, and was already on the path of destruction before that
>Mabinogi ... is debatable
>WoW had something... although I never played it for any significant amount of time
>Ragnarok Online has one as well didn't it?
>Maplestory and maybe PSO2 but I'm not really an expert on those.

You get more and more unsure. Are you sure you didn't just get bored of those games instead and are just quoting hearsay from players? Also not a single one of those MMORPGs has shut down. Most of them are still pretty popular.

>> No.20197319

Yea you do have me there. I won't try and debate what you said about me being flaky about some of those games because I haven't played some of them in depth enough but what I will say is that I have first hand experience with both Runescape and Mabinogi. Right now the rebooted "old" branch of runescape is more popular than the main game itself. They added a cash shop, replaced all the graphics, completely changed the combat system, and turned it into a frankenstein of what it was before completely alienating all players to try and draw in newer players with some sort of flashiness and failed completely. In Mabinogi's case, they progressively add more and more ridiculous shit destroying the balance and lore of the game to keep it "fresh". and keep people from getting bored so they can still make money. Recently they just gave giants final hit. Just because people still play these games doesn't mean they're still playable by people with standards, and especially in games like Mabinogi where you can spend thousands of dollars in the cash shop it makes it hard for a lot of people to quit. The other examples I've listed were all hearsay, but I listed them because I have heard a lot of bitching over the years and I'm sure that there are people that have played them who may be able to say more about them.

>> No.20197559

Mabinogi's appeal isn't even its combat though. Also that giant skill is their own type of skill.

>> No.20199458

what do you play?

>> No.20200964
File: 209 KB, 1366x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my best

>> No.20201003
File: 313 KB, 1680x1050, 20181010_232231_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got bored after a day or two.

>> No.20202583

Maplestory 2

>> No.20202618

nice chen!

>> No.20202906

this game got really tedious to play after a while. there being a daily and weekly dungeon cap doesnt help the game either.

bosses are just giant health sinks, the content just isnt fun. i got tired of killing firedragon for the 20th time just for the typical korean rng grind.

>> No.20205379

Do not play with Sophia. She is a toasty roasty.

>> No.20205630

People shouldn't play with you either. You don't sound like a /jp/sie.

>> No.20205696

Girls shouldn't be rude.

>> No.20207509

Should I play this game? Will I be able to play with /jp/?

>> No.20207839

I play almost all days, I'm Capn from Europe servers, Cap'n of Tsumino Guild, however I'm starting to find the game a bit boring so I might leave it in some weeks

>> No.20212507

You can't because there is no jp group playing together.

>> No.20213859

Just downloaded this game, which server should I pick?

>> No.20213904

If you don't have anyone you want to play with on a specific server pick the server closest to where you live. Your ping will suffer and it actually matters for dodging.

>> No.20213945

Are there any jpsies on US East?

>> No.20213991

Does it really matter a lot? I'm European but I want to pick US East

>> No.20214029

You'll have to test it out and check your mileage. I'm west right now but I play on east and get 150-200 ping normally which is playable.

>> No.20214159

not really i'm eu and play priest alt on west (250+ ping) and it's annoying for sure getting hit when u feel like u shouldn't but i manage fine
i also play thief on eu and like trying to push my dps and if i think about trying to do that with 250 ping it would be impossible
so it depends on how u want to play i guess but for the most part it doesn't matter

>> No.20214167
File: 76 KB, 502x506, 20181019_222957_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What server are you on OP? And Pls Rembr happy day.

>> No.20214185

Boy this game sure has a lot of cutscenes eh

>> No.20215194

really tempted to play just so I can screw around with the piano

>> No.20215400

>Why do people complain about MMOs sucking 'nowadays' but refuse to play the ones they enjoyed in the past even though they are still running?
Also not the anon you responded to, but for me it's that the communities themselves have changed too much to really be enjoyable. People used to be a lot more sociable, mostly out of necessity because stuff like dungeon finders and extensive wikis/guides weren't a thing. These days MMOs mostly feel like single player games where you sometimes have to do an obligatory dungeon with other people who act like NPCs unless you fuck something up, in which case they yell at you.

For more consistently updated games it can be really intimidating to get back into them too if you haven't played in a few years. Years of gameplay updates and changes are just outright overwhelming, sometimes it feels like starting up a different game.

>> No.20216889

I play on east, and a couple of others said so earlier on the thread

>> No.20218225

Why does this game lag on my 1070, that's dumb

>> No.20219316

Is this the habbo hotel MMO?

>> No.20219519

my jaypee frens should carry me through CDev..

>> No.20220070

It lags on my 1080

>> No.20222970

It runs just fine on my quad-2080

>> No.20227339

No, that's world of warcraft.

>> No.20232569

I get minor lag spikes on my Geforce 2.

>> No.20233177

Looks like the Touhou guild on West is full. Is there any other jaypee guild?

>> No.20233839

I have no idea if any of you are in the NA take it easy guild but I really doubt it's full of jpsies.

>> No.20233846
File: 26 KB, 206x214, laffey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NA east, I mean

>> No.20237839
File: 957 KB, 1920x1080, 20181111_164420_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been on /jp/ in years. See house.

Drop by to say I totally knew the inside was going to be like this.

>> No.20237881

Why is it named "Touhou House" and not "Touhouse"?

>> No.20237918

Because the hou in touhou doesn't sound like the hou in house

>> No.20239394

Toe hose

>> No.20239684
File: 306 KB, 640x481, image0-3-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 20 fire dragons
You know you're supposed to do 60 every week now right Anon?

>> No.20239765

i play on east and i crawl everywhere i go. i wish i could talk to people while crawling or do combat... i am progressing slowly :)

>> No.20240023

So why is this game made out of legos?

>> No.20240058

to appeal to children. think minecraft, roblox, etc...

>> No.20240580

I thought those were only played by autists with unshaven neckbeards because children are too ADHD for that shit. Just like how only adult comic and SW nerds are into Legos nowadays.

>> No.20244478

When are we having a jaypee maple meat up....

>> No.20244576

ill meet, not like I have anything better to do.

>> No.20245139

Seems like a comfy place to live.

>> No.20247860

I do hope it doesnt ends like the /k/ ones.

>> No.20251603


>> No.20254744

my house is just a collection of portals now

>> No.20255392
File: 400 KB, 1920x1080, MapleStory2_2018-11-03_21-55-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine isn't.

>> No.20260818

Son, you may suffer from autism.

>> No.20263040
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, MapleStory2_2018-11-09_16-33-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20263158


>> No.20268725

this is beautiful

>> No.20271953

Looks like Chernobyl.

>> No.20272976
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, MapleStory2_2018-11-18_02-05-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here i attempted a churchy thing but it didnt work out that well, or it could have been much better i think but i lost patience cause the build home tools are so infuriatingly awful
