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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 670x673, DIFFERENCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2003368 No.2003368 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2003372

Tossgirl is mai Terran waifu.

>> No.2003380

I could live a thosand lifetimes, and still not understand fashion. Seriously, it is beyond me.

>> No.2003385

There's nothing to understand.
Just wear stuff you like and let vain people care about that.

>> No.2003384

Is she good? Or just the typical decent (Korean) player who got a pro gig because she has a vagina?

>> No.2003393


Remember when florescent colors were the popular fashion in the 80's?

Mistakes happen.

>> No.2003389

Keep Reina in the Momusu threads.

>> No.2003397


There's not really much to understand: Japanese street fashion sucks beyond measure, unless they somehow draw on preexisting styles. Ganguro, Decora and even Visual Kei, aside from looking fucking awful on anyone, testify to the fact that when Japan decides to come up with a fashion on its own it's all going to end in tears.

>> No.2003404

She's the top ranked best female player in the world for Starcraft.

Although that doesn't say much since female Starcraft players are all terrible. Case in point, she does poorly in any real tournament with the male SC players.

>> No.2003409

far from top tier but a decent terran
definitely good looking though

>> No.2003412

Ganguro wasn't Japan coming up with their own fashion. It was from Japanese girls wanting to be like Cali girls. So they would dye their hair and tan their skin to emulate this.

Kogal evolves into Ganguro.
Ganguro evolves into Yamanba.
Yamanba is terrible and you should feel terrible for even liking it.

>> No.2003416
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Ah, so she's one of those. What team (?) does she belong to? <PMS>, <Period Power>, <Girl Gamers>?

>> No.2003427
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Fuck's sake, Japan.

>> No.2003446
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She sure is cute, ze

>> No.2003452

stx soul, mid to high tier team

>> No.2003455

Only in Korea can gaming be consider as a career.

>> No.2003456

oh, ganguro.
who cares ?

>> No.2003459

Hey, we have hobos like that around here. It's like Carnival every day!

>> No.2003460
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She actually plays on the same team as July, Calm, and Hwasin. I.e. STX SouL.

>> No.2003461

Wait, doesn't 'Yamanba' translate as "mountain witch'?

>> No.2003470

nobody knows that unknown fuckers.

however, she's rather good-looking.

>> No.2003478


She doesn't look as good without her glasses. I'd still take her out for disgusting corean food, though.

>> No.2003481
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 1233431164348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat nukes

>> No.2003482

How many times did she get fucked by now?

>> No.2003483

Hate Korea if you want but the girls (at leas the ones who have emigrated) seem to be pretty cute.

>> No.2003493


It's called professional gaming, and in case you're unaware of this, you have this shit in America as well but to a lesser degree and way less profitable. Korean might have brough it to a new level, but I'd take it any day over being some fat neckbeard dropout spending his days on StarCraft for no gains whatsoever.

>> No.2003497

Yes it does. And you'll know why they're called yamanba when you see the images.

In fact, OP image is of Yamanba girls. Not ganguro. Yamanba is an EXTREME form of ganguro.

>> No.2003499
File: 12 KB, 400x300, 1233431477610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I hear you guys like ToSsGirL

>> No.2003501

op, post full tossgirl picture?

>> No.2003508

That is the full pic.

>> No.2003510

Corean girls are generally hotter than Nipponese girls with crooked front teeth.

>> No.2003516

dang. So where do you get your tossgirl pics, or do you just screencap matches?

>> No.2003514
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>> No.2003517

How much money do the top Starcraft players in Korea make? Do they make more than Go professionals?

Lee Sedol made $700,000 playing Go in 2008.

>> No.2003520
File: 48 KB, 664x463, 1233431682213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a thread for the best game in the universe? Because I think this is a thread for the best game in the universe.

>> No.2003524

Having "professional" before gaming does not make it any more profound.

>> No.2003533
File: 111 KB, 333x500, 1233431829586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the OP but since you're responding to my post. I know how to Internet.

>> No.2003534


Or any less silly

>> No.2003536
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>> No.2003539
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Yea but it does get people money for doing something they enjoy, and that's all that matters :3.

>> No.2003540

Why is /jp/ discussing how "hot" 3D women are? Stop it /jp/, even if it's trolling it's just wrong.

>> No.2003541


Butthurt Eleven.
You'd wish there was something even remotely close to that, instead in "glorious" Nippon gamers get ostracized by society and more often than not end up living a non-existence as nobodies.

>> No.2003544
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>> No.2003549
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But tossgirl is cute and she tries hard.

>> No.2003552
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>> No.2003560
File: 77 KB, 536x756, 1233432143967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found loli toss, unless she's just very flat.

>> No.2003561

But I'm not Japanese.

>> No.2003563
File: 151 KB, 400x600, 1233432158634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2003581

She's 3D and she's Korean. That's like, 2 evils, man.

>> No.2003601

Korean girl is ELEPHANTFEET disgusting.

To be honest, I don't mind if a gamer is a girl, however I lose all respect for them when they start posing for modelling shoots in skimpy attire.

[ ] Gamer
[ ] Model


>> No.2003608


everyone looks better than a bunch of inbred island monkeys who couldnt mix their blood because they genocided every other race on their island centuries before.

just look at the brits.


>> No.2003611
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>> No.2003614
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>> No.2003623

Because she is a model she isn't that successful in pro gaming. She can play with the guys but I've never seen her get past her third series.

>> No.2003650
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But she tries hard and that's what counts.

>> No.2003662

You say it like trying hard is a rare thing at that level... does that mean she gets beaten by people who aren't even trying?

>> No.2003671
File: 92 KB, 500x333, 1233433370351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trying hard is moe.

>> No.2003685

OoT hasn't been posted yet, so I guess it's not a thread about the best game ever made.

>> No.2003700

What is oot? Do you mean Oov? I love that guy.

>> No.2003721

She's [borderline] pro easily, probably most well known for beating yellow (who's like a household name) a while back. Decent player that only became pro cuz of her looks? Naw. Good player that became famous for her looks? Yep.

>> No.2003736

that girl gamer reminded me of my friend(a guy), only with long hair FFFFFFFFFF

>> No.2003766
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>> No.2003779
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Ohh Zelda.

In that case:
>implying that a japanese console game is better than a PC game.

>> No.2003778
File: 52 KB, 306x406, 1233434577289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2003792


What? How do you not know Oot? It's one of the best games of our time. Unless you were trolling, I hope your sister stabs you in the dick.

>> No.2003835
File: 73 KB, 435x267, 1233435342287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play a real strategy game.

>> No.2003832

what was so great about Ocarina of time? I don't see how it was different from any other zelda game, go through dungeons, get time travel powers, use time travel powers to unlock new dungeons, kill boss and save princess, same fucking shit

>> No.2003834

Of course it is.

btw, Half-Life 2 is FAR superior to StarCraft.
Starcraft didn't bring anything new to the rts genre.
it was just a mixture between Red Alert 1 (NOT C&C 1) and Age of Empires 1 with some space shit.

>> No.2003841

It's perfection.
Don't try to deny it.

>> No.2003837

Ohh sweet, one of my most favourite doujins.

And no, I just don't play shit games. :3

>> No.2003842

It didn't bring anything new(well not really) but it did make everything better.

>> No.2003844


Quit lying, you have no friends.

>> No.2003847

Oh wait, I confused you with misakiismywaifu, I think. He's the incestbro, you're just /a/ trash.

>> No.2003850

It just shows how much you don't know about the genre.

>> No.2003851

Lol I don't go to /a/. But ti's okay, you are /jp/ so it's normal to be 'rascist'(for lack of a better word) towards other boards.

>> No.2003853

Name one other RTS other than Starcraft that has perfectly balanced races that means every race is played equally on the pro level and has an equal chance agaonst other races.

>> No.2003856



>> No.2003858

And what did Half-Life bring to it's genre?

>> No.2003866


>> No.2003872



>> No.2003883

HA HA HA... oh wow.

>> No.2003889

Half-Life invented cassaroles, crowbars, and speed runs.

>> No.2003895

repost of repost of repost

>> No.2003899


Borign seesaw puzzles.
