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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 291 KB, 1062x943, Flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20002217 No.20002217 [Reply] [Original]

Drew a Flan!

Please post music and art you have created and discuss.

>> No.20002241

Oh no, I messed up the op. Please forgive me.

>> No.20002613
File: 558 KB, 1132x1250, Inktober_01_poisonous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's eye-catching, so it's fine.

>> No.20005132
File: 303 KB, 902x991, 100118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way too cute!

Nice! Love what you did with the books too. I almost missed it.

>> No.20005897 [DELETED] 

>ywn jiggle with flan

>> No.20005905

Crap, I wasted an opportunity by not making flan jiggle.

>> No.20006007
File: 123 KB, 600x650, birthday drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this for the birthday of a certain visual novel. Please forgive my poor handwriting.

I'm expecting a giga flan next!

Hello resident Yuukafag. I'm inspired by how different each drawing you make is, how do you not fall into the temptation to draw cute girls in the same pose over and over?

You draw a very cute Cagliostro as always and I like the foreshortening you're using for the pose, she is looking very spunky.

>> No.20006244
File: 258 KB, 800x1000, Yuukarin_cute_sadist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. As for cuteness, you're the one setting the bar here. Buttons don't even begin to compare.

Why not try animating it?

Hearing that now something else besides my determination/foolhardiness inspires others makes me ureshii and tereru.
Maybe it's a combination of factors:
a) I'm not that attracted to cuteness over lewdness, and for a long time I was unable to draw anything cute because I didn't even try. An extremely lewd doujin by Minarai Honpo was the ultimate trigger that spurred me into this, after all.
b) It's boring and uninspirational.
c) I have a fickle, capricious disposition in regards to some things. It certainly affects the way I draw, often starting without a pre-defined idea and adding composition elements on the go.
d) It doesn't help you learn much, i.e. it doesn't engage your brain to a sufficient extent.
e) Thinking of it, doesn't practically everyone who's been drawing for years do the same thing? I simply started from it, skipping a stage.

What novel is that, by the way?

>> No.20006285

Hah, I haven't thought about Hanachirasu in quite a while. The Nobunaga (?) kid was cute and the fights pretty sick.

>> No.20006465

Question, have you ever had that feeling where you realize you wanted views as much as you want to have fun drawing?
But to get more views you know you had to decrease your drawing choices to stuffs that you would not usually want to do?
For example, I know FGO is popular and could guarantee views but I don't really want to draw it.

I'm slowly reaching the point that drawing things I like wouldn't be fun without attention and I do not want that.

>> No.20006572

Seems you're more after a dopamine fix rather than being passionate about your art. You can be the average Bowsette drawing bandwagon riding clown and get your views or just find something else other than art to make you feel better.

>> No.20006579

Any good resources for learing how to draw? Should I start on paper and git gut at that before I even bother with a tablet?

>> No.20006635

copy your favorite artists or anime frame, your works will be shit but atleast you have fun. Then learn the basics while you reference their works. You will improve bit by bit. Draw from imagination from time to time. When copying other works try to learn it, not just mindlessly copying it

>> No.20006678
File: 351 KB, 2000x2000, saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very cute

Love your poses

Interesting though I wish it was a bit more cleaned up. or is she a ghost?

Tablet has its own learning curve so you'll have to get past that to then get to drawing better, try traditional and once your confident enough to dedicate some time to digital drawings give ti a go. Reference photos but don't necessarily copy the exact pose if you can. It's all about finding what works for you.

>> No.20006729

The hands are backward.

>> No.20007024
File: 352 KB, 2000x2000, saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks , I think I fixed it now.

>> No.20008287

Cute Saber

>> No.20008321

I like how creative you are, anon. It's the first time ever implied exhibitionism gets me going.

>> No.20009545

>> or is she a ghost?
Yeah, the picture as a whole is a rather blunt acknowledgment of that indulging yourself in delusions of leading a happy married life with an imaginary character and trying to document these images can be unhealthy.

Exactly what the guys above have already said.


>> No.20009891
File: 428 KB, 2000x2000, sabercolor2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

Here's the it coloured.

>> No.20009938

Here is day 4 of inktober.

>> No.20009946
File: 1.52 MB, 1333x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow I didn't even upload the image.

>> No.20009990

She's gonna fall!!!!!!!

>> No.20010064

requesting furandoll being mating pressed by goblins

>> No.20011395
File: 419 KB, 810x1121, 100418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Also I really like that birthday drawing!

As it has been said by other anons it really is amazing how creative and diverse your drawings are. A wide variety of subjects, perspectives, and styles. Really nice stuff!

Always enjoy your style and that is great perspective work. Feels like I'm gonna fall just viewing it

>> No.20013333


>> No.20013869
File: 2.16 MB, 1224x1551, IMG_20181005_191524_resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though I think that being able to replicate just one lovely face is a better gift than having no clear image of your waifu's looks.

Despite being only a picture on my desktop, it makes me remember that I'm afraid of heights even after hiking some mountains.

Checked. Now a jiggle animation must absolutely be made.

>> No.20013984 [SPOILER] 
File: 278 KB, 708x1003, 1538758955401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanking a break from the mall project to draw something simpler. And idea what's wrong with this?

>> No.20014072

Not mall, mini.
I'm sick.

>> No.20014184 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 2025x1003, 1538761819754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the /ic/ buzzwords:
>> stiff / poor gesture, chicken scratching

How would I do this: first, I'd spend 10–20 minutes on a rough sketch like this one I've drawn here (then, if I weren't sure about the perspective on parts, I'd check it using 3d models), then I'd redraw it cleanly on another layer. I already see that the perspective is flawed, so don't try to copy my redraw exactly.

>> No.20014919

why changing the angle of the head, literally soulless now

>> No.20015103
File: 347 KB, 726x1003, lewd loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20016121

Thanks for showing me(Especially the knees, butt, back and stomache), I'll get right to fixing it. Although I'll try to adjust it for shorter proportion since the character is really short.

>> No.20016146

If the japanese call flan PUDDI what is the name they use for actual pudding?

>> No.20016174


Be careful if yer going for a-less-than-2-heads torso. It's hard to both make it look right and explain to the officers that you don't sexualize toddlers.

>> No.20016198

It's the madthad way.

>> No.20016263

Oh hey, the dumb bloke's getting released right this month.

>> No.20016616
File: 1.02 MB, 1195x1817, 20181005_234744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a Lambdadelta for Umineko day.

>> No.20016628

Anon its cute

>> No.20017498 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 708x1003, 1538820335974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking like a toddler
I tried your suggestions but not completely everything. This better?

>> No.20017510

Oops, I meant

>> No.20017515

Ignore the thumb

>> No.20018213 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 708x1003, Bikini Loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20018222 [SPOILER] 
File: 118 KB, 708x1003, 1538831430977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20018235

Cute. CUTE!

>> No.20018404 [SPOILER] 
File: 246 KB, 708x1003, 1538834235302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll continue colouring for now.

>> No.20018637
File: 431 KB, 1265x1328, 100618a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out a princess carry

I wonder how much he's changed in 7 years. Hopefully he doesn't do something that sends him straight back like that time he was out for a bit and went straight back to shitposting about CP on twitter

>> No.20018742 [SPOILER] 
File: 321 KB, 708x1003, 1538838581341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cag is CUTE!

>> No.20018744

Uncle's pose doesn't seem natural. The reason being is that she'd have to struggle to keep her body hung up like that, and the shoulder region doesn't look right too with that kind of torso rotation. When carried horizontally like that, supporting the knees and shoulders only, a body would normally assume a C-like, or embryo-like, position due to the gravity pulling the butt down and the spine/back muscles not wanting to combat it. Check these out:

And if you change the position accordingly and let her rest her head on his manly chest and bicep—I think such a picture could easily have the Madonna/sacred-level potential if done tastefully and shaded in a sfumato-imitating style (one way is to use a 60% hard, preferably slightly grainy round brush and blur/blend after you've done shading).

I don't completely like the rotation of the head and the "rhythm" of the hair, but the lower parts are about OK now. Thous what's up with that single line under her left (right to us) bikini patch and those lines on legs? Looking a bit further, the line below the bikini patch is supposed to be the indent formed by her ribs. That indent is normally located at about 1/2 of the way between the belly button and the breast line. The breast line would be just a bit below the string that connects the nipple-covering patches. We also have to take into account for turning the spine upwards, which moves the ribcage away from the belly button. I haven't studied this, but I believe the top of the rib lines should be located flush with the point where the crevice formed by her right forearm ends, and the lines themselves (select both) should be tilted from 4 to 12 degrees to the right since their rotation doesn't match the rotation of the ribcage. And yes, you also have to readjust the shading you've already done.

>> No.20018823
File: 118 KB, 708x1003, Bikini Loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am keeping the head rotation and hairstyle.
But I tried to fix the others.

>> No.20018859

>her right forearm ends
What is this part supposed to be?

>> No.20018941
File: 191 KB, 708x1003, 15388397671831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for being unable to explain properly.

>> No.20018950


Thanks anon!

>> No.20019003

Duly noted. Will study this some more.

Thanks. Loving that loli's facial expression and pose!

>> No.20019891 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 1239x1756, Miyakawa Hikage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although the proportion is weird, I end up finishing it! Thanks anon!

Actually I would fix it given more time.

>> No.20019901
File: 344 KB, 2000x2000, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your soft way of colouring.

Here's a drawing from a small visual novel I'm making.

>> No.20019903
File: 1.43 MB, 1239x1756, Miyakawa Hikage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although the proportion for the top half is weird, I end up finishing it! Thanks anon!

Actually I would fix it given more time.

>> No.20019910 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.43 MB, 1239x1756, 1538853074958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20020003

Thanks anon!
Personally, I think you should attempt digital drawing ASAP though.

>> No.20020440
File: 261 KB, 2000x2000, ki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I tried my hand at it.
still a wip

>> No.20020552
File: 252 KB, 692x576, 20181006_174314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon

>> No.20020634
File: 35 KB, 1283x720, suku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this in paint some time ago.

>> No.20020884
File: 1.25 MB, 1000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 6 of inktober

>> No.20023208
File: 449 KB, 600x1000, saya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at everyone's works inspires me to try to do something different. My drawings still feel stiff at parts, but every day I feel like I'm getting better.

>> No.20023525 [SPOILER] 
File: 494 KB, 1208x631, 1538904816322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to figure out what bothered me about the drawing and I this sums it up. make sure you work on 3D shapes more anon
just in case it's hard to read:
1- I tried to trace over your anatomy to understand what you drew
2- hands fold at a slant
3- moved the arm back to a comfortable resting position
4- small detail, you can see part of the underside of the hand. It's a 3D shape, don't forget!
5- lifted the pinky and ring fingers for a more natural position
6- If she's not w-sitting, her feet will be tucked behind her rather than to the side

>> No.20023740

I-Is it really that too thicc?

>> No.20023885

Out of all board I've seen /jp/ is not the best at drawing, but it has the most convincing manga aesthetic.

>> No.20023938 [SPOILER] 
File: 90 KB, 856x1200, 1538911885254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thicc is alright but to draw good thicc it's best you understand some kind of anatomy. I think ザクロー's artwork is a good reference for artwork like this

>> No.20024069 [SPOILER] 
File: 178 KB, 708x1003, 1538914273853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice anon. For now, I shall try the w-sitting in this new drawing (lewd boat warning) and attempt the red-line legs proportion I learned in the previous drawing.

>> No.20024071

That's ice cream btw.

>> No.20024091

I-I like your art.

>> No.20024556 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 708x1003, 1538922926770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That coloring style reminds me of something, I'm not sure what.


>> No.20025001

Ooh, he's still active. Thanks for the reference anon!

>> No.20025195

I just realized that those shadows are actually a representation of her actual form right? That's neat.

>> No.20025595

that body makes me want to BREED

>> No.20026736
File: 282 KB, 2452x976, third times the lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im back you assholes. And if you dont know who i am. Good

I went off on a painting rampage. I actually got commissions to paint porn for people. It was nice knowing they liked it. But. i knew i wasnt cut out for painting...

So im back. To trying to be a mangaka.
This time. Im going to take proko's advice. And redraw everything till it looks right. But, i think im just gonna do 3 attempts only, so muh instagram doesnt look too crowded.
So for now on, expect to see three versions of everything i draw-
Also, i have another accounting exam to fail

your drawings always remind me of playstation 1 3d models. And thats a good thing. I like blocky crosshatching.... i couldnt pull it off.

>> No.20026775

>Im back you assholes. And if you dont know who i am. Good
It's all good as long as you aren't Magister.

>> No.20027443

I don't think she can actually do that.

>> No.20029077

You wouldn't know, that's just how the artist stylized their characters but they could actually breed.

>> No.20029196

Why does Zankuro like to stylize his characters as midgets with dicks and inverted nipples? How do they even have puffy areolae but inverted nipples?

>> No.20029785

Way to go talking like that and being a drama queen. But I was doing literally the same thing in the beginning, so I don't think I have the right to chastise you for this.

>> No.20029956
File: 3.32 MB, 2434x3306, 20181008_163312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew a detective!

>> No.20029991

Is she gonna take a bite out of crime?

>> No.20030242


>> No.20031685
File: 523 KB, 1370x1300, 100818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to modify it a bit but I probably need to start from scratch to get a more natural feel

>> No.20031898
File: 384 KB, 2000x2000, lightnovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute I like the hat ears.

Here's a drawing I made from my lightnovel I'm working on..

>> No.20031946

I think that could work if you move his left hand closer to the middle of her body.

She a kitty?

Wait a sec, I think I get it now. Are those lines below supposed to be her thighs and ass showing from above, not some kind of a window or a thought balloon?

>> No.20032650

Cute, is that Tenshi? I want her hat.

>> No.20032698
File: 181 KB, 800x400, Inktober_08_star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one enough to post.

>> No.20032728

Its shit

>> No.20032787
File: 187 KB, 675x1200, 1525610311823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool to know.

>> No.20032790

the trick to inktober is just completely ignoring the prompts and drawing whatever the fuck you want, but if you run out of ideas just draw like anime girls

>> No.20032866

>> drawing whatever the fuck you want
That won't be any different from what I'm doing every day, though, so it's either draw traditionally or try to be creative with the prompts.

>> No.20033159

Remember to practice every day!

>> No.20033528

Practice is one thing, but wow, that sfs is strong.
I can't say anything much though since I suffer from that.

>> No.20033774

He's also a known tracer. That's why he doesn't really improve despite completing one of those every day.

>> No.20033914
File: 1.11 MB, 4000x4000, kyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20034370

quick rundown

>> No.20034616

What do you mean , anon? i'm confused.

>> No.20035060

I think he's implying that your picture is reminiscent of Bogdanoff twins somehow.

>> No.20035901
File: 393 KB, 2000x2000, kyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20035962

I-I don't get it sorry
cat detective catective?
nope, Noir. Noir detective pun

>> No.20035987

I was implying that I thought she was a dog
Kids nowadays... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGruff_the_Crime_Dog

>> No.20036013

Also I would never have guessed that was Noir.

>> No.20036028

ah, never heard of it...
yeah, her face design is pretty generic

>> No.20036667
File: 336 KB, 900x900, 1hour_trio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did some after-corrections (moved the mouth and reshaped the nose) on the Mokou because I couldn't help but feel aversion towards how she turned out. Still don't like the look too much.

>> No.20036679

Mispelled cool, don't ask how.
Let's forget the above and just treat it as a term for cute and cool.

>> No.20036687

>Wait a sec, I think I get it now. Are those lines below supposed to be her thighs and ass showing from above, not some kind of a window or a thought balloon?
Yeah, it's the leg and ass. Usually I would hide it in this angle, but I thought the red lining method would help me dissect the body. I hardly do this so I wanna attempt it.

>> No.20036825 [SPOILER] 
File: 311 KB, 1384x1257, 1539097915632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So your pose goes like this? If not, could you draw the intended side view?

>> No.20036953 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 708x1003, 1539099643344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20036958

Oops, it was reversed, it said w-sitting

>> No.20036981

Sorry for spamming the thread.


A previous redline.

>> No.20036995 [DELETED] 

Goddamn she's thicc! You been feeding that loli too many ice creams.

>> No.20037103

I see. Please refer to this then:

>> No.20037106 [SPOILER] 
File: 100 KB, 464x365, 1539101457408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make me wonder what Cag is even like. Never having played Granblue, I'm familiar with the character just from seeing art of it a lot, but not knowing anything but random fanart and lewds, I've grown to like the portrayal in these.


I can't help but think of your lewd Cags in the same way. Even this latest one >>20031685 Makes me think of the aftermath of pic related.

>> No.20037119

Thanks anon.
A question though, W sittings are that split apart? Is it not possible to close it?

>> No.20037185 [SPOILER] 
File: 179 KB, 708x1003, 1539102404765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? Put the knees together or what? That sure is possible. As for Reimu, I positioned the knees like you showed with the, uh, redline.

If you mean the reverse, highly flexible people can do even this:

However, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of a person who could rotate their thighs so that they point behind their own torso. You can do this at most, but that's not putting the thighs behind.

And that's what your linework seems to imply, but I again have no idea of what these 6 lines are supposed to mean.

>> No.20037191

Her face shape and thickness and the pose make me think of Marui Mitsuba

>> No.20037214
File: 128 KB, 1005x356, Semen demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20037230

>Put the knees together or what?
Arrows close to the bottom is the shin connect to the knees.
Arrows to the sides represents the lower calf ( right above the ankles.
The two under the armpit is the line formed when you fold your calf to the thigh together.

>> No.20037256 [SPOILER] 
File: 252 KB, 708x1003, 1539103496587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20037284 [SPOILER] 
File: 239 KB, 708x1003, 1539103911127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*groan resembling a wild bear's orgasm*
I see!! That finally makes sense.
Don't know if the underside-of-the-knee crevice should be visible from this angle, though.

>> No.20037415
File: 289 KB, 2000x2000, girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20037462

I suggest asking /ic/ to give you a redline in the /beg/ thread.

>> No.20037653

6 fingers, but that's not the issue here. I tried to think of a way to let you get started on fixing your hand.
So do this, irl do a middle finger and use it to measure your palms height(from the wrist to the lower part of the fingers). Notice how it fits 1 finger height perfectly?
Now look at the height of of the back of character 's hand, it's not even one finger height.

So the biggest issue you need to learn is the size of palm or the back of the hand

>> No.20037657

>Now look at the height of of the back of character 's hand, it's not even one finger height.
As in the back of the palm is too short.

>> No.20038135
File: 298 KB, 2000x2000, girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this is somewhat better.

You think so? hmm...

>> No.20038422

Considering the proportions, the shapes, and the placement of her neck, I'm most sure that the suggested course of action is the only correct one.

>> No.20039591

OH wait, those lines are the hand bones? oh wow, that just made the fingers look longer.

>> No.20040150
File: 392 KB, 2000x2000, 1539114310052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thumbs have more than one joint anon. Also when your thumb is straight, compare it to the index finger.
You should notice that the tip of the thumb is near the first bone of the index finger.(inbetween the green lining marked in the drawing,)

>> No.20040242
File: 350 KB, 410x546, 1-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning this out slowly so I don't fuck up.. Only doing 6~ pages.

>> No.20043162


>> No.20043855
File: 228 KB, 800x700, Inktober_10_flowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20044322
File: 292 KB, 2000x2000, girlsyshade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thankyou so far anons this is the result so far after very helpful criticisms.
I'm thinking that I'll go to /ic/ beg thread and get a redline later... I just wanted to see how far I could refine it with a little suggestions from anons.

>> No.20045033
File: 464 KB, 1258x883, 101018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those comics are always fun. It's kinda difficult to explain how Cag is like without knowing the lore behind "her" and really seeing her in game. In some ways my version will have some similarities to that comic but in a more down to earth way. Cag and Gran(the (You) of the game) will first just be in a buddy buddy type relationship that talk like regular guys. But after many flustered Cag situations as a result of her being in a female body it will eventually get romantic. A full loli bro to wife transition. I'm still far off though. I need to get a lot better before I feel comfortable doing these things.

>> No.20045353

This thread is becoming lewd by the second, I blame Flan(Pudding) not that I mind though.

>> No.20045400
File: 355 KB, 900x700, Inktober_11_cruel2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three lewd dubs in a row. I like it too. And I really like the last one, although with skindentation in the place where the thighhighs start it'd be even better.

>> No.20045416

The lewd dubs continues!

>> No.20045738
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 10.

>> No.20047624
File: 777 KB, 900x1000, 1hour_cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue is the strongest color!

>> No.20047748 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 554 KB, 2040x1715, 1539269825141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to steal this anon's technique's what is the best thing I could learn from this style?

>> No.20047755
File: 554 KB, 2040x1715, 6291eae89e16550a439542b86ed8aef140fa83c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to steal(as in learn) this anon's techniques but what is the best thing I could learn from this style?

>> No.20047812

Look at it.

>> No.20047840
File: 212 KB, 700x700, Reimu shares her scarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20047941

Put holes in your clothing and make konosuba parodies.

>> No.20048160
File: 2.07 MB, 1662x1024, Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I never started practicing it seriously until kemono friends came out.

>> No.20048242

Hmm, I need to take riskier actions by doing stuffs I hardly do to improve my drawings faster.

>> No.20048317

cute as hell

>> No.20048322

Super cute!


>> No.20049287
File: 268 KB, 920x889, Cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20050189

lewd thread

>> No.20051840

Been thinking about a post from the previous thread where anon claimed that you're supposed to do two dozens of drawings a day, later corrected himself to "rough sketches." Also been thinking that I want to draw her naked and in high heels. But I procrastinated and did other things instead of actually doing that. This night I've had enough with procrastination and gave it a go in order to find out how much can I do in 2 hours and how much do I need to complete two dozen drawings in its lesser definition of 2x10. I thought maybe listening to this music would help? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l2a4PsZYuU (After listening to the whole video in headphones, I don't feel so good.)

Well, the statement is indeed plausible, as 20 rough, non-elaborate sketches (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DpSCrdhU8AAZEv0.jpg)) took me less than 2 hours in a trying-not-to-fall-asleep state. Spending this much drawing almost daily isn't asking too much.

>> No.20052053

Nice hustle my friend. Keep it up, though don't be afraid to take breaks if you're getting burned out.

>> No.20053222
File: 176 KB, 1000x500, 1hour_coolfuto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no reason to go like that, though. It's better to do from 1 to 5 pictures per day but put actual effort into making them look right.

>> No.20053338

Yea, that Anon was me.
It's a grind I put in myself for quite a while to get better at perspective and anatomy.
You are not sacrificing quality by doing rough sketches in studies; you are learning mindfulness and grasping the form of what you draw a little more with each sketch.
I claim no immunity to critique, nor am I even one of the OC-thread's top artists, but I sure as hell know that >>20053222 doesn't do it right.

>I see no reason to go like that
I see one big, fat reason, right in your post.
None of that looks "right".

>> No.20053413
File: 463 KB, 1773x1002, Inktober_12_whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are talking to the same person, you know.

And these are my own drawings just as well:
>>20032999 (except Rumia; just in case, I wasn't the one who posted the board)

I do realize that I should've probably drawn those 20 from references rather than thinking them up. Now, could you explain what do you find to be "right-looking" and, maybe, share the results of your grind along with your total mileage? I'm not being defensive or anything, I'm simply curious.

>> No.20053554

I didn't know, no, not that it really matters to the post.
But yea, sure mate.
Right looking in this case would, for example, be most of the drawings posted by Sleepy.
What constitutes "right looking" is the fine line where realism and stylization, instead of making each other look uncanny, cooperate and create something that looks like it works.
No offense to you as a person (unlike a certain someone, you actually seem to be willing to hear people out), but you fuck up quite a lot. So far I have refrained on commenting on your drawings specifically, as your style does not appeal to me, nor do I enjoy your choice of motive/aesthetic, so you could call me biased, but if I were to give proper examples - Your perspective is very fucked up. Even considering the POV, there are major discrepancies in how big the characters on screen are in relation to each other, or even body parts in relation to the rest of the body. In other words: Your foreshortening lacks spacial accuracy.
>>20043855 Would be an example of this.

As for your anatomy, you lack fundamental understanding. The body parts of your characters, rather than working as a unit, look pasted unto each other; like an action figure with the joints photoshopped to make them look connected. As a result, your characters look stiff, like >>20002613

Even in drawings where I suspect you have used a reference like >>20006244 , you seem to - instead of grasping what it is you are referencing - just be copying lines, taking a few liberations in size along the way, without regards to the effects such a change would have. One part influences the whole.

Now, you are far from the worst guy here, and I think it's nice that you have a clear ambition you follow, but dude, if you think your drawings look "proper"... then you are not looking close enough.

Also, even though it doesn't change anything about my points, I am the dude drawing muscular guys and monsters all the time.
I am far from perfect, I am an amateur just like most of the people here, but even my idea of practice is rather light compared to the real fucking pros.

Also your hands look fucked up mate

>> No.20053738 [SPOILER] 
File: 357 KB, 1920x1200, 1539359072196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I needed this.

>> posted by Sleepy
Sleepy who?

>> Your perspective is very fucked up. Even considering the POV, there are major discrepancies in how big the characters on screen are in relation to each other, or even body parts in relation to the rest of the body. In other words: Your foreshortening lacks spacial accuracy.
That's understandable given that I have long since stopped bothering to draw perspective grids and such first, and I don't even check it on sketches, and I only studied a half of Norling out of all books on drawing. Since most have stopped commenting on that and the check-ups on models and photos and the mirror seemed to match, I thought this level of understanding is fine for now.

>> >>20002613
I know, that one is shit. I got an urge to redraw it even before finishing but thought, "Ah, fuck it. No using the eraser more than 10 times, and I don't want to redraw it from scratch. I'll just go with that and see if I improve by the end of this month."

>> you have used a reference
>>20045400 is the only one where I did use a reference out of those, and I won't say that's not exactly how my process when copying something looks. That 244 one might have turned out better than others because I had a clear state of mind and/or because I drew a couple of pics using remotely similar angles before.

>> Also your hands look fucked up mate
Now, this is the one point I find to be the hardest to agree with. While it happens in sketches, I'm confident that they are not fucked up in cleaned-up pics. Like the last one I linked, the aforementioned 244 one, or this.

>> No.20053850

>Sleepy who?
I know you are relatively new, but you are not THAT new.
Sleepy is one of /jp/'s apex artists (to me at least). Still posts from time to time.

About the hands... again, they are not the worst there are, but they are far from what I'd call adequate, and most of those I spot, I indeed consider "fucked". I might find the time to point you to a few mistakes more specifically sometime soon.

Keep it up until then.

>> No.20053904

>> I know you are relatively new, but you are not THAT new.
What if I am? I only started browsing /jp/ daily about, like, a year and a half ago (IIRC). Among the "top" artists who used to post here, I know freeze-ex, Uchisukui, and Magister... and I think I have to place a period here.

>> I might find the time to point you to a few mistakes more specifically sometime soon.
I'll be looking forward to it, senpai.

>> No.20053944

Pretty sure I saw Sleepy posting at least a few times in the past year. Can't post the link to his Pixiv rn, but will do so later.

Please don't call me Senpai, dude.

>> No.20054009

OK, but why, if I may ask?

>> No.20054349

I am just an amateur. Makes me feel self-conscious y'know

>> No.20054665

No, I don't. Heh.
I think it's been pretty long since a pro artist graced this thread with their presence, but I understand and respect your humility.

>> No.20055033
File: 250 KB, 700x990, requestsck_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't post my pixiv! I barely post there.

I tried today /jp/. Don't worry, it's vomit.

>> No.20055077

Nice job.
Although you need to work on the fluids coming down whatever it is. especially near here mouth too much bumpyness.

>> No.20055183
File: 63 KB, 913x880, 7238497238452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not speak.

I let muh drawings do all the talking for me UwU

>> No.20055402

What the fuck.

Yeah, they're quite good at presenting you as you are...

>> No.20055640

Oh shit boi, speak of the devil.
I always love to see you trying, man.
Magnificent work as always.
Nailed down the thiccness of my fluid as well.
I-I mean "the".

>> No.20055863
File: 159 KB, 764x804, 1481978670900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also let muh reaction images do all the talking for me.

>> No.20056155
File: 92 KB, 724x528, 181007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20056207

you barely update any of your accounts, you sillybuns~

>> No.20056228
File: 569 KB, 1720x960, Inktober_13_guarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it was the "I tried today" dude? (A.k.a. pollenoxide?) Should've said so from the start.

>> No.20057479
File: 1.94 MB, 2000x1428, CrimSon Slasher OG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Then, shall we begin? Your execution."

>> No.20057491

I miss Freeze.

>> No.20057668
File: 848 KB, 785x1024, page 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't give up yet!

>> No.20058475

Not his fault you are uneducated.

>> No.20058536

What circlejerk does everyone participate in that they know artists' names to begin with?

>> No.20058745 [DELETED] 
File: 837 KB, 1000x688, Which.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.20058747 [SPOILER] 
File: 837 KB, 1000x688, 1539430392062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20059026
File: 102 KB, 364x1263, MUST BREED WITH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I simply have good memory and looking-info-up skills. Most posters have introduced themselves or been introduced over the course of these threads.

The second one, with more contrast between the lower parts and crevice shadows (add more dark) and the top.

>> No.20059200
File: 1.62 MB, 1239x1756, BulinClosed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people preferred the left so I had to compensate.

By the way. I think your drawing is at the hentai gallery.

>> No.20059419

I like the BG

>> No.20059901
File: 540 KB, 800x900, 1hour_yuukarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's 1-hour, where I cheated by using a previously made lineart, so it's a 1-hour speedpaint. Will post making-of later, as I need to select and add some good music for the 20-minute timelapse. Seems like the removal of music distraction while drawing does improve my productivity.

Lol, I didn't expect they'd post almost every pic of the set after all this time so that it covers half of the Yuuka page. I wonder if that's why I've had a relatively large influx of followers in the last 3 days, although the MMD porn, 1-hour challenges, and Inktober surely had something to do with it. They have previously posted my more successful lewds too, starting with the June handjob one.

She sure is! With that lewdness of hers, she surely has genocided over a billion of my children by now! And I'm simply doing my best exploring how to capture it in its fullest through the chosen medium.

By the way, what's up with you going so lewd all of a sudden? Didn't you say that you won't do R-18 pics or something? Were you visited by a succubus as well? o3o
You should also add a strong (crevice) shadow under that thing (including to the left of it on the picture) on her head.

>> No.20059992

I'm always doing lewd, without actual sex or naked body. Thus not crossing the line.

>You should also add a strong (crevice) shadow
Shitttttt, I've already posted on pixiv!

>> No.20060038

But actually, I wish to develop a small game and I need to up my drawing skills to make that happen.
Lewd drawings help me a ton with drawing cute stuff and I like it anyway.

>> No.20060434

You have a pillow-shading complex. Please do some exercises and plan out your light sources before repeating this mistake.

>> No.20061178

>Most posters have introduced themselves or been introduced
I have literally never seen anyone introduce *themselves* in this thread. I have seen people suddenly know their names and refer to them though.

>> No.20061799

It'll take a while to fix that, I started shading like that only recently.

>> No.20061810

But I see what you mean now that you've pointed it out, thanks anon!

>> No.20061832

I'd say go back to Hecatia if you remember how to shade like that and improve from it.

(Another bloke.)

>> No.20061938
File: 128 KB, 750x1067, 34b68fecfb98516588ad0a490920f3d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ im about to do something, that will finally make a "good" artist. Its called, "Operation Take Varappi Seriously". You see, muh wife is a scientist (pic), so this going to be a bit of experiment.

Every time i show muh art to people. The number one most often complaint by far is
>you dont know your fundies
>you dont know what perspective is
>you dont know what form is
And is like. Yes i do. I studied all that shit when i was 15. And i know all the greats loomis, bammes, vilppu, hogarth, hampton, bridgman, etc.

But you see. The biggest fatal problem is. I never uploaded muh studies online. All those hours of drawing boxes, copying loomis. doing reference studies, AND NO ONE BELIEVES ME.

If i upload GIGABYTES of NEW studies; indicating that i know my fundamentals. Then every time a homo says i dont know my fundies. I can just show said faggot, THOUSANDS of fundamental studies, and then theyll go ragequit on /ic/.

I will need to do a bunch of fundamental exercises, and upload all my pictures on insta, twitter, deviantart, and tumblr. The conditions of each drawing is
-must be a study of actual thing AKA no imagination at all
-must show perspective and construction lines, so that the homos cant say i just copied and didnt understand the form
-must have lots of variety, meaning i have to copy different people, objects, parts, things, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY; other artwork
you see, its important i copy actual manga occasionally, because a lot of faggots here say my faces are ugly, so, i can finally say i know how to do appealing faces

-to be taken seriously by all the faggots who bully me (especially the ones who draw disgusting /u/ shit lesbians)
-while uploading all my reference studies on social, i will gain a large following
-i will write muh dream manga, during all these studies, so once im done training, i can FINALLY make a manga people take seriously

yus. i feel good about this experiment

>> No.20061963

I'm not sure if I can take you seriously, your post looks like a dumb spam.

>> No.20062031

Looking at you makes me experience something akin to vergüenza ajena, except I'm being ashamed for myself—because you're mirroring what I did in the beginning, being a dumbfuck dramatic bitch with retarded announcements just like this, not understanding how it looks like to others. So now I understand that sufficiently, and it makes me want to apologize to those people who mocked me and my drawings despite their extremely rude insults and the fact that likely no one cares about that anymore.

Anyway, if you knew your fundies, form, and perspective like you say, it would inevitably show in your "normal" drawings. It doesn't. So yes, there is no reason to believe a deluded liar. By the way, if you're gonna upload those gigabytes, do it on mega. If you try to wipe the thread, I'll do my best to make it disappear.

>> -while uploading all my reference studies on social, i will gain a large following
Well, good luck with that.

Oh, and please go fuck yourself in the ass with a horse-tier dildo before posting another haughty wall of text or attacking people again, you insufferable little shit. And think while you massage your prostate with it: is it really the world that's unjust to you, or is it you who is too retarded to self-reflect properly and address the issue?

>> No.20062094

Are you trolling? If not my best advice is to unlearn everything you know about drawing because it is completely backwards and repulsive. Next time you draw and you're about to do something, do the exact opposite and you might produce something that isn't puke inducing.

I don't usually say things like this but you might just be a low IQ individual with absolutely no learning potential in drawing at least. Even an absolute beginner drawing shitty stick figures will in a month surpass you if they practice normally. Your thoughtless studies are actually harmful because you've been learning how to do things WRONG and now you need to undo it all. Lower the amount of study drawings and make sure you are putting actual thought into them. Also what is the obsession with getting fans and being taken seriously? That seems to be your actual goal above anything related to drawing. >>/ic/thread/S3626064 This shit is pathetic. Please take a good look at yourself if you're capable.

>> No.20062200

Oh geez I tend to give the benefit of doubt but this is something else.

>> No.20062201

i mean if you actually study you will get better but your post reads like tryhard shitty troll

disappointed to see this garbage in these threads, i thought these retards tended to stay in /a/ /v/ and /ic/

>> No.20062312

This post is very uneasy. You're more interested in getting popular by drawing instead of actually drawing itself, this is why you cannot improve.

>> No.20062352

Please do whatever you are set on doing somewhere else. Do not do it here. Go away. You are ungrateful, arrogant, ignorant, full of hubris, cringeworthy - you or the character you are trying to portray in this fucking charade. Does not matter if you are serious or a troll.
You have no allies here. No one wants you here. Just leave and don't come back. Please.

>> No.20062948

>And is like. Yes i do. I studied all that shit when i was 15

This is the line that proves you'll never get good; thinking you already know everything there is to know and bragging about it even when your work clearly shows you know absolutely nothing and have completely failed to apply it.
There is a saying for this where I come from: An empty water jug makes no noise when shook, and neither does a full one, but one filled with just a little water makes the most noise of all. You are likely too dim to get this metaphor.
Studying a subject is not the same as knowing any of it. Doing gigabytes of misinformed, misdirected studies only reinforces shitty drawing.

But you won't listen to this anyway and will continue to upload the same garbage for the next 5 or 10 years anyway while wondering why everyone still tells you it's shit, so why bother even writing this post.

Polite sage for mild off-topic.

>> No.20063021
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a lighter mood here is day 13 of inktober

please enjoy

>> No.20063102
File: 25 KB, 600x338, 8f9daf9ff1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guise all call me retard like thats a bad thing. But that is good thing

Cause once when i do git gud, I will be the world's very first retarded mangaka. Think about it, someone as handicapped and bullied as me, will one day make it. Its like being someone who defeated cancer or a female whose a body builder. I can be the greatest inspiration for dunning kruegers all around. And if anyone is worst than me.... that means theyre worst than a retard.

just think about it. Anyone on here can be good.
I want to be....

The world's first lulz cow mangaka!

>> No.20063112

>The world's first lulz cow mangaka!

>> No.20063135

please start using a tripcode so I can filter you

>> No.20063158
File: 469 KB, 1000x1070, kosuzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kosuzu with an egg

Just wanted to say that your minimalist style is always sleek and cute. Incredibly cute.

>> No.20063664
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x1100, art progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how this guy did it so quickly.

>> No.20063713
File: 106 KB, 2000x2666, 1539485378288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love your shading. Here, it tried to make the picture high-res monochrome.

>> No.20063803

He probably grind alot.

>> No.20063809

Please use a better, larger font and shrink your speech balloons to fit the text.

>> No.20064042

Alternatively just use Wild Words and blow it up to fit inside the bubbles

>> No.20064370
File: 764 KB, 760x1052, horo_render_by_lightangelfaye-d81olbg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
just call this place neo /ic/.
its funny how you complain about the shitter writing paragraph long blogs, but then proceed to write paragraph blogs yourselves attacking him

the pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.20064553
File: 236 KB, 700x800, bhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give up today. /jp/.

>> No.20064620


>> No.20064772

This thread reminds me of older threads like this >>/jp/thread/S15460017 that would go off topic and end up with lots of deleted posts, except everyone is really pretentious now.

>> No.20064836

Reading old threads makes me feel so nostalgic. I wish I could go back to those simpler times.

>> No.20064966

Me too but then Magister and JADF and Freeze-ex and co would be back, drawing giant tits and dicks on girls and stuff. Well, I don't think Freeze was that bad but I remember them doing something similar sometimes. Actually when I was thinking someone should archive the images from old threads now before they're deleted like half the 2012 ones and everything before, I realized when I think about older times in the thread, most of them are actually from 2014-2016 which isn't that long ago.

>> No.20065033

I wish I was there then, probably I could leech off their skills.

>> No.20065128

Giving up is part of growing up.

>> No.20065176
File: 235 KB, 1024x934, D6E9DD3E-E389-47DF-87A8-3DE4CD77BA3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20065293

Long time no see. What have you been up to?

>> No.20065320
File: 1.28 MB, 1906x2500, 9F548051-2711-44D0-9E7C-49BC297C2998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly the usual stuffs, last times I checked jp there were no drawthread up, guess I missed them.

>> No.20067027
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, Inktober_14_clock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to not-sadpanda to look up Reitaisai loot... So you actually meant that my pics made it to e-hentai now too? Whoa. I thought you were talking about rule34 where they were posted previously.
Don't know how to feel about that given the average rating and low comment.

Tbh, people used to say similar things to me, but I didn't behave exactly like he did and also got better thanks to butthurt and observation in addition to determination to become able to capture my waifu's beauty.

Where do I sign under this?

That's a curious saying, and I like it.

>> call me retard like thats a bad thing. But that is good thing
Uuuh... sure...

>> someone as handicapped and bullied as me, will one day make it.
I'm not sure that'll work out though, but I doubt you'll be the first retarded mangaka, judging by the plot in some doujins or mangas...

Really like it for some reason.

And this one I like for a reason that I perfectly know.

>> No.20067191

What is with all of the old drawfigs suddenly showing up

Everything will be okay sleepy

>> No.20067199

If her boobs bounce when she walks, that basically makes her boobs Japan.

>> No.20067203

"Speak of the devil," you know.

Hah, nice one.

>> No.20067414
File: 769 KB, 1920x1405, 1920px-Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Tower_of_Babel_(Vienna)_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy this thread isn't 90% Yuuka fag anymore. His insufferable autistic roleplays in other threads are bad enough.

I'm glad you finally have something to show besides 100 iterations of the same drawing of that burnt arm girl. What's its butt look like? City wedgie? Big ass castle?

Incidentally, the buildings should probably be smaller. Like one of her feet is already the size of a town. You might want to do a tower of Babel (pic) look for her legs. Maybe incorporate vegetation and water somehow.

Did you ever do anything with the characters, make trial comic pages or whatever they're for?

>> No.20067599
File: 1000 KB, 1951x1169, osumihannya_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm glad you finally have something to show besides 100 iterations of the same drawing of that burnt arm girl

Eh? I never was that focused on her.

The buildings parts were just a rough sketch, I'm planning to do some 3d tests as well to be accurate on the scaling.

The characters are for a pretty big comic project, which I have the rough scenario from start to end made already. For now I'm working on making/solidifying the designs, adding details and making the storyboards.

>> No.20067623

>What is with all of the old drawfigs suddenly showing up
Behold! The power of Flan (pudding) attracts all!

>> No.20067674
File: 655 KB, 1800x1271, demon_queen_octavia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while so don't really remember which ones I posted here.

>> No.20067685
File: 2.56 MB, 3050x2155, osumihime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20067742


>> No.20067877

Mind me asking how long drawings like these take?
Seems to me like they'd take quite a while.

>> No.20067915
File: 1.18 MB, 2627x1240, osumihime1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one took a bit around 5h >>20067674
While this one around 3h30 >>20067685

>> No.20069760
File: 264 KB, 2000x2000, practicetwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really cool work I love the feel of the linework.
This is a drawing I redrew from this anons drawing

>> No.20071353 [DELETED] 

Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap! Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap! Braaaaaaaaaaaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!

>> No.20071371

>everyone is really pretentious now.
We became older and lost our sense of humour. Time to commit seppuku and end it all.

>> No.20071744
File: 677 KB, 2268x2741, IMG_20181015_193431_740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20075125

I am feeling very motivated and inspired today, /jp/. I got a liter of energy drink left for the night to keep me charged and rewatching one of my favourite shows really gave me a kick. Seeing all the old drawfags return also makes me want to try harder.

If all goes well, I'll finally be able to get creative again. Wish me luck.

>> No.20075130

Do your best

>> No.20075133

Don't hurt yourself.

>> No.20075298

Thanks a lot dudes, I'll watch out for my health.

>> No.20076044
File: 2.83 MB, 377x294, 1416203311640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the good old days...

>> No.20076892

Okay so I actually got some shit done, but my PC crashed in the middle of it, so I lost some progress.
Here is what little I was left with afterwards, though.


>> No.20076991
File: 3.10 MB, 2508x3541, 1539687290992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colored my kokoro!
this is really cool anon although I don't know much about music

>> No.20076997
File: 1.05 MB, 2058x1000, hero_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little character presentation.

>> No.20077868

>Clownpiece project still postponed.
So I've decided to draw Hecatia, what should she wear?

>> No.20077878
File: 663 KB, 1585x940, 1hour_realchild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something fashionable, just like her canon outfit.
Or a china dress.

>> No.20078884

She got even cuter when coloured. Very pretty work.

>> No.20080158

One of these days I'm going to write a parody of Swann's Way where a depressed salaryman has a 50-page flashback to his otaku youth, triggered by seeing the compression artefacts in an old NND ryuuseigun compilation

>> No.20080820

cute, but you should've added the holes in her dress

>> No.20081681
File: 83 KB, 378x759, Screenshot - 10_16_18 , 09_25_21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20081692

>Said draw Hecatia
>Suddenly something else I must draw pops out.
Sorry for being selfish, I need to draw something first.

>> No.20083709

Since I know Kuma/Winner anon posts here, gratz anon!

>> No.20084022

Oh shizzle.
Congratulations from me as well, very nice.

>> No.20084436

Sadly everyone in /a/ hates him now. same people who praised her design

>> No.20085944

Do you /jp/sies have any advice for learning to draw? I've been at it for about a year, and I still can't draw finished pictures. The head/face is easy, but everything below that and I just go full retard. Even though I can picture the pose/sketch in my mind, I can't replicate it and this is what I struggle with the most especially at the crotch/leg area.

Anybody get what I'm trying to say? Even bad artists can still draw finished pictures albeit poorly, but I'm stuck on sketching and can't seem to improve. It feels like I'm missing some fundamental concept even though I've read LOOMIS and a lot of other guides on Pixiv.

>> No.20086034

Is i that your avoiding drawing whole bodies because you know the outcome will be bad? You just gotta go for it anon.

>> No.20086055

What sort of construction are you doing? You say you read LOOMIS but are you putting it all into practice? Studied/practice gestures?

>> No.20086365

To be fair, sketching is the essential step. Or maybe "ground work" is what I should say. There is not much point drawing "finished pictures" if it takes up time you could otherwise spend improving... I know, sounds weird.
I guess it depends from what point on you consider a picture finished.

As for all areas, practice is what makes you git gud. So if you struggle with the bodies, practice the bodies. Practive from references, internalize them, really try to break apart and understand what you are looking at - and then replicate it, and then replicate it again, and then stylize it.
Mind posting one of your heads/faces? I'd be interested in seeing the results of what you say is easy for you.
A lot of people overestimate themselves and consider themselves skilled way too early.

>> No.20087127
File: 46 KB, 2122x1104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full disclaimer I actually suck at drawing people so this is mostly regurgitated bullshit from /ic/

The head attaches to the body, so it's usually easier to draw the body first rather than doing a floating head. The position of the body limits the possible positions of the head.

Since you can already picture the overall pose, it's usually quite easy to draw a single line somewhat centered on the torso and to place important features of the body along this. Someone curled in the fetal position has a C-shaped sort of line to them, people looking over their shoulder have a sort of long helical screw shape, people with weight on one foot have an S shape, etc. Other people have probably called this the line of action. If you start with a head and progress downwards piecemeal, it'll probably be difficult to actually get things lined up, or they'll be *too* lined up and you'll have a stiff and anatomical view of things, which is good for studies but not so great for actually interesting artwork.

The fundamental thing you really need to get out of <span class="sjis">LOOMIS[/spoiler] is to construct things properly, so now that you've laid down a groundwork line, you can add the ribcage (which is basically a square cylinder for now), and the hips (which I usually approximate as something like a triangle or pair of briefs). Connect the two via the spine, which is almost never a straight line Use the curves you put in earlier. Naturally, if you can't draw cylinders in perspective, you should probably work on this first. It's two aligned ellipses connected by lines, but the alignment and centering is a bit tricky to get right.

Now that you have the torso (who gives a shit about proportions at this stage, just throw it down, our goal is to get you a whole-body drawing, not a good one), you can extend the top of the spine upwards to form the neck, and twist as necessary to place the head facing wherever you want. If you can't do or visualize twists in 3d space, do some studies twisting a box along a vertical axis as it rises or something.

The neck basically comes out of the top of the ribcage (slightly to the front) and usually has a slight forward cant. Just throw a big circle on top of this roughly the size of the head, centered on the neck. You can do whatever you want to it later to actually construct a head.

Regarding your problems with the leg/crotch area, one of the things to note is that the hip girdle is *not* the widest part of the body - the femur is kind of "r" shaped and it's the outer corner there that forms the widest part. Plop down two hip joints in the holes of the briefs you've drawn (or if you've just done an upside-down triangle, just around the centers of the two lower edges). Extend them down and out a little, then put in the bend and extend along the femur.

the knees and feet follow linearly.

The shoulders are constructed in a similar fashion, where you place shoulder joints somewhere ish near the top of the ribcage and then just connect them with collarbones and shoulder blades on the back, then bring down the humerus.

The forearms and hands follow linearly.

I should've probably organized this post better but that's my rant for now. Please enjoy this dogshit mspaint mouse image as an example.

actually this post will probably do more harm than good if you honestly try to follow it

>> No.20088166
File: 190 KB, 703x1199, 101718a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean. I don't think I've ever really finished anything. Just sketching parts here and there. As for bodies one thing I've been trying lately is tracing your favorite artist or character art but not mindlessly doing so but trying to get a feel and get familiar with the strokes and proportions. Then afterwards trying to draw the same pose or a similar one from scratch. Some attempts when looking at the reference and other times not.

>> No.20088465

Wow, I wasn't expecting to get such detailed replies and advice. Thank you, anons! I'll work hard towards improving so I can draw cute girls!

For LOOMIS, I think so? I say I've been drawing for a year, but the actual number is closer to a few months, I never took it seriously until just recently. I also just recently got into gesture drawing. For the head, when I say it's easy I just mean it's the easiest part for me to draw in comparison to everything else, not that it's good or anything. In other words, I know the head will always start with a circle, and then two lines through it to adjust it and finally the jawline, but it's what comes after that that isn't easy. I don't have any "technique" for drawing the rest of the body that works consistently. I've just been winging it off of what I can understand from Jap tutorials.

I'll really try and apply myself and see if I can understand how other artists' are doing things. Fortunately, there's a lot of construction sketches on Pixiv. It's baffling though, for such an important part of drawing it seems like a lot of artists in videos and other tutorials just gloss over this part completely and head straight to inking it in.

I'll have to try these out as well. Thanks for the advice, and for taking the time to actually make a picture.

>> No.20088789
File: 78 KB, 394x508, repost what you save.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sprite from 2 years ago. She is your business now.

>> No.20090462
File: 855 KB, 916x1142, 1hour_aya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speedpaint timelapse for that one:

>> No.20091476

Sorry for replying so late. It's not the issue with the artist really, it's the issue of the votes not being revealed.
The drawing and design is fine actually. It's nice and simple.

>> No.20094015
File: 1.20 MB, 1000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 18 of inktober

>> No.20096098
File: 551 KB, 1122x800, 1hour_alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20096611

That's an impressive number of sprites.

>> No.20097944

I can't help but feel like I'm being inefficient about filling in my drawings with color.
With thicker lines paint bucket could do the job but not with thinner, softer lines. Do I really just need to go over the borders carefully myself?

>> No.20100119

I don't draw digitally, but I feel that it would be easier to form a shape with the pen tool and just fill it, no? That'll form your solid background, then you can use it to form a mask for layers on top for more coloring without risk of going over the edges.

>> No.20100202
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 19.

>> No.20100821
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1555, yuuka-weed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

una vela...

>> No.20101069

I really really like your style, but sometimes those limbs are way too skinny in relation to the torso and its curves.

>> No.20101274

They skipped limb day.

>> No.20101742
File: 1.07 MB, 1100x1700, Nyaruko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this for the WWD on /a/

>> No.20101944
File: 609 KB, 1646x1322, 102018(2c2a).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Crawling Chaos

>> No.20102094

Thanks, great motion.

>> No.20102304

I meant all the limbs.

>> No.20102318
File: 551 KB, 1200x800, 1hour_youyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should make the sole wider, and I'd rather you made the shoe curve more.

Even better than usual. I love both the dynamic and that her expression became more mature.

>> No.20103293

will keep in mind for the future

gotta make them thicc(er)

>> No.20103678

Good point. And curve how, upward?

>> No.20103707

That's what you get for falling for the fundies meme.

>> No.20104052

Nice. Love the black and white style. That Youmu is looking badass

>> No.20104446
File: 500 KB, 1348x2123, Illustration2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you.
Somehow it didn't get noticed in the 1-hour drawing event or by the "automatic collection" engine. I've seen this multiple times when I posted something within 30 seconds of 23:00 PM JST. Either the clock of the site is off, there is a bug, or the engine is not so automatic and the site owner picks images based on some ambiguous criteria.

Curve inwards/down, i.e. make the heel higher. I'm a sucker for high heels, yes.

>> No.20104562

I didn't try today

>> No.20104794

Bad anon! Bad!

>> No.20104862

>every reply to this post is people taking it seriously
Good post anon, I laughed.
I'm quoting Loomis.

>> No.20104924


>> No.20106010

To all the anonisans in the thread with the drive and focus to keep churning out art like you have, I salute you and you have my admiration. My focus is nowhere as strong as any of you; I am resigned to brainless browsing after the day is done.

>> No.20108191

I want to get into writing fanfiction, but I'm not sure how to get started. Does anyone here have any advice for a beginner?

>> No.20108605

Pick a touhou you like
Figure out a reason someone would be able to overpower her
Add in your preferred kinks as you describe them having their way with her
Add a punchline at the end, if you want

>> No.20110804


>> No.20110835
File: 565 KB, 780x1600, 181014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20110848

Super cute! I want to kiss her navel.
The only problems I have with it is that her mouth looks kinda weird. Is this for a visual novel?

>> No.20110859

Ah yeah getting a satisfying mouth is kinda hard. What about it specifically though?
Also no, it's just Etrian Odyssey fanart.

>> No.20112853
File: 1.49 MB, 1000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inktober day 21.

>> No.20116337 [SPOILER] 
File: 717 KB, 1540x800, 1540239535252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20117150
File: 423 KB, 1185x1298, Inktober_23_muddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for some contrast.

>> No.20118473

not him but I think it's that the nose/mouth are placed kind of in the middle of the head and not really along the centerline

also, the neck is way too far back on the head.

>> No.20118582
File: 1.06 MB, 1646x1335, 102218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little color on this to practice

Now that is an adorable Yuuka

>> No.20118715

I expected blast beats and I got blast beats. Pleasantly satisfied.

Shame about the crash... I know how devastating that can be, but hopefully you can pick yourself back up; I'd love to hear more desu metal from anons!

>> No.20119702

I tried making some more pixel arts after studying up a bit since last time. I think I'm still far from being good, and even now I can spot a couple of mistakes. But making these things have been very enjoyable~

Anyway, this is my barbarian girl.

>> No.20119709
File: 3 KB, 192x192, dotpict_20181023_223853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Errmm, would be really helpful if I remembered to attach the pic. Sorry girls...

>> No.20119717
File: 3 KB, 192x192, dotpict_20181023_224025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a cleric onee-san.

I gave up on the side cape thingy since it was too hard for my skill level....

>> No.20120337
File: 449 KB, 800x1200, 1hour_underwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I'd have time for more...

Nice to hear that from an authority on the matter.
BTW, not enough contrast with the values on her skin and skirt.

>> No.20122792
File: 88 KB, 672x543, Screenshot - 10_23_18 , 07_59_18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying a new pose. It's weird.

>> No.20123363

A funny song about hearing voices

>> No.20124004
File: 324 KB, 500x588, drawling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bee careful, /jp/

>> No.20125573
File: 123 KB, 666x666, 1hour_remimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of what?

Marvelous music, and the voice too, partially. I guess it's a matter of experience, but at certain moments it "falls out of tune," which disrupts the listener's experience, and the pitch at times gets too high for my preferences. Keep it up.

>> No.20127899
File: 297 KB, 1130x785, 181023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20128185

She's cute, wasn't she one of the new characters for Arcana Hearts or something?

>> No.20128200
File: 53 KB, 365x503, c2536853e27855e3f92a28f7de18d90d_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new one apparently
This is from their kickstarter

>> No.20129206

Thank you for your honest feedback. But, if it's true that i'm out of tune in some parts, which could very well be, then it's probably better for me to give up instead of keeping it up, realistically.

>> No.20129363
File: 2.33 MB, 1500x2230, sanaeambush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20129368
File: 239 KB, 600x1100, Inktober_24_chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, are you giving up before even walking the path? There's a nice saying 'round here relating to a certain fried food that's close to pancakes, which can be localized to English as "you must spoil before you spin." It's unlikely that any great artist has ever started out perfect, and it's unlikely that anyone's path to the top was short either.

>> No.20129536

Thanks for your advice, anons.

>> No.20130291
File: 83 KB, 576x698, shinmyoumaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing all these details is pretty fun.

>> No.20130328

Thank you for the encouragement, and I guess you are right. I uploaded a new and hopefully improved version, but singing is not exactly my core strength. I should start looking for a female vocalist. https://youtu.be/K-yV7_l2Jyw

>> No.20130432

I like the singing quite a bit. Turn down the pitch correction, it's very obvious and you don't need it as much as you think.

>> No.20130499
File: 412 KB, 866x1764, herostretch1_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncensored: https://twitter.com/TheGoldenSmurf/status/1055115169548918784

>> No.20130549

See? Already an improvement.
Though your voice sounds the best the way it is at the start of the song rather than its end starting from "awake."

>> No.20130690
File: 364 KB, 600x800, 5733562_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turn down the pitch correction, it's very obvious and you don't need it as much as you think.
>See? Already an improvement.

I am glad that you are two different people haha But in any case, the feedback helped me overall. So thank you! In the end I went with a compromise and I am uploading it right now. I don't think the song will find a great audience since I lack subscribers and the necessary skill to shill, but I am still glad that I have put it out there for those who will find it and like it. Good luck to you with your endeavors too!

>> No.20131562

Eyyyy thanks a lot, glad you can dig it, short as it turned out to be. Gonna play it a bit faster I think, I feel like it is a bit too slow as of yet... not the blast beats, but the rest.

These look very nice my dude, especially the red-haired girl. Obvious question, are you planning on working on a game in the future?

I am so glad that muscular physiques and big breasts can go hand in hand in 2D.
Though as great as your skills as an artist are, dude, your expositions are hard to read. Very stiff.

Be sure to check into the next OC thread as well. I can't listen to it right now, but will try to and give some feedback in the next one.

Not sure if I shared this before, but before the thread dies, might as well:

>> No.20131719

"very stiff" in what way?

>> No.20131756
File: 834 KB, 900x1200, 1hour_yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm not gonna get a lecture on hands anytime soon, am I? >>20053850

You probably shouldn't delete old videos that were already liked by people, or they might lose track of your channel if they decide to listen to a song they liked again. I'm gonna shill you a bit anyway and see if someone likes your music too.

And thank you for your best wishes as well.

>> No.20132345

I don't know about him, but for me it's in a "makes my peepee very stiff" kind of way

>> No.20132428

I meant the writing. Not the drawing.
Wish I could express this better, but your phrasing just has this... flatness to it. I know it is supposed to be just a character introduction, but the way the sentences are structured, and the abuse of "also" as well as her own speech being basically the same as the narrated part, just with the weird speech patterns shoehorned in - It wasn't pleasant to read is all.

Yea man sorry about that. I am not at home most of the time these days, and when I am I hardly have the time to even do something for myself. I hope I'll be able to get to it in the next thread or the one after, but please understand if I don't.

>> No.20132498

Ah, so you mean the phrasing. English isn’t my main language so still have more to learn to make my writing more attractive to read I guess.

> her own speech being basically the same as the narrated part,

But it clearly wasn’t?

>> No.20133308
File: 1.21 MB, 1000x1333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From day 25 of inktober. Almost done with the month and I'll have time to do other things with my life.

>> No.20133613

I don't really get inktober. Why bother?

>> No.20133665

why bother drawing at all?

>> No.20133857

I think the point is just to draw every day and celebrate the medium but it was painful and I can only wait until it's over in a few days

had to spend about an hour every day doing this but on the bright side I got a few twitter followers who may or may not be russian bots so I guess it's alright

>> No.20134042

It's basically a meme. I guess people forces themselves because they get a bit more visibility from it but personally I'm not interested in the slightest.

>> No.20134512
File: 89 KB, 900x770, 1580800F-34FD-48DC-AD21-33F94CC864E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to sketch poses not usually draw
>got proportion fucked up

>> No.20134663

that's an odd angle for the right foot.

>> No.20134864

very nice

>> No.20135065
File: 142 KB, 800x600, Inktober_25_prickly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G'night, another thread. The bump limit's toll just keeps rising...

>> No.20135616

I think sometimes, it's good to just grind through at least. I think inktober is a nice idea since it can help people to try hard, at least. Congratulations on the Twitter followers. I'd follow as well, if I knew your handle, wink wink nudge nudge

True, one of her feet looks fucked a lot and I personally don't like it when clothes contour the chest like in yourmpic, but the rest of the drawing is still nice, so please post more.

>> No.20135922

I guess I've gotten better compared to the start of the month so the grind was helpful but I'd honestly prefer to just go at a more comfortable pace. It's kind of exhausting and limiting on your schedule.

pentaerythrit0l good thing we're on page 10 so very few people will see this blatant plug

>> No.20136240
File: 146 KB, 800x1164, Inktober_26_stretch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will notice I posted nudes if I post them right now!

>> No.20136258

paging all jannies
