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File: 261 KB, 2474x599, Fate Classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2001540 No.2001540 [Reply] [Original]

Janitor, why did you delete that "create a Servant" thread? It's perfectly related to the popular Visual Novel Fate/Stay Night, in which figures of real-life legend are chosen to be 7 Servants. This has happened 3 times with unknown heroes, so we can just say we're "filling in the blanks" for the First, Second, and majority of Third Holy Grail Wars (The Third had an intrusive Servant, Avenger, take the place of one of its 7).

This was mine.
Saber - Miyamoto Musashi - Japan - Suburitou of Kojirou slaying
Lancer - Saint Longinus - Jerusalem - Spear of Destiny
Archer - Odysseus - Greece - Nohbdy
Rider - Paris of Troy - Troy - Golden Apple of Discord
Caster - Merlin - Medieval Europe - Prophetiae Merlini
Assassin - Hassan-i-Sabbah, of course - Middle East - Divine Order of 'al-Assasīn'
Berserker - Cu Chulainn - Ireland - Ríastrad the Battle Fury

Name - Identity - Origin - Noble Phantasm.

>> No.2001543

Rider - Jeanne d'Arc - France - I'm really not sure, some kind of Divine Intervention I guess

>> No.2001548

>(The Third had an intrusive Servant, Avenger, take the place of one of its 7)

To make this, y'know, ACTUALLY related to F/SN discussion, do we know ANYTHING of the Third Heaven's Feel other than the Einzberns fucked up and Avenger got his ass beat and LOL INTO THE GRAIL WITH YOU?
IE, other Servants, Masters, who's place Avenger stole

>> No.2001550

/b/log threads, "What would anonymous..." etc.

>> No.2001556

Berserker - Paul Bunyan - American folklore - Giant blue ox

>> No.2001559
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Saber - Sigurd/Siegfried - Sweden - GRAM, SWORD OF THE SUN (as shown by lolgamesh)

>> No.2001565
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Caster - Barack Obama - America - Hope

>> No.2001582
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Are extra classes allowed? (e.g Avenger)

>> No.2001589


If you can find ANYBODY who would actually be an Avenger, go for it.

If you have a hero who REALLY can't fit into anything else, the fanon seems to have taken a liking to "Brawler"(Fistfight) and "Manipulator"(Non-combatant/talker) classes.

>> No.2001610

Rider - Khalid al-Walid - Mecca - Jihad

Though dude is known more as a brilliant cavalry tactician rather than he is as a warrior.

>> No.2001614

Avenger - Don Quixote - Medieval Spain - Sancho Panza

>> No.2001622

I don't know what you guys are talking about, since I don't play VNs, but I am interested, nonetheless.

>> No.2001624

Sane, broken Quixote makes a perfect Avenger.

>> No.2001629

This would be depressing.

>> No.2001644


To break it down: Heroes are jammed into the classes of >>2001582.
To break down the classes:
Saber - Fights with a sword, potentially on a weak mount. Up close and personal.
Lancer - Fights with a spear (throwing or thrusting), and is incredibly fast.
Archer - Bowman or any ranged weaponry. (Gilgamesh, who had fucktons of swords and spears, was summoned as an Archer for his technique of "shooting" his weapons)
Rider - Mounted Cavalry. Is weak off the mount.
Caster - Mage, mage, mage.
Assassin - The silent killer. NOTE-According to Fate canon, the only person who can be summoned as Assassin is Hassan-i-Sabbah, the creator of al-Assasin. We can ignore this rule because Hassan sucks.
Berserker - Madman, no limitations beyond no sanity (ergo no tactics).
Avenger - Antihero. Evil person who does good. No limitations in combat methods.

>> No.2001647
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>We can ignore this rule because Hassan sucks.

>> No.2001650

>According to Fate canon, the only person who can be summoned as Assassin is Hassan-i-Sabbah, the creator of al-Assasin.
When does it say that? And why? Seems pretty retarded

>> No.2001655

I remember it too. It's in Hassan's servant bio.

>> No.2001657


Was Shirou summoned as Archer because he can throw shit with UBW or because he has that black bow?

>> No.2001658

>Assassin - The silent killer. NOTE-According to Fate canon, the only person who can be summoned as Assassin is Hassan-i-Sabbah, the creator of al-Assasin. We can ignore this rule because Hassan sucks.

That's not quite the case; The only people who can be summoned to the Assassin class are the Hassan-i-Sabah, the LEADERS of Al-Assassin. The first one eventually died, after all; someone new came to take his place.

>> No.2001665
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"Assassin is one of the seven normal Servant classes summoned for the Holy Grail War. Servants placed within this class are always, as a rule, one of the 19 Hassan i Sabbah, the leaders of the clan of the Hashshashins who passed the name down. This rule comes from how the word "assassin" itself finds its etymological roots in that clan.

The original Grail system didn't allow the summoning of evil Heroic Spirits (this rule was jeopardized when the Grail became corrupted), and a real, perfect assassin should normally be one nobody knows (thus one who cannot be a Heroic Spirit). For those reasons, the only Heroic Spirits normally allowed in that class are those leaders. The Assassin in Fate/stay night summoned by Caster is an exception, an aberration in the system, as he was summoned by another Servant. "

I believe that non-Hassans CAN be summoned post-Heaven's Feel 3, but it's unlikely due to TEN THOUSAND HASSAN HIVEMIND.

>> No.2001668


Shirou was a master-tier shooter when he was in the Archery Club, remember?
He only missed the target once, and that's when he wanted to see what would happen when he missed.


They all fused into one "Hassan" due to personality issues shared with them all (MUST BECOME IMMORTAL).

>> No.2001682
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So why doesn't everyone expect Hassan as Assassin by now?

"Sasaki Kojirou"'s claim of identity would've been instantly shot down.

>> No.2001681

Captain America as Archer

>> No.2001692


Because they're not supposed to find out his identity; HE'S A GOD DAMNED ASSASSIN.

>> No.2001693



>> No.2001694


That's true. But he was also good with swords, or at least with tracing them, so could he also be summoned as a Saber?

>> No.2001697

Saber - Afrasiab - Turkic - Hanakana
Rider - Rostam - Persian - Rakhsh and Babr-e Bayan
Those two are mostly there to kill each other, what with being mortal enemies in life. The good point is a Servant-level siege thanks to Hanakana, Afrasiab's underground fortress. Rostam on the other hand has a lion-eating horse and a coat immune to weapons.
Berserker - Maui - Maori - Jawbone of Muri-ranga-whenua
The jawbone is used to beat up the sun and fish up an entire island. Not to mention Maui died quite a manly death.

I have a shitload of other ideas to run the other Servants with, but throwing former ideas there didn't seem cool.

>> No.2001699


Theoretically, EMIYA would be god-tier as a Saber.

But heroes can fit multiple slots (see: Herakles who fits all but Assassin).

>> No.2001703
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>Herakles who fits all but Assassin

Uh, Caster.

... How DOES Hercules work as Assassin, anyway?

>> No.2001710

Also I like to think that the original, first Hassan who started the clan can use the 19 successors' Zebaniya because they are a part of his myth and all. Hassan doesn't really suck when you land this guy and split him to 80 parts (HF4 Zebaniya), each of whom capable of swapping your brain with gunpowder (HF3) or squashing your heart from within your body (HF5. )

>> No.2001709

There is a minimum stat requirement for a Saber, and Archer falls extremely short on all categories.

Not to mention that his sword skills are fake.

>> No.2001711

No he isn't

EMIYA is nowhere close to Saber
Word of god, Nasu himself said that UBW is merely an annoyance to other servants other than Gil and those which use assfuck load of wepaons.

>> No.2001713

To bad a servant with good stats negates all that shit, and you're just left with a nigger without a face.

>> No.2001716


I meant if he WERE a Saber, which he apparently cannot be. >>2001709


>> No.2001718

There's a good reason Assassin is called the Master-killing class. The other Zebaniya just happen to give the split Hassans very good tools at doing this.

Hell, Kotomine could've won the war easily with his hivemind Assassin, if he cared enough.

>> No.2001720


>Nasu himself said that UBW is merely an annoyance to other servants other than Gil and those which use assfuck load of wepaons.

Um, Archer fought with swords too.

He used UBW... once.
One single time.

He was fighting (restrained) Lancer and (Sakura) Rider (off mount).to a standstill with Kanshou and Bakuya.

>> No.2001722

Agilaz, a legendary archer of Germanic mythology and a brother of Völund.

>> No.2001723

10 years old thread.

>> No.2001724

or more well-known... Robin Hood!

>> No.2001725


Do you mean the CREATE A SERVANT or the LOL ASSASSIN?

>> No.2001728

He was summoned because Rin used the pendant that she had used to save his life with, thus creating a a bond between him as a servant and the pendant.

>> No.2001730


>> No.2001731


That's why he was SUMMONED, not why he was SUMMONED AS AN ARCHER.

Please check your reading skills before saying things we already know anyway.

>> No.2001734

Rin didn't use the pendant, she summoned Emiya because HE had the pendant, which linked to her, not the other way around

>> No.2001735

Assassin - Anonymous - Everywhere - Mudkips

>> No.2001736

Lancer - Odin - Northern Europe - Gungnir

... can gods be Servants?

>> No.2001738

If so, I summon Yahweh as Caster. That'd be pretty awesome

>> No.2001741

Once I had seen same theme threads in Japan(Futaba) & Taiwan(Komica)

We are all same ilk XD

>> No.2001742


No, as they're DIVINE Spirits, not Heroic Spirits.

But who gives a shit.

>> No.2001743

All his swords are one level below the original, so if he meets someone with an higher ranking weapon they wouldn't mean shit.

>> No.2001750


Now that's just not how it works.

Direct rank does not mean INSTA-LOSE, as you have to take into account personality.

Gilgamesh COULD have LOL EA everyone and win, but he's a vain bastard who considers Ea his greatest treasure.

>> No.2001751
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Besides, how many swords do you need for sword fightan? Really?

>> No.2001757


>> No.2001753

Very, very carefully.

Seriously, he does. In at least one legend, he has to kill something that even he isn't strong enough to take head-on, and he devises some frightening strategy to either kill them it in it's sleep, or (in the hydra's case, literally, depending on who you ask) divide and conquer.

>> No.2001755

Half the people in this thread haven't read FSN at all it seems.

>> No.2001758
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>> No.2001761


>> No.2001767
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More like Gilgamind.

>> No.2001768

Is this your first FSN thread? Because it's like that in all of them.

>> No.2001773

I used to be in these threads until the translations where out. Now there's no excuse for this trollfest.

>> No.2001778

>The amulet Rin used as a catalyst in Archer's summoning was the same jewel she used to save Shirō's life shortly after Archer was summoned.

>> No.2001787

Well, she didn't actively use it as a catalyst; it just happened to be with her at the time, and so had an effect on who she summoned.

>> No.2001792


>The amulet Rin used as a catalyst in Archer's summoning

She didn't use the amulet as a catalyst, idiot.

If anything, Archer used the amulet as a catalyst to be summoned BY Rin.

>> No.2001805


That breaks causality. Which isn't an issue in the nasuverse I guess.

>> No.2001809


Well, specifically it's not an issue with the Servant summoning ritual.

Hell, Archer's entire presence exemplifies that.

>> No.2001808

EMIYA defeats full powered Dark Saber at HF, with the correct choices

Gilgamesh' chain are most effective the higher the divinity rank of his enemy. That means those who we define as divine spirit or half-divine spirit, as long as you have real physical artefact that can connect to them, they can be summoned

Hell, it's even possible that Gilgamesh have gungnir in store

>> No.2001817

Goddamnit, I got it all pinned down except Berserker, which is a hard one, because you don't get famous for fighting like a madman. Except for people like Seung-Hui Cho.... But that would ruin the seriousness of my list.

>> No.2001821

Not Gungnir itself, but probably the spear the original gungnir legend was based on.

...So yeah, gungnir. If Gil could actually use it to it's full potential, he'd be able to stab you guaranteed in the heart from twenty miles (?) away without letting go of it or moving from where he stands.

>> No.2001829

Since he has the originals before they became NPs and legendary weapons, most of them don't have the attributes and skills that made them famous.

>> No.2001837


>Not Gungnir itself, but probably the spear the original gungnir legend was based on.

Gungnir is the original "Spear" legend, which Gae Bolg was apparently based on.

Archer comments to Lancer, "Your spear is stronger than the original Gungnir."


Well, as OP had, Cuchulain was pretty fierce for his "Battle fury", where one eye melted into his skull while the other popped out of its socket, his mouth split to his ears, and he killed allies and enemies indiscriminately.

>> No.2001840

Read Fate/Zero. Berserker is to trade a summoned hero sanity with power, by adding few lines in the summoning ritual

>> No.2001844


Well, the hero has to have gone Berserk at least once.

>> No.2001846
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answer to the OP's question

>> No.2001848

In Theory, you don't someone who always fought like a madman.

You just need an established moment where either on their own volition or external influences went on a berserk warrior's rage.

It's also used to boost up weaker heroes (aka, possibly even without a berserk moment, you are summoned as one to keep up with other fuckers).

You could always choose Achilles, if you are stumped.

Black Night did go into beast mode (killed allies and became a monster who cut down anyone in his way) after a certain point.

>> No.2001854

>>...So yeah, gungnir. If Gil could actually use it to it's full potential, he'd be able to stab you guaranteed in the heart from twenty miles (?) away without letting go of it or moving from where he stands.

As Saber said about Gilgamesh, is that King of Kings is not King of Knights. Wealth and conquest doesn't equal personal battlefield capability, which justify how Saber and Shirou can defeat even him.

>> No.2001858


But it DOES equal Noble Phantasm capability, which explains why if he would SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT MONGRELS AND JUST SHOOT HIS SWORDS he would be unbeatable even by them.

>> No.2001862

Plus, he has a human body(Grail Contamination) and the mana of dying children, so regardless of combat skills, he is nowhere near as physically strong.

In Fate Route, Saber on Shirou's Sperm charges and just make chinks in his armor and he fights up close, but in UBW, the instant Saber arrives, Gil jumps back.

>> No.2001873

shooting swords can be evaded and parried, unlike the nuke Enuma Elish.

>> No.2001869

Rin's Saber is far more dangerous than Shirou's Saber

>> No.2001872

You retard she didn't have too actually use it. Since she had it with her at the time of doing the summoning ritual and her not having anything else to use as a catalyst it was used by default.

>> No.2001882
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Exactly the point.
Against the two cases, Gil has two different reactions.
They fight a proper battle in Fate/Zero though (before theg rail splashes)

>> No.2001884


>shooting swords can be evaded and parried

You can't parry 10 million swords at once.

(Except with lol Avalon.)

You can't evade them if he fires them in a strategic pattern.


>> No.2001889

>10 million swords
Good thing Gilgamesh isn't EMIYA

>> No.2001896

Can Emiya shoot more than one sword of the same name at once ?
He only knows a few thousands.

>> No.2001897

Hide underground you fool. Even lightning and nuke can only penetrate shallow surface.

>> No.2001899


Good thing Ea is an "Anti-World" Noble Phantasm.

>> No.2001900

He might only know about a few thousand but he can create endless copies of those. And we have seen Archer sword spam to kill Caster and hell Shirou even did it.

>> No.2001903

Rider: The Red Baron - Germany - Fokker D.VII
Archer: Simo Häyhä - Finland - Pystykorva M/28
Assassin: Jack the Ripper - England - ?
Caster: Aleister Crowley - England - Key of Solomon
Saber: Sigurðr - Norden - Gram

I'm lost on Berserker and Lancer. I admit the Caster choice was a little silly, but I bet he'd be really cool to have as a servant.

>> No.2001909


He can't fire all out at the same time. "Opening" the Gate of Babylon seems to take more mana the more swords he summons.

>> No.2001911

Rin's Saber still have trouble defeating Kojiro. Slashed neck is still slashed neck no matter your power level is.

>> No.2001917

>This has happened 3 times with unknown heroes, so we can just say we're "filling in the blanks" for the First, Second, and majority of Third Holy Grail Wars
The Second War had two Sabers, remember.
Who might they be?

>> No.2001920

Kojro with a far inferior body and his sword skills has survived a battle with Saber, a battle with Archer, a battle with Lancer and apparently was not killed by Berserker (aka, regardless of intentions, he was not easy pickings).
And he gave much trouble to an upgraded Saber (granted, she could blast him with Excalibur, but she couldn't at that point due to battle plan).
Kojiro is fucking awesome.

>> No.2001926
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Caster - Applemilk - Florida - Divine Trollan

>> No.2001928


To be fair, Assassin can't do anything if Saber decided to Excalibur him, but she had to save it since Rin is funding both Saber and Shirou with mana.

>> No.2001930


Funnily enough his skills don't come from "Kojirou", but the nameless swordsman who developed the Tsubame Gaeshi.

>> No.2001936

Rider - James Bond - England - Aston Martin/Bond girls

>> No.2001937

So did we ever find out who summoned Caster in the 5th war?

>> No.2001941


When/which arc did Assassin fight Archer again?
But for Lancer he was Command Spell'd to just testing out the Servants (Kotomine really loves his info)
And Nasu said Caster helped out against Berserker (dunno what she did, maybe cast Reinforcement then gun for Ilya to keep Berserker on his toes)

>> No.2001945

UBW when Archer was chasing Shirou down to kill him.

>> No.2001949

Just some dead motherfucker.

>> No.2001950

Yes, but during his 'test' battle with Saber, he Gae Bolg'd her.
And Lancer's own words ' I'd rather not deal with that guy again'.

Unknown to death, nor known to life,
have honed my sword skills to protect a damn gate.
So as I am bored, let's play a game of pretend Kojiro.

>> No.2001951


Some normal mage from the association, was a prick to Caster so she decided to kill him.
Or maybe I'm confusing things with that doujin...

>> No.2001952

Had Kiritsugu been in the 5th war, he would've really kicked everyone's ass.
Probably the only one he might've had trouble with would've been Kotomine, as they have a somewhat similar style.
All the amateur masters present during the war wouldn't have lasted long.

>> No.2001960

He'd have to deal with Illya though...

>> No.2001964

Let's just say for sake of convenience that it's ten years before 4th war Kiritsugu and be done with it.

>> No.2001970

Her situation would be different though, what with Kiritsugu not dead and all.
She'd be different.

>> No.2001975

Would this be Kiritsugu still being alive and not getting grail aids? Would he still have adopted Shirou then?

>> No.2001982

Hmm. Anything goes, I guess.

>> No.2002004
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Berserker-Vlad III the Impaler- Wallachia - [vampire kiss? ]

>> No.2002016

Makes Eye contact with your ass=you are already impaled

>> No.2002023
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He's not so good because he handles terribly who the fuck programmed this bitch

>> No.2002031
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>> No.2002032

Are there any exact rules on how fictional a character can be? Hercules, for examples, I don't believe has been proven to actually exist. So if he's allowed, what keeps you from summoning Kenshiro or something?

>> No.2002034

Read the fucking VN

>> No.2002037


Hercules existed in the Nasuverse.

So did Medusa and Gilgamesh.

Humans believe in a Hero, and Alaya hears their belief. Hark, and the Call for the Hero is Answered.

>> No.2002041


Gods and heroes exist in the Nasuverse because Humans and Gaia want them to exist (the "reality" of the Nasuverse is centered around belief (which is why the ultimate magic is turning your belief into a supreme reality--Reality Marble.)).

>> No.2002042
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Berserker - Kenshiro - Japan - Shirt tearing, manly chest

>> No.2002048

They don't have to exist.
It's similiar to D&D concept of deities, the more people believe in them, the more powerful they get, even fictional character can acquire a body if they get strongh enough for the Throne of Heroes to take interest in them.

>> No.2002053


Belief MAKES them exist.

See >>2002041.

>> No.2002060

Reposting my Servant's list.

Saber - Leonidas I - Sparta, Greek - 300 Personal Bodyguard

Lancer - Saitō Musashibō Benkei - Japan - '999 Swords'

Archer - Robin Hood - English folklore - 'Outlaw'

Rider - Lü Bu - Three Kingdom era, China - 'Red Hare'

Caster - Nyai Roro Kidul - Javanese and Sundanese mythology, Indonesia - 'Kutukan'

Assassin - Nina Alexeyevna Lobkovskaya - Soviet Union - 'Mosin-Nagant M91/30' (using magic as bullet)

Berserker - Úlfhéðnar - Norway - 'Lycanthropy' (wolf shapeshifting)

>> No.2002062

Too bad 'fictional' characters never just materialize (no, Kojiro's case is different)

>> No.2002064
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Archer - Wild Bill Hickok - America - Dead Man's Man

>> No.2002067


It's unknown as to whether Sasaki Kojirou ever existed, ergo he's not in the Throne of Heroes at all.

The nameless swordsman of the Tsubame Gaeshi might not've existed either.

The "rule breaker" of a Servant summoning a Servant made her get a "broken" Servant.

>> No.2002068

Dead Man's Hand*

>> No.2002069

Argh, I remember Rin clearly explaining how this works in either Fate or UBW, but I don't want to search for it...

>> No.2002072

No fucking way I'm trusting my life to a woman.
I don't want sex, I want the fucking grail.

>> No.2002078

Can I get the wolf from Red Hiding Hood as a berserker ?
Noble Phantasm, he can kill people without making them die.

>> No.2002079




Look, there's just not too many heroic women out there.

You can get, uh, Calypso for Caster, I guess.

>> No.2002085
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Hm, I see. Doesn't that also mean that you can summon a concept in a human form? Allow me to explain. During the black death, people attributed all these deaths to a person that they were imagining. I'm sure there were many names for this person. Where I come from, it was called Pesta (pictured). Would this qualify? Imagine summoning the black death, goddamn.

>> No.2002087


Saber: Jean D'Arc. Who didn't think Saber may be her at first?
Caster:Circe(Great Witch of Greece, yadda yadda)
Archer:Atalante(Greek girl who surpassed all males of her time and was considered Artemis' greatest representative)
Assassin: A female Hassan, I guess.
Rider: An Amazon, Hippolyte should suffice.
Lancer: Hmm, kinda tricky. Maybe Scáthach , but she is overkill.
Berserker: ...Tapped out.

>> No.2002094

There existed a Swordsman with great skills who also could use Tsubame Gaeshi.
But he was not a renowned hero.
Caster could not summon a heroic Spirit, so she summoned a spirit that as much closely as possible figured the attributes of 'Sasaki Kojiro'(she used the temple gate as a catalyst, so normally a Japanese hero would appear).
Giving a spirit a different form is not hard.
Thus, the nameless swordsman, instead of pondering hard, takes on the role and fights.

>> No.2002097

Nope. While the black death was personified, it was never actually a person, so there's no spirit for the legends to accumulate on and it never reaches the Throne.

They do need to be based on a real person, though. Even in the real world, every legend is based on a real person (Medusa may have been a bit of a stretch on Nasu's part, but I forgive him).

>> No.2002099

Haven't you heard about the new Fate title?

"Summoned are Gilgamesh as Archer, Enkidu as Lancer, Jack the Ripper as Berserker, A woman from Hassan’s clan as Assassin, Alexandre Dumas as Caster and The Legendary “Black Plague” as Rider."

>> No.2002101

Berserker is any woman on her period.

>> No.2002103


Well, no.
That's obviously not a human thing.

Take Avenger for example as to how a god-esque thing would get summoned.

If a human gets CALLED "Pesta" and many people believe he is Pesta, and then they kill him in hopes that it would kill the Black Death, then he would become "Pesta, the Black Death" because people believed he was.

(This happened to Avenger, except he was basically Satan.)

However, you'll just get a fuckweak Servant (he didn't actually march across Europe killing everyone) who can do weird things.

>> No.2002106

Actually, many versions of the legends speak of Medusa being one of the prettiest women that suffered the rage of Athena, so no big stretch.

There are Greek and Roman versions of these legends.

>> No.2002109


Magic, Gods, and Demons exist in the Nasuverse.

Medusa is NOT a stretch.

>> No.2002112
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Fuck. Well, I suppose the sex scenes would be too creepy anyway.

>> No.2002113

'Sup, I can kill one third of the world population, but couldn't hurt you even if I tried.

>> No.2002115


>> No.2002118

True, most versions of the gorgons were three women more beautiful than the gods and punished for it.

So I suppose a woman well-known for beauty and then disfigured in a freak accident would be a good base for that particular myth, no? In the end, I'm not sure why I called it a stretch.

They can, but they don't have to because they're based on real people.

>> No.2002119

but wont he be a fictional hero? like Assassin? so he would have powers over the black death because people thought he did

>> No.2002120

I like this pick. 99% eroge, 0.5% fight, 0.5% stories.

>> No.2002121


Y'know, MOST mages can give mana via... magic connections and contracts.

Shirou isn't really a mage, though.

>> No.2002125


Yes, that's the "weird things".

But he still lacks PHYSICAL capability, so you have an E rank Servant Avenger.

Prepare to get your face kicked in by a B rank Servant Saber.

>> No.2002129

Assassin, or True Assassin?
Assassin as Caster summoned has already been discussed; he's not actually Sasaki Koujirou, who may have never existed, but he can use Tsubame Gaeshi, and since people usually attribute that move to Sasaki, Assassin just said 'Eh, whatever' and called himself that.

True Assassin, on the other hand, is a much more recent, and much more well-documented human than some of the others. Hassan-i-sabah without a doubt existed, and may still exist depending on whether or not Al-Assassin has managed to stay together this long.

>> No.2002136


>> No.2002148

Don't try telling me you wouldn't think about having sex with your servant if she was female, even if you didn't have to.

>> No.2002152
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Your Servant CAN deny you things, and if you're going to waste a Command Spell on THAT...
Enjoy losing the Holy Grail War.

>> No.2002165

I'd waste a command spell to get at caster's grail, if you know what I mean

>> No.2002170

Wouldn't you rather keep your command spells, win the war, make caster stay with you and live happily ever after, rather than putting this in peril for a few minutes of pleasure?

>> No.2002174

>win the war

Yeah, I don't see that happening, so the 'few minutes of pleasure' might be the better option.

Of course, I could just keep all the spells and have my way with tied-up Saber like in UBW, but it wouldn't be the same.

>> No.2002182

Notwithstanding Archer's betrayal, Caster at UBW had herself and Saber under a command spell and was at a point where in theory not even Gil could just march in.

Plus, in the bad end where Shirou ends up in a test tube, Caster won it all apparently.

>> No.2002191

But if we're counting BAD ENDs, then anyone could've won the Grail War. Except Lancer. Isn't it sad? ;_;

>> No.2002193
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Saber - St George:
Dusky skinned turkish dude in silver armour. His noble Phantasm is the Sword Ascalon, a giant hunk of metal remiscant of a Monster Hunter Great Sword. Has the ability to destroy magical protections and effects, enabling it to kill divine and near divine creatures such as Dragons or Dark Apostles. It could also destroy normally unbreakable objects, and break negative enchantments. This is considered an S class Noble Phantasm. The rest of his stats never reach higher than B.

>> No.2002195
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>>2002193 cont
Lancer: Dracula.
The BBEG. A high level Dark Apostle eventually killed by the Church in the 18th century after much death and terror. Has numerous hax abilities, from drinking the blood of a Dragon, though he did not kill it (Siegfried later did though.) as well several other abilities that could be considered on par with a Noble Phantasm.

>> No.2002201
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>>2002195 cont

Archer: Either Atlanta, with her S class Athletics and the ability to turn into a lion at will, and wearing the pelt of the Calydonia boar, she get's distracted easily by shiny things though.

or Callisto with her DO NOT BREAK MY VOW OF CHASTITY and her control over Ursa Major.

>> No.2002209

>S class Noble Phantasm
>S class Athletics

Get out get the FUCK out get out RIGHT NOW.

It is E-~A++, and the additional EX rank.


>> No.2002212

Well, Ilya-Berserker, Rin-Archer,Matou-Rider etc are not shown WINNING IT ALL in any of the bad ends.
And Lancer-Gil-Kotomine team is a whole different issue.

>> No.2002214
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>>2002201 further cont

Caster: Either Faust and his Black and White Familiars Valdes and Cornelius. He may also have the ability to summon numerous creatures both holy and unholy, and his Noble Phantasm is the ability to stop time momentarily. If killed his blood will form messages helpful to those trying to defeat his killer. Dracula drinking his blood (which belongs to Lucifer) is one way of defeating Dracula.
Though I wonder what the Grail could offer a sorcereror of his caliber.

>> No.2002232
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It's been a while all right? I knew there was a class above A and it was hax. And it occurs to me that a giant Anti-Magic Great Sword would probably count as one.
Well, maybe closer to A+ or A++.
Also, the Athletics thing wasn't an actual stat. I'm just say MAX FOR ATHLETIC ABILITIES ON THAT ONE.


BAH-SAH-KAH: Siegfried. Armed with the Dragon Slawing Sword Gram, and completely insane, he cannot be killed by any normal means due to having bathed in the blood of the dragon Fafnir.
However, should anyone discover his identity, they will easily remember that he had a weakspot somewhere on his body (his back) the size and shape of a fig leaf.
Will spend most of the Grail War jobbing.
Like all Berzerkers apart from Lancelot.

fsking deviant art watermarks.

>> No.2002234

What is Atalanta doing not being a Lancer

>> No.2002240

She was a fierce huntress above all.
Bow suits her better.

>> No.2002246

You miss the ending where Rin turned Shirou into a puppet?

>> No.2002248
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>>2002232 cunt

Rider: Attilla the Hun. His noble phantasms are the spirits of St Peter and St Paul, whose services Pope Leo the First had given him as a bribe to turn back from conquering italy. He probably looted a lot of Magic Items from the Romans as well.

>> No.2002252

I thought her myth was more about stabbing people who couldn't beat her at racing. There's still that whole Whateverian Boar hunt deal there though.

Also definitely Monstrous Strength to reflect the lion part.

>> No.2002255

She either memory wipes Shirou on UBW, or forces the Geas on him while she kills Sakura.
It is not shown whether she wins it all or not.
That's the distinction.

>> No.2002266

She was spared and raised with the help by Artemis (The greatest Archer of gods), won the big Hunt (when she returned to her father) and was generally known as a great huntress.
And of course had great athletic prowess.
The killing of the ones who failed to win the race is a different isse.

>> No.2002273
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>>2002248 coconut

Assasin: Abraham Van Hellsing (Abnormal Assassin through Holy Church Chicanery)
Most awesome man alive. Killed Dracula originally, had to make a deal with the Grail to do so. Has the ability to seal areas from Servants and Dark Apostles etc. His Noble Phantasm is the SEVERED HEAD OF MINA HARKER JESUS CHRIST that allows him to secretly track and see through the eyes of any magical creature within a certain radius (depends on the amount of mana that the Master has, usually no less that 5 kilometers) He has weak physical abilities but makes up for it with a razor sharp mental faculties, and brilliant deductive ability.

>> No.2002299

what the fuck are you rambling about, Van Hellsing never had such stupid powers.

>> No.2002310

Well, and Exclibur did not fire beams and Enkidu was not a chain(from what we know at least)
Perhaps he gives him powers he would have as a servant?

>> No.2002317


Yes he did. He spends most of the book sanctifying coffins, sealing doors etc etc.
He also was the one who hypnotised mina and used her link with the count to work out his location. The Severed head part is a reference to that. It also infers that Bram Stoker's book is somewhat more upbeat in ending than what happened in 'real life'.

I haven't given him action hero abilities like Hollywood did in Van Hellsing, I've simply given him useful though minor magical talent, and weak physical abilities in return for highly intelligent mind.

>> No.2002318
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>Exclibur did not fire beams

>> No.2002326
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So have you found a reason to fight yet? Buddy.

>> No.2002352


>Exclibur did not fire beams

A massive release of magical energy was one of Excalibur's capabilities in the Nasuverse.

Remember, this is also the universe where King Arthur is a girl and Gilgamesh is a shounen.

>> No.2002366

Thus, in the Nasuverse, Hellsing may have more glorified abilities.
Of course, in the Nasuverse, original Dracula was literally a nightmare that Mr.Eltnam took shape off and ravaged the area, so Hellsing's existence comes in question.

>> No.2002376

You can't simply take some random guy and say "Nasu would've fucked him up anyway", that's not how things work.

>> No.2002379


Seriously? Has that been confirmed?

>> No.2002385

Er, what being confirmed?

>> No.2002393

I always thought that Wallachia WAS the Nasuverse's Dracula. But seeing as he never takes the same shape twice, your theory sounds more plausible I guess.

>> No.2002399


The whole Dracula thing. I was kind of hoping that Nasu hadn't written ANYTHING with pertains to to the guy.
I mean, what HAS Nasu said about Dracula?

>> No.2002401
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Wallachia's most famous form was taken from the rumor of Dracula anyway.

This means that Dracula's rumor was in state BEFORE the first Night of Wallachia took place, and something has to start the rumors...

>> No.2002409
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Night of Wallachia is just some European nobility who was believed to be a vampire. (Vlad Tepes III, the Impaler. Draculea, son of Dracul).

>> No.2002414 [SPOILER] 
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Go play Melty Blood.

Mr Eltnam, after making the pact under the crimson moon, became INFORMATION.
A concept that would materialize in certain places, and would take a from according to rumors, and because of his own personality, reenact them in the most gruesome way.
His first appearance was in an area where there were rumors of a count impaling people, drinking blood, bathing in it etc.
After his first materialization, he became known as 'Night of Wallachia'.

That's the dead apostle Tatari(Curse).
Thus, there was no Dracula, only a guy who played the part.

>> No.2002418
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This, essentially.

But the source of all vampires (on earth) is Crimson Moon.

Night of Wallachia is the realization of fears, and the people of the first (and titular) Night of Wallachia was the vampire noble.

>> No.2002420

Avenger: Jesus

he died for our sins guys

>> No.2002424


>Thus, there was no Dracula

So who's this guy
>rumors of a count impaling people, drinking blood, bathing in it etc.

>> No.2002429


That's not evil, though.

Avengers are bad people who do good things.

Like, say, Kiritsugu and his Mind of Steel (and shooting people).

>> No.2002433

Who knows.
Maybe a random ruler who liked to execute peasants that didn't have gay sex with him.
Not elaborated.

>> No.2002440


Or maybe, y'know, Vlad Draculea Tepes III, the Impaler.
Who was rumored to drink his enemy's blood, bathe in it, and ever more famously (it's his fucking epithet) put them on fucking pikes.

>> No.2002437
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Thus, re-imagine the original novel with Dracula shouting suddenly 'KATTO KATTO KATTO KATOO KATTO KATTO KATTOOOOOOOOOOOOO'

>> No.2002447

...My point is that Nasu does not use an actual Count Dracula in his story.
Thus, the source of rumors in the Nasuworld is not specified.

>> No.2002451


>> No.2002454

wait lets see if im getting this right.

Assassin is not Sasaki Koujiro. but he just happens to use a technique who everyone thinks is Sasaki's personal move, so they assume, he is Sasaki?

>> No.2002467

He is someone with great swormanship skills and he can use Tsubame Gaeshi.
And he introduces himself as Sasaki Kojiro.
Thus, even though in the Nasuverse too, Sasaki was not THAT known and kinda obscure concerning his life, when you see a phantasmal being who can use a 150 cm sword and keep with motherfucking king Arthur, our characters do not ponder much,

The reality is, that this guy was a swordsman (not a hero) who had skills similar to Kojiro. Thus, since Caster could not summon a proper heroic spirit, he came in and plays the part.
Since he only cares about having a good fight, his identity does not concern him.

>> No.2002474
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Say hello to my (Not) True Assassin.

>> No.2002493

Well, let's try it that way then.
Saber: Afrasiab, king of Turan
Rostam's mortal enemy. Not a powerful Saber, but trickier. Has a connection with Angra Mainyu, which he can pull upon using the corrupted Grail to pull of feats beyond his capabilities, at the cost of his personality. Noble Phantasms include Hanakana, a subterranean fortress of metal in which Afrasiab is invincible, and the sword that killed Siyavash, that drains the blood of innocent people to increase its power (think of it as a minor-scale, specific Blood Fort. )

Rider: Rostem, the blessed hero of Persia
Has in possession Babr-e Bayam, a tiger skin impervious to weapons and his horse Rakhsh, stronger than a lion even when it was alive. Has demon slayer and dragon slayer aspects in his myth, giving him an advantage against Assassin and some extent Caster. Will be sieging Hanakana if he can help it. Would be fun if Saber and Rider's Masters agreed on a truce, as each side would hear the opposition's take on Shahname's events.

Caster: Arawn, ruler of Annwn
King of the other world. Unlike most Casters, he holds his own damn well in melee, and his equilavent to Medea's Dragon Tooth Soldiers and Bluebeard's tentacle demons is Cwn Annwn, hound-like beasts that herald death. Connected with the nature spirits, he can work fae magic, and when pressed his Noble Phantasm involves initiating a Wild Hunt, summoning an entire troupe of phantasmal hunters.

>> No.2002505

Berserker - Midas, the foolish king
Driven mad over turning his daughter into gold. Not only does his hands turn anything that comes in touch with them into gold, he can summon up a river of liquid gold if need be. Anyone who witnesses the donkey ears of the hooded old man is fated to share his curse.

Assassin - Tamamo no Mae, the Jewel Maiden of Konoe's court
Allowed herself to be summoned into the war as an Assassin despite not being human by tweaking the Grail rules. Still sealed in Sesshoseki, she intends to gain a new body. Illusions and possession are her forte, and her Noble Phantasm is the stone that contains her very soul, that unconditionally kills anyone who touches on it.

Lancer - Sun Wukong, the monkey sage
The biggest ham in a war of rather unorthodox Servants. Originally not human, summoned thanks to Tamamo twisting the War's rules. Has the staff of the dragon king, Ruyi Jingu Bang, and every bit the asshole as he is expected to be - flying on clouds, drilling into heavens and pissing on Buddha's hand after carving "Wukong was here, Buddha is a loer" on one of his fingers are just a few things the Monkey is capable of doing, and daring enough to do.

Archer - Persian Immortals, the Ten Thousand
Not a single servant but a compound entity. As many as their Master can supply with mana can be summoned and they are replaced easily like the live Immortals, but this bizarre Noble Phantasm is also their Master's curse - Archer cannot truly be defeated unless their Master is killed or all his Command Seals are exhausted.

What a war. Four servants aren't even human. Thankfully I have my "Assassin/Einzberns did it" ace.

>> No.2002522

>Lancer - Sun Wukong, the monkey sage

Fuuuuuuuck, you just had to add in Goku, didn't you?

>> No.2002548
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At least I didn't turn Wukong into a girl like Nasu handled Arthur. Let alone a stereotypical tsundere or something.

"Okay, planet! Give me that stupid energy! I-it's not like I l-like you or a-anything, I j-just need your energy for my Spirit Bomb! Stupid planet! "

>> No.2002549
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Caster - Heimdall's horn to summon god of light Heimdall of Norse, who may be known as god of light Marduk from Mesopotamian legend which makes him as old as legend of Gilgamesh.

Speaking of Gil, just pit him in battle with his equal, beloved TRAP Enkidu (dude, Gil cry 7 days and make a quest for immortality just for his death)

>> No.2002553

robin hood is a fictional hero no?

>> No.2002555


Not enough to not count as a Hero. Were pretty sure he's was the Lord of Huntingdonshire.

Which is where I live.

>> No.2002567

When you have a king turned eternal at a young age for pulling out a sword, searching for Holy Grails, Swarming battlefields alone, supported by a Wizards, given swords by Ladies of the Lake, carries the Bloodline of the DRagon as England's ruler hated by a witch who created a clone-child out of him, somehow his wife CHEATED on the king with the Best knight, and is resting in an island of apples till he comes back, and his myth is an amalgam of different cultures that have a gap of centuries, saying it was a GIRL does not make it that farfetched suddenly.

>> No.2002566

In Nasuverse? He have to be real.

>> No.2002568

Actually, that would be pretty awesome.

>> No.2002572

Strange Fake? What's the deal with these names, damn. Alsoo, Enkidu reminds me too much of Agito/Akito from Air Gear.

>> No.2002584
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>> No.2002613

Servant Shiki can kill Servants. Discuss.

>> No.2002634

Essentially fanfiction written by the guy that did Baccano. It's an intro book to some sort of RPG that came with volume 2 of TYPE-MOON Ace.

Sun Wukong doesn't get enough love.

>> No.2002647

Caster - Haruhi Suzumiya - ? - Fullfillment of unlimited wishes. Thus, Unlimited Wish Works.

>> No.2002680

Saber - Mas Oyama, the greatest (Korean) karateka in the history of mankind. Strongly rumored to be superior to Bruce Lee, Muhammad Ali and other martial arts masters in his lifetime. Wrestles with bulls in his past time. Compared to other servants he does not use weapons but instead relies on his incredible strength and determination to defeat the opponent.

>> No.2002693
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Berserker - Ivan IV, known to his people as "Ivan Grozny" or "Ivan the Terrible".

>> No.2002756


>> No.2002760

Was Ivan the one who built St Peterburg (I think) on a swamp, to the cost of millions of workers lives?

>> No.2004901

