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File: 90 KB, 450x700, __last_order_to_aru_majutsu_no_index_drawn_by_gambler_club__55bcc25b2a55ca02f7368237c3937b03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19978902 No.19978902 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>19927721

TT: We discuss onaholes, dolls, and every thing else we stick our junk into because using just your hand is for peasants.

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
It was cleaned up and updated.

Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10.

>> No.19978915

So I just threw out my MoT... I've owned it for a full year and only used it a few times. I never liked the way it felt and the teeth just caused pain. Now I have some extra space to but a new ona. What random weird thing should I go for?

>> No.19978957

you know you could have removed the teeth right?

>weird thing
If you want truly weird get the toilet onahole.

>> No.19979186
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I'm 99% sure one of my parents or bros found my SPDX and since they love to talk gossip everyone might know. I put it in my bed box, if you want to access it you would need to lift up my matress and bed base and remove a black cloth I put over the box. Yesterday my dad told me completely out of the blue that he wants to buy his work buddy a blow-up doll (he probably doesn't know any better, I think he meant onahole) since he never had a girlfriend while in his 30s. He said it in a joking way, but it was still weird. I didn't think much about it but when I woke up today I asked myself what was up with that, so I checked out my SPDX today and noticed that the box that used to be in absolute mint condition has some very visible dents and tears on the packaging.
A box doesn't just damage itself just from lying around and I think the cloth wasn't on it either, but I can't be too sure since I checked up right after waking up and might've removed it myself. I repeated the scenario in my head over and over again and while it makes no sense for either of them to randomly check under my bed, it just creeps me the fuck out because of what I described, why the fuck would my dad talk about this out of the blue and why is the box so damaged when it used to be brand new when I last saw it. Sorry about this blogpost.

>> No.19979196

Anyone have the Yumi Kazama - Onahole by NPG? I Would have linked it but the box are has her tits? How is it, she is my favorite JAV star.

>> No.19979208

Well if they're cool with it then it should be fine, I've read worse things happening to anons with nosy parents; hell your dad was fine with it enough to come ask for your knowledge about it to help someone else.

Though I would be worried because of how you stated that your ona was so concealed and yet they went though all the trouble to snoop into your stuff, what else might they have checked while you were away?

>> No.19979245
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So, seems like lots of people want to know about the Lolinco crystal hard, since I just got mine in, here are my thoughts.

Magic eyes Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Crystal Hard (LCH) is marketed as a harder version of the existing Lolinco Virgo, which is marketed as a tight, high stimulation double layer hole. It's known for being notoriously delicate with it's double layer design, and it's size.

Buying the hard version, I basically expected the hyper tight design of the classic Virgo, but just harder. While I wasn't disappointed, this isn't the ultra hard hole I was expecting.

First impressions:
So opening up the LCH, you get a packet of magic eye lube (awesome stuff btw) and the sealed ona. The LCH is translucent, but foggy silicone on the outside, while the inner lining is deep pink and can be seen through the walls of the hole. The hole comes pre coated in some kind of powder (corn starch probably) which creates the fogginess. While it can be washed off, I do recommend powdering it yourself after every wash because the clear really looks grosser than normal colors when it gets dirty.
This hole, above all else is THICC. Seriously, it has an enormous amount of extra material around the center hole, the extra material is molded into a butt, stomach and small breasts of a <definitely age appropriate> petite girl. While this might have been a design decision made to sell the hole based on people who like the idea of sexing up thick fairies, or ahem, otherwise, the thickness gives the hole a great sense of stability on it's own. What I mean is, Some holes tend to be very thin walled, and you can feel your hand through the ona, or that the hole will flop over if it tried to support it's own weight, the extra thickness here removes both of those problems, and honestly, its my favorite feature of this hole. I don't have to worry about holding the hole correctly, or aiming properly down it because the thickness, as well as this version's hardness, make it so I just move the hole up and down with no thinking required. It doesn't sound like much, but it's a huge plus in my book.
Inspecting the entrance of the hole, There is some obvious tagging of the outer layer, but it doesn't look severe enough to worry about. However, the interior of the hole took me by surprise, Its really really soft, firm, but still much softer than similar "crystal hard" holes I own. At this point I realized that the interior hole obviously isn't the crystal hard, it's actually much softer, which is odd, most dual layer holes I've seen are soft on the outside and hard on the inside, wierd, but not inherently bad.

First use:
Alright, this thing is great. The interior is soft, and somewhat less stimulating than other holes I own, but takes lube very well and gets that slimy squishy sensation that real meat has. Meanwhile the outer thick layer of the hole presses the inner hole into you. It's firmness presses the soft material around you and makes for a soft comfy session, the thought that kept coming to mind was that it was like having sex with a plushy, in a good way, soft and comforting, but firm enough to hold.
Imagine if you could fuck a hole that just has a thin sleeve around it vs a hole embedded in a big block of silicon. The amount of resistance and pressure your dick feels would be drastically different, that's the most noteworthy feature of the LCH.

Hmm, this is the one thing I'm not too excited about, While the hole feels really nice to use, cleaning it has me very cautious. Because of the length and the limited ability to reach into the hole, I've resorted to lightly pumping it under warm water with anti bacterial soap for up to 5 minutes while gently fingering the hole to remove any sliminess. I dont feel completely confidant that it's perfectly clean, but if used regularly, it shouldn't be a big problem. The hole entrance however is very small which means drying the inside with a cloth feels out of the question. I've taken to leaving it, entrance down in front of a fan while not in use, I'm not crazy about the idea of a hole that may be perpetually damp inside, but I truly doubt it will turn gross due to how much I use, sterilize, and rinse it.

All in all, this is a very nice hole and may do very well for people of high to average sensitivity as well. The firmness of the clear layer makes this thing really nice to use. While I can speak to longevity yet, mine has no tearing or separation as of yet, just be gentle and it should last you at least a few months.

>> No.19979249

I have some Tomax onaholes - I ordered directly from Daimaoh and used Big in Japan to forward to Australia (I also created this guide:>>/jp/thread/17589204#p17599658).). Pro tip: get some Insomnia lube at the same time.

>> No.19979291

post pics of the ona

>> No.19979300
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I can't wait to go back to m pop and love merci

>> No.19979515

not that anon but thanks for the guide, I have some money saved up so I can actually afford some tomax holes.

>> No.19979695

I have a friend that lives in eastern europe that cant seem to find any cornstarch for his onaholes, would potato starch be an ok alternative?

>> No.19980026

M's tachikawa >>>> M's Akiba

Akiba's M's is fucking claustrophobic

>> No.19980187

It should be fine, potato starch has just larger grains than corn starch but they should function the same.

>> No.19980214

thanks, I'll let him know.

>> No.19980405

god damn it, i was born in the wrong country

>> No.19980614

dear fucking god i hate the automated UPS phone bullshit.

Does anyone know if there's an alternative to dealing with it? I'm trying to pick up my shit because they refuse to come to my apartment.

>> No.19980742

whats that tube thing in her left hand?

>> No.19980775
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x900, CUT MY LIFE INTO PIECES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go no fap for a month, use hand once, then go on another month of nothing to detox after years of regular masturbation
>want to cap it off with ona use
>month 2 is extra suffering, somehow make it through.
>dawn of the last day.jpg
>have a wet dream that ruins everything

Aside from this horror ending I would definitely recommend at least one month of nofap if you're finding it difficult to get hard anymore.

>> No.19980796
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After an hour of dealing with UPS bullshit it was determined that I can drive an hour to pick it up on Monday, after paying out the ass to get it today.
And I get to deal with the awkward stares of the UPS office as they hand me the package with sex doll plastered all over it.

At least I managed to get amazon to refund the shipping costs. But this is bullshit.

>> No.19980798
File: 44 KB, 1000x579, Male Urinal Bottle Topper_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be a urinal bottle, they are typically made of plastic though.

>> No.19980873

yeah it is, sometimes they look like that in drawings at least

>> No.19980894

burn everything

>> No.19980912

>I've resorted to lightly pumping it under warm water with anti bacterial soap for up to 5 minutes
Soap only needs 20-30 seconds to do its job, no need to go overboard.

And if it could take your dick, it could probably take your finger and a microfiber cloth too.

>> No.19981107
File: 191 KB, 692x585, 1519747493469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop jerking it to Bowsette. When will they make a Bowsette themed hole?

>> No.19981111

Post best gallery of bowsette
I want to fap to her but I also don't want to have to dig through 50 different /v/ archives, /aco/ archives, and /trash/ archives

>> No.19981122

So I have a doll coming getting delivered in a few days that would most definitely get me out in jail if I lived in australia or yurope, so it's pretty important that my roommate doesn't discover it. Hiding it when it's here is easy, the hard part is what I'm going to say when it gets delivered.

Anyone have any good excuses for getting a big rectangular box that I can tell a dude that's savvy enough to know what a sex doll is?

>> No.19981134

flatpack furniture
a bookshelves or shit

>> No.19981234

>I repeated the scenario in my head over and over again and while it makes no sense for either of them to randomly check under my bed
They probably vacuumed your room, and pulled it out when they wondered what the fuck they hit under the bed.

>> No.19981241

>Because of the length and the limited ability to reach into the hole
Ever considered using a toothbrush for this?

>> No.19981257

>would most definitely get me in jail
it can't be that big then

>> No.19981333
File: 256 KB, 2048x1024, 6e8734dfe00c1b1d-2048x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a spiritual experience using my onahole last night.

This was the first time I attempted edging with it, while I was looking at lewds of my waifu.

I have to say I'm new to onaholes, I've used my hand for most of my life.

But I felt this ejaculation in my head, I got a small head high with it. And after I washed my onahole out, I spent the night, and most of this morning, cuddling with my dakimakura.

I feel like I just got my waifu pregnant in the 2D realm.

>> No.19981569

Big enough to arouse suspicion anon. I was thinking of saying its a new chair or a shelf or something but then they're going to realize I don't have a new chair or shelf. Its times like this that I wish I was like melonpan.

>> No.19981604

just get one of the dragon ones and slap it while saying WHOS YOUR PLUMBER HOMOBRO

>> No.19981660

Personally, I felt like Love Merci had better ona and lube selection than M's Akiba did as well. I also enjoyed all the "Women Absolutely Not Allowed" signs on the stairs up to the ona floor.

>> No.19981671

>But I felt this ejaculation in my head, I got a small head high with it.
That's the feeling of your mind going black and the pleasure of being cummed inside.

Your waifu got you dick pregnant, anon.

>> No.19981797

>"Women Absolutely Not Allowed" signs on the stairs up to the ona floor.
How is anon's sister supposed to get her onaholes now?

>> No.19981825
File: 22 KB, 294x500, 4109QtVoGlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this lube? It's water based.

I'd get a jap brand again but I'd rather not pay atronomical shipping fees.

>> No.19981900


>> No.19981951

Try to find some chair/shelf/whatever meanwhile avoiding them to see, then the excuse would be plausible.

>> No.19982233



>> No.19982240

you can get onatsuyu on amazon

>> No.19982281
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>designer lube

>> No.19982538
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Anyone ever used this thing? thoughts?

>> No.19982605

does anyone have that link with onahole techniques?
i think it was a .jp site (all in japanese) that described how to create a vacuum and also (maybe it was a different site) that described using panty hose on your tip

>> No.19982741
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anyone know if this is safe on onaholes that breath, aka real girls?

asking for a friend

>> No.19982743

The Spiral Wave Hard is... Interesting. I think I would have preferred it in normal.

My deal is that I require pills to sleep anymore; however, after the pills take effect but before they knock me out, I'm compelled to masturbate constantly. With the Lilith Uterus (hard) and Venus Real (soft), this isn't a problem; I can go my required 5 times in an hour and a half, then go pass out. Spiral Wave, however, seems like it's good for someone that masturbates occasionally. It's DEFINITELY highly stimulating, and that first go my dick is so overwhelmed that I go numb for a bit after I orgasm. That's amazing. After the second and third times, though, it starts chaffing even if I'm using the thicker lube.

So long short, it's a great onahole, just not for how I personally use them. Will probably just switch to a different hole after the first session, which means cleanup will be a pain but I won't be rubbing the skin off my dick.

>> No.19982747

Breathing onaholes lubricate themselves, whether they want it or not.

>> No.19982770

Bowsette is literally covering Sankaku right now, and I assume gelbooru too. Just dig through them and/or Pixiv and you'll be set.

>> No.19982872
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If your onas could talk, what do you think they would say?

>> No.19982919
File: 1.17 MB, 939x756, IMG_20180915_030550203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been years since my last ona but if my doll could talk it would probably complain about my dick and jamming arrow shafts tipped with microfiber cloths in her holes every night

>> No.19982934

They'd probably say what my mom and day say, i.e. "Why don't you just get a girlfriend already."

>> No.19982936

One would complain of womb bruising and the rest would complain of favoritism. I might also get called a lolicon.

>> No.19983210

This is a little awkward, but have you ever had the need to pee not go away after using your fleshlight?
Is it an allergic reaction to the lube i used?

>> No.19983288
File: 165 KB, 1000x563, me_on_the_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a doll while having a roommate

>> No.19983587

I get that sometimes. Drinking a lot of water and then actually peeing usually makes it go away.

I think it happens more after long sessions, so it might just be irritation at the entrance of your urethra, or lube going down it. idk

>> No.19983827

Legality of purchasing these in Canada.

>> No.19983870

looks fine to me.

>> No.19983977

that's called vesical tenesmus

>> No.19984237

I bought the tenga anniversery edition at m's in akiba. It is my first hole but I am not super blown away by it, though it is nice. I just bought it on a whim because it was like 9 usd.

Even though it isn't great, it definitely makes me want to get a better one.

Is Ms the best place or should I check somewhere else? I live in Japan for the next 6 months so I can go to anywhere in the Tokyo area.

>> No.19984274

Don't mean to keep pestering but are you sure, anon? I don't want to end up like that other leaf bro that got vanned and had agents following him and got his life ruined cause he just wanted a fap. I'm pretty afraid to order these. Especially cause the box are has nudes on them.

>> No.19984392

pretty sure that only happened because the toy was a little girl's torso with a little naked girl on the box

sex toys in and of themselves can't possibly be illegal

>> No.19984457 [DELETED] 

>forge deviljho dual blades
>game instantly crashes
anyone else have this problem?

>> No.19984494

is it normal that the lilith uterus is kinda noisy (burpy/queefy)? is there any way to cut down on the noise?

i think by not using the uterus section is the only way i've got it to be quieter so far

>> No.19984854

are you leaving air in it before using it? Before you insert squeeze the onahole so that as much air as possible is squeezed out, insert yourself, and then you let go of it.

>> No.19984900

>toilet onahole
Enlighten, master

>> No.19984970 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 900x675, 1538293934620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh ye of little understanding

>> No.19985019

say you got the wrong item and had to return it

>> No.19985028
File: 1.11 MB, 1008x756, IMG_20180915_032151023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low light ass of a doll.

>> No.19985045

What doll? Also vid of you fukin it

>> No.19985052
File: 1.19 MB, 1008x756, IMG_20180915_030238509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazon link
and no vid. thats gay and im still fat

>> No.19985078

I also want to watch a video of anon making sweet, sweet love to his doll.

>> No.19985094

>not being the doujin fat man of legends
why hold yourself back?

>> No.19985098

It should be a new rule, you can not post your doll unless you will fuck it in front of us.
Fuck your doll in front of us anon.

>> No.19985175
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Hypothetical question:
How reliable are the free G Project condoms you get on OtonaJP when it comes to actual sex?

>> No.19985274
File: 132 KB, 500x500, a dud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best retailer that ships to Australia? Queencat doesn't and Toydemon has fucked pricing.

>> No.19985278

Meiki plush or plush DX?
The head and arms make me uncomfortable, like it's going one step too far past fuck pillow.

>> No.19985282

Seems like otona does but they have the bad shipping times.

>> No.19985489 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 600x800, 1538303999062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy a doll anon

>> No.19985505

So I've gotten a few holes, but all of them feel too small. I can deal with it with the hip onaholes (the Puniana SPDX in particular is pretty great) being too small, but the one-handed ones don't really do anything for me because of it. The Kunoichi is a good size and feel, but due to the design the lube seems to get sucked into the crevices, leaving my dick improperly lubed. It's also a bit too soft. Is there a similar sized hole that doesn't have that type of problem, with a harder surface?

>> No.19986029

R-20 is hueg.

>> No.19986398

Bedding ceremony NOW!

>> No.19986431

Dammit anons, I'm doing it. I'm buying a thick ass sex doll. Will still have plenty of money left over. Now watch me break a hand or something.

>> No.19986447

Is it better to buy from Sexy sex doll or sexy real sex doll?
If they have the same model of doll, whose is better quality, since they're ostensibly from the same manufacturer?

>> No.19986459

Actually, it looks like SSD doesn't stock SYDolls dolls, so they dont have the body I'm looking for.

>> No.19987090

While basking in the afterglow I noticed some dark grey spots on the outside of my hole. Is this mold and will my dick fall off?

>> No.19987152

finger + drying cloth is gonna be more abrasive simply due to not being drenched in lube like your penor during use

this is not a bowsette that's fucking astolfo, fag

>> No.19987237
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>finger + drying cloth is gonna be more abrasive simply due to not being drenched in lube like your penor during use
That's why you only do it twice, slowing moving your finger sideways to get in and get out so not to damage it. You don't just force your finger in.

Of course, you could also learn some of the more advanced drying methods from our senpais.

>> No.19988026
File: 33 KB, 501x612, images(21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I just put a tampon in there? I'm comfortable just using these though, no problems so far

>> No.19988266

I've not been reading these threads for close to a year now, and I have a couple of questions to those who are more up to date.

1. Have they made a self-heating onahole yet? Something with heating element tunnel around the inner tube?

2. Was there a revision of Venus Real that increased it's durability? My second one is already all cracked around the entrance and several cm in. Same issue as with the one before it.
Alternatively, what are some other options that feel similar? I have other Tomax toys, and all but VR last much longer with less wear and tear.

>> No.19988426
File: 770 KB, 970x717, rx1PTte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute first timer here
what is the standard go to model for a complete beginner?
and don't give me the 'that depends on the x and y'
what is the best starter fake pussy

>> No.19988490

Name of the ona that is below with the tanned girl?

>> No.19988560
File: 518 KB, 500x1000, 1508474435218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puni Ana 3D

>> No.19988589

read pastebin
venus real soft

>> No.19989027

alright anon, I'm trusting you. Hopefully I don't land in prison.

>> No.19989051

How hard is it to clean after you fuck it?
I recently bought one that I need to pick up tomorrow, anything I should know before I start going at it?

>> No.19989057

If you're this worried, why even buy these particular ones?

They do feel different, but you can get equally nice and equally varied holes with non-anime girls on them.

>> No.19989257

The heart wants what the heart wants, or in this case it would be the dick. Alternatively my country has the service where you can ask for an advance review on the legality of the product by sending it to them, but they won't send it back, so I'd have to be purchasing them twice. But for piece of mind it might be worth it.

>> No.19989278

I wish this was a thing here, though the not sending it to you sounds like a pain.

People shouldn't be punished for not fully understanding bullshit laws, we should at least have a lawyer waiver that says we went through necessary steps to ensure whether something is legal or not and its not our fault if its later determined otherwise.

>> No.19989355

I'm sure it might exist where you are too. I had to call/e-mail the Canadian border service agency before I found out about it. Do the same for your country, you might be surprised. But yeah its dumb that they don't send it back to you if deemed legal. I was gonna ask a lawyer, but thought asking the government directly would be better as it would be a 100% guarantee.

>> No.19989365

there might be a customs thing for it, but even more just a local one.
like if you ever ask a lawyer they'll always just give you a canned response of
>well i don't know for sure... so just don't do it lol

>> No.19989395

Yeah 100% agree on the lawyer thing. Like I'm 95% sure what I want is legal, 'cause no lolis it is just lewd busty voluptuous adult women, but the agent that checks my package could be an asshole and be like "the face looks too cute" so she could be really young. Cause stupid laws like this as you said are open to interpretation.

>> No.19989778
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, 71dCTVT-hHL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are air pillows like on the picture worth the money for?I wanna build my waifu out of it, but still don't wanna waste money on things like stockings

>> No.19989794
File: 157 KB, 1440x810, 1538242743886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can these things damage an Onahole? I'm usually careful, also can I use it to wash out the spunk? Tired of using my fingers

>> No.19989850

>build my waifu out of it
Can you elaborate?

>> No.19989915

my peepee dont feel so good
can anyone recommend anything for deathgrip?
6" length
dunno girth

>> No.19989928

>can anyone recommend anything for deathgrip?
Taking a break. Also helps if you're like me, and steadily need more and more degenerate shit to get off.

>> No.19989943

yea i know, haven't touchd myself aside from cleaning for a month now. going longer like nofap nerds is bad for you though so i'd like to at least not use my hand and slip back into older tighter habits

>> No.19989999

nofap almost made me buy a chinese sex doll

>> No.19990025

mood swings are getting me the most, just want to use an onahole but there are so many and i dunno which is best for realism in helping fix it.
looked at meiki no hinkaku but there are no reviews. Looking for recommendations.

>> No.19990052

I don't know if this is nofap or just me but if I haven't fapped in days, then using an onahole is pointless because I won't last long at all.
However afterwards I return to my regularly scheduled stamina

>> No.19990063

its more about my own self control in how tight i hold, i'd rather have a fixed tightness then have to concentrate on not wrecking my unit. most people use fleshlights but those are expensive as fuck and onaholes seem more appealing.

>> No.19990106
File: 118 KB, 1002x1343, 71RLPHwbeYL._SL1343_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This whole doll thing is going too far.


>> No.19990136

It doesn't even look squishy. shit tier

>> No.19990563

If it's on the outside and they're tiny spots, it's probably just dirt/oil from your hand.

Onahole tampons are absolutely more convenient than rolling up tissues or paper towels and shoving them in your mouth like a retard. Cleaning rods are also good so long as you aren't too forceful, they're easier to get to the bottom of a hole since they're stiff.

>> No.19990656
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>Onahole tampons
Those exist or you mean just regular tampos used on onaholes? really curious here, also does Superwash, see: >>19982538 work? I dont know if japanese water bottles are "different" somehow...

>> No.19990701

what happens if you don't powder an onahole?
is it necessary?

>> No.19990776


>> No.19990780

I hope you know what I am talking about.

Ever not touch your console/controllers/whatever and the knobs and stuff turned a different color and had this oily shit that got sticky and st

just fucking powder your holes man, takes all of 10 seconds

>> No.19990938
File: 547 KB, 1001x1502, 52311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, NOW it's going too far.

>> No.19991104

Regular tampons should work but they're more expensive and harder to use due to their girth. "Onahole tampons" like these >>19990776 can get into tight crevices easier and you don't have to hold them closed like a tightly wound tissue/towel or worry about them ripping apart when wet.

Onaholes eventually get oily and sticky, some sooner than others, becoming unpleasant to hold and a dust magnet. Powdering keeps them dry and smooth to touch. It isn't required but eventually you'll want to do so for the sake of your own sanity. Just grab a cheap tub of corn starch from the grocery store and it'll last forever.

>> No.19991361

Any opinions on the Ritopuri Little Princess onahole hip?

>> No.19991414
File: 1.18 MB, 1008x756, IMG_20181001_024600311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start using doll doggy style
>really getting into it
>near cumming and slamming it harder
>too hard
>slip out
>cum outside
>ruining it
welp time for bed

>> No.19991423

Anon her middle finger appears to be borked

>> No.19991428

index finger is giving that illusion

>> No.19991553

I swear to god if you don't make a video of you fucking this thing I'm going to go jack off to something else.

>> No.19991572
File: 363 KB, 670x1340, akaris_breasts_ii_akari_chan_no_oppai_ii_-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this worth $600? That's like half the price of a doll but I don't see any dolls with tits like this.


>> No.19991595

I'm satisfied with the Busty aichan and it's $200. Akari-chan seems like a hassle to use unless it's always laying down or just laying on top of you. I would save up for a doll than this just because I feel like I'd get more use out of a doll than giant pair of tiddies.

>> No.19991677

I ordered Chichifueta

seems good for the price but ordering from otonaJP is taking long so far, the product description says up to 4 weeks to ship.

>> No.19991926
File: 91 KB, 800x800, ju-c-5-super-soft-fuwatoro-onahole--_2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the JU-C 5 Super Soft? I'm wondering how durable it is.

>> No.19991939

Jelly, anon. I have Aichan and just ordered myself Puni Ana DX, but haven't ordered anything from jp yet.
Chichifueta is my grail but it'll be a while before I get around to it. godspeed.

>> No.19992506

I'm getting this one. But what outfits do I get her? Long Auburn hair, green eyes.

>> No.19992572

plushes seem to be a better idea, both for weight and warmth. Nicer to cuddle too.

>> No.19993250

Foreskin itches after onahole use, what could be the problem? I clean it regularly and haven’t found anything that looks like mold after inspecting it.

>> No.19993336
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more lube

Bought her, lads. inb4 too thick, I;m a big guy and most of these dolls look too small for my tastes

But what sort of clothes does an ass like this wear?
Do they make those leotard hoodies with animal ears? That'd be cute.

>> No.19995124

Post pics when you get her

>> No.19995551

I want to order one of those small pillows to hold my toys but I dont find the idea of putting a cover on it alluring, can I use the pillow to build a doll with it?

>> No.19996120

Where'd you get it from? Also yah post pics I can't believe it actually looks like that until someone who bought it posts pics of their own.

>> No.19996614
File: 1.20 MB, 1008x756, IMG_20181001_024857813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a rip in the underarm for my doll

its time to start thinking about saying goodbye

>> No.19997077

Did you even check out how much it weights? 70 fucking kilograms man.
Also i hope you bought it from a reputable supplier and not Amazon/AliExpress.

>> No.19997223

>Lolinco Crystal is an inch shorter than the Virgo
>I can already bulge out the Virgo, and it feels like there's not enough space inside when I'm cumming

This life is cruel. Is it a bad idea to get a hole on the shorter side?

>> No.19997301
File: 1.07 MB, 2160x2160, Doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well finally bought a doll. I wanted it for multiple reasons, 2 of which being modeling purposes.

Got this for $570 on amazon so it was cheaper than actually just buying a mannequin ironically

It does look a lot younger than I expected, its kinda hard to be turned on so I'll probably keep this one just for posing and as a cloth stand for designing the outfits. Its 5ft so still a decent size albeit pretty small.

A quick review.
It was cheap, the joints are hard to move but they stick once mover making it great for posing. Probably not up your alley if you're having sex with it.
The fingers and feet suck. Kinda disappointed about that because it's something I wanted reference for, but they're passable so I'm not too sad about it. The nails are falling off though (does normal glue work fine or is there something specific I should use?).
Range or motion does feel limited, I'm not sure how flexible the back is but it seems hard to move which is a bit saddening cause I dont want to break it.
The eyes are also fixed into place, a good place but I do with they were moveable.
For the most part it feels good, a little harder than I expected and the boobs are definently solid so not much to speak of there.

I'm also having some trouble with the wig, her head was too small for the wig so it's not forming correctly to her head.

All in all though despite the complaints it looks like she'll be an excellent model. I just wish she looked a bit older, not too much but I kinda wanted more OL tier. Anyone know if kingmansion sells different heads?

I also wish it had standing feet, but it seems to be able to balance as is especially if it can hold onto something

>> No.19997397

I want to try a rich soft Tomax but for as cheap as possible. Looking at Lilith spiral dots or Lilith spiral wave. Any suggestions?

>> No.19997503

What's your opinion on the Virgin Innocent Tight Pussy Hard Edition onahole?

>> No.19997549
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, puni_ana_miracle_dx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never bought any sex toys. Now I just spent over 500€ on this damn thing.

How do I hide it when it arrives? it's the Puni Ana Miracle DX, yes, the 10kg torso thing.

I'm quite safe, parents may visit like once or twice every 6 months. So when the time comes, I don't want them to find it. Do I just fuck it like a maniac and toss it away when it rips and call it a day, or what?

>> No.19997557

After going through with a lilith uterus as first ona, have to say there are no regrets.

Now to find what would be a good second buy.

>> No.19997614

Please write a review

>> No.19997656

I will, but god damn man how do I properly hide a 10 kg torso? It's a small apartment.

I could just say fuck it and use it as decoration on my living room table, but on the other hand I'd like to prevent my more conservative friends and family seeing this abomination. It would not be good for their mental health.

Horny me didn't think about it too much when I pressed the buy button.

>> No.19997658

what the fuck are your parents like sextoy ants and look all over your house for them?

>> No.19997663

Get a travel bag
put it in the travel bag.

>> No.19997691

Keep the box.
Chances are it has a plastic casing for the torso to sit in so its not flopping around the box.
I'm sure you can come up with a way to hide a box

>> No.19997746

Just put it in the closet, they are not going all around your house searching for sex toys or what?

>> No.19998224

Sup lads, was browsing Amazon when I found this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GXZ5NQ8/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1

It looks exactly like Tamatoys Wonderful Hip found on Queencat or Kanojo Toys. Upon further investigation, I found the manufacturing company: https://sexcj.en.alibaba.com/company_profile.html
The hip can be found on their front page or on their product categories "hot sell"

For the price, I might as well just buy one just to see how good this chink knockoff is...

>> No.20000010
File: 95 KB, 1200x1083, DKvNesqUMAAY1iL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man how do you guys last longer in onaholes or edge? Everytime I try to edge I can't and my hand just moves faster because it feels so good. It's a real shame that I waste more time cleaning the damn thing than using it.

>> No.20000098

Try going hands free, you'll get to experience "MY HIPS ARE MOVING ON THEIR OWN'.

>> No.20000112


Is there anyone that has both Chichifueta and Busty Aichan with opinions? There is a 95% chance I'm buying tits in the next month.

Watching porn stars react to Busty Aichan has me almost completely sold though

>> No.20000138

How do I go hands free? There really isn't anything near me where I can stick the onahole and have my way with it

>> No.20000141

No clue. I don't last long either but I'm usually good to go a couple times. Came five times with my lolinco today, started cleaning it out and got turned on again and went two more times.

>> No.20000188

The other day I went back to back 3times. Never in my 23years of living have I been that horny or been to get it back up that quickly.

>> No.20000190

ctrl+f pillow trick in the pastebin

more lube or less stimulating hole

>> No.20000253

Personally, I care more to know that my onahole is clean and dry (so no gross fungus grows in it) than that it last me forever, so I turn it inside out and wash it with soap, and then I dry it while turned inside out by patting it dry with a hand towel. I live alone so I don't mind drying my hands with an onahole towel (it only touches cleaned onaholes after all.) This does affect the expected lifespan of my holes, but I'd rather that than something gross happening.

>> No.20000340

>leaf bro that got vanned and had agents following him and got his life ruined
Anyways what is considered loli anyways? Wouldn't have considered vaccum witch, VAA as loli artwork. Fairy I can somewhat get behind but still

>> No.20000360

Just fold a paper tower and stick it in. Then you just roll the ona with your hands while applying light pressure.
No need to gape it and insert the towel with your mouth

>> No.20000639


There was an anon last thread who had both and said he preferred the chichifueta.

>> No.20000644

I'm looking for some uterus penetration.
Currently looking at Lilith Uterus and Muses Arkhe, any others?
From what I see the Muses Arkhe seems to be thicker which is what I like about it but seems like the uterus is almost impossible to penetrate with it's small hole.
Lilith Uterus seems perfect but not as thick.

>> No.20000661


You pretty much don't feel the uterus with the lilith. I have it in regular and don't really notice when entering, only when pulling out. It definitely isn't womb-focused.

>> No.20000737
File: 67 KB, 960x960, luggage-59a86eba0d327a00116833d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put one of these with a combination lock on it make sure its not an airtight one.

>> No.20000793

Learn when to stop. Sometimes I have to stop completely. Not just letting go but holding the hole in position and think of something else. It's all about control.

>> No.20000870

I got her from SexyRealSexDolls, pretty good so far. Lots of customer service communication. Doll itself is SyDolls brand.

She weights 150 pounds, but I work with sheet metal all day, much of it weighing 70-100. I throw that shit on carts.

I had to tho anons, her thighs are bigger around than my head. She has 56 inch hips.

>> No.20000904

>150lb of ass and pussy
>thighs are bigger than your head
>56 inch hips
god dam bruh good taste have fun breaking your dick in her

>> No.20000965

You can always buy a heavier hole like a small torso or a hip

>> No.20001069

Good luck you mad man, just remember
She's a big girl

>> No.20001102

Yes I have been using it for a year its primo

>> No.20001260

You could have bought any doll, and you chose to buy a silicone land whale.

>> No.20001499

This is no place for an Irishman, Padraig.

>> No.20001506

What? What is Vaccum Witch? I googled it and found nothing. Also is Fairy a company? I meant specifically the two onaholes I linked. I wanted to know if they would be illegal in Canada.

>> No.20001559

Godspeed you magnificent bastard. Post a review.

>> No.20001563

It's just more work using a folded paper towel, trying to keep it from unraveling while you're inserting it into the depths of your hole, than something innately stick-shaped, that's all. Less wasteful too, onahole tampons or rod + cloth will pay for themselves over time (assuming you don't even improvise a free version of the latter).

I can feel the cervix in Lilith if I go very slowly and concentrate on it, but it's definitely one of those barely-there deals (still lowkey my favorite thing about it) while it's the Arkhe's main feature. The only problem with the Arkhe is that its tunnel is really short despite its overall size.

Lots of other choices of varying levels of repute: Yandere, Daisyuke Hold, etc. I think the 17 Bordeaux's is more for vacuum but it's there. More of Tomax includes the cheaper JK Idol Kasumi and the gimmicky Dolphin, which is all uterus. Gokusai which has terrible word-of-mouth not to mention Magic Eyes' notorious QC working against it...

>> No.20001629

Seducing Witch, Witch's Temptation, etc. A witch by any other name still sucks like a vacuum cleaner. (Bro you linked three and none of them show remotely loli artwork, you're fine.)

Speaking of, anyone who has used both it and R20 wanna sell me on it? I don't particularly like my R20. The material is too stiff and rough, yet the hole isn't all that stimulating either because the tunnel is loose with a mostly organic texture. What I do like is the bump in front and the strong vacuum. Witch looks tighter and more stimulating while maintaining vacuum strength, but it's made of the same shitty Safe Skin. Worth trying or delet from my wishlist? Because it's an awfully expensive risk to take. Bonus question: Lusty Slut in comparison?

>> No.20001822

I'm a big guy.

Seriously, I've sat down with a standard tape measure and a flexible one to get a sense of the size of these dolls compared to me, and I wanted one that would feel big.

I'll take pictures, I'm sure the crazy curves highlighted in the photoshoot are much more subtle irl. Still have no idea what kind of outfits to get her. She's kind of like Sunny's Applejack

>> No.20002285

Quick question about powdering your onaho. Can I just spread the corn starch using my hands since I don't have access to a make up brush or cocoa shaker?

>> No.20002455

Hard to say without knowing your layout, but honestly just keep in in your room with a cute sweater or teeshirt +shorts on it. Spray some perfume on it, and powder it regularly so it doesn't look or smell gross to anyone who sees it.
Hide it when you absolutely need to, otherwise just own up to it and be confidant and non apologetic that you happen to have a sex toy. People normally don't give you grief you don't smell of shame and insecurity about it.

>> No.20002733

Oh, believe me, I'm not an insecure person at all. It's just that buying a 500€ toy just for these kind of purposes is kinda stepping up the game on another level, which could make someone discovering it a bit awkward when it comes to our friendship/relationship.

If people find out about it, I'm not going to like cry and go hide in the corner. Oh no, I'll just be cool about it. Everyone has sex toys, it's just a damn taboo subject.

>> No.20002877

Yes, it just gets fucking everywhere so do it over the sink.

>> No.20003014

Seen a lot of different opinions on the SCP. What does /ona/ think about it?

>> No.20003045
File: 283 KB, 480x270, B4414C1E-7B53-4586-9479-C02CF4A29F87.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Misusu

>> No.20003055

Shit that would've been a good idea.
It looks like a goddamned bakery in here.

>> No.20003066


>> No.20003123

It's my favorite onahole. The only time I've been able to cum twice back to back was with the SCP. My only complaint is that I wish it was a little bit longer.

>> No.20003183

Supposedly there are TPE doll repair kits that can be purchased, also if you are good with a soldering iron you could probably fix it.

I wonder if its down to rough use or TPE quality...
Where did you purchase that doll?

>> No.20003428

Very dividing I think. I hated it and threw it away pretty fast, one of the only onahole I treated that way.

>> No.20003560


This is exactly what I mean by differing opinions.

>> No.20003710
File: 373 KB, 715x1000, b89b4d7c69ef059f4f628c0dbb80d82d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn it inside out
I don't know any "good" holes that allow this, mind if I ask which?

>> No.20004288

the lilith uterus, and the Venus real soft can both be fully flipped with no short term damage, though they will experience micro tearing across their interior over the long term.

Most soft, single layer holes can be flipped as well.

>> No.20004347

Do you ever go for a 3rd round and your dick starts to burn or it feels like you are fucking plastic and it squeezes your dick hard but you know you put a lot of lube in?

>> No.20004416

i almost died from the fabled second orgasm so no

>> No.20004434

>almost died
I just fapped 4times back to back in 2hours

>> No.20005363
File: 1.37 MB, 2576x1932, 20180718_011225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a hole based on your best experiences or worst if you want me to waste money.

>> No.20005558

Can someone recommend something tighter than the vaa?

>> No.20005620

How do I cure cumming too fast? Everything feels way too fucking good, I swear my dick acts like a clit sometimes

>> No.20005781
File: 1.95 MB, 974x1466, 1537675436979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doll is like 850 on amazon
>dress is like 50 bucks
>wig is around 30
>not including shipping
i just dont know anymore

>> No.20005850

Pour it into the toe of a sock and tie the ankle off.

>> No.20005853

Looks like Owen Wilson.

>> No.20005875

Puni Ana DX

>> No.20006104

What is the softest, squishiest onahole money can buy?
I want to feel like I'm screwing Jello.

>> No.20006605

The cure is to know when to stop.

>> No.20006610


>> No.20006630

Is this taking the piss?
>The Curbing Realistic Exploitative Electronic Pedophilic Robots Act
Can they just stop it with this shit.

>> No.20006642

I just dab my (fully dry) fingers in it and gently apply it that way. Over the sink, yes.

>> No.20006650

>Someone smart at the gavel

>> No.20006841

A 2 year old Venus Real in very soft or softer. Walls are thick, too, so it feels like you're gripping jello, too.

>> No.20006967

Anon with AiChan from before- from what I hear in my own research they're much the same, but chici is bigger.
Aichan is pretty great, worth the months I waited for European stock.
If I had any 'complaints' it'd be:
1. I wish it was thicker from back-base to nipple (so taller?), because I can still feel my hands through the backplate sometimes, angle-depending, and
2. it's really difficult to warm it up due to thickness, I guess. I'll be getting a usb autowarmer with my puni ana order though, so maybe that'll change things. Will report back.

>> No.20006975

So you're just not going to fuck this, is that right?

>> No.20006986

These look pretty great, but the thought of trying to regularly wash 10kg in the bath or sink was too sobering. It feels like I'd lose 15 minutes to wondering wtf I'm doing with my life.

I went for the regular puni ana dx instead, for 140€, I can live with that.

>> No.20007006
File: 30 KB, 540x308, 1e51987c-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this:

>> No.20007247

Yeah... I bought it because otherwise I'd be left wondering if I should've bought it. You know, I got too much money I guess.

>> No.20007275

Enjoy it, anon. I'm jelly as fuck.

>> No.20007768

>tfw getting high and sniffing poppers while mating pressing my puni ana dx
Feels good man

>> No.20007776

If they don't confront you about it (they shouldn't), then why do you care.

>> No.20007809

fuck you anon, mine doesn't arrive until tomorrow.
How hype should I be? This is my first hip, I've only had a Genmu Cosy Touch (jap onahole i picked up on a trip to tokyo) so I don't know what I'm in for

>> No.20007823

The experience completely depends on how big your dick is, this ona is quite firm, and it strangles my dick even when I'm average girth. And my dick pops out of the top, I'm 7" long.

Feels pretty good, but you might want to try the ass because its not as tight. Cleaning the hole is a pleasure because how easy to clean and dry it is. p good, would buy again.

>> No.20007833

Don't sweat it, anon. I would recommend moving it in some way, though.
It might be that they happened upon it while cleaning, took a look and were trying to feel you out about that, but if they ever go back for a curious second look and see you've moved it, that's usually enough. Sorta like the idea that a lock will keep out an honest thief, they'd have to either drop or escalate the situation, and will most likely just drop it.
Couple of points from dealing with my own parents as a teen;

Don't take the bait. If they ask you about onahole or blowup dolls to gauge your reaction and you act thoroughly disinterested in the topic.
You want their inquiries to be unsatisfying, and for them to just figure it mustn't be a huge part of your life- it's something you own, not who you are, and it won't be worth pursuing talking with you about it.
Also, let's be honest, I'm sure your parents are just happy you're straight.

>> No.20007851

Hey, 7" club here, too.
I gathered from reviews that I wouldn't pop out of the top, that's a pity.
I got the regular, rather than the hard type.
I'd have gone for the soft type, but:
>out of stock, waiting list
>already have busty aichan if I feel like a marathon session

I bought this one specifically because it had an ass, too. Glad to hear cleanup is easy.
Thanks anon, really looking forward to tomorrow. f5ing my tracking page like a man possessed, resisting the urge to fap until it arrives.

>> No.20007871

well, it only pops out when you're pressed really hard against it, not all the time, but you need to worry when cumming ballsdeep inside it, that's the bad part, cum leaks right as you're cumming. I usually put a small piece of toilet paper at the end to catch the spunk. Unless you pull back a bit, most of not all your cum ends outside the ona. At least it makes cleaning even easier.

>> No.20007882

Cool, thanks anon. I've got that part down-pat on account of my main being titties, I usually let gravity do it's thing, but I'll figure something out like you've done

>> No.20007912

That's appalling.
What website did he go on so I can avoid that page?

>> No.20007930

Anybody got the Niku-Man 2200?
Do want, but hard to find any reviews

>> No.20008247

Going to purchase either Big Rina or Lolinco Virgo. Which one should I go for? They seem so similar with little differences.

My dick is average length but a bit on the thicker side.

>> No.20008252

>Big Rina

I keep finding this guy reviewing everything I look into, who the fuck are you mate, why are you such a connoisseur of fucking rubber mate

>> No.20008258

I'm thinking about using my usb ona warmer to heat up a filled croissant to eat while i fap.
is this a good idea

>> No.20008269

Thanks. The sad truth is that after I'm bored of it, I'm going to toss it out of a moving car at a high speed on some remote forest area road's twist during the night.

>> No.20008299

Hahah nice find on that channel. Surpising to see Lolinco ranked that much lower than Rina. I guess onaholes can be TOO tight.

Shame he hasn't reviewed Tororochi, that seems super interesting ona as well.

>> No.20008360

You might look into the Tomax Dolphin, I have both the dolphin and the Lilith uterus and the Lilith is barely noticeable whereas the dolphin is very very noticeable. There's even dolphin 'accessories' if you want to take it to the next level:


>> No.20008709
File: 3.38 MB, 3984x2988, 20181004_024802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does my onahole stick to the walls and ceiling but no other surface? What material is it made of that can cause this? I discovered it when I accidentally bumped into the wall with it. Model is the Seventeen Bordeaux

>> No.20008741

Just put it in a drawer. Nobody with any sense of decency goes looking in someone else's drawers.

If they find it, you can just ask them why the fuck they were looking in your drawers.

>> No.20008986

I would not get the nikuman, get the puni fuwatoro 1000 instead

>> No.20009248
File: 2.65 MB, 3984x2988, 20181004_025138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More sticky, this time the ceiling.

>> No.20009268

Different anon but that shit gets seized. I live there too and any lewd images on the box is strictly prohibited. You have to ask for package removal. If he were to order that as is; he would get a letter and the product will 95% get chucked in the garbage, and that's it. If he were ordering loli without package removal his ass would be in prison. Any other Canadian will tell you the same. The dumb thing is how do they expect us to order sex toys with no provocative imagery on the box? Like wtf.

>> No.20009299

Browsing these threads has made me hate Canada more than I used to.

>> No.20009438

Every Meiki I've owned has died relatively quickly. If they were more durable they'd be my favorite brand probably

>> No.20009471

They're okay, but they're not as stimulating as a onahole, and the cleanup takes like 5 minutes.
Plus you have to put it somewhere.

If you can deal with that, its not bad.

>> No.20009484

glad to see the justice system not being complete hacks for once too. especially for one in the south.

no charge, silly.

>> No.20009489

Mine doesn't stick to the walls. Who knows.

>> No.20009506

It looks slightly better in person, so I gave it a try.
but its not all that stimulating, and the material they used isn't all as soft as I was expecting which makes it less appealing, especially the boobs. I had just bought a full sized torso (which was actually just too big for me) and the material on that was easily 10x better.

I'd assume a more expensive doll would be a better fuck all around though with more care put in. This one is usable, but outside of rare occasions it feels hard to bother. I'll probably pull her down for celebrations or something, but otherwise I'm going to make some cute clothes for her and just stand her around my apartment to fuck with people.

>> No.20009591

My vote is for the hotpowers kunoichi in the softest material they offer

>> No.20009666

Yeah Canada is fucking stupid. Adult interactions with your animal is okay but box art is where they draw the line.

>> No.20009781

I'm thinking it might be the paint, the onahole leaves a mark after I remove it.

The paint in the apartment bedrooms at least, is flat, I kind of want to try it with the eggshell textured paint of my kitchen and see what happens. Will post results when I'm off work.

>> No.20009984

Another leaf here. I'm super scared of getting my ass thrown in prison too, but this shit is on Canadian Amazon and is eligible for prime. But isn't the cocolo the one that got that guy stalked by the cops and all over the news for simply ordering it?


If it's fulfilled by Amazon, then customs wouldn't peak (since they're just in a warehouse somewhere, right?), but what if some faggot at Amazon reports it? Do you think it's a safe bet, or should I just order from the japs without a package?

Pray for us, anon

>> No.20010028

Cocolo is specifically the box art that fucked that one guy over, I wouldn't risk it.

>> No.20010073

It depends. I think most Amazon fulfillment centers are domestic, but you better make sure. If it is being shipped from inside of Canada, I am shocked to even see it get past customs. Yes it is the one that got the other guy in trouble. I wouldn't risk it at all, even getting the packaged removed. You are playing with fire. If you really want it, and you live in Ottawa near the border, or in British Columbia, Vancouver, you could get it send to over the border at one of those US-Canada forward shipping place, then go over the border, grab your product, put it in a backpack or something, and trash the packing. If you do this though you have to make a trip for like 4hours+ so just go drive around to a near mall and just fuck around. Cause just driving over for like 10-30min to pickup a package and coming back will for sure get your car checked. Also don't mention you are going for a package pickup.

>> No.20010267

Do you guys know of otonajp is good for ensuring the package is removed? I remember reading about some instances where they just forgot, which could be reaaaaaaal shitty if it happens again

>> No.20010534

I had some anal onahole before and it was alright. I threw it away and got an anal edition fleshlight. This toy also doesn't feel tight enough. Is my penis just too thick or what? I need a sex toy where it is an effort to get my dick in and out

>> No.20010541

to clarify. I loosen the toy after the first use. They all become big gaping holes very quickly

>> No.20010567

I would like to know also. I e-mailed them and they said they take it very seriously, but who knows.

>> No.20010622

Same here. NPG Meikis have by far the best feeling to me but also start ripping and splitting on me after a handful of uses. The most one lasted me was 4 months, and the typical one lasts about 2 to 3 months before it gets too torn and worn inside to use.

>> No.20010658

So I guess they're still a Canadian's best bet huh? Why is my country so fuckin gay

>> No.20010732

I used one like that once. (You only get one, they're fucking impossible to clean) It was the most disappointing fap ever.
However I also had the most mind breaking orgasm ever.

>> No.20010735

I still have that box in my closet and I live in Canada. I shouldn't be alive.

>> No.20010756

Didn't stick to the kitchen walls, must just be the flat paint that it sticks to.

>> No.20010763

Sounds like it's melting or something.

>> No.20010777

It's new though

>> No.20010903

How did you manage that? I just want my slab of plastic ;_; how is it btw?

>> No.20011378

is kanojotoys.com a alright sight to buy onahole's from?

>> No.20011717

You crazy! Why would you even order that living in Canada.

>> No.20011891 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20012227

>even the Puni Ana DX is on the small side for merciless balls deep rutting if you're in the 7" range
God fucking dammit I just want something I don't have to worry about utterly bulging out.

>> No.20012313

One of the 7" anons from above, just got my puni ana DX in the mail, will report my findings

>> No.20012551

pikachu's after your shit anon

>> No.20012916

Reporting back.

I get now what the other anon meant, if you are on top and go balls-deep then you will come out the other side of it, or at least be only a thumbnail from the exit.
It's only a cleanup concern, though, I certainly couldn't feel the bed on the other side of it.

I say go for it unless you primarily want merciless balls-deep rutting, since it's a little small for mounting comfortably, it works really well for bouncing on your boy, though.

>> No.20012946

embrace the succ.
become the pervert you always have wanted to be.

>> No.20013851

Bouncing between Cocolo and Puni Hole DX currently. Anybody with either or both care to share their experiences? The DX honestly looks very appealing to the eye and also seems to be a great hole from all the reviews I've read. However, the Cocolo seems very nice as well considering how it looks as though holding it would be more comfortable than the DX. Cleaning it would be much more of a pain but I don't have an idea of what the cleanup is like for it in the first place. Maybe it isn't so bad? I don't know but thanks for the help in advance.

>> No.20013887

If the seller is Toys Tokyo, they ship from inside Canada and the box is wrapped in black, so nbd.

>> No.20014083

Is there a way I can contact those guys just to make sure? I don't know whether give otona-sekai or otonajp a go and hope they remove the packaging. All the hips I want are loli themed and I don't wanna get fucked up by the govt. Life is suffering

>> No.20014222

K I emailed them, so hopefully they respond. Is there also a way to plug up the back hole on the puni ana dx so you can make it have suction?

>> No.20014236

I tried just holding it closed, but it didn't change much.
Next I'll try one of those little expanding foam earplugs or something.

>> No.20014396

>DHL for Puni Ana DX Hard is more expensive than the toy itself
>none of the US retailers sale the hard version
Tell me I'm just not looking in the right places.

>> No.20014504

I honestly think the normal one is about what others call hard. I imagine the hard version must be like a brick. If they cost less I'd like to buy all 3 and compare.

reporting back on this. I tried to plug the exit up with an earplug, but I ended up shooting it across the room like a fucking loli air rifle

>> No.20014677

what if you insert the plug while ur balls deep so then no air gets trapped and pushes it out? although it may just get sucked in when u pull back so thats kinda shitty

>> No.20014775

VA:A is able to be turned inside out without much immediate issues, though I wouldn't recommend it as it will shorten it's life.

>> No.20014789

VA:A in hard. She was tight enough that I had to retire her due to the dick injuries I sustained after most uses.


If your penor can handle it, I salute you, Señor.

>> No.20014941

>like a loli air rifle
am I gay for wanting to see a video of this happening?

>> No.20014966

Try something like a small handtowel to loligag it.

>> No.20015027

SCP has a rubber ring around the entrance. A lot of people complain that it's like fucking a rubber gasket. I would assume it would not stretch very easily in your case.
I don't know, because I've only used my maybe 3 or 4 times, since I don't like having my penis strangled.

>> No.20015886
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Fuck I really wanted to try "Hot-Gimmick" and its 3 rings, soft holes dont do it for me anymore and Diasuki hole is starting to feel not so tight anymore, what should I buy next?

>> No.20015949

what's the most fun and creative ways you can use an onahole?
just fapping with it is nice but I feel like I'm not realizing it's potential

>> No.20016162

Are there any recommended lotions/ointments if the skin of my dick is a little dry/chaffed? Do I just need to stick to using lotion for awhile?

Also, do you guys have any tips for kegels? I feel like I'm doing them right but I just want to be sure. Sometimes it gets a little tricky and I feel like I'm focusing more on my abdominals than my pelvic floor muscles.

>> No.20016653

Anybody know of sex dolls that have doll joints? Something that looks like this https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3790603 (loli warning)

>> No.20016654

What's the source on the pic, is it from a game?

>> No.20016829

Looks like a Hunter x Hunter hentai. The characters in that picture are Gon and Neferpitou.

>> No.20016991

its gay

>> No.20017262
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Anyone able to review the puni ana f? Debating between this, the MoT and the new perorin one.

>> No.20017571

Not great at reviews but i'll give it a go.

I got this since I destroyed my MOT and wanted to try something new, first thing I noticed was that it was really small for the price so much so that I tore through the back on my first thrust. The tongue is no where near as good as the MOT, and the entrance is too small for me (below average size). On the other side the tightness of the mouth is pretty damn good, but I also noticed I ripped a part of the mouth when i was cleaning it after the first use. Aside the tight entrance the only good thing about it is the box art.

tl;dr - I'ts better to get something else if you don't want the box art.

>> No.20017771

> Order in preparation

@ otonajp, how damn long do I have to wait for it to get shipped? I guess they didn't have one in stock or something...

regards >>19997549

>> No.20018465

Any recommendation for a retailer with reasonable shipping time for a Swedish buyer, ? Omocha (as per the guide) just seems extremely pricey and lacks stock, so I guess I have to look outside EU. Not sure if I should just go for ordering from Japan or the US.

>> No.20018613

Germany here; I've bought from Omocha and Motsu.
Omocha are really expensive and they don't have much in. Is there a reason you can't use Motsu?

I ordered from them this past Monday, they had it ready Tuesday, DHL picked it up Thursday, got it Friday

>> No.20018694

to clarify, I ordered from Motsutoys.com this week, and recommend them well enough.
They have a price guarantee so if you find a better price at another Euro-based retailer, they'll either match or beat it, I can't remember which, but I recommend giving them your business.

>> No.20018720


Thanks, I somehow just missed that shop completely, will check them out. I guess the reason I tunnelvisioned on certain shops was that I had planned to get the Lilith Succubus as my first toy, seeing it recommended in several places. Seemed like an easy choice, but I'll have to check out Motsu to see if I can find something that might be a good alternative.

>> No.20018830

I did much the same thing!
I got tunnelvisioned in on Omocha because they were the only EU retailer even listing busty aichan, so when it came time to order again I looked there first.
Just googled for other EU shops and saw motsu were in holland, gave them a try, went well.

One thing i will say is that the 40 euro motsu starter set isn't as great value as I thought it'd be. I was gonna get a warmer and some lube anyway, so I decided to go for it.
The lube isn't quite worth 20 Euro imo, the bag isn't worth anything at all, the onahole autowarmer is fairly 'meh', it only really gets hot at the tip and it's certainly not the world-changing difference you'd expect for 20 euro, and set comes with a really small amount of powder.

>> No.20019649

What does SCP stand for? I looked at the guide and couldn't find a name that would stand for SCP.

>> No.20019897

Student Council President

>> No.20020199

Secure, Contain, Protect

>> No.20020379


>> No.20020861

For kegels people usually recommend starting to pee, then stopping midway through and holding. Yes, you are supposed to clench the anus as well.

Then try to flex the same muscles while sitting or lying down. Flex, hold for 5 second, relax. Repeat.

>> No.20020882

>For kegels people usually recommend starting to pee, then stopping midway through and holding.
I thought stopping midstream was bad for your health?

>> No.20020886

Usually the hands free sessions are fun to try. Wrap your hole in a towel, or a pillow. Secure with a belt or rope. Congrats, you have rigged an improvised ona-hip. Or shove the hole between the bed and the mattress and fuck that.
Want to be more creative? Modify a plush toy to have an insert for an ona, or make your own. Alternative, there are ready-made nui dolls or meiki plush.

>> No.20020903

It's just an exercise to understand what muscles you need to contract. Nothing bad is going to happen if you do it once or twice.
Then you know what muscles to flex, and can do that any time.

>> No.20020924
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I get that this is no-go for Canada, but what about the US? It'll get through, right?

>> No.20021585

Anyone tried the tenga spiral holes? Curious if they are any good before making an order on otona.

>> No.20021672

How old are you that you don't get hard anymore? I never had problems and I've been masturbating daily for 12 or 13 years now.

>> No.20021738

Not that anon, but I started having trouble getting it up and, especially, staying hard for more than 30 seconds at around age 25. Before that, just the sight of tiddies was enough to get me hard until I came. I'm also cut and had trouble getting off and got really bad dgs. Been foreskin restoring, which has helped a good amount with the ED. Also talked with doctor and got prescribed meds to keep an erection better. Onas also helped repair the dgs from using so much pressure with my hand.

>> No.20022472

>no go for Canada.

Please... dont be stupid and a obsessive worrier.

>> No.20023393
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Tenga eggs. Yep, I remember those days. Trying to get home early before your dad came home and hoped mom did not get the mail and writing down excuses to practice in your head what the "egg" is for anything from decoration to an easter surprise as you made some fancy ass fuck decorated eggs with "tenga" on the egg to keep up the lie.

Ah, to be young again. I'd tell you the story of my first fleshlight in my pre fourth channel days but that is for another day.

>> No.20023418

>bad death grip
>switch to non dominant hand
what did my psychology mean by this?

>> No.20023448

dopamine rushes. you want that rush to last longer and you do something to prolong it

>> No.20023986

>people opening *your* mail
what the fuck is wrong with you? i'd have filed a criminal charge by now

>> No.20024302

>When the political gender bullshit gets so bad that you need to trick males avoiding the problem altogether into getting arrested for buying a chunk of rubber with some drawings on the box.

What a wonderful world we live in...

>> No.20025085

This is such a fine piece of toy, but cleaning is a bitch. Also have to seal her asshole because fluids leak out otherwise.

>> No.20025598

Find a domestic seller or one that will remove the packaging. All it takes is one uppity customs agent to land you in hot water.

>> No.20026644
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hey guys is it possible that onahip material can get softer by submerging the hip under hot water? I've unknowingly made my onahip soften to where it feels like flesh which I really love it because it was kinda firm when I first got it but I've no idea how I've done it except for occasionally I submerge the hip under hot water to warm them up before use.

anyone knows why or how?

>> No.20026966
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Whats a good monster girl themed onahole lads? Thinking of getting my first one but I want something a little exotic. By monster-girl I don’t necessarily mean monmusu or MGE but generally non-human themed pussies.

>> No.20027916

>Yes, you are supposed to clench the anus as well
I remember reading somewhere that you weren't supposed to while training kegels.
