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1994587 No.1994587 [Reply] [Original]

Any worthwhile eroge softhouse other than Type-Moon?

I keep searching for something else to play but I can't find anything that interests me. Anyone else feels the same?

>> No.1994588

What's a softhouse?

>> No.1994590

>Any worthwhile eroge softhouse other than Type-Moon?

>> No.1994598


>> No.1994599

What's this? Looks boring.

>> No.1994593

>>1994515 ~

>> No.1994594

This has got to be a troll.

>> No.1994595

Nitroplus xD

>> No.1994597
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If you like TM there's always Nitro+.

>> No.1994609

Dark Lilith would be right up your alley.

>> No.1994610

Nitro+ is often said to be closer to TM when it comes to visual novel genres. But I disagree.

TM stuff tends to be more centered on fighting and dating, Nitro+ is more about action packed stories. It may sound similar but it's different.

Also, TM stuff is memorable and there's lots to discuss. Nitro+ is plain forgettable.

>> No.1994626

The only visual novel I played and didn't made sleep that wasn't made by Typemoon is Umineko. No wonder Ryukishi loves Typemoon so much.

>> No.1994622

>TM stuff tends to be more centered on powerlevels and COOKAN

although I do like TM

>> No.1994628


>> No.1994632

You're an idiot and probably only played FSN. You're missing the epic stuff like Tsukhime and KnK.

>> No.1994638


Who's the third girl? Alice?

>> No.1994639

There's a KnK VN?

>> No.1994642
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But I just said I was a TMfag.

>> No.1994647


>> No.1994649


>> No.1994654


That's what I figured, but the purple hair threw me off.

>> No.1994656

Softhouse Chara

Type Moon = Mid tier (Two games LOL).

>> No.1994658

Powerlevels & Vampires
powerlevels & Icecream

>> No.1994669
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Your power level is low; when it grows you'll come to understand the error of your current Type Moon ways.

Trust me, around 4-5 years ago I was the same as you young ones. But then I quickly moved on from TM stuff.

>> No.1994673

Call me a newfag if you want but the only visual novels I really enjoyed up until now are Tsukihime and FSN, whatever else was bland and have absolutely nothing to be discussed about.

Key stuff is retarded, dunno how people can play this turd, YMK and Ever17 are pretty much the same but with less drama. School drama shit is fucking unbearable.

>> No.1994674

>lots to discuss

>> No.1994684


>Key stuff is retarded, dunno how people can play this turd

Because they like it. It really isn't that hard to understand, man.

Also, try not to be so obnoxious next time you feel like sharing your opinion.

Okay? Okay.

>> No.1994683

type moon is the shounen of eroge.

>> No.1994685

None of these companies are better than Type-Moon, though. Actually, they're below it in both popularity and sellings.

The only one that can even compare is Nitro+, but it's not better, on the same tier.

>> No.1994692

>None of these companies are better than Type-Moon, though
Yes, they are.

>> No.1994694

If you want to compare by popularity, then Naruto is the best manga series ever.

>> No.1994697

FlyingShine, Liarsoft, Leaf

>> No.1994698

So what? You're like the only one. Maybe not the only person around, but surely the minority.

TM is here since /a/ and /jp/ was one single place and it's still present in both, oldfags are still here and they keep discussing its stuff for like years.

You're just butthurt because nobody is talking about the stuff you like the most.

>> No.1994700

No it isn't.

>> No.1994703

Back to ED with you.

>> No.1994710

Oh god, Arcueid in a school uniform.

>> No.1994705


No, they aren't

>> No.1994706

With two commercial games? I doubt it.

>> No.1994713

Nice comment there, brah.

Key is One Piece and Nitro+ is Bleach then.

>> No.1994714


On multiple platforms

>> No.1994715

Type Moon VNs are average at best.

>> No.1994716

>they keep discussing the exact same fucking things for like years.

>> No.1994719

>Key is One Piece and Nitro+ is Bleach then.
Pretty much, what's your point?

>> No.1994721


Because you said so?

>> No.1994723

PC/PS2. Lol.

>> No.1994724

FSN is the best seller of all time.

'nuff said.

Tsukihime remake will be the best seller of this year too.

>> No.1994727

My Opinion is correct yours is wrong.

>> No.1994730

My point? What is YOUR point?

>> No.1994734

You're all acting like a bunch of children.

Stop it.

>> No.1994735

>FSN is the best seller of all time.

>> No.1994736

Tsukihime is decent but Fate/stay night reads like a generic boy's manga. And it definitely seems to appeal to that crowd by the threads I see, "SHIKI COULD TOTALLY BEAT GOKU!"

>> No.1994739

>You're all acting like a bunch of children.
We play games with storylines that are less intelligent than most children's stories. What did you expect?

>> No.1994749


They seem fine to me.

>> No.1994751

It is.

>> No.1994752


>> No.1994756


>> No.1994761

I never said they weren't fine, they're entertaining. But they're less sophisticated than a random pulp story for teens.

>> No.1994765
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Cool trollan', but not really. It's just like our /jp/ Eroge_Expert said: he enjoyed TM games in the past, but he doesn't talk about them anymore; they're old and have been discussed to death. Most of the older fans have moved on to different fandoms.

And everyone talks about the stuff I like. That's why I still come here. My tastes are broad and developed.

And even Dan Kim has moved on to other fandoms. How does it feel to have a lower power level than Dan Kim?

>> No.1994771

ITT we hate things because they're popular

>> No.1994777


>> No.1994774

Black Cyc too.

>> No.1994775


I was wondering where he's been lately.

>> No.1994778
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>Tsukihime remake
>this year

>> No.1994780

Saying something isn't the greatest thing in existence is not the same as hating it.

>> No.1994853

I've never understood why you people actually care about this whole "power level" business. If you like something then you like it. If you care about what others think then you're only fucking up your own enjoyment. You're just like music elitists, except you're elitist over something with no value.

>> No.1994861

I left something out. I can also understand why you wouldn't want to talk to people about your interests when they aren't as well versed as you are (that makes sense), but actually giving a shit as to whether someone knows as much as you do is retarded.

And no, I'm not trying to stick up for Type Moon. I've never played any of the games.

>> No.1994883

Speaking of the tsukihime remake, when's that shit coming out anyway?
I keep hearing talk about the remake, but I've never once even seen an estimated year mentioned.

>> No.1994887

What has Dan Kim moved on to?

>> No.1994891

drawing birds

>> No.1994911
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I don't think it's been announced. Probably not this year since that's when SUGOI SUGOI is supposed to come out.

>> No.1994931

>Tsukihime remake
>This year

>> No.1994937

Admit it, Type-Moon is mid tier.

>> No.1994962

I admit it.

>> No.1994970


Sounds right, this coming from someone who loves TM stuff. Im also sick with all the repostan of the old shit for years now. Move on you retards.

>> No.1994983

Girl's Work will not be mid tier.

>> No.1995034


It'll be shit tier if any girls work on it.

>> No.1995050

Rewrite will be awesome.

>> No.1995070

W/E you all say.

Tsukihime is godly.

>> No.1995073


I'm not sure about Hinoue being heading it but I have faith it'll all work out.

>> No.1996287

That's all?

>> No.1996312

What? Do you want more examples of eroge makers better than TM?

Age, August Soft, Elf, Key, Windmill.

>> No.1996322

lol no

TM > all

>> No.1996328


>> No.1996325
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This can't end well.

>> No.1996336

Lilith too

TM is good readin but low tier eroge thats just tossed in for the sake of sex scenes. Its rarely meaningful.

>> No.1996342

Same person

>> No.1996354

I stay away from Lilith because their stuff is /d/ heavy.

>> No.1996365

That's the appeal

>> No.1996372


Never heard of of the others but


....No,They make a good route or two usually but they really can't surpass Type-moon. As things in a TM game usually all link togeather so it gives you a reason to go from route to route other than "I LIKE THIS TWIN TAILED GIRL". While with Key it just gives you generic girls,forced moe and nothing new outside of the problem that certain girl presents to the Main Character of that VN. Which is 80% of the time because of "I'M SICK" or "I HAVE PROBLEMS TALKING TO PEOPLE". To be blunt,they're moe-blobs.

Clannad is definitely their worse case of that. With ONE however,it was not really such a blatent problem as it is now.

>> No.1996390

>Never heard of of the others

Your opinion got invalidated right here.

I'm not even going to read the rest.

>> No.1996394

moar liek tl;dr, amirite

>> No.1996427

Tsukihime is pretty great. FSN is pretty mediocre though. I'm pretty excited about Girl's Work though, it has a pretty decent chance of being godly.

>> No.1996445


...That was a PARAGRAPH and ONE SENTANCE EXACTLY. Not even tl;dr can cover for that laziness on your part.

>> No.1996457

Yeah, but not know what Age is leads to "worthless opinion" so it's all the same.

>> No.1996458

>They make a good route or two usually but they really can't surpass Type-moon.
I've liked every route in every Key game I've played, and the quality is pretty consistent across all of the routes in a game.

>As things in a TM game usually all link togeather so it gives you a reason to go from route to route other than "I LIKE THIS TWIN TAILED GIRL".
Just about every romance visual novel has routes that are more or less independent of each other. I don't even see how that's a bad thing. Having an overarching plot can work for a vn, but so can having an independent plot for each route. Also with Clannad you definitely had to play all of the routes to get the whole story.

>While with Key it just gives you generic girls,forced moe and nothing new outside of the problem that certain girl presents to the Main Character of that VN. Which is 80% of the time because of "I'M SICK" or "I HAVE PROBLEMS TALKING TO PEOPLE". To be blunt,they're moe-blobs.
Not any moreso than the heroines in any other visual novel, including TM games. The only thing that makes TM girls unique is their different powers, personality-wise they aren't that unique.

>Clannad is definitely their worse case of that. With ONE however,it was not really such a blatent problem as it is now.
Clannad probably had more interesting heroines than ONE. ONE's characters weren't any more well written than other Key girls, they just stand out because of their disablities, which are rather superficial aspects of the characters.

Overall I like Key slightly more than TM. They're both good companies at what they do, but their games are very different and I happen to prefer romance over action.

>> No.1996500

>You're all acting like a bunch of children.
But they're not acting!

Actually, at one time I used to enjoy TM, but recently I've begun to have this disgusted feeling about them, and the reason why is because of all this KEY bashing from the TM camp, you guys are just give TM and yourselves a bad name, time to move on...

>> No.1996672

I don't bash on Key, I simply want my high school stories to have something resembling a happy ending. Screw being bitter-sweet depressed all the time outside an action/adventure setting.

I'll get to Clannad and Air and Kanon one day. Just not anytime soon, and definitely not before Shuffle's translated--gotta have SOMETHING to wash it all down with.

>> No.1996679

Type-Moon is just a shit.

>> No.1996682
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Nothing can be compared to this.

>> No.1996687
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Nothing can be compared to this.

>> No.1996709

Key games nearly always have happy endings (except for when you hit a bad end of course).

>> No.1996774

Clannad is mostly made of HAPPY TEARS, laugh and even more HAPPY TEARS.
It's a really optimistic and happy story as a whole, there's some sad scenes but honestly there were more of them in VNs like FSN.

>> No.1996783

Do Key games allow for power level discussion like Type Moon's stuff does? Because if not then that's certainly a flaw.

>> No.1996791


If anything, power levels continuosly degrades TM discussions.

>> No.1996793

Let me help you out here:

Out of most translated VNs and a large number of non-translated?

Few have the world setting the way F/SN does.
It's more of a videogame or TRPG setting, which allows much discussion. Just '7 servants that are LEGENDS fight it out' allows you to make 1000 threads about possible combatants.
A world setting that allows MUCH discussion and possibilities is NOT a bad thing.

There are many FUCKING HUGE VNs, better or worse then F/SN, that are still set a straightforward,simple world though
Take Phantom of Inferno or Clannnad:
As awesome they are, their world setting is actually simple. What's to discuss about it?
And the powerlevels discussion are a result of fuckers who either reject the author's written works and statements, or try to figure out stuff that ARE NOT INCLUDED, and only referenced or mentioned in character artbooks, encyclopedias or material(and if the creator does not make it clear, the result is wanking your dick and thinking you are smart).

AKA, powerleves are results of faggots who tend to overthink shit already clarified or NOT MENTIONED at all.

>> No.1996794

Uh, Little Busters has battle statistics.

>> No.1996796

Tomoyo can kill Nagisa. Discuss.

>> No.1996798
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Who would win in a fight between Fuko any Ayu? Assume that Ayu is carrying the Black Barrel Replica.

>> No.1996800
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Yanderisa could probably take on Tomoyo due to being underestimated.

>> No.1996803

Menschenjager could kill them all.

>> No.1996806
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Now an EFZ netplay thread.

>> No.1996808
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A challenger appears.

>> No.1996812

Couldn't kill the Junker though.

>> No.1996830

Clannad is the only thing that's ever made me cry happy tears, and it happened a few times.
