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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 168 KB, 679x489, 1205209281478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1993035 No.1993035 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/. I normally stick to /a/, but, well, I just finished UBW for the first time...

God, Rin is a fucking bitch.

>> No.1993039

mhh... this might be a troll...

>> No.1993053


>> No.1993055
File: 59 KB, 800x600, 1233250812202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be too mad at her. It was her first time. She'll blow in...uh, ara...atara...um, aratarata...

>> No.1993068

>Don't be too mad at her. It was her first time. She'll blow in...uh, ara...atara...um, aratarata...


>> No.1993073
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>> No.1993086

Op here.

Rin is a giant walking cunt who enjoys taking a shit on anyone else any chance she gets.

I went through the game purposely getting bad ends, hoping to find one where she died a horrbile death.

Fucking bitch.


>> No.1993096
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>> No.1993102
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Around these parts, we just stick to "F/SN is shit."

No need to try so hard, OP.

>> No.1993105

Not every single post is a troll. This is just a shitty copypasta thread.

>> No.1993106


>> No.1993113

I prefer Rin from Fate's route, she teases you more and makes out with Saber.

I prefer Saber from UBW. She doesn't moe blob so much and acts a little more like the character she's meant to represent.

>> No.1993124

What about Sakura?

>> No.1993130

She is the best FSN heroine.

>> No.1993138
File: 225 KB, 640x360, 1233252350059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, remember last night?
When you acted like a retard and nearly got yourself killed?
Yeah, I patched up your wound.

Looked at your cock too, and GOD is it small.

What's that? You're a mage? Holy fuck you suck ass.
Your dad must've been retarded and autistic, so let's just call you retaustic.

You're going to fight Kuzuki? He's going to rend your sweet virgin asshole asunder, you pillowbiter.

*one hour before end of route*
I guess I kinda sorta like you I guess, maybe.

>> No.1993152

Okay, I lol'd.

Rin IS a bitch.

But I guess some people like to be lightly abused by the people they like.

Run lovers are masochists..

>> No.1993189


Clever guys like clever girls. It keeps you on your toes and with a sharp-witted tsun-tsun, you'll almost never have to deal with the retardedly sensitive emo garbage you'd usually have to deal with with women.

It's only really a pain for people who can't take hints.

>> No.1993210

>you'll almost never have to deal with the retardedly sensitive emo garbage you'd usually have to deal with with women.

You will, only she'll be far more aggressive about it.

>> No.1993216

/jp/ - Same shit/Everyday

>> No.1993213

She can be a bit bitchy, but I still like her, mainly because I like taking snotty girls like her, turning the tables on them and making them my obedient bitch.

>> No.1993219


Tsundere appeal is kind of like that. It basically comes down to the fantasy that a bitchy girl you find hot actually loves you deep down.

Personally I liked Rin because she's strong willed, much more competent then most of those fucks in the grail war and attractive to boot. She's also pretty open minded and has a good sense of humour. Thigh highs and a short skirt are always a plus and frankly she's just not as dull as most the others.

Saber is rather annoying in her own route, but she becomes pretty tolerable in the others and comes across better in my mind. Though I suppose she's meant to appeal more towards people who like innocent virgins with a side order of devotedly loyal.

Sakura was best in her own route and all things considered I prefer Shirou ending with her even if she isn't my favourite. Sakura is hottest when she just stops caring about turning into the holy grail, otherwise her personality isn't for me. Rather played out, the most interesting thing about her is finding out her tortured past and present and how it was hidden from you.

In any case, my favourite would have to be Rin, sure she can be a bitch, but she's not nearly as bad as some tsundere characters, perhaps even tame when you consider the context of her comments and how most her teasing is just in jest, she's rarely ever spiteful towards you. That said, Rider wins in terms of hotness, Rin's pretty damn hot herself, but damn, Rider's got it all in the looks department, she just doesn't have much personality.

>> No.1993232


you could say this about most, if not all boards.

>> No.1993240

>Sakura was best in her own route
She didn't even have a role in the other routes.

>> No.1993249

Sex appeal.

>> No.1993256

Sorry, the appeal of watching a girl cook has been lost on me after playing F/SN. oh god i'm so sick of eating dinner

>> No.1993277
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Well yeah, but someone asked about her seeing as I felt the others were better outside their own routes. Sakura usually got shunned in the first few days in the first two routes for pretty clear reasons once you get to hers. Then they make up for it with a route entirely dominated by her.

UBW is more a mix between Rin/Archer route more focused on Archer really.

Fate is clearly Saber but also spends a lot of it's time explaining the basics of the grail war to you so they don't have to go into as much detail later. It's the default to measure the differences with other routes.

All in all, I'd be hard pressed to choose between UBW and Heavens Feel for my favourite. I may have liked Fate more if I hadn't seen the anime first, though I noticed the anime shoves odd editted bits from other routes in.

>> No.1993345
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>> No.1993364

After finishing Fate, I decided to skip dinner for the rest of my life. And breakfast too.

>> No.1993390
File: 23.00 MB, 2300x3000, 1233256093208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, I want to get down on my hands and knees and lick Rin's feet

>> No.1993463
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>> No.1993550

But Rin would never want a masochistic pussy bitch like you, so yeah

>> No.1993624

Why is Saber sniffing Sacchin's leg?

>> No.1993648
File: 379 KB, 800x1138, 1233258534510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1993677

So saving your life, tsating the obvious, preventing you from from being suicidal, and in most cases going to great lengths to ensure your safety, while using 'harsh' language to stop you from doing something stupid, while also being immensely grateful in the occasions you somehow help her, and these happen in ALL 3 routes, constitute a bitch.


>> No.1993695
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>> No.1993705
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>> No.1993713

Bitch needs to learn her place. This is a man's world.

>> No.1993714
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>> No.1993721


>> No.1993728

I KNOW you are a woman. Get the fuck back to /b/, slut

>> No.1993729
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>> No.1993732

I KNOW you are a woman. Get the fuck back to /b/, slut

>> No.1993736

I always found it kinda weird how he never just calls her "Rin", even before/during/after having sex with her.

>> No.1993738
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>> No.1993740


Is this Kohakutei? Sauce plz?

>> No.1993745
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>> No.1993754
File: 225 KB, 800x600, 1233259695665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-Moon Complex 3

>> No.1993752

It's Type-Moon Complex 3.

>> No.1993761

She isn't that bad, really, but you're lying to yourself if don't think a smack on her smart mouth would do her some good.

>> No.1993762
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>> No.1993768
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>> No.1993775

And we all know damn well she'd like it.

>> No.1993779
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>> No.1993783

Ilya wanting to make me a doll and Saber 'Shirou, you suck as a master, let me die' placed Rin far away from the list.

She is the one who truly looks out for you in 3 routes, TEASING is easy to handle.

Constant bitching or violence, maybe then I'd be pissed.

>> No.1993785
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>> No.1993794
File: 196 KB, 960x1280, 1233260111147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's wanted Shirou's cock since before the war started, but she only gets it in UBW

>> No.1993829


Fuck yes, that part is awesome

>> No.1993846

Yeah, I bet the whole reason she acts so bitchy around Shirou is so Shirou will do his job as a man and show her what her place is. Tons of women do this.

>> No.1993849

I like rin's personality.

I just hate having to listen to shirou getting the verbal ass-rape from her.

>> No.1993864
File: 157 KB, 992x1400, 1233261317347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1993870

Are you guys do fucking pampered that think Rin's verbal abuse is TOO much or something?

Only in the Fate route is somewhat bad, cause you never see much the fond feelings she have for you (not, not about love or tsundere).

>> No.1993872

Yeap, sauce plz.

>> No.1993874

From your terrible grammar, displays of wild emotion, and huge leaps in logic, I deduce that you are a woman, and your opinion isn't worth listening too.

>> No.1993879

YOU'RE a woman damnit !

>> No.1993880


Lets be honest here, do you really think Shirou doesn't deserve most, if not all of it?

>> No.1993883

This looks like a job for Athens!

>> No.1993886

...Wild emotion because I used 'fuck'?
Also, huge leaps in logic?

I merely stated that Rin teasing you does not qualify much for 'bitch tormentor'.

Also, when a character DOES do something stupid and another berates him, judging that is pointless.

The only infuriating thing Rin does is either when she tries in UBW to memory-wipe you (still gentler then Saber chopping your head or Sakura tentacle raping you) or when in Fate she molests Saber but you do not get to tap her.

>> No.1993894

Goddamnit... 6/10

>> No.1993899

>I deduce that you are a woman

>> No.1993902

nice sage brah. don't mind me, i haven't followed this thread at all.

>> No.1993912

You didn't deny that you are a woman, so I'm still not listening.

>> No.1993923
File: 40 KB, 228x306, 1233262477352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your misogyny somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.1993926

Take you feminist bullshit somewhere else, dyke.

>> No.1993931

Denying won't help in shitty internet argument.
I'm just saying that the basis for your deductive reasoning is so vague and stupid, that deducing me being an underage transvestite would make the same sense.

>> No.1993933
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1233262612780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know Shinji Matou posted in /jp/.

>> No.1993936

Its clear Fuji-nee was the best choice for Shirou, so why wasn't there a route?

>> No.1993938

Nasu hates good choices. Enjoy your Erotical Black Hole.

>> No.1993941

So how long do you think it will be before Type Moon cashes in on a FS/N remake with Taiga/Caster/Rider routes?

>> No.1993950

>FS/N remake with Taiga/Caster/Rider routes

Not long, I hope.

>> No.1993952

You forgot Ilya.

>> No.1993970

Guess we'll throw Ayako in there too then.

>> No.1993985
File: 130 KB, 161x468, 1233263440860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do want

>> No.1993999

I'd teach her some femininity, if you know what I mean.
(I mean I'll rape her.)

>> No.1994012
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>> No.1994025

5 years after Tsukihime remake, so we'll get it sometime 2020-2025 in english

>> No.1994027
File: 26 KB, 400x640, 1233264117113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Ayako, underrated character is underrated.

>> No.1994028

nigger post the next few screens. that shit was awesome.

"on one condition" FTW

>> No.1994030

What exactly are the points of the zippers on her thighs?

>> No.1994032

Banging your team captain? Dream come true. Especially with how jealous Rin would get when she found out her one friend was screwing the guy she's liked for years.

>> No.1994065

Don't resist, bitch, it's for your own good.

>> No.1994079


>> No.1994072
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Never going to happen. Ever. Write your own fanfic or something pedo.

>> No.1994081

She's actually older then Shirou, even if she has the body of a loli.

>> No.1994091

But there would be only BAD ENDs. Shirou cannot match Rin.

>> No.1994090

mind = blown

>> No.1994094

rin! rin! tasukete rin!

>> No.1994099

Fucking hell, can you imagine how happy Archer would be?

Rin: Archer, kill him, and make it hurt.
Archer: (wearing snide look) Sure thing.

>> No.1994133


Saber gonna do a lot of bodyguard work, but still FUND IT

>> No.1994140

Awesome, also, being stalked by Rider for pissing Sakura's sister off.

>> No.1994141

gb2 /b/, slut.

>> No.1994180
File: 669 KB, 1437x2052, 1233266005702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm strangely attracted to this idea. Throughout the route you keep the Grail War a secret from the captain in order to protect her safety, despite having formed a relationship with her fairly early in to the point Rin is jealous, but not as passive as she was with you and Saber.

The route heats up as Rin manipulates you into allying with her under the usual guise of defeating the stronger enemy, meanwhile you keep all of this a secret from the girl you love who becomes growingly concerned with how much Rin seems to hang around you.

Ultimately to avoid bad ends you resist temptation coming from Rin with increasingly strong and less subtle attempts to draw you in, only to ultimately end in seeing the more aggressive determined side of Rin telling her she can't lose no matter the cost. Possible rape scene, you aren't the one doing the raping.

>> No.1994192


>> No.1994223

If shirou could use projection half as well as he could in UBW, he would beat Rin, Bad.

>> No.1994240

>Possible rape scene, you aren't the one doing the raping
I just, against my will, came.

>> No.1994247

Should rin turn into a vicious murderer, she would kill him easily. She'd play with him for a while then take him to a isolated place and kill him on the spot.
He can't fight seriously against her and he's nothing without Saber anyway.

>> No.1994263

It's a gif, fucktard

>> No.1994286

Wow. You're dumb and wrong.

>> No.1994297
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>> No.1994308

Godtier doujin. Shame it ends abruptly.

>> No.1994306
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>> No.1994317

Nasu isn't against loli at all. If another re-release happens, Ilya could get a route.

>> No.1994321
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>> No.1994328
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>> No.1994333
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>> No.1994347
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>> No.1994355
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>> No.1994367


>> No.1994375

Gonna need sauceeeeeee

Ffffffffffff....I dunno, is being raped by Rin bad end or good end? I guess it depends if she decides to keep you or kill you. Regardless, awesomeness.

I'm convinced /jp/ could write a better route for FS/N then Nasu.

>> No.1994376

RiderxAyako is canon

>> No.1994388

shit, just a name for this would be nice.

>> No.1994416

no sex

>> No.1994420


>> No.1994423

not everything has to be sex related for it to be good. Fate itself is a good example of why.

>> No.1994439

Oh wow, poor Ayako.

>> No.1994474
File: 37 KB, 395x504, 1233269608503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, after seeing that page out of context a hundred times, it makes sense now.

>> No.1994479

Yeah... ends up being RiderxAyak--- damn wait it's not.

>> No.1994485

is that all?

>> No.1994486

It can be found on the good ol' Gaku Gaku Animal Land website.

>> No.1994489

Check the filename. He only posted a part of it.

>> No.1994491


Okay I d'awwwwd hard at that

>> No.1994498
File: 525 KB, 1680x1050, 1233270012627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin is an awesome character, but shit hits the fan if she becomes a "successful heroine".

She's great when scolding Shiro, being tsundere from time to time, cockteasing everyone, raping and abusing Servants, devising battle plans, having a fucked up sister relationship...but she's awesome because all the serious shit she does goes wrong, so successfully having a serious relationship with Shiro feels ridiculous.

>> No.1994517

When I first started playing, and they were talking about another master at school Ayako was the first suspect that popped into mind.

>> No.1994525


Really? My first thought was Issei.

>> No.1994527
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I suspected her for so long. What with her whole rivalry with Rin and all.

>> No.1994528

Well she was Rin's only friend, and Rin was a magus

>> No.1994535

Her best friend, but not her ONLY friend. There's also that trio from the prologue.

>> No.1994543

I want to fuck Ayako.

>> No.1994545

Seemed more like school acquaintances to me.

Don't we all?

>> No.1994568



>> No.1994573
File: 454 KB, 808x581, 1233271477693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one other non-heroine that I want as much as Ayako.

>> No.1994576

Nobody knows, which is why it wasn't mentioned at all in the thread.

>> No.1994582
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1233271736231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this had led to Ayako accidentally falling for Rin (who reacts in typical tsundere fashion) and causing Rider getting jealous and go after Ayako with her true form... which then prompts the dere part of Rin to surface and go after Ayako herself....

...you lost me.

>> No.1994601


Rider staying in Rin form and competing with the real Rin to seduce Ayako would either be lulz in the awkward situations or extremely hot.

>> No.1994605

is that pic from the game?

>> No.1994606

Is that from F/HA?

>> No.1994615


Realta Nua, the worksafe F/SN

>> No.1994670


wait... I don't remember any scene like that... was there actually new material in realta nua?

>> No.1994675


>> No.1994679


They used different scenes to replace all the h-material. Most of it was much hotter than the h-scenes.

>> No.1994677

Waku Waku seriously needs to make a PC patch for that

>> No.1994686

Why it is so superior to the PC version? More CGs and Music?

>> No.1994689


I like to imagine that the reason Rin never had a boyfriend was because she was in love with Ayako instead.

>> No.1994718


Sounds plausible to me, feel free to spread it.

>> No.1994795
File: 287 KB, 1128x1600, 1233274332482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, ponytailed Ayako is moe. I thought it was Touko at first.

>> No.1995223

What doujin is this?

>> No.1995231

The one with "Mitsuzuri" in the title.

>> No.1995249

Thank you.

>> No.1995260


>> No.1995274

Is that sarcasm? I can't tell with you.

>> No.1995339

It wasn't, I'm really grateful, since I didn't know.

>> No.1995605

Because projecting a sword against her magical bullets would help out so wel- oh wait.

>> No.1996151
File: 38 KB, 350x455, 1233294621762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes.

Or, in retaliation, Rin finds out who Archer is and . . . Takes him.

>> No.1996168

Rin getting mad she couldn't have Shirou so she bangs his future self? Awesome plot device.

>> No.1996174

I still want a fucking Luvia route.

>> No.1996195
File: 68 KB, 700x544, 1233295620461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be fucking hot. Plus, Archer would probably get rid of a lot of that frustration by slipping it to his Tsundere master.

>> No.1996202
File: 62 KB, 485x395, 1233295730127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, why doesn't anyone want a new Saber route? I'd like to see her actually do something or even team up with Gil. (What a world that would be!)

>> No.1996221


Because Saber is shit.

>> No.1996247

Saber happy end would have been nice yeah, but I'd prefer if the addon focused on the less used female cast.

>> No.1996254

Saber happy end would have been nice yeah, but I'd prefer if a remake focused on the less used female cast.

>> No.1996264

Trio route with harem end? Fuck yes.

Sir Kay route for wincest.

>> No.1996278

Rin is a manipulative, controlling bitch, and a modern day Jezebel. The only people who like her (for a reason that isn't putting her in her place) are masochists and castrated male feminist sheep. She's a disgusting vile bitch, and if Shinji had succeed in raping her, it would have done wonders for her awful, incorrigible "personality"

>> No.1996286
File: 92 KB, 800x575, 1233297267690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gil and Saber sex would be insanely hot.

>> No.1996289
File: 43 KB, 300x300, 1233297361956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl and I like Rin. And if you think that Shinji raping her would have helped her, you're a sad, pathetic little man.

However, angry, angsty bondage sex with Archer would have been hot.

>> No.1996301

>I'm a girl
Not the guy you responded to, but what exactly does this have to do with the conversation? Why do women always have to bring their gender into discussions where it has no place?

>> No.1996309

> I'm a girl
Thanks, the thread wasn't bad enough as it was, but you just had to hammer the last nail in, didn't you?

>> No.1996314
File: 137 KB, 400x650, 1233297632298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand, I like Rin.

On the other hand, seeing her raped would be extremely hot.


>I'm a girl
why do people do this

>> No.1996316
File: 261 KB, 994x603, 1233297650905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Elitism. They just think they're better and it will allow them some free space on their inferior intelligence.


>> No.1996318

You're a girl and you like Rin?

Like, how much do you like her?

>> No.1996321

Don't feed the attention whore, you're playing right into "her" hands

>> No.1996324

Percival would make a better Saber than Arturia.

His sword IS the grail.

>> No.1996326

She has emotional issues. Her father was killed in the last grail war and her sister given to be raped by Shinji and have worms invade her uterus?

She gave a great deal of magical power to revive Shirou and never held it over his head.

>> No.1996329

For those who liked this on theres an equally god-tier sequel.


BTW, anyone know if there is another one of these besides the two?

>> No.1996330

What makes you so sure you didn't just play into mine?

>> No.1996331

I thought we were bros, descriptivelynamedarcherimages.jpg! I THOUGHT WE WERE BROS!

P.S. Archer approves of Shinji/Rin rape

>> No.1996335
File: 35 KB, 414x448, 1233297975488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough that I am known in the FSN fan community for writing porn about her.

And for all you sexist pricks, the reason I said that was because >>1996278 said that the only people who liked Rin were masochists and castrated men, and I'm neither.

>> No.1996334

FFFFFFFFFFFFF You got me. You got me good.

>> No.1996339

He obviously wasn't thinking about dykes when he said that.

>> No.1996340

Rin's appeal is her cuteness, she acts like a bitch but its all an act. She and Archer are absolutely perfect for each other, Shirou too since he deflects alot of her bullshit.

>> No.1996344

I stand corrected. I should have said "masochists, castrated male feminists sheep, and peverse bulldykes.

>> No.1996383

She doesn't sound like a perverse bulldyke, more like a bi-sexual slut.

>> No.1996395
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It's making you hard isn't it, that there's a bisexual girl on 4Chan, isn't it?

>>1996340 Damned spiffy.

>> No.1996406
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/jp/ has no interest in 3D dykes, sorry. Maybe try /b/?

>> No.1996423
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>> No.1996437

>I'm a girl

But are you one of us?

>> No.1996459
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>> No.1996468
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Can we talk about something other than men pretending to be women now?

How about Illya? Everyone likes Illya!

>> No.1996473

I prefer Ciel, but Ilya is quite possibly the hottest loli I've ever fapped to.

>> No.1996474
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>> No.1996475
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>> No.1996477


>> No.1996478
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pettan pettan

>> No.1996480
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>> No.1996482
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Pettan the white muscat.

>> No.1996483
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>> No.1996484
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>> No.1996487
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>> No.1996490
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Rin is an idol. She's strong, smart, hardworking, so therefore fastidious. She doesn't tolerate error or weakness, because she was never allowed such things herself. She has standards and obligations, but even with these she is good-humored, flexible, and caring.

Rin is human. She longs for companionship, she sees traits in others she would have for her own, she has pride, yet she also knows when to run away and bide her time. She has given into her humanity to her own chagrin and felt the consequences of it.

If you've given up. If you've been persecuted or beaten in some way and just can't forget. If you've been betrayed or abandoned and feel life just isn't fair. THEN you might hold a grudge against Rin.

Because she could never, ever give a shit about you.

Rin knows nothing of these things. You failed, over and over again? You didn't try hard enough. You had painful, traumatic experiences? You didn't steel your mind and body within their natural defenses. Abandonment and betrayal? You'd have to sacrifice your own sense of security to even begin to worry about these things.

I like Rin because she will never wallow in self pity or regret. Because she is more idol-human than tsun-dere. Because she can be herself despite the changing situations.

>> No.1996491

Dammit, thread finally goes somewhere good, and it's past 200 posts so it's auto-saging.

>> No.1996499

You could just make an Ilya thread..

>> No.1996497
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Hai, I improved ur Ilya.

>> No.1996585

>Personally I liked Rin because she's strong willed, much more competent then most of those fucks in the grail war

How do I get lead around the nose for two whole routes lol

Not to say she doesn't have her charm, but when she drops the ball, she drops the ball.

She's a bitch, Shirou's a dick, Archer's an ass, Sakura's a skank, Illya's a bully, Saber's a gluttonous goody-two-shoes, Taiga's an obnoxious twit--they all have faults. It's just that their faults are part of their charm.

Saber beating Shirou's ass over food? Illya killing Shirou time and again? Sakura's mindfuck scenes of awesome? Rin verbally poking Shirou every other moment? Archer poking HER everytime they talk? Taiga in general? It's all fun, it's all great, ups and downs.

Way to ignore both Rider and Sakura ripping your head off because you're fucking her captain.

>> No.1996604
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