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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1989764 No.1989764 [Reply] [Original]

I am a furry/otherkin who loves Touhou. My favorite character of all time is Ran, because I believe she is a reflection of myself. 4chan may hate furries, but I believe that the tolerant people of /jp/ are different. Now, I'd like to ask you all a question. Which is your favorite Touhou character that has fur? And, if she were real, would you marry her?

>> No.1989767
File: 43 KB, 131x225, 1233188356352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, furry scum.

>> No.1989766

Wow. Just wow. Please delete this thread, it is bad even as far as trolls go.

>> No.1989770

i am just going to minimize this to-be-shitstorm right now...

>> No.1989774


>> No.1989775

Stop being bigoted.

>> No.1989777
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>> No.1989779


>> No.1989786

You don't get saged because everyone else is a fag and those kids didn't beat you up at school because you were better than them - there is something wrong with your brain and how you use it and obviously its not fixing itself so others will help you the best way know how - DIAF FUR FAG

>> No.1989790

Hell is thataway, you can yiff there. And don't be dirtying up Ran with your furfag fantasies!

>> No.1989795

8/10, Very rage inducing.
Would be higher, but its not very original.

>> No.1989798

You're both just like the bullies at my school. Brainless, no doubt sexless and a major virgin. Even as a furry, I've gotten some, and I have a high paying job. Why don't you go be pathetic somewhere else, idiots?

>> No.1989801

freaking bullies *shakes fist at bullies* STOP MESSiNG WITH MY SEXUAL PREFERENCES

>> No.1989803

Just keep it in 2D, and whatever strange fetish you have is fine with me.

>> No.1989809
File: 12 KB, 275x391, 1233189148238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tolerant people of /jp/

>> No.1989812

>Even as a furry, I've gotten some, and I have a high paying job. Why don't you go be pathetic somewhere else, idiots?

I laughed.

Comedy like this... you just won't find it anywhere else.

>> No.1989830

>at my school
>I have a high paying job
Am I the only one seeing a contradiction here?

>> No.1989835

he prob finished school long ago

>> No.1989855
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>> No.1989868

Marry an animal girl? Are you mad?

Animal girls exist only to be collared and kept as pets. You may love them as you wish.

But treat them as equals? Hah.

>> No.1989877

He sure talks like he's fresh out of middle school, though.

>> No.1989893



>> No.1989957
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>> No.1989980
File: 17 KB, 77x113, 1233191606559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is just sad...
~Support Haruhi1994 for mod~Put this in your sig!
~Support Currybutt ban~Put this in your sig!
Member of /jp/'s Aya fanclub!

Touhou fan
Firefox user
FSN fan

>> No.1989984

lol k

>> No.1989988
File: 289 KB, 580x813, 1233191661567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You made me laugh, I'll give you that much.

>> No.1989995
File: 143 KB, 1024x1024, 1233191720994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My favorite character of all time is Ran, because I believe she is a reflection of myself.

You're a useless servant to a lethargic nigh-omnipotent and somewhat malevolent entity?

What are you, a priest?
