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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19890614 No.19890614 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>19853475

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.19890616
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>> No.19890638

i fucked u´re wife lmao

>> No.19891473
File: 696 KB, 870x1200, 1508698521994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you anti-Amanda fag I will never regret using my ticket on her.

>> No.19891480

brown girls are love

>> No.19891555
File: 68 KB, 553x162, ss (2018-09-15 at 03.03.38).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This team is almost perfect.

>> No.19891591

It's already perfect

>> No.19891635
File: 74 KB, 561x173, ss (2018-09-15 at 03.17.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now it is.

>> No.19891663

How about Trailing Abutilon to complete it? Her permanent revival is here and if you need to Gacha it, her Sports version will be rate-up next week.

>> No.19891714

That's a good idea. I'll start farming for her after I finish farming manjus.

>> No.19891808
File: 92 KB, 556x165, parfait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/5 Great taste. I'm still in search for the chosen fifth.

>> No.19891840

Chibi Lapis when

>> No.19891873
File: 82 KB, 384x313, eQ20E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>team is not full rainbow

>> No.19891906

I'm playing this game for the cute girls, not esports.

>> No.19891981
File: 89 KB, 484x94, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not my Favourite 5 but other than Pomegranate, the rest is pretty set. Does have the side-effect of burying Pepo in the valley of large chests.

Thought that Lily was more on the average side, but she's actually quite big too. Nothing compared to the other three oppai monsters though.

>> No.19892009
File: 277 KB, 621x480, rg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a matter of years...

>> No.19892016
File: 55 KB, 512x512, quite please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...but more importantly

>> No.19892077
File: 80 KB, 476x90, A battle of tastes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I challenge you

>> No.19892179

Why do we have to fight? Can't we just be friends?

>> No.19892194
File: 1.14 MB, 900x500, 1536196126146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you start working for techcross or something because this is eerie

>> No.19892211

Mammon is pink.

>> No.19892349

Pink is just a halfassed shade of red.

>> No.19892523
File: 27 KB, 476x88, top5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only one left is Cacao

>> No.19892747
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>Ringo OP


>> No.19892793
File: 384 KB, 2273x1305, haircolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark skin love in last thread
>red hair love in this one
It's moving to see all this good taste in one place. I thought pink hair overload was a signature of FKG, but turns out that red is pretty common too.

Green, on the other hand, is so rare that there was a "green-haired flower knight" collab artbook to highlight its scarcity (which is a shame, because girls like Pepo, Mint and Sedum are top tier). There was another book for glasses too, and an anon on bbspink has been waiting on a green-haired glasses girl with braids for something like two years now. He's not the only one.

>> No.19892918

Isn't there an auto-run option on DMM FKG? Pretty sure you could idle it on Nutaku and it would auto complete the stage.

>> No.19892982

There is, but it's only partial. You run to the next node and have to click again after the fight.

It's the sixth button on the right hand side of the options menu. Since there's no penalty to failing maps now, maybe a full version is on the way?

>> No.19893061

It's the one thing Nutaku did to their version that the DMM version doesn't have. As mentioned, there's only a partial option that will auto move you until a fight, but it's also a lot faster than Nutaku's auto was.

>> No.19893598

Lapis chibi where

>> No.19894099

I pulled a Kirin account on KamiPro.

Anyone with Managarmr or Anubis willing to trade accounts?

>> No.19894215

Where is Ume? Your team is far from perfect

>> No.19894284
File: 185 KB, 600x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does nijiyome have a chance, or are they doomed to forever be second fiddle to the literal pachinko and porn coreans of DMM?

>> No.19894342

I don't know who that is.

>> No.19894388
File: 87 KB, 960x540, 1531798884025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you play any of their games?
What games do they have of note?

>> No.19894606

They have potential, but it feels like it's always squandered. Like they had that space exploration game with Nan Yaegashi art, which should have been a huge draw for them, but I don't think word ever really got around about it. They also have (had?) some kind of major crossover title, not even sure what the gameplay was, with Senran Kagura, Umineko, and a ton of other stuff. I think that one shut down, too. Not sure whether to chalk it up to advertising problems or what.
And they have Rick G Earth, which is reasonably successful, but it's mostly known and played as a mobile game now, so no one ever goes to Nijiyome to play the browser version that's been around forever. And right now their top game, Dokidoki Yandemic, is on hiatus for some reason.
Other than that, they've picked up a few dead DMM games over time like Crime Busters/Duel Squad and Dragon Tactics, but the old fans of those games either don't know or don't care, because even a dead DMM game's remaining fan count should be pulling top rankings on Nijiyome.
And having followed Nijiyome-chan on Twitter for a while, I don't think it's a problem with social media outreach. They're diligent about being entertaining and advertising different game promotions and releases. I honestly don't know what it is they need to succeed with what they have except to just be DMM.

>> No.19894872


>> No.19895349

Dark skin sucks and glasses suck

>> No.19895379

Please don't contribute to the gene pool.

>> No.19895385

too late

>> No.19895398

>the her eyes are always closed trope

>> No.19895553


Also pink, not red.

>> No.19895565

She opens them during sexual intercourse

>> No.19895709

Will it be a dumb decision to pick Lepuru over Rivuru for my plat ticket?

>> No.19895710
File: 91 KB, 1024x576, ev205_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking closed eyes
You need more Kanae in your life.

>> No.19895830

Help, Aigis BGM is stuck in my head.

>> No.19895912

I muted it the day i started playing over three years ago. Its a good game to play while watching youtube or listen to some music.

>> No.19896130

Just started Otogi frontier and got 999+ presents in my gift box and got 57 5* tickets, should I use them all now or wait for something?

Also, where do I go to farm for exp mats to raise my girls' level?

>> No.19896168

Use them now most of them will be dupes anyway

>> No.19896186

Thanks, since I'm pretty new and it looks like there's shitton to do in this game due to anniversary time, what are some of the things that I should be working on, aside from levelling up my girls for now? Events I should prioritize on?

>> No.19896331
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>not pictured: brown hair

>> No.19898974

Aigis guides telling people to focus on increasing storage. I decide to draw black unit first, got it and not regretting it. After that i started increasing my storage but...something is off. I think, i should stop after 10-20 crystals and just keep wasting them for characters instead, since black units really boosing my ass.
So, should i ignore guides or they are actually right?

>> No.19899003

You can do whatever you want, but maxing your storage via crystals lets you get two extra storages of 250 units each and free fairy/armor and silver/gold unit storage.

>> No.19899156

Depends on how you want to play. I like to hoard first and manage/feed later, so maxing out my storages was one of my first priorities.
But if you're the type to only keep units you like and feed your units as frequently as you get fodder for them, then it isn't as important to unlock them right away.
It is immensely convenient though, so you do want to burn some of your SC stock on the storage upgrades eventually. Progression has several bottlenecks, and honestly speaking "lack of Blacks" isn't really one of them between the existence of strong Plats, pity, and pick-up.

The only thing to watch out for in terms of efficacy is not using an excess of SC past reaching the Legend Stamp for a month. Unless you're a blubbery mammalian.

>> No.19899303

>The only thing to watch out for in terms of efficacy is not using an excess of SC past reaching the Legend Stamp for a month. Unless you're a blubbery mammalian.
Oh, i didnt even notice this thing. And actually i'm at Legend tier already, holy shit. I wonder if i can reach last tier. Going to stock crystals and see. Thanks for answers, anon.

>> No.19899319

Slegend card isnt much better than legend and i think you will lack the recources to raise the additional units you may get anyway for a long time.

>> No.19899325

>I wonder if i can reach last tier.
Unless you're just a few SC away, don't. You already dun goofed, don't make it worse.

>> No.19899539

Anyone with a Kanpani account who isn't actively playing, make sure to log in today. You can pick up your free infinity envelope (cycle black envelopes indefinitely until you get whoever you want) and there's a 5x black envelope in the event shop for today only for 100 points, which you can get for running even the easiest event map just once as a completion bonus.

>> No.19899648
File: 839 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-09-16-12-31-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First fame black
I'm okay with this.

>> No.19899701

Congratz, hope you enjoy easy mode. But since i allready have some OP units i hope i never get her or aigis might get boring. Keeping the challenge up is important.

>> No.19899704

Aigis doesn't get boring unless you get the zombie of long timestops. Then majins are a cakewalk because who needs strategy when you can stop time for a whole minute?

>> No.19899725

I can never decide when to pull fame.

>> No.19899740

10k minimum, 20k if you want a shot at the 2nd chibi. 35k ain't worth it.

>> No.19899766

I literally just pulled her for pity black (and Yukihime while two away from pity plat).

I also rolled Lei-Mei, so now I just need Sylvia, who I may as well just ticket at this point.

>> No.19899884

Wait, stuns are time based ON TOP of damage based?
I was doing the GO Barong and pushed her to stun in a full burst then my internet went off for like 5 minutes before I could do anything, and when I reload the game the bitch is out of stun already despite me not making a single input

>> No.19899886 [SPOILER] 
File: 800 KB, 1613x857, 1537130126491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not have rolled Shengpu, Shuxian, Tenma, or even Lapis in these past few months.

But I, however, am not disappointed.
Because I have three Nanalys.

>> No.19899979

Yeah, i noticed, what Slegend not worth it, right after sending my previous post, but fuck it. I dont want this HOLD and ENDURE crap in my games. If i fail - so be it. Gonna grab all those gold\silver bitches from gacha, like a boss and see, if i can make it to Slegend.

>> No.19900003

It tells you right on the stamp card how many more you need to spend. And the only difference between Legend and S.Legend is cost fairies and a smidge more green/demon crystals, which isn't worth the extra 100 SC
You could instead, refrain from spending the extra 100 SC or however deep you are, then easily reach another legend ticket next month

>I dont want this HOLD and ENDURE crap
You're not going to last long in Aigis

>> No.19900036

Aigis feels like it gets worse as you go for some reason. The game feels super generous at the start with free shit from every direction and a constant supply of SC, things to do and just generally a lot of great things.

Then you reach story walls that don't let you pass unless you have very speciic shit, run out of revivals to run for SC because they don't reset events when they turn them into revivals and all you have left to do in the game is work on your current girls and do the ongoing event.

>> No.19900045

Saval worth getting?

>> No.19900049
File: 1.29 MB, 863x1200, 1507337981353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to place bets on whether there will be a rainbow Torikabuto in a few hours or not!

>> No.19900056

I saved 20k gems and I'm going to be reallly sad if I don't get her. Please bless my rolls /jp/

>> No.19900058

Story maps are retarded.
They get harder than lv5 or even 10 majin at times

>> No.19900063

There won't, because maintenance is a day late this week.

>> No.19900065

Thanks to her tokens, she pays for herself very quickly, so if you need gold it'd be good to get a copy of her. As far as combat goes, she does do some decent dps with her base skill but thieves in general aren't very strong. Also worth considering that Thief AW2 is on the horizon.

>> No.19900088
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>Thief AW2 is on the horizon.
What are the odds of it being useful?

>> No.19900104

Anon, i understand that. I checked wiki and can count.
>You're not going to last long in Aigis
Not necessarily. This not my first mobage, i know, how they works. Free shit wont lasts forever and etc. Someday i just realised, what better to not chase maximum profit. So, after you drop game you could atleast say: "its okay, i had my fun".

>> No.19900108
File: 90 KB, 542x130, bank of israel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make these difficult decisions?

>> No.19900138
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If you insist. It does become a big clusterfuck this way, though.

You could try making a theme team with related flowers (tulips, lilies, roses), characters (Acacia squad, Tritonia squad, Protea guard) or charm points (red-haired girls, glasses girls, maids).

>> No.19900145

what are the odds of getting a black?

>> No.19900241
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>> No.19900894

200(00) or 2000(00)? Because if the former, prepare to be disappointed.

>> No.19900996
File: 251 KB, 947x635, ss (2018-09-16 at 09.40.22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting rid of her cute hat
I am very upset right now.

>> No.19901007

shouldn't be 20000(00)?

>> No.19902034

What amulet should I get for Jewpri arena? Also, some people protection for two statuses. How do they get that?

>> No.19902067

If anon is saying 20000(00) then he may as well celebrate now because with that many FGs there is approximately a 99.98% chance of getting her.

>> No.19902208

Probability only stacks up to 50% you moron

>> No.19902260

More like 9.8% with FKG's rates

>> No.19902286

I'm getting 86.5% for at least one rainbow with 20000(00) stones. You'd expect it to be closer to 100%, but long tails are scary that way.

>> No.19902422

Petrify, freeze, duality with either of those. Duality can be obtained as a rare drop from amulet gachas.

>> No.19902547

how did you calculate that?

20000 / 50 = 400 11-rolls
400*11 = 4400 rolls
0.995^4400 = 0.00000000026397 chance to not get a rainbow
1-0.00000000026397 = 0.999999999736 chance to get at least one rainbow

>> No.19902565

It's easy, you just need to be stupid.

20000 / 50 = 400 11-rolls
Forget to multiply that with 11 = still 400 rolls
0.995^400 = 0.1346 chance to not get a rainbow
1 - 0.1346 = ~86.5% chance to get at least one rainbow

>> No.19902684

Original calcanon here, if Aconite on rateup is the target instead of just any rainbow then it's a 0.3% rate, not 0.5%. But even then it's still a 0.999998186% rate of success and I only listed it as 99.98% originally because I have a migraine and multiplied the rate of failure of a hundred times over for no discernible reason.

>> No.19902687

You guys could have just said good luck instead of breaking out the calculators

>> No.19902708

Draw rate is really 50/50, anyways. You either get them or you don't.

>> No.19902717

but it's fun. Also, he most probably meant 200(00) anyway. I mean, 20000(00)? That's like all the gems since game launch

>> No.19902726

This, mathfags are dumb

>> No.19902769

To be fair you need a very high IQ to understand basic probability.

>> No.19903088

Okay, what the fuck. Why are those ice niggers donsnt shoot at him? Every time i start the mission - they always start shooting me.

>> No.19903116

They only attack when they've lost HP and since they take turns getting close to the point but never go, your ranged units happily knock off some HP to each one.

>> No.19903199

Now calculate the chances of drawing 11 rainbows in a single pull.

>> No.19903211

Hm, yea, i think i used ranged unit first. Thanks.

>> No.19903276

imagine a map with 11 spinners, where each spinner has 200 paths your character can take. And your character has to pick the single one right path on all of them to reach the goal.

>> No.19903812

So, what are the chances, in numbers?
inb4 50%

>> No.19903983

That's simply the probability of rolling a rainbow multiplied by itself 11 times I think? I don't play FKG so I'm not sure, if it's 1% then rolling 11 of them at once would be 0.01^11 % so 0.0000000000000000000001%.

>> No.19904044
File: 18 KB, 628x331, chrome_2018-09-17_23-59-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on, it's not that hard, people

>> No.19905871

So... what am I supposed to do with my level 60 fresh Rino if I already have a mincosted AW2 Rino?
20RC or is she worth something as exp fodder?

>> No.19905898

If you already have a perfect copy, then throw her into storage to get a Plaisir, then sell her.

>> No.19906702

>then throw her into storage to get a Plaisir
Not him, but what's that?

>> No.19907295

Shittier gold fairy that gives enough exp to get to Lv 20 in one go

Acquired the same way you get silver exp fairies, but with Lv 20+ golds instead

>> No.19907320

So what happens to my maxed out gold unit?

>> No.19907335

What happens to your maxed out silver unit when you storage it?

>> No.19907336
File: 448 KB, 1269x715, 4564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this from castle construction for 5k gold and 10 stones. Why highest rarity character in f2p gacha anyway?

>> No.19907439

It turns into a red haired silver unit

>> No.19907446

Probably because that one looks pretty bad
The fuck is up with those arms?

>> No.19907641

Other News
- Base combination exp for silver female units will be 3x increase and silver male units will be 1.5x increase
- Daily rainbow fairies
- Daily 300K gold per day, max 2.1 million gold
- New Story arc "Industrial City"; silver thief "Budding Thief Picky" will be a completion silver unit for one of the maps
- New Exchange Quests: Estelle, Saval, Lucia, Itsuki, Ramii, Sayo, Friede

>3rd scene for 4 girls I like
I'm going to enjoy next maint a lot, just need a 3rd scene on Remii now too.

>> No.19907678

>- Base combination exp for silver female units will be 3x increase and silver male units will be 1.5x increase
We're never going to get a gold increase again, are we?

>> No.19908067

Was the new FKG stuff today?

>> No.19908118

It's down for maintenance so probably.

>> No.19908141

How come you get two copies of the event unit in FKG?

>> No.19908160
File: 317 KB, 2632x467, XCsH0YI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walnut, Calabash, Barley (hurrah for more grasses), Zebrina. No Wolfsbane for you this week either, but we have a new Bouryoku Nyachou girl and that's always a treat.

Walnuts are famous for releasing allelochemicals into the soil beneath them to kill competing plants, and it's well-known that grass seldom grows under black walnuts. Will our version add to the ever-growing list of yanderes?

>> No.19908164

>No wolfsbane or popularity contest girls


>> No.19908174

I'm more than happy with this turn of events.

I've been waiting for a cute new glasses girl for over a year, it's time for the lolicon crowd to feel my pain.

>> No.19908179

But the two on the left are really cute little girls though

>> No.19908199

I was really looking forward to Saintpaulia's new version, but I'm willing to overlook it just this once as long as I get to keep Barley.

>> No.19908201


I guess I'm blind but no one in that image uses glasses, it would help if the resolution wasn't so small.

>> No.19908207

I checked too, I think he's talking about time spent waiting and not that we got an ugly glasses girl.

>> No.19908212

They don't, sorry for misleading you.

I was just saying "if I waited that long, you may as well wait along and suffer with me".

>> No.19908221
File: 7 KB, 200x160, Deal with it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there's this little badass right here.

>> No.19908234


I used to drink a tea made of zebrina leaves and its taste was something like lemonade.

>> No.19908244

He said grasses, Barley is a grass

>> No.19908251

Grass growing

>> No.19908260


>> No.19908271

want Barley

>> No.19908281


>> No.19908344
File: 870 KB, 1440x960, Frigg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute! Cute! How are her scenes?

>> No.19908371

Into the trash it goes.
You can find the scenes on panda (clothed paizuri/missionary in an onsen)

>> No.19908374
File: 847 KB, 900x613, 1507853155327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clothed paizuri and vanilla babymaking/breastfeeding at a bath house

>> No.19908410

We're in the year of grasses with Rice, Hordeum, Wheat and Barley, so this doesn't really apply anymore, but it says something about the rarity of true grasses in FKG that the 2ch spin on that is ミント生える instead (then again, I guess 草 is equivalent to our "-wort" rather than actual grasses, so this is just nitpicking).

Which was prophetic in a way, since Mint did grow into a 5*. In any case, wonder if this ムギ will be related to our コムギ

>drillhair glasses maid
>clothed paizuri
Kamihime never fails to deliver. She really looks the part too, kind of like a Suihei Sen heroine.

>> No.19908549

>break event
>silver thief
>bond quests for a bunch of no-names
>Thief AW2
It's over, Aigis is dead, etc.

>> No.19908684

What's fun is landing Ramii/Fuuko or placing an Oni unit in the middle spot and see how long all of your ranged units survive the last wave.

>Ramii 3rd scene
>+5 cost on youkai when awakening
Damnit, it's not fair.

>> No.19908730

Rejoice. Barley has glasses.

>> No.19908778
File: 1.11 MB, 962x641, hehoja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start smartphone version that censors alcohol
>2 weeks later

>> No.19908820
File: 51 KB, 428x521, 1529704350505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought that I would ever want a walnut this badly.

>> No.19908822

More like nut in a walnut

>> No.19908845

Calabash is also the third character to call you darling, looks like more people to compete with Lily.

>> No.19908871

So why do we get two event units now in FKG?

>> No.19908958
File: 305 KB, 959x636, ss (2018-09-18 at 06.27.17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, got her on my third 11-draw.

>> No.19909068


The hell.

My favorite hentai didn't jolt me, but a damn CG + voice worked wonders? Jewel Princess is amazing.

>> No.19909309

>My favorite hentai didn't jolt me, but a damn CG + voice worked wonders? Jewel Princess is amazing.
Which girl?

>> No.19909311
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1030, 2GWdqEs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We have a winner.

>> No.19909354

You could've put it in a nicer term like "eh not my cup of tea" but nope, you just have to shit on other people's taste for glasses girls

>> No.19909531
File: 85 KB, 565x800, DnXl9vdUUAADAG9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorite plant family
>drawn by Bouryoku Nyachou so likely to show up in his FKG Biyori series
That's it, no regrets remaining now. I can die easy.

>> No.19909583
File: 327 KB, 484x395, glbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys make any fun theme teams?

>> No.19909991
File: 54 KB, 155x156, M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the alternate sprites for low hp on some of the himes

>> No.19910112

>Black thief event rerun
>Black thief exchange quest
>Leda in the gold rush
>New silver thief
>Thief AW2
Thief AW2 better fucking turn this class into the best god damn one in the game for as much attention as the devs are giving them this month.

>> No.19910115
File: 1.06 MB, 748x630, nonleveled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game keeps dropping himes on me
I have 10 pages of unwatched episodes from the girls I actually leveled and these piled up again
Despite this, I barely get SSRs at all and only have a single SSR Eidolon

>> No.19911140
File: 781 KB, 700x438, 1513974905256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go back to pretending to care about Unitia by posting the new units released almost a week ago that everyone ignored, and then let's go back to disregarding the game as a waste of good assets

>> No.19911206

Emerald, but Lapis is by far my favorite.

>> No.19911238

Game hasn't shut down yet?

>> No.19911239

That's gonna be the big announcement at TGS

>> No.19911247

I'm amazed it's still in the top 10. It just feels like there's nothing to do in the game.

>> No.19911273

There is nothing to do in game because the whole PVE aspect of the game serves as material and equipment grinding to power up your team, before you send them to arena and see them get raped by whales.
PVP was a mistake.

>> No.19911543
File: 279 KB, 961x638, WHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a Flower Knight

>> No.19911555

Can't beat the lolicons man. Nope.

>> No.19911585
File: 200 KB, 329x467, Portrait_443503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly so glad FKG is a loli game because lolis barely get any love in other games and the focus is always on big titty girls with the discussion about it always being people going ZOMG THICCC MAMA

Wish we had more loli focused games out there but FKG (And princess connect maybe) is the only one I know of that gives a lot of love to little girls but still has great booby girls like Susuki.

>> No.19911645
File: 187 KB, 1181x1727, IMG_20180918_145721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did she mean by this?

>> No.19911649

Cute and sexy

>> No.19911674

Latter half of september, and they still haven't handed out the free DMM points

>> No.19911700
File: 602 KB, 946x586, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww yiss

>> No.19911701

You didn't get the 550 free ones?

>> No.19911717

I've been checking my mail daily and haven't seen shit there either

>> No.19911722
File: 56 KB, 332x321, ss (2018-09-18 at 05.21.14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19911745

If you haven't got any by now, you are pretty much fucked, they gave them out around beginning of the month and the expire at the end.

>> No.19911814

Dammit, come on. I'm trying not to roll with rainbow Wolfsbane so close, but this isn't helping.

>> No.19912000

Where is it?

>> No.19912027

What do I do in Kanpani once a character hits LV90/99?

>> No.19912038

Reset their level with the career medals, grind them back to level 30, then repeat the progress 3 more times.

>> No.19912044

Is there even any benefit in that?

>> No.19912057

Higher stats each time.

>> No.19912063

Massive increase in stats, most of the game hard contents are balanced around 3rd career up characters.

>> No.19912078

The email just redirects you here: http://games.dmm.co.jp/cp/anniversary/

>> No.19912099
File: 234 KB, 1221x671, 1519094625163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after adding a few Killdoya characters to their game, the devs move on to the next corpse and revive Yukiko from Re:Bless

Otogi Frontier is slowly turning into the Necromancer of DMM.

>> No.19912147

Isn't otogi that NTR game? Does that mean the revived characters are getting the same treatment?

>> No.19912156

Okay then.
Now where do I get these medals?

>> No.19912165

Is Otogi really that NTR? I'm new, but so far the scenes look vanilla I think

>> No.19912187

Drop from event ticket dungeon, or buy them from event shop/shine stone shop.

>> No.19912222
File: 47 KB, 422x516, 1506863028300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm neither a fan of the whole NTR stuff nor really knowledgeable about it, but I from what I've seen I wouldn't call it a NTR game (unless you belong to the "my waifu must be pure and a virgin, everything else is NTR" faction).

About 50% of the h-scenes of the game are rape in several variations. As in:

* girl getting raped by Villager A(+B+C)
* Villager D getting raped by girl
* MC (more or less gently) raping girl
* girl raping MC
* and the occasional rape by monsters (goblins and such) or eels (pic related, that one was quite hot if I may say so)

Some of the girls are also sluts who are willingly getting (gang-)banged by random people, but that's usually without the MC knowing or ever fucking the girl himself, or something like a flashback.

The other half of the scenes is usually vanilla, sometimes even extremely adorable. You can tell from the h-scene BGM what it will be, so if you're not into any of the sides you can easily skip it.

Disclaimer: I only watched ~35% of all the h-scenes, so I might be missing a rape variation or two.

>> No.19912421

My e-mail was in Promotions/Spam
Getting them was from: www.dmm.com/netgame/campaign/
But the point-taking time only lasted until the 12th so rip our points.

>> No.19912780

So like Kamihime in the early days

I miss that

>> No.19913434
File: 605 KB, 546x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gave Saval tits and why would they do such a thing?

>> No.19913445

What the fuck did they do to my cute loli cat

>> No.19913471

Fuck, that looks awful.

>> No.19913511

Did she grow up really fast or something?

>> No.19913520
File: 53 KB, 546x366, Bueno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>panty house but look like bodysuit

>> No.19913661

>Loli cat turned into some abomination

Thief AW2 was already a disappointment but devtea finds a way to make it worse, sasuga

>> No.19913672

>Who gave Saval tits and why would they do such a thing?
Someone with taste, I'd imagine.

>> No.19913680

If you find him then convince him to jump into a dumpster with you

>> No.19913690

Nah. I'm gonna buy him a beer.

>> No.19913692

Do we need to sit you down and have a talk about what an artist comission is?

>> No.19913696

>its okay to completely ruin a character design because dude tits lmao

I thought I clicked on the DMM thread, not /alter/

>> No.19913705

Who cares or is talking about that? Thief AW2 is possibly the most useless AW2 we could have gotten and an ugly ass path for the sole black thief just makes it even worse and harder to care about it.

>> No.19913716

>Who cares or is talking about that?

Probably the post that was quoted you autistic mongoloid.

>> No.19913721

Oh so you are aware you're an autistic mongoloid, you should work on that.

>> No.19913726

It looks like someone slapped saval's face on another character's body and called it a day

>> No.19913744

Uh oh, the autist had his spergout for the day and he learned a new skill called projecting. Have you made a gofundme yet to help get support through the rampant discrimination and injustice by the big spooky japanese mobile game company?

>> No.19913748

I'll donate a bit if you start one, maybe you'll be able to afford a therapist that way. Its hard to work on your problems at first but we're here for you.

>> No.19913762

It's funny how quickly defensive you get now when called out on your autism when you say something as fucking dumb as that. You should take notes from your archnemesis and delete your posts and you probably wouldn't have to embarass yourself like this.

>> No.19913841

Zebrina pees a lot, man.

>> No.19913858

I went ahead and awoken Ramii.
SAW looks like a good idea, I usually only need her landed for one wave but then I actually have to pay attention to skill usage.

>> No.19913867

Bet she's Trump's favourite

>> No.19913891

Saval's looks were rather displeasing the first time around. AW art didn't do any better. Hard for the AW2 to improve on such a poor base.

>> No.19913924

Should have just taken the AW art without the mask and have her on another pose or sitting on a throne of treasures. There, don't need to go all Azur lane on us with them taking a character and turning it into something else for shits and giggles.

I thought the pregnant Aisha path was bad but this takes the cake as the worst AW2 art so far.

>> No.19914014

>Lewd smug loli with a phat ass
Shit taste

>> No.19914031

I have Remii and Ramii, been holding out on the AW due to the increased point cost and meme unimpressive stat increase. Tell me, what changed?

>> No.19914033

Remii becomes a nice Atk buffer on SAW and Ramii gets a 3rd H-scene on AW

>> No.19914036

Where the fuck did that "meme" come from? Does /jp/ too have wordfilters or is my brain so polluted that I'm subconsciously writing meme into things now?

>> No.19914046

Wordfilters are global to all boards but I don't remember any that filter to meme so its likely the second one.

>> No.19914050

desu senpai

>> No.19914051

Fuck you're right. Whatever happened to /r9k/ being the wordfilter board?

>> No.19914056

Filters were always global and have been global for years

>> No.19914060

If her tits aren't bigger than my head then I don't want her

>> No.19914068

The leather club is two blocks down, homo.

>> No.19914071

>liking tits makes you gay

>> No.19914093
File: 902 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you heard me

>> No.19914144

>Hard for the AW2 to improve on such a poor base.
And yet they managed to.

>> No.19914149

I wish there was another aspect to her AW ability, but it's just the attack increase and access to SAW; Which lands her for 20 seconds, range reduction isn't as much, attacks faster, then she hops back on her cloud. 3rd scene quest after maint.

I already have her mincost but leveled her to max to take advantage of attack increase.

>> No.19914157

Managed to get people to shit on her? Maybe if you believe there's no such thing as bad publicity and getting shit on is better than being ignored.

>> No.19914158

I want /alter/ to go away, thread's are never good with them around

>> No.19914219

>Complaint about how a character looks awful
>Do we need to talk about what an artist comission is you autistic sperglord? Just go make a gofundme so you can get support about how the company is discriminating you

Holy balls who shit on your cereal? Who hurt you little man?

>> No.19914241

>cries about game dev somehow having any impact on how some guy drew a character
>point out he should probably complain about the artist

Okay, this is epic.

>> No.19914246

No seriously, get help dude.

>> No.19914249

I'm gonna continue to love titties and you nasty ass lolicons can't stop me.

>> No.19914253 [DELETED] 

As long as you promise to kill yourself for being such a dumbfuck with extremely poor brain functionality.

>> No.19914273

I like tits too but anyone that sees that they slapped breasts on a character then proceeds to shitpost about how its an upgrade should toss themselves off the nearest cliff. Stuff gets unbearably awful in faster threads like /alg/ or /gbfg/ for example.

>> No.19914287
File: 20 KB, 412x371, 1512673732076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when's the marriage going to be?

>> No.19914305

Do we need to sit down and talk down about what a marriage is anon? A marriage is the union between a man and a woman that love each other so why would I marry some autist having a spergout?

>> No.19914318

It was an improvement, though.

>> No.19914323

if you're blind sure

>> No.19914333
File: 141 KB, 960x640, 1536911546625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19914337

That event unit was pretty ugly

>> No.19914350

Jumpseed is beautiful and I love her.

>> No.19914433

Rest in peace Aniki

>> No.19914445

Agreed. Drawing characters with the same eye color as hair color should be illegal. it makes them look blander for no reason

>> No.19914454

The blonde is cute, I was talking about the other one.

>> No.19914468
File: 43 KB, 194x175, Smugseed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smugseed is smuggest seed

>> No.19915007

All girls grow up eventually. Cry me a river lolicons

>> No.19915035
File: 548 KB, 1000x1000, 1536634337096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19915093

This. Head and face dosnt fit body at all.

>> No.19915173


Our little NZNbot is moving up in the YouTube world.

>> No.19915437

True. Chibi head on realistic adult body.

>> No.19915712

Her base art looks awful, AW is great and this one is ok. She always had tits, you would know that if you actually liked her and saw the scenes.

>> No.19915747
File: 523 KB, 1017x548, avb dh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mommy (´・ω・`)

>> No.19915818

Now that's a rare game, is this game doing well, I wonder?

>> No.19916131

When is all this going live?

>> No.19916400

>new ranked quest boss is immune to physical damage
Well then, devs realised that we're abusing Peridot too much and they're forcing us to go magical instead, or physical piercing.

>> No.19916435

If I don't already Lapis is she the best thing I can get from the black choice ticket?

>> No.19916625
File: 1.25 MB, 572x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which girl is best?

>> No.19916669
File: 1.25 MB, 572x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossed off the girls I have.
Which girl should I pick? I think Lapis might be the best choice (aside from Chinese evil hermit and Chinese electric zombie which aren't in the pick), but I'd like a second opinion and reasons.

>> No.19916847

>Nznbot and Siro


>> No.19916936

ugly girls shouldn't be smug

>> No.19916967

Assuming they haven't added the hermit of balance to the pool, she probably is. Silvia could also be considered depending on the team. Rinne is in the free ticket pool so she would feel like a waste.

>> No.19917058
File: 218 KB, 946x628, 3241234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to bother with silver healers if i got this girl, right?

>> No.19917088

Lolicons btfo

>> No.19917095
File: 265 KB, 961x638, ss (2018-09-19 at 02.53.25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got a gold from free draws.

>> No.19917140

Gold healers tho

>> No.19917263

Back to /vg/ with you

>> No.19917306

The free draws are rigged, all I've gotten is silver pots. Might as well just call it daily rainbow points instead.

>> No.19917373
File: 1.21 MB, 960x639, 2018-09-11-1843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they could be worse

>> No.19917394

That doesn't sound particularly rigged to me, the chance of getting nothing but silvers for 20 days is 26%.

But yes, it's mostly just rainbow points.

>> No.19917513

>Darling nanoda!


>> No.19917583
File: 284 KB, 950x620, nanoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19917719
File: 94 KB, 629x1173, 15417295712942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only my wife gets to call me Darling, you shitty little grog goblin.

>> No.19917761

She wants lots of children so you better get to work on giving them to her

>> No.19917811
File: 834 KB, 990x1008, Saval_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She always had tits

>> No.19917815
File: 2.75 MB, 960x1600, roll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waited for Trailing Abutilon's return to throw some stones. 500(00) stones in and I failed. Rough Potato is a nice comfort though.

Decided to use the 60 Gacha Tickets I had stored up and the first image happened on the second last roll. Also decided to use my D-Ticket I was storing because why not more rainbow medals. And then the second image happened. A little spooky due to the fact that Violet Cress was the displayed SD when I pressed the button too.

Last one is just all the Knights I got from this rolling marathon. FKG seems to be trying to push me into the lolicon world, which hopefully means that I can get Pepo in roughly 4 weeks time.

>> No.19917820

Its just idiots shitposting, no need to pay them any mind.

>> No.19917841

I did my little own rolling marathon because I wanted to nut inside a walnut. Used somewhere between 5k and 10k stones and all I got was Purslane.

The current gachas are illed with elusive girls it seems.

>> No.19917883

What a shit design. Glad they fixed her.

>> No.19917937

Its the lowest form of shitposting that appears whenever stuff like this happens. Some unfunny retard will start shitposting about how its so much better that they aged the character up or how its a lot better now that they gave her tits because pedoshit is disgusting and just replying gets you dragged into a spiral of shit and retardation just because some idiots wanted to try being epic trolls.

Better to just honestly ignore it and leave them to rot which is possible here since this thread is extremely slow.

>> No.19917967

Lolicons are scientifically proved to be able to enjoy more things and be nicer people so come on over

>> No.19918007

closed on nutaku.

I think is ranked good on dmm.

>> No.19918084
File: 849 KB, 1440x640, 2018 9 19 re-sakura and ume cleared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RE: Sakura and Ume down. Ironically, the only survivor at the end of the map was Field Mustard, who activated Guts while at 1 HP and managed to kill Sakura via counter damage. Guess there's not much point in her looking up to the two of them as mentors anymore, she was easily my MVP and hard-carried me through that entire fight by shaving off absolutely massive quantities of both their HP singlehandedly.

With that out of the way the only map I have left to clear in the game apart from some old re-reprints is now Kingprotea's little Senate slaughterhouse, which is unfortunately looking to be impossible with my current units.

>> No.19918292

No one cares about Nutaku anyway, or so I'd like to think.

>> No.19918394

There's this one from yesterday, too. Big names for her first two collabs. Though a Siro collab alone is very impressive.

>> No.19918458

Do they have any fun games left?

>> No.19918472

Is there a height chart for Flower knights?

>> No.19918799

That face just does not fit that body

>> No.19918803

How the fuck can i beat 23 story mission in Shiro Project? This fucking building, holy shit.

>> No.19918898

Can't believe the aigis guys actually paid for him to draw that

>> No.19919047

>Special gold mission avaliable every day in FKG
>But there's no gold boost to go with it

>> No.19919350

Who's more likely to give dancho-sama a standing blowjob?

>> No.19919581

I hate the Jack O'Lantern Guild Order so fucking much.
It's just RNG whether you win or not

>> No.19919708

Organizing parties by speed is such a huge pain in FKG

>> No.19919794

I lied, I sort of enjoy having to organize the teams but I just had a Kancolle "ahhh stop going that waaaay" moment. I'm glad it refunds full stamina on failures because that was one too many failures.

>> No.19920250

No, you just have to IMAGINE

>> No.19920415

Rance 10 collab H-scenes when.

>> No.19920632
File: 35 KB, 600x873, 2ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no event in Aigis

>> No.19920638

We got worst and most useless AW2 instead, prease enjoy

>> No.19920651

There's still the thief girl revival

>> No.19920659

the ugly cat?

>> No.19920668

You said it.
Next revival is NEPTHY AGAIN, so just when it looked like this month wasn't gonna be shit for SC I'm slapped back into reality

>> No.19920676

I just want a revival for more titles for the Prince.

>> No.19920679

>Thief AW2
>Saval's art turns out to be as bad as her class
>Nepthy for like the 5th time
>1.5x instead of an event that you can do for SC

this update was so bad

>> No.19920686

Lifelink AW/SAW, though!

>> No.19920695
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.29_[2018.02.27_23.44.52].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19920712

>the thought of Thief AW2 including a combat oriented path for no reason was in the back of my head haunting me all month
>they actually didn't waste a chance to prove me right
based dev tea

>> No.19920720

I honestly think they sat down and thought how they could meme the fuck out of their players with this AW2

>> No.19920733
File: 920 KB, 900x1200, 67120129_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leda got the Arsene path
I'm happy.

>> No.19920759

I could only think of persona when I read Arsene

>> No.19920763

They still didn't implement them? What the fuck? They even teased the images, what, did they have problems with the text or something?

>> No.19920779

New story missions seems pretty easy so far, the third one's big robot got me my first reset though.

>> No.19920824

So, what about Iris Mysteria? I see it's in top 3 again. I'm only getting a blank screen when trying to load it. Is it still IP blocked?

I wish Otogi had thumbnails for H-scenes like Kamihime or. So that we could know what kind of stuff we're going to look at.

>> No.19920845
File: 159 KB, 960x640, 536_event_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19920857

Not that guy but those look more like mounds instead of big breasts like her AW2 art has but the head doesn't match the body at all in either path so we can just chalk it up to the artist being an absolute hack

>> No.19920896

You are just tricked by her long legs, they look extremely similar

>> No.19920901

I still think the head does not match the body at all. Loli or not, small girl or not. Big breasts or small breasts

>> No.19920943

>Anita got trickster
Name a worse plat
protip: you can't

>> No.19921015

The event grand knight

>> No.19921115

The wiki lists whether each scene is vanilla or not. Of course they need some time to update it every time a new one is released.

>> No.19921122

The H scenes actually look very good. He must be bipolar.

>> No.19921183
File: 338 KB, 214x188, A1FA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
It's just that you can't really guess what kind of a scene the girls is going to get. They break most of the tropes because they don't restrict themselves with pure vanilla.

The only time I guessed the contents of the H-scene right was with Gretel. Judging by her looks back then I thought "it's going to be either femdom or yandere sex, or both".

>> No.19921237
File: 154 KB, 960x640, aburana_shouka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19921257

>Is it still IP blocked?
Yes it is. I didn't play that much yet, but the game is super polished and generally quite well made, both technically and content-wise.
The question is whether they can keep up the quality in the long run so people don't get bored once they finished the main and side stories that are available so far.

>> No.19921262


>> No.19921279

Question for Rarity Growth, is it better to try and unlock all your equipment slots and max your Skill Levels before doing it for the reduced cost, or is it not worth it?

>> No.19921317
File: 1.23 MB, 960x640, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naisu pull

>> No.19921989
File: 276 KB, 919x457, Comeback_Campaign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewel Princess started a comeback campaign. Players who are inactive for over 2 weeks will get a lot of stuff if they come back.

>> No.19922108

>Yes it is.
I guess it shows how few gaijins are actually playing on DMM if the game was able to get to top 1 on japanese players alone.
Japan stronk.

>> No.19922690

OSNZN on a roll.

>> No.19922792
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x768, Screenshot_2018-09-20-09-40-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New DMM game about collecting fruit girls

>> No.19922840

My, what an original concept. And PV. And logo.

>Spring Eden
>Banana Island
Damn, even place names.

I'm sold, as long as their Apple has the exact same personality as our Apple.

>> No.19922854

>Summer Watermelon H-scene is her lying on sand and you trying to insert the dick while blindfolded

>> No.19922855
File: 10 KB, 240x180, IMG_20180920_095134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another game about "constellation" girls? The trailer doesn't reveal that much

>> No.19922865

It doesn't look like it but I think Ringo chan would love her anyway

>> No.19922896


>> No.19922909
File: 7 KB, 126x135, hqdefault ai chan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check her channel expecting videos related to FKG
>it's pubg, goat simulator and the stuff almost every other Vtuber let'splays

>> No.19922941

>osanazuna doesn't even play FKG

>> No.19922942

Second fiddle in her own game, second fiddle as a virtual Youtuber.

Being NZN is suffering.

>> No.19923058

>Strawberry is a titty blonde instead of a cute pink-haired loli
>montage of nothing but tits

Shit game, dropped.

OP and some of the girls sound hella familiar though.

>> No.19923260
File: 43 KB, 561x417, 1537123722545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead game.

>> No.19923297
File: 98 KB, 519x705, freehugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to a conclusion that to have an alive DMM game it needs to have at least 3 of these things:
1) Full voice or at least voiced girl stories
2) No pvp
3) Easy to get characters
4) Lots of freebies

Did I miss anything?

>> No.19923331


>> No.19923702

>Fruit girls

The FKG killer is here. They never moved to flash so I bet this game will continue their legacy

>> No.19923719

>1) Full voice or at least voiced girl stories
>4) Lots of freebies

These two are the most important ones for an alive game. Toss in constant updates and content and you have a great game.

>> No.19924000

>JewPrin ranked 16th
What happened while I was away? It's even lower than Unitia. Which is usually the other way around.

>> No.19924006

Too many titty girls

>> No.19924027

>What happened while I was away?
NTR collab.

>> No.19924078

My personal guess is that it's a mix of ...

* the current event having already "ended" (no staggered event quests this time; there's only the damage ranking left but for a regular girl with niche uses)

* strong contenders (Imys release / new event, Otogi app release) that are drawing away people

* too many titty girls

>> No.19924102

For a long time I hoped the game would move away from pvp and competition with other players.
I dropped it when they added a ranked event (kind of like spectra battles, just that the competition is against all players)

>> No.19924109

I almost want to pick up otogi to get something other than missionary sex while holding hands and kissing for my H-scenes, is it worth it?

>> No.19924113

>too many titty girls
I doubt, people who hate that would even start playing this game.

>> No.19924148

I dislike them in most cases ("hate" is too strong a word), but I'm still playing. JewPri has plenty of reasonably sized (and flat) girls.

>> No.19924155

There's less competition in the loli game market so it'd be easier to get a niche/spot in there if they went for that.

>> No.19924174
File: 300 KB, 886x485, 299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a very friendly game. They shower you with stuff every day.
The gameplay is very shallow though. At first you think that all these skill slots and different skills sound cool. But then you realize you just have to put the most powerful one in the most powerful girl and just grind stuff until you can auto.

If you're in just for H-scenes then I think you're fine. They send out evolve and level up mats every time the game hits top 3 ninki ranking and on other occasions.
They're also sending a lot of items because of the anniversary and the android release right now.

>> No.19924180

Sounds like a good time to start out. Does it have a good amount of little girls?

>> No.19924224

I'd say there are plenty of girls for every taste. Maybe a bit more on the "average-sized" side.

>> No.19924247
File: 276 KB, 952x629, ss (2018-09-20 at 04.36.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute hat.

>> No.19924266
File: 260 KB, 842x508, otogif56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so we now get to lewd Pyurute(or however her name is pronoucnced)?
Wasn't she "too young and pure" for Ningen-san?

>> No.19924271

Looks like Ningen-san saw the light and became a lolicon

>> No.19924276

Cute boobs

>> No.19924293

Thats one of those granblue clones, right? Japs already got H version of her - kamihime. Nobody wants to grind a billion raids in new game again.

>> No.19924296
File: 127 KB, 417x514, otogif57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well she isn't really a loli. Just look at her.
It's just that in many scenes other female characters will often try not to bring up the topic of sex when she's around. And if she asked things like "where did you go" after a H-scene, the girls will often say "it's too early for her to know".

I guess she finally graduated from being clueless. I don't play the game often, maybe other anon can tell more on this topic.

>> No.19924301

Is she one of those legendary oppai lolis?

>> No.19924304
File: 1.17 MB, 810x784, 1513470866549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19924529

Fluffy ears like this needs stroking at all times
Instead the Prince is holding her knees like some fucking barbarian
Absolute pleb

>> No.19924543

No, it's an auto-battler like ReBless, Unitia, Girls Odyssey, etc.

>> No.19924604

Best difficulty for platinum Armor in aigis is normal, right? I mean, if i cant handle G yet.

>> No.19924663

Its a shame they didn't get Shibafu to draw rough potato in FKG

>> No.19924681
File: 1.85 MB, 384x372, LaughingDasani.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19924786

In Aigis, do you guys dump all your silvers into other silvers for 5/5 skill? Or do you not care about silvers at all?

>> No.19924826

Not generally worth it to skill boost silvers themselves, but you can use some like Lauren to boost units like Spica, or Gadoras for any unit that has Attack Up III/IV. If you want to cost min a silver, that's a different story and worth using copies for. There are a few that are worth having around just for high performance at low cost like Leeanne, who even outperforms non-AW gold heavies at a very low cost of 17.

>> No.19925192

Giant simple balls of nuclear hydrogen as balls.

Can't wait to fuck WASP-29, Gliese 294 and the Pistol Star.

>> No.19925251

I'm getting a lot of dupes in Otogi from using these 5* tickets. How are you suppose to use the duplicate copies?

>> No.19925494

