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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 111 KB, 529x755, sweet-bean-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19647713 No.19647713 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>19512340

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.19648094
File: 385 KB, 1020x1450, 6F342783-AF49-4DAC-A0D5-137FE2FA6954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for best film in the world.

>> No.19648261
File: 132 KB, 600x338, 75934845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been planning to see Kawase's entire filmography for a year, but her style is terribly strange, damn.
Goat director

>> No.19648337

the fuck do you mean anon, her 8mm movies are above everyone even now in cinema

>> No.19648672
File: 27 KB, 225x317, 225px-Okuribito_(2008)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese really do like their "social outcasts" movies, don't they? An, Okuribito, Kikujiro, Koe no Katachi etc.

>> No.19648699

My cat's nickname is sweet beans.

>> No.19648826
File: 18 KB, 275x183, 3879554E-429D-4556-8349-39C1EE180A6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know any live adaptions of visual novels?

>> No.19649007

I still haven't watched Love Exposure.

>> No.19649717

you should. easily best sono's movie

>> No.19651529

which ones are the best?
are there any that have a melancholic ending instead of a happy ending?

>> No.19652280

I liked them all to be honest. If I had to point out the best one then Okuribito, but if you prefer a more comedic tone then Kikujiro is also good and from what I remember it's ending was rather melancholic, might be wrong, watched it years ago (was the part where the kid finds out his mother has a new family the ending?).

>> No.19652999

Argh, just noticed that I somehow failed at spoiler marking and can't delete the post now. I am so very sorry.

>> No.19653849
File: 111 KB, 259x384, httpsen.wikipedia.orgwikiOur_Little_Sister#mediaFileOur_Little_Sister_poster.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Our Little Sister years ago. The situations are tame and even the most melodramatic and emotionally upsetting scenes are worked out in a reserved, dignified manner. The "family" cohesion is certainly idealized. Nevertheless, this movie was the best I've seen since Lurman's Romeo + Juliet.

Possibly, this movie was so memorable because I could see the candid tears streaming down a person in the next row. It can hit home in many ways.

Applause for: Realistic effort to climb the damn hills, mismatched place settings and a house that looks as if it was built before the WW II.

>> No.19653880

Have you watched Still Walking? Koreeda's best by far.

>> No.19654170

Why make a general out of everything?
Then also a fucking tripfag. Complete cancer.
If you want this, then just go to fucking discord.

>> No.19654964


shut the fuck up

>> No.19655578

But these outcast movies are backdropped by hundreds of normal society romances with generic highschool or office settings.

>> No.19655867

because last thread died? why do you even care if he's tripfag?

>> No.19655973

Higurashi no naku koro ni.

>> No.19656005
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>Thought it was a joke
...shit, man.

>> No.19656483

I have not. It's on my list now. Thanks.

>> No.19656696
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>> No.19656810
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>> No.19656976

>because last thread died?
You are the cancer.
If you want to constantly discuss a topic, why not open a discord channel?
Then people won't be bothered by your tripfaggotry either.

and you too.

>> No.19657471

>giving fuck about tripfag in 2018, anon please.

Why you are even here if you can't bring any positivity to thread. Come back next month and make new thread. I know people are cancerous outside /pol/ /s4s/ and /b/ but you my friend deserves medal. Shitpost about movies or you know.

>> No.19657640

tripfaggotry is just the icing on the shitcake.
The "general mentality" is whats annoying me.
As if having a few threads here and there wasn't enough, we now need a constant rolling general, which will just be filled with useless mundane shit so that the thread doesn't disappear (look at every idol general on /jp/).
If there would be enough people to sustain this type of thread, shouldn't it belong on /tv/ ? After all this isn't Otaku culture.
I even like japanese TV and have been in these kinds of threads since a long time ago (when we had them once in a while), but generals fucking suck dick, and it's obvious that everyone who starts calling something a "general" is the kind of cancer that is destroying this site.
If you want a general, then just use discord! It's literally made for this shit.

>> No.19658016

My girlfriend and I have been watching alot of Terrace House recently. She gets really invested in it, but I cant help but think its somewhat scripted

>> No.19658229

Dude, you had time to tell that in 8 previous threads why start now? Why we can't have generals but fucking JAV and Gravure type of shit has their own? For sure you are mad also about Touhou threads too? Even when they are here from beggining

>> No.19658381

>JAV and Gravure type of shit has their own
I dislike them just as much. But I manage to ignore them, since I never want to discuss JAV or Gravure. (I believe they should be purged though)
I don't dislike japanese TV, and I don't want these threads to end up just like the other generals; completely mundane and devoid of discussion (See any of those 1000 idol generals where they just repost what someone has posted on twitter).
>Touhou threads too?
They are /jp/ heritage and also Otaku Culture, so they belong on this board.
Japanese TV is rarely Otaku Culture, and as such doesn't really belong on this board.
Diverse japanese niche interests are allowed on here though, since they wouldn't get their time of day on their respective board (/tv/ for this thread), and I'm totally ok with having this thread once in a while.
But making it a "general" is fucking dumb. At the point where these threads become self-contained "generals" (aka circle-jerks), it would make no difference if it exists on /tv/ or /jp/ or Discord.
That a tripfag is the OP just makes it even clearer that it's just cancer.
Naming something a general clearly indicates that the person should just get the fuck out of /jp/.
They don't belong here. It's just someone foreign not only to /jp/, but the whole concept of this site.

>> No.19659312

I used to be an OP (not anymore, someone else makes them know, I stopped when the threads started to die before hitting bump limits) when this changed from "thread" to "general" so let me make some things clear:
The reason for this change was that someone came bashing that this should be a general so he doesn't have to see it etc. (Kind of what You are doing now btw). Some people supported this idea. I asked if I should name the next thread a general, people agreed (don't remember if there was even a one person who opposed the idea) so the change happened.
Generals are pretty common on this site, especially if you consider that there is a whole board with a "general" in its name >>vg
But there is a point that I will agree on. There is not enough content nowadays to keep a general, so I stopped making them, but someone else picked it up, can't answer for them, but don't connect "general" in thread name to tripfaging.

>> No.19659449
File: 15 KB, 275x183, 4748329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me that you are not long enough on this site (even on /jp/ where back then you could found tripfag in gravure threads) to understand that "tripfagging" was normal for a while. Well playe, you ruined thread by crying. Congrats but don't worry I will make new one in about month. Now, we can talk anons about movies and stuff.

>> No.19659546
File: 254 KB, 1113x635, kamikaze_girls_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a great film.

>> No.19660253

>in gravure threads
You mean the ones that were completely fucking cancerous shit? Or the ones that got instantly deleted back when the mods at least gave some sort of fuck about this place?
Get a grip. Nobody likes or wants you here.

>> No.19663417

you're not helping. now it's on page 10

>> No.19664098
File: 94 KB, 667x779, Kemono_ni_Narenai_Watashitachi-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

October romcom. My favourite actors. Same writer as Nigehaj. I smell 10/10.

>> No.19667575 [DELETED] 

>those meta threads still being here

>> No.19667584

>those meta posts still being here

>> No.19670713


>> No.19673557

Nice, been waiting for new gakky stuff

>> No.19674400

Saw this yesterday, it was so satisfying

>> No.19676331

would anyone like to share anything on youtube related to japanese media? not japanese youtubers, mind you. more like documentaries, movies, or shows. i do watch nhk programs on youtube, just wondering if there is anything else worth watching.

>> No.19678305
File: 343 KB, 640x906, tondesaitama_201808_02_fixw_640_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19678764


>> No.19678771
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>> No.19685654

Takane no Hana is kinda fucked up, in a good way. Is it an original or an adaptation?

>> No.19687914
File: 147 KB, 660x934, Sora_wo_Kakeru_Yodaka-P1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great start. Terribly rushed. It also has some lackluster characters. Also, Daiki Shigeoka is a very good actor. I wish he would be given more lead roles. The story should have more switching instances, IMO. Overall 7/10 show for me.

>> No.19687942

>People from Saitama Prefecture are persecuted and, because of this, they hide the fact that they are from there. In Tokyo, Momomi Hakuhodo (Fumi Nikaido) is a male high school student and the son of the Tokyo governor. Physically, Momomi Hakuhodo looks like a girl. One day, he meets mysterious male transfer student Rei Asami (Gackt). They are attracted to each other, but Rei Asami is from Saitama Prefecture.

>> No.19687962

Hopefully no janiizu or some faggot idol is making an appearance the drama, last thing I need is a LJ group subbing it for their closed cult.

>> No.19690228
File: 133 KB, 924x654, Stepmother_and_Daughters_Blues-p001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched the first 4 episodes of this. Please tell me Ryoichi beats cancer (ಥ﹏ಥ)

>> No.19690576

Learn japanese. It isn't a difficult language to learn.

>> No.19690712

How is the show? Is it like a romcom or family comedy?

>> No.19691102

Am in the process but still not on the level to watch dramas comfortably.

>> No.19691281

More of a family comedy.

>> No.19691399
File: 47 KB, 720x416, snapshot20090409205235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ima boku wa

"A socially reclusive 20 year old NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) is forced to deal with the world when his mother takes the matter into her own hands and finds a job for him through one of her coworkers. Everything seems to be going well towards integration of Satoru into society as a productive member but a tragedy and the pressure of the new job finally push Satoru over the edge."

Pretty good film.

Love Generation, Ikebukuro West Gate Park are also good TV shows. Good Morning call isn't to bad either.

>> No.19691497
File: 1.93 MB, 1824x2736, op_wasabi_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone watched this? Saw the ad in a couple places around Japan recently.

>> No.19691542

Forgot link (and realised no name in picture, other than in file name).

>> No.19691621

To the person who recommended 正義のセ and 東京タラレバ娘、thank you they were both fun

>> No.19691635

I'll give it a try then. Last one I watched was Overprotected Kahoko which I enjoyed.
So random and comfy. Indeed a great show. I love shows like these where doing odd jobs/problem solving is the story.

>> No.19691862

No. But I've finished Kuragehime recently and watching Beppinsan currently. I like her now. Will try giving this a shot later. Thanks.

>> No.19691989

You need to start somewhere. Take a light drama and try watching it raw first (assuming you know some common vocab and simple sentence structure at the very least). I recommend you to start with Hana Nochi Hare or something similar. Asadora is fine too but avoid watching Kansai-based asadora.
Or tokusatsu is fine too.

>> No.19693573

Females pretedning to be men for the sake of a story is wrong. The fact that the movie an story also have a male looking like a girl, but again is a man, and wears girls clothing is wrong too.

Weird is not always a good thing.

>> No.19695023

This'll get public subs for sure.

>> No.19695131
File: 2.86 MB, 1332x720, Bring.On.the.Melody.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi-[11.00.993-11.07.750].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanna will never kick your butt

>> No.19695426
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>> No.19695446
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>> No.19696199

I watched this a year ago. The ending was poignant.

>> No.19696466

Anyone know if Tantei ga Hayasugiru is worth watching?

>> No.19696648
File: 2.91 MB, 1332x720, Bring.On.the.Melody.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi-[22.53.831-23.00.838].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanna is a bully in this film. i love it

>> No.19699449

I never get the idea of a girl physically bullying a guy. I could understand psychological bullying, but physical? Does this bitch want to get slammed or what?

>> No.19700042

Fighting a female in public can be more harmful to you than it is to her physically

>> No.19701321

Depends how hard you slam her (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

>> No.19703593

how did you watch it if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.19705831
File: 61 KB, 640x888, That_Is_Not_a_Child_But_a_Minor-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was a so unremarkably cliché tsundere romcom movie, but Taira Yuna is so beautiful though.

>> No.19707223

It was a bit too cheesy for me. That and the male lead being an asshole scumbag that the girl always fall for makes me rolls eyes.

Yuna is pretty though I can't get the blowjob scene she did in Ankoku Joshi out of my head everytime I see her.

>> No.19707567

抱きしめたい ―真実の物語― is really great

>> No.19707629
File: 205 KB, 1000x720, Chugakusei_Nikki-LMSM111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teacher-student affair

>> No.19707678

I like mysterious Yuna in SAGRADA RESET.

>> No.19707979
File: 942 KB, 500x256, tumblr_mhxjl5gyzE1qduy16o1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Kasumi as a teacher?

>> No.19708098

Yeah, it will be next season's drama with her as lead.

>> No.19708296

Googled it and now I have some doubts. Putting it in middle school was already somewhat risky, but she also has a fiance. Seems kind of like a taboo bait. I like female-senpai/oneesan theme, but ntr is not my cup of tea.

>> No.19708306

do you guys have discord server?

>> No.19708310

This isn’t reddit. Go back.

>> No.19708421

fuck off

>> No.19708689

Female teacher - male student relationship is new to me, so I'll give it a try.

>> No.19708697

I'm just looking for a serious discourse for japanese Cinema, been reading Miyao Daisuke's book "The Aesthetic of Shadow: Lighying and Japanese Cinema" and I want to have some place for that kind of discussion.

Also, the faq pastebin is something that of common knowledge, I'm looking a way to watch something from 20s or 30s. Reading Miyao's book makes me want to watch Henry Kotani's films.

Yoko Kanno's soundtrack is really great. Bless her.

>> No.19708735

This isn't the place for it. This thread's mainly for dramas and commercial Japanese films(non-arthouse). What you're looking for is, no joke, reddit.

>> No.19708787 [DELETED] 

Ah so, only asadora and renzoku dorama then? I'm not particularly interested in current asadora, but next year's asadora (Natsuzora). Manpuku seems interestig because Sakura Ando is the lead, and while Natsuzora has big commercial push actress as the lead (Hirose Suzu), the synopsis sounds interesting.

>> No.19708823

Ah so, only asadora and renzoku dorama then? I'm not particularly interested in current asadora, but next year's asadora seems interesting. Manpuku seems interestig because Sakura Ando is the lead, and while Natsuzora has big commercial push actress as the lead (Hirose Suzu), the theme (animation production post WW II era) is really my thing (animation history). I wonder if it will mix some real historical events, figures and places like Yasuji Mori, Miyazaki-Takahata, Tesamu Ozuka, or Toei Douga and Mushi production.

>> No.19708879
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Forgot to mention that Camera wo Tomeru na!'s popularity has been rising. It was a limited budget production (initially started as a crowdfunding project) and now has became a popular movie that screened everywhere.

I heard the Bleach movie is a blockbuster flop, while Gintama 2 is on the way to be one of the highest grossing movie of the year. Manga adaptation is really a wild gamble.

>> No.19709304


>> No.19709941

I'll check it out, cause Kasumi is a top-tier cutie, but I do have my doubts about it. I remember there was an anime about female teacher - male student relationship a couple of seasons ago, but it was just a really bad smut for women.

>> No.19711494

No joke but I would actually be intrested in discord.

>> No.19711989

Yeah this is booming right now, have heard someone mention it at least once a day on either livestreams or in youtube videos, or seeing it on SNS

>> No.19712527

I'm not surprised. The first gintama movie was pretty good. If you can get a good director and actors who know what they're doing you have a high chance of it being a good adaptation.

Jojo live action from what I heard was also pretty good.

>> No.19712599
File: 143 KB, 500x537, one litre of tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 years later
>still get something in my eye every time i hear konayuki

Is there any other dorama that will make me feel this feel?

>> No.19712707

Not sure if you will get the same feels, but Boku no Ita Jikan has a very similar theme (imho One Litre is better).

>> No.19713400

this guy is suppsoed to be a middle schooler? dude's gotta be like 20 years old, the girl looks more like a middle schooler.

>> No.19713489

He is 19 she is 25. I think she plays a teacher straight out of uni, so the age would fit, but casting a real middle schooler would be highly questionable. You usually have older actors playing teens, because of better acting skills, more range on mature themes, no acne and stuff.

>> No.19713504

with all the baby faced japs out there I just think they could have done better

>> No.19713726

well, the weirdest casting usually is with high school students in dramas/movies. I remember watching Oguri Shun as a high school student in Crows zero and in Nobunaga Concerto which was so unbelievable.

>> No.19714520

The thing is, Fukuda knows what he is doing, while the director for Bleach just go with the trend. You can look at casts. Fukuda's casts seriously enjoyed themselves while filming.

>> No.19714952
File: 1.27 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180821_044558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bleach has flopped? Not surprised. The way the series was marketed after the espada arch ending with Aizen. The majority of the fan base both inside and outside of Japan lost interest since the anime ended there not to mention the bad writting that Ichigo gained the powers of a Quincy. Shonen jump monthly U.S also phased out with their hardcopies being distributed around that same time frame as well.

What a shame.
Japan still had high grossing manga volume sales for bleach, but it's shadow of whay attention the series was getting before hand.

The live action movie probably was seen as the franchise's last chance to garnish some of the fan bases' long lost appeal to read the rest of the manga.

Too bad.

>> No.19715112
File: 106 KB, 500x701, destiny-kamakura-monogatari-japanese-movie-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this movie was discussed, but it was great

>> No.19716285

I caught an episode of 水戸黄門 on Japanese TV and liked it a lot. Where can I watch it online, and any other jidaigeki too?

>> No.19717254

I almost got confused with this movie. Pretty cool though like an xmen film.

>> No.19717865

Let's see here
>Live-action adaptation
>Of a manga
>Of one of those shitty long-running Shounen Jump manga of all things
>On top of throwing meme ham actors there
I wonder if they thought something along the line of: "Yes, this one's gonna generate us some mad profit" while ignoring the other live-action disasters of manga series 10x better than the absolute shit that is this Shounen Jump manga.

>> No.19719975

I liked the overall story, but the moral pissed me off so bad. Zenko should not have been cast as a villain. Even her happy ending is probably short lived, as since apparently people with no friends deserve it due to their shitty unchangeable personalities so everyone will go back to not liking her within a few days.

>> No.19720689

I disagree. It's way too subdued for that. Sometimes they get an unlucky streak where nothing much happens for weeks on end and they really have to get creative with the editing to keep the audience engaged.
Not that things aren't altered from how they would act without the cameras at all. For one, they've discussed in the past that candidates might get a leg up if they might have an interesting dynamic with someone in the house, so it's not like they just pick people randomly and hope they're fun to watch. Also being on camera they're probably on their best behavior, doing things like quickly hashing out beefs that would probably stew if they weren't being judged, and even maybe basing their behavior on the panel's and internet's shipping/fan fiction.

>> No.19721286
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>> No.19721493

I wonder if jump sales are in decline. What are they actually running off of anyway? Jojo isn't that popular despite its first surgence in the US due to the anime.

All I ever see these days trending for them is db super and boruto.

One peice is done in the u.s. it had its time. Everything Jump had as a fan base in the u.s other than the new jojo surgence has been dropped it seems. Other than db super.

What am I missing?

>> No.19722232
File: 12 KB, 250x272, Mackenyu-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF. #metoo

>> No.19722784

That is unexpected.

>> No.19722790

Takane no Hana is fucking edgy.

>> No.19722853

Old ass scandal, not a single one gave a shit during it, no one mentions it nowadays. The guy is topping the ranks for the most hottest dude and most desired boyfriend/husband on those Japanese meme surveys.
I actually thought he'd suffer a backlash, but the bloke is too beautiful to get banished over this.

>> No.19723757

Unless it's actual sexual assault or highly publicized affairs then male celebrities get off much more lightly than female ones do
Especially if they're, like you said, attractive like Mackenyu

>> No.19724023

He almost looks Korean in the photo the article hosts.

>> No.19724030

End me.

>> No.19724114

I just realized too his father is Sonny Chiba. Their age gap is so far.

>> No.19725179

Does anyone know where to download this? I've looked pretty hard for it

>> No.19725248

I doubt it's available anywhere.
A DVD release date hasn't even been confirmed.

>> No.19727207
File: 213 KB, 978x447, Koishite_Akuma_-_Vampire_Boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly a better love story than Twilight

>> No.19727655

What?! His father is Sony Chiba???

>> No.19730921

Watched episode 5. He's fighting. Let's hope he wins.

>> No.19731013

Just looking at the cast is enough to make me puke from sheer cringing.

>> No.19731311

Main girl doesn't look Japanese

>> No.19731490

Kato is hafu Italian.

>> No.19731607

Yeah it's cringey and trashy. Sometimes I watch shows like this. Also I wanted to watch something supernatural. I'll take any recs with supernatural/paranormal themes.

>> No.19732371

Does a grandma turning young again, thanks to a magical cat, that can that can turn human (or was it a human bound in cat form? I can't remember), in Sumika Sumire count? Kirtani Mirei is cute

>> No.19733599

It's a manga adaptation. It should be cringy. I mean, even Kuragehime is cringy.

>> No.19733895

Kuragehime was way more cringy than Sumika Sumire in my opinion, though.

>> No.19733915

Thanks, I'll watch later on.

>> No.19734704

The far right girl Kato is hafu, yes, but look at this main girl on the front too. Shes quite the contrast to what most Japanese women look like.

>> No.19735078

any japanese shows/movies where the setting plays a main part of a story? for example, the movie woodjob. i like shots of scenery as it makes me feel like i’m there. could it be possible that an urban city be main focus (not only movies about nature)?

>> No.19735627

I'm not quite sure what you mean by setting playing a main part of the story. In period dramas setting is very important, but it does not really seem like what you are looking for. Do you just want lots of shots of scenery?

>> No.19735860


>> No.19735880

Gentle breeze in the village (2007)
Gin no Saji (2014)
these are all I can remember for the meantime

>> No.19735933

Moe no Suzaku and Shara/Sharasoyju perhaps.
Sharasojyu has one of my favorite scenes:

>> No.19738085

>Do you want just want lots of shots of scenery?
yes please

>> No.19742317

Sumika Sumire cringiest part are the CGI and bakeneko stuff. The story itself is pretty much normal, and also thanks to the acting.

>> No.19742320
File: 326 KB, 1000x1480, ede1c5f49b0c0c7698e4e7521d72cb80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home from watching this in an empty theater, in need of some recommendations for essential japanese drinking culture-core

>> No.19742769
File: 303 KB, 980x696, Boys_Over_Flowers_Season_2-p001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /jp/'s opinion on Crazy rich teen Asians: the show?

>> No.19743241

What a great movie.
You should check Tatami Galaxy series before watching this movie.

>> No.19744916

It was a great ride and almost 1:1 adaptation of the manga.

>> No.19744926

Hoshino Gen can actually voice acting without being monotonous.

>> No.19749466

for what purpose

>> No.19751019

>for what purpose
What's the subject of your sentence?

>> No.19751027

his life

>> No.19752279

holy shit I thought I was the only one.. I love Chara too, bought all of her albums.

>> No.19753341
File: 390 KB, 853x454, s p o o k e d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noroi is the best found-footage horror movie ever made.

>> No.19753547


>> No.19755725

Need something to watch now while I eat my food. It can be a drama or a movie.

>> No.19756176

Midnight diner.

>> No.19756374

You took too long. I decided on Kekkon Dekinai Otoko. First episode was ok but nothing really makes me want to watch another so I I'll switch over to Midnight Diner.

>> No.19756443

I'm watching Jin currently. The story is so interesting.

>> No.19756817

Iwai made a film called April Story, very comfy film, anyone who's seen it could you recommend any similar Japanese films?

>> No.19757035
File: 1.61 MB, 1280x1024, mpv_2018-08-26_23-38-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Linda Linda Linda is very comfy, what's some other school slice of life films I should watch?

>> No.19757994

I recommend A Gentle Breeze in the Village (Tennen Kokekko) by the same director. It's super comfy.

>> No.19759124

Just watched Camera wo tomeru na, was a pretty fun movie overall. Spoilers really kill the experience, though, so best not to read reviews before watching.

>> No.19759225


>> No.19760860

is there some sort of essential japanese movie chart or website?

>> No.19760872

wow just finished this, was a fun movie, great music too

>> No.19761139

Boku no Hero Academia is their new cash cow.

>> No.19764290

Torrents are amazing things. Sorry for the late late late reply.

>> No.19764779
File: 2.69 MB, 550x298, Waller.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn sexually harass Kiritani Mirei

>> No.19764874

But I would prefer to be the one harassed by her...

>> No.19765746
File: 2.52 MB, 1280x720, wall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harass this

>> No.19765809

Just recently started watching Jdrama again since late 2000s.
Got interested to watch Overprotected Kahoko since I'm kinda curious of how the male lead doing recently since he's one of my favorite kamen rider actor.
I'm on episode sixth now and hoping could catch up before the SP aired next month.

>> No.19766899

any j dramas with an older guy seducing a younger women? its my fetish

>> No.19767421


>> No.19768669

That actor is so tall and makes the lead actress look like a kid. The show has great performances though.

>> No.19770650

What is the best way to stream live Japanese TV stations?

>> No.19771194
File: 39 KB, 337x471, Majo_no_Jouken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone watched this?

>> No.19771309

whats a computah?

>> No.19771831

It is going to have an SP? Finally.
I wonder if Boku Unmei no Hito desu is going to have one too, that one especially felt vaguely unfinished.

>> No.19771843

Hanbun, Aoi episode 125 really hits my feels hard.

>> No.19771981

It will be aired next month.

>> No.19773161

Whats everyone’s favorite slice of life comfy tv show?

>> No.19774211


There's a film festival here in Holland in a month and I'd love to hear any recommendations. I've only seen 15, maybe more if you count tokusatsu, Japanese movies so I'm not informed at all about directors. I recognise some actors from dramas on the pictures here and there but otherwise I'm clueless. I've got my eyes on the anime movies and Camera wo tomeru na!, but that's it, and given the opportunity I'd really like to see more. Open to any genre.

>> No.19774935

Use AQStream
They have the essential Jap channels you need

>> No.19776038
File: 105 KB, 1000x562, terrace-houseboys-girls-in-the-citykey-art-eng-0-0-0-0-1508228149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrace House Season 1-3




>> No.19776202
File: 2.13 MB, 1637x911, 1245321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where this is from?

>> No.19776217

what happened, I used to see this image all over the /jay/

>> No.19776529

not sure if it's an episode of kinpachi sensei, but someone linked the yt scene of this once
she was supposed to give it to a boy who she called on the phone to meet her

>> No.19777095


Thanks senpai, this is great although it doesn't look to live?

>> No.19777263

I really liked it. Bullying the ugly is a real thing in high school.

>> No.19777338 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 500x281, 1430135248269546.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19777341

From the drama Love Letter.

>> No.19777376 [DELETED] 
File: 2.85 MB, 480x270, 1480112988987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposed to give it to a boy who she called on the phone
kinda hard since shes a deaf/mute


>> No.19777442



>> No.19778738

I just finished Overprotected Kahoko, and while I enjoyed it a lot, I'm kind of disappointed since I thought it would be about how Kahoko fare and adapted in working environment after being so sheltered by her parent.
But I like all the cast, almost all of them were charming and such an enjoyment to watch. Except the cousin who was such a cunt.

>> No.19779013
File: 25 KB, 382x256, Gooddoctor2018poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this show really hits you in the feels..

>> No.19780856

Why can't Beppinsan be as consistent as Hanbun, Aoi and Teru Teru Kazoku with the drama? Sometimes the character personality changes just feel too forced. I hate Norio now.

>> No.19781499

That song feels so nostalgic, i only watched one litre of tears a few months ago but proceeded to listen to that song many times afterwards. However the show really overused the other dramatic music really heavily. I got really tired of the the broken record sounding one every time something dramatic happened.

>> No.19783546

Destiny: Tale of Kamakura is supposed to be a fun fantasy film. Sion Sono is also a name you see crop up a lot in jp film threads, so you might want to check his film out too.

>> No.19783655

2bh I would watch them all, if I could. Tremble all you want is a terrible movie though. Tokyo Vampire Hotel is a drama series and marathoning it all is debatable unless you love Siono.

>> No.19783773

It's damn close to live, there's a 2-3 minute delay, but it's fine

>> No.19784611
File: 2.76 MB, 1719x720, Ajin.Demi-Human.2017.720p.BluRay.x264-WiKi-[07.14.683-07.26.320].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some good japanese action films?

>> No.19785011

>he doesn't know
Girls like that exist, they operate under the assumption that the guy is not going to hit her because she's a girl. They punch, kick, etc because they think no harm is going to come to her

I like it when the girl is qt

>> No.19785023

>Fourze and Meteor together again
I'm happy

>> No.19785041

she should watch her step

>> No.19786528

But wouldn't they get hurt quite fast? Not even hit, but when the guy would simply push back they might get hurt. Especially if it's the girl as small as Kanna (if you are Gabi Garcia's size you could prolly bully most people).

>> No.19786538

Do they have to shoot or are samurai movies ok?

>> No.19786596
File: 2.56 MB, 660x372, syojyo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19787055

okay, I actually finished watching this. Inspite of the obvious under acting, and japanese drama cliches, I actually was interested on how the show would end. Also surprisingly the show isnt a comedy. Decent show to be honest and this dude >>19786596 was also there as a classmate kek
off to watch Sumika sumire now

>> No.19788818
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>> No.19788827

Is there actually any film that depicts rising nationalism in pre-war Japan, sort of like Yukio Mishima's 'Runaway Horses'?

>> No.19788828

What a retarded way to cut a webm

>> No.19791306

I've seen this already. Really crazy movie.

>> No.19791559

The series was so hilarious and well made. 10/10.

>> No.19791864


>> No.19795525
File: 853 KB, 2750x1458, jp-netflix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I compiled just about every decent-looking Japanese film and TV show I could find on Netflix, minus a bunch of anime. Am I missing anything good?

>> No.19796261

Million Yen Women was on Netflix, right? (I don't use it so I'm not sure.)

>> No.19797543

It is, thanks! Just added it to my list.

>> No.19798916

Any essential list of shows by genre to watch?

>> No.19798921

Mishima praised the Kamikaze Attack. Let's watch 'The Eternal Zero'.

>> No.19798937

What do you want to watch? It's easier to recommend thru that way.

>> No.19799050

Want to watch something in the romance genre. Im new to jdramas in general btw (only watched freeter ie o kau & kekkon dekinai otoko)

>> No.19799503

Long vacation
Nigeru wa haji da ga yaku ni tatsu
From 5 to 9
Operation love
These are all romcoms

>> No.19799512

Zenkai girl*
Ashi girl
Hana yori dango
Hana kimi
Be prepared for overacting/animeish characters though

>> No.19799573

>Be prepared for overacting/animeish characters though
You mean on these last 4? I dont mind tho

>> No.19800169

>tfw From 5 to 9 manga has actual sex and Junko is now pregnant with Takane's child.

>> No.19800584

she looks like yume kana

>> No.19801040

well generally, most romcoms are like that
I read the initial chapters too to compare. IIRC the setup there is the 2 were friends with benefits before lovers. I preferred the live action.

>> No.19801344

I liked Re:Mind. It was dumb but fun. Except for the extra episode, that sucked.

>> No.19801533


>> No.19803102

This movie good?

>> No.19803458
File: 215 KB, 1356x1520, Isoroku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL at Imperial Navy reading Mein Kampf.

>> No.19803621

Am watching Could Have Gone All The Way Committee right now and just found out it's on Netflix. It's kinda nice.

>> No.19803798
File: 53 KB, 1024x438, Gourmet-Samurai-1024x438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samurai Gourmet

>> No.19804116

Is there something to listen to Japanese radio like those TV sites?

>> No.19804281

I'll check it out, thanks

It's in my backlog so I haven't started watching it yet

I really like cozy food shows like Kodoku no Gurume and Midnight Diner, but I didn't really like what I watched of Samurai Gourmet. It looked really pretty but it seems like it was aimed at a western audience.

>> No.19804342


>> No.19804974

Your anime choices are good if that helps. In This Corner of the World and Miss Hokusai especially.

>> No.19805038

Thanks! I haven't looked too much at their anime selection but from what I've heard the ones you listed are really good.

>> No.19806000

Majo no joken/ witch's terms. Teacher and student romance
Decent but nothing spectacular.

>> No.19806757

I've watched fuckloads of anime and now I want to get into dramas since I'm running out of things that interest me that I haven't seen for anime. Any good easy to get into romcom/drama shows?

>> No.19806792

The live action is an actual romcom, the manga goes full josei. It actually reads like your usual kdrama plot.

>> No.19806818

I want to recommend Hanbun Aoi but it is barely subbed. It is a great SoL roller coaster and best asadora yet. As for romcom, I recommend From 5 to 9 and Boki Unmei no Hito desu.

>> No.19807256

Hana nochi hare will make you appreciate a good faithful adaptation from a manga. Or just see this list >>19799503.

>> No.19807621
File: 204 KB, 1280x692, mpv-shot0042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the male protagonist in this movie dies a virgin ? wtf

what a weird love story!

>> No.19807731
File: 174 KB, 1280x692, mpv-shot0043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shitty film!

imdb gives this a 7.4
this is more like a 6.1 film
there is no way this is a 7.4 movie

>> No.19807746 [DELETED] 


kekkon dekinai otoko
with abe hiroshi


the opening music is basically anime music

>> No.19807878

It's not shitty. It's just very boring.

>> No.19809658 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x795, my mister.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's not really /jp/ but do you guys watch kdrama as well? Personally I like both and just watch whatever seems good.

>> No.19809688

If you know it's not /jp/ then why are you posting it here, gook?

>> No.19809828

Tried watching, didn't like it.

>> No.19810073

fuck off

>> No.19810810 [DELETED] 


i would probably watch this just because it has iu in it

does she do lewd things in this?

>> No.19811725

Jdrama has the aesthetic absent in kdrama. So, no.

>> No.19811933

In the past, but let's not discuss it here.

>> No.19813871

Why do Japanese TV dramas make CW shows look like fucking Stanley Kubrick? The acting is so cheesy and lifeless that it's unbearable sometimes to watch unless you're a five year old.

>> No.19813898

Kabuki theatre, they never had the same period the west had with the realism movement.

It doesn't help that 99% of dramas are trash for housewives, the last one I enjoyed was Hanzawa Naoki even though it was still cheesy as fuck.

Japanese media excels only in writing.

>> No.19813926

then make good threads anon
if your idea is worth while, it'll take over the board
grow the fuck up

>> No.19814241

>there is only one way of correct acting
What do you think about Bollywood and latin telenovelas?

>> No.19814522

What films have the greatest soundtracks? (Besides Takemitsu)

>> No.19814966

I haven't seen those. I like a lot of japanese films but the TV dramas are too much for me sometimes.
>99% of dramas are trash for housewives
I see now they do seem kind of soap operaish with their lame reactions to things.

>> No.19815218

Are you seriously expecting quality anything from TV dramas?

>> No.19815594

The ones with Hisaishi. Okuribito, Snow on the Blades etc.

>> No.19815631

Akira Ifukube

>> No.19816060

Any good documentaries?

>> No.19816183
File: 842 KB, 2298x3286, poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokyo Idols was pretty good.

>> No.19816415

Jiro Dreams of Sushi. It's less about sushi but more about how an overbearing father ruins his son's dreams.

>> No.19818002
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x1024, mpv_2018-09-04_17-50-34 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished "Love & Loathing & Lulu & Ayano " it was interesting I guess, any other movies that explore Japan's porn industry?

>> No.19818019

one thing that stood out to me was the jarring experimental type bassy ost that occasionally interrupted all the silence

>> No.19820588

Rinko Eighteen? Haven't seen it, but the synopsis would fit.

>> No.19821741

This one has WWII footage in colour. It has two versions - Japanese and English.


>> No.19822816

Watch asadora then. Some of them have less overacting.

>> No.19822841

What topics are you interested in?

Have some VICE on yakuza: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeWfPTCMCTo

>> No.19823280


>> No.19826765
File: 115 KB, 928x523, Hanagatami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody seen this?

>> No.19826803

Any good period piece movies? Feudal Japan, 1950s Japan, Edo Japan, gimme whatever.

>> No.19827900

Snow on the blades, When the last sword is drawn, Ame agaru

>> No.19828061
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>> No.19829550
File: 249 KB, 1366x607, 永遠の0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he use 'watashi' when speaking to soldiers? In the military at the time soldiers had to use 'ore' and 'kisama', otherwise they'd be punished.

>> No.19831284
File: 46 KB, 315x420, Shonen_merikensack[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was dumb, but I liked it. I want a cute Kanna manager ༼ つ _ ༽つ

>> No.19831420

Aoi Miyazaki is really a good actress and pretty too. Here's her when she was younger.
https://youtu.be/zbBfRjnDmko.. Nice short film too.

>> No.19832468

Did u watch it in theaters or online?

>> No.19832713
File: 2.11 MB, 848x480, keibi2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19834778

I also liked her in Asa ga Kita.
Ad the link you posted: 360p is too low of a resolution for me to enjoy it :/

>> No.19834881

Sorry, I dont think another copy exists elsewhere...

>> No.19836547
File: 21 KB, 824x527, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck do I do now?!

>> No.19837333

I wonder if anyone was dumb enough to pay those guys for a year or two.

Abusing the servers with the unlimited trial hack was fun while it lasted, I guess it's time to go back to just downloading the 10 shows I watch.

>> No.19837801

But I only watch morning variety shows, I'm fucked.

>> No.19839481

where do you download? I've been reliant on that site :/

>> No.19839523

They're still around, just renamed to ForJoyTV. But yeah only dummies paid for their service, especially now that they've been removing basically all the popular channels without any answers to queries but it should be apparent they're getting cease and desist threats from the networks. The unlimited trial hack was fun and even then, you could just download the shows you want and watch it later. Not sure if that was implemented by choice or just LOLJapaneseprogrammers and still not fixed.

>> No.19839538
File: 113 KB, 425x600, Haunted_Campus-p02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was fairly amusing for a horror comedy. Felt like watching a live action anime. Also, I just finished watching S1 of Jin a while ago and wtf is with that anticlimactic ending? It's like nothing interesting happened in the end.

>> No.19839665


>> No.19840519

Any other busukawaii actress like Shida Mirai?

>> No.19841956

Kuroki Haru kinda fits the bill.

>> No.19842098
File: 170 KB, 1280x851, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've watched quiet a few series recently, but didn't bother to write anything- DESU I am back to old classics (子連れ狼 is still my fav), but today I saw トワイライト ささらさや. Very good production quality, I don't usually watch movies, but this one was great. Acting was TOP NOTCH (Gakki is a great actress, but apart of cute female rest of the cast did even better!). For some reason reminded me of 三丁目の夕日, and that is the best complement I can give. Story is based on a novel I think, translated to a movie quiet well. Japanese was just as usual- nothing really too difficult, lot's of casual dialogues that are easy to follow.

>> No.19842354

Anon that's just busu.

>> No.19842562

Maybe I got biased cause her characters were nice.

>> No.19843084

>Twilight Sasara Saya
I remember watching this on an airplane and I had to hold my fucking tears as the movie goes on.

>> No.19843389
File: 266 KB, 640x905, Moriyamachu_Driving_School-p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy core film like Waterboys. Watch it if you havent

>> No.19843450

How does Waterboys film fare to the drama? I have only watched the drama version.

>> No.19846609

The movie and the 1st season is almost the same storywise. The drama is like a retelling of the movie, but with different characters. I havent watched the 2nd season though.

>> No.19847742

Dead torrents.

>> No.19847933
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone a fan of Hiroshi Ishikawa's movies? Tokyo Sora is probably the most well-known one, but I liked Su-Ki-Da and Petal Dance, although it's easy to see how people might find his direction style pretentious with the minimal dialogue and long silences. Pedal Dance is already 5 years old, but it's still one of the best looking films I've seen with its particular color scheme and filters. And Aoi Miyazaki is cute.

>> No.19851167

I like them too. My favorites are also Su-Ki-Da and Petal Dance. I also really liked the short film Kimi no Yubisaki.

>> No.19851716

D-addicts subs forum will be removed by the 23rd, get all your subs before it closes. You even need a forum acc to visit site now...

>> No.19851755
File: 154 KB, 1723x555, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19851770

They should move everything to subscene. Some already use it as a backup.

>> No.19851799

Im glad that sites exists. Hope someone does upload old subs there

>> No.19851891
File: 169 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check out Kimi no Yubisaki. It's pretty interesting how music and film make me think about the passage of time more than anything else. It felt like yesterday that I watched Petal Dance, but it's been half a decade. And it's pretty interesting to see the same actors show up in unexpected places. One of the girls from Petal Dance was in that Deadpool movie.

>> No.19851907
File: 300 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is slight off topic, but has anyone seen the Korean version of Little Forest? Wondering how it compares to the Japanese version.

>> No.19851970
File: 62 KB, 899x944, sagawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good films with this chad gramps

>> No.19853618
File: 542 KB, 748x621, sachiiro-no-one-room[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched the first episode. That was bad. Characters are build of few oversaturated cliche attributes and as a result feel very flat. Typical substitution of more complex values and themes with edge to make teens feel mature. Unsurprisingly, it's based off a manga, where such mistakes happen horrendously often.

>> No.19853987

Do u guys use Nico Nico Douga for streaming? Or smtg else, I can do it on my phone, But I'm blocked on my laptop, kinda weird

>> No.19854080

Just wondering: are you using the same ISP on both? If not, did you try changing DNS server on your laptop? I remember getting blocked from some other streaming site once and this helped.

>> No.19854268

What's your favorite shows? Looking for something to watch

>> No.19854329

Yeah ip was different on phone, I'll try the dns thing. Thanks for the tip, are you watching anything currently?

>> No.19855635
File: 488 KB, 359x180, 1434820833357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer pandora for shows and movies.

>> No.19855812

Mr Nietzsche in the convenience store

>> No.19856460

Can somebody compile tv shows and movies into a mega.

>> No.19857058

Where is this from?

>> No.19857314
File: 14 KB, 1139x154, bleach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not expecting something amazing.

>> No.19857618

Please recommend me some comfy countryside dramas! Can give 8000 avistaz points for a good suggestion!

>> No.19857675
File: 80 KB, 501x366, hiyokko_filming[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early parts of Amachan and Hiyokko are comfy and take place in the countryside... well to be more specific Amachan is more modern and it's a small town with the focus on fisherwomen than agriculture. Hiyokko takes place around the Olympics and has a very comfy episode about rice harvest. Both series move on to the city later with some episodes moving back to the countryside.
Not sure if that's exactly what you were searching for, but if so my avistaz nick is: gvyn
Will post again if I remember something later. Also if you would be interested in anime there are Barakamon (calligraphist moves to the countryside) and Wolf Children (the hoeing meme is from this movie).

>> No.19857971

Already watched Hiyokko and Amachan, both were really comfy. Barakamon is really fun also. For example I really liked Dr. Koto Shinryojo, stuff like that I'm looking for.

>> No.19858261

>Dr. Koto Shinryojo
Reading the synopsis it reminds me of Tonbi,

>> No.19860007

Huh, that is weird. What's the movie called again?

>> No.19860035

My bad, didn't see the filename. Eien no Zero. ごめん

>> No.19861072

This is slightly off topic perhaps, but isnt this Hero in video game form?
