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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 128 KB, 682x539, MeltyBloodCiel01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1979124 No.1979124 [Reply] [Original]

Okay the Ciel Sensei Night of Dream story is the most fuckwin thing Nasu has ever done. I will bet money he doesn't top this for the rest of Kagetsu Tohya at least. (I've only got the secret story, summer festivals, and the other Ten Nights (minus Nanako) to go.)

>> No.1979126

It's Ciel. Who gives a flying fuck?

>> No.1979129


I stopped reading there.

>> No.1979132

Ciel SENSEI. She's passable unlike regular Ciel. OP is right.

>> No.1979139

Why does /jp/ hate Ciel so much?

>> No.1979140



>> No.1979144

It's a meme from one of the Tsukihime doujins done by the author of Doujin Work.

>> No.1979146
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>> No.1979147

Yeah that one.

>> No.1979151

So there isn't a reason aside from the usual insanity that comes with memes?

>> No.1979153


>> No.1979155
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I like Ciel.

>> No.1979157

Not entirely true. She's a shitty and annoying character. The only good thing about Ciel is her battle mode version.

>> No.1979159

Once upon a time, it was used appropriately and sparingly.

Then the faggots got hold of it, like they do with all decent things in this world.

>> No.1979162

Same here. Though curry and ass DOES sound like it would be quite a painful combo.

>> No.1979164
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>> No.1979165

Out of pure curiosity, do you even GO to other boards Ren?

>> No.1979167

/r/ the Ciel shitting curry copypasta.

>> No.1979172

Yeah, it took me a while to figure that out too.

>> No.1979180

...If Ciel shat edible curry, she would be the best waifu ever.

Not that she isn't already, of course. But still, that's an unlimited supply of curry!

>> No.1979176

Getting back on topic, that WAS an awesome side story.

>> No.1979177

White Ren is Anonymous Jones

>> No.1979179
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Maybe you're right and I just like the fig.


>> No.1979183

The best part was the verbal smackdown being laid on Akiha and Sacchin.

>> No.1979188


No wonder.

>> No.1979189


>> No.1979194

Is Night of Dream in Kagetsu Tohya, or somewhere else?

>> No.1979196

Is that just an Indy joke or is he really called Anonymous Jones on another board?

>> No.1979199

It's the first of the Ten Nights of Dream set. It's called "Good Luck Ciel Sensei" or something. It kicks ass.

>> No.1979202

Occasionally, I glance at /a/ to see how sad it is. I also visit /k/ every now and again, since I secretly have a crush on /k/.

I'm not Jones. He's confined to pooshlmer, now, last I heard.

Don't believe everything you read on /jp/.

>> No.1979207

Ren is Alabama, you guys.

>> No.1979212

Lies and slander.

>> No.1979214

s'up Ren.

>> No.1979221

It is pretty bad when people assume that every post is me, though.

>> No.1979222

...To be completely honest, this doesn't help me at all. Most of what I can find on it is a bit too vague for me to be sure, so I'm just going to come right out and ask.

Is it, or is it not, part of Kagetsu Tohya?

>> No.1979246

Ten Nights of Dream are sidestories that you unlock by playing the main game and are accessed by a separate screen.

>> No.1979243


>> No.1979248

Thank you. Most of what I could find on the subject made me think 'Ten Nights of Dream' was a set of side-stories released in book format alongside Kagetsu Tohya, so please understand my confusion.

>> No.1979254

They aren't even the best part. The best part isn't the main game, ten nights, or even the summer festivals. The best is unlocked after you've seen all of that stuff.

>> No.1979264

ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT Drinking, Dreaming Moon?

>> No.1979267


>> No.1979274

A bit like the final Tiger Dojo reward?

>> No.1979284

Haven't played Fate yet, so I don't know.

>> No.1979299


>> No.1979311

...Does anyone? I dunno, seems like a kind of derisive thing to say about yourself.

>> No.1979320

Self deprecation is one of the founding principles of 4chan.

>> No.1979321
File: 44 KB, 150x300, 1232995602353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You had a wet dream about me eventhough you weren't in control? I don't wanna talk to you.

>LOL HI Tohno Kun Arcrueid is dangerous XD.

>LOL OK We're enemies now.

>Hi Tohno Kun, I'm here to save you.


>> No.1979327

Only way I'll ever be a Nasutard is if Nrvnqsr gets some ass in the remake. Doesn't matter whose; I just want one or two CGs of him fucking someone, because he went out way too early for such an awesome villain.

>> No.1979330
File: 79 KB, 750x600, 1232995770133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rule 34. There's a doujin.

>> No.1979331

But that'd be bestiality.

>> No.1979333

Does pure chaos counts as a beast?

>> No.1979336

You call it indecisiveness; I call it conflicting goals and feelings.

Honestly, I think what you've just described is the chain of events that so drew me to Ciel. She doesn't just forgive immediately (like Arcueid; I mean, for fuck's sake, Shiki really killed her! In cold blood! But that's cool, we can be lovers), and she spends almost her entire route fighting against the fact that she needs to kill Shiki to accomplish her goal.

>You had a wet dream about me eventhough you weren't in control? I don't wanna talk to you.

Would you want to talk to someone if they told you about something like that? At least not for a few hours, you probably wouldn't.

>LOL HI Tohno Kun Arcrueid is dangerous XD.

She's gotten over the whole dream thing, and decided to move onto more serious subjects.

>LOL OK We're enemies now.

>> No.1979340

Yes, I know. I was in the thread last night.

But it's not canon, and not made by Nasu, so I can't call myself a Nasutard.

>> No.1979342

That is a better question that it should be.

>> No.1979346
File: 123 KB, 900x675, 1232996081367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1979345

So, embarrassment, a fair warning, a threat she never really carries out but is in line with her goal and purpose (member of the church after all) and the fact that instead of leaving you in your sad fate pulls your ass out of the fire, aka different reactions to different events with a logical reason behind them, make her a bad character.

I see,.

>> No.1979351

... You know what? I'm not even going to ask where this is from. I'll just save it, fap to it as necessary, then pop up randomly at a later date with this as the OPic, and pray somebody else asks.

>> No.1979357

Wait there really IS a doujn with Nero Rule 34? What the fuck?

>> No.1979358


I never said she was a bad character. I just hate how wishy washy she is.


I'll give you that but its still annoying.

>> No.1979363

It's by Fukurou. You're welcome.

>> No.1979368

Who/what is that and where can I get more?

>> No.1979376

She is not wishy washy.
She clearly cares and wants to help you, but then her chance of regaining a normal life or motherfucking true ancestors or a vampire possessing you come into the scene
Obviously, things cannot be straightforward.
If she WASN'T conflicted in that case, that would be something to dislike her for.

>> No.1979377

>>There's a doujin
Like you said, Rule 34
>>What the fuck?
Rule 36

>> No.1979385

I think the conflict is exactly WHY I love her so much.

Yep, and I still have the link from last night's thread.


>> No.1979404

Before I go to that link (I'm just too curious for my own good) can I just ask if this will be a nightmare which will be burned forever in my mind?

>> No.1979408

...Depends on what you like. I thought it was fuckwin, and one of the hottest Tsukihime-based things I've ever read, but you might not be able to get past the Bad End and see the sexy within.

>> No.1979426

Meh, Ciel Sensei didn't do much for me. Hisui's story and A Story For The Evening were my favorites.

>> No.1979438

I hate Akiha, so a Story for the Evening was the most tedious for me. Red Demon God was my favorite of the 7 Nasu ones. If you count the three written by fans, Con Game is its equal.

>> No.1979455

Posting in a thread about me.

>> No.1979477

I liked Nanako SOS the most. And yes, I know I'm alone on that.

>> No.1979483

No you are not.

>> No.1979500

Nanako ftw!!

>> No.1979511

He SHOULD be. It's good but it isn't THAT good.

>> No.1979550

What a terrible post. You should feel ashamed.

>> No.1979565

If we're going to start having quality control, 90% of 4chan will fall apart.

>> No.1979575


It would be for the best, though

>> No.1979591

True, but then where would we scum of the internet gather? We can't go back to SA, and if 4chan falls, the other chans aren't really proper substitutes.

>> No.1979637

Well we Type-Moon fags could at least just all migrate over to Beast's Lair, most of us are already residents anyway.

>> No.1979642

I have never, ever went to a board decicated to a game, series, conglomerate etc.
I certainly won't do it for TM.

>> No.1979655

That's nice.

>> No.1979675

Then you're not a Type-Moon fag.

So, about this 'Beast's Lair'...

>> No.1979700
File: 119 KB, 582x800, 1233001655876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I hate Beast's Lair ;_;

>> No.1979704


Beast's Lair is the forum of the above site. They made the Kagetsu Tohya patch.

>> No.1979710

Again, they gave us the KT patch...

>> No.1979713

Because it's a idiotic meme

>> No.1979714

A few people do not make up for the general overwhelming faggotry of that board.

>> No.1979715

Beast's Lair is everything that's wrong with TM fanbase concentrated, I lost count of the powerlevel/fight discussion/create your own animu servant/bullshit speculation threads. The only saving grace of that forum is the two resident japs who own the retards who make up bullshit.

>> No.1979721



>> No.1979727

what, was that poist too long for your attention span?

>> No.1979729


Beast's Lair has a SITE?

It's not just a forum?

>> No.1979731

But they are a benefit.

...So the only thing wrong with this Type-Moon fansite is that it has Type-Moon fans?

>> No.1979734

Yeah of course. Beast's Lair is Moonlit World's forum, isn't that well known?

>> No.1979739

You forget that, as someone on 4chan, he hates other people.

>> No.1979745

I assumed that Type-Moon fans were automatically exempt from counting as people.

>> No.1979752


>two resident japs who own the retards who make up bullshit


>> No.1979753

Are you kidding?

The average anon hates people who like the same thing he does MORE then anyone else.

Because if other people like it, that means it's something popular which means he likes POPULAR things which is uncool.

>> No.1979754


>> No.1979761
File: 302 KB, 678x692, 1233002412345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every so often, I decide to give Beast's Lair another chance and go through some threads, only to end up in despair.

I really should know better by now.

>> No.1979760

Internet logic has taught me that both of these things make perfect sense.

Therefore Beast's Lair is heroin.

>> No.1979764

Syunsuke has an "Unlimited Bullshit Works" in his signature, and arai has quit the forum multiple times for its retardness.

>> No.1979772

That's about right.

>> No.1979776


I go there often and I don't see the problem.

>> No.1979777



>> No.1979781

There isn't one. It just fits anon mentality better if there is. So we make one up.

>> No.1979787

I think >>1979715 said it better than I could.

lolwut anon mentality

>> No.1979789


>powerlevel/fight discussion/create your own animu servant/bullshit speculation threads

is this irony?

>> No.1979791

Yeah but that guy's saying crap.

Just because he's saying crap better then you doesn't mean it's not crap.

>> No.1979792


>> No.1979803

The same anon mentality that produces morons who sage threads because somebody posted with a name.

>> No.1979807
File: 179 KB, 411x496, 1233002951159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people like the forum. Some don't. Nobody's "saying crap" here.


>> No.1979812

He could, just so we're clear.

>> No.1979815


>> No.1979814

and, do you read a forum just to read groundless theories conjured by people who have nothing better to do or what powers would Shana have as a Saber? Tastes I guess, but I wouldn't touch that shit with a 9-feet pole.
How's that crap? Explain, please. What, do you like powerlevel discussion?

>> No.1979816

It really is a catch all answer isn't it?

>> No.1979817

You seem to be thinking that one silly thread is the basis of an entire forum.

Therefore I'm going to say you have, in fact, not actually LOOKED at the forum.

Honestly, the idea of anyone on 4chan calling ANY place bad for disucussion is laughable. 4chan is the WORST place to get actual discussion on the entire internet.

>> No.1979821

To be fair, there's also the other chans, SA, and YTMND.

>> No.1979824

Other forums:
May people create powerlevel threads you can ignore.

No matter what thread you make, a troll, a hater or an idiot will derail it to one.

So for actual discussions, 4chan has a very low percentage of them happening.

>> No.1979825

OK yeah, I'll give you that the other chans are probably worse.

>> No.1979829

SA doesn't really exist anymore. It's kind of fallen apart from what was once the origin of everything that represented internet culture. Even Let's Plays have mostly moved to Youtube and whatnot.

And YTMND never existed. No exceptions.

>> No.1979838


Well... could he?

>> No.1979849

Yes, as previously stated.

>> No.1980050
File: 15 KB, 300x273, 1233007211079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We seem to have dropped off of the original topic of 'Ciel is awesome, and here's why'.
