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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 102 KB, 1488x993, XUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1978407 No.1978407 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your opinion on copyright laws and illegal P2P networks.

I recently stumbled upon the Piratebay's illegal threats page. On the said page they basically insult/mock the people who are threatening to sue them. And before you say you don't give a shit, try imagining if ZUN sent them a cease and desist letter and the Piratebay's spokesperson put up a reply to that letter mocking him.


I'm all for pirating, but the bastards at Piratebay take it to a whole new level.

>> No.1978413

I have a site you will like: http://www.somethingawful.com/

Rude sage.

>> No.1978418

i don't even play touhou, but that would make me sad.
it would take crazy amounts of work to get those games done alone

>> No.1978424

>it would take crazy amounts of work to get those games done alone

Inb4 140+ reply

>> No.1978425

I enjoyed reading each of the threat letters. funny stuff.
>In case you didn't know, Sweeden isn't a member of the Unite States. That means U.S. laws don't apply here.

>> No.1978426

>James Young
>Internet Investigator


>> No.1978431

They've always made me giggle.

>> No.1978433

The Touhou games are not easily accessible in most countries. Are people going to:
A: Pay a fair bit and wait a while for it to get shipped to them
B: Point to a RapidShare/MegaUpload/BitTorrent source, that costs as much as Aya

>> No.1978439
File: 24 KB, 123x153, 1232980334688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In case you didn't know, Sweeden isn't a member of the Unite States. That means U.S. laws don't apply here.
Fucking morons.

>> No.1978442

ADV's email:

Through our Internet monitoring program, we recently discovered unauthorized use of our Protected Work in connection with your website (www.thepiratebay.org) (the "Site"). Specifically, the Protected Works
are being offered for Internet download, copying and distribution through Bit Torrent technology.

Therefore, without limiting any right, remedy or defense available to us, ADV MUST ASK THAT YOU IMMEDIATELY:

1) Delete and cease all further use of the Protected Work, and any other unauthorized ADV works, from the Site.

2) Remove and delete all copies of the Protected Work, and any other unauthorized ADV titles, from any other distribution channel owned, operated or otherwise controlled or accessible by you or those to
whom you grant access including other web sites, FTP servers, web-based storage services, peer-to-peer systems and the like (each of the
foregoing being a "Channel").

The Piratebay's response:
Hello, my dear sir(s)! We all like Evangelion a lot. This, however, does not mean that we like YOU. So instead of mindlessly acting on your notice of so-called

>> No.1978443
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>try imagining if ZUN sent them a cease and desist letter and the Piratebay's spokesperson put up a reply to that letter mocking him

>> No.1978444

I agree, our laws apply to every person on the face of the earth.

>> No.1978446


>> No.1978447

piratebay owns close thread ban the op

>> No.1978453

because that's not how japanese laugh, they go:

>> No.1978450

For the sake of this scenario pretend that ZUN managed to some how market Touhou outside of Japan.

>> No.1978465

He hasn't. He won't.

But for sake of discussion, most of the MAINSTREAM game developers haven't dealt with the digital transition. Maybe ZUN should innovate in this area.

>> No.1978466

piratebay has mila kunis mile y cyrus and Twilight
even snuff and Harry porrterz

>> No.1978471

You best be trolling, nigga.

>> No.1978475

>>1978447 Hurr durr I'm just some stupid kid who'll never become anything. Because I'll never work hard to create a software or original content, I'll just pirate everything.

To the people who actually create original content, the piratebay is an annoyance. If something like this ever happened to me and the Swedish government didn't do any thing to help me, I'd take the law into my own hands and ddos the piratebay off of the Interwebs.

Here's how I see it. If a person who has no intention of purchasing a product decides to illegally download a product, I have no problem with it. But if that person decided to not buy the product because he could get it online for free, then I would take offense to it.

What ever happened to honor amongst thieves? If a person doesn't want you to pirate his product, what's so hard about purchasing the product?

>> No.1978480


>> No.1978484

"Honor among thieves" refers to not stealing from each other; not to not stealing from anyone who doesn't want to be stolen from.

>> No.1978485

>I'm all for pirating, but the bastards at Piratebay take it to a whole new level.

My name is ZUN, and I hate every single one of you.

>> No.1978487

>try imagining if ZUN sent them a cease and desist letter
>try imagining if ZUN were a huge faggot

>> No.1978488

>>what's so hard about purchasing the product?

You're either a complete troll or fucking retarded. You're in a board full of neckbeards living with their parents who never work.

>> No.1978489

> purchase
Are you trying to imply that you wouldn't provide your products for Free? If so, you are a faggot.

>> No.1978490

>I'd take the law into my own hands and ddos the piratebay off of the Interwebs.
I haven't laughed in a while, thanks.

>> No.1978491
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>Here's how I see it. If a person who has no intention of purchasing a product decides to illegally download a product, I have no problem with it.
>But if that person decided to not buy the product because he could get it online for free, then I would take offense to it.

What is this I don't even

>> No.1978499

/jp/ - Legal/General

>> No.1978500

10/10, very good troll, my endorphin level is at maximum.

>> No.1978501

not that i'm against pirating and all - i do shitloads of it myself, but i feel kinda bad pirating stuff from people like ZUN.

large companies such as EA on the otherhand.... well, fuckem

>> No.1978508
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Since when did /jp/ ever pay for anything anyway? I can't imagine how much money's worth of VNs I've pirated.

>> No.1978510

If ZUN cared about it he would sell his games with international shipping on an English language site.

>> No.1978511

>Are you trying to imply that you wouldn't provide your products for Free? If so, you are a faggot.

If you're a small business, eventually you'll have to sell some of your projects. I bet ZUN would love to give away his products for free, the only problem with that is that humans tend to need food in order to survive.

>> No.1978513


Well in the thousands.

>> No.1978515

ZUN has a job, it's not Touhou. He sells Touhou for dirt cheap at Comiket.

>> No.1978521

Man, that's only like 10 VNs.

>> No.1978523

Not to mention what he earns with the official books.

>> No.1978535

If all Anons were to count up how much stuff they've pirated it would quite literally be in the billions. I'd say the average Anon has pirated 30,000 dollars worth of stuff. Photoshop, Maya, 20GB of /h/ games, 30GB worth of video games.

>> No.1978540

Look at it this way:
How many of you would never have gotten into Touhou if it wasn't for being able to download the games online? I suspect almost all of you.
How many of you will now, when given the opportunity, spend money to buy the Touhou games or related merchandise? I suspect a lot of you.

>> No.1978549

> Photoshop
> Implying Anon runs Windows

>> No.1978550

Just the PS2 ISOs are 110 GB(80 games average price 30-40$).
Videogames at total would be about 17,000 bucks.

In all my life, I have actually spent about 5-6000$

>> No.1978560
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>> No.1978561

>when given the opportunity, spend money to buy the Touhou games or related merchandise? I suspect a lot of you.
Yeah, about that...

>> No.1978564

I've probably pirated a larger nominal value in porn alone.

>> No.1978588

Go back to /g/

>> No.1978592

the fact is that there is no such thing as 'intellectual property', it is an imaginary concept. That said, if there is a product that I would make good use out of, I usually attempt to buy it, except in cases where I would be forced to use that product because of monopolistic behaviour.

>> No.1978594


You must be some sort of stupid.

>> No.1978611

Butthurt Windows / Mac OS X users.

>> No.1978624

> To Whom It May Concern:
> This letter is being written to you on behalf of our
> client, DreamWorks SKG (hereinafter ^ÓDreamWorks^Ô).
> DreamWorks is the exclusive owner of all copyright,
> trademark and other intellectual property rights in
> and to the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô motion picture. No one is
> authorized to copy, reproduce, distribute, or
> otherwise use the ^ÓShrek 2^Ô motion picture without
> the express written permission of DreamWorks.
> As you may be aware, Internet Service Providers can
> be held liable if they do not respond to claims of
> infringement pursuant to the requirements of the
> Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). In

>> No.1978629

Enjoy your lack of 3rd-party software support.

You're lucky I cant sage.

>such thing as 'intellectual property', it is an imaginary concept.

>> No.1978648

Yeah, some of us pirate GIMP.

>> No.1978652


>> No.1978650

Thanks, I'll enjoy my Touhous and VNs.

I am not lucky you cannot sage, sage is a wonderful thing. I wish all posts were sage like in glorious Nippon where people will get angry if you by accident forget to sage a thread.

>> No.1978681

Why does The Pirate Bay always get attacked? There are so many torrent sites that have even more torrents than The Pirate Bay, but I never read news about them.

>> No.1978692

Maybe it's just because the owners are so awesome

>> No.1978698


/jp/ - OS/General

>> No.1978708

because the piratebay acts like flagrant assholes about it, and so do most of its primary user base.

>> No.1978710
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>> No.1978726

The fact is that there is no such thing as 'property': it is an imaginary concept.

>> No.1978731

Did miku just rape come by and rape her too and forget her onion?

>> No.1978733

If somebody mocked ZUN on the Internet then obviously the proper response would be to stop pirating stuff.


>> No.1978736

Someone here likes rms...

I don't think many people would pay for shipping of a physical object, cause it takes too long. Also this is /jp/. I'd love them to try getting their desires through customs...

I'd buy: Digital download, NO DRM, ease of payment, actually funding the authors. Sadly not offered enough.

>> No.1978745


Paletweb is close enough.

>> No.1978748

it's just a tracker and indexed torrent files, that's not someones "precious" orginal content

>> No.1978753

ZUN is a tremendous faggot and his games are shit.

>> No.1978769

But torrent files point to illegal content.

I'm not sure about Swedish law, but in America, if someone gets murdered in front of you, then you sell maps telling people where the murder took place, you'd get arrested for not reporting the crime. You would also get arrested for selling maps to where the crime took place.

>> No.1978777

Biggest torrent tracker on the net.

>> No.1978796


good thing nobody is getting killed over torrents

>> No.1978805

>But torrent files point to illegal content.

Not necessarily true, and to assume such is dangerous, legally and morally.

>> No.1978826

The current laws suit the middlemen. Not the actual authors, nor the people who enjoy their works. They deserve to be ignored.

>> No.1978827

Criminal vs. civil law. Your analogy doesn't mean shit.

>> No.1978845

Pirate bay dudes are trolls. Everyone pirates, it's just that they aren't hypocrites about it.

Back when 4chan was having a quarrel with doujin-world I trolled datorrents a lot for complying with the D-W retards and removing our torrents at their request.

>> No.1978863

>aren't hypocrites
They are pretentious shitcunts who think they are on the right side of things, though. Faggots who regard torrents as some sort of political movement against companies who can't answer their absurd expectation (I can't possibly pay for things I think are shit but play anyways, right guys?!) really get on my nerves.
Shit's free, that's awesome, no need to bring on the fucking social critique mumbo jumbo.

>> No.1978871


oh please, they never said anything about it being the right thing to do

>> No.1978880


They aren't self-righteous. They're fully aware they're being pricks for the sake of it.

Everyone pirates these days. People got used to getting shit for free. Some artists have woken up and smelled the coffee already, most still continue with their lawsuit bullshit.

Recently Amazon reported an increase in sales of Monty-Python DVDs by 23.000 percent AFTER the group started offering the entire movies for free download.

>> No.1978887

What does Anons have against big corporations? Just because a company has millions of dollars, you believe you have the right to pirate their stuff? What if ZUN was the CEO of a giant company, would the Japanese blatantly pirate his stuff.

>> No.1978912

actually, yes they would. Japan and asia in general make the rest of the world look like saints when it comes to piracy.

>> No.1978920

Oh yeah, I've been thinking of getting that some time. Are they really that good?

>> No.1978942

I pirate everything Zun makes, and then sell the copys on eBay

Then I send a truck load of rapid dogs to Zuns house to bite his nuts.

Sometimes I go over and hit him in the head with a golf club.

Yeah I fuckin hate that guy, infact I hate all people who produce video games, just because they make something I enjoy.
Fuck those guys, making good things.

>> No.1978949


People don't pirate stuff because they hate the creators. They just don't like spending money.

Stop this nonsense.

>> No.1978950

This thread, lol. "Hey here's something that has nothing to do with /jp/ but ZUN. Discuss"

>> No.1978953

So tsundere.

>> No.1978970

No I actually do Pirate stuff I hate and give it to people who would usually buy it.

Seriously fuck video games.

>> No.1978973

>Hello and thank you for contacting us. We have shut down the website in

Oh wait, just kidding. We haven't, since the site in question is fully
legal. Unlike certain other countries, such as the one you're in, we have
sane copyright laws here. But we also have polar bears roaming the
streets and attacking people :-(.

> This unauthorized activity with respect to the distribution of EA's
> software products constitutes infringement of EA's intellectual property
> rights. EA enforces its intellectual property rights very aggressively
> by using every legal option available.

Please don't sue us right now, our lawyer is passed out in an alley from

>> No.1978980

Europeans don't know how to behave. Filthy anarchist deserve to be shot.

>> No.1978981


Go back to bed, Jack Thompson.

>> No.1978992


While hypocrisy in the cloak of liberalism should just kill yourself in fire

>> No.1979015


With most mainstream games, it's either:
- Legal version with likely virus (called DRM) that also funds these evils
- Cracked version free download easy to get with possible virus

I don't think avoiding the former is a bad thing.

With Touhou, the problem is availability. Short of the dedicated fans, there aren't many who will look on various obscure websites for copies.

>> No.1979171

people who pirate stuffs are really no different than those who distribute them.

>> No.1979238

once you have the engine, no real work goes into danmaku shooters.

You make sprites, you make some music, and you devise a few bullet patterns, or mix and match new ones from your old games.

Ikaruga was made by 2 people.
They deserve my money, because Ikaruga is a masterpiece.
True effort went into that.

Zun's works are rehashes.

>> No.1979392

>Japan and asia in general make the rest of the world look like saints when it comes to piracy
True for Chinkland; Japan however are law abiding as always when it comes to piracy.

>> No.1979399


>> No.1979406


Stop spewing shit out of your ass. Japan's cultural industry trives on copyright violation. Look at Comiket for one.

>> No.1979412

copyright violations and piracy are two different things.

Piracy is making a digital copy of someone's intelectual property without compensating them for it.

Copyright violation is using someone's intellectual property to make money.

>> No.1979417


I meant look at entire stashes of Comiket material available for download within HOURS of release.

>> No.1979437


Dont argue with idiots.

>> No.1979491
File: 66 KB, 480x360, 1232998623837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweden sure is an awesome country

a little cold but nice laws

>> No.1979510

Put yourself in the shoes of a person who's product is getting pirated, and I bet you'll change your mind about Sweden.

>> No.1979518

I doubt anyone on /jp/ will ever in such a position. ಠ_ಠ

>> No.1979532

I would be happy they like my stuff
My publisher will get 95% of the profit anyways

>> No.1979540

People who create stuff only to make money shouldn't be creators in the first place. As someone who's created and sold music before, I'd be happy to see it on P2P getting spread around so more people can listen.

Paying for stuff is always good if you have to money, but it is the consumer's responsibility to pay, not the creator's to take the money from them.

>> No.1979558

>>They aren't self-righteous. They're fully aware they're being pricks for the sake of it.
Did you ever browse /v/?

>> No.1979564


Do the Piratebay guys show up at /v/?

>> No.1979569

>You're a hoot, that's what you are :)
I want to hug you in a non-sexual way and tell you that you make my heart burst of joy and cuddle up like a cute little cookie monster and ask for more milk.

... and btw, to be in a business you have very little knowledge on what you're doing. I would actually see you as a retard, but it's hard when you're so cuddly and manly! I wish I was just 20 years older and a girl... oh my..

Hugs n kisses,
Your eternal friend,

epic lulz

>> No.1979571

Ikaruga was made by 3 people, is more akin to a puzzle game than a shooter, got a retail release, and got hype up the wazoo by obnoxious "games are art" faggots such as yourself.

The thing that annoys me about piracy is none of them simply use "I get something for free" as their motive. It's always some bullshit about a "victimless crime" or how "I wouldn't have played it." Stealing is one thing, but getting up on your moral high horse afterwards is pretty damn amazing.

>> No.1979610

I won't bother reading this thread, but it's nice to see that thepiratebay don't mind my downloading of junior idol vids.

>> No.1979623
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Because Anons are worthless NEETs.

>> No.1979635
File: 76 KB, 358x500, 1233000475323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

This thread is reportable. I have done so, and invite all sages and silent onlookers to do so as well.

>> No.1979639

You ought to read why copyright was created in the first place. It's not some god-given right. And over time, it has gotten considerably more biased to one side.

>> No.1979663

> The thing that annoys me about piracy is none of them simply use "I get something for free" as their motive. It's always some bullshit about a "victimless crime" or how "I wouldn't have played it." Stealing is one thing, but getting up on your moral high horse afterwards is pretty damn amazing.
We only use those arguments when people call us thieves.

>> No.1979665

But I'm a physics student....

>> No.1979669

piratebay isn't even good
the search system sucks and the tracker doesn't work half the time

>> No.1979686

No one cares. Everyone on /jp/ is a NEET, regardless of whether they actually are or not.

>> No.1979689

No one cares. Everyone on /jp/ is a NEET, regardless of whether they actually are or not. Stop trying to stick out.

>> No.1979703

>none of them simply use "I get something for free" as their motive

What? That's the only motive we have.

>It's always some bullshit about a "victimless crime"

That's an answer to the "piracy is a theft" troll.

>or how "I wouldn't have played it."

That's an answer to the "the artist/industry/etc. lost money because you didn't pay" troll.

Noone uses them as a motive. Those are just responses to stupid/flawed argumentation on the part of idiots justifying monopolies on information.

>> No.1979726

I'm a secondary gaijin Touhou fan who's terrible at the games, even on easy mode.

ZUN doesn't want my money, he hates fans like me. If he could do such a thing, he'd want to prevent me from buying them.

>> No.1979782

In a sense we pay for it with our bandwidth.

Japan has fiber-optic cables (100mb/s) avaliable for residential purchase, but they cost about $300-$400 a month.

So you can pirate all you want with those, but they do cost more.

It'll balance itself out bros.

>> No.1979888

I'm pretty sure you can get higher speeds for much less. I know I can get 100/100 for about $30 a month.

>> No.1979898

Piracy takes money from the developers.

Theft takes money from the middlemen, the developers have already been paid once the box is in the store.

Do your part for the gaming industry, shoplift Gamestop today.

>> No.1979904

Oh dear, this made me laugh.

>> No.1979928

hug pirates

kiss zun

fuck the riaa

>> No.1979933

It's entertainment.

>> No.1979936

Anons who torrent are no better than petty shoplifters. Go to your utorrent's statistics and count how much terabytes of data you've pirated.

100mb = 5 dollars. So if you've pirated 20TB than do the math.

Arguably Anons are worst than shoplifters because they steal things from the safety of their parent's basement.

>> No.1979937

I sometimes feel bad about pirating touhou games.

Though If i made something that was so good people couldn't resist pirating it even though it made them feel bad that would give me an ego like no other.

>> No.1979946

If I ever get a job, I'll try buying the Touhou games.
But I don't think that'll happen soon.

>> No.1979952

How to not pirate in three easy steps:

1. Get a job
2. ?????
3. Profit

You faggots should all be 18+ so you're old enough to fend for yourselves and not leach off others. Stop being faggots and pay for shit. There are a lot of benefits for actually paying for stuff.

>> No.1979957

Why are you faggots still responding to this thread seriously?

My fucking god.

>> No.1979964
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>>Anons who torrent are no better than petty shoplifters
One is civil the other is criminal.

>> No.1979978
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Stealing slowly is preferred here.

>> No.1979983


Gee... that was so funny.

>> No.1979990


Thanks, bro.

>> No.1979994

Two of my main hobbies are anime and manga. Honestly, if I couldn't download it for free I'd find something else to do. Even if I had a job I wouldn't spend the money on the DVDs or books. I feel like it costs more than it should and I also prefer just having the files on my computer. If it's wrong I don't really care. Sorry.

>> No.1980027

Every little penny that you spent on something that you could have downloaded could have went on a savings account and you'd have thousands on it now.

Alternatively, you could have donated it to charity to help feed African children.

By buying that VN instead of downloading it you essentially killed one or more starving children. You traded innocent lives for loli pron.

Enjoy your eternal torment in hell.

>> No.1980029

It comes down to why pay for something that you can get for free. Who cares about supporting developpers.

>> No.1980031

yea I know, "slowly" hahaha

150+ kb/sec plx. slowly sucks.

>> No.1980037

Are there any ways to kill little africans without paying for anything?

>> No.1980049

Hey, if he didn't want us he wouldn't make easy modo.
