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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1973548 No.1973548 [Reply] [Original]

>TOKYO (AP) -- Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso came out swinging at his party's annual convention Sunday, vowing to overcome political opposition and pass economic measures despite plummeting popularity that could see the party lose its nearly six-decade grip on power.

>The conventions were held as polls show public approval of Aso's administration has fallen to 20 percent

>Aso said Sunday that he remained confident that Japan could climb out of the financial downturn, which has seen broad job cuts and slashed earning forecasts by domestic companies.

>> No.1973552

>the party lose its nearly six-decade grip on power

Good bye, Liberal Democrat party.

>> No.1973553

So how long till he get kick out of his party?

>> No.1973555

This is the third one since Koizumi.

It's a curse, and he's fucked.

>> No.1973558

if the DPJ doesn't win this time around they should absolve the govt

>> No.1973560

What the fuck is wrong with Japan? Is this another Prime Minister who won't serve his full term?

>> No.1973563

ZUN for new PM.

>> No.1973567

Japan is turning into Argentina. They have to stop electing these old people believing in their old conventions.

Japan's exports fell 35% in December alone, compared to less than 15% in South-Korea, and 4% in China.

The next prime minster have to think of a way to make the economy growing without relying too much on exports.

>> No.1973575


Aso has a 20 fucking percent approval rate as of this month (SOUND FAMILIAR?)

jesus christ DPJ must be doing this on purpose

>> No.1973576

DPJ for the win.

>> No.1973583

So without their government benefactors in power, will those racist groups that make lots of noise get shut down?

>> No.1973584

>What the fuck is wrong with Japan? Is this another Prime Minister who won't serve his full term?
Take a look through the list of past prime ministers and you'll see they don't last very long usually.

>> No.1973587

Is this in any way related with his passion for Rozen Maiden?

>> No.1973588

Japan lacks the materials to stop doing exports. They are mainly one big island with little to no natural riches.

>> No.1973594

The Japanese government is a joke. Who would take someone who reads manga and is largely illiterate seriously?

>> No.1973599
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>> No.1973604

I nominate Toyama as the next prime minister.

>> No.1973614
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After everything I've heard, his amazing baldness, and his voice, I can't look at him without seeing Dr. Evil.

>> No.1973616

I kind of agree with him, what he said counts for all of humanity. We're just a bunch of parasites all of us.

>> No.1973620

DPJ will win if Obama will prove himself.

>> No.1973622
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>> No.1973626

Nip PMs always go down in a blaze of glory, making an unpopular but necessary policy change. last one fixed social security as his final attack? Rozen wouldn't fuck around though.

>> No.1973629

Fuck LDP, Go Go Democratic Party of Japan.

(btw, LDP = basically republican equivalent and DPJ = basically democrats)

>> No.1973630


>> No.1973651

dpj was never popular

>> No.1973657


>> No.1973660

If you have not seen the film "Oretachi no Sekai" by director Nakajima Ryo, I would like you to watch it, because you would enjoy it.

>> No.1973662

Exactly, Japan needs an Obama or Clinton.

>> No.1973667

Go JCP, they are the only ones with the workers in mind!

>> No.1973671

Of course the minority gets the short end of the stick in a Democracy, they're given their bare minimum rights and if their particularly lucky the public sympathizes with them sometimes. (ie. Jews, Blacks (lol), Native Americans,etc)

>> No.1973675

Obama for Emperor of the Terran Dominion
give him Quattro sunglasses, everything will be fine

>> No.1973679

the only rights you have are the ones you enforce with your own power.

>> No.1973685

>Communist Party
>workers in mind

>> No.1973686

Fuck, messed up my third "they're".

>> No.1973688
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Fucking kikes.
His glasses are not playthings.

>> No.1973689

Is that why blacks have quotas at colleges, racial quotas in public jobs and are far less likely to be the victim of a racial assault than whites?

>> No.1973695

Did you miss half of the post? They're one of the minorities that get sympathized because they have a history. They still get screwed up the ass in other places though.

>> No.1973702

Because they are stupid and deserve to be treated as chattel

>> No.1973718

Are you implying that they do not have the workers in mind or just attempting to point out an obvious statement?

Because they do indeed have the workers in mind.

>> No.1973722

Minorities are stupid. Not because they're born stupid, but because they're put on a social cliff so different from ours.
When the minority is extraordinary stupid, only the people who put them there can be put to blame.

>> No.1973725

Like Northeast asians, oh wait...

>> No.1973747

North east asians are still treated as perpetual foreigners.

"Hey, where are you from?"
"No REALLY, where are you from?"
"America you faggot"


>> No.1973754

Yet they have the highest average wages, living standards, health standards and so on out of any ethnic group in the US.

Whereas blacks choose to blame an invisible, omnipotent white entity, lol.

>> No.1973770

I don't deny this, asians are often referred to as "model immigrants". However, you should note that actual africans from africa are actually quite smart and wealthy as well. I'm not exactly sure what's up with the Blacks in the west but I usually think it has something to do with the slavery.

>> No.1973785
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>Whereas blacks choose to blame an invisible, omnipotent white entity

I have to admit, I lol'ed.

>> No.1973787

SO smart that a lot of them become conmen in asian countries. facepalm.jpg

>> No.1973795

>but I usually think it has something to do with the slavery.

lol'ed hard, why are you pretending you aren't black?

>> No.1973789

obsolete hardware.

>> No.1973791

And gene mixing, don't forget that.

>> No.1973800
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>> No.1973811

Actually they aren't. The only reason they get into good western colleges is because of watered down scholarship programs they have for third world countries. I had a few of these niggers in my lectures, they're so fucking stupid it's unbelievable.

>> No.1973820

I can tolerate niggers on /jp/, but if they think they can play their 'white man's fault' shit on THIS place like they do on /r9k/ then they have another thing coming.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.1973853

Racism is technically reportable, as are trolls.

>> No.1973914

Lol, Japanese government. So corrupt.

>> No.1973918
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Jesus Christ, 50 posts into a Rozen Aso thread and nobody posts these pictures.

>> No.1973919


What government isn't?

>> No.1973925
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>> No.1973935

>Racism is technically reportable

You must be new here

>> No.1973941

Chinese government

>> No.1973946

Go back to that happy land where nobody is racist and never come back then.

>> No.1973947
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It always has been. Unless you think /b/ and old /n/ represents the rest of 4chan.

>> No.1973950

No its not, I have been lurking off and on since 2005/2006 and I have never seen a single person banned for racism, if you post a screencap I might believe you

>> No.1973959


Some guy got banned for 'sexism' on /v/ once. He posted the cap of the ban.

Made me lol so hard.

>> No.1973961


Racist posts get deleted on the worksafe boards. Not sure if anyone really gets banned though.

>> No.1973964

nig nogs have become so used to the government treating them with kid gloves that they think privately owned internet sites should protect their feelings too.

>> No.1973969

Pretty sure there have been bans for racism but mostly because the fags that got banned were also fucking around with mods.

>> No.1973991

>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
>Do not post the following outside of /b/:
The report system exists primarily to bring potential rule violations to the attention of the mods and janitors. Racism is against the rules, outside of /b/. Thus, racism is technically reportable on /jp/.

>> No.1973994

Report it and stop being a faggot, then.

>> No.1973996

The real question is, why is it only niggers who moan about it? Do chinese report upon seeing the word 'chink', do whites report upon seeing the words 'white ape', do japanese americans report upon seeing a-bomb pics with 'LOL' posted?


So why is it only niggers?

>> No.1973997

You know jack shit about my shit country.

>> No.1973999

Because they're niggers.

>> No.1974008


>> No.1974018

That's like saying;
"Why is it that only whites complain about Blacks complaining about RACISM? You never see any Chinese complain about Black complaining."

>> No.1974077

it's easy to see when an American is posting

>> No.1974085

I know that Argentine for a few years in the early 2000's almost went bankrupt, elected a new president every other week, and went from a wealthy nation to a third world whithole in a very short amount of time.

>> No.1974102

There is an economic explanation for that, and it has nothing to do with a LACK OF FRESH FACES LOL.

>> No.1974127

I never said Argentina suffered an economic crisis because a lack of new faces. I said that Japan was starting to look like Argentina because they elect a new prime minister every month.

Illiterate Anons 0 - 1 "namefags"

>> No.1974133

3 days. It took it 3 days to become asspoor.

>> No.1974160

and no one entered it in the world records!? Preposterous!

>> No.1974172

How long did the previous japanese Liberal Democratic Party prime minister last before getting the boot? A week?

>> No.1974175

What about Iceland? They used to be super rich and are now bankrupt. But it's pretty annoying how whenever a country supposedly goes bankrupt these days, they don't fall into anarchy. It's like there's no consequences at all!

>> No.1974185

Iceland still is a wealthy country with a good health care system. People aren't starving as they did when Argentina defaulted on their debt.

>> No.1974196


You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's like it doesn't even matter if a country goes broke. I want to see BLOOD!

>> No.1974439

Nowhere near as bad as argentina

>> No.1974446

If you want to see blood go and slit your wrists.
