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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 234x180, 1191234289743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1970341 No.1970341 [Reply] [Original]

So, when robot servants are finally available to the public, would you put down a loan to buy one, /jp/?

>> No.1970350
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>> No.1970352

Nah, I have the money to pay for one.

>> No.1970363
File: 652 KB, 1365x1024, 1232854451814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I customize it to my liking?

>> No.1970361

I will wait for the superior second gens.

>> No.1970376

Only if technology has progressed enough that she is nearly indistinguishable from real girls (other than the personality and the not wanting to be around me part).

>> No.1970378
File: 424 KB, 1000x708, 1232854580917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure as hell hope so.

>> No.1970381
File: 290 KB, 640x1049, 1232854616575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will wait for the superior second gens

Yeah those are better, they can actually cry for real

>> No.1970384
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They eat weird stuff, though.

>> No.1970390
File: 567 KB, 800x600, 1232854831332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have a clockwork one.

>> No.1970420

I'm still holding out on the genetically engineered petgirls.

>> No.1970626


>> No.1970645
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Why not have both?


>> No.1970647
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>> No.1970659


I'd much rather have a petto dogloli or catloli than a real live human being. Most people probably actually want a pet, not a real person. Something that took care of itself while you were busy, but came at your beck and call and cuddled as soon as you wanted it.
Imagine all of the social responsibilities involved in taking care of a real person. Are you going to be able to take her to school and activities everyday? Provide proper nutrition? Medical care? Ensure her legal rights and processes?
What I want is a girl that is loyal, obedient, warm, easy to please and low ambition. She only needs enough skill to operate appliances like turning on the washing machine and dryer, can clean a little bit, has enough motor skills to play games and vidya and is intelligent enough to enjoy movies, music, and make small talk. She doesn't need a college degree. I have degrees already. I'd rather sit and watch Discovery channel with her on my lap, her enjoying the exotic sights and sounds of fantasy, while I enjoy the science. I don't need critical analysis. I have that. I need levity. I need someone to look at the world through clean unjaded eyes that still see the wonders of the world and remind me of them.
I would raise her in an environment of low expectations, where she would be free and able to assign her self worth based not on societal expectations of marrying up, landing a career, and being a frigid bitch who must control her husband, but just taking it easy. I'd be happier coming home to her proudly showing me something she could do in a video game than some woman who spends 10 hours a day at home, 8 asleep getting a promotion so she can spend less time at home. At the most base, I am a selfish person; I seek recreational companionship. Sound familiar?
Simple, low maintenance, warm bodied companionship that I can scratch behind the ears, if you know what I am saying. That's all I want. Who's with me?

>> No.1970662

robotgirls are superior

>> No.1970665

Geezus fuck someone threw my own post from months ago back at me as copy pasta.
I don't know if I should be creeped out or honored.

>> No.1970674

There's something superiorly classy about it...Delicious gear wheels...I must...

>> No.1970678

No, because I am not a poorfag.

>> No.1970679


I'm with you there, brother.

>> No.1970680

I can't stand robots. The whole souless eye thing kinda creeps me out. And the more human they look, the worse it is. Seriously, I'd rather take my chance with pig-disgusting 3-D.

>> No.1970692
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I thought it just perfectly summed up my own feelings on the subject in a manner far more eloquent then I could ever hope to aspire too.

>> No.1970699
File: 111 KB, 298x478, 1232858533079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's good, but you should've stuck the original image with it too.
Pic related, as it was a Wanko thread.

>> No.1970710

enjoy your inferior product. will it break before, or after it spends all your money?

>> No.1970815

While you intentions seems to be good, you can be assures that if people have that much power over loli pet human they're going to use them for all sorts of other nasty stuff like slave labour, prostitution, food, etc

>> No.1970837


Fuck it, I'm downloading Wanko.

>> No.1970848
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Brace yourself for LOL ZOMBIES

>> No.1970860

Well, when you finish that, we'll all be in line to buy them and use them for all sorts of things that would normally be too horrible to consider doing to a living being but are perfectly okay with something that was constructed.

>> No.1970876
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>> No.1970883

I'd tranq it, tie it up, and fuck it when it woke up.

You all would. Don't even try to deny that fact.

>> No.1970886


No, it'd be the opposite: she'd tie me up and rape me instead.

>> No.1970896
File: 344 KB, 830x1190, 1232861368163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's too bad for your pets. Not a lot stops this from happening today though. It even happens with humans unfortunately.
But if you treat it properly it would probably be quite rewarding.
Posting some pet bunnygirl with her mistress for variety.

>> No.1970931
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Working On: Sachi Patch

Jan 20:

Total Progress: 22.00%

Translations: 34.00%

Beta-Testings: 10.00%

Beta progress is moving. I've finished up corrections of the introduction, and am now moving on to script rechecking. When the heck will this game be released? --Furyoftheskies 14:43, 24 January 2009 (UTC)


>> No.1970956
File: 344 KB, 830x1190, 1232862131257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love animals.
Created to be loved.

>> No.1971011


I'm the guy who posted >>1970860, and you know what? To be completely honest, I doubt I'd fuck it unless it decided it wanted to fuck me. While rape is my main fetish in terms of hentai, there's no way in hell I'd ever be able to actually rape someone or something.

>> No.1971036

Best things ever:

1) Robot moe
2) Maid moe
3) ????

>> No.1971039

Animals are the only begins who are nice to me. Why I should mistreat them?

>> No.1971045
File: 14 KB, 475x346, 1232863420809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they come with DEVELOPERS?

>> No.1971058

Probably a copy of the disease they killed Steve. Or a futuristic Linux that actually does shit.
