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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1966972 No.1966972 [Reply] [Original]

Are Japanese girls really that concerned about their breast size? There are so many anime and manga that had a moment where a girl looked at her chest then looked at the chest of some other girl who has bigger breasts and got embarrassed. And those scenes where anime girls grab each others' breasts and tease each other or whatever. Is that supposed to be comedy? Because it's fucking retarded and those scenes always make me facepalm.

>> No.1966975

I know this is /jp/ and all, but you've never talked to a flat chested girl have you?

All chicks are concerned with their breast size.

>> No.1966981

Everyone is concerned with the size of their sexual parts, whether it be penises or breasts. You're secretly concerned that it's too small/large/odd/shaped/texture, everything.

>> No.1966982
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>> No.1966983
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W... why is everyone looking at me?

>> No.1966987

Not just sexual parts, people are concerned with every part of their appearance. The sexual bits just get emphasis.

>> No.1967003
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>> No.1967005


>> No.1967006

>There are so many anime and manga

>> No.1967009

Okay, that's just not cool

>> No.1967015


>> No.1967016
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>> No.1967022
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>> No.1967024
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>> No.1967035

Where the hell is this from?

>> No.1967040

Higurashi DVD bonus scene.

>> No.1967062
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>> No.1967085

Chihaya's all about the long legs, slim waist, and toned stomach.

>> No.1967496

>>Because it's fucking retarded and those scenes always make me facepalm.

Good. You are a wise person.

Most everyone freaks out about their sexual characteristics, true, but no, girls do not do that shit. Yurifag otaku wish fulfillment.

>> No.1967521

It's times like these that I wonder exactly what does Anonymous know about women.

>> No.1967529

It's times like these when I wonder how many /jp/ posters secretly ARE women.

>> No.1967535


>> No.1967542

Yurifags like girls worrying about their breast sizes, what?

>> No.1967595

While I think it's stupid to aspire for bigger breasts, I have a fetish for girls who are insecure about their bodies. Though clichés can ruin that too.

Nooo~ Don't look at me down there, it's embarassing

>> No.1967599

I too was confused when he said "Girls do not do that, yurifags, etc" and then I realized he meant

>And those scenes where anime girls grab each others' breasts and tease each other or whatever

>> No.1967644

I once tried developing a theory that it's always possible to tease a girl, regardless of breast size, by saying they're too (emphasis on too) small/average/big, whichever is most appropriate.

-Your breasts are too small, you look like a 12 year old boy. Only a gay pedophile would want to date you.
-Your breasts are completely average, damnit! Guys are either attracted to flat chests or big breasts. There's nothing appealing about breasts that are in-between.
-Look at those disgusting sacks of fat. You really can get them too big. They look like two tumors just hanging there sloppily from your chest. Are they really real? Sure you didn't get them because you actually thought more guys would want to stick their cocks into you?

What do you guys think? I'm worried there might be some girls who are immune on the last, because they're convinced there's no such thing as "too large".

>> No.1967650

there's no such thing as a girl who doesn't care about being told "you're fat"

>> No.1967676

Okay, got it, emphasize on the fat part. Unless they're implants. But the rest of the example insult might take care of that. But in case she knows she's a slut and acts like she's proud of it, perhaps I should also stress how she couldn't get enough cocks without her breasts. The problem is just doing that without making it sound like they are desirable.

>> No.1967684

I think you'd never have the guts to use these lines on an actual woman.

>> No.1967683
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I respectfully disagree.

"Haah? Fat, you say? This is pure muscle. I'd suggest you be more polite in the future."

>> No.1967690

I think that Asian girls in general are more concerned about breast size for some reason. I've never really understood it.

I don't know about the grabbing. Even non-Japanese girls grab each other's breasts in highschool, but it has nothing to do with size.

>> No.1967701


I'm the very image of the cordial, polite man about town in everyday conversation, but if you annoy me, my every word is laced with venom.

>> No.1967703


It's okay... if it's you

>> No.1967706


Please... Don't make me say it...

Your penis... I want it inside me.

(Oh ho, what a lewd girl you have become...)

>> No.1967711

You'd never actually say those lines. But you sound pretty passive aggressive, I bet you wish you would say those lines.

>> No.1967714

Sure, there's a House-level insulter sleeping dormant in you, waiting just for your righteous fury in order to be unleashed.


>> No.1967715

I never implied that I did. But I can fantasize about it, no? Just like rape fantasies, it can feel nice even if you never plan to do it.

>> No.1967795

They will probably just talk behind your back about what an asshole you are for randomly insulting them.

>> No.1968697
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This thread is not /jp/-related. Breast envy is an American invention! I'd sage, but I'm already out.

>> No.1968712

breast envy is universal to all nations, just like penis envy.

>> No.1968735

I don't think I'd insult someone if I wanted them to like me for it.
Strangely enough, tho, I get off with calling people the worst thing casually and being mean.
People must be masochists, if I were to know someone such as myself, I'd probably kill him.

>> No.1968752

It's actually strangely uncommon for people to have the guts to really stand up for themselves. Well, it's not about guts, it's about not knowing what to do. Adults just don't expect to be bullied, and it might seem easier to not admit that it's a problem than to find out what to do about it.

>> No.1968770

I guess you're right, people probably don't expect some silent type guy to be a real asshole whenever he talks to you.
Though aside from the fact that it's unexpected, I don't see why someone wouldn't react the such aggression, especially given how prone to violence some people are.

>> No.1968780

I mean, most people don't expect to be bullied at all when they're adults. And since they're adults, they suddenly don't have the same solutions they had as a child, like telling an adult or reacting with violence. The people who are prone to violence are mostly just a few loud guys acting tough. Most people, including the tough guys, wouldn't initiate it when it comes down to it.

>> No.1968799

They tell the cops (harassment) or respond with violence.

>> No.1968800

I facepalm too, OP. I've never understood wanting a large chest, anything bigger than an a cup is really troublesome for a girl, and annoying! I hate that EVERY girl is portrayed like that. At the risk of bringing up Lucky Star, Konata was awesome for that.

Though I rage most when it's like Strawberry Marshmallow and freaking twelve-year-olds are worrying about their boobs.

>> No.1968807

No. Just try bullying people yourself.

>> No.1968808
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>> No.1968816
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>> No.1968820

There are guys (and girls) who like all sizes of breasts. The sluts should be more concerned with the size of their vaginae.

>> No.1968821
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>> No.1968825
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>> No.1968828


>> No.1968831
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>> No.1968833


>> No.1968845

Continue, the next part is interesting.

>> No.1968850
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>> No.1968851


>> No.1968863

I knew someone who said that all the time when he was aroused.


>> No.1968868

Gloria Steinem? On my /jp/?

>> No.1968870


>> No.1968873
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>> No.1968885

Why are you surprised?

>> No.1968884



>> No.1968895

that's sad. well, entrepreneurs win, but at what cost to females.

>> No.1968900

Who gives a shit?

>> No.1968912

>DURR HURR is anime just like real life?

No you fucking idiot.

>> No.1968921

That was interesting, I'll fall asleep a bit more educated tonight.
I always believed women had always been very self conscious about their breasts.

>> No.1968932

The two articles were both entertaining. Thanks, /jp/.

>> No.1969007


With so many western people assuming that because it's in animu, it must be true in real Japan, I'm honestly not surprised.

What I AM surprised at is someone on 4chan, weaboo-central of the internet, assuming such.

>> No.1969213

No lumps no bumps
But still in demand

>> No.1969298

Hey now, larger breasts aren't inconvenient unless you play lots of sports without proper equipment.

Insecurities, however, seem to be pretty much universal.
