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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19610379 No.19610379 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the discussion of any and all works by Type-MOON, or Kinoko Nasu

>TYPE-MOON's official site
>TYPE-MOON's official site before going commercial
>Essentials of “Fate Series”
>TYPE-MOON Mega Pastebin

Download Links

>Kara no Kyoukai the Garden of sinners
Light Novel: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B2JOyyHPMlkxMTRiMzIwZjMtODU2Ny00NDk0LWE5MzQtNGI4OTg3NmMyN2Zi?hl=en_US
Movies: https://nyaa.si/view/264294

>Tsukihime Tsuki-Bako (Lunar Box) - includeva Tsukihime, PLUS+DISC, Kagetsu Tohya
Tsukihime: Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under the Crimson Air
Tsukihime: Lunar Legend
Tsukihime PLUS+DISK: Alliance of Illusionary Eyes
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya: Twilight Glass Moon, Fairy Tale Princess

>Tsukihime doujins from 2008

>MELTY BLOOD - Hologram Summer, Night OF THE BLOOD LIAR
Melty Blood PC games to date with additional English patches and Netplay tools (updated 2018-05-30)
Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code: Hologram Summer Again - Community Edition (cccaster v3.0a.020)
Melty Blood: Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Chapter 1: Dream.01
Melty Blood manga

>Fate/stay night
Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/hollow ataraxia
Lord El Melloi II Case Files
Fate/strange Fake

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night

>Fate/EXTRA Last Encore - Oblitus Heliocentrism

>Holy Grail 2.0 - TYPE-MOON PC Games

>Type Moon Mega Folder


>Coral of the Moon
>Decoration Disorder Disconnection (DDD)
>Fate/Apocrypha - The sage cries out. "Open, Gate of Heaven. Bless us and bestow miracles upon us!"
>Fire Girl
>Today's MENU for the EMIYA Family

Other Links

>Beast's Lair forum
>Crucis Fatal + Fake
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate Franchise Loseless Soundtracks
>Fuyuki Rebuild
>Melty Bread: Melty Blood (and French Bread) news stuffs. We have character discussion forums!
>TMdict: Glossaries from works by Type-Moon
>Tsuki-kan: A small Type-Moon site

The past >>19564228

Special Edition: August 8th, Aozaki Touko's birthday!

>> No.19610446
File: 199 KB, 708x1000, a0ed0f7853084fb1717fcee74b452d26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday to the best Aozaki sister!

>> No.19611264
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When I was a young boy I read a bit about Greek mythology. When I read about Medusa... How do I put it? I had a boner.
That's why I like Rider so much.

>> No.19611501

Notes OVA 2020

>> No.19611626

Why is it アルターエゴ but ジャンヌ・オルタ?

>> No.19611677

I'm looking forward to it.

Maybe somewhat told Nasu in-between FSN and CCC that there was a better way to get the word "Alter" in katakana.

>> No.19611699

Can't wait for him to change Altria back to based Artoria

>> No.19611722
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I'm reading Talk + Prelude for the first time and the stories are fucking awesome, what a shame we never got more expansion for this world after Fate started gaining traction, considering how much potential there is.

It actually makes me wonder wether it'd be a good idea for Tsukihime 2 to be from Shiki's POV, since Satsujinki is mostly portrayed from other characters' perspectives here (very briefly), and that's what makes him so cool.
Also interesting that Louvre was still totally not ready to become a DAA despite being the next best candidate. He needed around 200 more years to be at that level, and was only half as strong as Enhance. Really puts some perspective on the huge power gap between DAAs and the strongest normal DAs.

>> No.19611731
File: 234 KB, 1120x672, Dirty Red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again dirty red.

>> No.19611799

Arturia is best.

>> No.19611963

what about saber alter? or she wasn't called that till fgo?

>> No.19612018

She was called オルタ, I'm saying that they stuck with that for Servant shit, but switched when he wrote about Alter-Egos in CCC.

>> No.19612453

>I'm reading Talk + Prelude for the first time and the stories are fucking awesome,

What are they?

>> No.19612649

Talk is Ciel, Merem Solomon, a magus, and Satsujinki hunting down Einashe.
Prelude is Barthomeloi, Enhance, and Satsujinki hunting down Louvre. Then a bunch of stuff setting up the Aylesbury Valesti.

>> No.19613305

>adding a special tag to the description
I had enough dignity to avoid that since some people find that distasteful.

>> No.19613340
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>1 image by said artist compared to 101
You were saying?

>> No.19613357
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Come on Aokofriend, no need to be mean to Toukofags on her birthday.

>> No.19613369

Can't have them getting cocky, that is when everyone can be caught in the crossfire.
I'll let them have this one, but the one who also likes Scat should burn in hell.

>> No.19613385
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Well, fair enough.
I think the Scat ones are just shitposters.

>> No.19613401

I used to think that, but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.19614928
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>> No.19615454

I want to kiss Ciel's thighs!

>> No.19615744
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You do realize that nobody cares about prototype Scathach anymore, right?

Prototype Scathach never worked as a character anyways. Just look at the sales of Maho Tsukai. She was just a leftover Mary Sue of Nasu formative years.

>> No.19615834

Indirect kiss with Arc!

>> No.19615914
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Is she "cute"?

>> No.19615966
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What exactly is Zelretch's deal in SF? Even Alcatraz notes that it's strange for him to involve himself directly with the world.
Narita has a good understanding of lore, so I'm sure he came up with a great motive for all this, but I have no clue.

>> No.19616077
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Took you long enough.

>> No.19616117

>'muh Scat'
>'muh Mahoyo was a flop because of Aoko'
>'muh Mary Sue'

>> No.19616527

The swimsuit version of MHX basically has Slash Emperor.
This semen slurping kusoge isn't for me.

>> No.19616714

Fucking really? Same lore/power and everything?
Shows you how seriously Nasu takes his old works.

>> No.19616733

Nah, just visually, though it bears more similarity to Demonbane.

>> No.19616734

Oh my god fuck you Nasu https://twitter.com/dqx_horusu/status/1027512395541897216

>> No.19616797


>> No.19616815
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>> No.19617260
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>> No.19617399
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>> No.19617590 [SPOILER] 
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God is dead.

>> No.19617597
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My eyes.

>> No.19617622
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Ciel is for Arc!!

>> No.19617733
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>> No.19618045
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>> No.19618090

best girl

>> No.19618802 [DELETED] 
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Let me tell you... tell you... about Aokofags...
>What are Aokofags, daddy?
Imagine... grown up men... who watched Fate...
>Fate? The anime, daddy? But not the VN?
Haven't seen Aokofags not being a secondary... okay maybe once... but he doesn't count... He became a transsexual just after... Had genuine autism...
>But what are Aokofags daddy?
Imagine... grown up men... who watched Fate... And they read the wiki. And they read the wiki. And in the wiki... you have the list of Sorcerers... and they read the girl... She's Aoko.
>But isn't Aoko a Mary Sue, daddy?
She is a Mary Sue... and not a good character. Left over from when Nasu was a teenager... she has all the powers... rotating circuits... big breasts... True Sorcery... flaming red hair... Perfect powers... She has everything, save a personality, yes...
>And then?
They worship her. They believe she's a good character... they believe she's a better character than her sister... they shitpost on korean basket weaving boards... And tel everyone they like Aoko...
>That's sad. Isn't there hope for them?
Look at the house around you, sons... I make 150k a year because I'm not an Aokofags... They drowned in their mediocrity... very sad......

>> No.19618969 [DELETED] 


>> No.19619025

I like Aoko because she has a fun personality, large breasts (very important), is the nee-san type in Tsukihime and has cool powers.

>> No.19619112

True, red haired Aoko is best and her Tsuki scenes are unforgettable. But Mahoyo Aoko is also very sexy and cool.

>> No.19619683
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BB also has the 5* headband that Tsukihime characters had.

>> No.19619690
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>> No.19619715

So this is basically just them taking a huge dump on us, yeah?

>> No.19619823

Yeah, I saw that. Sincerely hope they asked Sasaki to re-use his design.

Depends on how you see it. There are GOfags who eat up any acknowledgement of non-Fate stuff in a shitty Fate mobage as a godsend.
I definitely just see it as shitty attempts of appeasing the fans and keeping shit eaters around instead of releasing good stuf.

>> No.19619919

Fuck, is this from the latest ACE? What's wrong with Arc's face? Far side crew looks good at least

>> No.19619962

It's from like a year ago, I think. I don't recall whether or not it was in the Ace, though.
>What's wrong with Arc's face?
It's Remake Arc, so she deserves ugliness.

>> No.19619969

It's from some artbook Sasaki put out at comiket 1 or 2 years ago.

>> No.19620516
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Just finished Canaan. I really liked it. I'd generally heard bad things about it, I don't get why.

>> No.19620533

I think the final few episodes were a bit dumb and kinda shit, but it was mostly good fun in a cool setting.
Alphard is so hot.

>> No.19620613
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It did get a bit silly near the end. As for hottest girl, I can't decide between Alphard and Liang.

>> No.19620627
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And my third choice

>> No.19620663

Yes please.
She was delicious. I definitely put her over the crazy yandere bitch.

>> No.19621903
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>> No.19623612
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I think this is the first time I've seen Hanepin drawn in 6 or 7 years.

>> No.19623647

Is this official?

>> No.19623669
File: 121 KB, 934x900, DU2Q2ecX0AANIPN.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It's just the mangaka doing their own thing as usual. Besides which, it uses some of the old (superior) designs like the old school uniform colors and Ciel's old hair-style, which don't exist officially anymore :^)

>> No.19623676

Oh fuck yes, those are all adorable.
I'm glad it's just Tsuki art with no ties GO shit.

Seems like another Sasaki fanbook from C94.
In other words, semi-official.

>> No.19623856

I had forgotten that Akiha was Rin before Rin was Rin

>> No.19624103
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2012 was the last good year for TM

>> No.19624133

There was so much hope.

>> No.19624311
File: 31 KB, 233x412, Roa_mugshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Roa look so dumb

>> No.19624511

He chose the body of a total loser to reincarnate.

>> No.19627480


Why does everyone hate Ciel?

>> No.19627484

>Seems like another Sasaki fanbook from C94.

give me the run down

>> No.19627509

Why do you insist on the same discussion?

A fanbook drawn by Sasaki Shounen for C94, much like he did last year. What's there to explain?

>> No.19627881
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>> No.19627918

There are roughly two people in the TM fandom:

The well adjusted, intelligent, Ciel and Touko lovers. They often make $100,000+ a year and are actually provably with a higher IQ.

And the manchild Arc and Aoko fans. Often negroes, often with an inferior IQ.

You can pinpoint which one is which relatively easily.

>> No.19628283

What about Hisui/Alice fans?

>> No.19628531
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New Case Files is out.
Some obscure old mage lore names getting brought in as actual characters. No news on the Labyrinth/Alcatraz front yet.

>> No.19628537
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>> No.19628547
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>> No.19628552
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>> No.19629017

I like Aoko and Ciel.

>> No.19629031

>resorting to insulting the fans of characters you don't like as justification of why they are inferior
Spoken like a true tryhard shitposter, you know your words are disingenuous.

>> No.19629127
File: 77 KB, 512x800, 1027806479884136448[片男]1日目おつかれさまです冬コミ3日めどうせサークル参加なんで1日目応募する人に次は黒レンちゃんイラスト_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19629187

Does this mean that the Tsukihime manga artist is the only person at Type Moon who still likes it?

>> No.19629637

Underrated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flnXbNGY_kw
This was by Tainaka Sachi who did DEEN's OPs. Weird that she was once pretty much gonna be the main singer for FSN stuff before Aimer took the spot.

>> No.19629697

I just finished the Fate route in F/sn and it left me broken (I'm a sucker for crying at entertainment). How much of a ride am I in for in the other routes?

>> No.19629722

A big one.
Though some people never get over Saber and really consider her route's ending to be the emotional high point, all the other route finales are just as good for other characters IMO. But even if you only like Saber, she has plenty of good moments left.
Seriously, enjoy anon.


>> No.19629740

>Though some people never get over Saber and really consider her route's ending to be the emotional high point,

Why? Was Saber vs Gil that good?

>> No.19629750

No? I'm talking about Saber leaving and her death, for a lot of Saberfags that's the emotional peak of F/SN.

>> No.19629970
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At least he still remembers Notes, right? Right? OVA 2020

Please at least before I die in deployment.

>> No.19629998

This kind of shitty half assed reference is exactly what I hate honestly. But yeah, they know it exists.
We can pray, anon. I'm confident at least Tsukihime R will be out in 2020, Notes stuff is always possible.

>> No.19630254
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 52ADEB30-4028-4659-94A5-F4641087C618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm confident at least Tsukihime R will be out in 2020
I wish I could share your optimism anon.

>> No.19631713

I'm tired...
TM Ace when...

>> No.19631820

I'm tired...
Berserker Sacchin when...

>> No.19631827

I'm tired...
Third HGW by Gonzo + Range Murata when...

>> No.19631842

I'm tired...
Cute girl ORT fucking WHEN?

>> No.19632406

I'm tired...
Mahoyo 2 when...

>> No.19632490

I'm not even tired.

>> No.19632607

This MAD made me love the song:


>> No.19633389

Go work out, anon.

>> No.19633405

Nasu's interview about LE for Newtype https://m.imgur.com/a/1d4EncK

>> No.19634031

Is there an apology somewhere in here?

>> No.19635303

What's our opinion of FGO?

>> No.19635427
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Make your own.
I think it's trash.

>> No.19635553

Fuck, when someone posted the furry FGO characters the other day I thought it was shitty fanart, but it's actually in the game...

>> No.19635904

Is Medb's artist the worst in Grand Order? He certainly seems the least competent.

>> No.19635927

How do you pronounce ORT? Do you just say the letters individually or do you actually say "Ort" as one word?

>> No.19635949
File: 51 KB, 640x448, GRP1_567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a decent fan of his work on Amagami, I think his style just works better in a generic setting and you see the limitations of his work more aptly in a fantasy setting. Takeuchi and whoever that artist was that literally copied-and-pasted for his Sakura art.

>> No.19635956

>Takeuchi and whoever that artist was that literally copied-and-pasted for his Sakura art
Whoops, finished my sentence too early there. Meant to say "Takeuchi and whoever that artist was that literally copied-and-pasted for his Sakura art are much worse"

>> No.19635973

Not even close? He's really good for the most part, especially considering the other artists involved in that trash heap.

I say O.R.T, but I've heard Japanese pronounce it as "Ort" in a youtube video.

>> No.19636146

If he is really good, how do you justify how badly he botched Medb's only varient? Good artists don't make mistakes as badly as this. Summer Medb is literally ruined and it's all because of him. That isn't the sign of a good artist.

>> No.19636152

>whoever that artist was that literally copied-and-pasted for his Sakura art.
It was Takeuchi-style sameface syndrome, people just blew it out of proportion because it had to do with Sakura. Takao isn't nearly as bad as FGO newfags make him out to be, his style just looks out of place next to the guest artists hired precisely because they're skilled.

>> No.19636162

At the current rate, there will be so many complaints about Summer Medb how bad he is won't matter, because he isn't going to get paid by Type Moon again. It's kind of sad, but he's pretty much ruined his chance to design Medb exclusively because of this, and it's all because people can't tell the bikini he drew is part black on black. Though I suppose it is an amateurish error, so he only really has hinself to blame.

>> No.19636180

Takayama, who drew Medb, is a guest artist and Summer Medb has basically killed his chances of drawing for Type Moon entirely. The point being, guest artists are not a mark of quality, though he is worse than all the rest.

>> No.19636222

Can someone post art of medb summer?

Rider medb art is fine, I don't see the problem there

>> No.19636269
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It's alright honestly, just dumbasses trying to make a big deal out of everything.
Clearly have no clue about the artist's past work or how guest artist work in the first place.

>> No.19636283

I hope the same goes for Takao too in that case. It's amazing how one underwhelming drawing turned the most requested servant into the least popular one upon release. Hopefully Type Moon will actually take steps to fix Parvati through Kali and Durga rather than doubling down on shitting on her.

>> No.19636297

So what's wrong about this?

>> No.19636318

>caring about pseudo-Servant trash or Servants in general

I think her upper body is too thick and tits look weird, are the main complaints? The fact that someone would remotely compared this to the abominations that litter FGO shit is hilarious.

>> No.19636337

If your FGO art bitching isn't directed at Cleopatra/Dantes/Parvati and Nightingale, you have a fucking problem with your eyes

>> No.19636402
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>> No.19636503

>how guest artist work in the first place
Explain? As for the issue, the black on black is a bad design flaw. It makes the art look deformed when it isn't.

>> No.19636814

>It was Takeuchi-style sameface syndrome, people just blew it out of proportion because it had to do with Sakura.
Oh, I agree. The first thing I thought when I saw that outrage was, "You let Takeuchi get away with it, but not this guy?" Hypocrites, in my opinion.

>> No.19637682

Foxtail ch 48.5 finally got typeset https://imgur.com/a/J2gMGRQ

I'm caught up with it now so I guess I'll post here when there's new stuff.

>> No.19638642


To my knowledge he even has an excuse in that he primarily colored the works of others.

>> No.19639262
File: 298 KB, 640x480, Kagetsu Tohya_2018-08-10_22-49-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19640648

I can already feel it.

>> No.19640951
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>> No.19641119
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Task should have been Parvati's artist.

Takao's faces weird me out and his poses are too stiff.

>> No.19641124

The HF manga looks so good.

>> No.19641200
File: 254 KB, 1114x1600, 4 - Th6ROg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really fucking does. Plus Task also adds neat original shit, like the way Kuzuki and Medea went down. Or Shirou with his parents.

>> No.19641227

The thing is that Shirou does recall his parents in the VN flashback in HF. It's just the anime that have always chosen to not show that.
Also, I still prefer the way Caster and Kuzuki die in the VN. You only see the outcome, and it's pretty fucking offputting, but it also contributes to the feeling that things are going too well for Shirou and Saber. They even comment that they'll be done with the Grail War in a week if they keep taking down an enemy every day.

>> No.19641265
File: 72 KB, 1920x1080, DnLB9ap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I said original I meant an actual portrayal of how things went down. Original might not have been the best wording.

As for Kuzuki and Caster, I like the manga version because it also shows how much of a threat Zouken is. And I'm tired of vague shit, ya know?

Plus, the idea of Zouken's bugs burrowing into the heart and resting there, and Caster killing Kuzuki thinking she could help him does it plenty for me.

>> No.19642893

I'm ready for TM Ace.

>> No.19642923

I'm ready for Berserker Sacchin.

>> No.19643207

I'm ready for cute girl ORT.

>> No.19643251

Crimson Moon humanoid form first, please.

>> No.19643394
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>> No.19643420
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Lewd Alice! Stop!

>> No.19643552
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>> No.19643805
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>> No.19643841

Cute, and nice legs!

>> No.19643931
File: 270 KB, 1115x1600, 5d7837ce36d3d539cd2a24043687e950342ab070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumping chapter 40 of HF.

>> No.19643939
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>> No.19643956
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>> No.19643966
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>> No.19643981
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>> No.19643990
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>> No.19644001
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>> No.19644023
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>> No.19644038
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>> No.19644052
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>> No.19644066
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And now we're at day 7.

>> No.19644072

Oh wow, didn't think they'd gotten to Lancer vs TA yet.

Cool that they show Kotomine acknowledging it. I was really hoping for a bit of banter between them when Lancer goes to investigate Ryuudou Temple in the movie.

>> No.19644074
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>> No.19644087
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>> No.19644090
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And that's the end of the chapter.

>> No.19644098

We need more Alice. Nasu, please.

>> No.19644101

That's a pretty cute Sakura. I guess I agree with the manga artist being good. Damn.

>> No.19644108

Nasu: Who?

>> No.19644747

Have they skipped anything between Day 1 and Day 7

>> No.19644773

It fleshes out the VN if anything. The only thing I remember being skipped so far is Sakura asking about Shirou's dream.

>> No.19645078

How did this happen...

>> No.19645272
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>> No.19645350

anyone ripped tomato gummy fgo album?

>> No.19645536

Mahoyo is full french patch is out

>> No.19645546

Holy shit, really?
I could probably make it through in french, but at this point I'm invested enough to just learn enough Japanese until I can read it.

>> No.19645822

Huh, Case Files still hasn't gone past F/SN time-wise, somehow.
Apparently in the new one it's mentioned that 4 or 5 Servants have been summoned, so it's shortly before Rin summons Archer.

>> No.19646133

>Apparently in the new one it's mentioned that 4 or 5 Servants have been summoned, so it's shortly before Rin summons Archer.

Who was summoned from beginning to last?

>> No.19646153

Fake Assassin / Rider (order unknnown)

I don't think we know 100% for sure wether Lancer was after Caster, but the UBW anime makes it seem like she was one of the first.
Then again, Lancer must've already gone through Bazett to work for Kotomine during that flashback. They were probably around the same time.

>> No.19646159

Ilya was the first by far, iirc, and Bazett and Kyasta no Masta were early too. Sakura and Rin summoned theirs a couple days before Shirou, and Shirou was the last one, not counting Zouken in HF.

>> No.19647315
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>> No.19647317
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>Demonbane referenced in Fate Grand Order
Pretty cool, but still not enough for me to stop hating FGO.

>> No.19647328

I think I may have actually been spoiled by something regarding that, since I'm just now reading Demonbane for the first time.

>> No.19647333

Keep reading. Demonbane is an Elder God tier VN.

>> No.19647341

It's pretty fun so far, I really needed a good old chuuni VN, and the setting is awesome.

>> No.19647428

Nya a shit, worst Demonbane.

>> No.19649252
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>> No.19649423

Mahoyo seems really nice. A few hours in and the atmosphere is great.

>> No.19649509
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You reading in French, anon?
Really tempted to do it too, I'd have to look up some vocab but at least it's only like 15 hours long.
At the same time though, I like it as motivation to learn Japanese...

>> No.19649556

They translated it "properly" so the French isn't always "easy". Though it will probably be mostly a vocab issue so it should be fine.

>> No.19649593
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Yeah... last time I spoke/read French often was in middle school, but the language structure is obviously similar to my own.
I think I'll give it a try, since it's a VN I've been wanting to read since forever. If it's really cumbersome to look vocabulary up after the first couple of hours, I guess I'll have to give up.

>> No.19649980

French bro here. Je vous remercie, enjoy the l'histoire suit une jeune Aoko Aozaki aux côtés de deux nouveaux visages - Kuonji Alice et Sōjūrō Shizuki, lads.

>> No.19650026

I'm French and I wouldn't read Mahoyo in any language unless you paid me.

C'est une simple question de bon goût. Pourquoi lire l'histoire d'Aoko quand il est possible de lire une histoire mieux écrite et avec des personnages plus profonds, du genre Eragon ou Twilight ou Fifty Shades of Grey?

>> No.19650056
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Help applying the patch, anyone?
The game opens fine in Japanese (saving/loading works), but the patches don't do anything. I've put them in the installation folder, and also tried creating a savedata/patches folder.

Dumb shitposter.

>> No.19650065

The patches don't go in the install folder. There is a secondary folder for the saves (most likely in "my documents"). That folder contain a "patches" folder which is empty. Put the 3 patches in.

>> No.19650095
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Thanks, I found that other folder... but putting them there still doesn't do anything. And there is no empty patches folder, just the save data.
Probably related to this warning I get when I open the game.

>> No.19650108

Well... That's as far as I could help.

>> No.19650390

>I'm French and I wouldn't read Mahoyo in any language unless you paid me.

What don't you like about it?

>> No.19650470

Those who can read his second sentence know he is just shitposting

>> No.19650941
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I guess I'll just learn Japanese.

>> No.19651272

I've been trying to find an old Nasu interview where he's questioned about how his male protagonist always tends to be weaker than the female main character, but even after an hour, I can't find it. If anyone has a link to it, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.19651474
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Not joking, she's really qute here

>> No.19651817

I'd giver a kiss on the thigh!

>> No.19651885

Indirect kiss with Arc!

>> No.19652544
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>> No.19652601

Damn it Kohaku.

>> No.19653899
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>> No.19654646


>> No.19655681
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>> No.19656066


>> No.19656292

daily reminder
arecuid>hisu>ciel>literally everyone else

>> No.19656330

actual daily reminder

>> No.19656366

>listing sakura
>not listing atleast hisu and arecuid

trash taste desu.

>> No.19656383

I didn't feel like listing anyone not in my top 3.
>>not listing atleast arecuid

>> No.19656388

is the plot different in all melty bloods?

>> No.19656467

Actual daily reminder:
Who cares.
>TM as a whole
Who cares.
>My lovely wife

>> No.19657194

There's only two plots in the MB series. One told in VN format (in the original, Re-Act, and the Act Cadenzas), and one in Arcade mode for each character (in the Actress Agains).

Literally who.

>> No.19657213
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>> No.19657220
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>> No.19657661
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>> No.19658263

>-The 1970 mana loss already happened and a quantum time lock is in place so there's no turning that back
>-Twice says it was "you lot" (talking to Leo) who caused it implying that it was someone affiliated with Leo/the west europeans
>-It was an individual that caused it
>-That individual's name is ■■■■■■

Aylesbury ritual isn't the reason why Extra world is fucked, but something a rich western magus did in the 70s.

>> No.19658283

Which is the least retarded thing Nasu wrote

>> No.19658299

Hope it's something Nasu tackles in a future Extra entry, rather than setting up a character for GO shit.
Although the original intent was totally Aylesbury and you'll never convince me otherwise, he's just changed his mind.

Kara no Kyoukai, probably.

>> No.19658378


>> No.19658554

Well now I'm tempted to read it in french too. I don't know if my french is good enough though, I only have the skills of school french, but I had french 8 years long so it should be okay I think?

>> No.19658577
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You'll be fine, at least give it a try. I found that I was able to read big walls of text in french while only looking up words every few lines, despite not having practiced in years. It''s pretty intuitive.
I wasn't able to get the patch to work though so I just kinda gave up and went back to studying japanese.

>> No.19659487
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It's August 15th in Japan.

>> No.19659708

>Les fans de Mahoyo qui polluent notre bon langage.

Il y a quelque chose de profondément erroné dans le fait d'utiliser le meilleur langage du monde pour raconter l'une des pires histoires jamais écrites. Je suis désolé, mais je ne peux pas tolérer une utilisation aussi cancéreuse de ce langage. Veuillez lire Mahoyo en anglais ou japonais.

>> No.19659717

Va chier

>> No.19659818

Fuck off frog shitposter.
But I will read Mahoyo in the superior original Japanese eventually.

>> No.19660696

>Although the original intent was totally Aylesbury and you'll never convince me otherwise, he's just changed his mind.

Are Tsukihime and Fate in the same universe?

>> No.19660702

Nah, but that's also only from recent years' lore revision to allow more Servant wank in Fate worlds.

>> No.19660703

Not anymore.

>> No.19660782
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arc boobie

>> No.19660862

Why not? Weren't they all interconnected?

>> No.19660867

Retconned for Fate humanity wank

>> No.19660902

>Hope it's something Nasu tackles in a future Extra entry, rather than setting up a character for GO shit.
Oh, you poor soul. That's exactly what'll happen.

>> No.19661327
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Bah va te faire foutre, hein.
Respecte au moins le travail que MoonTrad a fourni pour la traduction du VN, peu importe la qualité de l'histoire. Ca reste un grand exploit, surtout pour un fan de TM français et sachant qu'une quantité infinitésimale de VN est traduite en français.

>> No.19661423

how big is the Type Moon français fanbase?

>> No.19662181

Is Marisbilly isn't he? It can't be a coincidence that the name matches and he's hiding it.

>> No.19663429
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Réponds pas à un shitposter tellement pas subtil, "[...] plus profonds, du genre Eragon ou Twilight ou Fifty Shades of Grey" disait assez, voyons.

De ma part j'ai encore à faire la lecture, mais je suis éternellement reconnaissant du fait qu'une traduction complète existe, tout simplement. Moontrad = bonne civ, Commie = mauvaise civ https://commiesubs.com/mahoyo/

>That wack part of Canada
>Some African countries

>> No.19663687

Happy Birthday, girl that shall never be named.

>> No.19663741
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Mommy-tier DAA Sacchin never

>> No.19664056

Soit Moon Trad a traduit Mahoyo car ils aiment l'histoire et souhaite la faire partager, et donc mon respect est inutile.

Soit Moon Trad a traduit Mahoyo malgré le fait que l'histoire soit horrible, dans l'optique de se faire respecter. Penses-tu alors que ce soit un comportement respectable?

In both case they haven't earned my respect.

Knowing the quality of Mahoyo, I'd say it is the second case, by the way.

>> No.19665102
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Clothes swapping still going on.

>> No.19665106
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>> No.19665109
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Which one would you rather take on a date?

>> No.19665113

Shiki (male).

>> No.19665140
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It'll happen in her route, anon.
She'll take the #10 spot and become Shiki's sexy vanpire mommy/mistress.

But that's gay!

>> No.19665467
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>> No.19665746
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>> No.19666050
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>> No.19666060
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Mana-chan is too lucky...

>> No.19666083
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>> No.19666607
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>> No.19666742
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>> No.19666748
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Damn, Keita Haga looks like THAT?

>> No.19666776

I didn't know he'd also composed CP's ED.

>> No.19666834
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Shiki titty!
Am I missing out? When has google translate gotten this good? Or this was already written in english beforehand?

>> No.19666961
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>working with TM since tsukihime
>most of his music is great
>only remaining original TM member that hasn't become a lazy hack
He is the hero TM needs but doesn't deserve

>> No.19667026
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>> No.19667038


>> No.19667051

icles full of cum that will be drained by Passionlip's breasts!

>> No.19667152

Please don't treat the Lip as an onahole.

>> No.19667161

you'll be my personal guinea pig

>> No.19667320


>Nasu comfirmed tired as fuck from 3 years of GO shit
On one hand this means he might want a change of pace soon, on the other it also means they've probably been dedicating everything to that trash fire and made little progress on the Remake front.

I like how Nasu and Haga clearly acknowledge how different the basic feel of FGO us from Nasu's good works, while Takeuchi (eternal shill) insists that the "serious parts" of FGO in the main story are remotely like DDD and Kara no Kyoukai.

>> No.19667386

>When he's barely done shit
Whatever nasu

>> No.19667388

Nasu doesn't seem to want a change of pace, he's just overwhelmed like always.
And Takeuchi isn't shilling so much as arguing in a different direction. While Nasu and Haga say that FGO has an adventure feel that other Fate series lack, Takeuchi doesn't address genre and just says that Nasu has both serious and playful stories, and FGO contains both.

>> No.19667455

In an utterly shitty and tonally inconsistent way. FGO's serious chapters never remain serious for as long as Nasu's old works, and the entire format, focus, and self-interest protag make it way more of a mainstream "action with wacky characters" story than any of Nasu's "artsy" projects. The whole comparison is very loose and basically saying "there's funny parts and serious parts, so it's pretty much the same as always".
Just another pathetic attempt from Takeuchi to reassure oldfags that at its core TM is the same, when it very obviously isn't, as a way to keep them around.

Also reminder those same April Fool's jokes practically stopped happening because of FGO and they apparently consider those garbage events filled with garbage characters to be a good substitute.

>> No.19667541
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>> No.19667654

>the "serious parts" of FGO in the main story are remotely like DDD and Kara no Kyoukai.
Sure, you could compare the writing to that but it does not have the atmosphere that both those works have, the closest to FGO having some semblance of old Nasu dread and atmosphere was some parts of Babylon and Time Temple. FGO is more ordered in the action adventure department rather than the mystery horror kind of feel.

>> No.19667662

Oh, I completely agree anon, Takeuchi is just being an annoying shill as always.

>> No.19667700
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>> No.19667887
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>> No.19668402
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>Clothes swapping
Speaking of which, someone on /a/ drew this based on my request, it's so good.

>> No.19668454

Very cute.
Though I don't think their sizes match up that well, must be a custom order Len cosplay.

>> No.19669892
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>> No.19669907

I really don't remember meta shit like that in that scene.

>> No.19671947

Track06 and 07 are fucking awful

>> No.19671961
File: 339 KB, 1424x1000, 70096231[CrazyCloverClub]Fate × 月姫 クロスオーバー漫画_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neat, CCC posted TMcomplex to their pixiv a week ago.
seems like quite of few of the characters have been redrawn in this version.

>> No.19672126

Man, you know what my biggest problem with Arc's new mini-skirt? It's lame. Just look how badass the long skirt looks here, fluttering in the wind and everything, looking like a cape.

>> No.19672389

Based gaijin kuttsurikai is james harris' pseudonym

>> No.19672394

trying to upload pic gives me connection error lmao

>> No.19672937

Pretty cool

>> No.19676482

I love Arcueid Brunestud...

>> No.19676550
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I want to make Arc a mommy.

>> No.19676553

Arc breastfeeding!

>> No.19678369
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Don't die teeemgee

>> No.19678471

I love ORT...

>> No.19678553

I don't get it, why can't we just have another cool non-Fate thing from Nasu.
How are KnK, Tsukihime, Mahoyo, etc so immeasurably better and cooler than every piece of Fate content in the last few years.

>> No.19678811
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So this is what the final evolution of the wormslut is like, huh...

>> No.19678921

>How are KnK, Tsukihime, Mahoyo, etc so immeasurably better and cooler

Because they were written in the 90s?

>> No.19678956

If they were going for fanservice, I seriously wish we'd gotten BB in the goth outfit from Foxtail manga (although spoiler, that's not actually her). It's the best she's ever looked.
It would've been gacha trash either way I guess.

>> No.19680227

I was fine with GOfags when they kept to their containment thread on /vg/ but they're really starting to piss me off shoehorning their bullshit on every board. If you're a GOfag in any capacity, kill yourself.

>> No.19680744

because Nasu can't write for shit anymore
just look at Last encore

>> No.19681201

Anon, that's not a new thing in any way.
FGO threads started on /a/, then moved to /vg/ and it was fine for a while.
But around the time when part 1 ended and the First Order special aired, they really started spamming trashy GO threads everywhere, mostly talking about FOTM Servants (but also story/lore shit) instead of sticking to their containment board.
This is all prior to the announcement of FGO NA and the extra layer of cancer that brought in, of course. I've long since given up going into those threads just to argue, since at least now /tmg/ exists.

>> No.19681938

Who did it best?


>> No.19682073

Today I will remind them

>> No.19682162

Will the Heaven's Feel 3 preview be as hype as literally any KnK movie preview?


>> No.19682173


>> No.19682805

first one
>emotional climax, makes you think "Man this was GREAT, Bazett and Angra are the best
>generic Aimer shit that is only good because it's a remix of the actual good track
They also butchered the 10/10 second OP
I fucking hate Aimer

>> No.19682863

KATE is ba-

>> No.19682915

I agree that she wasn't perfect for FHA compared to the original songs, but I'll always love Last Stardust in UBW anime.

>> No.19685134
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More trio art!

>> No.19685964

I left /a/ and never looked back once actual Type-Moon threads died. Its such a joke of a board now l.

>> No.19686197

>but I'll always love Last Stardust in UBW anime.

Why was the UBW anime so controversial?

>> No.19687019

Fai singlehandedly did that.

>> No.19687369
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Regarding TYPE-MOON's works, first is to release the delayed 「Fate/EXTRA CCC」. I'm so sorry about the delay! However, we worked hard to make it into a flavorful game where people would say after playing "niche game isn't too bad," please look forward to it.
Although I can't give any details, the long awaited 「Tsukihime Remake」 is also being worked on in parallel.

Let me ask something that interests me personally, how about 「DDD」...

Uuugh (sweat)... I would like to sincerely thank the readers who have waited patiently. I can already see the ending for that, after I finish 「Mahoyo」...

Understood. In the end, can Koyoma and Tsukuri please say a few final words.

「Mahoyo」 is my first work as art director, and I have some special feelings toward it. So, I will also work hard on 2 and 3, and turn in satisfactory results.

—Recorded on 2012-04-20

>> No.19687422
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>> No.19687435
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>> No.19687460

According to rumors, it seems there will be a 2 and 3.

Th-that, a written proposal like that does exist! ...Ah, I'm very sorry. 「Mahoyo」's story has come to an end for now, but the story on that street that centers around the lives of those three is still going. Just like after 「Jukkaku-kan no Satsujin」 there is 「Suisha-kan no Satsujin」. I think there will be a total of 3 games. In the end, Aoko, Soujuro, and Alice's future will be clearly shown ...Of course we don't want the players to continue waiting like this, so hopefully the release time for the 2nd and 3rd part will be shorter. The real story will begin in the 2nd part.

Oh oh, so there will be sequels!

There will be sequels. Although the first part has concluded as a young adult work, there are places in there that made people go "?". Because we spread some very subtle hints, most readers will likely think "it's probably because of this." I think when the answers are revealed, it'll bring you the highest level of catharsis... in this regard I can only ask you to wait for the 3rd part.


>> No.19687486
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>hopefully the release time for the 2nd and 3rd part will be shorter.

>> No.19687487

>UBW adaption makes changes
>waaaah shit adaption! fuck Miura! fucked up Kara no Kyoukai 6 with his utter incompetence
>HF adaption makes changes
>OMG Sudou is a god! Best adaption EVER!

Nice double standards

>> No.19687723
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>> No.19687739
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Christ I almost missed this.

>> No.19687810


>> No.19687930

DEEN adaptation has the best music. Kawai Kenji, Disillusion, Kimi to no Ashita.

>> No.19687938

Top tier track.
Kimi to no Ashita should've honestly been the credits song for the Fate route in the Vita release, it's too perfect.

>> No.19688684

But lots of people were complaining about the changes. Particularly the lack of Illya scenes and the the added Alter scene.

>> No.19689082

cutest cat

>> No.19689100
File: 242 KB, 1280x1277, 1030693117169553410[えりん⛩️Elene]白レンちゃん。pic.twitter.com_AfG8z0sblT_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19689203
File: 157 KB, 1143x1748, 1030707665163309056[MAKO@1日目東M08a]お題箱で頂いていたメイドなレンちゃん。pic.twitter.com_l0H39nZhqM_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute cat maid

>> No.19689238


>> No.19689265


for some reason a ton of people bought Mahoyo during C94
it's never too late!

>> No.19689388

Are we posting Nasu lies?
>Nasu: At first I'd aimed for CCC to be something that can be enjoyed on its own, even more so with Extra. And that Extra can be enjoyed even more with CCC, like Fate/hollow ataraxia to Fate/stay night. But as I wrote the scenario, I became aware of a desire to state the "answer" of the Fate series, which has been continuing for almost ten years now. After ten years, I finally realized that "this is what I wanted to say with the Fate series." If I'm able to complete this, then there'll no longer be anything left for me to say.

>> No.19689440

He's just shilling his latest work, he did the same shit with FGO in an interview about the answer of Fate etc. He only doesn't do it with Extella.

>> No.19689870
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>> No.19690127

Blessed cat poster!

>> No.19690223
File: 266 KB, 1298x2048, Dk3yEv6U8AAiprb.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19690254

Sacchin makes me feel something... something dreamlike.

>> No.19690264

That's a really nice drawing.

>> No.19691805
File: 107 KB, 635x903, 1030847347511586819[ちぃずぉれ]とととりあえず申し込みしましたpic.twitter.com_KLkXaaAqen_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19691944
File: 24 KB, 328x336, playing wii on a laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19691958


>> No.19693916
File: 315 KB, 1395x2048, 1030797937238925312[RINRIN]誓約と制約pic.twitter.com_bJmj4DKdaR_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19695475
File: 471 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2018-08-19-03-51-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Type-Moon's main office looks like THIS?!
