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1961545 No.1961545 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1961553

Netherworld Dwellers Team is the only team I managed to beat IN on Lunatic with.

Always avoided the two teams that would result in battling Reimu on stage 4, though.

>> No.1961560
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>> No.1961566

You know, on a side note, ZUN really is pretty inventive when it comes to location/spell/character/whatever names in Touhou and most of them turn out to sound pretty damn awesome.

In b4 Radiance[Princess Tenko~Illusion]

>> No.1961569
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Too Soft tier

>> No.1961568

Remember when tiers would be used to mock tourneyfags? Of course you don't, fags.

>> No.1961577

Stop bitching about the Reimu fight, yeah it's tough but at least you can memorize her patterns (excluding her balls)

You should worry more about how much the ghost team sucks.

>> No.1961576

I'm disappointed that he didn't keep with the teams idea. As the cast of Gensokyo gets bigger, it's a good way of keeping them all in the picture.

>> No.1961597

Reimu's team is really the only worthwhile one apart from the cute dialogue from the other teams.

>> No.1961598


those are translated

>> No.1961600

LOLTimePoints Tier: Solo Youmu.

Seriously tough to use her familiar, though.

>> No.1961607

Hey, the ghost team deserves some credit for finally unseating Marisa as the "YOU LOST THE GAME AT THE SELECT SCREEN, FAGGOT" most worthless character ever... at least for one game.

>> No.1961611

Solo Youmu? Why would you?

>> No.1961615

How do I even get extra lives in MoF and SA?

>> No.1961633

World records are done with solo Youmu.

Also Netherworld Team is pretty good.

>> No.1961637

In SA you have to get those star pieces that bosses drop.
5 pieces = 1 life

>> No.1961641

One day you will understand.

>> No.1961642

I only use solo Yuyuko.

>> No.1961643

Best scorer
SA the star shit bosses drop gives 1/5 a life per star, MoF you get them automatically as you score/Nitori and Sanae midbosses drop it as expected.

>> No.1961671

How is Youmu the best scorer?

>> No.1961672

Why would you not battle Reimu? She's way more easier to beat than Marisa. Besides, Marisa already has an experience as a stage boss, Reimu doesn't.

>> No.1961673

What? Reimu's way easier than Marisa.

>> No.1961676

Language doesn't make a difference to me.

Ομάδα του Απατηλού Φράγματος
Ομάδα της Άριας της Απαγορεύμενης Μαγείας
Ομάδα του Φαντασιώδους Πορφυρού Διαβόλου
Ομάδα των Κατοίκων του Κάτω Κόσμου

They still sound good to me.

>> No.1961688

The stars are easy.

>> No.1961689


She gets time points both from hitting enemies (human side) and from grazing (youkai side) Her shot also deals a lot of damage so she can clear spell cards faster for higher bonuses. She's also very fast so she can run to the auto-collect zone quickly.

>> No.1961700

Reimu has experience as Stage boss as well.

You only need to go to 50%/-50% to generate time orbs. You can use myon to kill enemies on the other side of the screen.

Personally I think Netherworld Team is the 2nd best Team if used right.

>> No.1961711
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Well, you know, if you can play the game for WORLD RECORD SCORES rather than raging at how much of a queen bitch Moon Nazi is, then you really don't NEED TIER LISTS FOR THE TEAMS, HUH?!

>> No.1961715

Not as much as Marisa bro

>> No.1961759
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I find reimu way easier
marisa's spell card were you have to zigzag left and rightfat stars while little ones come in from the sides breaks my eyeballs everytime

>> No.1961808



>> No.1961803


Way easier to use than SA's Reimu/Aya, and feels more powerful. Reimu/Aya's shot feels more like a Raizing shooter's back formation, even with 2way it takes more movement to get the shots to reach the desired direction.

Also lol timepoints, and lolbetterthansoloMarisa

>> No.1961842

> God Tier
Solo Youmu
Solo Reimu

> Usable Tier
Solo Marisa
Border Team
Ghost Team
Scarlet Devil Team

> Shit Tier
Solo Sakuya
Malice Cannon Team

> Joke Tier

>> No.1961849

Everyone knows Solo Marisa makes the best scores.

>> No.1961857

Hehe, I'm thinking of playing a solo Sakuya hard game, shit's going to be hilarious.

>> No.1961875


She was so powerful in PCB, too. :(
Maybe she ran out of knives.

>> No.1961884

Yes, Reimu is easier than Marisa.

But the Border Team is so broken that it becomes easier beating Marisa than figthing Reimu with the other teams.

>> No.1961902

>this thread

Now I remember why I didn't like IN very much.

>> No.1961906


'Cause you suck.

>> No.1961930

>> Shit Tier
>Malice Cannon Team

did I miss something?

>> No.1961948

Tier shit


>> No.1962215

> Hehe, I'm thinking of playing a solo Sakuya hard game, shit's going to be hilarious.
Oh wow, I didn't capture even one of Kaguya's last spells. It was pretty fun though, more fun than Reimu solo. And what is up with that familiar-killing power? Well, I suppose Marisa's pretty good at it too.


>> No.1962227

solo sakuya is fun teir along with solo alice

>> No.1962272

>Malice Cannon
Patch fix where!?

>> No.1962280

It was intentional.

Like MarisaB(ugged).
