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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19576839 No.19576839 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread: >>19551792

Nutaku (R-18)
Nutaku (All-ages)

DMM (R-18)
DMM (All-ages)



>> No.19576852
File: 2.60 MB, 2463x3293, 69937159_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19576911

My wife Makhia is the cutest!

now pretend I posted some (currently inexistant) fanart of her

>> No.19576935

>Linked to this post instead of the new thread

>> No.19576943

19574444 #
>>19574540 #
You forgot Narsus, who people refused to talk for awhile because of how game breaking he is, until Chinese Hermit of Balanced happened and she completely dwarfs him by comparison and yet people are quiet about it

>> No.19576976

Why did OP not post the new summer campaign since it covers all discussed games so far? Lazy OP.

>> No.19576978
File: 279 KB, 667x1000, 69122616_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's easy, its because the hermit of balance is a hot girl and not some collab dude.

>> No.19577044
File: 202 KB, 1024x576, DjZzvreU4AAtLWf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, she's a main character so you can look forward to plenty of official and fan art in the future.

Kanon deserves it. I keep repeating this, but her navel really is a miracle, and hotpants look great on her frame too.

When it comes to petite girls, only the micro bikini/lowleg panties combo can top that kind of outfit on the lewdness scale.

>> No.19577053

I'd still put Narsus as the hidden 4th member of the ultra broken trinity of blacks.

>> No.19577105
File: 760 KB, 481x700, CrystalBeastSapphirePegasus-LED2-EN-C-1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19577158

Finally got the 27 stars on the Koihime event but that was a ton harder than expected

>> No.19577186

Yeah, Kanon is super cute and deserves nice things.

>> No.19577286
File: 770 KB, 1026x567, elvira swimsuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our goddess Elvira is here to soothe your frustration over stuck and not working games anon. (dayuuuuuuum)

>> No.19577288
File: 737 KB, 2893x4092, 65198480_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given her popularity, I wouldn't be surprised if she's slated for a new version sometime. Swimsuit Kanon, Valentine's Kanon, Halloween Kanon, Christmas Kanon, the possibilities are endless.

Also, case in point on micro bikinis.

>> No.19577331

I really want to get this girl's swimsuit with the sealstone thing just to have access to the loli version. Too bad I can't have the loli version in a swimsuit and it'll just be the normal form, what a shame.

>> No.19577343


>> No.19577453

Tell that to my non-existent Christmas Saffron.

>> No.19577645

This thread is moving so slow and it's so late in the night nobody will notice me pointing out the actual worst artist in Aigis is inoshishi

>> No.19577745

Amerianons are sleeping soundly, please wait warmly until it is ready.
On the other hand I'm busy doing wiki work for Jewel Princess, as I'm pretty much one of the only two people contributing to 95% of the wiki and I'm too busy with my job on weekdays to actually do anything about it these days.

>> No.19577924

>Amerianons are sleeping soundly, please wait warmly until it is ready.
Only on the east coast, and only if we don't have insomina.

>> No.19578118

As that one anon, I have to try to contest by mentioning Makirin

But I have to concede that Makirin is still better, even when he doesn't try.

>> No.19578207

Is it just me or does FKG seem to run like ass on Chrome? In battle/maps it randomly skips around, often doesn't register multiple button clicks & doesn't skip when I ask it to skip

Also holy shit what is this content overload what the hell do I do with all these resources & menus

>> No.19578220

In case you haven't already, FKG is flash so you can lower the quality in the right-click menu.

>> No.19578232
File: 183 KB, 1122x444, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone was asking what kind of equip drops from hardest map
There should be rainbow crystal drops too so 5* gear dropping possibly?

>> No.19578245

I have to say the game is pretty generous in giving 4* equips and even 4* girls just like that.

>> No.19578274

I'm glad I'm not the only one that found all the menus in the game overwhelming when starting out

>> No.19578287

I used Picaprince boosted by Lapis to clear the midwave. Silvia handled the left lane, Minerva instagibbed everything on the right. The only real danger is Sybilla and Silvia so you have to time prince right and stall them with demons or mist clones so prince can kill both.

>> No.19578312

Use Opera.

>> No.19578316

I cheated and went with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOHk8wjWUVI

>> No.19578320

I wonder if Narsus can achieve what Shampoo can do by himself.

>> No.19578343

I used Jinguang so everything is cakewalk

>> No.19578351

>the actual worst artist in Aigis is inoshishi
Shit taste to be honest. Inoshishi girls are very cute and her outfit design gives me a boner .

>> No.19578363
File: 358 KB, 591x432, dftdfgft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrelated and Hecaprince got me through the last two maps. The last one was fuck all easy but the 100/2 was a pain in the vut until I could manage to keep the sandworms from escaping.

Brave Girls was the only keeping me on Nutaku when Aigis died. I heard the company behind it is supposed to be separating from DMM or something. Hopefully they do their own English translations. I know they probably won't but a guy can dream.

>> No.19578367


Meanwhile in youtube land

>> No.19578391

I remembered that one anon that went bazooka when Fuuko was brought up in a discussion about some event plats being better than gacha.

>> No.19578400


Also this if you want to see Nutaku working together with Shampoo for a Hermit party. It really is something to struggle with a map then you look on youtube and someone cleared it with freebie non awakened units or just 1-2 units.

>> No.19579050
File: 99 KB, 492x378, jewpri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the devs should address the metagame this week, the higher tiers are very underpopulated that it's not actually a good thing, especially considering the SS grade is given to top 200 players. Players have accused the devs of giving the AI unfair crowd control RNG, such as an enemy Garnet restraining 4-5 characters rather consistently with her AoE despite a "medium" chance, and yet their own similar AoEs only do 2-3 at most oftentimes. Even with just the case Pearl, there seems to be a bias given to her medicine bomb, capable of doing as much as a Garnet despite the stated ">low chance", while player-owned Pearls hardly do anything. 2ch anons wasted no time on making scathing jokes about "absolute low rng" on the crowd control infested pvp metagame, aside from waifuposting about mommy emerald, mommy coral, meteorite man, black oni white oni, and necromancer of love.

>> No.19579069

Which is even more thought provoking because the population of players still increased since last month, and yet PvP populace is much less. At least this latest update attracted a lot of new players in, that are interested on the shiny new lolis - Zoizoi, Nerineri and Lu Bu.

>> No.19579074

Yo, that 4* glove gives 50% burn resistance?
Then status cancer in PvP might be even easier to work around

>> No.19579091

I honestly like the Unitia equipment system over Jewel Princess's, the equips there provide two different, smaller bonuses compared to one big bonus over here.
That said, I prefer JP's girls over Unitia's, no offense.

>> No.19579185
File: 55 KB, 472x322, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get through this since yesterday, tried multiple browsers and deleting/cookies cache already...
Does Aigis detect your local system region or something? I fiddled with that on my OS before this happened.

>> No.19579194

>I fiddled with that on my OS before this happened.
And yeah I did try to change Windows' region back to US/ Japan didn't work.

>> No.19579222

Ehh, it was the time synchronization shit of the system clock. Which sucks because now I can't synch with my local time.

>> No.19579635

I wonder if there is an anti-paralyze item, already tired of losing because Sanya gets paralyzed by Eclaire

>> No.19579657

Can you sum up what Eclair does? (passive, skills) Just curious so that I can compare to a Jewel Princess girl if there is an equivalent.

>> No.19579671

>Rolled two guaranteed blacks on the Koihime banner
Well at least the first one wasn't a dupe and she's getting 2AW this month! Just end me

>> No.19579678


>> No.19579689

No real equivalents then. This is the closest I can compare her to.

>> No.19580090

Translation of the latest announcement on Jewel Princess.

>We humbly announce the release of a new permanent content after the maintenance ending at the 6th of August, 14:30 - Tower of Dreams mode.

>Tower of Dreams can only be accessed by players above level 30.

>Similar to the Zolne Crystal Cave quests, you will clear floors one by one, unlocked rewards such as Gems, Lux and Amulet Gacha Boxes.
When you use characters for a floor, they will be locked to that floor until the end of the season and cannot be used on other floors, hence this events require you to have a substantial number of jewel princesses.
>This lock is reset when the season ends, along with the rewards that can be obtained again on the next season.
>Season 1 will begin on the 6th of August, 14:30 and ends on the 19th of August, 23:59. This season consists of 5 playable floors.

>Thank you for playing Jewel Princess.

>> No.19580109

Jeez, all those grammatic errors is peeving me off to no end, I want to commit sudoku in shame.

>> No.19580114

Sounds like a challenging pve content. I hope it won't be just "dump weaker girls on the lower floors and the strongest on the top ones".

>> No.19580154

Only thing I dislike about equipment is block having such a high% on the equips. I fought a full defensive team that just blocked all day and also exploited whatever character that had disables.

>> No.19580158

I'm sure season 1 will be exactly that, to test out the waters. In fact I highly doubt a floor requires all 5 girls to be in it.

>> No.19580347

I won't say it's just you, but I definitely don't have that problem. The suggestion to try Opera instead is a good one if you're having trouble, though, and that goes with pretty much any game on DMM. People who have problems with Chrome very frequently see them resolved with Opera.

It could just be me being human and trying to make a trend in my head where there isn't one, but I've noticed the same thing about status effect application. Anything that isn't guaranteed rarely lands for me, but I struggle constantly to clear chance-based ones from my own team. But yeah, PvP is dead because of the changes they've made. I haven't even bothered past the first couple of days this week. I know I'm losing my rank no matter what. I went from an 85% win rate across some 80 battles last week to a 10% win rate this week with the same team. They fucked PvP -hard-.

>> No.19580388

Start paying the jew gold to get Lapis and Malachite to win PvP, thank you. Hope you rike it.(KMR).
In any case even the normal-to-heavy paying users are affected by the recent changes, they have trouble winning games.

>> No.19580418

On the bright side, getting from B3 to A3 wouldn't be hard, as you have a 100% HP handicap versus the AI's 60% for ranks B1 and below, so you can be at least relieved that you can climb back up to A3 and stay for 2 weeks for 5700 rupies a week.

>> No.19580443
File: 227 KB, 1114x570, unit30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a girl in a green outfit with an umbrella
>her attacks are rain and lightning
>red element
How does it work?

>> No.19580697
File: 24 KB, 323x450, 84954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not red
Do you even mtg?

>> No.19580934

>really want Gabriel's slingshot
>just wasted all jewels on Venus
why do they keep putting out hot himes one after another

>> No.19580947

If you're playing on butaku, first, don't, second, there's a wiki that lists all himes in order of release, you should be able to plan that much in advance at least

>> No.19581195

Is there no English wiki for the Japanese version anymore? I remember there used to be but Nutaku faggots moved in and took it over and wiped out a bunch of JP-only characters and stuff.

>> No.19581252
File: 821 KB, 827x461, 191819184649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my bravegirls bros?

>> No.19581326

Do we have a unitia's guild or should I get into any?

>> No.19581346

An anon posted one but when I tried it I got an error.

>> No.19581361
File: 724 KB, 753x427, Get your week ticket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, I am going to wait a little more, meanwhile...

>> No.19581368

She reminds me of FGO Raikou

>> No.19581379

Not drawn by Raita though so it's even better.

>> No.19581436


What kind of error?
3 anons joined yesterday it should work.

>> No.19581446

Can you post the guild again?

>> No.19581469

I'm an EOP so I didn't understand what it said. Basically I copy pasted it in the thingy but something kept popping up. Now that I've thought about it, maybe it was saying it sent a request.

>> No.19581471

You gay son?

>> No.19581533

The guild name is in the post you quoted.
ハッピーデリバリー (Happy Delivery in Katakana)
Here's the post from yesterday >>19571800

but you were able to search and find the guild? please post a screenshot of the pop-up you get, once the maintenance is over.

>> No.19581560

No, the guild didn't show up for me. I managed to do the friend request right but I do fail at simple things quite often so there's that. Yeah, I'll try again after maintenance.

>> No.19581576

Ah ok, I am going to try when I get home.

>> No.19581639

Anyone wanna record/webm the FKG stream promo for today? I'm apparently too inept for this.

>> No.19581683

Quick question about AW2?

Can I do it at any moment or do I need to level the unit to 99 and then do it all over again?

>> No.19581698

You can do it any moment after you aw, levels are retained.

>> No.19581759

I managed to do it right this time. I guess I really was just being stupid the last time and was putting the name in the wrong box.

>> No.19581789
File: 92 KB, 453x640, DbyKVcIVAAE_jhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inoshishi draws like a 80s shoujo manga artist and I mean this in the best way possible.

Yaman** and Makirin are great and all, but sometimes you just want a girl-next-door type character rather than (surprisingly innocent) semen demons with goddess-tier bodies.

>> No.19581966

>log into FKG
The fuck did I just watch?

>> No.19582027
File: 794 KB, 960x640, 8rEOC4xEbh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play Aigis but you had me curious so I checked the wiki. Aigis has many good artists. There are even artists who did art for the game even before they became popular and skilled.
Obui sure came a long way.

>> No.19582029

So is Sonken worth raising or is she free exp like the annas?

>The new Koihime go game is a reboot that starts from zero
I hate when games do this

>> No.19582040

This abomination really needs some art revamp

>> No.19582041

Worth it for that passive and minor usefulness in that timestop.
She's only worth the same amount of exp as a tin can, so either try to mincost or since her cost isn't too terrible and her skill only has 5 levels, make RC off her

>> No.19582102
File: 22 KB, 537x77, aiig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To add to the whole discussion: I can't find a really bad artist out there in Aigis. Some of them draw weird faces, but when I check the full sprite the body looks great or at least acceptable.

This guy though.

>> No.19582122

Since most of the early Aigis girls are getting seasonal variants, I'm just waiting for a version of my waifu Dorca that I can awaken.

>> No.19582151

How long is her stun?

>> No.19582152

Worth it. My team can put 40% passive damage with her

>> No.19582166
File: 49 KB, 323x256, ss+(2018-08-04+at+12.58.37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May be skewed by gear perhaps, but damn that difference is something to notice.

>> No.19582173

Two seconds.
I did say minor.

>> No.19582181

So basically only good for the attack buff then?

>> No.19582194

The difference between 7* lvl 50 and lvl 70 is huge. I imagine f2p will have to rely on 3*s they could max limit break unless they give out dupe substitutes somewhat early.

>> No.19582232

Well, we still have no events at all, it depends on how generous they are with those.
I imagine event 3/4* girls will be given out with enough copies to LV70 7* them, at least.

>> No.19582256

I hope the girls'll good. The first ones usually are but we'll see.

>> No.19582263
File: 53 KB, 335x262, ss+(2018-08-04+at+01.10.59).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not player level, martha is level 54 as support character pick. I always see same attack values when comparing two characters of the same level/star level. Maybe having that evolve/lb 1 makes a really huge difference?

>> No.19582268
File: 2.72 MB, 808x488, 1505298879578.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That took longer than expected, mostly because I hadn't used OBS in ages and they changed like everything.

Also, I suck at webm so here's the MP4:

>> No.19582282

Isn't that what I said?

>> No.19582305

Much appreciated, anon.

>> No.19582316

>that bottom one
Post full pic please

>> No.19582336


>> No.19582342

What is this

>> No.19582344
File: 538 KB, 642x640, 1505516007791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19582349

My bad, I see it now. It wasn't clear to me at first because normally game's growth spurts aren't that dramatic for just 4 levels compared to 20. In this game there are sweet spots that give you growth, but the rest of the way sometimes just give you nothing at the expense of 15k gold.

>> No.19582354

Those weapons are so silly they ruin an otherwise great design.

>> No.19582359

Teaser banner for the live stream on tuesday.

>> No.19582368

Fuck you, whip swords are great

>> No.19582372

Yeah it seems like a waste to lvl girls beyond 40 until you're able to enhance to limit break.

>> No.19582414

I don't find whip swords silly, it's the scale of them that I find silly.

>> No.19582433

Whaddup with all these super smug dragons in my inventory in FKG?

And those retarded-looking spirits? I understand some of them are exp fodder, but what about the others that aren't?

>> No.19582434


>> No.19582456


It's one of those Kawanishi-only streams, so I doubt there will be any announcements.

>> No.19582457

Kamihime character and weapon designs are far more silly and overdesigned in comparison.

>> No.19582463

I don't look at Kamihime's character designs much so I wouldn't know.

>> No.19582586
File: 341 KB, 955x638, Perkunas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19582635


I'm starting to understand why FKG is so popular

All the girls have so many nice little details about them

>> No.19582687
File: 310 KB, 683x377, 1100 days of fkg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf I'm doing with my live

>> No.19583414

Huh, I didn't know they made weekly/monthly lotteries for M medals as well now.

>> No.19583730
File: 638 KB, 690x900, DjvGzh8U0AA2NvT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So only a week remains for C94, and FKG seems to have a strong presence this year as well. About 35-40 circles have announced flower knight-themed works, with standout examples including Hihiirokane's uniform undressing book (an extremely specific fetish with extremely impressive execution), plenty of Saffron and Easter Cactus from Yoko, another Ivy book from SilverWorld's Chaos (who is as devoted to her as our own Ivy anon), Naruse Momoru's Galium pillow cover and tapestries, and miscellaneous works by other official artists such as Utsurogi Akira, TAKTO, Nakamura B-ta and Bouryoku Nyachou.

FKG's selection of petite girls (including Flowering Peach, Azalea, Daisy, Nerine and Kodemari, from what I can see) are also well-represented, and the crown jewel of C94's Prison Island is the Wolfsbane dakimakura by Arikawa Satoru himself (in addition to the third Secret Garden book, featuring even more Wolfsbane). Some of this already shows up on Melonbooks (https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/tags/index.php?genre=フラワーナイトガール&text_type=event&name=コミックマーケット94) so that you can be jealous even before the Comiket loot overviews start appearing on Twitter.

Sasayuki also has a FKG book in the works (judging from the profile picture, maybe a continuation of the loli orchid mansion story, with more Dendrobium and more tentacles?), bless his heart. FKG devs' biggest crime is not commissioning more characters from such a paragon of good taste.

I always enjoy how they try to connect these little details to flower trivia. The current event girl's cannon is named Odm1, for example, because she's based on Odontoglossum orchids and Odm is apparently a shorthand for these in the orchid trade, while her fang is possibly because these orchids are named after two distinctive "teeth" on their lower petals.

Similarly, Helichrysum wears a shell bikini because closely related plants are called 帝王貝細工 and 貝細工 in Japanese, after the resemblance of their silvery bracts to shellwork, while Craspedia has a marching band outfit and a wallaby named Billy because it's an Australian plant that is also called "billy buttons" and "drumstick flower". You also have flower meanings to connect some girls, like how Moss Phlox admiring Cactus is possibly because of their matching themes (her "timid heart" and "burning love" to Cactus' "shy maiden" and "burning heart").

>> No.19583775

>(in addition to the third Secret Garden book, featuring even more Wolfsbane)
This is probably what I'm most looking forward to. They like to fill in some of the fetish gaps left by dialogue in her actual scenes that FKG won't deliver on.

>> No.19583915
File: 562 KB, 793x411, 1518338182678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RTS PVP actually IS in real time
I dunno what was I expecting. At least this is a niche other games don't itch.
Although matchmaking took too long so I didn't bother which already spells ill omens, but it could just be me being a gaijin.

>> No.19584234

Oh boi

Ivy's evolved art is a amazing upgrade

>> No.19585053
File: 50 KB, 354x500, DjrsV4qU0AErkX6.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19585867

Any beginner tips for FKG? Like what content to prioritise early if not just farming Manjus until the end of times?

>> No.19586023

Get strong enough to farm events and do the limited revivals for the event girls. Limited revivals eventually become permanent but the wait can be long. Technically you can't really miss anything besides the free gems. After that you can do whatever you please at your leisure.

>> No.19586349

Malachite Advent will be scheduled for release on the 6th of August, 2016. As per usual, Star advents are Boss Challenges, and the featured boss this time is Schevelon. Clearing this advent grants Malachite's Memory Shards, allowing you to exchange 1000 of them for a copy of Malachite one time.

The Schevelon boss challenge has a hard time-limit of 10 minutes, and it must be defeated within that time frame. Aim for brute force as much as possible, using buffs for your team and damage taken/dealt debuffs towards the boss.

Team Buff Examples:
Coral - Damage Dealt Up buff
Blue Zoisite - Critical Damage Dealt Up buff
Tiger's Eye - Attack and Magic Up buff

Boss Debuff Examples:
Opal - Damage Taken Up debuff + Nuke.
Tiger's Eye - Defense Down

Schevelon's attacks and skills are loaded with Restrain and Stun, therefore bring both immunities to this fight if you want to do well - Tiger's Eye, Opal, Aventurine. White Onyx and Amber are also acceptable characters, as is status immune characters like Sapphire and Black Onyx.
Schevelon will also apply a very potent offense buff to itself at half health, which lasts 6?8? turns, and thus you should also bring characters that can remove this buff completely, such as Rock Crystal, Cat's Eye and Carnelian. Buff reducers such as Lapis, Pearl and Malachite are not recommended.

>> No.19586752


>> No.19586779

Just focus on the Events and Revivals for now, until you can 3-Star them all with no problem. Events and Revivals get you another girl that you can raise up and put in your team while Events usually have lots of stuff that will help you in raising and evolving them. The current Revival, Rice, is especially strong, so might want to get her.

Also, Rice was the Event where I restarted playing FKG, so it's already been 6 months from the looks of it.

>> No.19586802

I'm a butaku fag, should I awaken Ea or Sol?

>> No.19586820
File: 567 KB, 1104x609, icons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19586824

Sol, Ea is a wasted of eyes.

>> No.19586840

Assuming those are himes of your two main elements, Sol without any doubt.

>> No.19586890

Is Kamihime still on that level where you can clear all the events and bosses with one element without any off-element penalty like in Granblue?

>> No.19586900

Yes. Until they shit out their own version of Zoey the balance keeper.

>> No.19586988
File: 246 KB, 1172x1500, 1512993386047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Pepo so perfect?

>> No.19587185
File: 450 KB, 176x198, index[3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Cuteness of the highest level
2. Crotch window

>> No.19587738


Well I think I should do some event story translations today, so I started with Inca Rose chapter 1, converting the screencaps to OCR took a long time though.

>> No.19588463
File: 1.23 MB, 1135x639, uni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the chances that someone with the name Adolf turns out to be a good guy in a video game?

>> No.19588535

nevermind, it's Arudolf

>> No.19588565

How is the plot in Unitia?

>> No.19588694

Fuko's revival is finally here!

>> No.19588849

Unitia is very boring right now, gonna wait for first event planned on 16th and then decide whether to play it or not

>> No.19588873

Isn't every mobage and browser game like that before the first event? Not many of them have anything to do aside from farming fodder materials.

>> No.19588934
File: 610 KB, 888x972, Sayo_AW_Render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is an upcoming revival
She looks really cute and actually pretty good too? Sounds like something to look forward to

>> No.19588941

Sure, doesn't make Unitia more interesting to play

>> No.19589098

She offers a decent chunk of extra dps if you can spare a slot for her, despite her lack of attack bonuses. Pretty good for some subjugatios. Plus, yeah she's cute.

>> No.19589111

Thanks a lot for the updates as always. JP wiki is coming along very nicely, even though it's mostly a one-man show.

Yeah, she's free extra damage that can be dropped in nearly every situation, Altema used to rank her at S for that reason (though Altema also exists in some freaky alternate universe where Ibuki and Eldora are better than Rakshasa and Sylvia, so take this with a grain of salt). There's essentially no downside to using her, situations where you're limited by UP/party size are very few.

Also keep in mind that, if you haven't done her event, her revival means free 30 SC. I wish we got another event like hers and Reve sometime.

>> No.19589807

It doesn't help that Unitia battle system is extremely linear and generic. Honestly I felt like I had played dozen games with the exact same system, and novelty wore off very quickly after you were forced to watched the same attack animations for hundred times.

>> No.19590484

I agree that the system is shallow. But I think it has some potential.
They need to make some a content where you can tactically use the skills instead of just spamming all at once. Also maybe raid battles? The current modes and pvp just end too fast.

>> No.19590730

Browser mobage tier

So fucking awful.

>> No.19590917


>> No.19591562
File: 1.86 MB, 1200x1200, Dj1rjEwUwAAat46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I'm tempted by FKG's super-lewd lolis, something like this pops up on Pixiv or Twitter and I'm once again reminded that mature ladies are the best.

Japanese Anemone is the perfect woman, I wish yuui wasn't bound by that stupid exploitative contract so that we'd have a lot more top-tier fanart of her.

>> No.19591634
File: 469 KB, 840x840, 70015748_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even close. The smaller girls get the perfect combination of Cute and sexy so the old hags don't even get to compete.

>> No.19591639
File: 134 KB, 800x800, 1517187384980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your struggling only makes me more determined.

>> No.19591645
File: 15 KB, 500x281, DS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mature ladies are the best.

>> No.19591657
File: 1.09 MB, 1039x693, 1530309290150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the worst things this game has made me do as far as 4* challenges go.
I even almost failed it with the very last enemy Ibuki was blocking because her CD was about to expire while Leora was providing very much needed permabuffs.

I'm just glad it's over and at the same time pre-emptively mad at the 4* and story maps I still have to tackle

>> No.19591674
File: 389 KB, 1450x2048, 1516898413783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only a matter of time before you join us on the righteous path.
meito is slowly but surely turning into my most favorite FKG fan-artist

>> No.19591730
File: 199 KB, 919x1200, DUuEvdmUQAAZMM2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days they're going to implement a glasses-wearing loli and I'll convert in a heartbeat. But until then, mature women reign supreme.

>> No.19591739

A glasses wearing little girl would be pretty sad since it means her vision went to shit at such a tender age.

>> No.19592046
File: 180 KB, 850x1292, I hated this vn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting to put glasses on a little girl

What a monster

>> No.19592241

But she'll have a head start in life on being incredibly cute.

>> No.19592246

Glasses aren't cute though

>> No.19592394
File: 78 KB, 600x800, Cmu35EGUMAAinsm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but this kind of comment no longer has a place in FKG, not after glasses NZN's landslide victory on the Nazuna Day poll. We're bound for a bright new future where at least one glasses girl will be added each month, talented glasses artists like Sasamori Tomoe and Nanao will be contacted for new girls, and glasses skins and SDs will be implemented for every character, starting with girls like Serruria and Elderflower (who are popularly depicted with glasses).

There will also be a full-scale collab event with Alicesoft where TADA will personally oversee the design of several cute glasses knights. We're clearly headed for the best of all possible worlds.

>> No.19592406

That's a lot of words there that say absolutely nothing to prove him wrong.

>> No.19592410

>Announcement where more glasses girls get added
>Service termination notice the next month because the glasses girls made everyone leave and stop spending

Wow I didn't know you wanted to kill the game that badly

>> No.19592427

Glasses girls never get popular for a reason and its because they're always boring and not cute at all

>> No.19592626

Looks like Sengoku Rumblade is going to Nutaku.

>> No.19592654

Isn't that game kind of fucking dead?
Last I checked it was ranking in the 60s.

Then again, Nutaku got Mononofu and that also died shortly after.

>> No.19592721
File: 156 KB, 899x1200, DAUer7PVoAAZyME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, there are so many archetypes under the "glasses girl" header that I'd be surprised if you dislike all of them.

I mean, you have the sweet and good-natured childhood friend/underclassman type, the strict class president who may be harsh on you but only wants you to do your best, the Nagato-ish emotionless bookworm, the talented author/literature club member who is secretly a huge pervert, umkempt shut-ins, clumsy maids, cool businesswoman/office lady types, mad scientists, lady teachers, librarians, doctors and nurses, mechanics and engineers and Q-style all-purpose tinkerers, evil female executives a la Marushina, hot-blooded glasses-wearing tomboys to subvert expectations, meta-glasses characters like Idolmaster's Haruna and Twintail's Dark Grasper (both of whom are the essence of perfection)...

Glasses isn't just a fetish, it's a kind of spice that can be combined with any other fetish to vastly improve it. And FKG is missing so many of the core glasses archetypes that more glasses girls can only ever be a good thing.

>> No.19592731

All of those archetypes listed are INFINITELY better when its not tied to the whole boring and shitty glasses girl that gets reused all the time though.

>> No.19592804

A lot of those archetypes very, very rarely wear glasses and never ever get popular anyway because glasses girls are boring anyway. There's barely any glasses girls these days with good reason and its usually always reserved to stuff like the student council president (way better when they're not stuck on the boring glasses girl archetype) or the bookworm girl (also way cuter and better when they only use glasses to read or don't use glasses at all)

>> No.19592829

Imagine having a mindset that results in things like hating a minor design element this much.

>> No.19592832
File: 460 KB, 588x341, saberthink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot blooded tomboys
>Wearing glasses ever

>> No.19592885
File: 86 KB, 439x803, 1529706724124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, but this kind of comment no longer has a place in FKG, not after glasses NZN's landslide victory on the Nazuna Day poll.
The winner wasn't glasses NZN. The winner was teacher NZN who happened to wear glasses.
If I had to estimate what kind of person / fetish voted for her, I'd say the largest part were those ドM people who want to get "taught" a thing or two by a dominating NZN, the second largest part was the "tights (+tight skirt uniform)" faction, and then there were maybe two people who voted that outfit because of the glasses.

Since I'm a member of the loli faction you have earned my wrath for even thinking about something as sacrilegious as putting glasses on a loli.

>> No.19592933
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.01_[2018.05.11_23.17.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I had to estimate what kind of person / fetish voted for her, I'd say the largest part were those ドM people who want to get "taught" a thing or two by a dominating NZN, the second largest part was the "tights (+tight skirt uniform)" faction, and then there were maybe two people who voted that outfit because of the glasses.

This is pretty accurate. Its far more likely that its masochists that want to be taught some hands on sex ed or abused by a pretty teacher rather than people with a glasses obsession since femdom characters seem to be really popular these days even though I can't see the fun in getting treated like shit and abused.

>> No.19592947

Glasses discussion again?

We only have 2 meganekkos in Jewel Princess - Inca Rose and Sphene.

Gabriel in Kamihime is kinda hot though.

>> No.19593002
File: 705 KB, 960x640, 1509188636878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyarlathotep used to be pretty popular, but she got knocked out of the top 10 most popular SRs last popularity contest.
Either people draw the line at rimjobs, or footjobs and lolimamas are more their thing.

Checking the wiki, apparently there's a lot fewer glasses SSR than I thought there were.
By a lot fewer, I mean just Ea, who's a shit.
Hebe's the best glasses slut, though.

>> No.19593020

Wew, too bad i don't use wind

>> No.19593063
File: 847 KB, 1280x1814, makigumochance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, I like rooting for glasses but in all seriousness, to each his own. If they don't like glasses, then they don't like them and that's that, this "glasses wars" business is tongue-in-cheek anyway. De gustibus non est and all, plus part of FKG's charm is how it caters to everyone through the sheer number of characters.

>All of those archetypes listed are INFINITELY better when not tied to glasses
I'd be interested in knowing how a glasses fetishist character who wants to cover the world in glasses would work without wearing a pair herself.

Actually, there's a plant that is called glasswort and used to make glass, but it's flower meaning is "pretension", so it could work for a glasses-obsessed girl whose darkest secret is that she's a fake glasses girl with perfectly fine eyesight and non-prescription glasses.

>putting glasses on a loli
I'm almost thankful that few people do this, because otherwise I wouldn't have lasted half as long against the loli onslaught.

Makigumo, Inca Rose, Ea, these are all very dangerous women.

>> No.19593083
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, 4829149821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19593131

Humans have a highly developed facial recognition sense. A huge part of the dislike & why gets such a fuss made for it is that glasses covers part of the face, namely the eyes which have absolutely huge emphasis placed upon them in "anime" artstyles.

I don't dislike glasses. I dislike accessories that prevents me from seeing what I really like fully. It's like a pop-up on your screen that you can't close.

>> No.19593153

>A recent study done by Essilor of America asked more than 3,000 men and women about their perception of eyeglasses and eye wear.
>Some would ask if glasses affect attractiveness or not. According to the survey, 73 percent of Americans asked said it has little to no impact what-so-ever. What about the old adage of "men don't make passes at girls who wear glasses?" An astounding 60 percent of men strongly disagreed with that expression while 62 percent of women flatly called it inaccurate and not true.
I don't think it's humans, I think it might just be you, anon.

>> No.19593161

>Another nigga that can't separate reality from fiction

>> No.19593185
File: 106 KB, 494x700, DKuW3isVoAAeZKx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to think about it, we do repeat it too often. Sorry about that, you guys want to post other fetishes on your wishlist instead?

I wouldn't mind more school swimsuits/white thighhighs, evening gloves, short shorts, and whatever the Tamamo/Konohanasakuya/Japanese Anemone style "skintight bodysuit under kimono" style is called. The Satou Kuuki treatment that some 2AWs (Kokoro and Ingrid especially) got were great too.

>> No.19593198

Must've spent over 30k gems trying to roll for Lapis Lazuli. What the fuck is this shit, not even one copy? No spectra or anything, what a waste.

>> No.19593213
File: 1.38 MB, 1008x1200, DfA84GXUEAArbc-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point.

>> No.19593223

Just fuck this game. Not having Lapis really screws you over.

>> No.19593229

I got 2 Lapis, 1 Black Opal, 1 Coral and 2 Black Onyx under 21000 gems.

>> No.19593240

Isn't there a Lapis Advent?

>> No.19593256

Advents practically require you to have a very specific set of units each, which would be fine if it wasn't fucking impossible to get enough rainbow flasks to actually level units all the way.

>> No.19593280

>rainbow flasks
All the more reason to farm the Ex maps and get more rainbow flasks. I always use my first guaranteed flask drop run on a 20 QP map before I go to the Ex 60 maps.

>> No.19593319

Medium of the advents are doable with 630 girls, so it'll require around 15 flasks to start proper farming. 640 isn't necessary.

>> No.19593332

It's fascinating how evensome of the usual SSS regulars on JewPrin struggle to even get S1 last week. The Lapis change basically screwed everyone except hyperaggro no-heal teams.

>> No.19593496

That's what I mean. You still need flasks to get them to 6* unless you just happened to roll them at 6*. They want you to diversify your units but don't really give you the farming resources to do so.

>> No.19593627
File: 577 KB, 3290x467, yGcSMSQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Poinsettia is also getting a new version to keep Holly company, and Geranium is here to deliver us from loli temptresses. Don't know whom the other two girls are, but the archer event girl seems to be a hydrangea.

And huh, turns out that this batch was known from banners for four days.

>> No.19593637
File: 917 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180806-004405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it's impossible to get 1500 feathers in kanpani without whaling. Should I just pick the 4* mail for 150 feathers and call it a day?

>> No.19593654

Those breasts went beyond big to that really bad zone where you wonder if the artist has ever seen a pair of tits before in his life. I expected more from FKG.

>> No.19593685

Thank God it's anime and not reality, then.

>> No.19593694

level up your facilities you shitty shachou
also you had better not used up your stones getting feathers
they had a double feathers campaign last anniversary in september, no reason why they wouldn't redo it

>> No.19593701

Being anime doesn't mean that you can do anything and it'll still look good though. If the character's breasts are of the same size of her head or bigger then we got a problem here.

>> No.19593710

>If the character's breasts are of the same size of her head or bigger then we got a problem here.
Nah, we really don't.

>> No.19593716
File: 37 KB, 221x230, 1530136355911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then we got a problem here.
Sorry, but I'm not seeing a problem other than the 300 rainbow coins I'm going to be flushing down the toilet when she arrives.

>> No.19593721
File: 503 KB, 1280x1841, oneesandeoneesan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting shuz
I know I just said "to each his own" but jeez, there's a limit to bad taste. That guy is a master of his craft, and even if you're not into his oneshota/oppai loli fare, he's also responsible for Lantana.

And hey, Geranium getting a yukata means that she forms a proper pair with New Year's Fritillary too. She's also sure to have lines about her, so hopefully some nice yuri art will come out of it.

>> No.19593727

Damn, if that guy's a master of his craft then I don't want to see someone who's bad at it because I won't be able to sleep with that haunting me at night.

>> No.19593739

>that image
I love shuz but holy fuck this just reminds me of how bad some of his older art was and how far he's come since. Something's seriously off with those lower bodies.

>> No.19593741

I've got no problem with big breasts or oppai loli, I just have no respect for artists that decide to only focus on drawing the biggest tits possible and throw the rest to the wind because lolanime titties. He's definitely not the worst since i've seen way worse and that just barely crosses into unrealistically big anime breasts but he's definitely not the best either.

>> No.19593749

Actually to add to my post here, the picture attached to it perfectly proves the point I'm trying to make since he clearly only focused on the tits and you can notice the rest of the character is all kinds of fucked which is something common with this sort of artist with them focusing on drawing the fattest tits, thighs and ass then disregarding the rest.

>> No.19593779

>they had a double feathers campaign last anniversary
Well rip i didnt know and spent as fast as i got it.

>> No.19593797

Last one is the Comiket exclusive girl. Poisettia getting a new outfit to go with Holly is nice and all, but one is in a swimsuit and the other is in a yukata. Then again, Pepo is in a swimsuit and Lantana is a bride.

>> No.19593812

I actually like the brontosaurus hips, but yeah, I can see where you're coming from.

Well, Pepo is from Banana Ocean. Given how regular outfits look like in that country, swimsuits are probably considered formal wear over there.

>> No.19593861

I still think this is a huge balance flaw if the game forces players to ignore 80% of the characters.

>> No.19593911

Only if you are really impatient. They accumulate pretty fast during large events like collab, anniversary or the current summer event, since the game gives you shit ton of black envelopes. Just retire unnecessary 4* and 5* dupes.

>> No.19593926

Shit, is it better to retire 5*s than combining them for stat ups?

>> No.19594007

Nope, fully awakened 5* is a luxury for actual whales, or during special campaign like Konosuba collab when you get bonus rewards for awakening collab 5* characters.
Otherwise, if it's a strong 5* char, you are better off keeping them separated, since you can field multi of the same character in the same team, so many people do this to cheese raid bosses and hard contents, if it's a weak 5* or a 5* you don't like, just retire them for feathers.

>> No.19594036
File: 965 KB, 1113x526, tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I understand this correctly, we can reset the teams 3 times and start anew with different compositions.

>I hope it won't be just "dump weaker girls on the lower floors and the strongest on the top ones".
Time to crush your hopes then.
first floor has recommended character level 5-28
fifth floor has recommended character level 6-34

>> No.19594083
File: 342 KB, 1001x1162, quess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer battlefield is nice.

>> No.19594091

Which game is this? She looks perfect

>> No.19594125

Kanpani Girls
She's not in the draw pool currently though.

>> No.19594165
File: 128 KB, 935x588, feathers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the other anon mentioned they start to add up from all the 4 stars from events.
I don't even retire my dupe 5*s and I've bought like 4 1500 envelopes without ever spending.

>> No.19594204

You can reset 3 times for free to optimize, yeah.

>> No.19594220

I don't even know what to think about these dead on arrival DMM games on Nutaku. Do the original devs just want to milk it a bit more so they give it to Nutaku?
Or is it Nutaku who sends requests to localize every game on DMM?

>> No.19594261

You missed the anime artstyle part of my comment. Reality runs on a way different engine.

>> No.19594432

Hotdamn, a Japanese anon on the jewel princess wiki won 30k gems off his Tower of Dreams run, lucky bastard.

>> No.19594496
File: 291 KB, 962x601, dum684630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the new event type is a DPS test, you have 15 turns to beat the shit out of the dummy, and your total damage will be converted into event point.
The rewards are pretty good overall, and the event should be quite relaxing for people with strong team.

>> No.19594596

So it seems there are two different awards, one for the highest total damage combining all element teams an individual has, and one for the highest damage team for a specific element.

>> No.19594690
File: 280 KB, 996x582, otogif75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>notice Otogi Frontier is in a top 3 ranking again
>check it out of curiousity
>999+ items in the present box
>most of them are popularity ranking rewards
Are the devs so generous they give out rewards every time the game reaches the top 3?

>> No.19594727

Maybe its having a character popularity poll event. Those always give out lots of rewards.

>> No.19594778

Yeah, Otogi Frontier almost gives 1 or 2 5* tickets every week, and sometimes even select tickets(with a limited pool of course).

>> No.19594799

That mousepad...

>> No.19594825

I guess this is the path to success. Look at FKG and Otogi. Even if your game has a shitty gameplay, you can just make pretty fully voiced girls and be a generous dev.

>> No.19594874

I must say OF gameplay reminds me of Unitia for some reason, although the grinding is fucking nuts, so you can't compare FKG gameplay with OF.

>> No.19594935

Dang, "Aaaa" girl is quite cute, I might have to get the Comiket packet after all.

>> No.19594942


Just having a placeholder for the new game mode. I'll add more detail and the different star conditions later.

>> No.19595030

OF has some unneccessarily complicated mechanics like skills and skill slots. I have to admit I liked the idea of interchangeable skills at first. In theory you probably could make your waifu more viable by equipping her with the toppest skill. But in reality I assume everyone just dumps the strongest skills on the strongest SSR characters? I'm sure wikis cover that aspect but if you go in the game blind like me it's going to be very confusing.

I was also not sure what to do with dupes. Do I destroy them for skills? Do I use them as evolve materials if I don't have enough actual evolve materials?

>> No.19595050
File: 1.36 MB, 960x640, firefox_2018-08-06_21-35-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be mad, but at the same time it's a rainbow. It's not the latest gacha girl but it's summer squash dupe.
I'm not sure how I should feel about this.
Also I still want my poinsettia, damn it.

>> No.19595090

Name me a browser game where PvP isn't cancer .

>> No.19595104
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x861, DVw5-vlV4AEWd5R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the unknown girls are Silene coeli-rosa (or Viscaria, since it used to be Viscaria coeli-rosa at one point, and Linnaeus originally described it under Agrostemma so I wonder if she'll be related to the Lily Wood senate somehow) and Ceanothus.

Also a really cute detail I didn't notice until the SDs: Geranium's fan features both her and Chocolate Lily's flowers, in case you ever doubted this was canon, and their skills match each other as well (https://twitter.com/rks10131/status/1026422630276976641).).

Speaking of which, Woodsorrel's worst nightmare actually became canon. Oppai obake walk among us now, though in the form of Geranium rather than Greenbell.

Shit, it always sucks when this happens. Sorry about that.

But 50 rainbow medals takes off the sting a bit, you should've seen the pain back when you got nothing for your troubles.

>> No.19595107

Yeah, the skill system is really annoying to use and I'm surprised they haven't changed it yet since it's exactly like it was when they released the game.

It would help if you could use girl dupes directly as skill fodder instead of having to dissolve them first. Or if they reduced the skill bloat, since about 50% of the available skills are highly situational or simply useless.

>I was also not sure what to do with dupes.
Either works, you can choose depending on whether you're lacking skill fairies or Otogi stones.

>> No.19595144

Yeah, that 50 medal does soothe the pain somewhat. Finally I can get that 6* apple
>you should've seen the pain back when you got nothing for your troubles.
Back then I got nothing, not even a single one. I started this game since first lavender event and didn't get my 6* until a full year since the game came out, iirc

>> No.19595150

Level 1 Tower
Star conditions:
*Clear the stage
*Clear with 0 fallen members
*Clear the stage under 3 minutes

Funk Hornet (3-Star, PA)
Everlasting Wing (passive) - All allies gain Paralysis-Immune for 3 turns.
Stinger Stab 48s - Deal 150% damage to a target enemy. Restore 70% of damage dealt to self as health.
Powder Scatter 58s - Deal 150% damage to a target enemy. Medium chance to deal Stun.

Stag Hornet (2-Star, PA)
Uppercut 56s - Deal 160% damage to a target enemy.
Assault 56s - Deal 90% damage to a target enemy. Give this skill Auto-Crit if target enemy's HP is 50% or lower.

Red Mushroom (2-Star, MS)
Spore 54s - Deal 65% damage to a target enemy. Low chance to deal 55% Poison.
Explosive Spore 64s - Deal 55% damage to all enemies. Medium chance to deal 25% Poison.

>> No.19595208
File: 495 KB, 960x640, 149217593217942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We have a problem."
My 300 RC, within moments
Vanished without trace

>> No.19595240

Level 2 Tower
Star conditions:
*Clear the stage
*Clear the stage with 0 fallen members
*Clear the stage under 4 minutes

High Yeti (3-Star, PA)
Daring Mane (passive) - Medium chance to deal Freeze when conducting normal attacks.
Arm Hammer 62s - Deal 160% damage to a target enemy. Very high chance to deal Freeze.
Kong Press 74s - Deal 60% damage to all enemies. Deal 20% Defense Down.

Beetle Hornet (2-Star, PA)
Assault 56s - Deal 140% damage to a target enemy. Medium chance to deal Blind.
Annoying Sound - Apply 55% Attack Up to self.

Dead Treant (2-Star, PT)
Bark Strike 48s -Deal 140% damage to a target enemy. Medium chance to deal Blind.
Root Ingrain 58s - Apply 55% Defense Up to self.

>> No.19595286
File: 40 KB, 362x295, MirageTowerLevel3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 3 Tower
Star conditions:
*Clear the stage using at least 2 magic damage users
*Clear the stage using at least 1 support type user
*Clear the stage under 5 minutes

Wave 1
Nightmare Hound (4-Star, PA)
Eye of Darkness (passive) - Gain 2 turns Physical Barrier.
Claw of the Styx 62s - Deal 160% damage to a target enemy. High chance to deal Paralysis.
Hell's Skull 56s - Deal 160% damage to a target enemy. Medium chance to deal Silence.

Dead Treant (2-Star, PT)
Bark Strike 48s - Deal 140% damage to a target enemy. Medium chance to deal Blind.
Root Ingrain 58s - Apply 55% Defense Up to self.

Wave 2
Bighorn (4-Star, PT)
King of Frost Mountain (passive) - Gain 35% Damage Taken Down.
Pump Up 60s - Apply 60% Defense Up to self.
Beast Lariat - Deal 80% damage to all enemies. Low chance to deal Blind.

Zolne Lizardman (3-Star PA)
Deep Bite 57s - Deal 150% damage to a target enemy. Restore 70% of damage dealt to self as health.
Slash 57 - Deal 160% damage to a target enemy. Medium chance to deal Blind.

Bone Hound (3-Star PA)
Claw of the Styx 62s - Deal 170% damage to a target enemy.
Ghastly Laughter 58s - Apply 50% Attack Up to self.

>> No.19595363
File: 38 KB, 361x291, MirageTowerLevel4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 4 Tower
Star conditions:
*Clear the stage
*Clear the stage with at least 1 physical damage user
*Clear the stage under 4 minutes

High Yeti (4-Star, PA)
Daring Mane (passive) - Medium chance to deal Freeze when conducting normal attacks.
Arm Hammer 62s - Deal 170% damage to a target enemy. Very high chance to deal Freeze.
Kong Press 74s - Deal 65% damage to all enemies. Deal 25% Defense Down.

Yellow Mushroom (3-Star MS)
Spore 54s - Deal 150% damage to a target enemy. Low chance to deal Restrain.
Explosive Spore 60s - Deal 55% damage to all enemies. Medium chance to deal Restrain.

Wave 2
Elder Treant (4-Star, PU)
Plaguespreading Branch (passive) - All enemies gain 40% Defense Down.
Philosopher's Branch 62s - Deal 130% damage to a target enemy. Very high chance to deal Blind.
Nature's Howl 70s - Deal 55% damage to all enemies. Deal 35% Damage Dealt Down.

High Treant (3-Star, PA)
Deep Bite 60s - Deal 140% damage to a target enemy. Restore 70% of damage dealt to self as health.
Slash 70s - Deal 60% damage to all enemies. Low chance to deal Silence.

Funk Hornet (3-Star, PA)
Stinger Stab 48s - Deal 150% damage to a target enemy. Restore 70% of damage dealt to self as health.
Powder Scatter 58s - Deal 150% damage to a target enemy. Medium chance to deal Stun.

>> No.19595390
File: 42 KB, 358x290, MirageTowerLevel5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 4 Tower
Star conditions:
*Clear the stage with at least 1 universal class user
*Clear the stage with 0 fallen members
*Clear the stage under 6 minutes

>> No.19595607
File: 1.18 MB, 1041x594, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to try unitia and got hit with this. does anyone know the dialogue options? or are they not important?

>> No.19595620

They are just flavor text. Choose what you want.

>> No.19595624

Thank you.

>> No.19595716

Malachite Advent - Schveleon boss
Peropero - AoE, Restrain
Tail Wipe - 3 target AoE, Stun
Tail Break - AoE, +20 seconds cooldown
Uncontrollable Lust - Auto trigger at Phase 1, 50% HP, Restore 100000 HP
Battle Skin - Auto trigger at Phase 2, 50% HP, 4 turns, 80% Magic Up, 80% Damage Dealt Up
Escape Skin - Auto trigger at Phase 3, 25% HP, 4 turns, 30% Evasion, 50% Damage Taken Down.

>> No.19596027
File: 57 KB, 419x448, chrome_2018-08-06_10-26-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the fluff manage to turn into feathers?

>> No.19596241

>Two 11 rolls
>Silver Pot
>Silene coeli-rosa
Well, better than nothing. Geranium and Poinsettia's new forms are pretty cute with great animations, but that's it from me.

>> No.19596535
File: 1.01 MB, 822x500, Banner_popularitycontest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19596549

Taking bets on who's taking first place.

>> No.19596560

When was the last time they hold a popularity contest? It seems pretty far compared to shiropro.

My bets are on Rinne, at least for top 10.

>> No.19596563

Rinne is probably gonna win by a landslide. I just hope dev tea is smart enough to separate by rarity or something.

>> No.19596564

Either B.Iris or Jinguang

>> No.19596567

Whoever wins the popularity poll can get a special background for him/herself when selected as a secretary. Follow-up winners will get an event(?) featuring them.
>*Special backgrounds are restricted to silver units and above.

>> No.19596578

Loli Iris or Nunaly

>> No.19596589

Is this affected by burst time or can you use Elixirs to FB the dummy ASAP?

>> No.19596714
File: 65 KB, 500x400, 1449013777247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread already feels like it dials the autism all the way to the max when it comes to FKG
>Mobile release soon so people will come try it out for the free shit and the cute girls

>> No.19596722

Where the FUCK is my Grisaia collab kiyoP

>> No.19596737

It's going to be a fucking circus, I can't wait.

>> No.19596747

Can't wait for people asking for tier lists.

>> No.19596767

It isn't a raid so I doubt burst time affects it.
No idea about elixirs.

>> No.19596776

But "Just choose with your dick" is the most unhelpful advice ever. Also the guys that go on a really long "Oh yeah but did you know you can beat everything with low rarity units" where you can't help but be like thats cool but completely unrelated to what I asked.

>> No.19596780

Its already a circus desu, its just going to be more of a circus.

>> No.19596802

People who ask a question that fucking stupid deserve the least helpful answers in any scenario though.

>> No.19596914

Wiki guys say Sybilla is still really popular, gonna vote for Kibahime myself but doubt she is gonna be anywhere near the top

>> No.19596926

"Just choose with your dick" in a collection game that almost literally plays itself is the most helpful advice you could possibly have gotten though. FKG doesn't need help breaking itself in half when every 6* better than Cherry will do that automatically.

>> No.19597067

>6* is generic big titty lady
>Both 5*'s are cute girls

Finally, a gacha I can roll without suffering in FKG

>> No.19597109
File: 38 KB, 200x200, disdain for pleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6* is generic big titty lady
Big titty is life

>> No.19597118

You can't expect degenerate lolicons to understand that though.

>> No.19597126

There's dozens of generic anime titty ladies everywhere but actually cute girls that don't rely on "Look tits!!" to be great are the true diamonds.

>> No.19597159

>Open random browser/mobile game
>Tits Mcgee appears, welcomes you and invites you to roll for more anime titty

I need some spice in my life, something different instead of going for the same tired old flavor.

>> No.19597203

I like how lolicons act like they're some uncatered to minority when the second most common character type after titty monsters in these games are lolis.

Try being a musclefag if you wanna know what it's like to not be catered to in these games.

>> No.19597206

>Try being gay

>> No.19597212
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>something different
And here we witness the birth of a depraved Slaaneshi cultist. Take note, Imperial citizens.

>> No.19597298

Oh, bite me.

>> No.19597307

>I like how lolicons act like they're some uncatered to minority when the second most common character type after titty monsters in these games are lolis.

You literally can't like an underage character without someone telling you how wrong it is though. Not even talking about just lolis and extending it to every underage character because people absolutely love telling you how you're a sick pedophile for liking literal children then proceed to toss their tastes at you from their super high moral ground as examples of what you should like instead. Doesn't even have to be a little girl, if she looks fairly small or undeveloped then she's a literal kid for not having tits of the size of a planet.

Then there's the people that are okay with absolutely everything as long as it has big tits, even if it means taking a great character design that people loved, slapping gigantic tits on it and then calling it an upgrade or saying how it looks so much better now.

>> No.19597315

>Big titty is life
>picture of a shotacon
I'm getting mixed messages here

>> No.19597320

but it is an upgrade and it does look so much better

>> No.19597329

>You literally can't like an underage character without someone telling you how wrong it is though.
Nice job deflecting the argument.
Public opinion doesn't change the fact nearly half the girls in these games are all lolis.

>> No.19597331

thanks for proving my point, saved me the problem of going into some cancer general to find posts like tehse.

>> No.19597335

If you're attracted to muscles, futa and/or traps then you're just stuck in the closet or in denial about being in the closet.

>> No.19597345

Yeah no, cherry picking a few games doesn't mean every game is FKG where they release a new little girl every batch. Try picking up more games other than the couple ones discussed here.

>> No.19597375
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>loli is somehow a rare character archetype
Are you on fucking drugs? Stop playing Western shit and maybe you'd stop having that problem.

>> No.19597379

Its not rare but its definitely not a super common one. Its pretty easy to find games where there's just one or a couple small girls where its literally impossible to find one without the generic gigantic big titty mommy type.

>> No.19597383
File: 6 KB, 226x29, pararesistright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is saying 40% paralysis resist right? Doesn't feel like it's working if it is, heh.

>> No.19597452

If your primary fetish is being included in a majority of games (even if only as a token minority) you're already doing pretty well for yourself. Just look at the NTRfags who come around every month or two to bitch about Kamihime, they may be loud and obnoxious sometimes but they have pretty much nowhere to go but Otogi Frontier anymore. Or even the musclefag poster above. Hell, even fatfags still have it worse despite how much traction they've gained recently.

>> No.19597495

JewelPri’s latest event being the first lolifest is basically what cushioned the terribad balance buffs running the game into the ground.

It’s not rare, but it doesn’t get anywhere near as much attention as FKG gives it.

>> No.19597564

Battleships online
Chess online
Etc online

>> No.19597590


Wish I had that much to spend.

>> No.19597601
File: 882 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20180806-150832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isnt my luciel wearing a swimsuit.

>> No.19597619

>Its not bad being a small minority, you could be a cuck, into muscles or lardbeasts
What are you going to list next? Amputees and blind girls?

At least list some VALID ones like glasses, tomboys or brown that are liked things that don't usually get a lot of love instead of literal shit games would go under for including.

>> No.19597625

Oh, like being a pedophile is so much better.

>> No.19597627

>you're only allowed to have fetishes _I_ approve of
Who pissed in your cereal?

>> No.19597628

Say, what's the difference between the 3rd and 6th gacha tab in FKG? Both feature the new girls, but don't look to be quite the same?

>> No.19597630

6th tab is the generic gacha with no rate-ups.

>> No.19597632


Check this out

>> No.19597633

Imagine if you didn't care for the girls specific visual fetish but just wanted some inflation, which pretty much no game outside TABA and the now deceased Tentacle Tactics features? (And Soma in KHP, I guess).

>> No.19597645

>Actually defending this shit
Its hilarious how autistic this place gets when it comes to FKG. Any game would get rightfully shit on if they added muscle "girls" or lardbeasts, not to mention the shitstorms that have happened because the author thought adding NTR to the game would be cute and I mean actual NTR instead of the girl gets raped by villagers so it means you get cucked.

>Inflation in a mobile/browser game
Why not just literally grab a H-game or a doujin then?

>> No.19597661

Kamipro producer letter for august is out.
New raid series will be revealed in the stream.
From the 10th and on there'll be a half AP campaign for most quests, and 1.5x exp from story quests.
Fodder SP quests will be reworked to be made permanent, and both droprate and dropcount will be adjusted.

And as expected, Ragnarok difficulty for Dark Catastrophe will be implemented in this month.
Eidolon orb shop will be updated with loot from newere raid events, and will have Cores and Regalias added to the stock.

>> No.19597814

Because I already exhausted the supply I could find on that part. Having a girl being characterized before usually makes the experience better.

Also combining the gacha games-itch with a fetish, just the same as many others here do.

>> No.19597824
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Strange. I remember asking myself the same question half a day ago.

>> No.19597839
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Only one to go.
I fucked up with the event because I misunderstood the format and thought I was element-locked so I ended up dealing 7M to the thunder dummy for going with Wind, compared to 13M to the fire dummy with my light as usual

>> No.19597850

Wait, this conversation was actually about FKG and wasn't just you bitching about how much of a poor little victim you were?

>> No.19597871

Nah, it was about me laughing about how autistic you are.

>> No.19597898

>I didn't actually have a point, I was just shitposting
Good to know.

>> No.19597908

I thought only the best result counted for each element so I massively underestimated the amount of autism required by this event.

>> No.19597916

Wait, you mean you can "farm" event points?

>> No.19597952

Actually maybe I'm wrong, looking at it again it seems like the total farming score is only good for the base rewards.

>> No.19598052

Devs hate heavies so much that a popular OG cutie like Dina didn't even make the banner.

>> No.19598065

>lolis in western games

>> No.19598134

>western games

>> No.19598148
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they bait us with Geranium because they want to turn us lolicon

>> No.19598165
File: 209 KB, 707x1000, DgUr-UCUwAA1Ohb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry again. I really like this game and it bothers me to see the same stale old "AraiP doesn't personally phone me every week to implement what I want into the game, therefore FKG is shit" arguments in every thread. I'll stand down if it makes you happy.


Well, if you really want a tier list, here's a very quick, very subjective overview. It's basically Altema-tier but what can you do

Essentially, barrier > dodge > dedicated offensive kits (re-action, criticals, T1 skill buff) > motley kits, with debuff and solar drive moving steadily to top depending on how many eligible rainbows you have. Some rainbows change tiers depending on the mode you're playing, "start with solar gauge" rainbows are unimpressive everywhere else but an absolute necessity in the last few whale maps.

>actually cute girls that don't rely on "Look tits!!" to be great are the true diamonds.
I fully agree, Ume is the cutest. Let's discuss how she's so elegant and classy that she oozes feminine charm without needing a full chest, we really need more flat-chested mature ladies in FKG. Tomboys would be fine too.

But really, there are plenty of people with vastly more unpopular fetishes, as >>19597452 says, and plenty of people whose fetishes can't be included in a majority of games because they're instant turn-offs for others. "Live and let live" is the best attitude to take in these matters.

>> No.19598187

doesnt matter if you stand down or not, the people coming to try the mobile ver or the people looking to argue will do so anyway. Its easier to accept there's some things we can't control and not feel bad about it.

>> No.19598221

>quoting the wrong anon for that comment

>> No.19598245

No, quite right.

It was implying that western games were still a viable possibility if disregarding the impossibility of lolis.

They are not.

>> No.19598449

I don't know how much you post on this site but chan culture outside of tiny generals like this one tends to be pretty brutal towards anyone whose posting style sticks out. I don't have anything against you personally but it's really obvious who you are when you post and any newfags whose opinion on the game sours are going to see you as the easiest and most accessible shitposting receptacle. Might want to lay low for your own sanity if nothing else.

>> No.19598536
File: 631 KB, 887x516, a911b9f04f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-where's my swimsuit bros

>> No.19598660
File: 130 KB, 941x529, swimmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. I'm still jealous even though mine has a swimsuit.

>> No.19598804

Say, what's the average time per rainbow?

I started 5 days ago & got Helenium on first day & now Streptocarpus. Both with some kind of tickets, not flower gems.

>> No.19598831

2-3 rainbows a year if F2P

>> No.19598861 [DELETED] 

Well shit, I got 6* summer squash between yesterday and last month. Guess no more rainbow for me this year

>> No.19598874

Well shit, I got 6* summer squash twice between yesterday and last month. Guess no more rainbow for me this year

>> No.19598892

You're guaranteed to get around 2 per year from rainbow coins and rarity promotion as long as you keep playing regularly in addition to the average of 2-3 from the gacha so it's a little more forgiving than that, but I'm still jealous.

>> No.19598922

>You're guaranteed to get around 2 per year from rainbow coins
Maybe if you have a fresh account.
Once you're left with the 100 medals ticket, it slows to a crawl.

>> No.19598940
File: 1.09 MB, 1304x768, Welp that's all for this year I guess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck. Glad I got a variant of who I started the game for before hitting the limit.

>> No.19598950

>You're guaranteed to get around 2 per year from rainbow coins
Mate you wot
I believe the latter half of your sentence but that part doesn't sound right at all

>> No.19598969

>2 per year from rainbow coins
Is that if you whale really hard and buy every paid deal ever? Because as a F2P you'll hit the 300 coins maybe once in like two years since that feature is such a huge joke if you're not a paid player.

>Rarity promotion
That's if there's anyone you want to promote. I'm sitting on enough crystals to promote someone but they're so rare that I'm saving them for someone I really like to use them and no one so far.

>> No.19599002
File: 183 KB, 600x461, 1533750590050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and rarity promotion
If any of you three chucklefucks had taken two more seconds to read past "rainbow coins" we wouldn't be here.

>> No.19599004

Why wouldn't you spend $50 on a game you enjoy that you'll be playing for months?
Beats a single $60 payment for a retail game.

>> No.19599045

A lot of people can't rationalize paying any amount of money for a free to play game. The combination of it being gacha and a huge amount of cash upfront doesn't exactly help either, for those that might be on the fence.

>> No.19599061

Because if I have to pay to get anywhere in the game then they're not getting any of my money. If the game satisfied me and made me happy without having to spend money then I'll consider buying some things since I stuck to it for months and enjoyed my time with it.

That's a pretty big difference there, I'd much rather spend on something I enjoyed for months and know I will enjoy for the months to come rather than spend on something I might enjoy or that someone told me I will enjoy. FKG really isn't doing a good job of making me spend money with the depressingly low rates, how you can breeze through stuff effortlessly and how the deals are priced at like $50 for one pick ticket.

>> No.19599184

>and how the deals are priced at like $50 for one pick ticket.
Welcome to DMM gacha games?

>> No.19599201

Doesn't make what he's saying any less valid. For $50 you can get a full game - hell, two full games if you're abusing Steam sales. Or you can get a unit in a gachage that you like. There's clearly a discrepancy in value here.

>> No.19599239

How did a retard stumble into a thread about gacha games who doesn't even know that this is the norm even in $60 games?

>> No.19599247

Pick tickets are also like $25 in mobile games too. I could get two surprise tickets for the price of one FKG ticket AND have a pretty decent chance at getting a SSR from the 10-roll that comes with it if I roll it during a rate up so again, FKG isn't really tempting me to spend money unless they do some better value deals.

>> No.19599275

If it's a norm in this sort of industry - so fucking what? Why should that anon care? He's decided it isn't worth it and is making a conscious choice on what he wants to buy and doesn't, good for him.

I treat this sort of game as a hobby so I can definitely justify throwing some money the dev's way every now and then just for giving me a fun bit of resource management every day and something to look forward to with weekly updates, but no need to get your blood boiling because someone's priorities don't line up with your own.

>> No.19599386
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, CthPm2_UIAAL8Pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be because I stay on the small boards (/jp/, /an/, /u/) but 4chan was mostly a "reap what you sow" experience here. If you post in good faith you get honest replies, if you act like a dick you get told to fuck off. /v/ and its derivatives are a nonstop shitpost inferno, true, but folks in this thread are as civil as can be.

You've been absurdly lucky, so congrats. As for rainbow frequency, I don't think this is particularly representative but here's what I've gotten (started February 2015, going by event schedule)

2015: Flowering Peach (April), Pink (June)
2016: Sakura (March), Serissa (June), yukata Viola (July), Mimosa (August), yukata Viola #2 (August)
2017: Helenium (February), Herbaceous Peony (September), Easter Cactus (September), Iberis (December)
2018: Wolfberry (January), Broom (February), Daisy (March), Serissa #2 (April), Pygmy Waterlily (May), Sutera (July)
Rarity Growth: Toadlily (May), Maiden Lily (July)
Rainbow Medals: N/A, 402 in stock

As you can see, your rainbow chances are secretly increased if you sign praises of the game until everyone else is sick of it.

>> No.19599427

is me too.

Guess I really lucked out. Hope this doesn't mess up the desire sensor.

>> No.19599473

That's perfect, I got autist #2 upset over nothing even though I wasn't even talking to him. I don't give a shit what you do with your money, I haven't spent a dime on the game, just pointing out a fact and that seems to have upset you.

>> No.19599485

>Autist #2

I'm surprised you have the self awareness to know you're the #1 autist here.

>> No.19599490

Send FKG refugees to /mbgg/

>> No.19599493

>I'm such a le epic trole XD
Fuck off.

>> No.19599537

I like to separate them. The single guy (who honestly might as well have a trip by this point with how recognizeable he is) who really likes Yuri and glasses seems to really like the game, has good intentions and is really interested in getting people into the game even if he can come off as forceful or blind to the game's faults sometimes.

Then there's the guy(s) that hop out of the woodworks every time FKG is the topic or related to the topic to happily fling shit and insult everyone involved while playing the epic trole role if you say something negative about it.

My opinion of the game isn't really the best but I honestly can't get mad at the first one since he seems like a pretty good natured fellow while the later one just needs to disappear forever.

>> No.19599613

Are those occasional bonus maps worth it in FKG? 50 AP seems a bit heavy a price for 1 life crystal.

>> No.19599689

Unitia completely failed to hook me, but on the flip side I've rediscovered my love for Aigis.

>> No.19599773

Unitia honestly feels like an incomplete game atm, but I should still be able to manage it on the side since ap recovers slowly, hoping for improvements soon.

On the other hand, how should I feel about FKG's gacha? I'm a different anon from Cattlya anon and rolled the selection gacha and ended up with two 5stars for 25k. Aside from reaching lvl 80 as the wiki says, I'm not sure what to prioritize doing after dailies.

>> No.19599858

The bonus maps are almost always going to be worth it in the long term because they're the most easily available source of manyus and life crystals (and to some extent gold). It's definitely a good idea to do them if you have the stamina for it unless you're overflowing on all of those. The low EXP for those maps does smart quite a bit, though.

After you exhaust the easily attainable sources of FGs from ingame and raise your knights' levels a bit to the point you can reliably clear the 80-stamina event maps the game slows down a lot, and even if you optimize everything you're going to be mostly dependent on handouts and events to roll the gacha. Stamina should typically be spent farming resources on the newest event maps, EXP grinding on specific story missions, or grinding currency to buy the older event characters. Just keep up with the rotating stock for life crystals/bond crystals/any other currencies you want stuff from, occasionally challenge the tougher maps when you want to test your team, try to work on whaleship medals when you get far enough to try your hand at it, and log out when you've depleted your resources for the day.

>> No.19600045

Same autistic kid getting upset over the same autistic shit in multiple games but it's FKG's fault. I get that we're in post cuckold games era of dumbfucks but that doesn't really excuse you from being a retard who can't even distinguish what the problem is.

>> No.19600077

Man I get it that you really hate Techcross and anyone who plays their games, but Unitia's free of NTR/rape elements and Kamihime's moved past that for over a year and a half now, so that's not right.

>> No.19600086

Not just Techcross, he seems to hate everyone in general probably including himself.

>> No.19600151

Events and dailies is a good start, and level 80 is a good benchmark as well. As soon as you get a solid core team going (level 70 on most girls, with a few blooms on the way), you can start forcing your way through harder content, including earlier aqua shadow and challenge maps. Crossing off the easy flower stone sources will occupy you in the meantime, as >>19599858 says.

Events in this game fall into two broad patterns, relaxed and intensive. Relaxed events include swan boat, card flip and raid boss types, these can be completed with almost no effort and leave you plenty of stamina to do whatever you want for two weeks (for longtime players this usually means whale or aqua shadow, for beginners it's a good time for team raising). Intensive events are treasure rally, event gacha and Naae-raising types, which are also fairly easy to complete, but their extra rewards require some additional grinding that leaves less room for other maps. The current event is a card flip type, and the locations of the rewards are known in advance (keep an eye on https://フラワーナイトガール.攻略wiki.com/index.php?緊急任務%E3%80%80水底の仮面舞踏会/カードめくり, where location maps are compiled by other players, the pattern you get depends on the girl who shows up on your sheets), so you're free to experiment with the game at your leisure.

If you want to raise your girls on the quick, manyus (experience fairies) will be your main bottleneck, and their maps are on Wednesday and Sunday. Bonus maps rewarding high-rarity fairies can also be unlocked with fairy keys obtained from bond crystal exchange and event clear rewards, you may want to consider buying a set if you have some spare bond crystals. Other than that, the dragon dailies will be needed for evolving your girls early on, elixir maps and possibly the earlier nation maps will help for blooming, and if there's any revival girl you fancy (there's quite a selection, Cattleya anon should definitely try for Geranium for example), you can also put some effort towards grinding their maps. While you may be short on evolution materials during your start, FKG frequently holds log-in campaigns for these, so you'll quickly get a stockpile of some types (though others, like elixirs and petals, will still need to be bought or grinded for). Your stamina nectar reserves will also accumulate in time, to the extent that you'll soon have more refreshable stamina than you'll know what to do with, so don't worry about leaving your stamina capped either.

Overall, "take it easy" is probably the best advice for FKG. This is a slow-paced game that doesn't demand much attention, so feel free to just roll for the girls you like, play with their voice lines/character quests, read up on lore or flower trivia on the wiki and so on. Also, if you need any help for early maps, you can add 504461103 for a decent team or post your own friend code so that people here can add you.

>> No.19600383

Can you do this but for golds instead?

Rainbows are sort of "take whatever you can get" since you can't be picky with them while you CAN be picky with your golds.

>> No.19600699

I just enjoy making fun of autistic kids who have a victim complex over bad words said to them about a videogame. You also shouldn't pretend like this wasn't unwarranted as I'm sure even you fully know you were begging to be bullied because that's the only way your aspie virgin brain can trigger it's instictual victim complex.

>> No.19600718

You're a little fucked up in the head, I see.

>> No.19600720
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>> No.19600746

If you know that then you shouldn't reply to it, there's only one way to deal with someone shamelessly trolling AND admitting to it and feeding them isn't it.

>> No.19600751

I just can't believe how cancerous the cuckold community is, every time their games are brought up a couple spergs hop out of the woodworks and happily fling shit and insult everyone involved while playing the victim complex role as if anybody else cares about your cuckold fetish.

>> No.19600764

Not as if he's going to leave even if he isn't fed, the little dipshit has been here for at least half a year and counting.

>> No.19600780

I was just pointing that out.
Seems I'm right given his reply that honestly comes out of nowhere, picking up fights with literally nobody, for no reason.

Wouldn't be surprised if it was one of the autists from /fgog/, /mbgg/ or /gbfg/

>> No.19600798
File: 37 KB, 384x530, Beast tamer Shushu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting this cutie for free on the first day of the event
>More copies of her will be distributed depending on the amount of votes

I love this game

>> No.19600813

It's funny because one of you is the autistic kid who thinks a mobile version of a game being delayed is infringing on your human rights and the other is a kid who plays a shitty clone of another game he learned about on /vg/.

>> No.19600849

Feeding him or talking about him is what he wants, just ignore it or hide it and carry on which should be insanely easy in an extremely slow thread like this since this isn't /vg/. This thread isn't going to be bumped off the board so you can safely just ignore whatever he posts and he'll go somewhere else once he realizes nobody is willing to shitfling with him or talk about him.

This is pretty much the beginner course on how to deal with trolls on this site.

>> No.19600856

>Get excited about the new girl being a beast tamer since its an actually really strong class
>Get sad when I realize she's going to be a beastmaster because Blanche is already a Hellbeast Trainer

My excitement didn't last long but at least she's super cute.

>> No.19600865
File: 222 KB, 2048x932, DjD-RWrU0AEhYmU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ready for Yukata Nanaly.
May Aigis-sama have mercy on my Princehole.

>> No.19600869

What's funny is that I've always made fun of people who say dumb shit no matter the subject but apparently I hit a nerve on the two turbospergs whose reddit support groups apparently have been failing them because they just get extremely upset and beg for more. It's like you stupid kids have literally never spent a day on any board on 4chan in your life.

>> No.19600872

It could always be worse, anyways. There's a particularly infamous spammer that's become famous on /u/, /a/, /m/, and probably half the other boards on the site for throwing apocalyptic shitfits whenever pairings are posted that he doesn't like while claiming that everyone who tells him to fuck off is one person. And he's been doing that for at least four years.

There was also a furfag on a /vg/ general for Guild Wars 2 who got told to fuck off for spamming his shitty OC fursona after getting jealous of someone else getting attention. He became so enraged he proceeded to write a bot that worked 24/7 to flood every thread about the game, on both /vg/ and even /v/, with copypasted spam from other threads. I think the bot is still active to this day.

>> No.19600965

Thanks for the bundle of information. Juggling multiple games and I do plan to take it easy for fkg, so hearing that makes me feel better overall in going in.

>> No.19600966
File: 1.55 MB, 1366x768, 1525704063614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event ends in an hour and a half and I never managed to get in except by jumping through hoops with an emulator and that was too much work to play that single one aspect of the game.
I just don't know what the fuck happened.

As for the Guild event, 4 runs in and I'm only 1 run away from clearing all individual rewards, but the event lasts all the way til September, there's no way they aren't increasing the rewards sheet, is there?
Unless every set of elements has its own rewards sheet.

>> No.19601044

Senpai, thanks for the kind advice.

Wondering, can your squad solo the 80 stamina maps in the current & past events? Supposing I can put all my own squads in their starter point to clear at least one enemy yours wouldn't be able to reach.
Here's my ID:144973642

>> No.19601058

What the hell "senpai" got auto-corrected to senpai?

Is this the reason why I wrote "desu" without realizing it a thread back or two?

>> No.19601063

... I've been around here for 1 year now and yet I only discovered this now.

>> No.19601065

shaking my head to be honest family computer entertainment system baka desu senpai

>> No.19601066

Hey welcome to your first day on 4chan, enjoy your stay.

>> No.19601070
File: 183 KB, 1200x1000, DjW0DtMUUAAYBF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golds have so many cookie cutter kits that their B-rank list would be two miles long, but if it helps, here's the cream of the crop when it comes to their abilities:

Solar Panel (Strawberry Candle, Nigella, Rice, Helichrysum): Essential support for solar drive rainbows, up to 200% solar gauge for free is game-ending with the right party.
Solar Gauge (Turnip, swimsuit Holly, Lily-of-the-Valley, Rose, German Iris, Tree Peony, Allium, bride Ardisia, swimsuit Cattleya, Kiwi): As above, but trades less power with much greater flexibility. Indispensable in grinding whaleship chapter 2, which demands instant gauge gain.
Solar Power (especially German Iris, bride Ardisia and Turnip, but also Moonvine, Lily-of-the-Valley, Violet, Lavender, Gerbera, Night Phlox, Ivy, Poinsettia, Sarcandra, Veronica, Aloe, Liriope, yukata Ume, Thoroughwort and Kiwi): Can be used to cap off incomplete solar drive teams, though the way that solar buffs stack prevents gold-heavy teams from being effective for that purpose.
Heal Panel (Chocolate Cosmos, Lantana): Would be perfect if it didn't get in the way of solar altars, still handy in places like Kodaibana where even the small fry nodes can do a number on you.
Dodge (too many to count): Golds don't get provoke so you can't make your whole team invincible, but useful whenever you want to stall (second Kodaibana map comes to mind, as does Re: Ume & Sakura but they pierce dodge).
Counter + Defend: 5* teams tend to get squished quickly in endgame content, so every bit of extra damage helps, defend can also activate guts for even more stalling.
Debuff (Cherry Sage, Lupine, Dahlia, Pitahaya, Greenbell, Stink Vine, Christmas Apricot, Dalmatian Bellflower, Hanamatsuri Setaria, Moss Phlox, Easter Evening Primrose): Can be used to round off debuff teams, as with solar power, but gold debuff teams are lacking in offense.
Cymbidium: Amazing enabler for fledgling burst teams due to her "2x skill rate to party on first turn" ability. No longer has a monopoly on that, since Cacao gets it too, but still has monopoly on my heart.
Foxface and Sedum: These two get a limited version of the barrier ability, but it's only a taste of the true game-breaking potential of the rainbow barrier.

Note that these are ranked with endgame maps in mind, since any set of golds is enough elsewhere. As for skills, I'd vouch for 3-target for cleaning up small fry and "three hits on random enemies" skills for racking up damage on single targets (like a stray superboss after your rainbows have already taken out its escorts).

>cute as a button
>useful class, even regenerating dogs hit decently hard
Aigis is back to form, I see.

Now all we need is new difficult content, but there's a majin coming up this month so that's addressed as well.

>There's a particularly infamous spammer that's become famous on /u/, /a/, /m/, and probably half the other boards on the site for throwing apocalyptic shitfits whenever pairings are posted that he doesn't like while claiming that everyone who tells him to fuck off is one person.
Reminds me of the anti-crack guy on /u/ who acted like people shot his dog whenever they posted, say, Madoka getting it on with Kyouko. Or are they the same guy?

>> No.19601097

Talking about that dude is pretty dangerous territory because of how dedicated he is to his autism so I wouldn't. Even replying to him is a bannable offense on the archives now.

>> No.19601117

>Cymbidium: Amazing enabler for fledgling burst teams due to her "2x skill rate to party on first turn" ability. No longer has a monopoly on that, since Cacao gets it too, but still has monopoly on my heart.

Oh nice, 2x boost seems really good to make my rainbow girls get their skills off on turn 1 without fail

>She's a glasses girl

Oh no

>> No.19601127

We already had a glasses debacle this thread so what say you we save it for the next thread for the time being?

>> No.19601135

Is she in any ticket like the '15 or '16 ticket? And Cacao seems to be 2x to oneself instead of 2x to party if the wiki is right.

>> No.19601156
File: 105 KB, 552x437, 1454272729474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten my revenge on him already, thanks to a kind artist over there.

Sent an invite, and yeah, events should be no problem.

She's one of the first girls to be added, so should be in '15 ticket.

And you're right about Cacao, my bad. It's the classic Dendrobium ability, but I thought her version was special for some reason.

>> No.19601208

>June brides (The newer, recent one) Plumeria has rarity growth
>Plumeria the older one doesn't
>Neither has a bloomed version

I really don't understand this game

>> No.19601226

Not him, but if one squad is above 8k, usually that will be enough to solo the map. Basically full-evolved Level 70s.

Also sent an invite if you need it.

I wonder if we will ever have on implementation bloom, but from the looks of it, it will never happen. Seems like they want to make so that newer units will wait around a year before getting bloomed art.

>> No.19601260

That's one of the other things I don't understand. How come everyone gets on release rarity growth but on release bloom is too hard? Seems like they have no intention of ever clearing their bloom art backlog.

>> No.19601303

The only thing that I can think of, is the money aspect of it. They want to have a Bloom Gacha so that older units can be more easily gotten so people will throw gems at them. If everyone has on release bloom art, there will be fewer chances to spotlight older units.

Then what about the welfare? Maybe to avoid being called unfair if only the welfare gets bloom art?

>> No.19601312

If everyone came with bloomed art then the 1yr~ backlog would be easily cleared in a year or less so nobody would ever have to ait for bloom art ever again. And if the reward is to never wait for bloom art or scenes ever again then I'm sure the players could be good boys and wait patiently for the artist to knock off that backlog but it really seems like they have no intention of ever clearing it which makes me sad.

>> No.19601313

Makes sense from a business standpoint. It's an easy way to generate interest or hype in a slightly older unit who'd otherwise be overlooked by anyone who didn't already have her, and possibly obtain a second wave of profits. Though the same could be said about rarity growth and they're implementing that immediately as a unit comes out, so I'm not sure where the distinction lies.

>> No.19601319

Another possibility is that alternating event girls with bloom art gives people something to talk about every week. Most people don't care much when a set of girls unceremoniously appear on spotlight, but they're excited when that appearance is linked to fresh art.

>> No.19601405

I swear I've rolled over 20 danchou tickets across many accounts and none of them have grabbed a rainbow while I've gotten some from bronze tickets and 5* tickets

>> No.19601495

>Fodder SP quests will be reworked to be made permanent

>with an emulator
What. Why do you need an emulator for the game with a PC browser version?

>> No.19601500

>Unitia completely failed to hook me, but on the flip side I've rediscovered my love for Aigis.
Looks like this general is going to discuss Aigis until the game shuts down.

>> No.19601596

Peach deserves an honorable mention on this list by virute of having a hideously inflated stat total that rivals some of the game's weaker rainbows.

>> No.19601626

