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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 332 KB, 1251x957, 1515428732645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19596279 No.19596279 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in degeneracy media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.

Read the Guide linked below before asking how to learn Japanese:

Check the Cornucopia of Resources before asking where to download X or Y:

Previous thread >>19587706

>> No.19596298

dont forget https://nihongobyjamal.neocities.org/ the best website since taylor kim for learning japanese on the net

i still havent read it though

trust me youre gonna hear that a lot in the movie its a nice epic running gag

>> No.19596306

I'm relieved. I was afraid DJT wasn't coming back.

>> No.19596331
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look at these melons

>> No.19596381
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>> No.19596393

Anybody else feel Katakana is too minimal?

>> No.19596399


>> No.19596401

Whenever I boot up Anki I think of Aniki. I wonder if this is that path he'd want me to take.

>> No.19596404

I agree, katakana was a mistake and Ateji should still be the standard today.
亜米利加>>>アメリカ in terms of aesthetics.

>> No.19596426

>> No.19596427

>tfw you upgraded your system and Anki stopped working because Anki is 糞ソフト
>tfw you have to downgrade the entire QT to 5.9 for it to work again
>tfw you installed Gentoo so downgrade takes 6 hours
As shit as Android is, at least I can use ankidroid in the meantime

>> No.19596450

nyaa.si, animebytes

>> No.19596474

maybe just use normal people computer operating systems

>> No.19596488

If I wanted to use normal people things I wouldn't learn Japanese to begin with

>> No.19596493
File: 11 KB, 120x181, saotome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could anyone tell me what's the kanji after の in this one? I'm having a hard time identifying the radicals.

>> No.19596505


>> No.19596510


>> No.19596514
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>> No.19596527

its normal for a growing boy to want to learn nihongo

>> No.19596553


>> No.19596554

What are kun and on?

>> No.19596557


>> No.19596586


>> No.19596591


>> No.19596592

>he doesn't use the qt4 anki with all deps prepackaged

>> No.19596599


>> No.19596600


>> No.19596618


>> No.19596662


>> No.19596676
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>> No.19596683

Why not Rosetta Stone?

>> No.19596689

Not real Japanese

>> No.19596697

rosetta stone is prolly better than the shit people itt do

also yes rosetta stone is real japanese its more real than your flashcards by a long shot lol

>> No.19596719


>> No.19596733

then why aint yall know nihongo yet

as opposed to the rosetta stone doer who is in japan right now on a epic summer vaycay conversing with locals and having a great time

>> No.19596750

Tell em jack

>> No.19596764


>> No.19596773

i guarantee you will finish rosetta stone and feel better about your japanese than you would spending that time doing what youre doing now

thats how dire the shit is around here

>> No.19596793
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>> No.19596797

Hell yeah jack show them how it is

>> No.19596818

were not on first name basis

you can call me mr meoff

>> No.19596821

The OP link is the only good thing about this place.

>> No.19596883

Is this good enough for "Sorry if I'm mistaken"


>> No.19596900


>> No.19596915

Shit, I didn't notice the 心 radical.
Thanks a lot anon.

>> No.19596916

just say 間違ってごめんなさい

dont even leave any possibility of you not fucking up

>> No.19596948


>> No.19596962

Written as 日本人, read as ゲイ

>> No.19596977


>> No.19596990

What's the point of rtk if I can just use core6k/kanji tree and brute force my memory. I'm doing like 2 hours a day plus 3-4 hours of listening and reading/reading grammar. Is writing really that important? I feel the stories are pretty pointless when you're going to remember it anyways after a few reps and the review the ones you miss. Once you know if you'll notice it in reading/listening. Even just spamming review cards when I'm bored improves my reading speed and connections.

>> No.19596997 [DELETED] 


>> No.19596999


>> No.19597001


>> No.19597044


>> No.19597066


>> No.19597077


>> No.19597130
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii - 07 [1080p]_[00:04:23.137].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a nice website, Jamal (although, it is best to replace the filthy 3D creatures in the background with hentai).

But the ultimate ... "redpill", if I may use the r/politics terminology here, is that everyone has to create his own plan, based on his own abilities and interests.
If you need /djt/ to tell you how to learn Japanese, you can't learn Japanese.

>> No.19597158

why is katakanenglish slowly taking over everything? like, i'm legit seeing katakanenglish being used instead of actual japanese words who could perfectly fit the sentence.

>> No.19597164
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everyones plan has the same start and destination points because they all walk the same road to nihongo

its just colored by the other stupid choices they make along the way and what detours they get lost on

djt being one such detour

>> No.19597189

Nips are finally starting to realize that their writing system is garbage because of homonyms so they're slowly adopting foreign vocab. This is awesome. In another couple centuries kanji will be rendered obsolete.

>> No.19597213
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>> No.19597215


>> No.19597218

well i can see the benefits of this. but it's still weird, as if it stopped being japanese and started being some english hybrid. but i agree 100% on the homonym part.

>> No.19597222

Tell em johnny

>> No.19597224

(the ル I'm simply taking to mean the character has a weird lilt in their voice)

What does ちょちょいと mean? I'm pretty sure it's a variation of ちょいと or ちょちょいのちょい, as either of those make sense in context, but I'd just like to nail down its definition before I put it into my cards. I can't find a definition on nip dictionary websites though.

>> No.19597226


Put the language dictionary down. New vid from sensei Steve.

>> No.19597233

It's the exact same phenomenon behind kanjichinese taking over everything centuries before.

>> No.19597238


>> No.19597244

This. This guy definitely knows what's up.

>> No.19597246

What's the difference between RTK3 edition 3 and edition 2? Edition 2 is 20 dollars cheaper than Edition 3.

What could he have updated it with that makes it worth the extra 20 dollars?

>> No.19597247
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>> No.19597251

oh, i see. yeah, come to think of it, it makes sense indeed... and i'm pretty happy about it because it makes learning easier

>> No.19597259

it's not worth the extra money, so just pirate it.

but IIRC, edition two has 1k kanji and edition three has 800 kanji, because 200 kanji were moved to RTK1 sixth edition because they were made into jouyou kanji back in 2010 or so.

>> No.19597265

What a coincidence, I thought the same my friend. Have's my humblest upvote.

>> No.19597268

steve is there something you wanna tell us


>> No.19597309


>> No.19597324


>> No.19597456

Doing Japanese things is so difficult. I'm doing Anki, listening, and reading almost every day, but I could be doing so much more. I waste my entire day watching stupid Youtube videos or browsing 4chan for hours. I think I am addicted to mindlessly wasting time.

>> No.19597478

Well while you're at it here's a pretty funny Youtube video to watch.

>> No.19597482

oh nice its the panaka vid

>> No.19597535

When I invest hours of effort into something like Japanese I feel far better than when I don't. But I still often don't.

>> No.19597587

In the context that someone is reassuring someone after learning (or coming to conclusions) of their sad past, is there something better that 輝く might translate to? "Now you're shining brightly" seems off.

>> No.19597629

I've watched 35 episodes of Hikaru no Go in the past few days. The first 24 episodes I had Japanese subtitles on but now I'm going without any. I should really watch more addicting anime like this. Really easy to get hours of listening practice.

>> No.19597636
File: 362 KB, 690x638, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase - 01 [1080p]_[00:12:12.731].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, come on! You're talking about yourself.

>> No.19597638
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Hey guys, I'm a bit confuse
When I have free time I find myself wanting to do more anki reviews but the Anki page says reviewing more = diminishing returns?
What I thought of doing was studying the cards where I hit again that day, but as you can read on the Anki official pages they say that's bad. Is it true? What could I do to improve myself when I have free time?

>> No.19597640

djters are playing shogi while im playing igo

>> No.19597643

meanwhile im playing gungi

>> No.19597650

Watch anime

>> No.19597654

You though it was a meme?

>> No.19597656

Read a light novel.

>> No.19597672
File: 400 KB, 832x1200, 01_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19597676

I've always believed that finding compelling content was the key to learning Japanese, but right now I'm having a problem because the content is too compelling.

I watched the first 10-15 episodes of Eureka Seven without looking at the subs very much at all. Then 15-25 I started looking at the subs more, maybe 10% of them. Now in 25-40 I'm looking at the subs a lot. Some scenes I watch, then I read the sub file, then I rewatch while reading the subs, then sometimes I check the English subs if I can't understand something. I've gone through some scenes 10+ times. All these info dumps are killing me!

I really want to understand what is happening, so I have to keep reading the subs but it makes the whole experience much less relaxing.

>> No.19597683

Read you tard.

>> No.19597735

Just turn off the subs

>> No.19597745

They aren't on. I have them open in Firefox so I can use Rikaisama.

>> No.19597756

This is why the bulk of my anime listening practice are shows I've already watched. I'm not going to ruin a good show by only understanding 30% of what's being said, basically spoiling all the best scenes for the inevitable rewatch when I can understand more.

>> No.19597762

Have you considered doing something other than watching anime

>> No.19597791

I have seen it already, but it was 10 years ago. I'm also only watching anime I've seen already.

No. My goal is to be able watch anime, so why would I practice with something else?

>> No.19597801

Bobby my man, you're not gonna be able to watch anime in nippongo if you can't learn nippong in the first place, don't you understand?

>> No.19597817

id say just watch english subbed but it sucks cuz "translations" totally destroy all the a-ha moments and cross references that are vital for overall cohesion and conveyance

look at a show like beatless

gaijins hate it but its a really smart (to a teenager) show because the book is really smart (to a teenager) and so the show in its neutered glory forces you to pay a lot of attention to what it has time to give you

if you just watch it for the visual stimulation its probably awful which explained why gaijins thought it was bad

theres a lot of anime where this happens (see almost all of them)

>> No.19597879
File: 83 KB, 1200x675, 1531085892862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean "a functioning/viable society"? If not, I have no idea what this sentence means.

>> No.19597950
File: 244 KB, 313x331, d2121t1t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this RTK grind is paying out for me, learning new vocab is getting a lot easier and I can mentally visualize it then write it out with less strain than before

Feels wierd man

>> No.19597951
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Harukana Receive - 03 [1080p]_[00:05:41.257].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go at 50 new cards a day
>been lazy for three days, barely learned shit, disabled new cards
>did 200 reviews today, pushed "Again" quite a few times
>True retention: 87.5%
How the fuck do some of you guys manage to get below 50%?
It seems impossible.

>> No.19597993

I got my lowest retention in a long time today at 83%. My due cards jumped from 146 today to 178 tomorrow. Fuck my ass.

>> No.19598006


>> No.19598030

i can visualize kanji i learned in rtk in my mind but i have to trace out the stroke order instead of seeing it as an instant picture recall... feels bad

>> No.19598095
File: 15 KB, 404x363, 1478950033683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone once told me that Ryukishi07 writes with a lot of weird, unnatural grammar patterns and even blatant grammatical errors.

I'm going to start reading Higurashi either way, but it would be helpful if someone could tell me to what extent this is true.

>> No.19598103

How is that weird? Did you actually believe the shitposters that RTK doesn't help with retention?

>> No.19598132

This, I feel like true retention floors your actual retention divided by 10 and puts a 9 in front of it.

>> No.19598158


>> No.19598178

rk07 isnt a good writer and repeats himself a lot

dont worry and just do the shit you wanna do

>> No.19598183
File: 2.58 MB, 3024x4032, 2D1AD135-E68F-411F-8DDA-B667992A3C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would お be used as a prefix in women’s names in the late 19th century? I’ve failed to find anything at all about お清 (きよ) and it only occurs to me now it might be a name.
Pic related has an impressive four page-long bibliography in the back. It’s really interesting, and such an incredible pain to make cards of

>> No.19598188

I don't think you need to worry about it. More than grammatical errors, it's just a lot of dumb stuff. The kind of dumb stuff you'll find in any amateur writing. I'll post a famous example from the most popular higurashi copy pasta (that people use to mock how bad R07's writing is).

>「……へへへ、そうだな。お前ほどの器なら日本の不正規戦部隊長なんてもったいないぜ…。 SASでもデルタでもスペツナズでも、…どこでも最高の人材になれるだろうぜ。何しろ、」
>「はははは、あっははははははは!!! SASぅ? デルタフォースぅ? 下らないねぇ! そんな退屈なところじゃあ、私を飼いならせやしないよ!!」

Due to the nature of the SAS, Delta Force, and the Spetsnaz, it's clear that R07 was just thinking about cool-sounding names of foreign military organizations and throwing them in without thinking about them or doing any research. Like how Spetsnaz is an umbrella term for special forces and not an actual individual unit. That's just the kind of writer R07 is. If you pay attention you'll see a lot of embarrassing, amateurish mistakes in the writing. But grammar errors? Well, no more so than any other amateur writer. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.19598201

that actually seems intentional dude

you know it sounds like something an idiot kid would say..

>> No.19598234

Yes. Her real name is 清 or 清-something like 清子.

>> No.19598241
File: 147 KB, 800x800, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read both higurashi and umineko in japanese, they have some silly parts where he might use language like that but the rest is fine. As far as I noticed at least.
You shouldn't bother with stuff like that it's language practice either way.

>> No.19598247

The dude speaking is a 30-some year old military dude who's part of a semi-terrorist organization that has been involved in operations across the globe.

>> No.19598261

after looking at true retention's code i can confirm that this is not the case
true retention ignores relapses (cards you keep failing over and over in a single session)

>> No.19598286

yea its tomitake right

dont tell me you take him seriously

>> No.19598289

I’m currently reading higurashi and it's fine, whoever said that is probably a dunny kruggy.

>> No.19598294

What's a good name for grinding out some names? I'm getting to the point where I can guess some names i've never seen before and it's kind of fun to make guesses while watching movie credits but it's going to take years more at this pace to be able to read uncommon names consistently fluently

I guess I could make a celebrity deck like matt suggested or just find a list of names and look all of them up with a hover dictionary for an hour a day but idk. How did you learn names?

>> No.19598298


>> No.19598310

next youre gonna be offended when i tell you nagisa dies

>> No.19598314

Are you sure you mean ちょちょいのちょい (a piece of cake), not ちょちょいのちょい*と*? If so, ちょちょいと means ちょいと. In case you didn't know, ちょちょいのちょい*と* means ちょいと too.

>> No.19598343

You will never be able to read names consistently. You can only memorize one or two of the most common nanori for each character. The Japanese themselves can't do any better than this either.

>> No.19598415

Working on translating something and I'm not sure how to translate 貴様, the character is by no means a vulgar person so I have reservations with resorting to swear words.

>> No.19598440

Absolutely based.

>> No.19598455

names aren't important unless it's someone you know in real life. if you're reading a book they will give you the reading the first time the character is introduced. i just copy the reading down onto a book mark and refer to it if i can't recall it. i'm assuming you aren't totally fluent, so I would imagine it's better time spent learning more useful words than names

>> No.19598491

guess nows just as good a time as any to ask

wtf is a 出撃

>> No.19598495

wtf is 渋い

>> No.19598505


>> No.19598529
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>> No.19598603

Why can't actual Japanese people talk or write anything like my grammar studies? What is the point of studying grammar when it all goes out the window in actual interaction?

>> No.19598612

are you new here

>> No.19598618

No I'm just venting.

>> No.19598626

What are you talking about dude?

>> No.19598657

you make the mistake of studying grammar -> native expression. you should be experiencing native expression and then using a grammar resource to help elucidate the meaning of a pattern

>> No.19598700

see you in 4 years

>> No.19598713

so throw it out the window

>> No.19598746

>he studies grammar

I started a year ago and I've read 9 volumes of light novels, video games, lots of manga and countless episodes of raw anime, use monolingual dictionary and I still haven't finished tae kim, i just googled nani the fuck x means

>> No.19598756

Not really? The existence of a military guy isn't exactly spoilers.
Though in any case you should expect people to spoil you if you post about something like higurashi on 4chan.

>> No.19598757

to be fair you really don't actually need to finish tae kim

>> No.19598758

uwaaa~ umai desune

>> No.19598777

please dont talk about the really popular among gaijins dojin game from 2002 that apparently they still dont understand

>> No.19598875

Whats the best bilingual dictionary smartphone app?

>> No.19598885


>> No.19598906

Is this actually possible? Can you learn to read well by just doing the basic Tae Kim guide?

>> No.19598925


>> No.19598956

dude ったら and ながら are literally in advanced grammar on tae kim literally just google what it means when you encounter it in reading instead of going through 300 pages of dry grammar text that you'll forget by the time you ever see grammar point y in real usage

>> No.19598977


>> No.19598994

>9 volumes of light novels
what exactly?

>> No.19599020

Good for you but manga isn't reading.

>> No.19599203
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, reading teh manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw reading manga ftw

>> No.19599261

word order and grammar points still confuse me to the point i have no idea what's going on in any sentences longer than 3 words

>> No.19599269

prolly because you havent watched 10000 hours of anime and cant just take the nihongo for what it is without thinkin bout none of that shit

>> No.19599317

At least you realize that you're bad, now read a lot and fix the problem.

>> No.19599333

practice doesn't make perfect, it just makes poor understanding permanent.

>> No.19599366

poor understanding only stays permanent if you dont ever use the language in engaging other human beings and society at large

youll always be a gaijin no matter how many kanji you memorize and how many jugs you piss in until you leave your room and get your ass in the streets

werd up noobs

>> No.19599370


>> No.19599376

Since when did Jamal advocate worthless shit like output instead of shit that will actually improve your comprehension like input?

>> No.19599383

the best kind of input is the kind tailored specifically to you

which you achieve by interacting with others

the fuck retarttttttted shit you on about lil ninja

>> No.19599388

Oh you're not Jamal. My bad.

>> No.19599404
File: 86 KB, 756x574, Never Ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19599408


You're not giving advice for learning language, you're just telling us to be normies.


>> No.19599409

>jamal is whatever I like

>> No.19599414
File: 451 KB, 1186x1040, smugnobu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if I give a shit about being a gaijin if all I do is consume weeb media to my liking

>> No.19599419

im the tang from evangelion

>> No.19599423

No what he said is retarded because you can get better input and more input elsewhere but I can tell by the way he types he's not Jamal.

>> No.19599435

anyway lets run this retard gauntlet

i didnt advocate output instead of input its not one or the other

you dont have to be a normie and you dont have to become native like at nihongo

its ok to just sort of get it and impress your friends with cheap party tricks

its what i do itt

i didnt mean it like that but its good not to give a fuck thats the first step to really learning nihongo

more input to feed your busted understanding isnt going to fix it

>> No.19599451

It's amazing how in the rare cases when he writes something helpful everybody disagrees.

>> No.19599459

why not learn chinese instead?

>> No.19599463
File: 200 KB, 269x371, xe12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you missing IQ points?

Maybe you've spoken to enough drooling retards that you think all of us are inept at discerning what is comprehensible language from various sources of media.

We know that conversational language is full of dislocation and we omit content all the time. Its done in English, its done Japanese, its done in our god damn memes.

>> No.19599466

No good media. Chinese is pointless unless you're already in a position to do business there.

>> No.19599471

For what?
To read descriptions on cheap ass shit made in china? I'd rather consume otaku shit to my liking

>> No.19599475
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>> No.19599481
File: 316 KB, 476x358, where u think u r mate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19599482


>> No.19599496

I don't think that's jamal, he would never advocate outputting before you're fluent

>> No.19599500



>> No.19599504

I see
no need to be rude about it

>> No.19599510
File: 113 KB, 204x232, e123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you meme like a retard

>> No.19599514


me in this fucked up thread

>> No.19599520

you face like a retard

>> No.19599523


>> No.19599525

what's the difference between に and を tae kim doesn't make sense?

>> No.19599542
File: 36 KB, 640x426, yooa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no u

>> No.19599545

highになる方法: weedを吸う

no ur face

>> No.19599551

watch this if you're still struggling then the を one, they're both pretty different.

>> No.19599556


>> No.19599564

I only ever used it for the kana and because Risa is cute. Tae Kim already made perfect sense.

>> No.19599572

and ninjas come up in my shit tellin me im a normie while people openly like 3d itt

>> No.19599582

this is what's confusing to me. I read that を can be used to indicate a location, or maybe more accurately that the location can be the object the verb is acting upon. like you're moving through a train station. but it seems like に can also be used for that purpose.

>> No.19599586

I departed the room.
I departed from the room.
I walked the streets.
I walked on the streets.
I ran the course.
I ran across the course.

>> No.19599588

10000 hours of anime subbed in your native language + read more

>> No.19599593

2 years, gonna make it lads
going to Shinjuku right now to sign a letter of acceptance for a programming job
we all gonna make it

>> No.19599595
File: 14 KB, 259x67, fsjhdfkhsdkfhsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna make it lads

>> No.19599596


>> No.19599602

If China had content I would be interested in then I would, but I am not interested much in their culture or what they produce. The only time I indulged myself in Chinese content was in an Assassin's Creed game, and some kind of Chinese RPG I have on my Steam library.

>> No.19599605

I wanna marry Risa.

>> No.19599608

reminder to never take advice from anyone here
oh shit

>> No.19599619

There are specific particles that does similar variations of things. It's best not to overthink it. に and へ are also similar to each other, but I believe it depends on the context like any other. The problem with those types of particles is there are a bazillion usage out of each one, so it can be confusing to people to know which one is the correct.

>> No.19599622

Exactly. Just look for methods you think are good and go for them. Anyone telling you they're not good is either not even studying it or is rather telling you that instead of studying.

>> No.19599626

you can totally learn japanese from the internet watching a few random youtubers and pull some random information from a few different sites

>> No.19599629

I was talking about that the way Japanese actually speak is nothing like what you study in textbooks. It might as well be a completely different language. It shouldn't have been that hard to understand that from my post.

>> No.19599630

No you can't, stop lying to people.

>> No.19599633

no i was being sarcastic

>> No.19599645

agreed. maybe if they proved they were vetted by a native they could be taken seriously but no one from DJT has done that.

>> No.19599648


Look at this uncompromising dood. We get it, you got too much going on in your life, you acquired some form of adhd and like to shitpost on others because you suck at the language.

Its okay to let go Anon.

>> No.19599650

>I was talking about that the way Japanese actually speak is nothing like what you study in textbooks.

Oh, you mean like how English Books in Japan isn't like how English speakers talk? Golly. it's like the textbook they throw at us are a bare minimum of learning a language.

>> No.19599657

I'm starting to get a bit more into japanese native stuff and I always thought eroge were just basically porn with a story but holy shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5LVeYHMbD4&index=161=PLeC67YIuW2taRcIE9ztMkgOVARDwaj6WY I never knew that eroge could have soundtrack this good or girls this well drawn. This just makes me even more motivated to getb ack to studying, god I love this

>> No.19599659

That should be obvious to anyone, but it doesn't make it any less annoying. And I have seen some English textbooks in Japan, they could definitely be improved because they teach a lot of useless, or just plain incorrect shit. I assume the same is true about JP textbooks.

>> No.19599660

Where the fuck do I learn ksb? I've used 大辞林 for pitch but standard pitch accent has nothing in common with kansaiben

>> No.19599662

whats the difference between わ and が

>> No.19599666

Textbook language is never how people really talk. Even English textbooks for English speakers usually have stiff, unnatural example sentence. The function is to show how a certain grammar concept works, not to give a realistic example of conversation.

>> No.19599665
File: 36 KB, 362x346, ....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both the same and only わが is correct as a particle

>> No.19599668
File: 28 KB, 380x349, 1528034805871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.19599671

there's no ni
there's becoming, going, giving

>> No.19599673


>> No.19599682

what cant you do?

>> No.19599687

For some reason I always get this burning hatred for myself if I see someone better than me in jap so thats actually really useful to get motivated if I ever feel down, I dont think thats normal though

>> No.19599691



>> No.19599694

I do not disagree. The problem with current jp methods is they teach you how to be too polite and less casual. I am not in Japan, nor have I've read anything English learning-wise from there, but I am certain they go through the same shit we do. Even now, we're speaking informal. The content such as Genki, and other mediums teach you the bare minimum of the language that you would only hear in fictional content, that is another thing I've noticed.

If you want to talk more like a ACTUAL native speaker, your best bets are:

Move to Japan
Make Japanese friends
Consume mediums that teach you how to speak more informal

>> No.19599700


>> No.19599701


>> No.19599706


>> No.19599711

im.. sorry?

>> No.19599714

I actually have the feeling that if I ever am going to output I'm gonna be too informal. I'm doing something thats inspired by ajatt and with all the weeb media I watch I just pick up informal stuff mostly. Especially for the i+1 stuff

>> No.19599718



>> No.19599723

@ everyone thats tried to post in japanese in the last 20 mins


>> No.19599725


>> No.19599727

rosetta stone is literally flash cards though
it just has some sentence cards too and defaults to based romaanji
nothing about it is any more "real" in any way except that it costs money and it runs like it was written in flash in 1995

>> No.19599728


>> No.19599730


>> No.19599740

and yet i think it would do many ppl itt better than the shit they on now

i mean just take a look around at all the aids and fail

>> No.19599743



>> No.19599744

Then again I don't think I ever will output. I base everything I do on just understanding the weeb shit, not like I ever want to speak with anyone anyway.

>> No.19599749

>he fell for the source-based meme
just install arch or some derivative
you can still feel like some kind of badass except you'll probably learn more and experiment more without the fear of spending hours rebuilding libraries

>> No.19599752

I wouldn't overthink it. The Japanese language may be polite and STTP but a lot of them speak informally, no more than we do. That is why a lot of people think Matsumoto from Gaki No Tsukai can be such a dick, that is why outside of Anime SoL they speak the way normal Japanese people do, inside their peers.

>> No.19599753
File: 34 KB, 712x480, turn up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19599758


>> No.19599762


>> No.19599763

why not


>> No.19599767

because my acronym can also be read as "dont" which is actually the main driving point

>> No.19599771


>> No.19599775

also to supplement


>> No.19599777

aka KEK thread

>> No.19599778

300 reviews a day for a year
not gonna make it

>> No.19599785

meant to use the english word for 寝取られに困れたh

>> No.19599788



>> No.19599799


>> No.19599800


>> No.19599806

what the FUCK r u doin????

>> No.19599807


>> No.19599812


>> No.19599815



>> No.19599820
File: 45 KB, 750x375, 34928374987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uma knows japanese. why don't you?

>> No.19599822


>> No.19599824

You have a non-native card. Non-natives are allowed to use informal, "impolite" speech. Nobody is gonna get upset over that. I've even heard they expect you to get names backwards. So yeah, their politeness rules don't really matter when it comes to second languages speakers.

>> No.19599833

Thats quite relieving.

>> No.19599840



>> No.19599841

Yotsubato is usually recommended as an entrypoint into reading basic Japanese dialogue, but is there a good anime that serves as an equally decent entrypoint into listening to basic Japanese dialogue? I was thinking I'd go for K-On.

>> No.19599846

Death Note

>> No.19599847

There is no entry level raw anime. Not only can you not keep up with the speed, but you also don't know the vocabulary. Bad combination.

The best you can do is watch some baby cartoons aimed at toddlers. And that's not meant as an insult.

>> No.19599851

Because I'm not a horse.

>> No.19599859

Shirokuma Cafe

>> No.19599865

I mean, even when I was watching Banana Fish subbed recently, I was able to catch a good chunk of the dialogue, and it was pretty familiar vocab-wise.

It seems cute, and maybe I'll learn a bunch of useful nature terms too.

WSJ manga adaptations are probably a good starting point, huh?

>> No.19599867

you guys done with your fuck nihongo shit yet


>> No.19599871


>> No.19599876

it matters a little bit more if you want to work in a japanese company
but who the fuck would want to do that

>> No.19599881

Im suprised that there arent more weebs here learning japanese. I feel like I'm one of the only people just learning this language for those sweet raw anime, manga and otome.

>> No.19599885

>WSJ manga adaptations are probably a good starting point, huh?
they're probably the worst starting point

>> No.19599886 [DELETED] 

And you wonder why nips still hate niggers.

>> No.19599891

i always get at least one of you retards

>> No.19599893

>WSJ manga adaptations are probably a good starting point, huh?
no i was trolling you

>> No.19599894

You're not. That is why I'm learning. I wanted to indulge myself into more content that will never be translated or will take years to be translated.

>> No.19599897

What are you even doing here? Why are you not on reddit? How did you get so lost

>> No.19599898

it's in the op, if you aren't a degenerate you're in the wrong thread

>> No.19599901


>> No.19599915 [DELETED] 

>post video of niggers chimping out
>kek got you racist!

>> No.19599922

What counts as a degenerate?


>> No.19599929 [DELETED] 

Stop posting clips of your kind acting up and you'll stop "getting" us.

>> No.19599941

> stop posting clips of your kind acting up

What if I posted a clip of [Anon's race here person] doing something wrong? What kind of implications does that have?

We are all brothers on this earth, mayne.

>> No.19599944

anything that is within the scope of /a/ or /jp/ but you're free to take it further

>> No.19599947

I disagree but this isn't the thread for this kind of discussion.

>> No.19599950


>> No.19599951

if youre racist and hateful you cant learn japanese

>> No.19599953 [DELETED] 

White people have the decency to behave themselves in other cultures, at least without resorting to such violence. Unlike a certain people who turn anywhere they go into a chimp house.

>> No.19599954



>> No.19599959

Exactly but not because of what you think; wasting thoughts on anything but japanese means that you wont do it., so you shouldnt do that

>> No.19599960


>> No.19599962


>> No.19599968

Did anyone else's ad blocker stop working for ads on the bottom of this page?

>> No.19599972

no aids here

>> No.19599974


>> No.19599975

update your filter list and/or restart your browser

>> No.19599977

>White people have the decency to behave themselves in other cultures

>> No.19599978


I just doubled up on ublock and it went away. Guess adblock+ is falling behind.

>> No.19599980


>> No.19599986

hope you installed ublock origin and not the name-stealing fork

>> No.19599991


>> No.19599994

based olivia

>> No.19599997

ublock origin 1.16.14. It didn't have a lot of downloads on firefox so I was a little skeptical but it seems to be legit.

>> No.19599998

Randomly happens to me at the bottom of certain 4chan threads as well. I was nervous I had gotten malware but scans return no results, so your post suggests it's just an adblock failure or something.

>> No.19600001



>> No.19600003


Is your Nihongo as good as his?

>> No.19600006


>> No.19600009

How do you go to Japan and be that fat? I'm gonna lose like 20 pounds before ever going.

>> No.19600017


>> No.19600022

減る = HELL

They LOVE big fat 外人

>> No.19600024

what if being poked is your fetish

>> No.19600025


>> No.19600028

Yotsuba isn't reading it's manga.

>> No.19600031

I fucked up >>19600000

>> No.19600034

Talking to someone via email isn't communicating, it's playing on the internet.

>> No.19600035

looks like you fucked up again

>> No.19600037

go back to 1995 dude

>> No.19600042

posting itt or reading this thread is not improving your japanese

>> No.19600043

you go back to 1995 too

>> No.19600047

i read 3000 lines today and am currently taking a break

>> No.19600049

so the pattern would be this I think

>> No.19600050

wanted to find the GET, faggot.
it was a shit get
not like anyone cares anymore on this god forsaken website

>> No.19600058

Cool opinion whyd you reply to me though

>> No.19600061
File: 423 KB, 440x330, ryfyLL7D-.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.19600067

why dont you GET out

>> No.19600068

Don't you think I'd go back if I could?

> booming Clinton economy
> we had a chance of saving earth from climate change, so hope was in the air
> pre 9/11 chillness
> anime was still good, just hard to get, no crunchyroll babies

>> No.19600070

How about you, newfag.

>> No.19600071

sorry dude we only get one chance at this you've gotta do what it takes

>> No.19600073



>> No.19600074

Whoever did that it doesnt seem correct.

>> No.19600076

I was bullying your bad opinion.

>> No.19600078

youre newer than me

>> No.19600084

Unironically 2004, actually. Right when I learned about hentai in middle school.

>> No.19600088

that is possibly the most embarrassing japanese i've read in weeks
protip if you're gonna force production google all the individual combinations of words before you post it

>> No.19600093


>> No.19600098

>fluent japanese from anime guy actually deleted that video
does anyone have it downloaded I need to see it once more

>> No.19600100

The moment of your ruin.

>> No.19600102
File: 64 KB, 278x274, moresuprisednobu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learned about hentai in middle school
I did too though

>> No.19600105

All I could find were paysites so I had to jack off to the join screens.

>> No.19600106

It's not an opinion it's fact sorry. Most people are deluded and think manga is reading when it's not. You can only realize this on your own but me pointing it out can at least help some people start seriously thinking about it.

>> No.19600111

2003 when moot posted that he was makin a futaba offshoot on another forum and i was like cool lets see how it goes

>> No.19600114

You're literally reading words on a page, anon. It's not "good reading practice," sure I'll concede there, but you can't just change the meaning of a word.

>> No.19600122

If you're actually 2003 then congrats you're one of a couple hundred max that are olderfag than me. But I'm calling bullshit either way.

>> No.19600123

there are arguments that manga is reading that cannot also be used to say that sentence cards are reading
find them anon, only then can you win

>> No.19600129

meant for >>19600111

>> No.19600133

Im not even the same anon but this is pretty delusional. Youre literally reading a word. Thats like saying what youre doing right now isnt reading my pos

>> No.19600138

All of those are reading! Am I crazy?

Of course, if you said "I got some reading in yesterday" to a friend, but you only read the tag on a shirt and the manual to your onahole, you'd be misleading, because of the connotation of the word, but if you spend any amount of time understanding words with your eyes--or hands, in the case of braille--you're reading.

>> No.19600139

sentence cards aren't reading
you can read the text on them but the cards themselves are not reading material
there is a way to argue that this is not the case for manga, that the manga itself is reading material

>> No.19600153

idc what you call thats just how it is

youve prolly spent more time on 4chan than me lifetime tho and you can gladly have that

lol at being in middle school in 2k4 tho

we didnt even call it middle school when i went it was jr high ya lil yung ass

>> No.19600155

japan needs more black people t bh

>> No.19600162

were workin on it

theres some wards in tokyo that are fully blacked out now

>> No.19600170

is 4chan reading?
the activity of reading 4chan is reading, yes
but is 4chan itself reading?
words have multiple senses and one is always selected in a particular statement about whether something is true or not

>> No.19600182

Maybe depends on where you grew up. I'm older than I want to be, that's for sure.

>> No.19600184

>I've only read one chapter of Tae Kim and real-life Japanese uses lots of grammar patterns I don't understand, so I came here to complain because I'm buttfrustrated about Japanese not being as easy as normalfags say.

>> No.19600187

>words have multiple senses
so when you flatly declare that manga isn't reading you're misleading at best and plain incorrect at worst.

>> No.19600190

that's not me dumbass
follow the conversation properly

>> No.19600192

I've read all of Tae Kim. Most of it doesn't translate to any sort of native speech or writing. Try to decrypt Japanese twitter using fucking Tae Kim. Good luck.

>> No.19600194

if manga isn't reading then i'm illiterate.

>> No.19600205

i don't care who you are. the "manga isn't reading" guy uses that exact same logic.

>> No.19600211

not at all, he doesn't justify the lack of connection between reading a manga's content and the manga itself being reading or not

>> No.19600246

here's the first japanese tweet on my twitter feed right now

ネットゲーム の 友人 に
The 「の」 particle
The target 「に」 particle

会いに行っ たら
会いに行く is essentially a word
Past conditional using 「たら (ば) 」

困ったことになる 話
Conjugating to the past state-of-being
ことになる is basically a word of its own, but also Using 「なる」 and 「する」 for nouns and な-adjectives
Using relative verb clauses as adjectives

story about a problem that happened when someone went to meet a friend i made during online games
rest of the tweet's content consists of images from some comic, where a boy and girl were playing opposite-gender characters in the game and now they're realizing they were both genderswapped

>> No.19600253

>I ignored the sidenote in the /djt/ guide about Tae Kim being only the most basic grammar, even the """"""advanced"""""" section. And I'm still buttfrustrated about Japanese being more difficult than I expected.
I'm subscribed to quite a few shitposters on twitter. What they say is perfectly grammatical, you just (probably)
1) Don't know that much grammar
2) Have a small vocabulary
3) Haven't actually gotten used to the grammar patters you already know
4) Expect Japanese to be like another European language, so you don't even try to think when a sentence seems to not make any sense.
5) Don't read enough
6) Don't know slang
7) Are afraid of 日本語 (which is normal, and the only way to conquer your fear is obviously exposing yourself to 日本語)

>> No.19600277

size always matters

it always matters

>> No.19600280

bookmarked so i can learn how to parse sentences

>> No.19600306

have you considered trying it yourself
here have a fresh example

note: 博麗神社例大祭 is split up into 博麗 神社 例大祭 and 博麗 is read はくれい

>> No.19600313

>have you considered trying it yourself
no because i know i'll utterly fail

>> No.19600314

if you don't try it yourself you won't actually become able to do it

>> No.19600320

yea but it's scary and i don't think i'll ever be able to understand it so i just treat this place like a hangout

>> No.19600321

your twitters pretty fuckin aids bro

>> No.19600324

what the fuck man
not when it contains stuff like this

>> No.19600327

>I never try, because I think I will never be able to do it
Newsflash: you will never be able to.

>> No.19600336

if you're this scared of learning japanese you can't learn you subconsciously know you're below average in intelligence and can't do it

leave now and forget about this place so you don't feel bad in 5 years when everyone that currently posts here is either fluent or also quit like a loser

>> No.19600348

japanese is just as scared of you as you are of it

>> No.19600375
File: 105 KB, 870x700, retards_can_speak_Japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you subconsciously know you're below average in intelligence
Learning a language as a hobby doesn't have IQ barriers above the level where you're so retarded you can't put a spoon in your own mouth.
If he's dumb, he'll just have to put more effort into studying than normal people.
It's just laziness.

>> No.19600385
File: 346 KB, 2000x1362, Clinton+(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19600405

What is that supposed to mean in this context?

>> No.19600410

giving the treatment of account suspension

>> No.19600423

yes!!! theres millions of literal retards in japan right now that would gladly trade you their proficiency in their native language for the ability to live a normal life


heres a room of actual retard autists who will make (you) feel like a complete poser with your self diagnosed autism which is just a coverup for your weak and lazy bullshit but anyway they all know nihongo and (you) dont

>> No.19600430

learning your first language as a kid is easy dude, retarded or not. it's a different story if it's your second language as an adult

>> No.19600439

well obviously but so what just challenge yourself to rewire your brain a little bit

>> No.19600440




>> No.19600445

The process is different, but at the end of the day, Japanese is just a language.

>> No.19600449

Man, poor retards. Especially the one with the mic.

>> No.19600464
File: 91 KB, 612x344, sdfgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BG music is pretty good though, I wish he shut up.

>> No.19600473

the one w. the mic is raising up his fellow retards hes literally ride or die for his fellow tards

>> No.19600479

hes like x if x was doin it for all his tard niggas

>> No.19600496

this guy makes some of the few japanese rap spits i've not been disgusted by

>> No.19600501

nevermind it just got terrible he just rapped in pure sixteenth notes with a rest at the end of each measure for like sixteen measures straight

>> No.19600502

>not disgusting
does not compute

>> No.19600516

gomess is cool but i liked him best when he first got in the scene and not as much recently


>> No.19600537


>> No.19600542

yea dude he spits the real tard blues

>> No.19600543

Oh, it's just the title of the song.
I thought that was what the Japs called retards.

>> No.19600550

i was hoping you werent thinking something cringy like that thanks for ensuring that i must cringe

>> No.19600572

Cringe all you fucking want, this is a 初心者スレッド

>> No.19600575

i fuckin will dude and ill bitch and moan about it

but i love u..

>> No.19600577

>not amazing
Korean rap is god tier

>> No.19600589

but like most of that track is in nihongo lol

>> No.19600650

Did someone mention k-rap?

>> No.19600654

since when is this a beginner thread

if anything we should stop replying to them altogether when they ask stupid questions and maybe this could become a comfy place where we talk about what we're reading and discuss language learning philosophies

>> No.19600662

lmao he looks like suga

>> No.19600679

Seeing as how many people here haven't finished RTK yet this is 仕方なく a beginner thread.

>> No.19600701

Because he is

>> No.19600737
File: 75 KB, 776x785, 読みたい2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost there BABY!!! Just 23 days to go.

>> No.19600742


>> No.19600744

are you going to blog daily

>> No.19600760


>> No.19600773


>> No.19600781


>> No.19600789
File: 318 KB, 1920x899, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19600793

You guys are weird

>> No.19600795


>> No.19600796

your mom thought i was weird last night

>> No.19600800


>> No.19600808


>> No.19600825


>> No.19600826


>> No.19600830
File: 162 KB, 640x698, 35e941b4f186d859d5c4aa50a6801d951316711551_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19600834

Today I started passive listening. I'm not going to do it 24/7 or anything but having it going for a few hours a day while I'm reading 4chan is kind of nice.

>> No.19600835


>> No.19600841
File: 368 KB, 1080x1093, 1527917899082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19600845

I was going to months ago and never did. What you listening to?

>> No.19600848


>> No.19600852


>> No.19600855
File: 448 KB, 1280x720, [AnimeKaizoku] Nisekoi 16 [720p][BD][dedsec]_[00:16:15.098].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19600862

Shingeki no Kyojin

>> No.19600863


>> No.19601015
File: 167 KB, 932x855, sarahjeong_04-932x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19601108
File: 7 KB, 336x268, rawr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19601229
File: 119 KB, 768x655, chara_07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could they be a harsh headmaster or drill sergeant type character? Pic related says 貴様 all the time and I think it'd be odd to translate those as "maggot" or something

>> No.19601344


the proper translation for that chara type is obviously foul knave

>> No.19601537



>> No.19601561


>> No.19601654


>> No.19601850

Started getting serious about reading today and it's impressive how tough it is to read basic stuff like GJ or Toradora. Pretty demotivating but I'll just keep going.

>> No.19601881

the motivation comes when it's noticeably easier than it used to be

>> No.19601950

Just kill me.

>> No.19601961
File: 13 KB, 564x142, what is the cause of the so-called ghost kanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many places in Japanese that makes you want to die

>> No.19601975
File: 14 KB, 300x111, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what's that part on the lower right corner of your monitor is called, so I don't know how to google this.

The computers in my public library has several input methods, such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese, but when it comes to Japanese they have these two different versions? I can change between 1/2 to 3 with Ctrl+Shift, and I can change from 1 to 2 with Alt+`. But what is 3 for? When it's at 3, it does nothing. I tried every key and nothing seems different.

>> No.19602002
File: 987 KB, 3089x1205, abomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my guess is that's for an actual hardware japanese keyboard

>> No.19602006


I'm stuck with the last part of sentences. Does it mean: "I think it's easier to distinguish between PAN and Dolly or move by imagining the differences between fixed camera's footage and moving camera's footage."?

>> No.19602035

A popular meme in this thread would be inscribed as

And that would be hell.

>> No.19602055

Wait, what button would you press to write で, for example? W is for て, but what do you press for で?

>> No.19602059

you forgot the ゛
it wouldn't be hell it's just a slightly bigger learning curve than romaji-based input
using a keyboard that moves around other symbols though is hell which is a bigger argument against it
see the two keys to the right of P

>> No.19602074


>> No.19602076

by the way, natives stuck with those awful japanese keyboard layouts still primarily use romaji-based input, kana input is rare (though i don't know exactly how rare)

>> No.19602108


I tried to use Korean keyboards once and I can't even imagine how I'd remember those. The current layout is just so ingrained in my mind it's hard to replace it. I cannot think of 러 without thinking"fj".

>> No.19602157

Anyone got a rtk (remembering the kana) anki deck? Can't seem to find one with the stories included.

>> No.19602165
File: 6 KB, 478x373, 1523277530084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19602174

Seriously tho, i suppose i can just use the descriptionless one and a pdf of the book but that's just troublesome.

>> No.19602184

The overuse of Anki in this thread is mind-boggling.

>> No.19602185

have you considered using djtkana for an hour a day for a week and then knowing hiragana and katakana well enough to move on and learn japanese

>> No.19602189

>for an hour a day for a week
Or you could just spend one day learning it, and then finally memorize it while reading examples in Tae Kim.

>> No.19602195

Dude rtk is faster, for hiro ive smashed tf outta that browser thingy and yet i still occasionally forget ke and ho and so on and now that i'm starting kata i figured i'd do it better.

>> No.19602199

Huh, I didn't know this is a thing.

Time to finally get rid of my katakana weakness.

>> No.19602215

>for hiro ive smashed tf outta that browser thingy
You must really love Hiro.

>> No.19602231

Why is ぢ a thing if its pronounced the same as じ?

>> No.19602238

i just gave a low-effort approach assuming they want to take it easy
the important thing is not to get hung up on it for weeks and avoid moving forward
you need to read to get good
that's not a terrible idea but it can only take you so far

>> No.19602251

it isn't, but they are sort of interchangeable in standard japanese
get ready to feel fear

>> No.19602254

the structure is [XXX]たほうが、[YYY]しやすい

『「PAN」と「Dolly」または「移動」と書き分けること 』
makes it easier to imagine

>> No.19602261
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro - 03 [1080p]_[00:10:58.324].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>g-guys, how do I learn the kana
We should set minimum requirements for posters.
5 chapters of Tae Kim (or their equivalent) should do.

>> No.19602269

They used to be different. Still are in some dialects, AFAIK.

>> No.19602273

You know you can't enforce this, and by few months we'll have posters asking how they can learn hiragana.

>> No.19602278

> finally get rid of my katakana weakness.
Shounen manga should help you with that.

>> No.19602281
File: 11 KB, 410x201, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious new symbols to learn in this journey to learn symbols!

>> No.19602291

Have you checked out 変体仮名?

>> No.19602299
File: 25 KB, 706x706, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can't tell the difference. Truly this is the final boss of kana

>> No.19602319
File: 53 KB, 1127x534, Screenshot from 2018-08-07 18-42-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to zoom in more so you can see the numbers, then you can tell them apart

>> No.19602342

>kanji to represent sounds

I still need help reading names, but I can tell that some kanji is just really basic sound, like 伊 for 'i' or 亜 for 'a', so it's from that kind of thing. Also my RTK deck has in its explanation of 阿 as
>is now used chiefly for its sound, "a,"

So that what it means! Argh, it all sounds so interesting! Excitingly interesting!

I can literally feel my weaboo teenager self rising again, damn.

>> No.19602358
File: 118 KB, 800x600, Soba_restaurant_by_nyaa_birdies_perch_in_Gunma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A soba restaurant: the sign reads "生𛁛𛂦 𛂁𛀚井". Written right-to-left, kisoba has the kanji 生 ki, and hentaigana 𛁛𛂦, derived from the kanji 楚 so and ba (者 ha with ゛ [dakuten]). The latter two are listed below. The black vertical text to the left reads 𛂁𛀚井; 奈 na, ga (可 ka with ゛), both also below, and the kanji 井 i.

Is this like the Japanese version of a basic substitution cipher?

>> No.19602367
File: 385 KB, 580x825, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought handwritten japanese is difficult to read, but this is ridiculous!

>> No.19602391







>> No.19602403

hey djt what font do you use for 変体仮名

>> No.19602432

So i suppose the answer is that an rtk anki deck for kana does not exist, no?

>> No.19602441

one might, none of us know because the time you've spent asking could have gotten you further than you'll get in a week of using anki for kana

>> No.19602442

A week? Dude what are you talking about? There are only like a hundred or so kana, and i'm only doing katakana so i'll be through the deck in a day max.

>> No.19602450

if you aren't doing srs why are you even using anki, djtkana and if you want to use the book then check it when you fuck up but you don't really need to refer to it constantly

>> No.19602454

anki is designed to work with intervals in days, it's not suitable for things that need dozens of repetitions within a few hours
just use a website that drills you on the kana

>> No.19602488
File: 9 KB, 400x311, 1490049556735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread

>> No.19602503

Why the fuck do you need special learning methods for kana

>> No.19602509

Oh yes, it's kana study again, my favorite subject. Everyone can relate to it, everyone has something to say, everyone can feel superior to the baby just starting, what a wonderful thread.

>> No.19602513

I literally learned katakana just by looking up fanart on Pixiv for a series with names in katakana long before I ever even thought of learning Japanese. Are you a fucking imbecile.

>> No.19602520

Speak for yourself.

>> No.19602562

>everyone has something to say, everyone can feel superior to the baby just starting
feeling superior to someone who hasn't even started learning japanese is like feeling superior to a child
if i'm trying to feel superior it's indirectly through guiding them to a point where superiority could even be on my mind
but you're right that this thread is shit, and you've made a big contribution

>> No.19602597
File: 194 KB, 897x383, p196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it say on the right?
I can't read scribbles.

>> No.19602606

>get good enough that I can watch anime with enough comprehension for it to be enjoyable
>progress basically completely stalls
Why does my brain have to work this way, bros?

>> No.19602609

The vibrator on the right is saying its name is "Homi" and I guess someone is saying they can only think of penis

>> No.19602623


>> No.19602836

Yet you guys keep recommending Yotsuba as the first manga.
What can possibly be dumber than hentai?

>> No.19602852
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hinamatsuri - 11 [1080p]_[00:18:42.788].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on what was the order in Core6k decided?
Even in the world of overworked 社会人, the word つまらない can't possibly be less common than 企業.

>> No.19602866

no one recommends yotsuba because it's dumb
also on a more practical note, as dumb as hentai usually is, there's a reasonable range of variance in its difficulty

>> No.19602870

It's frequency from occurrence in newspapers although the version in the djt guide has gone through like 7 re-orderings at this point so its not quite true frequency of the corpus that was used to generate it. This is just one of the many reasons core is shit for most learners, especially after the first few hundred words.

>> No.19602879



>> No.19602899

that's the thing i don't want to use the book, it's troublesome on the pc and i don't wanna buy it
who gives a fuck about what its designed to do or whatever, i want some goddamn cards with the story and the romanji on the front side, i could well cut these cards out from paper, draw the symbol and write the story on there but that's hell of a lot more work than i'm willing to do.

>> No.19602907

That sucks, newspapers always use smart-ass chink words instead of their Japanese synonyms. That's probably why I'm yet to encounter 怖い ~1400 words in.
What about JLPT N5-N4 vocabulary lists?

>> No.19602910

Is there a book with only hiragana for reading practice?

>> No.19602917

you could have made a deck yourself in the time it took you to whine about this
come back when you are ready to put some of your own effort into learning

>> No.19602920

Don't bother with mnemonics for kana just grind them.

>> No.19602921


>> No.19602923

why would u want that tho?
also, prob some elementary school stuff

>> No.19602929

if this is bait fantastic
if this is not bait you aren't going to make it

>> No.19602939

doing unnecessary work frustrates me to no end
i suppose but even today i do confuse some hiragana with each others, some mnemonics would be hella useful

>> No.19602950

that's like wanting an english book where e-ver-ee-thing is spelld aut in foe-net-iks

>> No.19602954

>romanji on the front side
Why would someone willingly expose himself to rom*ji?

>> No.19602957

when i was doing rtk instead of learning japanese, i put some time into practicing reading kana by finding japanese text literally anywhere, skipping the kanji, ignoring the grammar and words, and reading the kana
i would recommend you just actually read and don't worry about focusing on kana, but that's an option

>> No.19602970

nigga wtf u talking bout, i'm just saying that i don't want the ん on the front instead of the n. this is because i wanna practice remembering how the ん is written.

>> No.19602987

ðad ' əd bi ə predɪ hɑːrdkɔːr bʊk tə riːd fɔɹ ə kɪd

>> No.19602992
File: 198 KB, 484x445, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone has an idea what the handwritten text on the top left is supposed to mean?
I'd guess the upper line is 歩ける, but what that under is?

>> No.19602996

>i wanna practice remembering how the ん is written
ん is written like ん, are you fucking retarded? It's just a syllabary, come on.

>> No.19603009


>> No.19603015

Ah, read that ブ as ウ, no wonder it didn't make sense.

>> No.19603026

yeah ん is written like ん but what about ね or わ? or さ or ち? ぬ or め? i wanna be proficient in this stuff, that's why i want the romaji version to be in the front

>> No.19603030

unironically, and not for the sake of memes but only truly for your benefit
have you tried reading more

>> No.19603044

Learn Japanese then, retard.
Why are you wasting time on staring at letters when you could be reading example sentences in the grammar guide of choice?

>> No.19603070
File: 63 KB, 500x283, ん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19603077

i don't even know ipa and this upset me

>> No.19603082


>> No.19603088

>(UK, US) IPA(key): /ˈpɹɪti/
>(US, dialectal) IPA(key): /ˈpɝti/
>(US, rare) IPA(key): /ˈpɹʊti/

>> No.19603106

It's preddy common to pronounce it like that in Canada.

>> No.19603120


>> No.19603130

i was more focused on the ɪ than the d

>> No.19603148

Regular i was probably the right choice.

>> No.19603172

When does that happen? The end of your first VN?

>> No.19603180

When you manage to read Naruto.

>> No.19603197

Wtf, the anime looks like it was based on a 4koma

>> No.19603238

Ignore the people attacking you for some weird reason. There's nothing wrong with wanting to learn to write the kana and using an anki deck for that purpose.

>> No.19603287

consider using a sound file on the front of a japanese person pronouncing the syllable then have text specifying if it's hiragana or katakana. that way you learn to associate sound with symbol because written language is just an approximation of spoken language after all, na -> な is not real. you cant give someone romaji and expect them to pronounce な like a japanese person would

>> No.19603318

t. Ken-sama

>> No.19603357

yeah, it's just advice. you can also create your own fake version of japanese that sounds nothing like the real thing and pronounce everything all fucked up in your head when you read. that's another option

>> No.19603383

That would be never because manga isn't reading.

>> No.19603400

it's not as basic as you think. it's really weeby shit and it's written very shittily so you might think you suck when i could probably hand you a real novel by a respected author and you would read it no problem beginning to end

>> No.19603426

>you cant give someone romaji and expect them to pronounce な like a japanese person would
that's not exactly correct, when i pronounce hiragana like i would pronounce the same letters in Finnish most of the time i come pretty close to the Japanese.

>> No.19603439

Most people are native Finnish speakers you dumb pekka.

>> No.19603446


>> No.19603450

hehee now now, no need to be jealous of my effortless correct pronunciations.

>> No.19603537

Can this really be read as つむる and つぶる? Is there any difference in meaning or is it just a matter of taste?

>> No.19603591

If only there were books or websites that had definitions for Japanese words but such things only exist in our wildest dreams.

>> No.19603610


>> No.19603704

what kind of conjugation is んどいて?

>> No.19603756

its not never because manga isnt reading its never bc u fucken suck and are weak and lazy !!

>> No.19603759


>> No.19603794

ておく, read the guide

>> No.19603805

運ぶ -> 運んでおく -> 運んどく (abbr) -> 運んどいて

>> No.19603950


>> No.19604003
File: 97 KB, 346x360, 1529959438246.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Tyler Keem
What is the more common alternative of さえ is this situation?
What about

>> No.19604007

Am I the only person who hates having to use mouse for looking up words when reading with texthooker?

>> No.19604034

Those sentences mean different things.

>> No.19604038


>> No.19604050

Okay, what should I use then?

>> No.19604078

I hate it but there's no other choice.

>> No.19604084

You can use the keyboard

>> No.19604086

What do you mean what should you use? Why don't you just use さえ?

>> No.19604112

if you have to ask you shouldn't be using it. first listen and read japanese for 10,000 hours each

>> No.19604142

don't listen to this guy you can do it in 2k hours
i can tell this is true since i have 2 hours invested and i've already learned a lot (atsui means hot for example)

>> No.19604214

>when you get like 120 reps correct in a row
What the fuck?

>> No.19604255

I'm trying to read Leyline 1 with ITHVNR but the game's text is split among multiple threads and creates new ones with every few lines. Is there anything I can do about this?

>> No.19604447

Change the font in the options, it might fix it.

>> No.19604706

Today, I spent the whole day on reading doujins and masturbating.
Did I waste it?

>> No.19604717

That's the true way of learning Japanese

>> No.19604834
File: 17 KB, 244x222, press 2 make ur yumes come true.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19604848

Bs you learned how to walk. Unless you cant walk now.

>> No.19604851

>reading that much
Well, your listening is fucked but at least your learning a representation of the language.

>> No.19604861

There's the manga reading meme, but doujins really aren't reading.

>> No.19604870

How common is「可き」in kanji? My ime can't even type it

>> No.19604872

Oh yeah I'm coming. Gonna apply for that mext in a couple of years.

>> No.19604886


>> No.19604889

Only non-LN books and chuuni shit will use it.

>> No.19604892

you can practice doing the wrong thing for a really long time and get really good at doing the wrong thing

>> No.19604898
File: 199 KB, 1200x899, DBuER9XUAAAhQ6m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

皆さん、how do you check which 日本語能力試験 level does kanji belong to?
I am going through my core 2k/6k as a preparation to n2 test, and then I came across 逢 , or 噌. I think the latter one is easy because it seems to appear only in 味噌汁, but I think I am seeing more and more N1 kanji as I go, I don’t want to spend time learning them ATM.

>> No.19604899

Yea but that can be fixed if it couldn't coaches, therapist and trainers wouldn't exist. Just dont practice output too early. You can fix that but it will take a lot of work.

>> No.19604924

so you just gave the correct solution

you need nihonjims in your life to shape your nihongo into real nihongo

nihongo therapy as it were

you dont watch a video or "read" a book to get properly conditioned you work with a trainer or a coach

>> No.19604936

What is the difference between じ and ぢ?
(In pronounciation)

>> No.19604942

one sounds like the letter g
the other one sounds like the letter d

>> No.19604954

Only if you make mistakes and cant find the answer on your own. If you have grammar guide and the Japanese grammar dictionary. You read the guide and refer to the dictionary when you are unclear on a grammar point. Some people like poor athletes dont have the resources or ability (cuz of age) to know the right techniques to improve or correct themselves. Japanese is a popular language. I hope Korean has similar resources when I try that in 3 years.

>> No.19604955

The same

>> No.19604980


>> No.19604994

There's none. I don't know why you thought there was a difference.

>> No.19604996

the resources dont teach you japanese and the average retard doesnt interpret and consequently apply whatever disjointed bits of information properly to really have any bigger sense of japanese as a whole

indulging in entertainment is not going to get you there you will always be ass unless you get nihongo therapy i can promise you that

but its okay to only sort of get it and be stunted forever

after all flowers can still be beautiful though theyve grown crooked

>> No.19604998


Hi there!

>> No.19604999

I was asking because I didn't know and if they're different characters some people might pronounce it differently

>> No.19605000

katakana was a mistake
