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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 262 KB, 1278x532, eien no zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19334226 No.19334226 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>19152146

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.19335004

Any Avistaz newbie need some points to start out? First one to reply with username gets some (if you're a newbie).

>> No.19335052
File: 352 KB, 483x200, sweat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c-can someone confIrm whether this is misleading advertising or is there a mini-gt show with the girl from my boss my hero

>> No.19335356

I just finished watching it.

>mini gt
is your question about the girl being a giantess? No, it's just a decent cute romcom with a tsundere female. But there is a show though where the girl is changed into a small girl
. http://asianwiki.com/Minami_kun_no_Koibito:_My_Little_Lover

>> No.19335808

Is there a good way to disable subtitles on the streaming sites in the pastebin? I don't want to download drama episodes and fuck with sub software partially because I have a Macbook I guess I can just look for raw vids without subs, but I figured I'd ask anyway.

>> No.19337273

Would you recommend any website/blog with Japanese film reviews?

>> No.19340128

Not a newbie, but my ratio is bad. Can I still ask?

>> No.19340308


>> No.19340624

he killed millions

>> No.19340644

Does the quality of NHK streams suck for anyone else?

Cycling Around Japan (pure kino) for example always goes into low quality at the same parts no matter the device I'm using or what time it is. It's a problem on their end, right?

Also do they have any information on the music they use in their shows somewhere on the site?

>> No.19340948

How is okitagami tv series? Is it good or just a jumbled butchered mess of an LN adaptation

>> No.19341997
File: 137 KB, 920x590, Sorry_Youth!_(Gomen_ne_Seishun!)-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a well written comedy drama. I'd rank it as good as Stand Up!!. Decent acting from most of the cast and has pretty girls. Interesting story too.

It's great. Funny and non serious.

>> No.19342140

I liked this one too. Currently watching old shows. Just finished:
>Strawberry on the Shortcake
7/10 - Too much drama, tempted to rate it higher due to the good premise and ending.
>Proposal Daisakusen
7/10 - Would've been better without the time leaping honestly, if it was just a comfy show set in high school and you didn't see the MC get cucked for a whole year even when going back in time it to ""fix"" his relationship, it would've been much better.
>Sekai Ichi Muzukashii Koi
6/10 Fun once it got going, first few episodes had me rather bored and the ending could've been better. Also I didn't really feel much connection between the characters.

I'm going to go watch Summer Nude now, hopefully it's good.

>> No.19342682

and saved billions.

>> No.19342788

I like the Outrage trilogy.

>> No.19342793

I'm sure you do m8, good for you

>> No.19342801

Thank you

>> No.19344266

Can somebody help figure out a variety show I watched earlier this year? It was on TV Asahi around 2 or 3pm. Two guys were made to travel around I think Bangkok or Bangladesh by choosing one of two signs written in the local language (one "good" sign, one "bad" sign) and seeing where they ended up. One sign led them to a shitty motel with bugs everywhere. They also went to a place that looked like the Ganges and one of the guys shaved his head before getting dunked in it.

I just can't remember the name. I've googled around on English sites for TV Asahi programs but I can't find anything that looks similar. Wikipedia mostly lists toku and anime and barely any variety programs.

>> No.19344616

hanbun aoi subs when

>> No.19348294

>Proposal Daisakusen
one of the first jdramas I have seen years ago. I liked the chemistry between the leads. Felt repetitive nearing the end, but it still kept my interest. I will rewatch it probably.
>Strawberry on the Shortcake
in my back log. thanks for reminding me
>summer nude
havent watched that

>> No.19351512

Yup, that's what gt means. I marathoned Minami-kun no Koibito yesterday, it was pretty cute, but the main girl was pretty annoying.

>> No.19352420
File: 645 KB, 1700x2200, anime or manga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I made this casual list of all the live action anime or manga shows/movies I have watched over the course of a year. What do you anons think of it? Though my only criteria for each is that at least 2 of the actors in the main cast put an effort in acting.

>> No.19353994
File: 1011 KB, 1280x720, (2018.06.15) CYCLE AROUND JAPAN - Shizuoka - A Ride through History#00_17_19.605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's bad.
The on-demand video is worse than the livestream.
I personally record the livestream as that's the only way to get NHK shit without me putting up a satellite dish or using someone else.
DARKFLiX is a group that HDTV captures NHK if you're interested in 1080p. I don't see any recent ones so maybe the stopped caring about that series.
You can always contact them if you really, really want to know the music. I don't see anything on their website just looking at it.

>> No.19355992

>less than 3 minutes watching a 'new' drama otona koukou
>In Japan, 25% of 30-year-old male adults and 30% of virgin female adults are virgins who have no sex experience.
It's just the subs and I replayed that part a few times to check the audio but It's a good thing I haven't actually started eating yet.

>> No.19360556

I finally watched part 3 of chihayafuru. hirose suzu is absolutely beautiful on screen. even the characters in the movie acknowledge it kek

>> No.19360828

Is there anywhere on 4chan I can talk about Korean Dramas?
I am not a fan of K-pop, just wanted to talk about the dramas.

>> No.19360880

Nope, /tv/ will definitely talk about their kinos though.

>> No.19360901

Make a thread in /tv/, and let's discuss it there.

>> No.19363237
File: 193 KB, 640x905, Katte_ni_Furuetero-p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a comedy despite the sad looking poster

>> No.19363663
File: 140 KB, 726x388, 25FD71AE-EB51-4338-8E8E-FC3470C90C94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it kind of sad when boards like /a/ say that Japanese film making is shit, when the Japanese are some of the best film makers around. Can we talk about Japanese art-films? Is a Page of Madness a worth watching? What do you recommend?

>> No.19363911

I just finished summer nude, it was rather good.

>> No.19364292

I just don't get why it's so shit. I mean it gets pixelated as fuck during some of the most beautiful moments which annoys me to no end.

What's the site of those Darkflix guys? Or maybe you can upload yours on Mega or something?

Anyway, thanks.

>> No.19364595

The NHK's stuff has a constant bitrate so when more detail shows up it gets kinda fucked.

I have no idea where DARKFLiX release. A lot of their releases get auto-uploaded to BTN from somewhere.
You could ask >>>/g/ptg or try emailing them, they give it out in their .nfo. (DARKSTARS@PROTONMAiL.COM)
But, like I said, I think they stopped caring about that show because I don't see any recent one by them.

>> No.19365056

they're a scene group, check any general tracker with an upload bot

>> No.19365073
File: 2.98 MB, 960x540, wife.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19365246

what is this?

>> No.19365545

This guy popped up in my youtube recommendations.
He's good.

>> No.19365570

That movie is underrated.
I think the instructor is the incarnation of Japan itself. Or at least, the incarnation of the Japanese view of death.
What is zero?
Zero is nothing. If you add zero to something, it's still zero. Zero is recurrence. Zero is always there, even if you don't see it. Any number N is N+0. The zero is "eternally" there. Zero is drawn like a circle. Circles are cycles.
The title "Eternal Zero" means eternal recurrence. He dies, yet his spirit stays around. Shintoism.
Recall that Miyabe says he must return alive, no matter what.
Now let us refer to the last scene.
Miyabe asks what kind of country Japan will be in the future.
His wife says he returned and kept his promise, even though he died.
One of his colleagues asked how come he signed up to die if he wanted to stay alive.
Connect the dots.
Miyabe is not someone, he's something.

>> No.19365577

*if you add zero to something, it's still that something

>> No.19365702

na "he"'s shit
and stop trying to shill your jewtube channel

>> No.19365747

It's not my channel.
I would prefer having a 50k youtube channel to being a NEET as I am now.

>> No.19365760

i usually skip most adaptions but i finally got around to watching Kimi ni Todoke and it was pretty decent, and i thought the cast was a fantastic fit

>> No.19368007

Continuing the retiming work from the last thread I have retimed subtitles to match the Blu-Rays for Quartet with Sushi. It's on AvistiaZ.

More whenever I find another good candidate.

>> No.19368030

What's the primary difference between Korean Dramas and Japanese Dramas?
I don't mean the language, or country they are set in, I mean tonally and stuff.

>> No.19368032
File: 76 KB, 682x570, the_life_of_oharu_1952_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find it kind of sad when boards like /a/ say that Japanese film making is shit
/a/ only watches live action manga/anime adaptations, so their opinion is biased.

I recommend The Life of Oharu.

>> No.19368051

I've watched a dozen or so of mostly the romance ones. Everything look so clean and expensive. The characters never get dirty. The setting is too tidy. Product placements are too obvious too. Shiny cars, expensive clothes, high end phones (even poor lead). Also the characters are more conservative than japan's. But they love passionate kissing scenes which japan seems to rarely have.

>> No.19371700


>> No.19371903


that movie was great and i'm obsessed with the creephyp song at the end now

>> No.19373672


>> No.19373985

Passed my newbie period with practically no one leeching from me.

>> No.19374751

Gantz 0 will probs be seen as normie teir movie, but you know what, it is a good movie and reboot. The animation was on par with ps4 cut scenes.

>> No.19374781
File: 566 KB, 1060x1500, Tori_Girl-p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very funny. Watch it if you liked Water Boys, Wood Job!, or Teiichi. Tsuchiya Tao's better performances.

>> No.19376635

I also liked this one:

>> No.19377725

Where did you find subtitles for this?

>> No.19380613
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, あい.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19381111

Is there any good places to find DVDISO/BDMVs? I want to start making encodes. I know u2 and asiandvdclub are invite only but do they have much content thats not available elsewhere? Is there anyway to atleast check if certain discs have even been ripped? I'm looking at buying some boxsets for old shows mostly but don't want to buy something if it's already available since I don't have a disposable income.

>> No.19381216

Private trackers are your best bet if you want that kind of thing.
>do they have much content thats not available elsewhere?
>Is there anyway to atleast check if certain discs have even been ripped?
Either being on those sites or asking someone who is on them.
If you're going though all of that trouble why not get on them yourself? It's not hard if you're actually uploading things.

>> No.19381238

>It's not hard if you're actually uploading things.
I don't know where to start in terms of getting an invite. But I do have the BDMV of Orange Days I ripped myself I can upload.

- Rainie on AvistiaZ

>> No.19381316

Sorry, read some stuff in the OP of >>>/g/ptg then you can ask any questions you want there.
If you're looking for some garbage to practice encoding on, sort movies/tv by size on torrent sites so you find the "raws" easily.
There is this DDL site that has a bunch. A few hundred remuxes and BDs. https://forum.snahp.it/
No substitute for private trackers, sadly.

>> No.19381343

>If you're looking for some garbage to practice encoding
I've already made quite a few releases of my own, i just want to start working on more shows that really need better releases. There's too many old shows with horrible encodes.
I've seen the ptg general a bunch of times but it seems like it's going to take years to go through the process of getting in one site and slowly moving around. The trackers i've been in mostly died e.g what.cd which doesn't help.

>> No.19381390

It was a decent adaptation. It even fixed the dragged mess of the second book. And it has an original ending, of course.

>> No.19381397

wish someone would finish doing subs for signal bd release

>> No.19381418

timing isn't hard, it just takes a lot of.... time i'm sure you can do it if you have the... time to.

>> No.19381458

when someone provide Japanese scripts to me.

>> No.19381465

It was alright but no one could ever beat Noto Mamiko as Sawako, not even Tabe Mikako.

>> No.19382140

Are there any dramas using the jap royal family?

>> No.19382700

I don't think so.

>> No.19383391

the guy quit so looks like you'll have to wait even longer

>> No.19383463

Never watched an Asadora. How do these shows play out?

>> No.19383526

couldnt tell you, i've only watched one, Amachan, and it was a masterpiece

>> No.19383535

Wheres Ashida Mana been? She hasn't done anything in the past 2 years.

>> No.19383548

shes no longer a cute kid and has aged like milk

>> No.19383842

Thanks, anon!

>> No.19384524

It's on jpsubbers

>> No.19384990

I'll start watching that then.

>> No.19385071

Thanks for reminding me that this exists. I only got to watch the first few episodes on stream and decided to wait for better encodes.

>> No.19385585


great movie

>> No.19385927

I really love Terrace House OND

>> No.19386715

You can sometimes see them in historical dramas.

>> No.19386724

That poor man's Aki-P, though.

>> No.19386859

There's the BluRay boxset on AvistiaZ, I'm currently DLing them to make encodes but no clue if I'll actually finish the project 156 episodes is a big task to undertake.

600gb gonna take awhile to grab..

>> No.19387553

>poor man's Aki-P

>> No.19387609
File: 345 KB, 1429x1412, 81R1tMSxReL._SL1429_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching dramas with gaijins as part of the main cast. Finished 日本人の知らない日本語 And I really enjoyed it. Planning on watching this. Thoughts?

>> No.19387776

Anything caching anyone's eye in the new season? Himo Men looks like it could be pretty good.

>> No.19388195
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>> No.19388219
File: 156 KB, 402x413, 1512869015539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idol garbage
I guess you guys do inhabit this board too

>> No.19388266

Yasushi Akimoto (Japanese: 秋元 康 Hepburn: Akimoto Yasushi, born May 2, 1958) is a Japanese record producer, lyricist, and television writer

Not even going to address your embarrassing choice of reaction pic

>> No.19388371

I will watch that. Kubota is a promising actor.

>> No.19388650

>Choosing Kizuna AI, who repeatedly stated that she likes Keyakizaka for idol hating post.

>> No.19389368
File: 19 KB, 320x222, 320px-Jimi_ni_Sugoi!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Satomi Ishihara so good?

>> No.19389467

I've been watching Last Christmas, and wow, it's really good! It does feel a bit rushed in the first few episodes but I'm really enjoying it.
On episode 5 at the moment.

>> No.19390049

Super cute and also nice at acting. Not that common of a combo.

>> No.19390642

Some were great, some were decent, and some were meh.
I recommend Teru Teru Kazoku and Hanbun Aoi.

>> No.19390650

Thanks. I will give some shit subbing Hanbun Aoi if I got the time.

>> No.19390945

Yeah. I love her performance in this series even though I find the plot slightly uninteresting. She makes it a worthwhile watch.

>> No.19395360
File: 121 KB, 1200x798, DhpDRD2UcAAx82X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19395952

>Please put the sauce in the file name

>> No.19397198

Not that anon, but found it: http://asianwiki.com/Absolute_Zero_3

>> No.19402105
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>> No.19402113


>> No.19402194
File: 34 KB, 1080x598, 24838777_521031808272706_1462163333216993280_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19402338

Is this about the bike powered plane? Im really into that bike powered plane. I haven't seen fan art of it for years.Tell me more please.
>water boys
Kind of have to watch it now...

>> No.19402341


>> No.19402417

Yes. It's hilarious but still has a compelling story.

>> No.19403178
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>> No.19403218
File: 125 KB, 900x900, akaboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Movie about a girl in a birdman club
A- Akashi-san?

>> No.19404561
File: 134 KB, 1091x600, 36968038_396564447531768_8286113261225508864_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit gonna be lit

>> No.19407567
File: 2.54 MB, 700x394, grainy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19408499
File: 84 KB, 620x431, a rare cromartie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No cromartie high school.

>> No.19408908

Japanese movies suck.

>> No.19409219
File: 138 KB, 699x609, neko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too!

>> No.19410183
File: 129 KB, 823x855, Dhvx_XHUcAIAFLz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to shoot a documentary about suicide.
>Find someone who hanged himself.
>Go to find your cameraman.
>Start recording.
>So far, so good.
>Body disappears.
>Damn Logan Paul had to steal it for exclusive interview.
Baka Gaijins stealing our jobs.

>> No.19410553

I haven't expected to find a Japanese remake of the Hero song in a TV show from the 80s.

>> No.19410880

Post more. Also is this popular in Japan?

>> No.19411243
File: 104 KB, 655x791, Takane_no_Hana-tp001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks interesting.
Are we watching pic related? Another romcom with Satomi.

>> No.19411337

It's Barusa, Just watched Serei no morubito

>> No.19411432

This thread made me realize i outdated as fk.
Just found the site Eyny and it has a ton of asian stuff.

I can get tors from nyaa but what other sites are there for streaming like youtube etc for asian content?

Man i feel old and out of the loop.

>> No.19411452

I'd watch this one.

>> No.19412369

>FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

>> No.19412946
File: 13 KB, 214x317, MV5BMTQ1MTY2MTY2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDg1ODYwNA@@._V1_UY317_CR20,0,214,317_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do japanese cinema has something similar?

>> No.19413041
File: 71 KB, 450x647, Strangecircus02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go watch this

>> No.19415221

I used to love doramas back when I was a teenager, Orange Days was my favorite one, watched it 20 times already. Thing is, after trying to come back to it time and time again I have given up as it seems the quality of the plot is just bad nowadays. I feel like there isnt a mature and yet funny comedy like Love Shuffle or Orange days, they are just too silly or too repetitive. Is there anything really good you guys can recommend?

>> No.19418072

I saw some screencaps for this on twitter and it (or rather Satomi) looked real good so I'll watch it.

>> No.19422574
File: 121 KB, 1300x956, tokyo-japan-24th-may-2016-l-to-r-alice-hirose-suzu-hirose-basketball-G239K6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they hapa? Alice look like hapa

>> No.19423983
File: 199 KB, 693x749, Mahoro_Eki_Mae_Bangaichi-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was such a fantastic show. Characters, the writing, the music, directing were all great. Best slice of life I have seen recently. 10/10.


>> No.19426042 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 1000x707, Takane_no_Hana_%282018%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takana no Hana was picked by Janiwota Livejournal cultists. The subs will never will never see the light of day.

>> No.19426058
File: 241 KB, 1000x707, Takane_no_Hana_%282018%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takana no Hana was picked by Janiwota Livejournal cultists. The subs will never see the light of day.

>> No.19426060 [DELETED] 


>> No.19426067 [DELETED] 


>> No.19426113 [DELETED] 


>> No.19427809

i want to bury my face in there and die

>> No.19427944

100% japanese meat

>> No.19428613

shit i was looking forward watching it
do you believe it might somehow be leaked? i would even settle with streaming it
this summer's dramas are absolute dog shit, this is the only good one out of the garbage they're throwing at us this season

>> No.19430136

Wow what a good genes

>> No.19430873
File: 183 KB, 1080x809, 35575369_223780271581497_7988920138730569728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19430987

Don't tell me you're actually watching this cringefest?

>> No.19433419
File: 312 KB, 1440x810, 1531488195097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19433440

Do schools in japan also give everyone free shoes, uniform, etc?

>> No.19434071
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>> No.19434083
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>> No.19434116
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>> No.19434287
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>> No.19434303
File: 125 KB, 1680x945, 1531488922-0667-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19434620
File: 65 KB, 1440x810, 1531317208-0788-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19435795


>> No.19436611


>> No.19436679

Unlikely, unless someone else picks it up and subs it for the (non-autistic) masses, but that's unlikely as well. I'm sure hpriestsubs would have done it, but apparently he was turned off after knowing that those cultists already picked it up.

>> No.19439378

So, is her new drama good?

>> No.19440226

Best drama this summer.

>> No.19440671
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>> No.19440675
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>> No.19440695
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>> No.19440708
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>> No.19440738
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>> No.19446202

will watch it then

>> No.19446976

No one is subbing it, but even watching it raw is fun.

>> No.19447360

I've downloaded an subtitle software and used auto translate on the jap subs from d addicts. the subs are understandable

>> No.19448884

Why are J-drama subbers so elitist compared to other subbers? I shouldn't have to have an active livejournal just to download some subs. Who even uses livejournal?

>> No.19448982

Did she dye her hair?

>> No.19449545

Kdramas get subs in mere hours after airing, but jdramas take ages...

>> No.19449585

just register & join the club sister!

>> No.19450812
File: 131 KB, 951x630, Severe Autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just register & join
What did she mean by that?

>> No.19451262

Kdrama subs are from official simulcasts while jdrama subs are bootlegs by fans.

>> No.19451330

What the actual fuck?

>> No.19451715

This is the new level of Circle Jerk. What's next? CV and motivation letter?

>> No.19451773
File: 40 KB, 650x434, kyo kara, ore wa!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is coming next season.

>> No.19451952

I stumbled upon a tweet of someone asking if they could get links to the drama being subbed by them; you could feel the cultism by the way they grilled him/her

>> No.19452289

What's even the point? Fansubs aren't illegal in even the most technical of senses as long as it's only the ass, and if they actually released it publicly there's way less chance anyone could steal their work than there is if only 10 people know it.

>> No.19453245
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>> No.19453261
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>> No.19453271
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>> No.19453276
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>> No.19453703
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I'm really happy Google Play has been putting out more and more Japanese films (including oldies).

>> No.19454064

This is just typical female behavior. Not autistic at all

>> No.19454879

I would say the typical deranged Johnny's female fans, regardless of their nationality or ethnicity, are universally all the same; They're all circle-jerking cultists.

>> No.19455085
File: 499 KB, 250x165, tumblr_m05yimguIQ1qi0fgf[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think you should pull [..] make us all pledge, individually never to supply Hachiko__48 with links

>> No.19455153

Could share your subs file please?

>> No.19455509 [DELETED] 

Are we all guys here??

>> No.19455905

>There Are No Girls on the Internet

>> No.19455929

It's not about whether fansubbing is legal or not, the reason for making the subs private is that they're creating a closed community for the die-hard Arashi fans only, away from the 'filthy casual' public. That gives them a sense of elitism, which is the main, or perhaps, the sole reason for these LJ communities.

>> No.19456508

They're discriminating against us niggers

>> No.19456526

Machine translation subs are shit. Not worth spreading around. Do it yourself if you want, but also keep it to yourself.

>> No.19456862

the sad thing is there are people autistic enough who complied with this bs in order to join

>> No.19456980


>bounces ineffectually off the steel deck

>> No.19457023


>Japanese cinema
>Pure fucking kino until the early 2000s, basically every movie looks incredible
>suddenly nearly every movie looks like cheap fake shit, flood of anime adaptations,weird set lighting that accentuates how obviously fake everything is etc

seriously what the fuck happened to the Japanese cinema scene? Did the money leave all of a sudden? It's not even that the talent isn't there either, but it all looks painfully fake, you never get to feel "in" it because it's glaringly obvious it's all a set on a sound-stage (even when they're filming outside, somehow)

>> No.19457032


this looks fucking great

>> No.19457039


>> No.19457106
File: 121 KB, 1366x768, Like.Someone.in.Love.2012.720p.BRRip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone recommended this to me on /tv/ so i watched it.

help im too much of a brainlet, what happened in the end?

>> No.19457110

There are no guys on 4chan. It's all little girls, newfag.

>> No.19457114

Too bad it's never getting a sub.

>> No.19457133 [DELETED] 


Hey guys. Can I get sauce for this one? Is it a drama? My japanese finding skill is too bad, I only know that the guy is from SMAP.

>> No.19457143

It's been a while since I've seen it but if I recall, it's just an interesting series of events that happens and that's basically it. Also, not Japanese since since it was mostly produced by France and written/directed by an Iranian director. Like what I said about the Norwegian Wood adaptation, doesn't feel culturally Japanese and is very disingenuous because of that.

>> No.19457167
File: 83 KB, 741x933, 5066011902425956352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see, thank you for answering. well i actually went to /tv/ for recommendations for japanese films and i got this, tokyo sonata, antiporno, and after the storm. i didn't see that there's a /jp/ tv&film thread at all.
what im trying to say is, should i just watch all the films that are getting posted in here or are there japanese films that are a must-watch first?

please recommend some to me. thank you

>> No.19457205

The films that are discussed here are ones that critics and film snobs wouldn't touch. Basically, commercial stuff aimed at the mass Japanese market; romance dramas with specific actors, slice of life, manga adaptations, etc. /tv/ would still be your best bet for recs as they discuss the bigger critically acclaimed stuff and art house. Google some recs too as that'll give you a starting point.Tons of Japanese classics that are known around the world. We have a pastebin, you know, that would direct you somewhere else as people tend to get confused by this thread's "movie" title.

>> No.19457261

I thought Alice was hapa too, because her eye colour is very light brown, like some hapa girls have. Turns out they're both pure japanese. Strangely enough, their brother didn't turn out as good-looking as them. Their father is not that good-looking either. So the mom must be hot or something

>> No.19458624
File: 1.34 MB, 400x168, a6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the dramas being subbed this summer are unwatchable

>> No.19459295
File: 331 KB, 566x800, Love_and_Lies-p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this movie a result of PM Abe kun's babby forming agenda? Also this has such boring dialogue. I can't believe the one who wrote the script is the one from Hana Nochi Hare. 5/10 movie.

>> No.19459901

I’m waiting for Dele, but it’s unlikely getting fansubbed...

>> No.19461189

>visit kiss Asian after a while
>see it has newly added Boku wa Mari no naka

>> No.19461372

The manga is 10x better than the drama.

>> No.19461494

Hpriest expressed interest in Dele. Said they're going to wait to see it before deciding what to sub next.


>> No.19461669

I will read it after watching.

>> No.19461908

Oh, that got subbed. Anyone know who subbed it? I don't use streaming sites.

>> No.19462541

It seems the subber only does hardsubs.

>> No.19463682

Are there any good series or movies set in the meiji era?

>> No.19463953

Snow on the Blades

>> No.19463960

I'm new to this, please explain what you're talking about.

>> No.19464036

Ah, that's a shame. Thanks though!

>> No.19464089
File: 38 KB, 777x269, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janiwota refers to fans of Johnny's. They have a lot of closed/private livejournal which you have to be a member of to get access to their subs and content. They have a lot of rules and regulations regarding it too.

>> No.19464276


I wonder if I should watch the old 90s movies or wait for this

>> No.19464567

What's the context of these tweets? They seem very aggressive.

>> No.19464616

Thank God! HPriest saves another season.

>> No.19464645 [DELETED] 
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Like anon said, they're very cultish.

>> No.19464653
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Like anon said, they're very cultish.


>> No.19464706

Fuck off with this fansubber shit already

>> No.19464709

I still don't understand what pissed them off, but yeah, they do sound cultish.

>> No.19465388

same. i caught the terrace house bug several months back and have watched all the seasons (though i'm still working through boys x girls since it's still being translated. it's almost over though)

>> No.19466723
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>> No.19466805
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>> No.19466849
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>> No.19466906

EOPs have nothing to talk about and people who know Japanese don't talk about anything.

>> No.19466907
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>> No.19466918
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>> No.19466923
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>> No.19466968

She looks like she never ages.

>> No.19466978
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>> No.19467387

She's phenomenal in this drama, don't miss it.

>> No.19472054

What drama is this? is it being subbed?

>> No.19472915

Takane no Hana. Unsubbed yet.
I always thought she was great. She was impressive in Jimi ni Sugoi and From 5 to 9.

>> No.19473923

It technically is. That what the whole hubub about livejournal earlier in the thread is about.

>> No.19475708

I watched an entire tv show but I forgot the name

Old school samurai/ronen/swordsman whatever is transported forward in time and gets picked up by some single mom. blablabla he starts to come a father figure for the kid and starts cooking and the cooking becomes a big part of the show for some reason. Big scene is a cooking contest for father/son and they win it. then he goes back in time to his original time and leaves the mom/kid.

>> No.19477492
File: 45 KB, 1280x694, Sailor.Suit.and.Machine.Gun.1981.BluRay.720p.AC3.x264-CHD.mkv_snapshot_00.57.21_[2018.07.21_20.25.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for asking, does anyone happen to know if Sailor Suit and Machine Gun was originally censored or if bottom right in pic related was a later addition?
I assume that's the way it was to begin with but might as well ask to be sure.

>> No.19478128

I want to sub Hanbun Aoi.
Could anyone link to me to a harmless site that actually provides japansese subtitles for the drama? Thanks.

>> No.19478165

I really wanted to follow this in real time but following HanaHare in real time has left me taxed.

>> No.19478314

jpsubbers dot web44 dot net

I can't post the direct link because of some spam filter but it's on the first page of that site.

>> No.19478428

Chonmage Purin.

>> No.19479310

Any asadora recommendations? I have seen only Amachan and Hiyokko. I liked them both.

>> No.19479966

Thanks just realized it was a movie and not a tv show found it right away.

>> No.19481340


>> No.19481811

Is the page safe from spyware bots? My chrome detected an unsafe certificate when opening the site earlier.

>> No.19481818

Teru Teru Kazoku (Ishihara Satomi) and Hanbun, Aoi (Nagano Mei).
Hanbun, Aoi is still running, but damn, the plot is such a roller coaster ride. Being Suzume is suffering.

>> No.19482389

It's just a bunch of srt files. There's a thread on the D-Addict forum if you want to know more about the site.

>> No.19482841

Couldn't get into this at all forced myself to watch 4 episodes but still ended up dropping it

>> No.19482861

Maybe this kind of show is not for you. It's mostly dialogue driven. The story/drama is kept to a minimum.

>> No.19484684

What films or dramas set in the Taisho era would you recommend?

>> No.19484916

I think you might have mixed it up with Samurai Sensei, cause Nishikido played in both a time-travelling samurai.

>> No.19484923

I liked Asa ga Kita.

>> No.19484949

The only one I remember as set in the Taisho was Emperor's Cook (or at least a part of it). I liked it even though I had absolutely terribly timed subs.

>> No.19488664

          平均  1話  2話
遺留捜査(5期) 12.7  14.7_10.7_
刑事7人      11.9  11.0_12.7_
ハゲタカ      11.9  11.9_
義母と母のブル 11.4  11.5_11.3_
グッド・ドクター  11.1  11.5_10.6_
この世界の片隅 10.7  10.9_10.5_
サバイバル・ウェ .10.6  10.4_10.8_
高嶺の花     10.4  11.1_*9.6_
絶対零度     10.1  10.6_*9.6_
チアダン    *8.6  *8.5_*8.6_
健康で文化的な *7.6  *7.6_
ゼロ 一攫千金  *7.1  *7.1_
ラストチャンス   *6.1  *6.1_

>> No.19489171

looks good desu

>> No.19489182

google play? That's Arrow video anon. They're buying up all of the best Japanese movie release rites around. They are just in time to get the biggest bang out of the new and already existent fans. Its a a really good cult cinema company for cult classics of Japanese dramas, but I dont agree with a lot of what they pick up in general as so much of it is immoral just because they (the films) can be.

That title looks intriguing.

>> No.19489707


>> No.19492290
File: 164 KB, 960x630, Hello_New_Hero-p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loving this show. Eita is cool

>> No.19493186
File: 111 KB, 1300x1300, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be a retard and ask a stupid question. I'm trying to remember this police/detective show I watched, but all I can recall is the intro.
The intro was 'live action stop motion' if that makes senses, as if it were at a really low frame rate. It started out with the actors appearing on in front of one of these mugshot height measurement things. There was also a scene of an actor running on a highway, and a scene of a special police unit (think SWAT, but Japanese obviously) rushing down some stairs into a subway or something. That's all I can remember.
Does this exist or did my mind make it up?

>> No.19493215

Finally watched this. I didn't know it was going to be that depressing towards the middle but I'm satisfied with the movies outcome. It's like a grittier Japanese woman's Rocky. I haven't seen many Japanese movies but this is one of the best I've seen.

>> No.19493293

I saw The Third Murder recently
What was funny was that I had seen Oh Lucy! a few days earlier, and Yakusho Kouji was in both. A nice "hey" moment for me.
Someone also posted a scene from the beginning when the lawyers go to the riverside and check out the murder site, which I had seen here months ago but never ended up asking for the source, or getting it, I think. So when that happened I went "Hey, it's that webm!"

>> No.19493762
File: 110 KB, 1000x907, __alice_margatroid_and_hakurei_reimu_touhou_drawn_by_ume_noraneko__9afd74324f371aa41269dc747e9d7d7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good or classic Yakuza/ganster-style movies? I've had an urge to watch some but I don't know where to start.

>> No.19496212

Never seen this girl before

>> No.19496392
File: 609 KB, 576x716, BWOH.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The classic.

>> No.19496526

She didn't play in much + weird makeup here, but she played in "Let's go, Jets!", for example.

>> No.19496827

>Arrow video
I don't know them, but they are doing God's work.

>so much of it is immoral just because they (the films) can be
What do you mean? They pick up softcore porn for releases or what?

>> No.19496914

so that's why. She looks like this guy though. kek

>> No.19497086

I wanted to disagree, but then I took a second look and... You might be right.

>> No.19497459

Outrage trilogy
Hana bi

>> No.19498370

Just finished watching her in Rich Man/Poor Woman. It was great and romantic.

>> No.19498631

Now finished retiming subs for the Ryusei no Kizuna Blu-Rays. Onto Osozaki no Himawari.

>> No.19500099

How come most Japanese stuff is just super overacted to the point of being cringy? Am I just picking all the shittiest things or something? It's rather jarring

>> No.19500186

Just a guess, but maybe it's due to traditional Japanese theatre? I mean, if you look at Musashi (Taiga from 2003) with Ichikawa Ebizo mainly a Kabuki actor and his overacting (especially his mimic), you might come to this thesis (at least I did). It could also be cultural and simply a different acting style.

>> No.19500412

Complete speculation here but: American acting was also very theatrical -watch any movie from the 30's/40's. However, somewhere in the 50's a Soviet acting teacher named Konstantin Stanislavski came over to the US and ended up teaching a lot of famous guys like Marlon Brando and James Dean. He emphasized 'realistic' acting using real emotions and all that; he basically pioneered method acting. Not only did he teach a lot of famous actors back then, he also taught a lot of students who ended up becoming acting teachers themselves spreading the method to a lot of actors who then also went on to be famous.
That's, for a large part, why American acting has such an intense focus on 'realism'.
In Europe you had the naturalism movement in the 60's/70's which also emphasized natural and realistic acting, sometimes even using non-actors. European cinema is/was more artsy fartsy in general, and thus less classically theatrical. Basically the Western acting we're used to has a high-focus on realism.

Japan is obviously a more homogeneous society to begin with, and on top of that they have a strong tradition of theater, so they never really had that 'naturalistic acting' development. Although I suppose there's plenty of Japanese films that do have that sort of acting, it's just not the cultural norm.

Thanks for reading my blog post.

>> No.19500550

Don't worry, you're pretty spot on with that observation. There's also the fact that Japanese people don't wear their emotions on their sleeve so whenever they do let something out it tends to be very expressive and very similar to what you see on TV.

>> No.19500590

Is Twilight Samurai any good?

>> No.19501146

>Am I just picking all the shittiest things or something?
That may be it. When you watch old, black and white films, you don't notice this.

>> No.19501443

"Pushed boundaries of cinema"
"Important cinema history"
"Release it"

What an excuse to release softcover porn. Yes.

>> No.19502133

Even in America stage acting is still mostly like this. That's why people say a good stage actor might not be a good film actor, because they're trained at this point to think anything but perfect realism is bad.

>> No.19502509

>This is the new level of Circle Jerk.
J-drama fansubs have always been this way.
They keep their subs behind a wall (sometimes a paid back when subs were rare) and literally want their asses kissed. When I say "their" I mean even the cunts not providing anything want you to kowtow to be part of their shitty antiquated internet group/site.
Thankfully we now live in a time where subbers elsewhere are willing to share and are actually decent at it. Last time I got subs from a LJ or sub horder they were worst than HK (Hong Kong) subs.
I'm glad I don't have to deal with sub drama period.

>> No.19503205
File: 124 KB, 898x432, Jin-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jin. Should I watch this?

>> No.19503305

Kind of fun, but not sure it needed more than one season.

>> No.19503428


>> No.19503453


because you're watching shitty manga adaptations or something. also you can't even judge acting in another language. you're not picking up the rhythms and cadence associated with that culture's conversation style.

>> No.19503462

then if I will probably not watch 2nd season based on your rec

>> No.19503742

I might have misdirected you a bit: The story is stretched across two seasons, so if you want the ending you will need to watch both, however, the fun part (modern medicine in Edo/bakumatsu period) gets a bit tiring after a whole season. I think it would be better if they contained the story in a single season (11 episodes) instead of stretching it into two, but simply not watching 2nd season will leave you with an unfished plot.

>> No.19507176

>J-drama fansubs have always been this way.
Really? Pretty sure LJ exclusive subs didn't exist 10 years ago. Seems to be a pretty recent thing.

>> No.19507265

The last time I used LJ subs was when GTO 2012 drama was airing live.
I was a senior in high school in 2005 when I started getting into stuff like Tokusatsu and J drama and LJ was the same as it was now except it actually had an userbase that wasn't just sad bitter buttholes.
