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194166 No.194166 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a raison d'etre beyond sex /jp/?

>> No.194172
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>> No.194178

I dont know. To be honest I dont care, I've gone beyond the stage of rationalization.

>> No.194181


>> No.194184

Well, an organism exists for the sole purpose of perpetuating its genetic legacy. So, to put it simply, no there is not any raison d'etre besides sex. Unless you can reproduce asexually like an amoeba. Or if you can land on a cell and inject your genetic material into its nucleus like a virus.

>> No.194192

What about if you have some huge memetic impact upon the world? Tesla never had children, by all accounts he never even had sex.

>> No.194199

He controlled the weather with his penis.

>> No.194204

Whoever said purpose was a requirement to live? Would you rather be reduced to a one dimensional existence in the shadow of a single goal?

>> No.194205

That means he failed as an organism.

But could he see why kids love Cinnamon Toast Crunch?

>> No.194209

>That means he failed as an organism.

Get out sexfag, I bet you even have a girlfriend. Your kind isn't wanted here.

>> No.194222
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Then I'm proud to also fail as an organism. Success sounds banal and unfulfilling.

>> No.194223

Meh, the only people who rant on about the propagadation of genetic code being the sole determinant of someone's 'success' at life are social-darwinistfags, who are usually underage b& too.

the social-darwinistfags need to go and live in their fucking caves and bring back early homo-sapien standard of living if they love their little philosophy that much.

>> No.194225

Nope, 23 year old virgin, and never once had a girlfriend. I am currently failing as an organism, and will most likely continue to do so for the remainder of my existence.

>> No.194226

Sex is no guarantee against catastrophic failure as a human being. A fat fuck is a fat fuck no matte how often.

>> No.194234

If we're going by how many girls you fuck as the primary factor in your worth as a human then Caligula and Nero are at the top and Newton and Tesla (as >>194192 said) are at the bottom.

>> No.194250

And the nameless hospital rapist hobo dude IS KING!

>> No.194254

Does this mean that fat trailer-trashes with 9001 fat kids from 8001 different fat people are successful people? ;O

>> No.194255
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23 Jesus Christ. Will I fail this hard when I become 23?

2 months from now I'll be turning 19, is there any advice you would like to give me.

Also, what age is the number of failure? In my opinion, if you don't lose your virginity by age 22 then you are a failure at life.

>> No.194256

I think Caligula is a prett cool guy, eh fucks everything that moves and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.194263

My body is sterile; I cannot reproduce. So, I suppose I'm an auto-fail.

I have experienced sex, but procreation is simply impossible without the aid of SCIENCE!

>> No.194264
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Reproduction is the ultimate goal of your body.
Does you = your body?

>> No.194270

The best advice is to stop failing while you still have the chance. Throw your computer out the window and set your consoles on fire. Feed the flames with your comic collection. And if you have any real books, burn them also. Now start drinking Bud Lite, wearing your pants halfway to your knees, and learn to appreciate football. You are now well on your way to getting laid.

>> No.194282

Frankly, if you got out of high school without getting laid, there's a problem.

If it's a big deal, just post on Craigslist saying you want someone to take your virginity.

>> No.194286

The sad thing about this post is the fact that I copy and pasted it to a notepad. ;_;

>> No.194298

This is a bad thread and you should all feel bad.

For seriously.

>> No.194299

That looks gay as fuck. No.

>> No.194307

That's not very romantic...

>> No.194311
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>Also, what age is the number of failure? In my opinion, if you don't lose your virginity by age 22 then you are a failure at life.

I guess that means 4chan's mods and Admins (excluding Snacks) fails at life.

>> No.194320

Sex gets dramatically less satisfying after 25. So does fapping. Put such concerns as reproduction out of your mind for long enough, and eventually you'll look back and realize they were meaningless, and you'll be glad you put your them aside.

>> No.194323

What if you're stuck in a shitty online college?

>> No.194327

Snacks is one ugly fucking bastard, he even has a receding hairline for fuck sake. How the FUCK does he have a hot girlfriend?

>> No.194329

Oh, the other important part of the process is completely breaking off all contact with your friends, if by some chance you have any. Deny them all three times before the rooster crows. This will free you up to make friends with more sexually appealing hobbies like playing beer pong, putting decals on cars to make them go faster, and watching American Idol. Or Canadian Idol if you're a hoser.

>> No.194335



>> No.194345


>> No.194355

I used to work for an online college. I dealt with all sorts of people who taught and took classes there. As an expert on the subject of distance education, I can tell you that you are doomed to abject failure, you will never amount to anything, the money you're wasting on your degree would be better spent on whiskey and lottery tickets. And that's not a joke. I am being completely serious.

>> No.194362


>> No.194371
File: 164 KB, 418x556, 1205297076467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't have said that if Snacks was here. Coward.

>> No.194378

Snacks is a skinny fuck but he's still pretty handsome. I'd fuck him.

>> No.194379

I'd buy a Snacks body pillow.

Although I'd honestly prefer a m<3<3t pillow.

>> No.194383

With your powers combined...

>> No.194384

You can clearly see his big nose and receding hairline. And who gives a shit about snacks other than newfags who think spouting 'bring back snacks' is some kind of meme? The guy wasn't even a decent mod, he didn't just ban newfags, he banned pretty much anyone on a whim. That's why he was stripped of his mod powers, remember?

>> No.194386

>I guess that means 4chan's mods and Admins (excluding Snacks) fails at life.


>> No.194389

Undergraduate education in the US has become remedial High School for many unfocused people. Such people will suffer equally with an online degree as with one from a traditional brick and mortar daycare center.

>> No.194391

Either he just smoked a half pound of marijuana, or he was born with two lazy eyes.

>> No.194392

No, he excluded Snacks. I didn't know he was exempt.

>> No.194411
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I am...

>> No.194431

The school I worked for would offer classes for free to senior citizens if the classes were a bit short of their minimum attendance requirement. So we had people in their 80's trying to use a computer to study human resources management. It was pathetic. But also, my former comment applies not only to undergrad, but to graduate and post-graduate classes as well. I discovered in that job that through the magic of online education you don't need to be literate at an adult (or even middle school) level to get a Master's Degree in Business Management, Biotechnology, or Homeland Security. Also, knowing how to cut and paste is not a prerequisite for a Master's Degree in Computer Science.

And I really, truly wish I was exaggerating.

>> No.194483
File: 248 KB, 1024x768, 1205297986175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You assume that looks have anything to do with getting a girlfriend. moot looks better than Snacks but Snacks has better social skills then moot. It's all about your personality. The problem with moot is that he suffers from a god complex. He rarely talks on his IRC channel but whenever you do hear him talk it's usually "shut up, or fuck off." To get a female you have to have something else. Just look at this pic of Snacks. It's his dark aura that gives him his edge.

>> No.194492

So hardcore...

>> No.194510


I swear moot is pretty successful with the ladies though...

>> No.194526

Those aren't ladies...

>> No.194527

Not really. That's just inherited success from being the owner of 4chan. If moot didn't have 4chan he'd be alone in his room hugging his pillow.

>> No.194529


Bullshit, it's not even that Snacks is ugly in a traditional sense, physically there is nothing that wrong with him, he doesn't need to lose weight or anything, he's just repulsive to look at. Take a look at that pic, tell me you can imagine snacks in ANY kind of sexual encounter, because I sure as shit can't. Hell I could probably imagine Andou in a sexual encounter more than Snacks.

>> No.194536

Does anyone else WISH they'd have come up with the idea of 4chan prior to moot?

>> No.194544

Fail much?


>> No.194553

Moot is a huge faggot and I'd honestly not want to be associated with him.

>> No.194561

Read The Selfish Gene. We are actually simply survival machines for our genes which of course are copied and spread through reproduction. However, with the advent of human culture memes can be copied just like genes and thus an human can succeed by spreading either.

>> No.194569


err, whats this supposed to prove exactly?

>> No.194570
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>> No.194573


Perhaps I should have clarified, an english version of futaba.

>> No.194590

Pop pseudoscience books are not admissible as evidence in this court of faggotry. Please state your point in the form of an unsubstantiated but self evident series of claims and arguments,

>> No.194601

Dawkins is hardly a pop-scientist, sure, he popularized certain elements, but that's because the guy is a fucking good writer in addition to being a brilliant evolutionary biologist.

>> No.194605

Snacks has street cred. If Snacks was to appear in my hood I'd probably hangout with him, but if I ever saw moot I'd probably mug him.

>> No.194611

I'd probably beat up Moot just on principle alone.

>> No.194639


You're being a faggot. By all accounts of people who actually KNOW moot and snacks, moot is a stand up guy who is actually amiable and friendly. From what I've heard people who know Snacks say, he just seems like a pathetic little attention whore.

>> No.194655

I could care less, particularly about Snacks. If moot was less of a dick about how 4chan ran, we wouldn't have any problems. Most people don't think about moot because they aven't been here long enough to deal with his faggotry, but I've been here for a very long time...

>> No.194670

Sage for moot felation.

Also, in my 3 years of lurking I've never experience the slightest evidence of the following:

>moot is a stand up guy who is actually amiable and friendly

>> No.194680

4chan must never become a friendly, welcoming place. moot knows this.

>> No.194727


PROTIP: a lot has been written about the ideas in 'the selfish gene' since he wrote it 30 years ago. you should try reading that!

>> No.194750

Point me in the direction of some stuff then.

>> No.195615


;_; im 22 and a virgin...

>> No.195669

snacks has fucked a beached whale, that's what gives him his dark sexgod aura.

moot, on the other hand, will make you a mod if you cyber with him.

I'm pretty sure that 4chan isn't the oldest English-language futaba clone, and also that chick doesn't run futaba. nobody knows who the fuck does.
