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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1938860 No.1938860 [Reply] [Original]

Meant to do this last week, but had too much to do so doing it now.

Sakura-con has tenatively approved the panel, and I sent in a request that if there is a Gaia panel then to try to schedule them at the same time to at least act as a way to filter out some of the unwanted elements.

The panel is coming along quite well, though I still have to put some more work into it before I can send it off to people who volunteered to edit it and then in turn have a version to show all of you exactly what this panel will look like in design.

Again, anyone interested in helping, e-mail me or pop into #touhoupanel on Rizon.

>> No.1938874

keep on trucking

>> No.1938881


you are the unwanted elements

>> No.1938887

I was here for the last time thread you made a few weeks ago.

And I repeat, you are destined to fail. in b4 404

>> No.1938889

Assuming everything works out, I should be able to have something I'd want to show to you guys by the end of January.

>> No.1938901

vampires and lolis epic win


I'd never want to see anything from this failure.

>> No.1938922


Yeah... That's exactly the kind of shit we're trying to avoid.

No mention of memes, primary focus on the games, and then some time spent discussing the music of Touhou and the doujinshi of Touhou follwed by wrapping it by allowing people to actually play the games

>> No.1938937

Why do you want a panel?

Why would you ever want to bring more english speaking fans to touhou?

Only the worst kind of fans go to american conventions

>> No.1938939

You gonna let them use a pad or a stick or the keyboard?

>> No.1938940

I can do all of those things in my apartment.

>> No.1938944

If you focus on the games the most of the panel I guess thats ok. Still it would be better idea to just don't show up at the con.

>> No.1938947


The OP's dick.

>> No.1938949

If we can, both probably since they have their advantages and disadvantages. Just depends on what Sakura-con gives us and what we have to provide ourselves.
I've meant several good people through conventions, though I'm Canadian so our conventions standards might be different.

>> No.1938953

Good luck.

>> No.1938954

what the fuck would a touhou panel consist of?

>> No.1938959


>> No.1938960

Get a bunch of convention newfags faggots to start posting on pooshlmer

Do not ever mention /jp

>> No.1938961

Touhou, I guess.

>> No.1938962

Enjoy your '^0^' 'xDDDDDD' 'o.o' IRL

>> No.1938966

I'd rather set a precedent since people may try to do this without doing it the way I'm doing it, and as it stands, the only touhou panel that has been attempted to far was a massive failure and it is sticking in everyone's mind that is how any other touhou panel is going to be.

I want to at least present something that, while it won't get an ovation from /jp/, will be something you can look at and agree that if someone wanted to get into touhou, it would be a good way to do it.

>> No.1938974

Fuck you and die. I also someone rapes your mother.

>> No.1938972

>if someone wanted to get into touhou, it would be a good way to do it.
I don't quite see the point.

>> No.1938978


We don't want more people to get into it in the first place.

>> No.1938982

>filter out unwanted elements

You're contradicting yourself.

>> No.1938984

You mean that Touhou panel that featured Kefit MoF stage 6 replay and the panel looked like have been named for a bunch of weaboos?

>> No.1938990

Videos showcasing how the game has evolved from one to the next, videos showing what makes the series so appealing to people, audio clips of what people have done to the music of the game which is more than likely going to be dBu since they do nice work and I'd rather not bring IOSYS up if I don't have to, and then the doujinshi elements of the series such as the fan made games and the doujinsjhi we all read and enjoy themselves.
Not going to mention a single imageboard. I don't want to subject any of the boards to the after effects since I know there will be some idiots, it's unavoidable
There's a reason I asked to have it scheduled at the same time as the Gaia panel

>> No.1938992

Someone said this in the last thread.

Neither side is asking for this, you're only doing it for ego-stroking.

>> No.1939004

Under no circumstance should you mention the Anime or IOSYS. We've got enough people who've never touched the games already.

>> No.1939009

Do you have a nice voice? or you sound like you're drowning in an ocean of shit?

>> No.1939016


Don't mention the OEL shit, for the love of god.

>> No.1939017

Bastille has a nice voice, I can confirm this from personal experience.

>> No.1939020

Would you rather someone get introduced to the series through the games, or let them be introduced to the series through shitty youtube videos and then start going on about how cute the girls are and how cute the girl dubbing the songs is?
Replays are nice, but they generally won't work for an entry level presentation to the game, especially on the last levels and extra stages. Highlighting elements from the replays would be the optimum way to go about it.

>> No.1939032

This. Games are the first thing of all. They must be above the fan made stuff and partially over the music.

>> No.1939036

>Would you rather someone get introduced to the series through the games, or let them be introduced to the series through shitty youtube videos and then start going on about how cute the girls are and how cute the girl dubbing the songs is?
I don't get why we need to advertise Touhou in the first place.

>> No.1939047

I'd mention the anime in passing, but I definately won't make it a major component of the presentation. Maybe 30 seconds on it at most.
I've seen plenty of people who want to do touhou panels and so I'd prefer to create something that will allow them to do that in a proper manner rather than a complete mess.
I'll probably do the least amount of talking for it due to my tendancy to talk quite fast and having some people who are far more charismatic and capable of public speaking than I am on hand to help present, but when I need to get things said, people listen.

>> No.1939051

We don't have to, that's the problem. The series is going to advertise itself either way.

Think of it as damage control.

>> No.1939067

Seriously do you think people would play the games after going to that panel?

They will play on easy mode and will never touch the games again. And if some of them like the thing they will just go search fan made material. By far you will only dig one or two people that will actually play the games and will quality posters.

>> No.1939076

You can mention boards, just direct them away from /jp/ and to garbage sites like TouhouProject, Shrinemaiden and Pooshlmer.

>> No.1939070

You guys really make me feel terrible, you know.

>> No.1939071

The games will make up probably 50% of the presentation, and then they will the main focus after the presentation itself ends as well.
Won't stop those that already know and do it frequently, and I'd much rather introduce people properly than the way most do now which is through youtube videos and such. Who knows when the next Marisa Stole The Precious Thing or Ran Ran Ru might pop up after all since those brought Touhou to the attention of quite a lot of people.

>> No.1939073

Even if it's tripfag ego stroking, it honestly doesn't sound that bad.

>> No.1939091

I'll make reference that the accepted level of entry playing is normal, but I'll try to do it in a way that avoids the whole IOSYS bit about easy mode from occuring

>> No.1939085

sage this faggot thread

>> No.1939090


You should feel terrible.

>> No.1939095

Why the fuck don't you just make a general SHMUP panel?

>> No.1939096

how about you shut up, how about that?

>> No.1939099


Seconding this like the fist of the north star.

>> No.1939113

That's so mean, people at Pooshlmer are too innocent, they'd be destroyed. Just a little bit of Anonymous Jones over there made them go crazy.

Go easy on them.

>> No.1939110


If there must be a Touhou panel, then yes, this. But the whole thing is still a bad idea.

>> No.1939122

B-But just because I highly enjoy the written material doesn't mean I don't respect the games! The world of Gensokyo is what captivates me, so that's what I like to focus on! Just because I enjoy seeing and hearing different interpretations of the world doesn't mean that I'm a meme-spouting faggot! The gameplay of shmups just never really interested me much, even though I enjoyed Death Smiles and Ikaruga.

>> No.1939117

Make that Lunatic and we will be fine.

>> No.1939121

I only tripfag to make it easier to distinguish my posts from others. If peopled wanted, I could just as easily post the topic with my trip up and then only post with my trip up in the unlikely event someone tried to post without it when it wasn't me.
Like so.
I don't want any of the imageboards to have to suffer a wave of noobs. Someone suggested directing them to animesuki or something like that last thread and I have no problem with that, but I'd want to avoid sending them to any existing community.

>> No.1939130


Must be why I've seen them criticize this place for being too "mean" or something like that.

>> No.1939134


>> No.1939138

Lunatic isn't designed to be the "Welcome to Touhou" level of difficulty and we all know it.

>> No.1939140

Play the games in Lunatic.
Beat them in 1 continue.
Have a permanent face of satisfaction for the rest of your life.

>> No.1939149

kill all japs

>> No.1939147

/jp/ is not mean. It is just honest.

>> No.1939153

I know how you feel brah.

To all you lunatic-mode people out there, you've got to realize that us Touhou speculators and idea-formers rely on the people playing the game to provide important information as to how the world of Gensokyo functions through the in-game dialogue. We should actually be like brothers working together to create the ultimate vision of Gensokyo, but it was not meant to be, and now the two are bitter enemies.

>> No.1939184

In the end, as people have mentioned, Touhou will increase in popularity amongst the western fanbase regardless of this panel and as such, I'd rather have something that can grab people who have heard of the series and would like to know more about it and then give them a proper introduction to it.

>> No.1939195
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Fuck you cockhead !

>> No.1939205

Everyone who posts about playing on lunatic has never played on lunatic.

>> No.1939212

That's why got put Google on this earth.

>> No.1939213

Everyone who makes cons have never played the games at all.

>> No.1939218
File: 156 KB, 1200x600, 1232326298745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pooshlmer fag here: you've never really been on that site have you?

didn't think so.
we are also happy most of the elitist retards only use /jp/ and aviod pooshlmer because they can't ajust their behavior from board to board.

now i'll post some shanghai.

>> No.1939217

Seriously a touhou panel for western fans is bad enough in it's own right, but you're just being a shit head if the goal is your panel is to attract the type of people who attend cons to touhou. Enjoy being the catalyst for even more shitty western touhou cosplay / youtube english dubs of tsurupettan.

>> No.1939222
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>> No.1939225
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>> No.1939227
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>> No.1939226

enjoy your jones

>> No.1939228
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>> No.1939232
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>> No.1939236
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>> No.1939241

Eh, I was going to inform Poosh and the rest of the boards about the panel later. I knew /jp/ would be the hardest to please so I started with them.

>> No.1939245
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>> No.1939250
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>> No.1939256

panels about anything are fucking retarded and i hope you die

>> No.1939260
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>> No.1939263
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>> No.1939265
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>> No.1939266

But touhou isn't about the games. It is about the memes and things like iosys, while shit, are part of that.

There would be no fanbase here if people didn't remix the music or draw touhous fucking each other. The games aren't great STGs and at best the western fascination of them stops are "lol so hard" (and once people started proving this was not the case it changed to "lol play lunatic only")

If you want a vertical slice of touhou, you’re looking for memes, music, porn and other manga with a brief history about how they are from a STG series that has being going since the dawn of time, but recently Japan’s finest nerds grabbed the franchise and loaded it onto a bandwagon visible from space.

>> No.1939267

Ah well, I'm off for now. Sakura-con said they'd have the day and time of my panel ready for me sometime this week so I'll probably be back either next Sunday, or the Sunday after that.

>> No.1939271
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>> No.1939272
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>> No.1939274

All that stuff is better left to the person to discover though. Educate them on what is important, and then let them discover what makes the series what it is for themselves. I'm going to mention the stuff in passing because the fan culture indeed makes the series as big as it is, but this panel is about Touhou, not its fan culture.

>> No.1939280

Only if your eyes don't explode from the comments

>> No.1939277

I'll watch this panel on Youtube after it happens and cringe a whole lot

>> No.1939282

It's over, /jp/ is finished.

>> No.1939286

Hey guys I found a video of the panel.


>> No.1939288
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That's impossible, it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.1939289

fuck yes!

>> No.1939300

I have the feeling that something is about to end.

>> No.1939313


What's wrong with being elitist?

>> No.1939320

Nothing, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. The problem lies with people who are blinded by it.

>> No.1939331

Youve got it the wrong way

Its pooshlmer fags that throw a fit when someone disrupts their community

>> No.1939378

Someone who went to otakon told me that when he was walking past some touhou panel at otakon there was a big argument breaking out and everyone was getting loud at each other

That's how I picture a lot of you guys irl, utterly embarassing

>> No.1939383

Not this shit again.

>> No.1939390


Oh now that's just the adorable thing I've heard all day!

>> No.1939400

We should do a Touhou panel at Anime Expo, bros.

>> No.1939404

So is this panel going to consist of you talking OP?

"Hi, I post on the internet under a tripcode time for me to have a big talk on a game that I think I know more about then you nameless people."

>> No.1939414

You do it, so I can see what you look like from far away. Creepily.

>> No.1939421

Go troll some idolfag thread please.
Not these nice guys.

>> No.1939422

Did you go to AX08, ZUN tripfag? Some of the touhou cosplayers were cute, some were horsefaced. I hope AX09 is better. ;_;

>> No.1939447

Since when has /jp been a collaborative, loving, community

Why are there so many tripfags these days

>> No.1939450


I did, and I took pictures of them. A few of the touhou cosplayers were hot, yes.

And it looks like I mentioned a few keywords (hot and cosplayer) so in before you know who.

>> No.1939455

I'm probably going this year (if the person I'm supposed to go with can make it). Want to meet up, bro? I promise I'm clean and I don't act too much like an idiot in public.

>> No.1939457

> Under no circumstance should you mention the Anime or IOSYS. We've got enough people who've never touched the games already.

Problem is, you can't mention Touhou without touching on the fandom, since there's no way Touhou would be what it is now without its ridiculously overblown fandom. IOSYS and now Maikaze are essential parts of the Touhou phenomenon.


Nitori was hideous.

>> No.1939464

Tripfags have roamed /jp/ since its inception.

>> No.1939465

the marisa and young alice cosplayers kept kissing each other in the exhibition hall fucking attention whores

>> No.1939468

What? You're kidding, right? IOSYS in no way needs to be mentioned and you can skim by the touhou anime in a single sentence. They are far from being "essential"

>> No.1939470


Were they hot?

>> No.1939473

young alice was pretty cute. marisa was kinda pudgy, face was 'alright'

>> No.1939475

I'm also thinking of going if enough friends get together for it. Last time I went was '06; has AX gotten better or worse since then?

>> No.1939476

Your perception of reality is very very wrong.
Half of them were Anonymous, then suddenly tripped on, commonly for shame.
OP is the finest example.

>> No.1939478

Fucking normalfags; the lot of you.

>> No.1939481

ugh women kissing each other and dressing up in clothes they're such shameless sluts, I bet they had sex with 8 men before doing that too.

>> No.1939483

bring back forced anonymous

>> No.1939485
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Enjoy your con meetup.

>> No.1939486

AX08 was my first convention. It was pretty fun, for me. I went with internet friends from Mabinogi and another game I played at the time, though, so that probably contributed to the enjoyment.

>> No.1939489
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>> No.1939488

You will bring Cytokine, Demetori's 如臨深遠 ~雨縒煙柳~, MyonMyon, and Alstroemeria Records too. Not just *core electronica/trance.

>> No.1939492

I didn't say all of /jp/ was tripfags, but they've been on /jp/ since the beginning.

Besides, we do have good tripfags, like China.

>> No.1939491
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>> No.1939493
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>> No.1939494

is that you, ponpo-kun??

>> No.1939496
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No, I know better.

>> No.1939495

sup alabama

>> No.1939501


My power level is one of the highest on /jp/ (if not the highest). It simply warms my heart to see people of all power levels enjoying anime and video games at cons. But don't worry; I go alone to AX.


Perhaps. I think /jp/ would be quite surprised if they got a look at me. But that thing is months away.

>> No.1939503
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Seriously, this type of cosplay is only going to exponentially increase with the help of this panel.

>> No.1939508

the kaguya cosplayer there is also the young alice cosplayer, the marisa with her is the one who she was kissing in the exhibition hall

>> No.1939509
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Oh God


>> No.1939514


Damn, I wish it was that Tewi instead. She looks like a jew.

>> No.1939518

If you're up for it, we can work out some method of finding one another. If not, oh well, I still have people to go with.

>> No.1939523
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the most kawaii suwacko

>> No.1939522

No dude, people keep doing all the same shit.
Finest example, OP.
And don't bullshit me, everyone besides the elitist users are dicks, including you, Alabama, don't include things beyond what I meant, please, no fucking clue as to why, and no reason to do so.
Always circlejerking, or always doing our board pieces of sliced shit on their own.

>> No.1939530

lol I usually post anonymously unless the situation dictates otherwise, such as:
1) People discussing lolicon and I need step in to sort things out
2) I need a way to distinguish my replies from everyone else
Putting that aside, no. I'm by far not the master of touhou knowledge, which is why I have a bunch of people who are going to help edit it. There may be errors, I may word things incorrectly, etc. I certainly know enough however to get this panel done but I'm not going to try to make myself sound superior over my audience. I know several people who have done succesful panels, and that is not how you get things done.

As for the presentation itself, it'll go be primarily talking while a slide presentation goes on in the background with videos playing if need be to highlight what is being said. I'll also probably do the least talking of the three people presenting due to spending most of my efforts on the development stage.

>> No.1939534

Tripcodes are technically still anonymous because I imagine a lot of people here are like me and use a fake handle here, so no one knows who they are.

>> No.1939536

Touhou panel? I can't sage any harder.

>> No.1939537
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>> No.1939538

>1) People discussing lolicon and I need step in to sort things out

Please kill yourself. You'll be doing us all a favor.

>> No.1939539


Is this a generic tripcode now like that Nigger/Oce one or not

>> No.1939541
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>> No.1939540

No shit, really? I didn't know that.

>> No.1939543

ZUN!bar attends AX? I live in the area, but have never been to a con before. Maybe I should go this year and stalk him.

>> No.1939544


You mean you're not really sensei?


>> No.1939546

Manshiki is mai husbando.

>> No.1939553

Can I go with you? I've always had a thing for him, so it'd be nice to get some of his hair or something.

>> No.1939555


Getting creepy, Anonymous.

>> No.1939560

No Cassidy, you're the generique tripfiend here, along with Klein.
You're one of the examples of White Ren's argument that comes to mind, I don't want you here, but you tripped on again.
I hope that one day you'll pack your things and go somewhere else with Klein.
Go suck Walter's dick.

>> No.1939565

cat city

in before klein defends his posts

>> No.1939573



>> No.1939575

/jp/ - Tripfags

>> No.1939581
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>> No.1939590

Conan O Briebers is the only good user ever.

>> No.1939608

All you tripfags kind of blend together for me.

>> No.1939610

THIS nitori is the one i saw at ax. A part of me died on the inside. It was a sad day.

> What? You're kidding, right? IOSYS in no way needs to be mentioned and you can skim by the touhou anime in a single sentence. They are far from being "essential"

A lot of people have migrated into the fold because of IOSYS and walfas. There's almost no question that Maikaze is going to add to that effect if it hasn't already. Plus, Maikaze is the closest westerners have ever gotten to being a part of major Japanese Touhou fandom.

I started on touhou back when shrinemaiden was dot com and had the PC-98 games up for download, back when Masayoshi was still good (wwwww), and I have to say i don't really give a shit if some dude in another state wants to start some panel at some con about something that he likes. What exactly do you stand to lose if Touhou becomes more popular? Your sense of imaginary exclusivity? Your awesome counterculture-ness? Your ability to troll touhou fans who yearn for that sense of belonging to an exclusive club?

>> No.1939612

Shit, I asked my friends who went last year and they aren't going. ;_; I can carry a sign with your trip on it and walk around until you spot me, I guess?

>> No.1939616

Who's that?

>> No.1939626


Whoa this definitely isn't the same person!!!

>> No.1939636

If you champion anonymous posting you may as well put on a guy fawkes mask and join the retards outside scientology buildings.

It is objectivly a bad system, it makes posting accessable and unaccountable for people who should not be posting. At least you're able to shame tripfags into not posting.

>> No.1939646

I'm happy knowing that you don't like that Nitori, Klein.
I though you liked killing us little by little posting it.

>> No.1939656

Sadly, I have to dissapoint you.
I'm the guy who argued with White Ren.
All others beyond me are the so called ''/b/tards'' that always stir up everything.
Yeah, /jp/ is like that.

>> No.1939653


Posting western cosplayers of any kind makes me die a little inside.

>> No.1939658
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>At least you're able to shame tripfags into not posting

>> No.1939661

I'm not sure why you're happy knowing I in particular don't like that Nitori since I'm pretty certain no one in this thread does.

>> No.1939666

IOSYS brought people into Touhou, but they are heavily embedded into the realm of Touhou memes with some of their songs and I don't want to bring those up so I don't have people shouting lyrics from the songs during the presentation. I'll mention them probably as one of the better known groups who have done remixes, but their stuff is better left for people to encounter on their own compared to stuff that is far more broadly appealing like dBu.

>> No.1939675

Well, I don't save images that I hate.

>> No.1939678

Now, get out.

>> No.1939680

>shouting lyrics from the songs during the presentation

You realize that as soon as Kilgayman and the faggots from shrinemaiden get wind of this, they'll send some people to do exactly that, right? It's impossible to have nice things in this community.

>> No.1939714

That nitori and all of the cosplayers posted in this thread except the suwako are completely undesriable.

>> No.1939722

Oh... But I'll also have staff warned about it, and I'll try to ask for the security that doesn't play nice either.

They can if they want to, but they won't get very far.

>> No.1939740


Security, escort that man away he is shouting lyrics from a song!

>> No.1939761


You can count on them to do SOMETHING stupid.

>> No.1939763

If they're aiming to be disruptive of a panel, then yes, security would have the right to remove them. Random shout outs would be fine, but purposely aiming to be disruptive is a different matter entirely.

I'll try to schedule some time for those of us who want to cut loose and act as we do on here, but if there is a presentation after the panel, don't know what I can really do.

>> No.1939773

I didn't save them, I searched them again specially for this great great idea thread.

>> No.1939785

Karaoke is for poorly shouting lyrics to a terrible song.
Touhous is for grazing past them.

>> No.1939786


I'm going to pull an athens here and say that your best bet for ensuring a tolerable audience at sakura-con is to refuse entry to girls.

>> No.1939791

Might as well hire /b/tards.

>> No.1939800

Holy shit successful troll

>> No.1939814


You must be proud of yourself trollさん.

>> No.1939820



top class

>> No.1939858

A proper Touhou panel should be at a bar and consist of no more than maybe six or eight people.

>> No.1939870

>act as we do on here

Angry and uptight?

>> No.1939878


One man standing alone against many beers.

That's not a panel, that's ZUN's wet dream.

>> No.1939883
File: 150 KB, 570x570, 1232334085836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no girls allowed
That's a little silly, kid.

>> No.1939884

Bitter and paranoid?

>> No.1939949

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I would NOT want a panel to become that.

>> No.1940175

Well, I could throw together a bar meet after the panel for the people who came from the boards and such, which would also set a bit of a maturity level since the drinking age is 21 in the states compared to 19 here in Canada.

>> No.1940190


Right now, I am imagining a bunch of guys in their mid-twenties piss-drunk in a bar, hollering at the top of their lungs while attempting to sing Touhou anything.

>> No.1940199

I have no interest in meeting any of you in real life.

I am content with keeping Touhou in my apartment.

>> No.1940264

Sounds like a night of fun as long as the booze keeps flowing

>> No.1940292


Sounds like a plan.

>> No.1940312

Sounds obnoxious as hell, but who would expect any less from con goers?

>> No.1940320


I'd be there if I didn't live on the exact opposite end of the country.

>> No.1940332


> who would expect any less from a bunch of piss-drunk guys in their 20s


>> No.1940557

When you're drunk, it doesn't matter if you're a con goer or not. You're still going to act the same. Though the average con goer holds their alcohhol poorly compared to the average person.

>> No.1940561

>I've never drank before in my life.

>> No.1940598

> I've never drank before in my life either, but I sure enjoy pointing out others' imaginary flaws on the internet! It makes me feel good about myself.
