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1937569 No.1937569 [Reply] [Original]

Having finished the VN yesterday, I decided to look at the manga, which word has it is fucking awesome. Just from this one image I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.1937575


>> No.1937579

It only gets more awesome from there.

>> No.1937588


>> No.1937607


>> No.1937610

I have 5 volumes of the manga, its fun as hell.
Volume 5, however has really odd art sometimes.
All of these times is centred around Arc's boobs in her sexy sexy top, and how it looks unnatural.
I wish I could stop focusing on her tits and just enjoy the volume ;_;

>> No.1937622

What part of Arc was natural to begin with?

>> No.1937621
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Having finished the VN yesterday, I decided to look at the anime, which word has it is fucking awesome. Just from this one image I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.1937623

er.... um... good for you.

>> No.1937624

What anime is that? I don't recognize the character.

>> No.1937629

Well, she was DRAWN naturally. For two or so chapters her boobs behave in odd ways that deform her sexy sweater in odd ways.

Agh, bloody tsukihime giving me a fetish for turtle-neck sweaters

>> No.1937640

I did thank you very much.
What anime? There's no Tsukihime anime.

>> No.1937643
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Evidently it bothered you so much you had to repeat yourself.

>> No.1937647
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Superior ending

>> No.1937648

OP here. I hate Nero even more than before now.

(Speaking of which, just so I'm clear the same way Nrvsqr or whatever is pronounced "Nero" isn't Arcrueid pronounced "Arcade" or something?)

>> No.1937652

enjoy your broken doll while i'll enjoy my perfect waifu, Arcueid

>> No.1937655

indeed. :(

>> No.1937656

OP again. And here I thought Gantz was gruesome. Hilariously that is ANOTHER one with no anime.

>> No.1937665

Did he just killed one of Nero's familiars WITH HIS HANDS?

>> No.1937672

I have no interest unless Akiha get's a happy ending.

>> No.1937669

Where can I grab the Manga real quick?
I hate having go jump all around the place just to try and get a few volumes at a time.

>> No.1937674


>> No.1937679


>> No.1937688

Arukueido Buryunsutaddo

>> No.1937690
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At least it looks better than the Melty Blood mango.

>> No.1937694
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>> No.1937700
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Nii-san, I'm going to kill that whore Kohaku, and then I'm going to kill you for not loving me like you should...but it's not because I like you or anything.

>> No.1937703

she did, you just don't know about it until you read Kagetsu Tohya

>> No.1937705

Is the MB manga still worth looking at? (since all the MB versions with none head banging gameplay don't have a story)
I really should have known that existed.

>> No.1937713
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>> No.1937716
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>> No.1937715

Good god does the Tsukihime manga ever stop being awesome?

>> No.1937719


Yeah, but he's shacking up with Curry Butt for a few months. I get a (good) feeling that Akiha is going to fully "interrogate" him when he returns.

>> No.1937721
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It's alright, I get more enjoyment out of it my just thinking of it as a goofy powerlevels romp rather than a serious mango. Plus it has sion, which is cool.

>> No.1937730
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How dare you forget to mention Wallachia? I'll CUT CUT CUT CUT CUT YOU!

>> No.1937733
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Poor SHIKI...

>> No.1937736

This is awesome.

>> No.1937746

i hope not. the manga is surprisingly good, good art, follows Arc's storyline, doesn't afraid of sex/rape/gore all we need now is some new volumes.. of every route..that is..

>> No.1937759


Some of the gore shit is pretty awesome too, like when they're experimenting on Ciel's brain while she's awake.

>> No.1937760

While the manga is nice, it seems to have stopped being translated after chapter 55.

melty blood at 22.

>> No.1937763

So... the Crimson Moon. Supposedly he's the dood (lol, Disgaea) that Gaia based the True Ancestors off of and the Type of the Moon. But he's listed as one of the Dead Apostle Ancestors. What's up with that?

>> No.1937773


Yeah, it's a shame that a mango that's based on a popular series and is actually pretty good is so neglected.

>> No.1937777

Anything that drinks blood can be classified as a DAA. ORT, Primate Murder, etc.

>> No.1937778

Like all the Geass manga.

>> No.1937779

Its nice how it actually has almost ALL the awesome shit without being a confused mess, or having endless fucking WORDS.

Hell, the Ciel/Akiha Fight was fucking awesome, and some of the injuries were rather creepy.

>> No.1937781
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Its ending, and no Akiha route in sight.

>> No.1937786

Why the fuck is the Akiha route so popular? It's depressing and Akiha is a bitch.

>> No.1937792


Because SHIKI.


Yeah, I wasn't expecting to see bones start popping out, I had to do a doubletake.

>> No.1937794


>> No.1937799

So it all boils down to the fact that blood swords are awesome really.

>> No.1937803


Well, you're a fag.

>> No.1937807
File: 123 KB, 734x1040, 1232307314761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because wincest

>> No.1937808

Dead Apostle Ancestor is basically a term for "Cthulhu Light".

Because she's a 9 on the I Waited For You Scale.

>> No.1937816

Fake wincest is fake.

>> No.1937817

1st: Fucking awesome
2nd: Wouldn't both Hisui and Kohaku be 10s on that scale?

>> No.1937818

Kohaku and Hisui are 10s on the "I waited for you" scale, then.

>> No.1937827

Why am I the only one that thinks incest is creepy on /jp/? And I don't care if they're Not Blood Siblings, she calls him nii-san even through the fucking h-scenes.

>> No.1937828
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How can you reject the sister that has been waiting for your return for so long, even if she is a bit bitchy.

Once you get your hands on her, she climaxes before you can put it in.

>> No.1937829

Its the desire and honest longing. Like with Tsunderes and Yanderes, there is a honest longing for you as you are at their core, making them lovely. :3

>> No.1937837

>>>the SISTER

>> No.1937838

"Waited for you" mind

>> No.1937843
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No, pic is the 10.

Kohaku's a 9 also and Hisui and Sacchin are both 8.

>> No.1937845

The power of love overcomes the barrier of blood relations

>> No.1937849
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While there can be no doubt of Seymour's rank on the "I waited for you scale" I must protest his representation of loyalty.

>> No.1937852

Can't see your point.

>> No.1937856

I lol'd

>> No.1937861


But they don't have blood relations.

>> No.1937871



>> No.1937869

who does shiki end up with in the manga

>> No.1937870

nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san nii-san

>> No.1937873

Arc, since their the official couple according to Nasu.

>> No.1937874

shitsux, we need more coverage of the far side routes

>> No.1937881

And thus there's the manga, which blends all routes into a delicious smoothie. Arc wins, but nobody is really neglected.

>> No.1937900

The maids still get neglected.
And Akiha just got a few moments before going back of 'worrying about Shiki'.

It's an awesome Arc adaptation with new elements, but it's still HER route.

>> No.1937907


You mean the anime?

>> No.1937910

Well it is understandable, since she and Shiki are the official couple and her route is the closest to canon (both according to Nasu.)

>> No.1937919

There is no Tsukihime anime. Do not anger anonymous.

>> No.1937931

The maids have their moments, and its a treat if you like them, but thats all they are, moments. Like, 3 pages then back to ARC ARC ARC

>> No.1937957

I propose Nanaya mode Shiki vs Nero in the manga to be one of the most epic things ever drawn.

>> No.1937995

Fuckers who still say 'Nanaya mode' anger me greatly.

>> No.1938007

Well then what would YOU call it? He's not full on Nanaya Shiki, he's just Tohno Shiki acting on his Nanaya instincts to avoid death.

>> No.1938038

Nanaya or not, he doesn't want to die.
It's a fight for survival he reached out on his own.
Calling it Nanaya Mode makes it seem like someone took over for the badass part and left, while it's all Shiki.

>> No.1938052

I, personally, prefer tsukihime's conclusion, where Shiki dies. It makes me feel like they weren't whoring for money at the time.

>> No.1938074

So when does Sacchin die?

>> No.1938140
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This is at once a daw moment and, for those who know the truth about Kohaku, cringe inducing.

>> No.1938152

*cringe* She probably would have really done it...

>> No.1938167

I was actually referring to the fact she jumped to "rape" over something as relatively innocuous as that. Not unusual for anime, but the fact that it is Kohaku makes the whole scene 1000x creepier.

On a lighter note, "Still Alive" would be a great theme song for Nanaya Shiki.

>> No.1938181


Kohaku doesn't want Hisui to be a rapetoy like she was, so it's understandable. I forget, do the maids know that Shiki isn't really Makihisa's son?

>> No.1938189


>> No.1938194
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>Is the MB manga still worth looking at?

>> No.1938197
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>> No.1938200
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>> No.1938210
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>> No.1938215
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>> No.1938217
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>> No.1938222

What the Christ? Let's start with: why the hell is Kohaku so emotional there. Then moving on to: what does that even mean?

>> No.1938224
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>> No.1938226

Yes. They do. They know he's adopted and not a Tohno.

Kohaku also knows who his family was.

>> No.1938240

melty blood is flat out stupid in places, remember

>> No.1938246

I think you mean awesome.

Also, I would love a Kagetsu Tohya manga or OVA.

>> No.1938258

It sort of ended. You know, having to fight Wallachia and all.

>> No.1938253

Didn't meltyblood suddenly stop getting translated or something?

Or have they just stopped putting out chapters for it?

>> No.1938255

i also want Tsukihime 2, Duke Nukem.. and the colonization of Mars..

>> No.1938267

The first chapter should be everything going horribly wrong right from the start, shit getting torn up, everyone dieing horribly...and then, Repeat Again, with everything normal.

Fuck yeah reverse Kagetsu Tohya!

>> No.1938263


I wish it had G-Akiha route.

>> No.1938284

It didn't really "end" yet it was still Wallachia as Arcueid at the end of chapter 22.

and then it just stopped being translated or something.

>> No.1938348


This site only goes up to chapter 46!

>> No.1938374

Try baka updates for moar.
