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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 35 KB, 335x105, AUTISM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19374654 No.19374654 [Reply] [Original]

What makes the people in the 'elightened' west such a close minded weebophiles?

>> No.19374656


>> No.19374914

Good question though. Why are anime and manga fans and 'otaku' so autistic usually? Why isn't anime a normalfag hobby? It's not like Japan has the comics code or any concept of cartoons and comics being exclusively for kids. Why isn't it even a semi-normal but kind of weird hobby? Why are they almost exclusively the dregs of society?

>> No.19374917

Manga is fairly mainstream in Japan.

>> No.19374952

Mainstream how? Comics are main stream in the west among kids and oldfans and such. Will the average adult consider manga or is it just kids reading their kid comics and a some adults reading pornographs?

>> No.19374970

its the other way around anon. its because people aren't afraid of social stigmas for liking manga that they are considered autists.

>> No.19374973

It takes work to pursue.

>> No.19375384

People always hate what falls outside their comfort zone. In the west it's cool now to be a "nerd" or "geek", but the reality is that it's only cool for already cool people to take on the cool aspects of these groups. The people that fall outside of that zone of acceptability are still rejected and isolated as they've ever been. Frankly, it's better this way. Mainstream acceptance of something has never had a beneficial effect on anything and typically only serves to water down and destroy the things that made it great in the first place. It's hard sometimes, but I make an effort to avoid getting into arguments with people that have skewed perceptions of things I like, no matter how much they run their mouth or how wrong they are.

>> No.19375431

in other words, normalfags only pretend to be open minded while in reality they are afraid of trying different things, and nerds can't protect their hobbies from being deviated by normies so they are happy riajuus avoid them in the first place, and this mutual wall is why we can't have good things.

>> No.19375691

Shut up autistic weeb.

>> No.19375946

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as weeb, is in fact, Wapanese/Weeaboo, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Wapanese plus Weeaboo. Weeaboo is not a meaningful term itself, but rather another freeform offshoot of the fully functioning Wapanese term made by combining the vital word components Wannabe and Japanese.
Many internet users use a modified version of the term Wapanese every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Wapanese which is widely used today is often called “weeb”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the term Weeaboo, developed from the term Wapanese. There really is a weeb, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the original word.
Weeaboo is the real term: the alternative to using the original while being able to maintain the same meaning and nuance. Weeb are essential letters in the spelling of the full term, but useless by themselves; they can only function in the context of the complete term. Weeb is normally used in combination with three more letters: the whole thing is basically Wapanese with Weeaboo added, or Wapanese/Weeaboo. All the uses of the so-called “weeb” are really uses of Wapanese/Weeaboo.

>> No.19375996
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>> No.19376902

It's just americans. Where i live people talk about anime like it's just another tv show (and they think it's better than live action shows).

>> No.19377492
File: 38 KB, 249x399, 669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though the social stigma for mental issues was strong in japan. Don't some refuse to believe that autism is a mental problem rather than a behavioral one?

>> No.19377594

there is no social stigma for watching anime in japan.
if you are in the west and watch anime you will suffer socialy. if you don't care about that, you must be an autist.
