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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19355760 No.19355760 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I like touhou characters and music but I'm too bad at the main games

What can I do? It feels so bad.

>> No.19355803

maybe you dont have to play the games

>> No.19355809

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19355858

Games are for kids anyway

>> No.19355895

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19355941

Meh, it's fine: not everyone is good at them.

>> No.19355942
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play on easy mode

>> No.19355965

So don't play them.
I haven't touched one in years.

>> No.19356005


Read the manga

>> No.19356006
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No one starts out good.
Keep at it and you'll have your first 1cc in no time.

>> No.19356018

Playing the games is a meme. No one actually cares.

>> No.19356249
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Never give up! keep playing the games
Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.19356266

>What can I do?
Practice, you dummy. Anyone can get a Normal 1cc; just honestly try to learn from your mistakes, and don't let yourself get psyched out.
You can also practice how to properly use the quote function while you're at it.

>> No.19356412
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you can consider the option ...

>> No.19356427

most of the retards here suck at it aswell

>> No.19356481
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I suck too
one day I'll get better
my best achievement is clearing stage 3 of mystic square on hard somehow

>> No.19356584
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I am the same OP.
I want to learn more of the characters and their history, where should I start?

>> No.19356609

Just visit any of the threads here.

>> No.19356625

You can start by stop being a lazy casual and starting to actually try to play the games and read the official books. Of course, since secondaries have the attention span of 5 minutes, I don't think you'll last.

>> No.19356693

Read the official mangas and books!
The touhou wikia isn't that bad but everyone here hates it https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki

>> No.19356762

You can stop immediately because you're not imitating me properly.

>> No.19356776

Just watch it on youtube.

>> No.19356803

Play the games.

The wiki that you linked and the touhou wikia are two different things.

>> No.19356830

Just read everything in the order it came out. Read the character descriptions and prologues for each game, play them and get all the good endings, and read the print works in between. For bonus points, the wiki even has a bunch of ZUN's interviews, Q&As, and so on translated.

>> No.19356835
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Touhou wiki is decent, even though it's poorly updated for the most recent characters and events: en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Touhou_Wiki

Get familiar with the plot of the first 3 games (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, Perfect Cherry Blossom, Imperishable Night. Ignore PC-98, and ignore any hipster who tried to tell you otherwise). Then read though Perfect Memento in Strict Sense (the full translation is also on wiki), it's the first guidebook to the setting, with character profiles from the in-universe perspective. Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red is technically an earlier print work, but since it's just a collection of in-universe tabloid articles, I suggest reading PMiSS first.

Now you have the minimum to not get absolutely lost, and you can keep exploring the rest of the games and print works.

>> No.19356871

Anon I am worse than you, trust me, and even I managed to clear all the games on normal with continues and get 2 1ccs (lls and pcb). All you have to do is dedicate time to it, there is nothing better. Watching replays of pros will help you understand some grazing strats you might not have noticed, but time dedication is the number 1 thing. I played at least 4-6 hours of Touhou a day for 2 months and I cleared all 24 (now 26) games. If I can do it you can.
Also the photo gallery games are bullshit and skippable.
Also protip Reimu B does the most damage.

>> No.19356902
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>Ignore PC-98, and ignore any hipster who tried to tell you otherwise
Fuck you. If you're not going to play them, listen to the music at least.

>> No.19356908

PC-98 music is ok.
>Fuck you.
Is this an offer?

>> No.19356909

Embodiment of Fantastic Object secondary spotted. Don't listen to this guy.

>> No.19356914
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And here we go.

>> No.19356992

Stay mad, secondary-kun. FS was poo poo.

>> No.19357003

Now fill the rest.

>> No.19357069

Early WaHH was bad
SWR was superior to IaMP in every way
The Japanese part IS the title, using the subtitle is okay but not accurate
CiLR wasn't great but it wasn't bad
Nemu respected the fairy designs but Makoto ironic weebized the art
None of my top 5 is an obscure character
The Watatsuki sisters a shit
The plot in DiPP is cool and there's no reason to autistically hate it
Rin Satsuki never existed and that circle cut isn't her
If you don't like ZUN's art then fuck off
Renko and Maribel are good charcaters
PC-98 is okay but not the holy grail (IN)
Most fangames are piles of shit, only a few can even be considered good
Touhou losing popularity IS good whether you like it or not
Centennial Festival is the best song in EoSD
SSiB is the best official Touhou manga
Mamizou is not bad but that doesn't mean she's not shoehorned in for no reason
My favorite music track is not a credits theme, and PC-98 / CD-only tracks are NOT obscure unless you're a secondary
SA wasn't the last good game
Wakasagihime isn't a bad character
Maribel > Merriberri
Chiruno > "Chirno"
Reisen = Raysen ????
Seihou is objectively not on par with Touhou
And finally...
no one is retarded enough to defend Jewsofro
your image is nothing but bait.

>> No.19357106

Pretty impressive, hipster-kun. There also seems to be a considerable chance that you will remove yourself from the gene pool due to stress and high blood pressure, so overall I'm satisfied with these results.

>> No.19357125

Learn how to use resources. Almost any touhou game can be 1cc'd at least on normal without too much effort if you just have good knowledge of how the lives, bombs and other survival mechanics work (like UFOs). In almost any game you shouldn't be afraid to bomb as soon as you start losing control.

And otherwise you can just be a secondary and that's okay too! It's touhou after all.

>> No.19357130

I have it worse.
I have no motivation to actually git gud and play the games. The fact I'll sink so deep into secondary territory because of it isn't even giving me enough motivation to keep tunneling through.

>> No.19357142

Who cares as long as you are getting your setting impressions from canon sources and not from memes and fanworks?

>> No.19357244

This. You can be shit at the games but still delve into the rich canon lore.

>> No.19357266

Press x to bomb idiot.

>> No.19357426

Considering I have been trying to "solve" the setting autistically like it's some sort of Sudoku puzzle of Lore for the sake of shitty fanfics? I probably need to get a face full of the actual games to actually get it right.

>> No.19357445

I won't pretend I understand what exactly you mean by that.

>> No.19357470

Making shitty fan theories for some of the lore tidbits of Touhou is fun as fuck for some reason.

>> No.19357520

Find something better to do with your time. The only worthwhile aspect of Touhou are the games, and if you don't enjoy them, there's no point in bothering.

>> No.19357568

Playing Touhou games is literally the least productive use of time imaginable that doesn't involve actual self-harm.

>> No.19357665

If one absolutely had to involve themselves with anything Touhou related, better the games than other aspects.

>> No.19357677

Better than spouting dead memes or jerking off to the same five doujins of your favorite character.

>> No.19357710

>better the games than other aspects
Not at all, it's a waste of time and effort with zero gain.

>> No.19357725

Maybe you're trying to fool yourself, but getting good at the games is incredibly rewarding. I forgot what I'm arguing for, so I'll leave it at that.

>> No.19357733

>incredibly rewarding
No it isn't, you just waste a few hours of your life to acquire a completely useless skill.

>> No.19357736

Can confirm.
My best advice is to start off with the PC-98 games and work up from there.

>> No.19357750

Just keep playing the games and you`ll get better eventually, dont touch the manga though its irrelevant no matter how hard mangafags try to push it

>> No.19357790

>Favorite music track is a credits theme or something equally obscure
>credits theme
imagine not being able to clear the games lol

>> No.19357798

It's good supplementary material along with the official books. It may never be a serious plot but the world building achieved in them is nothing to purposefully ignore.

>> No.19357811

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19357812

Turn that supplementary into secondary and i could agree with you

>> No.19357835

I purposefully ignore them. I highly doubt I'm missing anything worthwhile. I skip all the dialogue in the games too, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.19357862

>you need to clear the game to listen to credits music
Maybe next thing you'll say is that you need to clear the game to read the ending?

>> No.19357872

Skip your dialogue as well.

>> No.19357873


>> No.19357882

Hilarious memes dude, have an upvote.

>> No.19357886
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>> No.19357899

Just keep reading the print works and wiki and you`ll understand the setting better eventually, dont touch the games though they are irrelevant no matter how hard gamefags try to push them.

>> No.19357932


>> No.19357953

I never play games, but I read all the endings and regularly repost them online, what are you going to do about it?

>> No.19357966

Don't worry about it, as long as you haven't read ZUN's work in Japanese you can never rise above filthy secondary so just do whatever you feel comfortable with.

>> No.19357982

looks like you are seething instead

>> No.19357988

Wait, I thought everything he did was translated?

>> No.19357998

Not really, for example the AoCF interview in the latest SCoOW is still only half-translated, and has been that way for months.

>> No.19358027

Are you stupid?
The fan "translations" are done by ESLs with a shitty grasp on Japanese and is littered with mistakes, bad writing and does not come near properly conveying the genius of ZUN's writing. In the first place, the nature of his prose is very Japanese and assuming a component translator would actually try to translate it, it would still be a very different work. Not a single person pretends Shakespeare translated to other languages is in any way equivalent to the original, it can't be. This is pretty much the same. Probably even worse as no competent translator has ever tried translating ZUN's work.

>> No.19358034

Can you read Japanese, then?

>> No.19358039

>Shakespeare translated to other languages
>conveying the genius of ZUN's writing

Good lord man. I'll just assume you're joking.

>> No.19358040

I can read most things, but I am still practicing. Needless to say, fully understanding ZUN's works is my goal and the reason I started learning.

>> No.19358046

Oh, ok. Good luck to you then, I'm currently learning a different language, but I plan to follow in your footsteps once I'm done with that.

>> No.19358122
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>> No.19358370

Haven't laughed this hard in ages, thanks anon-くん

>> No.19359249
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>> No.19359374
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Unironically kill yourself, What "i'm bad at touhou" means is "i haven't put in the effort and time and will complain about that to people that have"
Actually neck yourself, a lunatic 1cc takes a week at most if you actually bother learning and getting consistent at the patterns and stages using stage practice and practice tools. You're not bad, you're just a lazy faggot that never once put in any effort.

>> No.19359391

It's okay anonymous, you just need to practice a bit more.
I believe in you, you can do it.

>> No.19359419

You're just some guy who has talent and will never know it thinking everyone is the same based of his own ability. I bet you think the only reason I'm not a world champion basketball star is because I haven't tried to shoot enough hoops yet too.

>> No.19359435

Easy on the samefagging

>> No.19359453

Are you okay?

>> No.19359461
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>routes and pressing the X button takes tallent to learn
Good one retard.

>> No.19359468


>> No.19359470

Getting normal 1cc isn't matter of talent but presing x button at the right time.

>> No.19359477
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First of all... just "who" exactly are you quoting?

Second of all, enjoy touhou the way you want. There is no "wrong" way to do so. Read / listen to / play what interests you at the moment, always remembering to "take it easy"。

>> No.19359525

You don't know what Touhou means.

>> No.19359560

Exactly this. You should read up on the CD stories, though. They aren't strictly canon with the Gensokyo that normally appears, but they're good. Plus, the ones with Renko Usami and Maribel Hearn (aka the ones that aren't Akyu's or Dolls in Psuedo Paradise) are good speculation fuel if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.19359574


>> No.19359609
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Oh man... I fear that 2hu will not survive the current generation of gamers, bred and nurtured on receiving instant gratification from collecting dailies and opening lootboxes.

>> No.19359644


You're drunk off your own ability.

>> No.19359719

Secondaries (people who don't play the games) never mattered anyway, anon

>> No.19359782

Use stage practice, watch YouTube videos, memorize routes

>> No.19360211

Don't worry OP, I'm pretty lousy at them too. The farthest I've gotten without restarting was Kanako. If you want to git gud at them, keep playing. If not, you don't have to. You can just enjoy the other stuff.

>> No.19360641

This Reimu got my dick so hard

>> No.19361571

I've never finished a touhou game, but that doe3sn't stop me from talking about them.

>> No.19361633

If you guys think your bad just know I can't even kill Mystia on easy mode

>> No.19361672

kys out of /jp/

>> No.19361995

Really just play everything even if you suck, then when you've hit the wall of no progress watch 1CC runs and READ. FUCKING. EVERYTHING.

That's it. That's what I did. I can't danmaku, dude. It's beyond me.

>> No.19363721

If you like bullet hells then keep playing. If you're just playing to try and appease /jp/, don't, because that's fucking stupid.

You'll get better if you keep playing but only if you're not miserable.

>> No.19363733

Play, I guess.

>> No.19363891

Sounds like me when I started browsing 4chan. I'm not a super pro or anything, but I still play for fun!

>> No.19363940

Why do you even play games then? Why are you even on /jp/ if you dont like fun and think its useless and waste of time?

>> No.19363954

Not him but he's right. Touhou is press x to win, its not even a hard shmup.

>> No.19363978

Then why can't I win after spending several hours practicing? This is why I like grind games; because the hours you put in always have a concrete lasting effect. Grinding for a personal skill isn't always rewarded the same way. I love the atmosphere and music of the games and the way you feel while zooming through a stage, but I can't stop making the same mistakes and breaking the flow.

>> No.19363988

>muh talent
Boo fucking hoo
Do you know how much that basketball star practised? Having talent alone doesnt mean a thing, yeah, your body has limitations and someone may be slighly better at reactions, but that only makes a difference at the top 0.1%.
Spouting things like that is just disrespecting everyone who worked hard and achieved success, talented or not.

>> No.19364001

Because you are not paying attention? Take touhou like a puzzle instead of trying to reaction dodge everything like a retard.

>> No.19364006


>> No.19364017

Yea I've already realized that it's 100% memorization. If you have to dodge things recklessly you haven't played the stage enough times.

>> No.19364039

Not its not 100% memorization either.

>> No.19364041

They're really fun! Please play them!
step one is learning to ignore 80% of the screen

>> No.19364071

Also for the people saying to bomb shit. If you bomb through everything you aren't playing the game. To me if I have to bomb something it means I didn't beat it. They should be used as get out of jail free cards if you made a mistake and fucked up to save lives if at all, not as an "I'm bad and can't win so I'm gonna press this button". If you beat a game by abusing bombs you haven't beat it.

>> No.19364075

start with td, pcb or mof. they are a LOT easier than the rest.

>> No.19364123

This is a lie.

>> No.19364131

>Spouting things like that is just disrespecting everyone who worked hard and achieved success, talented or not.
This is what all talented people say.

>> No.19364188

Yeah, they're not fun at all.

>> No.19364189
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>> No.19364194

>Why do you even play games then?
I don't, generally.
>Why are you even on /jp/ if you dont like fun
I like fun. I don't have fun dodging pixels.

>> No.19364195

All you do is memorize the entire stage and hold down the shoot key.

>> No.19364221

I can't.

>> No.19364244

Yeah because you're lazy and too addicted to gacha and lootboxes.

>> No.19364265

I've been playing them for a year and I can't beat them. I just use a program to hack infiite lives in.

>> No.19364280

i'm 3 weeks into eosd normal and i still can't get it

>> No.19364296

Playing 15 minutes a week doesnt make you any good. Its counter productive, even, because you start to think you give it time with no appreciable results.

>> No.19364308

I do a few runs almost every day.

>> No.19364316

You are lying.

>> No.19364326

For how long? Its impossible not to clear a game by doing a few runs every day for at most a month, let alone a year.
You are either lying or literally 10 IQ insect and its a wonder you are able to talk normally.

>> No.19364335


Why would I lie? I just suck at these games. Unless you cheat or already know all the patterns, you get bombarded with cheap, annoying deaths.

>> No.19364341

Thats when you bomb, dumb dumb

>> No.19364359

You only get a few bombs, and even if you do, that's wrong. See

>> No.19364374

Are you stupid? Dont listen to advice like that when you cant even clear the game.
>you only get a few bombs
there are three bombs every life, and I think you can easily get at least 6 lives in every game, so that makes at least 18 bombs. Are you dumb?

>> No.19364391

That's only 18 when moat attacks are unavoidable unless you know exactly where to move.

>> No.19364400

If you really played everyday for a year then you should already know whats going to be thrown at you.
I'll just stop replying since you are clearly trolling.

>> No.19364428

Like there's anyway to know what's going on with all this shit on screen.

>> No.19364470
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>looking at most of the screen
>lunatic difficulty
Quoting you.

>> No.19364480

Stop posting literally perfect runs. This is like comparing speedrunning pros to actually clearing a game.
At least post one of your own runs so we can laught at you.

>> No.19364486

If you don't look at the screen, then you won't know what to avoid, and there's no real difference from Normal and lunatic from what I know of.

>> No.19364647
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Does this work?

>> No.19364941

That's not true, especially this early in the game and on Normal, it just takes basic STG skills.
Remain on the bottom part of the screen, hold shift and keep dodging, use bombs when you're about to get hit.
You might want to try completing Normal and Hard using continues before trying to 1cc.

>> No.19365100

Oh, and use Reimu-B. Her slow speed makes it easier to dodge bullets.

>> No.19365175

No, you only look at whats coming to you, not the whole screen. You focus on your characters hitbox when the bullets are dense but slow, and bit above your character when they are fast.
>no real difference from Normal and lunatic
stop baiting and play the game instead.

>> No.19365185

>13 misses
>17 bombs
yeah youre not even trying. Post your replay so I can laugh some more.

>> No.19365208

So then you run into the bullets you can't see.

>> No.19365225

wtf. do you really think you can humanly keep track of every single bullet? You are really stupid arent you?
Just dodge when they come into your region of vision.

>> No.19365256

Yeah man, different individual, if this thread has a philosophy underlaying it, I just don't get it because apparently you're discussion precludes character cooperation.

>> No.19365294


>> No.19365306

Then you run into the bullets outside of your cone of vision.

>> No.19365720

It's not THAT bad if you started recently, but you seriously lack common sense.
You start level 1 by flying up for some reason when you could have just kept going left and right collecting items.
Kill more onscreen enemies and learn to use the item get border line later on (there's an extra life when you reach 10M,20M,40M, and 60M points.)
And keep the damn shift key pressed during boss fights.
Start by watching gameplay videos that aren't perfect plays on fucking Lunatic, and compare it to yours. Try to understand what you're doing wrong.
You seem to be under the impression that you can be hit by bullets that aren't touching your hitbox.
If you're looking at Reimu how can a bullet hit her without entering you field of vision?

>> No.19365789


>> No.19365792

It's still a lot to look out for at once.

>If you're looking at Reimu how can a bullet hit her without entering you field of vision?
How can somebody hit you when you're not looking at them.

>> No.19365817

>How can somebody hit you when you're not looking at them.
Are you being an ass on purpose?

>> No.19365843

No. There's plenty of attacks that come from the side and box you in.

>> No.19365902

Who are you quoting?
If you are looking at the part of the screen where Reimu is, a bullet cannot possibly hit her without entering your FOV. Or are you trying to say that your FOV is so small that you can't possibly see on the right and left sides of her sprite? It's a rhetorical question BTW, don't answer it. Don't answer to my post at all, I'm tired of replying to your idiocy.
Anons are legitimately trying to help you and all you can do is post nosense. My last piece of advice is drop EoSD for now and start off with PCB.

>> No.19365914

Where exactly am I supposed to be looking at? I'm just looking at the area around her, and I still get boxed in.

>> No.19366517

Can I post my replay so I can have you guys make fun of me? I might actually learn some things.

>> No.19366602

See if there's anyone interested in the gameplay thread >>19353803

>> No.19366805
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God this thread is full of fuckwits.
instead of repeatedly doing runs and bashing the arrow keys like a retard whenever a bullet comes near you try fucking learning routes for the stages, methods for the bosses and where to fucking bomb if you cant handle a specific part even after practice
inb4 >I'm doing that and i still cant clear
No you arent because if you were you'd clear lunatic in a fucking week like anyone else, the margin for error for a basic clear is enormous and there's a billion LNNs floating around which serve as good reference material as to how to fucking route. All of you are hacks who claim to love a series and yet have never even given any level of effort or willingless to learn whatsoever to the games, instead opting to constantly post shit memes and whinge about how you're not getting the clears even when you do runs every day.
Newsflash, if you're not trying to learn the game then of course you wont fucking clear when you do runs. You're all literally the monkeys banging away at typewriters.
Fuck you all.

>> No.19366842

inb4 >you just have tallent and dont understand how hard it is
I have fuck all tallent, I have various lunatic clears and am close to getting an LNB, That doesnt mean shit compared to the actual bigboys, i'm a completely average player who learnt at an average speed and has average reaction times so fuck you if you try to use that as defence.
>lunatic clears isnt average
It is it people who actually play the fucking games and actually try to achieve things instead of just endlessly faffing around on throwing credits into normal.

>> No.19367191
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I'm anxiously awaiting the daily flanfly thread! Only 48 more minutes,

>> No.19367217

You just need to practice more. You dont start playing the game a day ago and expect to be lunatic level.

>> No.19367457

You can love the series and be a huge fan while not having a particular interest in playing the games. Some people just dont like bullet hell's as a genre but that shouldnt be a requirement for liking the series especially since it expands far beyond the games.

>> No.19367533

Then shut the fuck up with your bitching about not being good at the games you stupid fucking mongrel.

>> No.19367550

This was my first post in this thread, but alright.
Personally I just shoot for a normal clear with all spells captured and move on.

>> No.19368112

There's no real reason to go for a Lunatic run. You can see all the bosses and endings on Normal.

>> No.19368306

>wahwah i'm bad
>elects to remain an obnoxious shitter who complains.
Fucking just look up the endings lol, the games are for getting good at or fucking off from. Stay away from the games and never talk about them and just jerk off to the girls and read your shitty "fan"fiction. You've clearly got no respect for ZUN in the first place since you've never given his games more than a second of attention and only care about made up bullshit for characters that were in the games he has made. "lol sakuya has pads ecks dee" so why say "oh but daddy god zun said looking up the endings is bad"
You're all retards drowning in your own hypocrisy. Never talk about or touch the games ever again.

>> No.19368335

I play the games,but I don't replay them endlessly when there's other things to do. Touhou's not the only game in the world.

>> No.19368353

>normal 1ccs
no you dont, that's not playing, that's banging the keyboard like a braindead goon for 20 minutes and then pretending you've accomplished something big to your friends who know no better.

>> No.19368391

Nut what's the difference between beating it on normal and beating it on lunatic?

>> No.19368444

Actually putting in a modicum of effort.

>> No.19368463

That's already the case for beating the games on normal.

>> No.19368470

Jokes on you but you're full of shit.

>> No.19368492

No, you are.

>> No.19368543

By all means, do tell me all about all the effort and learning that had to go into your great big normal 1cc. You sure are a pretty big guy and you're definitly qualified to talk about the games.

>> No.19368553

It took me weeks to 1cc my first game.

>> No.19368558

Dude, chill out. Getting your first 1cc on normal if you have zero experiance in the genre is a matter days or even weeks and then you have harder parts starting with Orinrin land. Bitching on jay "wah wah I'm too bad" is one thing but saying that it requires zero effort is just straight up wrong.

>> No.19368576

Every one I've seen that complains about not having talent just never bothers to learn what they are doing wrong. They do the same mistakes over and over again and get mad at the game. When you try to help them to get better they get mad at you and tell you that they are playing for fun and are not tryhards.

>> No.19368614

I can guarentee you i could coach anyone who isnt a fucking vegetable that is completely new to the genre into getting a normal 1cc within 24 hours. Normal is nothing and if someone like this loser had trouble on it for weeks then they werent playing right, i can guarentee you they never even tried to learn the most basic route even with the obvious knowledge that stages are nearly completely static, never used spell practice, never used a practice patch and never thought to ever push the X button. From scratch it would take 2 hours of doing this at most for a player to get all they need for a simple normal 1cc
Spamming runs over and over and bashing the arrow keys like a retard without thinking is all this idiot and anyone else who pretends normal is hard ever did. That's just how it is.

>> No.19368622

The only effort really comes from the competitive side of the genre. Playing STG simply for the 1cc is basically going into the game, and bastardizing it into a ~single player experience~. Any gorilla can ape mash his way to a Lunatic 1cc with enough time, patience, and route studying.

It takes a true arcade warrior to break even the top 5 of a leaderboard.

>> No.19368646

That's a painfully familiar feeling over here.

>> No.19368651

Stop pretending lunatic is even harder than normal. It's basically the exact same thing but more bullets fill up the upper parts of the screen. I could probably 1cc on any difficulty with my eyes closed by just using the sound effects of the bullets.

>> No.19368654

Post your scores mr true arcade warrior.

>> No.19368660

>they never even tried to learn the most basic route even with the obvious knowledge that stages are nearly completely static, never used spell practice, never used a practice patch and never thought to ever push the X button
Well obviously most of these people don't even know what streaming is. Stop looking at it with your perspective of Lunatic player.

>> No.19368678

If you just google replays and steal their strats then yeah even a vegetable can get normal 1ccs without effort. I have more fun making my own strats even though it takes longer. I haven't 1cc'd any games on lunatic yet but I have completed every extra stage on my own.

>> No.19368696

Thier lack of intelligence doesnt mean that normal is challenging, you literally proved my point that they're not trying to learn and are just spamming runs.

>> No.19368705

I did all of those and it still took me weeks. Even the ones that give bad advice deliberately like you.

>> No.19368811

Your point is that people that suck suck so yeah. If believe that you can coach any newbie with skill set so low that he crashes into let's say any spellcard past stage 4 to immediate 1cc then go ahead.

>> No.19368830

I can't even get to stage 4 70% of the time if I don't use bombs.

>> No.19369019


>> No.19369045

That's pretty normal. I used like 10 bombs on SA stage 3 when I first 1cc'd it.

>> No.19369057

Yea it is SA. I swear stage 3 is harder than stage 4. I can only dream of seeing stage 5.

>> No.19371832

There is just something special about these kinds of threads that brings out the worst and angriest in /jp/. Chill the fuck out my dudes. Not everyone wants too copy other people routes and every genre of video game clicks better with some people than others. There is no problem with simply beating a game on normal and calling it there. You dont need too commit too the games too be committed too the series. Touhou is alot more than just the games and the overwhelming majority of fans like the series for its characters and lore and do not commit themselves too becoming suicidal lunatic super players. Absolutely nothing wrong with that and too suggest otherwise is, dare I say it, elitism.

>> No.19372084

   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

>> No.19372141

just get over it, most people here are secondarycucks anyway

>> No.19372155

I'm going to guess that's your mating plumage.

>> No.19372450

<span class="sjis">>>19372084 whoops
   _,,....,,_  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   ゆっくりしていってね!!!   <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ _,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、_ イ、
_,.!イ_  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
::::::rー''7コ-‐'"´    ;  ', `ヽ/`7 ,'==─-      -─==', i
r-'ァ'"´/  /! ハ  ハ  !  iヾ_ノ i イ iゝ、イ人レ/_ルヽイ i |
!イ´ ,' | /__,.!/ V 、!__ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ_]     ヒ_ン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´[/spoiler]

>> No.19373194

Man these games sound like a pain in the ass go play age of empires or something more fun

>> No.19375932

It's something you have to work for and enjoy it. If trying to git gud at the games is more tiresome than fun, the genre isn't for you.

>> No.19377132

I spent weeks trying 1cc eosd on normal and the closest I could get was reaching Remilia on the credit but then she just destroys me until I fumbled through the remaining credits. Might have gotten a 2cc but who the fuck cares about that
I thought I was pretty good at video games but maybe I'm actually trash.

>> No.19377279

Literally just press X.
You can bomb through her every spellcard except the last one which is really easy anyway.
I refuse to believe that anyone who spams bombs and doesn't try to save them can't 1cc the game on normal.

>> No.19377350

i haven't played any touhou games since 2009. they're just not very good.

>> No.19377366


>> No.19378468

Bullshitting every hard part just feels like cheating though. Of course I used them, but only on reaction when I knew I was fucked.

>> No.19378498

Then stop crying that you didnt clear the game when you could have much earlier.

>> No.19378594

And there's your problem. Planning on when to bomb is like the biggest thing in these games. You don't use them on reaction unless you are playing PCB or IN where you have giant deathbomb timings. If it feels like cheating then get that 1cc and start doing extra stages where bosses are immune to damage during bombs anyway.

>> No.19379877

How is using resources the game gives you cheating?

>> No.19379889

Because you're skipping a challenge instead of beating it.

>> No.19379912

The challenge is to beat the game with all the resources it gives you.

>> No.19379997

should I play the games in the order they came out? and where is the best place to download?

>> No.19380016

If the "just press x" posters are anything to go by then that's not a challenge.

>> No.19380079

Then increase the difficulty until it is or do no bomb runs.

>> No.19380338

I've done LNBs but I don't really feel anything from it... Scoring is a pain in the ass which I have not found fun. I consider myself a secondary. Look at it this way: high end players exist in an infinitesimal bubble that is independent of the appeal of touhou as anything else. They'd play it even if it were indeed something else, some random shmup with no dialogue and unnamed bosses which would just happen to have perfect Toho gameplay. They'd play it hard, sinking in hundreds and thousands of hours, learning every little trick, and they'd be proud of their games being unknown to anyone but maniacs. On the other hand, all the people who make touhou good for me and you and the rest of the >99% of toho fans have in all likelihood done less in the games than I personally have, and I have done nothing anyway--but who do you regard more? Can you name the good players of IN; the current world record? Any world record? Who cares?

That said, playing the games builds character and loyalty. The experience can be magical and unlike anything else in your mellow life of quitting everything you have ever found hard. My Normal 1cc of EoSD will remain one of my fondest memories of all life.

>> No.19380354

Once I saw this out of the corner of my eye, I completely disregarded your kuso post. Fuck off.

>> No.19380391

Well, I had cleared the first shmup in my life. It was great. Was also the first one I played after Space Invaders.

>> No.19380462

Can you coach me?

>> No.19380508

You can start by not posting shitty green text memes
Now start playing and get good
