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19356080 No.19356080 [Reply] [Original]

Rolly rolly~

>New? Start here:


>E+ Changelogs:

>Elona Custom Release Thread:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.78 (03/07/2018)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.77.1

Errors? Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.

>> No.19356092

wish you wouldve added info about omake overhaul to the op now that its playable (recent patch fixed the dialogue crash from random npcs)

>> No.19356100

Make a link then.

>> No.19356145

I recently came back. What's this omake meme about? Is it like another Elona+Custom shit?

>> No.19356161

>10k to investigate ally in Omake
Jesus christ I just want to see if my Performer needs to be manually raised in negotation potential or not so I can get gold

>> No.19356179

>Set the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7.
What if I can't because I'm still using Vista?
Am I not allowed to play since it won't run at all?

>> No.19356183

Omake Overhaul was a big japanese only mod until a few days ago. It was finished 2-3 years ago, though, and it seems to be a lot like vanilla elona more than + or custom.

And ano has put in thirst mechanics in custom it seems solely for piss fetish fanatics and to make it even more tedious while still slowly nerfing everything about the game

>> No.19356187

welcome to vanilla costs for everything
Omake was a (until recently) jp-only branch of vanilla 1.22. Doorknob on the discord translated Omake a while back, and is now working on OO (a branch of omake) which is now in a playable state. check the wiki for differences

>> No.19356251

Alternate mod, very similar to vanilla. This means you can't fix curses via NPC, everything costs a fuck ton, pp costs are set at 15, no free extra feat on start, need to take your shop keeper into town and give it gold to train all potentials just to train negotiation, no super blessed pots of potential, etc. Very tedious. Say what you want about E+, but it did make the game far less of a tedious affair.
Also makes you slow as fuck when you use heavier armors, which in effect means either A: not using them or B: constantly taking them off when you do anything that isn't combat which is more tedium.
The upsides seem to mainly be roleplaying stuff, the game remaining relatively tame interm of speed (rather than you taking like 50 fucking turns before a single NPC moves in towns in E+) and some custom equipment/towns/magic stuff.
My hope is that once I get past this absolutely dreadful early game it'll be fun since I find the opposite is the case in E+. I enjoy its early game and act 1, but lose interest once you start moving at 500+ speed v 500+ speed enemies. Just isn't comfy at that point.
Its not particularly hard since I'm doing double damage with my hits right off the bat, just really slow since everything is super expensive early game.
Only thing I can think of at the moment that's actually a problem in that I dunno how to solve it and not ''it just takes ages'' is keeping potential high. Reading the changelog it seems the main thing added for that is god food but unless I worship Kumiromi (who appears to be far and away the best god in this) the foods are all super specialized.

I'm personally not particularly bothered by the addition of watersports or whatever in Elona+ and am just trying this because I got my most recent E+ char to the part I lose interest in and lost interest.

>> No.19356277

"new races"
Ain't that just one ''new'' race, which already existed and only has 1 new feat which appears to do nothing. Doesn't seem worthy of a bullet point. You get basically the same shit just enabling NPC classes
The list seems super cherry picky to make Omake look better in gneral. No mention of the better blessed items in E+ despite it being one of the most important changes. No mention of getting PP in the mail, reduced costs, picking a free skill on chargen or really any of the things that make its early game not suck.

>> No.19356359

I don't think he's particularly doing it to make Omake "look better", but probably just a matter of what comes to mind first for him, because frankly speaking I'm guessing that most people here have stuck to E+/Custom solely because they don't want to play the game in Japanese and most variants are solely in Japanese. Which is understandable, but it does mean that when you're trying to "introduce" a variant to other people, it's hard to really get a summarized version because most variants define themselves via a very scattered list of changes, most of which are hit and miss.

You could say that generally speaking, Omake Overhaul (Not Omake, and arguably not Omake Overhaul Modify) is defined largely from the perspective of "deeper immersion" at the cost of ease of play (which E+ focused on throughout it's 1.5 -> early 1.7 patches). This led to more systems being introduced to try and make things "viable" and not so much "balanced". But of course this doesn't really explain to most people what sets OO apart, so some degree of tunnel vision is necessary without being so exhaustive that it becomes a literal changelog dump.

You could also argue from the other side that some of the folks have only been taking a look at OO strictly as a comparison to E+ when that wasn't what it existed for, but again, it doesn't really answer anon's question of what Omake or Omake Overhaul is (and honestly I'm guessing that most English players here have never even considered OOM)

>> No.19356360
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I find myself compelled to eat every piece of raw artifact equipment I come across.

>> No.19356379

one by default, but OO opens the door for so much more customizability since it externalizes near-everything. Races/Classes are in csv files to edit, theres custom items/FULL custom npcs, and even custom gods, complete with a follower, bonuses, artifact, etc

>> No.19356396

>>I don't think he's particularly doing it to make Omake "look better", but probably just a matter of what comes to mind first for him
mmm good point

Elo+ advantages:
- Start with one extra skill, including guild skill
- PP costs start at 3 then go up by 1 per skill gained
- The new god and musuem give monthly PP
- Everything costs less
- Shift Cores exist
- Spells are really easy to train (maybe true in Omake too? I'm not much of a spell caster but I know this is one of E+ selling points)
- or + (not sure) PP goes up by 50% pet investment but also goes down moronically fast if you ever go over 100%. Seems like a plus overall, as if you try to maintain 100%, E+ does so cheaper.
Omake -
All of the above not being the case other than maybe spells and potential gain per platinum
+/- can savescum, but drops aren't boosted like they were in E+ to compensate for it not allowing save scumming

>> No.19356459

So is Elona shit now?

>> No.19356464

Uh to give you a bit of perspective since a lot of people seem to be trying to frame this in terms of "pros and cons", there are actually a fair number of Elona variants out there and Omake is basically one of them.

The version that people are talking about in particular here is Omake Overhaul, which is a side branch of Omake, which as I mentioned is largely a "role play" focused variant with more emphasis on the RPG aspect rather than the roguelike aspect. The game is made with extreme long term grinding in mind, so effectively it's like a single player Korean mmo of sorts, with improvements over the base client in terms of variety but only a slight improvement over the speed.

This version however isn't actually supported anymore (The most up to date variant of Omake is actually Omake MMAhack which was updated early this year, and pulls features from a large number of other Omake Variants, but because it's solely in Japanese iirc most people won't touch it), and as such it's considered a "finished" game for all intents and purposes.

Omake Overhaul is, long story short, a different spin on Elona (not Elona+). It's not a bad variant to try out if you're at the point where you feel like you've "explored" E+ and just want a different take on things. If you're open to playing in Japanese or even more comfortable playing in Japanese I think Omake MMAhack might actually be a "smoother" transition than just going for OO or OOM. The primary warning is still the same, if you go in expecting it to feel like E+ you'll be sorely disappointed, but if you're strictly the sort to play Elona (not E+ or E+C) then you probably can consider this as an "exploration game" of sorts.

>> No.19356491

Nah. People are getting way too pissy over the watersport thing. The game never took itself seriously outside of the story (which is so serious and obeys such different rules to everything else it may aswell not even exist). Even as someone affected by the chain thing as my mutant has like 20 hands its not that big a deal. I mean it does suck and it does remove a lot of the fun of the character, but you can still just timestop>continuous attacks to kill things way above your level before they do anything. Its bad but not ''OMG GAME RUINED FOREVER AAAAHHHH'' bad.
None of the bad stuff he's done anywhere near offsets all the good stuff.

>> No.19356508

>People are getting way too pissy over the watersport thing.
Cheeky cunt.

>> No.19356517

I think more people need to realize Elona+custom comes with the source file. It's not pretty to look at, but I found the chain stuff just by looking up "chain" and removed it real quick

>> No.19356544

Except the bad/stupid stuff in the past few updates more than offsets the... what good was added, exactly?
I'm just camping my ass on 1.75 and stealing the occasional bit of code like the charge weapon fix.

>> No.19356559

It might just be that folks don't bother at all with modifying the source code, which is fairly common when you don't have to manually compile the game yourself.

>> No.19356647

True. I never started modding it until I saw the post about the newbie mod limiting potentials to be at least 100, which made me think about limits in general. So i started going through and uncapping things like magic equip

>> No.19356655

Surprised that no one has said anything about the black cat being nerfed a bit as well, considering it seemed more unreliable than otherwise most of the time already.

>> No.19356661

I personally wouldn't know, never used it in the fist place

>> No.19356674

Same, chance to get a random enchant has never been anything too impressive to me, esp with the limits on power/type and how it needed to get the kill if I remember

>> No.19356681

A lot of the pet specific changes tend to be overlooked because pets are so build specific, and particularly in E+ with the shifts to how pets work the viability has increased to the point where it's no longer so much about "optimal pets" as it was back in the day of pre 1.5 - it's now more of just "use whatever you want". With that mindset when specific pets get changed you don't see as much playtesting of the change and consequently less discussion all in all.

>> No.19356692

Does Kumiromi not accept seeds in Elona+?

>> No.19356704

Yes. That was recorded in the wiki as one of the changes.

>> No.19356727

I'd like it to end up in a state kind of on the middle ground between E+C and OO, where pets aren't overpowered but neither are they a burden, inconvenience or hindrance. Shocking, I know.

But I also know that doing so would mean there would have to be a huge reworking of the pet AI to not be so shitty, which would require an entire overhaul of the base code in general because it would have to effect every other npc in general.

Honestly, if someone were to compile every good addition, take out every bad addition, balance cost/tedium/fun/time sink AND fix SP, they would be heralded as the Messiah of Elona.

>> No.19356735

nah because not everyone agrees on what is good and bad and someone wont like it. like someone said ano added the water shit as a request, because he's a nice guy like that. so someone must like peeing on trees and shit

>> No.19356845

I'm trying out this Omake Overhaul business. I always did think Elona's sandbox elements were its strongest point, and this seems much more focused on that than Elona+.

Is there anything in particular I should be aware of in this? I'm familiar with vanilla Elona. Character building suggestions would be good. Ninja's speed and Samurai's free feats make them clear standouts. The feat list is very different and I'm not sure I want to go with my usual Exorcist, Hypnotist, and Dimensional Move start. There are weapon specialization feats that look extremely powerful, but aren't available for every race/class combination. I assume that they only become available once you have enough skill with the associated weapon. Does the Sister race's "You are cute" feat do anything? Even if it doesn't, their high starting speed makes them an appealing choice.

>> No.19356850

What are some of the good additions? If people want it we have to make a poll or something and then a check list and then spam it until it take traction

>> No.19356949

Speed is not as prominent in OO as it was in Elona+, and because the story emphasis is gone and realistically you don't have to worry about E+ A2/A3 tier enemies and their speed tiers, you don't have to worry much about putting a substantial emphasis on speed either. This is not to say that speed doesn't have its advantages, but just that it's no longer the key defining factor of the game.

If you're going into OO you have to constantly anticipate that everything will be slower, and this is an extremely noticeable decrease. OO is not a game to burn through quickly, and generally may take twofold to threefold the amount of time investment to reach a "stabilization" point that you might reach with E+. Experimentation is key if this is your first time touching a variant outside of E+ - use a base that you're familiar with, and experiment first with figuring out specific mechanics like how the Gods work, how the new Nefia types work, how the Blacksmithing mechanic works, and then focus on builds afterwards.

OO is effectively a game centered around what E+ would consider its "midgame" phase. As your first time it's probably better to completely disregard the notion of even reaching what E+ would consider the endgame and just focus on experiencing the different mechanics.

>> No.19356963

Omake's "Turn a Deed of Dungeon dungeon into a pseudo Derphy for one where you're the leader of the village. Plus the additional events on the world map like the little sister herds and stuff. More variety rather than just Rogue bosses and merchants would be nice.

Don't know too much about the non english Elona mods and forks, but who knows what wacky stuff the japs added beyond OO.

>> No.19357064

>There are weapon specialization feats that look extremely powerful, but aren't available for every race/class combination
I didn't notice them being missing on any and the very well written changelog/list notes no such stipulations. The only dif is some classes start pre-invested into them while others have to put all 4 points in manually.
If there was one thing I'd like changed with its feat system its just adding more variety in the negative stuff. There isn't really much that amounts to anything other than ''you can't do X now'' and even in ''you can't do X'' there are a lot of missing X's.
Otherwise Omake is just slow. That's the biggest negative, as the majority of the new, actually good stuff takes a good while to get access to or come into its own.

>> No.19357075
File: 26 KB, 201x240, Well do you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19357105

So what do you open the CSV files in so they aren't like 50% total gibberish? Word and Netbeans both just totally unreadable

>> No.19357109

Uhh have you tried notepad++?

>> No.19357117

That kind of works. Translates the gibberish to japanese, explaining what the issue is. I dunno jap so fuck it lol

>> No.19357134

"you cant eat"

make it happen ano-kun

>> No.19357159
File: 14 KB, 173x36, arara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works, neat. No fucking clue what the jap bit means but it looks like most of the important things aren't part of that. Can't see any info in the changelog on what numbers I change to what for what, ie traits and 'guild' which I assume is membership (that could be the jap stuff for all I know; its a mystery since everything else is just calling out numbers). Reminds me of the json used in CDDA. Not as well formatted though.

>> No.19357205

If it's the Omake stuff you're looking at the Japanese is fairly straightforward, even the patch notes are generally just hard descriptions with minimal comment text. So even if you're not familiar with any of the hira/kata, you should still be able to decipher it from google translate I guess? Most of the jargon is pretty familiar to folks that have poked into E+ so that shouldn't be much of an issue.

>> No.19357294
File: 600 KB, 744x547, asdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just the description lol. Noticed there's actually a list in the very top line. Now I just need to find out what these numbers actually mean. Which I'd assume is documented somewhere.
Same goes for all the custom things. Stats are as simple as just dumping the number you want in, anything else is a 7 part code

>> No.19357317
File: 64 KB, 624x178, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19357327

For want of a drink...

>> No.19357379

What we need is a mod to improve log readability and formating...

>> No.19357397

I'd like to be able to scroll up in it. Unless you can d othat and I'm just a brainlet. I wanted to admire my time-stopped, 20 or so armed, 300+ hit continuous attacks. But could only see like 20 of the hits. A shame.

>> No.19357411

Doesn't omake allow you to have an actual kid with someone and not just a gene? Like, in your current game you will have a little baby running about as an npc?

>> No.19357433

yea. one day it'll be merged with the best change from +, watersports, and youll be able to mark that kid as yours too

>> No.19357565

Should I go warmage or claymore

>> No.19357604

The two end up lining up pretty well so it doesn't particularly matter. The 5% spellcasting for warmage is just sort of a "nice to have" early on and eventually doesn't make much of a difference. Full piercing attack is similarly a nice to have early but you generally won't be hitting enough to have it proc so often that you can rely on it as a crutch.

If you like magic focus go with warmage if you don't want to bother you can stick with claymore.

>> No.19357831

In E+ it doesn't really matter.
In Omake Claymore gets boost as an innate for some reason so its cool

>> No.19357839

When will ano allow player characters to shit themselves? It ruins my immersion that I can chow down six meals a day and constantly walk around bloated, yet I never ever poop. Rotten food should also make characters shit--anyone who's had food poisoning can tell you both ends are inevitably involved in the purging process. We should be able to feed NPCs bad food and then scrape their feces off the streets.

I want a proper shitting mechanic, not this half-assed garbage.

>> No.19357916

Act IV: Lost Gensoukyou.

>> No.19357980
File: 71 KB, 424x475, 1375339772455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it exist but I'm going to ask anyway, is there a sprite for Tomoe Mami?

>> No.19357993

I swear I saw one or two on Elona Uploader (http://www.elonaup.x0.com/sozai/)), but damned if I know on what page.

>> No.19357997
File: 50 KB, 228x147, potential.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get potions of potential?

>> No.19358004

Its a shame thise site has seemingly no way to search for anything or even sort by type of file.

Invest 50-100 in a magic shop.

>> No.19358005

Magic shops. You can use blackjack for emergency pots

>> No.19358012

The only way to really search is to click on [ALL], then ctrl-f.
This is exactly as hard on your browser as you might imagine it is.

>> No.19358025

You can search, you just need to search using Japanese. Switch the site to the ALL configuration and search by keyword using ctrl+F, Most Japanese uploaders will use some sort of related keyword under ORIG. For Mami for instance I used マミ as the keyword and just kept parsing until I hit some sprites. Gets you some mummies and whatnot but eventually you get to the Puella girl.

>> No.19358049

>just two static images

>> No.19358095

If you're looking for a PCC you pretty much always have to make them yourself.

>> No.19358189 [DELETED] 

I don't get how equips work in Omake custom classes. They don't actually matchup with the appendix at all. Changing them doesn't seem to make any dif. You can even just delete the whole thing and you spawn in with the same shit.

>> No.19358223

How easy is it to maintain the code when adding new features? I've been thinking about doing this for a while now since newer updates always come with shit I like and dislike.
No one really uses black cat, but it's hard to tell how hard it's nerfed without testing the newer values, and it was difficult to get a good additional effect (from my experience) without save scumming

>> No.19358246

Not the anon you pinged, but I just use beyondcompare and backport everything really nicely. If you make any modifications just be sure to comment them and everything tends to go well

>> No.19358385

If I buy a shop deed to sell cooked food, how quickly would it pay for itself if I don't already have a pet with high negotiation?

>> No.19358488

I don't pay attention to in game years but not long. I always just use a cheap pet that has negotiation, not a high level. I'm rich insanely fast. Selling food is legit broken

>> No.19358536

Generally shops are entirely dependent on how fast your cycle speed is, which is in turn related to what version you're running. On earlier versions when you could spam create several hundred pieces of equipment at once, equipment was generally the quickest way to make money, but technically if you're constantly creating +10 food and you have the infrastructure to support it, that *can* become faster now since you'll effectively be fully replacing the stock every couple days at worst.

The problem with this is generally stamina, assuming that you're running a Kumiromi build and you've already hit the 100 cooking min threshold. Ideally you hit the triple threshold to really offset things, but technically by the time you hit the min threshold you should already be able to cycle faster on food than equipment.

Assuming that you've reached this threshold, you should recupe initial losses within a couple days at worst.

>> No.19358751

Was the spawn rate of pots for fusion broken? I've been looking through shops and Puppy Cave for several days now and none have spawned.

>> No.19358837

Its always hard to find for new characters.

>> No.19358870

Just keep cycling through Puppy, you'll start accumulating gold and probably other tools in the process.

>> No.19358883

Nope. Just unlucky. I usually get it fast without trying but never see any cooking tools. I just steal those instead.

I dunno why you'd assume he's at 100 cooking if he's asking about buying something as cheap as a shop deed. 30 cooking is good enough to have it pay for itself pretty quickly. Buying a shop is a super early game thing, getting over 100 cooking (which levels incredibly slowly) is not.
Stamina isn't an issue either; just don't farm more shit at once than you cook without it rotting. Or just say fuck it and set it to food shop. Either way, you make more money than you need.
His question wasn't ''is this a more powerful powergaming strategy than mass producing equips used to be and will I hit optimal cycles''. It was just ''will this shit pay for itself fast''. The answer is yes.

>> No.19358978

Honestly with E+ the way it is I don't consider the game to have even begun until I'm well past the thresholds for return and secured a full set of farms, ranches, and maxed out equipment. Early game is effectively the end of Lost Irva, with mid game starting at the first set of God kills in Lost Irva.

That's just the nature of the game nowadays.

>> No.19359037

If they have to ask a question for something you can easily find numbers for with cheats they probably are a complete newbie to the game.

>> No.19359050

Has anyone made a Yacatect custom god for omake overhaul yet?

>> No.19359055


>> No.19359180

>Find calm nefia
>Walk amongst the people, enjoying the fruit of their labour, as they just smile at me and let me
>The nefias change
I'll miss them :(

>> No.19359304

Alright, I've read through the entire OO changelog. No mention of custom towns. But people said here they're a feature of it.
How do I custom towns? I want a town full of cats. It will be cute. And they will be meow.

>> No.19359330

You need a deed of dungeon. Dungeons are the player towns now.

>> No.19359331


>> No.19359349

It's actually in the Omake change log: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Omake

>> No.19359355

Ayy I just found it myself after CTRL+F'ing dungeon in it. Seems you can't put cats in it but its a lot more involved and fun sounding than I expected (figured it'd be another ''write stuff in a text file, press f8, load it in thing)

>> No.19359368

You might be able use the custom NPC option to create can villagers.

>> No.19359370


>> No.19359642

We SS13 now.

>> No.19359984

Speaking of nerfs, did anyone still actually AFK farm in E+? I thought that was mainly a vanilla thing.

>> No.19360028

There isn't much of a need until you get to the point when you have really nothing else to do but sit still and let things punch you because it's easier to hold down the space bar and zone out.

>> No.19360355

He accepts my seeds

>> No.19360476

Thanks for the answers. I have 30 Cooking and 43 Gardening but my Rogue Warrior shopkeeper is only selling my food for 200~400 gold per day. Is there something else I need to consider for better profits?

>> No.19360548

That's normal for your range because neither your gardening nor your cooking are actually all that great. Food shops, especially ones that rely on vegetables or fruits, depend entirely on frequency of items sold. Since you already have the shop anyways you're basically going to have to stick with it at this point, since it's not likely that you're at the point to do a quicksell shop with equipment, and I'm guessing you don't really have a shade ranch either. It's still going to be slower compared to the "free" money cycle for now, but you don't have much of a choice (I dunno what your crafting skills are at, you might still be able to hit the free cycle).

Food shops depend on the + value of the food, how much food you stuff into your shop, your shopkeep, and what type of food you sell. The vast majority of vegetable/fruit food products aren't actually worth much in contrast to things like steaks.

>> No.19360584

I don't have a ranch yet but I can afford one and I do have a pet Wing Snail, which according to the wiki is good for breeding shades. Should I try that instead?

>> No.19360628

What are your crafting skills at and realistically what do you need money for? The Wing Snail ranch can work fine, but with your cooking as it is you'll generally be getting more money selling the odd drops to merchants instead - and even a ranch will take time to set up. Having a Shade farm is nice (especially if you're not doing anything with your pet slots anyways), but it's not a necessity. All shops will eventually break even, it's just a matter of whether it takes days, weeks, or months - and food shops tend to require a fair bit more micromanagement because stock needs to be refreshed frequently in contrast to something like equipment shops.

Your priority in any case shouldn't be the shop unless you absolutely require money (Crafting Cycle is better for this, hence why I asked what your crafting skills were at), because shops are realistically good for money and little else, and where you're at you might just end up letting that money sit in the safe anyways.

>> No.19360678

The important thing to note about the Crafting cycle is that you don't actually need a full spread of crafting skills. Even if you only have tailoring, as long as you have the mats, sofas are good for easy money, materium is really good for setting up a float cash sum (because they don't take up weight, but they sell for a moderate amount, and bear's tail/rabbit's tail aren't used for anything else). So even by Tailoring 25 (lower if you have tailoring+ equipment), you can still use that to quickly shuffle cash. The merit of this is that you'll be improving negotiation skills (and ideally investing if you build up a fund) at the same time from cycling the cash. Each of the crafting skills has something that can be used for to accumulate gold (aside from Materium which is really easy to float gold with), but Alchemy and Tailoring are particularly notable,

The caveat to this is that you have to run through nefias for a more consistent flow of gathering spots, and ideally during nefia fever. Granted, you *should* be running through nefia fever when you can anyways, but if you find dungeon diving tedious, Crafting cycle might not be for you (Gain material scrolls can be unreliable to secure)

If you do use pets, get them tailoring/carpentry asap and start hoarding equipment. Equipment sales inherently have higher value and give more exp, thus allowing the shopkeeper to grow quite quickly even in comparison to high + food. Once you get the pet events going consistently, you can basically start to hoard artifact equipment, and a good number of them will only be good for selling anyways.

>> No.19360693

>What are your crafting skills at
8 Tailoring, 6 Jeweler, 2 Alchemy, 31 Cooking

>realistically what do you need money for?
Investing in a magic shop so I can buy potions of potential, although now I guess I should focus on raising skills instead.

>> No.19360725

This. There's like the [shit] item already in the base game, and I can't wait to create a character based on gorilla warfare (shit-flinging and unarmed)

>> No.19360732

Is your house set up for that or are you relying on base merchants (like the Embassy House set up)? Honestly on going through trial characters and inheritance set up characters, I've never had issues with potential pot collecting even when I had no shops running.

If you're running off of city merchants only, generally speaking it's going to take a while to even start getting potential pots to show up. (You can try to brute force the investment part by burning plat to keep the potential for the skill high while only doing 50 invests in a full loop across somewhere like Palmia - but even then it's complete RNG over whether the potential pot shows up.) You'll have plenty of time to accumulate gold while you wait.

If you've got merchants set up at home, ideally speaking you would do the 50 invest thing everywhere else before you start investing into them (to reduce the cost, since your home merchants will end up being the highest in terms of levels). In that case though you'll have to make a choice on how you want to push for money. Either you stick with what you have and brace for a bit of grind, or you start branching out into other crafting. If plat is an issue for some reason and you can't keep skill potentials high (high enough to get to minimum thresholds to accelerate the process), then gauge it based on what you want to do as far as gameplay goes.

>> No.19360782

I think the single best change from Elona+ is that it skips the animation for gathering materials. It'd be really nice if the OO translators could add it as an option similar to how E+C adds a few nice optional features.

>> No.19360915

Any good ways to make money in vanilla/omake?

>> No.19360949

As far as OO goes, Blacksmithing is basically a huge time sink, but will eventually start turning profits iirc. Because of the game's slower pace, you should be able to accumulate a fair sum from Puppy Cave, and since taxes don't take effect based on level you don't have to bother with them for a fair bit.

>> No.19361005

Does the Little Sister quest/Big Daddy spawn rate count gene engineering little sisters as killing them?

>> No.19361008

If you aren't worshipping Kumiromi you might as well make the switch and grab the Scythe. It's a boatload of faith and it'll be a grind, but he takes vegetables as offerings and the Scythe has level 13 Cooking and level 23 Gardening.

>> No.19361379
File: 11 KB, 91x100, 54152105214052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The custom pcc get fucked when I ride a pet, how do I fix this?

>> No.19361550

How do I capture monsters more easily? I know you have to get them really really low and then toss the ball at them, but even then it did not work out for me. I tried it on a rabbit

>> No.19361607

Rod of Domination.

>> No.19361687

C>P when riding. Set to 0.

>> No.19361695
File: 13 KB, 333x289, UwU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic didn't upload, set this option to 0

>> No.19361708

Someone explain claws to me, why do they train shield and how do they work with martial arts. I'm in +C 1.77

>> No.19361742

I became a mana battery so that is out of the question. Have never found that rod to begin with.

>> No.19361751

Knockout feat. Rod of Domi.

Cure that via gambling. Trade for the rod at the the dwarves place.

>> No.19361763

You mean I just go to Derphy and pray to jesus I can get a decent winning streak going with Blackjack? I need new chips first. I know you can make them, but I dont really know how. I also dont know where the dwarves place is. Literally started this game 2 days ago and I have been mostly fucking around.

>> No.19361784

You get chips via mining for mats. The wiki says where the dwarves are. Miral and Garok. It also lists the location of the item you trade with them.
If you can't get the rod or cure the illness, just don't capture shit yet. Pets are super interchangable in + anyways.

>> No.19361820

I got the quest from the gene dude who wanted to have 5 specimens. Normally I wouldnt have bothered with capturing JUST yet. But thanks for the tips.

>> No.19361861

Is there no source for OO?

>> No.19361868

What happened when you tried? The game will tell you if the ball's level is too low or if the enemy's hp is too high. Also sometimes your character just misses.

I would not recommend wasting a rod of domination on a rabbit. The hypnotism feat is a good way to inflict tiny amounts of unavoidable damage, in addition to being extremely useful in general. If you're on E+, the knockout feat makes capturing a breeze.

>> No.19361879

>he hypnotism feat is a good way to inflict tiny amounts of unavoidable damage
?This has always 1 or 2 shot the entire early game.

>> No.19361890

I cant exactly remember, but either the HP was too high or I just missed. I read that the HP has to be around 5%. Idk how you are supposed to achieve that with constant health regeneration.

I recently got the Knockout feat. Does that mean I can just knock them out and capture them or does it just make it easier, since they cannot attack?

>> No.19361905

It leaves them at 1 hp. You still need to hit with the ball but it makes it trivial overall

>> No.19361909

Knockout never kills the enemy no matter how hard you hit 'em there will be at least 1 hp remaining. And it stuns them.

>> No.19361922

Well that is one fine thing to know. Thank you!

>> No.19362125

Use your own riding PCC and Press C and then P

>> No.19362274
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>> No.19362562
File: 797 KB, 787x624, W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this and how did I do it?

>> No.19362622
File: 20 KB, 658x326, I am unable to comprehend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the custom god shit broke in OO or something? Or all the custom things that require pressing F8 to load files? They'll all just show these exact files. No matter what else is in the folder, they won't display it to be clicked on. I'm trying to make a god and test if it works but I can't even load it
Even the pre-made example little sister god and the folder she's in do not display

>> No.19362856

e+ has a basis for a tcg in it
iits never going to be finished

>> No.19362954

How hard is it to clear monsters out of towns in OO? I know they vanish fast in E+ but I think that's an E+ feature and it was much slower in vanilla.

>> No.19363036

they dont in vanilla. thats where memes of alien infestations in palmia making the town uninhabitable came from

>> No.19363042

Not seeing any info about it in changelog for O or OO either. Shame. Was gonna make a cat god with summon cat and teleport so you could mischiviously sick lions on people but not worth if you need to reinitialize town to fix,

>> No.19363425

>You mean I just go to Derphy and pray to jesus I can get a decent winning streak going with Blackjack?

It's pretty easy to win four in a row if you wait until you have a luck boost (either from a Lucky Day dream or sometimes from eating blessed food). You can also play in the casino in Palmia.

>> No.19363492

Base Elona and most variants are hard roguelikes that way in the sense that fuck ups do not fix themselves.

>> No.19363507

That's punishing, not hard. Like its ''start the game over/reset town and risk fucking it up'', not ''its a challenge to conquer this town now I summoned 500 cats''.

>> No.19363517

Not hard as in difficulty, hard as in permanence, like how most roguelikes generally have kill the game immediately once you die for any reason.

>> No.19363526

That's still just punishing and not hard. Fixing a cursed item isn't hard, its tedious. Fixing a broken town isn't hard, it just risks breaking your game.

>> No.19363605

>''start the game over/reset town and risk fucking it up''
Dunno what version you're playing here but reset and reset spam no longer have the old risk that they used to have. The message used to exist because people had absolutely no clue what the function was even doing, so when it was used people panicked because suddenly it seemed like all progress was gone. (It was). But with things how they are now there's really no problem behind reset spam outside of people getting angry over cheating. Vernis is basically one of the core reset farm locations.

>> No.19363630

Playing Elona+ and Preaching isn't raising my Faith at all. Am I missing something?

>> No.19363634

You have to succeed, and it can take awhile depending on your potentials, if you need sleep, if there is a sandbaged npc nearby, etc.

>> No.19363744

Wait, what's the benefit in breeding shades? Do they do something special?

>> No.19363763

Wing Snail shade farms breed extremely quickly and are the Ranch equivalent of a slot machine, since it can create any non unique monster thanks to the shade's mimicry. There are various uses for having these random monsters around.

>> No.19363816

You could end up getting a shade mimicking something with a neat special action/flag. Much faster and easier to just go capture the thing you want instead.

>> No.19363957

Can you not add multiple special actions to OO's custom classes? Also, is there any actual info on how this shit works in general beyond what's in the changelog? You look at how stuff like boost was added to claymore and that works but most of it isn't mentioned in the appendix. It goes X|X|The actual ID|X|a bunch more of thse|some meaningless crap|more of these. Everything beyond the ID can be deleted with no issue. The first two X's are needed but no clue what they mean.

>> No.19363999

>Also, is there any actual info on how this shit works in general beyond what's in the changelog?

Are you asking for information on how the custom scripting was written, or information on what custom special actions do? Because in all likelihood, it won't exist in English, and I'm assuming that if you're Japanese literate you've already scoured the standard Japanese sources for variant info.

>> No.19364049

>>Are you asking for information on how the custom scripting was written
This. What they do is in the wiki since it doesn't seem OO addd many if any new special acts.
I don't speak japanese. Its a bit weird they chose to translate a mod that still even after being translated relies heavily on speaking japanese to use half its features properly. That or a ton of trial and error, the path I'm currently takng.

>> No.19364053

Right, so since I have no clue what it is you're after, the only thing I can really point you towards is the old custom class/race that we used for Omake. Naturally, it's in Japanese, but it's fairly simple Japanese so even if you aren't literate you might be able to get by with manual translation. The sheets being excel sheets as they are should be fairly straightforward towards understanding the logic behind the additions. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=EE4B394CDB9FD7FC&id=EE4B394CDB9FD7FC%21128 <- that's the actual folder.
https://wikiwiki.jp/elonaval/%E3%82%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%A0%E7%A8%AE%E6%97%8F%E3%83%BB%E8%81%B7%E6%A5%AD%E3%83%84%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB <- That's the old variant wiki article on it. If you read through it you'll probably notice that it runs off of an older Omake base version but that doesn't really change the logic much if at all.

>> No.19364100

Oh. I didn't refresh properly.
To clarify the picture a bit, OO's translation was a fan project done by one person iirc, and he only did it with the intention of making it playable as far as I know, which could explain why he didn't go "full length" to make it easy for script manipulation. OO being a variant of a variant and also outdated with OOM technically making it redundant, it was basically "safe" to play around with and the English Elona community is largely unconcerned with other variants anyways. Ultimately you could say that OO is designed with some bit of Japanese understanding in mind - it's just part of what happens with early translation work, when you think first in Japanese and second in English, you're bound to overlook some things, and other things will seem unnecessary.

The files that I linked earlier won't show you how to make new abilities from scratch since the process of creating a new race/class is separate from that (Given that it's for Omake, if OO added anything new you'd need to look up the ID tables and manually reconfigure the sheet), so if you're looking to actually create new special actions, spells, and abiltiies you're probably going to need to go even deeper. It *could* be the same as trying to do it in E+, but it's not really something that has all that much documentation on.

>> No.19364126

What I'm looking for is for example in this ''5|1|790,2,2003|6802|6902|3|1|647,2,4602|1001|8201'', the meaning of ''5|1|'' and literally anything at all beyond 790. Or just a ''no you can't have multiple special actions'' if that's the case. I'm not sure if the issue is its not possible or I'm just not getting how you seperate abilities since its using both | and , just during that one ability and those are what are used to seperate things for any other part of the race.
The things in that link either A: show up as gibberish like ''\¨qB_í?Ýz@uLq&µ'' or B show up as ERROR. Not sure what the deal with that is, since I'm displaying japanese just fine in the files that come with 00.
I'll prolly just have to keep trying trial and error and if I can't do what I want because I'm too dumb/its simply too limited, see about doing it in E+ instead since it has source.
I'm not trying to make entirely new abilities. The abilities I want are already in the game. Just trying to make a race with a few of the exisiting abilities on char gen to fit the theme.

>> No.19364186

I want a pet for melee, tank and heal, any suggestion? No god's pet preferably

>> No.19364187

How do I improve my score in Party Time quests? I hear about people scoring several thousand constantly but I have trouble breaking past 1k, even if I use ensemble and play for every NPC.

>> No.19364223

Melee: Anything you can find which has A: Many hands, B: 1 or more hands and many arms. The many arms and 1 hand thing does much higher damage for a very long time.
Tank: Fire Dragon Child has 220 life and is neutral by default making it easy to capture
healer: Anything with a good buff like the flying frog evo. Otherwise doesn't matter.

Fascination Dance.
In my experience the best results in party time it>Stradi (or the reverse if you doing it for items)>Ensemble. Ensemble is fucking sow. Insanely so. And costs a shit ton of stamina.

>> No.19364232

Also, curious, would people like thirst if it massively boosted stamina regen when high, rather than doing nothing until low then tanking the worst resource in the game?

>> No.19364247

Score is dependent on the level of the NPC, how many of them their are, and the bonus. A level 100 normal npc is worth 100pts, or 20 if summoned. Not sure how bonus percent works, but above anon said it was 20% + x% based on level per unique. More uniques become available as you complete the plot. Having more fame is the only reliable way to get a better score if you can already star everyone. My character has 240,000 fame with 30-50 difficulty level quests and can get 5,000-20,000 points fairly reliably.

>> No.19364256

If it still works the same way as it used to multiple special abilities are viable. As it stands I can't tell you line by line what each of the categories mean - it could be anything from equip type/playable/skill array/specific skill/specific skill 2/skill count etc.
It shows up as gibberish because your system language isn't compatible with Japanese and UTF-8 formatting. OO's files come in English depending on where you download them. I can mess around with the Japanese version I have to see if things are about the same still but it's not on this computer, so it won't be immediate.

Find a pet for melee/tank, Healing Rain is about the only healing Pet action that's available and outside of a Nurse you're not going to get it early.

Summon Spirit

>> No.19364276

Thank. Confirmation its possible means I have hope

>> No.19364515
File: 278 KB, 812x632, SS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right so since I'm lazy as fuck I didn't bother using the English version but this about shows what you were looking for.
I used a mod race that took me about 3 minutes to put together, right now she starts with Boost, Hell Breath, Divine Punishment, Call Cat, Call Little Sister, and Cheer. Could've sworn I gave her Meteor to start with too but probably left it out since I wasn't being diligent. Similarly I start with about a dozen feats on top of what Sisters normally get but that's besides the point since you just wanted to know if multiple Spec Acts could be attached to a race.

I didn't bother doing the same for Class but it should be any different since it's just manual string manipulation. The key strings you're looking for will look something like the following: 4001|3902|4401|103|16001|15401|16801|, if you read the top of the CSV file it should guide you, the main problem with doing it manually (Again I used a Japanese spreadsheet with formula tie ins to do this) is that you need to know each of the codes for each skill and special action.

>> No.19364549

>Pot for fusion
>Ball making
>Level varies based on where you create the ball still ranging from 1 to X where is X is the level of the place.
Okay then. Can someone please clarify what determines a crafted monster ball's level? Should I be making them in dungeons with a danger level as high or higher than the level of ball I want? I'm sure this is a stupid question but I'm just getting back into the game after several years away from it.

>> No.19364567

Yea I noticed it says it at the top. Then I looked in the OO changelog to see if it had any indcation on what those numbers mean. Then through experimenting I found out you can delete almost all of it and it still works fine. In fact, in my example, you can delete the part similar to the example you posted and it works fine. Only the first 3 parts which come before that are needed. Which is what confused me. What exactly are those numbers, why are they not needed, and how do I seperate one skill from another when those numbers and the ones that matter both use the dividers already?
How did you seperate them? I'd think those are the skills already seperated and I just lucked into an alternate but more limited method, but if I paste that into my race and open the ability menu, it instantly crashes the game.

>> No.19364612

Does anyone have a download for oomSE, or at least its Danalin sprite? It seems like the dev took it down for some reason, but once there's documentation on how custom gods work I wanna mod her to actually have an icon and be summonable like the other gods, as she is in other variants.

>> No.19364651

It's a real shame too, card minigames tend to be a great addition to RPGs.

>> No.19364693

There actually is documentation on custom gods work. I made one myself with no issue. There's also info on how classes work and I did that fine, although I can't find it now. Its really just one or two parts of race which are lacking in clarity for non-japanese speakers at the moment. They did a really good job making the systems accesible imo.

>> No.19364774
File: 767 KB, 810x632, hkPD4TM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked at it and realized I gave you the string text for traits and not Sp.Acts. At the very end of the string is where the Sp.Acts list should be.

You can delete a large number of the front strings because some of them are calls for different default picture IDs, or slight parameter shifts to be associated with the race (which wouldn't matter much to a PC). id2 is always kept at 0 because it's sort of a dummy value. Some parameters like cast style and melee style determine the text that shows up when you attack, so when you delete them it reverts to the defaults. It's better to leave the values in because there is a chance that it has to do with NPC actions, but it's up to you, the game should generally run fine since custom races and custom classes aren't generally assigned.

I'm guessing with the race triggers there's probably some nuance to it where spells and certain wide skills (like potion toss) don't show up properly but I haven't bothered pushing the envelope too hard with it.

With this string (https://pastebin.com/hFJBxuNu)) I basically created what's in the image, but since I'm doing this while excel spreadsheet (the one I linked earlier) it doesn't really take me any time at all.:

>> No.19364852
File: 518 KB, 811x634, uSjEGtA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classes are more straightforward than Gods because you can just directly modify based on the csv files, and because of how Classes and Races work, they're sort of interchangeable to some extent, like even for this class here >>19364774 I didn't bother modifying any of the existing class data I just directly modified the race data.

Granted I still don't remember exactly how spells/wide spells function properly with the modification and which tags are NPC exclusive but the IDs are still generally the same.

>> No.19364891

Thanks a ton anon. Got what I wanted working working now. Knowing half of what I was looking at held no relevant meaning and that included the , dividers helps greatly.

>> No.19364911

Also you should consider putting that character in the 'example' section of the OO changelog under custom classes.

>> No.19365064
File: 421 KB, 814x637, XdyjWId.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're strictly looking for a sprite you should probably just go looking for a depository of sprites and find the one that you like. Documentation on custom god implementation exists (in the Japanese form), but it's actually fairly straightforward (naturally it's easier in the Japanese version but I believe that this should be one of the translated functions, can't be certain)

It basically runs as follows. Once you're actually in game (OO, Omake, OOM whatever), you bring up F8 and you'll see the following. Custom God is second from the bottom. You basically go step by step inputting each txt file and sprite file that you want to show up. The sequence basically goes:

"Default God interaction and overview" (This is a txt file) -> "Servant data" (txt) -> Servant sprite (picture) -> Servant Portrait (Optional picture) -> Gemstone (txt) -> Gemstone picture (pic) -> Artifact (txt) -> Artifact picture (pic) -> Interaction file for when the God is summoned (txt) -> Showroom Tie in for "domain" (eum file, this is optional). If it's all successful, an altar will drop down at your feet (you see it in the picture)

There is a repository of old God files that people made which can be used to give you an idea of things if default Little Sister God isn't satisfactory. https://wikiwiki.jp/elonacstm/%E3%82%AB%E3%82%B9%E3%82%BF%E3%83%A0%E3%82%B4%E3%83%83%E3%83%89%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7 (If that link doesn't work for some reason go here https://wikiwiki.jp/elonacstm/ and then カスタムゴッド一覧 is the listing of custom gods on public domain)

>> No.19365573

Dual wielding guns with rapid ammo is pretty fun. Eventually I want to try a multi hand mutant with burst ammo.

>> No.19365671

>Dual wielding guns

>> No.19365800

OO lets you dual wield guns in hand slots and fire them

>> No.19366083

should i get into this game
i want a game that i can sink autistic amounts of hours into

>> No.19366130

>i want a game that i can sink autistic amounts of hours into

If nothing else, Elona is a solid timesink. Whether it's enjoyable or not will depend on your taste.

>> No.19366158

Sure. Go with this, Dwarf Fort, SS13 or one of the roguelikes that actually play like rogue instead of an anime sandbox with optional perma-death. They all fit the bill, are good and free.
T. actual autist.

>> No.19367243
File: 251 KB, 841x1200, tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont to fuck tanned miromi

>> No.19367326

>anime sandbox with optional permadeath
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19367353

Elona is more of a sandbox game than a roguelike, but it has the option of permadeath

>> No.19367371

Yeah but he said "instead of one of those", not "like one of those."

>> No.19367421

He said Go with Elona, Dwarf Fortress, SS13, or one of the RLs that focus on RL elements instead of being an anime sandbox with optional perma-death. Lots of RLs like that exist

>> No.19367443

Oh I see. I thought he meant that he should play something Elona, DF SS13 or one of those RL that play like RLs instead of playing an anime sandbox game.

>> No.19367522
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>> No.19367530

As I recall, performing was one of the most reliable income sources in vanilla.

>> No.19368312

Is Elona Omake only act 1?

>> No.19368334

Yes, act 2 and 3 are Ano's fantasies he made up

>> No.19368782
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>> No.19368815

So I finally beat Zeome and started up Act 2. How am I supposed to grind AP if all the stronger enemies in the South dungeons beat the shit out of me while the weaker ones give no AP at all?

>> No.19368846

Do pyrmaid invitation for Opatos statue, reset the dungeons or just go between south and north for same effect and no cooldown. They should even out. No need to even stay in south.
First thing you should do is the Awesome Swimwear quest as the enemies in that usually give enough AP for 1 or 2 + speeds and can generally be fought 1 v 1 and as a result cheesed to death easily

>> No.19368889

Hang out in the low levels of the void for tons of AP against super easy enemies.

>> No.19368942

Ty anons. Going to collect some more small medals to get to the void.
Also two questions
>Does the pirate quest in the port town have any reward? I fought the enemies on board but couldn't kill the leader until I nuked him.
>Is there an easier way to travel between North and South Tyris other than the border?

>> No.19368961

>>Ty anons. Going to collect some more small medals to get to the void.
Why? Just do what I said. Do the quest for the armor, walk to the area change place, switch areas like 4 times. Then go kill stuff. Much, much faster.
And no on border. Your options are: Buy return scrolls, reserve the return book, manually walk to it all the time or just ignore south tyris existing at all

>> No.19368972

I meant, I'm going to do that while grinding small medals since some of the stuff they have in the store is particularly tempting as well.

>> No.19369046

The pirate quest's reward is the boss's sword that casts shining wave.

The other anon's advice to go after the awesome swimwear was good. It's extremely powerful armor at the point where it becomes available and it's probably the first thing anyone should do when they reach act 2. The juere berserkers you have to fight are worth a good amount of ap but they can do a lot of damage when they're in fury status, so watch out for that.

I always make a priority to get the void license soon after reaching act 2, because not only is it a very fast and reliable source of AP, the enemies there also pay out far more experience than they should be worth. It's even better once you reach floor 200, but that won't be for a while.

>> No.19369064

Oddly, all three games have converged to the point that they've got comparable gameplay to each other.

>> No.19369074

To be fair, act II broadly follows an unreleased plot that was drafted by Noa (Yerles probably didn't have gundams and strike witch outfits), but Act III is squarely diverged from anything "canon".

>> No.19369095

Why is it Kumiromi, Jure, and the Younger Sister are the only things that are lewded in Elona? Where's my Ehekatl, or if Romi' lovers really want it Kumiromi making tender love to Ehe.

>> No.19369154

Nobody lewd ehekatl because she's pure

>> No.19369200

Kumiromi became people are fucking gay, Jure because tsunderes are meant for lewd, and Imouto because the people who play this game are the same people who watched Oreimo. Black Angel and Gold Knight lewds exist somewhere right?

>> No.19369584

Ehekatl gets plenty of “two shreds of cloth short of bare tits” art though.

>> No.19369637

No fucking tho unlike Jure, that slut

>> No.19369745

Ehekatl is the innocent clueless girl also there’s a slight chance she’ll treat your dick like a cat teaser.
Jure is the sexy nurse.

>> No.19369770

Where do you anons find Elona lewds? Pixiv?
No love for Yacatect?

>> No.19369864

I don’t know if there’s much Yacatet art due to her only being an E+ thing.
I imagine her being dressed along the lines of Hecatia though, for some reason.

>> No.19369905

yes and twitter if you're lucky, maybe discord too

>> No.19369937

There's a discord for fucking Elona of all things?

>> No.19370130

There is but It's full of jap players

>> No.19370604

There's an English discord too, its linked on the subreddit. More active than here, lately.

>> No.19371300

>English discord too, its linked on the subreddit
You know, I think I’ll pass for now.

>> No.19371766

How can you tell an item's quality after it has been fully identified?

>> No.19371795

Its more active than here because discords kill generals.

>> No.19371801

miracle has <> around the name, godly has {}. Anything less just indicates approximate quality, and has no indication on an id'd item

>> No.19371803

Based on the brackets
<miracle> or precious, if it says it is in the description
no brackets-> shop fodder

The stats and attributes of an item are the most important parts, and precious items usually have good attributes and decent stats, but in general this is the order you'll want them:
shop fodder < Precious < miracle < godly

>> No.19371814

Nah, this place used to be plenty active. I think every one just got bored or something. Even OP anon is gone now.

>> No.19371823

People didn't get bored, someone made a discord. And half the posters left to post on it. Like all generals.

>> No.19371838

Didn't they start to leave before the discord opened though? Not sure of the timing.

>> No.19371845

No. We lost a ton of unique IP's after the discord.

>> No.19371850

At the end of the day there's only so much that you'd do in Elona, even in E+, and it takes a real deep level of autism to constantly make new characters after your old ones hit the 2k point. A lot of people never get there, once they settle into the final grind cycle they just lose interest and disappear.

With development being eclectic and the game generally "disowned" by the original owner that doesn't leave that much room for discussion. It's a testament to the sandbox quality that people still show up. Well, that and it's a free game.

>> No.19371895

>At the end of the day there's only so much that you'd do in Elona, even in E+, and it takes a real deep level of autism to constantly make new characters after your old ones hit the 2k point.
Speaking of making new dudes, since my duel wield mutant is boring on account of having to use continuous attacks to do any damage and it making my weapons largely moot, I wanna go for whatever would make 2 hand best on mutant instead. Is that still hands? I remember reading long ago it was hands. I don't believe 2 hand has been nerfed.

>> No.19371897

bah mean is that still arms. because they give a flat damage bonus or some thing

>> No.19371930

I don't remember, but in theory using extra hands wouldn't help all that much since 2hand has the highest boosts with heavy weapons. Probably depends on whether you're designing a glass cannon build or you're going for artifact fusion push. Granted, since you probably aren't going to go through the hassle of creating a deathsaber through version manipulation, probably finding a suitable weapon first is most important.

>> No.19371936

You can't use 2h skill unless you only have 1 thing in your hands. IE, no claws/tonfas.

They give the next-best damage bonus after claws. Some unique items are better, such as assault gold though. However, it'll only be a drop a static boost, rather than getting say 10x damage for 10x hands.

Say you get +13 average per extra slot (enchant levels go towards armor, so its the innate gear bonus you'll get.) then every 10 slots thats only a + 130 extra damage. Early on that's great, but it'll slow down as you base stats get higher.

>> No.19371943

Er arms give the next best, with plate gauntlets.

>> No.19371963

Honestly I just want to do something cool and fun with mutant with max limbs because I really like the feel of having permanent -50% speed, activating the shift core and killing everything. It super anime. Unfortunately I came back to the game without checking the changelog for ''duel wield nerfs'' so I went through the trouble of making a duel wield one only for it to be no fun. I could still use it to stack ''it enchances casting'' stuff but magic in Elona is pretty boring.

>>They give the next-best damage bonus after claws. Some unique items are better, such as assault gold though. However, it'll only be a drop a static boost, rather than getting say 10x damage for 10x hands.
>Say you get +13 average per extra slot (enchant levels go towards armor, so its the innate gear bonus you'll get.) then every 10 slots thats only a + 130 extra damage. Early on that's great, but it'll slow down as you base stats get higher.
Thanks. Works for me. I can't think of anything else worth stacking tons of.

>> No.19371981

You could also try stacking +two handed and +tactics. It'd be a pain to get/fusion them, but it'll up your damage.

>> No.19372162

I haven't played in a few years, what does Custom add except an updated translation? Is it worth getting it over the newest version of Elona+?

>> No.19372195


>> No.19372197

Some extra options like collecting items after party time, customizable pet AI with learn-able skills. Nothing too important, unless you plan to use them in specific.

>> No.19372293

Oh thank you, the pet AI does sound interesting.

>> No.19372881

can you not change bodyparts in omake custom races?

>> No.19372965

Do you mean add them in the text file? If so you can but you have to use the japanese names for the parts.

From the discourse:


It's human bodyparts. It means,


>> No.19372977

yea. where do you put that though? its not listed at the top.

>> No.19372990

No idea, they were discussing it yesterday and pinned that comment. I think there are some examples being passed around, but I don't know where off hand.

>> No.19372995

ah well ill just try random slots and see what doesn't crash me, thanks

>> No.19373018

The string is always the same in that area, just look at other parts from the csv file and format accordingly.

>> No.19373118
File: 57 KB, 275x143, ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I got it to not crash by putting it at the end, but it seems to only want to let me take parts away, not add them. I'll tinker with it more tomorrow. Thinking I may just make my new mutant in Omake rather than + since I've yet to give Omake a decent chance.

>> No.19373174
File: 176 KB, 509x345, Nic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, figured it out, 'figure' is bodyparts. Just had to put 2 and 2 together and notice these characters are in the 4th from last slot on existing races.
Starting the game on the grindier, slower paced mod with -50% speed from the start and no way to fix it withotu pets may be a mistake. But it'll be neat

>> No.19373407

Is it worth joining the Thieves' Guild for Pickpocketing just so I can steal a Cooking skill book? Are skill books rare without stealing them?

>> No.19373424

It is uncommon, but even with Pickpocketing you may not run into it all that quickly. Abusing the Lumiest Book refresh is "fast", but realistically you might just end up finding it in Puppy Cave anyways depending on how many cycles you run through there.

>> No.19373603

>Make new race in OOmake
>Load it up with all the stuff relevant to the character I have in mind
>Stuck between feeling like a cheater and feeling good about it
Confuse feel

>> No.19373618
File: 138 KB, 600x800, 1530920151361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am thinking of roleplaying as a healer and got several questions

>Whats the ideal number of pets?
>do i need custom AI that badly?
>how will i gain AP if i am mostly relegated to healer and buffer?
>Best pets for early-mid game? astral pen not required prefered,nor use genetic engineer skill
>does my party need cohesion between their skills or not that necessary?

>> No.19373676

Pet number, its up to you. More just = harder to keep them all equipped. But its totally possible to do more.
No. Normal AI is fine. They'll mostly just bump stuff super hard.
Dragon Child. God pets. Bells (but don't use those, they play the game for you)
Not needed. Pets scale super hard.
Playing a healer is pretty meh since healing that ain't just for you is limited. The obvious thing is to also do buffs to give yourself more to do but there aren't many buffs the player can use.

>> No.19373708

does 2-4 pets sound ideal?

>> No.19373710

Its entirely up to you. I dislike more than one. Just roll with whatever seems fun and if its not fun remove or add more.

>> No.19373728

If you want to do buffs you can use rods/potions since you can target those. Eventually you'll have alchemical rain as well.

>> No.19373729

>Whats the ideal number of pets?
Early healer builds require a strong support line up, because your focus won't be on offence, and trying to go solo is problematic. By the time you hit 3 slots you're generally "safe" even if you decide to run a full support build.

>do i need custom AI that badly?

>how will i gain AP if i am mostly relegated to healer and buffer?
You'll gain AP by performing last hits. As long as the variance in speed between you and your pets isn't strong, this isn't much of an issue. Cheer (default Support focused ability) is going to skew things, but in a large enough fight you'll still slowly accumulate AP.

>Best pets for early-mid game? astral pen not required prefered,nor use genetic engineer skill
Little sister is the easiest first choice while you work on getting the first set of spell line ups. Your priority is getting Healing Rain and working on self Heal spells. If you don't have Gods that you want for thematic reasons, then you should ideally get the Defender ASAP. Outside of that it doesn't really matter too much, by the time you really need a tank you may already have developed a pet into that range.

If you're not going to bother with gene engineering and you don't really want to bother with maintaining your pets in terms of equipment or potential, then ideally you should keep one or two slots for "cycle" pets, where you use highest level monster balls to stepladder your way up instead.

>does my party need cohesion between their skills or not that necessary?
This depends on whether you want to bother with sustaining the party. If you're running a party on 0 potential, then cohesion is important. It's entirely possible to beat the game without bothering to repair your potential ever and to some folks this is the "correct" way to go since pets otherwise scale too quickly, but when the stats are low, generally you need to have a team that doesn't skew too far in one direction. Bells for instance, if you use them, can end up wiping out floors early on and skewing a party because no one else really does anything.

>> No.19373735

rods would be a cool way to do it if the buff rods worked with the stamina casting rods skill

>> No.19373754

There aren't enough critical buffs associated to rods for it to be effective on a FS build unfortunately, even if Duplicane did allow for non offensive rod usage.

>> No.19373958

Want to reinstall this again, why is the 1.77 link broken?

>> No.19374009

taken down for distributing assets ano didnt have a license to diistribute

>> No.19374079

Is there another link?

>> No.19374140

Apparenty this

>> No.19374160

Thanks dude

>> No.19375456

I didnt pay my tax for very long and am now a criminal. I thought I might as well nuke palmia while I am at like -90 karma. Can I just nuke them without any long term repercussions?

>> No.19375487

Is there a sprite for a "fan" weapon I can use to replace one of my weapon's sprites? I want to try out a Dancer-esque build.

>> No.19375839

I was thinking about this but are there well-know Elona sprite-makers and if so do they allow commissions?

>> No.19376122

Just nab one from a SNES game like FF or Chrono Trigger

>> No.19376158

I am very bad at actually navigating the site, I'm thinking more specific people in particular.

>> No.19376695

>chrono triggee
>fan weapon


>> No.19377222

>Play OO to toy around with custom stuff
>Miss features from E+
>Play E+
>Feel like I should be playing OO to give it a fair try
I'm legit struggling to play either now

>> No.19377300

You'd probably be better off looking for someone who does pixel commissions in general, then asking if they'd do one in the right size.

It doesn't help NOW, but people from the discord are working on porting stuff from Plus over to OO, though they're debating waiting for the ones translating variants to be done with OOM and oomSE so they don't have to do it three times over.

>> No.19377314

Gain AP by using tag organization to partner yourself with your best damage dealer. This will cause you to gain AP for their kills.

I think the Defender is the best pet in the game for their lay hand ability, especially if you're playing with permadeath. I like black angels for their insult ability, speed-boosting abilities, and riding bonus. Once you hit act 2 anyone can learn insult, though. Dragon children make excellent tanks, having more than double the HP of most characters at the same level. Gold and silver bells will effortlessly carry you through act 1, but they'll fall off later. All god pets have high mana and become very durable after learning the barrier feat, which pretty much any character wants. It's even more ridiculously overpowered on metal NPCs - I don't think anything can beat a barrier bell for durability.

>> No.19377340
File: 647 KB, 1440x808, Ether disease caps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been playing around with the blood rod now that my MP is 30,000+ (its damage boost should cap at 40,000) and I've noticed two things:

It hits harder than the solar cane(10-15k per swing vs 15-25k) as expected, until you run out of magic. Which happens pretty fast. Later on with more MP it'll take longer, but unless you out-heal the MP drain of 2000 per swing, you only delay the inevitable. It drops from 15-25K per swing to 3-10k per swing. When vorpal triggers it's about double those numbers. You still get the extra magic damage of course. I'll still keep using it though, not like I'm having a hard time defeating things.

Secondly, ether diseases cap. I've notice wide neck caps at 255pv, but the charisma debuff is still increasing. If I had to guess they'll all cap out at 255. Unless it's a display error. I'll keep them around until they cap out just to check, but likely get rid of them after. It's too much maintenance for too little gain. I imagine the high level players should know this, but I've not seen it mentioned anywhere.

>> No.19377342

>though they're debating waiting for the ones translating variants to be done with OOM and oomSE so they don't have to do it three times over.
I'd wait personally. I'd think of all the people in the world, Elona players are probably pretty patient, given the pace of the game even on E+ is slower than most games.

>> No.19377396

I played around this on my mutant, placing it in the very last hand. Given my reliance on continuous attacks, still burnt MP super fast. Like having the Omega core active without the upsides.
The mp drain must scale up as you go up in levels, as I have nowhere near 2000 MP and still took like 8 turns of continuous attacks on an enemy with enough HP to be hit by all 8 attacks of the last wep to run out.

>> No.19377471

I won't be able to update the pastebins this time. If anyone wants to make a copy and maintain them until at least next month, go ahead.

>> No.19377636

What is [AWAKE] from?

>> No.19377653

Yeah, it supposed to be x% of mp per swing for y% bonus to your dice roll and cap at 2000/200. It seems to scale with continuous attacks though, using less mp to do less damage.

>> No.19377659

Ap feat, you buy it in act2+ from Leod (sp?). I had MP barrier as well for a while as my health was low, but I got rid of it. It would stack horribly with blood rod.

>> No.19377731

Well, maybe. Now it seems to just be scaling off of current MP and not max MP.

>> No.19378639


Yep. Once your karma recovers, it won't affect you at all.

>> No.19379022
File: 16 KB, 297x64, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19379603

Thanks. While I am at it, how the hell am I supposed to lug that thing around with me? Currently I can only carry like 66 without being Overweight. I guess I just gotta level strenght somehow for a while?

>> No.19379617

Weight Lifting.

>> No.19379640


You can also give it to a pet to carry. Make sure you read up on how to get out alive after placing it, too.

>> No.19379681

I always run around burdened anyway, so that gets up ever so slightly.

I hadnt thought about that. That just blew my mind. Nice, thanks for expanding my brain

>> No.19379711

Running around burdened is how you get it up to begin with. The key is keeping potential high. Weight lifting does not grow quickly.

>> No.19379955

Last time i've played Elona was like 3 years ago, and i didn't even play much.

Now i got a new PC and i'm ready to try this game again
Wish me luck!

>> No.19379970

I'm gonna play the latest version of Elona+ btw

>> No.19379991
File: 1.59 MB, 1440x1612, God Dueling Quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after running around doing some awakened dungeon hunts I noticed my level was soaring pretty high. I was 150ish not too long ago. Adding to this I cleared a dungeon at lv 622 somewhere in there so the town quests were crazy high. I frequently get 2-3 levels per panic quest! This caused some problems, since I am getting bonus points faster than I can spend them. At the moment I only spend them in stave when at 200% potential or higher. 549 bonus points and counting.

Anyway as I was turning in socks, I checked Urcaguay in curiosity and noticed the message "you will probably win". I decided it was about time to duel the 8 god-follower-chief-things. What is their job rank anyway? They went down easy enough. Siniha in particular went down fast, I think I got a critical on her for north of 120,000 in one hit. As you can see from the first screen shot, Bloodrod's damage falls off pretty fast as you use up MP. Fury and gravity accel had also worn off by then.

I'll probably finish act 3 and Euthumesus at some point. Not right now though, gonna finish my equipment hunt first.

>> No.19380051

By default the "first tier" Gods in Lost Irva can be fought as early as level 100 depending on how efficiently you've grinded. By the time you're at around level 150 - 200 you should be well above the level needed to fight them, but again, this depends entirely on how you grinded. They serve largely as a speedcheck more than anything since a good number of them have nothing special about them outside of Divine Stream, and nearly every God opponent from here on out will either have Divine Stream or an instant kill skill.

At your stat distribution you should be able to kill the second tier of Gods (Ehekatl, Jure, etc.) without too much of an issue, and you have a 30/70 chance of fighting the third tier (Inner Gods).

>> No.19380134

Really, that's interesting. I've had to grind out a full set of limbs for my snail, which brought me all the way down to 2 life. So I've been avoiding any challenges since just after act 2 started.

>> No.19380331

Can I gene engineer one pet for both Cooking and Tailoring so it can make breakfast and equipment every morning?

>> No.19380337

you can do ANYTHING in this AMAZING roguelike sandbox rpg, the pinnacle of japanese culture, Elona+

>> No.19380380

Yes. Carpentry too, if you want. A single pet can provide breakfast, light armor and heavy armor at the same time.

>> No.19380596

How can I know what my skill levels after equipment bonuses are for skills that aren't used in crafting?

>> No.19380722

I wish my new PC could run Elona.

>> No.19380734

What kind of toaster do you have that it couldn't run elona?

>> No.19381135
File: 65 KB, 680x455, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point of grinding in this autistic game? I just spent like 2h doing stupid farming quests and now i have discovered that monsters have scaled up to my level.

I thought i could grind my stats and become an invencible warlord, so that i could grind and farm low level dungeons and caves and quests for easy money and experience, but now my plans are RUINED.

>> No.19381192

I read a skill book and it only boosted the skill by .007 of a level. Is there a use for these or are they just about "effort-free" grinding?

>> No.19381221

Eventually the scaling stops, or your grinding pace goes beyond what the monsters scale at. Take a look at the character posted above you for example, his stats and skill distribution is actually above what most monsters at that level range would be normally.

And yes, you can grind and farm low level dungeons and caves if you want. The monsters will only scale there to an extent. It's the Void that continually keeps up in level. A level 10 - 15 can easily walk through somewhere like Puppy Cave and never have to worry about a thing.

Skill books can be used nonstop during storms or etherwind, so they're a "nice to have" when you don't have a training machine and have time to burn.

>> No.19381233

Hi guys! New player here. I tried reading the pastebin in the OP, but it doesn't really explains much.

How am i supposed to play this? Do i play Elona+ on japanese i don't read moonrunes, or am i supposed to install Elona+ and then install Elona+ Custom on top of it?

>> No.19381290
File: 97 KB, 708x1959, gksheetlil-kay(spoil).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You'd probably be better off looking for someone who does pixel commissions in general, then asking if they'd do one in the right size
Any recommendations? Also I was thinking of trying to get sprites from the Gyakuten Kenji/Ace Attorney Investigations games scaled down to fit Elona but I'm not sure if it would look right scaled down like that. I can't find any Ace Attorney sprite stuff for Elona either which is pretty odd.

>> No.19381298

Yes, you're suppose to download the latest version of Elona+ then downloaded the latest version of Elona+ custom, then transfer all the files over in the Elona+ folder and run the game off the Elona Custom exe.

>> No.19381301


Download Elona+. You can select English when you first run the game. You don't actually need Custom, but it has nice QoL improvements. Drop the Custom files into your Elona + folder.

>> No.19381468

Install Custom on top of Plus so that (almost?) everything is in english.

>> No.19381609

Speaking of cores, is Final Shift actually good or any other core for that matter? Feels like the buffs they give seem miniscule.

>> No.19381722

Is there a fast way to have adventurers generate new artifacts so I can speed up finding a super lure?

>> No.19381921
File: 59 KB, 500x500, 1430192368903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you spend your first wish on?

>> No.19382076

7League boots if I don't already have them

>> No.19382264

Most people choose seven league boots. Happy beds are good, but they're pretty easy to get naturally in Plus. Secret experience of kumiromi is always good.

>> No.19382505

Personal order
7 League > Aurora > Vindale > Kuromimi Experience > Happy Bed if none yet > Potentials

>> No.19382622

Gotta go with the boots

>> No.19382627

Has anyone tried getting/got the secret experience of Lomias?

>> No.19382767

Omega and Gamma negate the speed debuff from mutant entirely. Gamma's 50 speed boost is also just a lot in the extreme early game before you can conistently stock speed and use Leold to gain bonus speed. And +20% speed never stops being good, ever.
I'm not sure why the buffs seem miniscule to you. +20% is high. +20% to all 5 stats at once is very high. Especially when outside of Omega none of them have any real cost beyond a single wish and a meter you would probably ignore otherwise anyways.
You can also double fill the power gauge while these are active. Using 'unleash gauge' attacls at 200% stops time for a turn. Kind of underpowered when you consider ''it stops time'' bullets stop time for like 3-5 turns right off the bat

Core. For me at least travelling quests become inferior to ranching/farming too fast to be worth the wish.

>> No.19382773

You get it somewhat often if you farm party time for Stardust.

Where do I find fairies? Any specific area/leveled dungeon? I want to ranch them for the feat item.

>> No.19382779

Astral Light Pen for RP builds. Otherwise I generally use an inherit base so everything I really need I already have.

>> No.19382843

I was fucking around in the earlygame with Omega and it didn't seem to noticeable affect the damage I could give or take at the tine.

>> No.19383083

Early game is about equipment because your stats fucking suck. Gamma is the best one early game because of the flat speed boost.

>> No.19383378

Is there a way to reliably fuel Blood Rod or is it just inevitably going to chew through all your mana to do a shitload of up front damage?

>> No.19383413

Since Iztpalts mana skill sucks ass, the latter, unless you want to burn consumables.

>> No.19383613

Abyss in the eye + eye of mana can absorb mana equal to damage. I only get 500 mp from it, so I'm not sure its worth the effort. It is useful to build up MP right before a tough fight though. Just summon some spirits and recharge.

>> No.19383904

I wish there was a way to stop paying taxes in Elona+.

Something like invading the castle and killing the king, blowing up the Central Bank or some shit like that.

>> No.19383993

Devour mutation in OO is really strong. So strong and so versatile and speeds up growth so much its honestly really stupid its a mutation relying on luck to get and not just innate to all characters.

>> No.19384076

>latest version of Elona+

Are you telling me to download Elona+ 1.79 and then overwrite it with Elona+ Custom 1.77.1?

>> No.19384090

no. Elona+ Custom 1.77 will only work with Elona+ 1.77

>> No.19384107
File: 123 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n28xpa30Eb1qawplno4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is depressing.

update W H E N?

>> No.19384108

Nah, super pee pee powers haven't been translated into English yet.
*Pee pee wee wee XD*

>> No.19384116

Whenever it happens. Be patient and just play 1.77 since all the changes after it are bad.
Even better, play 1.66 since it was the best version before the dungeons were ruined

>> No.19384139

>he doesn't likes new content

top kek

>> No.19384141

>pees on ur conent

>> No.19384262

a pet won't make light/heavy armour at the same time, it always chooses the greater of tailoring and carpentry

>> No.19384504

new thread wen

>> No.19384685

New doesn't imply good or worthwhile.

>> No.19384710

Where should I be placing my house and deeds?
Is closest to palmia good or am I missing something?

>> No.19384720

>He doesn't enjoy Nefia time and Nefia giving so little cash they aren't worth doing most of the year
>He doesn't enjoy doing 0 damage because you hit a dude too many times
>He doesn't enjoy pee pee woo woo time
lmao atu

>> No.19384737
File: 463 KB, 793x623, fgsdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this setup. Convinient.

>> No.19384776

Personally, I plan on setting up shop next to Lumiest with my next character. The graveyard is safe storage like Vernis' quest dungeons, and I'll get all my spellbooks from the spell writer. (From what I've seen from using Lost Irva's spell writer, spell writer spellbooks don't stack with normal spellbooks, which is annoying since I keep my spellbook library in bookshelf storage and there's only so much space available there.)
Of course, I'll have to Return/Escape out of Lesimas to hand over little sisters, but them's the breaks.

>> No.19384778

>he graveyard is safe storage like Vernis' quest dungeons
Just buy a storage house lol

>> No.19384786

Just place your farms/shops near a teleport location. I picked the south tyris border for mine, since I go there all the time anyways. I actually have my house up at noyel. I wanted to be able to move it with out losing my teleport spot to my farms/shops, but I never found any reason to do so. There just isn't much reason to have a house in south tyris or lost irva.

>> No.19384796

>paying taxes
By the time I need more than one storage facility, I'll be able to buy discarded ranches.

>> No.19384799

>being poor

>> No.19384824
File: 34 KB, 398x433, Gentoo not installed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying a monthly fee to store 200 items instead of storing 400 items for free

>> No.19384833

>being poor
The nerfs to cash just made money gain more boring by making it so you have less viable options. You still get way more cash than needed

>> No.19384847

Just set up basements in your small castle. Don't even need to leave home that way.

>> No.19384925

Ffs, does yac combined with goddess of luck make the mad millionare event pop up like crazy or is it just rng messing with me?
I got 100k in the past 30mins.

>> No.19384940

It just pops up a lot. I see these events obnoxiously often since my max speed is so low. The food ones and this are super common.

>> No.19384971


It would make sense if you were able to dodge taxes by placing your house outside North Tyris. I think that would be okay for Act II, since most players will have plenty of gold at that point, even while paying taxes.

>> No.19385033

>Amnesiac man from the future intent on saving his timeline ends up spending most of his adventuring life mugging wandering merchants alongside his slightly overweight little girl partner and a fallen angel on a leash before being surprise bombed by exploding wildlife
Why is Tyris such a shithole?

>> No.19385060

Because you are bad at it
>Some girl captures a rabbit, breeds and sells rabbits, uses the money to buy good armor, having already become stronger than everyone in North Tyris through the power of money

>> No.19385073

Hey I didn't say I died from it, I'm just saying, fuck Yeeks.

>> No.19385168

Oh boy are you gonna have fun with the quest in Port Kapul from that one soldier guy. Exploding assholes everywhere

>> No.19385242

That's how it used to work, yes. As of latest E+C you get both light and heavy if the pet has both skills.

>> No.19386030

Does worshiping a god actually directly increase your attributes and skills? I want to switch from Kumiromi but I don't want to become worse at farming and cooking.

>> No.19386161

Yes but not enough that you'd really notice the dif. The only god I can remember switching off really mattering much is Jure since someone said her healing scales with gifted stones and resets to 0 gifts on switching

>> No.19386660

What the fuck did they do? Also how was everything after 1.66 bad?

>> No.19386745

The pierce nerf makes absolute zero sense to me. Polearms are not known to be very strong and they're hurt the most by this, lightsabers I assume are exempt and claymores meanwhile do not care at all about it. I guess it's primarily intended as a player-side buff, but it's only widening the gap between the best weapons and other weapons in the meanwhile.

>> No.19386767

They used to drop 999,999 gold when you beat the boss of a 359+ dungeon. Now the distribute gold throughout the dungeon. I'm pretty sure it's less gold too, in several pockets of 50,000 or so on each floor. That made it take much longer to get money.

>> No.19386769


>> No.19386776

Lightsabers aren't exempt, they still get 60% pierce at max enemy level since 2000 skill = -40% pierce.
All weapons can only lose up to half their pierce anyway.

>> No.19386806

Oh shit, what about the ability to ignore 1/3rd effective defense they get for being 100% pierce weapons? That was a bigger deal than the actual pierce.

>> No.19386820

Talking about updates, when is dual wielding going to finally be viable? I want to fullfill my dream of roleplaying as a Yautja with a dual wielding claws warrior goblin at last.

>> No.19386836

They aren't 100% pierce anymore.

>> No.19386854

So lightsabers have been neutered? About time.

>> No.19387050

With dungeon gold? Just made you get barely any. I used to progress through the game primarily via Nefia. Now that's not practical. Nefia time seems intended to balance it out but Nefia time is uncommon, rewards you more for doing low level dungeons (because the mats don't scale up like gold did and you can get more if you just 1 shot everything), can't be forced and just all around isn't very fun.
At all points in the game, from the start to the end, dungeons are just worse.

>> No.19387063

What version would you recommend?

>> No.19387077
File: 173 KB, 675x461, hahah oh wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worse than its ever been.

The newest one. Unless you want to just dive Nefia. Then whichever version was before that got nerfed.

>> No.19387222


i don't know why i even keep trying to play this game

i fucking hate it

>> No.19387240

Nerfing a single-player game is bad as it is, nerfing shit in fucking ELONA is pure autism.

>> No.19387346

The biggest problem with the nerfs is all it does is make the game less fun for the people who like the things being nerfed. I don't find the game more challenging because I need to rely more on farms to get cash or I have to use continious attacks/deliberately end timestop early to do more than 0 damage to an enemy. I just find it more boring.

>> No.19387383

I don't think anyone even asked for these nerfs either.

>> No.19387397

what is this picture about? all i see is the monster taking 0 dmg from you

>> No.19387425

Chain. You do less damage as you hit a target in the same turn, which carries over if you time stop it. The top hit is much higher than the others, but much lower than the first hit I did on it. If I just bump into a time stopped enemy I'll do 0 damage on the second turn. I have to wait around for timestop to end to do damage again. Or use continuous attacks, but then I lose much of the appeal I made the character for.
Also, continuous attacks is absurdly broken.

>> No.19387502

>Also, continuous attacks is absurdly broken.
Wasn't it always?

>> No.19387513

Probably. Never bothered using it before since I prefer the feel of bumping stuff. Wouldn't now if chains weren't a thing.
It is kind of insane I can use continious attacks at 20% potential on minds eye and level over 100 and still gain 10%-20% of a level. I've pretty much given up on keeping its potential high, it just eats all the platinum

>> No.19387588

It's not even just you, everything that hits the enemy before their next turn adds to the chain. So basically speed, dual wielding, time stop, and having allies are all things that are nerfed.

>> No.19387611


>> No.19387627

Hey guys, new player here!
I'm pretty confused about the game, and reading the wiki & guides isn't helping much.

Do any of you know a good youtuber or Let's Play playlist about this game? so i can watch and understand what to do or how this game works.

>> No.19387666

> So basically speed, dual wielding, time stop, and having allies are all things that are nerfed.
Is there any reason to do the new updates? This is moronic. I'm really hoping they get their shit together next few updates or so.

>> No.19387688

Its a one man operation, done for free. He seemingly just does what appeals to him. And watersports. Which was apparently a request. If you wanna and speak anime you can probably complain to him but I doubt he'd care since it seems what appeals to him and what appeals to most people are not the same thing.
Its kind of funny how fast these topics went from ''lmao noob japs can't handle no save scumming XD'' to ''wow how dare he nerfs X thing I like''

>> No.19387698

>Its kind of funny how fast these topics went from ''lmao noob japs can't handle no save scumming XD'' to ''wow how dare he nerfs X thing I like''
How the fuck is this comparable? Nerfing shit with little provocation is terrible when you're constantly updating a game. You're just ruining everyone else's fun by making them play by your arbitrary mindset on what the game should be.

>> No.19387701

Any chance for an E+C setting to turn chains off? I already updated my main save and this shit sounds borderline game-ruining once you get lategame.

>> No.19387781

My screenshot of the damage reduction was from a like level 40-50 at the time character. It ruins the fun much earler than lategame.

>> No.19387962

Just search on youtube, there are only around 2 - 3 longplays of E+

>> No.19388014

Same could be said for nerfing save scumming. People had fun with it, he didn't like it, so he removed it. Even though those who don't like it could always just not do it.

>> No.19388132

Ultimately nerfing save scumming didn't do much except encourage reset farming.

>> No.19388157

This is one of the things that i most hate. Really fucked up my 7 handed dagger melee mutant.

>> No.19388297

Isn't there a way to remove chains like by recompiling Elona or something?

>> No.19388705
File: 53 KB, 618x150, herb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is the power of herbed food...

>> No.19388731

Unless you count jap players, sadly nobody LPed this game

>> No.19388787

Sure they do, Zergem has a series in the 130 episode range.

>> No.19388792

Is he still making those? is anybody still watching?

>> No.19388934

He finished at the "mid-late transition grind" already. There's a French LPer that comments in English playing the Japanese E+ that's done two series for "specialty builds" like Hentai Kamen, and his videos have shown up here before as well.

>> No.19388943

Oh that guy, I remember him

>> No.19390008

What does kiseru do?
I accidentally wasted all my money on it thinking I could sell it for profit and not noticing it took away 10k each time.

>> No.19390072

Can I dip a claw or tonfa in a potion of poison to do unarmed poison damage?

>> No.19390086

Tonfas and claws are mechanically identical to shields, so no.

>> No.19390354

A couple of thread ago some anon proposed stringing up forty inner gods in sandbags like a pinata forest to game music tickets. What happened to that idea? Anybody actually trying this? I imagine it'd be pretty difficult due to the huge number of wishes you'd need.

>> No.19390394

Kaidan made a series and he has some tips, but I think that watching someone else play this game is the most boring thing imaginable.
If you want to learn the game go through the old generals, you'll learn way more than watching any let's play.

>> No.19390399

I'll probably be trying something similar once my stats are high enough. I already have nearly 2000 wish spell stocked up, but I'll need a lot of casting skill to cast it enough times. Wish casting has an annoying difficulty curve, only capping at 1300 casting.

It really depends on if I can only summon the 8, or if I can get multiples. If only 8, it's not worth it. However each one adds both points and a bonus multiplier, so it should have an exponential effect. Even normal non/inner gods would let you get a huge score if spammed that way. +300points +100%-150% or so adds up quickly.

>> No.19390402

yes, it was posted last thread.

if ( cdata(444, dmghp_arg1) >= 50 ) {
dmg@m149 = dmg@m149 / 10 * (10 - cdata(444, dmghp_arg1) / 20)
if ( cdata(444, dmghp_arg1) >= 200 ) {
dmg@m149 = 1
this block of code handles chain. if you remove it from Elona+Custom source and recompile, you'll still see the "Chain" label, but it wont reduce damage

>> No.19390428

I've summoned the normal gods multiple times on the same map before, so it's probably possible to get multiples.

>> No.19390638

Is there any canon in Elona? Like a canon protagonist or something like that?

>> No.19390652

In vanilla elona, Larnierre was the closest to a protag I think. Saimore was antag, your pc is basically just a rando adventurer they never meet again. E+ lore changes it past Act 1.

>> No.19390655

>in a sandbox game
What the fuck did he mean by this?
That said, most people probably assume the player has all the God pets + combinations of Little girl, Little sister, young lady and cat sister. Maybe kaneda bike, T-rex or Yith.

>> No.19390657
File: 257 KB, 1024x967, DhqcJ07UwAArAql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will be the next Ano nerf?

>> No.19390662

Does Noa has any original plans for the group to meet our character?

>> No.19390669

hitting enemy 3 times auto-ends timestop
crit multiplier capped at 4s of weapon weight

noa's done with elona, all that was released I think was he intended larnierre to die at end of act 1

>> No.19390689

Ah such a shame, What made him stop working on elona?

>> No.19390695

yea, He Whomst'd've Dwells In Vanity. You can tell because he's super edgy looking and has a retarded name.
The story in Elona is really weird because it seems like the dude just wrote some short, bad story and couldn't figure out how to fill in all the blanks and just went ''eh fuck it ill put it in mah videogame'' so you have this story involving characters who you are just told are doing stuff offscreen while what you do is completely seperate

They'll meet in htat 3D elona game he's making but we'll play a third character who has nothing to do with anything instead

Things I can see him considering OP
- Farms and their absurd payoff compared to things like Ranches or Nefia in the same time frame
- Timestop bullets or the consistency of them
- Continuous attacks
- That one gardening move that instakills the entirity of act 1 until the final few floors of the main dungeon
- The NecroQueen summon from fusing undead that spawns like 70 levels above you and spams an AoE that never misses that scales directly with levels, trivializing fights you should stand 0 chance in

I think he was just done. The game was complete.

>> No.19390709


Is there a term for when the protagonist of a story is barely related to the actual plot, which is driven by different characters he barely interacts with?

>> No.19390718

The Ishmael.

Whom Dwells in Vanity and Larnierre are the Ahab of the story, whereas you're the barely related autist who spends most of his time either building putit farms or dungeon diving.

>> No.19390719

A supporting Protag?

>> No.19390723

I believe the artist died? If I recall correctly, they were planning to expand the game into South Tyris. Tons of sketches were being made of the new characters. Even Eyth has a design floating around somewhere.

>> No.19390727

you certainly wouldnt call him the protagonist at least. the problem with elona is it has two different plots that barely relate even.
as far as the lesimas arc goes, you are the protag because you dive down and kill zeome. the other characters are erystia nad the king.
the other arc is the political one, which you arent part of at all. protag is larnierre, antag is saimore.

>> No.19390729

Can they be protagonists if the story only briefly interacts with them?

>> No.19390731

>They'll meet in that 3D elona game he's making but we'll play a third character who has nothing to do with anything instead

You mean Elin? Isn't that game supposed to be a prequel?

>> No.19390736

See >>19390727

Shame that Elin looks like never/ever material.

>> No.19390739

Yeah the artist MT died if I recall which puts elin into hiatus.

>> No.19390742

They are protags of the shitty short story he wrote. We are the protags of the game he made.

Don't matter, time is meaningless in Elona, much like Death unless you died during a cutscene.

>> No.19390747


You know, Elona+ is a lot better at actually making the player feel that they're involved with the main story. Rather than Lesimas, which literally turned out to be a waste of time for everyone involved.

>> No.19390750

Was his story really that shitty?

>> No.19390758

i agree the story's shit, but I think its terrible as a standalone thing. saimore a decent villain, and if the full thing was finished, it couldve been okay.
as it stands, larnierre's party does nothing useful the entire story. they run around, walk into saimore's trap, let the king of palmia die, get to the forest, then larnierre runs in to save the enemy and dies doing so, while the vindale forest burns down.
at no point is anything accomplished by the heroes, and its less an adventure story and more a snippet of a spiral downward.

>> No.19390759
File: 683 KB, 1893x927, nefia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ano do anything with the codex that we retrieve from lesimas or is that thing just got dropped?

>> No.19390762

Shitty may be a bit mean but it wasn't really good. A lot of time with characters we have no reason to care about talking about things which nothing to do with anything and political shit in a world that gives us no reason to care about politics.
It'd be a better story if he didn't shoehorn it into such an unfitting game. And if there was more to it than ''waaaaaaah X person was mean to me, but Y was not :))))''

>> No.19390765

we hold onto it until irva then we give it to sophia. we hide that we have it from everyone else so it basically doesnt exist

>> No.19390770

well it IS supposed to be the prologue for the story.

>> No.19390776

Is act 2 and 3's story better than act 1?

>> No.19390779

that's my point. as a standalone story (which it will forever be now) its awful and all you do it get frustrated/bored. as a full arc it mightve been interesting.

>> No.19390780

To be fair, the play accomplishes nothing either. The whole point of Lesimas was the Saimore wanted to erase any evidence that he hadn't just made the whole Vindale thing up.

Only, whoops, we were too late to stop anything anyway.

>> No.19390785

Not particularly. It doesn't constantly cut off to completely unrelated adventures that seem to be set in a parallel universe where death actually matters at all.

>> No.19390788

As >>19390747 said, it's much better at making the player feel they're actually making a difference in the world.

The Meshera are/is a very real threat, and Lost Irva is like a brand new continent, with the player taking a leading role in solving it's problems.

>> No.19390793

I mean, death not mattering in Elona is purely a gameplay convenience. People do die, even in the player's plot.

>> No.19390794
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new thread wen

>> No.19390800

depends on what you consider good. a lot of people on the discord rag on act 3 for basically being dragon ball z, and in generally ano writes in the player as much more active in the story, but that has the offset of basically making you goku. you effectively singlehandedly stop several near-eldritch god level creatures, and the noly thing that stops you is a centuries old chaos god that even the story's cast cant defeat altogether. south tyris is boring, lost irva sparse.
yeah the entire story of act 1 is people trying to do stuff but they fail.

>> No.19390799

Anyone have that site with the original plot plans for elona?

>> No.19390810

Why can't nips write good plot?

>> No.19390831

You also use it at the end of Act 2 to help solve the Meshera problem. At first everyone's curious as to how you know so much, but eventually they just write it off as an adventurer thing.

>> No.19390854


Also, Saimore's story is dumb as fuck.

>born crippled, but still part of royal family so guaranteed better life than 99% of the population
>get butmad and put all faith in random relationship between two random people
>one of them dies and immediately resolve to destroy the world

>> No.19390876

It's not that they can't write good plot, it's that Ano in particular doesn't care to. Like most people, he just uses a story that he finds interesting, and like most people who write fanfiction at best, what he finds interesting is considered "banal" by most.

Just consider how many "good" writers there are in comparison to how many people exist on the planet.

>> No.19390964

I know this is off-topic but does anybody know a game named ruina?

>> No.19391049

What if Elona was actually Isekai all along?
>Trapped in another world but I'm stuck grinding forever with a million cute girls and also there's politcal upheaval going on?!

>> No.19391091

Elona is literally konosuba: the game

>> No.19391270

Not accoding to + desu. It has an NPC that specifically remarks on no one dying.
And also an NPC who watches over the dead.
Brilliant writing

>> No.19391292

The King dies and doesn't return. As do the guys in Lesimas who give you your shit.

Plus, plenty of major NPC's end up in the Cage after death, and that's implied to be the (or at least an) afterlife.

>> No.19391302

>Plus, plenty of major NPC's end up in the Cage after death, and that's implied to be the (or at least an) afterlife.
>And also an NPC who watches over the dead.

>> No.19391307

So people do die. There's just an afterlife. Why would you say that no one dies then?

>> No.19391311

>>Not accoding to + desu. It has an NPC that specifically remarks on no one dying.
Seriously did you read my post. I'm mocking the inconsistent writing of +.

>> No.19391332

What's a good stat range to be in before fighting the Gods?

>> No.19391335

Surely the first NPC is just a joke. I mean, the nature of the setting is that there's plenty of random tongue-in-cheek shit next to an attempt at a serious plot.

>> No.19391356
File: 166 KB, 538x351, Sexy old man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't say quite what I remember but his tone ain't joking

>> No.19391829

Adventurers are about the most stupid idiots in the entire Elona verse.

>> No.19391847

Not sure what that has to do with anything. This guy isn't an adventurer, he's a foreigner.

>> No.19391926

It serves to illustrate the sliding scale of idiocy in Irva. There is pretty much no end to the idiocy and the amount of logical disconnect between what people say and what actually happens. If you take the people at their word for things, most of the game realistically shouldn't exist. "Foreigner" or "Adventurer" in this case doesn't matter, they're still in the category of "why are you so ridiculous stupid to come to this hellhole".

Even in Elona alone, Tyris is practically one of the worst places in the world to visit. The Nefia Ruins are basically living deathtraps and anyone who comes to Tyris thinking they can dungeon dive eventually succumbs to Nefia sickness. The roads are plagued with stray monsters and bandits, and "law" only extends about as far as a city's individual boundaries. People can freely kill one another in public even in towns, as long as guards are bribed afterwards. Other countries see Tyris as a workshop for monster creations like the Yith experimentation facilities. It just gets worse in E+ when you're shown that South Tyris is a broken warzone. It'd make more sense for people to run away than to stick around, especially as ST is the "heart" of the Meshera infection, which means left unchecked North Tyris should have eventually been overrun by either the infection or the immune response.

With the people's "commentary" on the situation, either you end up believing that most people are lying outright and don't know what they're talking about or this world is utterly fucked up and doesn't adhere to any sense of logic.

>> No.19391968

>or this world is utterly fucked up and doesn't adhere to any sense of logic.
I'll go with this one and with the cause being shit writing. Tyris really isn't that bad. Mutations only seem to be much of a big deal for the PC and that one mom. Monsters can be avoided by not leaving town and punched to death naked after moderate time spent farming in one of the farms everyone in Tyris personally own. Nefia can simply not be entered. Really the only actual issue is bandits. Or monsters after you beat act 1 since they scale up enough they'd 1 shot most of north tyris.

>> No.19392054

The city wells are either connected to the ruins, which is fairly likely, or they've all got a host of monsters lurking within waiting for people to drink in order to show up. If the city is unlucky, it's an alien, which is generally enough to kill a town in Elona if the alien isn't an absolute idiot.

The guards don't particular adhere to any sensible system of justice given that executions are "democratically" handled via voting, and with game mechanics as a reference, NPCs are exempt from the crime of murder thanks to the guards ignoring them. Thankfully it's just bards and drunk people that generally are victims of this.

It's really only in E+ where Tyris looks "a little better" in comparison because other kingdoms are obliterated outright.

>> No.19392077

Nah its fine, chillax.
